Thursday, April 20, 2023




Initiatives in Plan Focus on Protecting New Yorkers from Climate Threats, Improving Quality of Life, Building the Green Economy

New York City Mayor Eric Adams today released PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done, New York City’s long-term strategic climate plan that highlights efforts the city is taking to protect New Yorkers from climate threats, improve quality of life, and build the green economy. This is the fifth in a series of climate plans released every four years by the city, as required by local law, and was developed with input from the New York City Climate Cabinet, which consists of representatives from more than 35 city agencies and offices, the Sustainability Advisory Board, and stakeholders. Actions in the plan specifically focus on execution and implementation, delivering on promises made to New Yorkers, and creating an equitable, healthy, and resilient future. PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done also highlights opportunities to leverage available state and federal funding sources, and comes in tandem with calls from Mayor Adams to ensure New York City receives its fair share of federal and state funding.

“We’re in this together, we will get through this together, and I am so proud of the work we are doing to protect our city, Mother Earth, and all New Yorkers from the effects of climate change,” said Mayor Adams. “New York City has already taken major steps to become more sustainable, resilient, and equitable, including breaking ground on the Lower East Side Resiliency Project, passing Local Law 97 to reduce building emissions, and rapidly electrifying our city’s fleet, which is already the greenest in the nation. But we are just getting started. Today, we are taking these efforts to the next level with PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done, which will increase resilience, protect our infrastructure, and save lives. This plan is about making sure our seniors can afford an air conditioner and their monthly utility bill to keep cool during increasingly hot weather, providing opportunity for our young people to get the education and training they need to become part of the new green economy, and making sure all New Yorkers have an opportunity to drive an electric vehicle, put up solar panels, or retrofit their home, no matter where they live or work. We have so much to be proud of and so much to protect, and PlaNYC will create a cleaner, greener, more just city for all.”

"Today's release of the ‘Get Stuff Done’ PlaNYC is a win for a greener, healthier, and safer city," said Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi. "Since the start of this administration, New York City has opened the city's first all-electric school building, broke ground on the Brooklyn Bridge-Montgomery Coastal Resilience project, completed a $50 million sewage and water main overhaul to improve drainage in Southeast Queens, and issued a Clean Construction executive order to reduce construction emissions from city projects. Today, we are taking action to take polluting vehicles off our streets, offer more affordable renewable energy options, put our trash to work, and lower our emissions from every major source — buildings, transportation, and food. Thank you to Mayor Adams, Chief Climate Officer Aggarwala, Director Charles-Guzman, and the climate leaders throughout New York City for advancing an action plan that meets the demands of the moment.”

“With PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done, we will deliver a safer, more resilient city to New Yorkers, improve our quality of life, and ensure we have the best-trained green workforce in the world,” said First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. “And we will put people first — especially those who have borne the brunt of climate change. I’m excited to work with my colleagues across government to get New Yorkers the climate solutions we deserve.”

“PlaNYC is crucially important to New York City’s future, said Deputy Mayor for Economic and Workforce Development Maria Torres-Springer. “This plan sets a road map for how we can more quickly and meaningfully meet some of the most pressing challenges of climate change and, at the same time, expand the green economy, foster innovation, build new industries and create more and better jobs for tens of thousands of New Yorkers. For example, new industries such as offshore wind will create jobs and deliver a new, clean, sustainable energy source that will power the transition to a fossil fuel-free economy.”

“I am proud of PlaNYC, which not only addresses the urgent challenges facing our planet, but also reflects our commitment to integrating sustainability into our strategic priorities,” said Chief of Staff Camille Joseph Varlack. “By implementing this plan, we are taking bold steps towards a more sustainable future, and I am confident that our collective efforts will make a meaningful impact in preserving our planet for generations to come.”

“Just 15 years ago, many people considered climate change a scientific theory. Today we know our climate is changing so rapidly that we must take immediate action to protect all New Yorkers,” New York City Chief Climate Officer and New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Rohit T. Aggarwala. “This plan lays out what we are doing to combat climate change on all fronts — making our buildings more energy efficient, reducing waste and transportation emissions, creating and storing renewable energy, and creating a new coastal resiliency division to protect the five boroughs from more intense storms and the worst effects of climate change.”

"This is a PlaNYC that threads public health, quality of life, and environmental justice throughout its initiatives and re-focuses climate work beyond decarbonization and adaptation,” said Mayor’s Office of Climate & Environmental Justice (MOCEJ) Executive Director Kizzy Charles-Guzman. “More accessible and well-maintained green spaces, healthier waterways and wetlands, cleaner and safer streets, healthier food and air, and thermal safety indoors will improve and save human lives today, even as we continue to adapt for the climate risks of the future. This work will also have global repercussions as one of the world’s largest economies — New York City — tirelessly acts to mitigate its own impact on our planet.”

Implementing Climate Budgeting to Align City Resources with Sustainability and Resiliency Goals

New York City will be the first big city in America to launch a climate budgeting initiative to ensure that it remains laser focused on prioritizing climate change and environmental justice in investments and decision-making. Climate budgeting is a process that incorporates science-based climate considerations into the city’s budget decision making process by evaluating how actions and spending today contribute to meeting longer-term climate targets. The process will help the city understand the climate impact of the dollars spent, identify where more investment is needed, and champion forward-looking investments to equitably achieve net-zero emissions citywide by 2050, as well as bolster resilience to extreme heat and flooding. The Mayor’s Office of Management and Budget will lead this initiative in partnership with MOCEJ.

Maximizing Funds from the Federal and State Funding

New York City is in the midst of tremendous budgetary challenges created in part by the asylum seeker crisis, decreased tax revenue, and the end of COVID-19 era stimulus funding from the federal government. Given the fact that New York City contributes more to the federal and state governments than it typically receives in return, coupled with the unprecedented funding committed to climate action — in legislation such as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the New York State Environmental Bond Act — several PlaNYC initiatives would benefit from federal and state grants. PlaNYC aims to ensure the state gives New York City residents and businesses their fair share of climate funding. The city has therefore formed the New York City Federal Infrastructure Funding Task Force, which is working to maximize federal and state funding by helping select strong shovel-worthy and shovel-ready projects that meet the guidelines and standards of new and existing competitive grant opportunities.

Leading by Example

PlaNYC highlights areas in which New York City is leading by example to inspire private sector action and send a message to New Yorkers that protecting the city’s future is a top priority. The city will install solar energy, electric building infrastructure, green roofs, and other renewable energy on all viable city-owned property by 2035. The city will also phase out capital spending on new fossil fuel equipment and infrastructure and introduce a major citywide zoning text amendment — ‘City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality’ — which will remove obstacles to deploying clean energy, facilitate building retrofits for sustainability, and eliminate barriers to electrification.

The Public Solar Initiative

In coordination with the Office of the Comptroller, the Adams administration will create a first-of-its-kind public solar financing program for one-to-four family, low-income homeowners in environmental justice communities (neighborhoods that have historically, and continue to, experience the disproportionate impacts of climate change). In the past, low-income homeowners have been excluded from the clean energy economy and could not afford the upfront costs of installing rooftop solar panels, heat pumps, or other energy efficiency retrofits. The Public Solar initiative will help overcome those cost barriers. The city will pursue funds from the federal Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to provide 3,000 homes with proactive door-to-door outreach and financial assistance for rooftop solar panels over the next five years.

Protecting New York from Climate Threats and Reducing Carbon Emissions

The future of New York City — and the planet — depends on reducing emissions and adapting to the clear and present danger of climate change. Extreme heat and flooding — from storms to sea level rise and rainfall — take hundreds of lives each year and costs billions of dollars. Sea levels in New York City have already risen by a foot since 1900 and are projected to rise by up to 5.4 additional feet by the end of the century, according to the New York City Panel on Climate Change. New York City’s floodplain contains nearly 20 percent of the city’s area, and by the 2080s, large portions of some coastal neighborhoods could flood with greater frequency. The city will develop minimum flood resiliency standards for shoreline assets and establish a citywide level of service for stormwater infrastructure, ensuring that New York City’s coast, as well as vulnerable inland communities, are invested in and protected.

The city will also launch a program to explore housing mobility and land acquisition options, to support residents interested in moving from flood-vulnerable areas through housing and financial counseling and convert newly acquired land into resilient parcels that manage flooding. The city will pursue state and federal grants to acquire properties in flood-vulnerable areas.

Further, PlaNYC is dedicated to addressing extreme heat. Scientists predict in an average year in the 2030s, there will be up to three times as many 90-degree days and nearly four times as many heat waves as there have been in the recent past. The city will maximize access to indoor cooling by requiring all new building construction to include cooling infrastructure and advocating for reforms to the New York State Home Energy Assistance Program so that it broadly covers equipment and energy costs for cooling in addition to heating.

Additionally, the city will continue to reduce emissions by helping large private buildings comply with Local Law 97, which aims to reduce the emissions produced by New York City’s largest buildings by 40 percent by 2030 and to be carbon-neutral by 2050. To do so, the city will develop financing tools and work with state partners to identify state incentives to accelerate compliance, develop trainings and certifications, and expand NYC Accelerator — a  one-stop-shop for building stakeholders to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions from New York City buildings. Moreover, PlaNYC reinforces New York City’s leading efforts in clean construction by requiring the city’s capital project agencies to commit to actions that will lower embodied carbon — greenhouse gas emissions arising from the manufacturing, transportation, installation, maintenance, and disposal of building materials. This plan will encourage industry partners to gain experience with low carbon construction materials and methods and create accompanying codes for common materials. This will build a market for low-carbon construction alternatives with electric construction equipment and continued research and development of new construction means and methods.

In order to prevent emissions and protect New Yorkers from climate change threats, the city is also committing to the following:

  • Reducing the city’s carbon emissions from food by 33 percent by 2030 and launching a corporate challenge to help the private sector reduce its carbon emissions from food by 25 percent by 2030.
  • Releasing a new, integrated emissions inventory, which takes into account emissions from the production of goods and services New Yorkers use, regardless of where that production takes place.
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by eight percent in the manufacturing of concrete for DDC projects by using limestone cement in place of ordinary portland cement.
  • Implementing New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development design guidelines to address energy efficiency, sustainability, and resiliency retrofits.
  • Achieving a 30 percent tree canopy cover — representing 15,388 additional acres of tree canopy.
  • Continuing to design and construct world-class neighborhood-scale coastal protection projects and partnering with the United States Army Corps of Engineers on the NY & NJ Harbor & Tributaries Feasibility Study process.
  • Bringing the Climate Strong Community program to the Soundview (Bronx), Brownsville (Brooklyn), Corona (Queens), and Port Richmond (Staten Island) neighborhoods while building on prior work in Canarsie (Brooklyn) and East Harlem (Manhattan) to unlock federal and state funding
  • Developing an air quality monitoring program to understand air quality impacts of pollution within neighborhoods and improving regulations and rules.

Improving New Yorkers’ Quality of Life

New York City has built one of the largest urban park systems in the country, invested billions in its wastewater systems, brought marine life back to its waterways, and developed one of the most robust transportation systems of any major city in the United States. Continuing to improve these systems will lead to a more resilient and sustainable city while helping to mitigate and adapt to climate change. That starts with the city’s green spaces. Too many of its natural areas are underappreciated, challenging to access, and in need of more dedicated stewardship. Across all five boroughs, there are greenway projects in planning, design, and construction, which will create safe active transportation routes and facilitate connections between parks. The city will improve more than 300 miles of trails, many of which are in outer borough parks, and make 12,000 acres of existing city-owned natural areas more accessible through improvements, programming, and promotion. The city will invest in forested areas and improve its health, as well as the overall health of its communities. 

PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done also focuses on improving the health of the city’s waterways and minimizing combined sewer overflows, which occur when heavy rainfall overwhelms wastewater treatment capacity. Prior to 1990, more than 100 billion gallons of combined sewer overflows were released annually. By 2022, annual combined sewer overflow discharges had been reduced by approximately 85 percent. Now, for the first time in New York City history, the city will develop a strategy to end the discharge of untreated sewer overflows by 2060, both through green infrastructure, like rain gardens, and through grey infrastructure, like the retention tanks the Adams administration recently broke ground on along the Gowanus Creek.

The plan additionally addresses how New Yorkers get around — and continues to put walking, biking, and public transit first. The city will create a network of secure bike parking facilities across the city to support and encourage cycling, including the use of e-bikes and cargo bikes.  Likewise, the city will develop and pilot different design updates, like wider or multiple bike lanes, bike lane passing zones, and bike speed signal timing progressions on busy bike routes.

Moreover, New York City is implementing actions to achieve its goal to cut transportation emissions in half by 2030. For New Yorkers who have to drive, PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done will help make sure that driving electric is a viable option. The city will work to ensure that every New Yorker lives within 2.5 miles of an electric vehicle charging station by 2035, electrify school buses and the city’s fleet, transition for-hire vehicles to electric by 2030, and pursue legislative changes to require that private parking garages and lots make electric vehicle charging available. In order to minimize the impact of diesel-powered truck emissions, the city will also pilot the east coast’s first-ever low emission zone centered on areas with the highest concentration of truck traffic and the worst public health outcomes through incentives and other methods. To support that zone, the city will explore a range of options, including shared charging depots to support the transition to electric trucks, pricing, regulatory, and incentive approaches; expanding the citizen idling complaint program; and more. Furthermore, the city will seek funding to create an incentive program for shipping companies to purchase cargo e-bikes, and work with city and state legislative partners to update cargo e-bike rules to remove unnecessary barriers to their deployment. By getting as many polluting vehicles as possible off the road and through investments in cleaner transportation alternatives, like transit, walking, biking, and electric vehicles, the city will be able to transform into an even more sustainable, healthy place.

The Green Transition: Building a Green Economic Engine

By 2030, there are expected to be more than 230,000 green economy jobs in New York City, across several industries — climate, infrastructure, housing, and more. The green transition will unlock enormous growth, investment, and economic opportunity for New Yorkers while improving quality of life and creating a stronger and more resilient city for future generations. It means investment in public education and training to prepare students for green jobs, more well-paying and accessible jobs for those typically excluded from innovative economic activity, and a supportive landscape for small and expanding businesses. This will generate new businesses, industries, products, and technologies, while also creating pathways for traditional companies to transition away from carbon- and waste-intensive processes toward low-carbon or net-zero solutions.

In order to prepare New Yorkers for these next-generation jobs, the city will launch new climate education and training programs in its public schools. Over the next three school years, this will include the creation of new and expansion of existing Career-Connected Learning programs to provide more than 1,000 students with the DOE career exploration and work-based learning opportunities dedicated to green job training and placement. DOE will also integrate climate education in public school classrooms across all subjects and grade levels by providing up to 1,000 educators with climate education trainings, workshops, and programs, and will launch an annual Climate Action Day for all public schools in the 2023-2024 school year. DOE will complement these efforts by establishing a school certification program for climate education, with up to 25 schools achieving climate credentials per year.

Delivering on NYCEDC’s Offshore Wind NYC plan, the city will attract and create 8,000 to 13,000 new offshore wind jobs by 2035, including jobs that help meet new power generation, supply chain, and local business needs. Many of these new jobs will be focused in green economy sectors, including through component manufacturing and support of Minority, Women, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (M/W/DBEs) in construction and professional services as they pivot to meet demand in the industry. The city will also partner with City University of New York campuses to develop facilities and programming to train students for jobs in offshore wind, including as skilled machinists, fabricators, engineers, environmental scientists, and wind technicians.

In addition, the city’s forthcoming Center for Climate Solutions on Governors Island — which will create $1 billion in economic impact and 7,000 jobs — is a model for how New York City will continue to create climate research and workforce hubs to train and educate New Yorkers for green economy jobs and foster entrepreneurship in the climate and environmental science sectors. The city is also launching new sustainability-focused biotechnology hubs — including the first-in-the-nation 50,000 square foot hub at the Brooklyn Navy Yard and a new Materials Innovation Hub — which will catalyze materials science research and development, create connections to industries like fashion and construction, support early-stage materials science companies, and provide opportunities to New Yorkers from diverse backgrounds.

Finally, the city’s investment in the green economy will include ensuring that products once considered to be waste are integrated into a circular economy that creates new jobs and progresses towards the city’s climate goals. That starts with citywide curbside organics collection, which will come to all five boroughs by October 2024. The city will then take that increased volume of organic material and expand DEP’s co-digestion program, so that both wastewater treatment and organics will be transformed into beneficial products like renewable energy and compost while generating green jobs for New Yorkers.

To build New York City’s green economic engine, the city will also:

  • Launch its latest set of climate technology pilots this year for energy storage, electric vehicle charging stations, and property technology building off the success of existing innovation studios, like the Resilient Energy Studio.
  • Expand production and use of recycled asphalt.

“From greenways to green jobs, our city parks have a vital role to play in New York City’s sustainable future,” said New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYC Parks) Commissioner Sue Donoghue. “Thanks to this latest strategic climate plan, NYC Parks and our sister agencies have a clear roadmap to deepen our existing partnerships and make our city cleaner and greener for all New Yorkers, today and tomorrow.”

“To combat the present and future challenges of climate change, New Yorkers must continue to adopt safe, sustainable, and efficient transportation, and the New York City Department of Transportation will continue to support this shift to sustainability by making these options the most convenient choices to get around,” said New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. “A network of secure bike parking facilities will continue encouraging the historic growth in cycling we’ve seen in recent years, and if you must drive, our team will continue to help facilitate the adoption of electric vehicles to ensure every New Yorker lives close to charging infrastructure.”

“The green economy is where the jobs of the future are, and one of my top priorities is ensuring our young people have clear pathways to these great career opportunities,” said New York City Department of Education (DOE) Chancellor David C. Banks. “Schools across the city are hard at work preparing our students to one day lead this city, with a focus on sustainability and care for our environment. We have a responsibility to build a greener city for the next generation, and I commend Mayor Adams and our agency partners across the city that are taking bold steps towards climate resiliency and building the green economy.”

“We proudly support PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done as we work to accelerate decarbonization, make game-changing investments for our future, and combat climate change to improve public health,” said New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) Commissioner Dawn M. Pinnock. “At DCAS, we’re making significant strides to reduce emissions in government operations, from greening our fleet to installing solar panels across our buildings in the five boroughs. Sustainability is at the core of our values as we make city government work for all New Yorkers.” 

“PlaNYC is a broad and ambitious plan that will position New York City as a global leader in sustainability, sparking cutting-edge innovation, creating the jobs of the future, and addressing climate change head on,” said New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) President and CEO Andrew Kimball. “As outlined throughout the plan, NYCEDC is spearheading several of the initiatives that advance New York City towards a decarbonized economy to achieve our nation-leading climate goals while creating a pipeline of good paying jobs that can benefit all New Yorkers. We look forward to continuing to work alongside Mayor Adams, and our other partners at city agencies, to ensure a safe, livable, strong New York for generations to come.”

“DDC is building thousands of green infrastructure and permeable pavement areas the city will need to manage intense rainstorms, and we’re piloting uses of new, more efficient cement that cuts greenhouse gas emissions in the manufacturing process. We’ve installed green roofs, stormwater recycling systems, geothermal, solar water heating, and high-efficiency lighting and climate controls systems in public buildings in every borough that now meet stringent LEED standards for environmental efficiency. And all of our designs take the effects of future climate change into account as projected by the New York City Panel on Climate Change,” said New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC) Commissioner Thomas Foley. “DDC has been developing sustainability techniques for years and that is now paying dividends as we are employing those techniques on a citywide scale in infrastructure and public buildings projects.”

“New York City must take bold climate action to dramatically scale up our transition to renewable energy,” said New York City Comptroller Brad Lander. “Public Solar NYC will accelerate solar adoption across the city, make it accessible to all homeowners, create good green jobs, and include renewable power as part of our public infrastructure. PlaNYC also takes critical steps towards aligning the city’s budget process with climate goals, improving air quality in communities of color most adversely impacted by climate change and pollution, and making our neighborhoods more resilient to the intense storms and extreme heat that climate change is already bringing. We were proud to partner with the administration earlier this month in making New York City a leader with our ambitious plan to decarbonize our pension funds, and we’re proud to join Mayor Adams and Commissioner Aggarwala today."  

Permits Filed For 219 East 203rd Street In Bedford Park, The Bronx


Permits have been filed for a seven-story residential building at 219 East 203rd Street in Bedford Park, The Bronx. Located between Valentine Avenue and Grand Concourse, the interior lot is steps from the Bedford Park Boulevard subway station, serviced by the B and D trains. Joel Friedman is listed as the owner behind the applications.

The proposed 70-foot-tall development will yield 15,656 square feet designated for residential space. The building will have 28 residences, most likely rentals based on the average unit scope of 559 square feet. The concrete-based structure will also have a cellar and a 30-foot-long rear yard.

Nikolai Katz Architect is listed as the architect of record.

Demolition permits were filed in April 2022. An estimated completion date has not been announced.

Housing Lottery Launches For 841A Morris Park Avenue In Van Nest, The Bronx


The affordable housing lottery has launched for 841A Morris Park Avenue, a three-story mixed-use building in Van Nest, The Bronx. Designed by Gerald Caliendo and developed by Nissan Cohen of Morris Park Venture LLC, the structure yields eight residences. Available on NYC Housing Connect are three units for residents at 130 percent of the area median income (AMI), ranging in eligible income from $75,429 to $156,130.

Amenities include a shared laundry room, security cameras, and a garage. Residences come with air conditioning, hardwood floors, name-brand kitchen appliances, countertops, and finishes, as well as intercoms. Tenants are responsible for electricity.

At 130 percent of the AMI, there are three one-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $2,200 for incomes ranging from $75,429 to $156,130.

Prospective renters must meet income and household size requirements to apply for these apartments. Applications must be postmarked or submitted online no later than May 8, 2023.

Attorney General James Co-Leads Multistate Coalition Calling for Increased Transparency of Nursing Home Ownership


Attorneys General Call for Required Disclosure of Nursing Home Ownership and Management to Address Growth of Private Equity and Real Estate Firms in Industry

Letter Follows AG James’ Recent Actions to Hold Owners of Nursing Homes Accountable for Failing to Invest in Adequate Care and Putting Residents at Risk

New York Attorney General Letitia James co-led a coalition of 18 attorneys general and the Inspector General of the District of Columbia in support of a proposed rule by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that would require the disclosure of certain ownership, managerial, and other information regarding nursing facilities, particularly from private equity investors and real estate investment trusts. This letter follows Attorney General James’ recent actions to address problems in nursing homes and protect vulnerable New Yorkers.

The letter supports a proposal by CMS to require nursing facilities and their owners to disclose the true decision makers exercising control over nursing facilities’ operations. The coalition contends that such disclosure would improve the ability of attorneys general and their Medicaid Fraud Control Units (MFCUs) to hold bad actors accountable for providing substandard care in nursing facilities. 

“We trust nursing homes to protect our state’s most vulnerable communities and to provide them with the quality care they deserve,” said Attorney General James. “Transparency and accountability with regard to who is managing these facilities and the services they provide are vital to our ability to protect residents. The health and safety of New Yorkers remains our top priority, and as part of our ongoing efforts to monitor nursing homes to keep people safe, we will continue to take every measure to hold those who cause harm accountable.”

Attorneys general are charged with protecting the safety and well-being of residents of nursing facilities. Their offices, through MFCUs or other units, have authority to investigate and prosecute those responsible for committing abuse or neglect of residents and misappropriation of residents’ funds in these facilities. 

As the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath exposed, many nursing facilities continue to deliver substandard care to their residents. More than 200,000 nursing facility residents and staff died due to COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, accounting for at least 23 percent of all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. Recent analyses have found that, for every two victims of COVID-19 in nursing facilities, there was another resident who died prematurely of other causes. The coalition of attorneys general assert that these tragic outcomes are too often reflective of facilities that are chronically understaffed resulting in the failure to provide basic support to residents, including hygiene, wound care, feeding, and hydration. 

In their letter, the attorneys general note that the quality of care delivered by nursing facilities operated on a for-profit basis, particularly when those for-profit owners and/or operators include private equity investors, is often worse than at non-profit nursing facilities. A recent study found that nursing facilities with private equity ownership had increases of short-term mortality by 10 percent; this study also found worsening mobility of residents, declines in nurse availability per resident, and elevated use of antipsychotic medications in nursing facilities owned by private equity. 

The attorneys general’s letter further emphasizes that corporate owners and operators, including but not limited to private equity investors and real estate investment trusts, continue to structure acquisitions of nursing facilities to avoid disclosing to CMS the extent of their ownership or involvement in the facilities’ operations. This lack of transparency hampers and delays law enforcement efforts from identifying the true decision makers at nursing facilities — who may be responsible for the root causes of substandard care.

This action is the latest in Attorney General James’ efforts to protect nursing home residents throughout the state. In February, Attorney General James secured more than $7.1 million from the Saratoga Center for Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Care, a former nursing home in Ballston Spa, and its owners and operators for years of fraud and resident neglect. In November and December 2022, Attorney General James filed special proceedings against three nursing facilities and their owners due to findings of repeated and persistent fraud and illegality, including resident neglect, illegal conversion of government funds, and false and misleading representations to the New York State Department of Health. These facilities included: The Villages of Orleans Health and Rehabilitation Center in Orleans CountyFulton Commons Care Center in Nassau County, and Cold Spring Hills Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation in Nassau County. In January 2021, Attorney General James released a report revealing that many nursing homes were ill-equipped and ill-prepared to deal with the pandemic crisis because of poor staffing levels, which resulted in a lack of compliance with infection control protocols and increased risk to residents. 

Former Private School Teacher And Private Tutor Sentenced To 25 Years For His Enticement Of A Minor And Possession Of Child Pornography

 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced  that JOHN MUESER was sentenced to 25 years in prison by United States District Judge Vincent Briccetti for his enticement of a seven-year-old minor to engage in sexual activity and his possession of child pornography.  The sentencing followed MUESER’s guilty plea on January 10, 2023.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “To the world, John Mueser presented himself as a dedicated teacher.  But in reality, Mueser exploited the trust placed in him as an educator in order to gain access to the victim’s home and to carry out his sickening abuse.  As today’s sentencing underscores, we will continue to use every tool available to law enforcement to prosecute and punish those who exploit children.”

According to documents filed in this case and statements made in related court proceedings:

On May 1, 2019, JOHN MUESER, a private school teacher and a private tutor at the time, induced a 7-year-old minor (“Victim-1”), whom he was tutoring, to engage in sexually explicit conduct and used his iPhone to record the activity.   

MUESER’s iPhone was found to contain hundreds of images, many of which were sexually explicit, of Victim-1. 

In addition to the numerous images of Victim-1 found on MUESER’s phone, MUESER’s phone was also found to contain numerous sexually explicit images and videos of other prepubescent children.

Years before his abuse of Victim-1, MUESER sexually abused two other children.  With respect to both of those victims, the abuse continued for years. 

In imposing the sentence, Judge Briccetti underscored that the defendant’s criminal conduct was “truly reprehensible,” asking “Is there anything more evil than sexually abusing small children for your own sexual gratification?”  Judge Briccetti recognized that the defendant’s “abuse of these children spanned decades.”  He said that the sentence he imposed “might amount to a life sentence,” and “that does not trouble me at all.”

In addition to the prison sentence, MUESER, 72, of Tuckahoe, New York, was sentenced to a lifetime of supervised release.            

Mr. Williams praised the efforts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Greenwich Police Department in connection with this investigation.                 



‘Unlocking Doors’ Pilot Program Will Connect 400 Households With Vouchers to Newly Renovated, Rent-Stabilized Apartments

New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced “Unlocking Doors,” a new program that will invest up to $10 million to renovate distressed rent-stabilized homes and then connect New Yorkers experiencing homelessness with access to those homes. Through this pilot, the city will provide up to $25,000 for needed repairs at each of 400 rent-stabilized homes that are currently vacant and unavailable for rent. The city will then match the rehabilitated apartments with households with City Fighting Homelessness and Eviction Prevention Supplement (CityFHEPS) vouchers for use.


“Our administration is ‘unlocking doors’ and giving New Yorkers the key not just to a new home, but also to a brighter, safer, more prosperous future,” said Mayor Adams. “Since we released ‘Housing Our Neighbors’ last year, getting New Yorkers into safe, high-quality, affordable homes has been this administration’s north star. And with this innovative program, we are doing exactly that while tackling two major challenges at the same time — adding much-needed, affordable housing supply to the market and connecting some of the lowest-income New Yorkers living in shelters with high-quality, permanent housing.”


“‘Unlocking Doors’ demonstrates this administration’s commitment to housing New Yorkers experiencing homelessness,” said Chief Housing Officer Jessica Katz. “This program improves the quality of our housing stock, while providing incentives to property owners to make vacant units available for the lowest-income New Yorkers. In doing this work, we continue to meet goals of this administration’s housing and homelessness blueprint.”


“In the midst of this housing crisis, we need to unlock every opportunity to create safe, quality, affordable housing,” said New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Commissioner Adolfo Carrión Jr. “Through ‘Unlocking Doors,’ we’re getting urgently needed rent-stabilized apartments fixed up and ready for move-in for those who need it most desperately, so we can provide life-changing stability and security for 400 households experiencing homelessness.”


“We are thrilled to see the city introducing new and innovative programs to directly address the shortage of safe and affordable housing for New York City’s most vulnerable residents,” said New York City Department of Social Services Acting Commissioner Molly Wasow Park. “The ‘Unlocking Doors’ pilot program will ensure the city is effectively utilizing its stock of rent-stabilized apartments and CityFHEPS vouchers to promote housing stability and reduce homelessness. We look forward to working closely with all our partners to make sure that vulnerable New Yorkers have access to the supports and housing they deserve.”


As the city faces a severe housing shortage, “Unlocking Doors” builds on key initiatives in Mayor Adams’ “Housing Our Neighbors” blueprint by focusing on identifying creative ways to add new housing supply in New York City. The dearth of available apartments is particularly acute in the most affordable housing, with less than one-percent of apartments with asking rents below $1,500 available.


Through this pilot, which will begin accepting applications this summer, the city will focus on the small number of rent-stabilized apartments that have been chronically vacant and need significant repairs to become safe and habitable. The program will incentivize property owners with very low-rent apartments to make repairs, ensure the apartment is safe to occupy, and then rent it to a New Yorker experiencing homelessness with a CityFHEPS voucher. New Yorkers moving into the renovated units will receive a two-year lease at the existing rent-stabilized monthly rent. They will then be able to use their CityFHEPS voucher to pay a maximum of one-third of their income for rent, and the city will cover the remaining balance.


Owners applying to join the pilot will need to demonstrate that their apartment is chronically vacant and has been registered with New York State Homes and Community Renewal (NYS HCR) as continuously vacant, that the rent for the apartment does not exceed program-specific rent thresholds, and that they will sign a rent-stabilized lease with a CityFHEPS voucher holder. While exact eligibility criteria, including affordability levels, will be determined through rulemaking, this pilot will prioritize units at the lowest stabilized rents, or around $1,200 per month for a one-bedroom apartment. Once repairs are complete, HPD will confirm that the building and apartment meet CityFHEPS housing quality standards, and the New York City Human Resources Administration will reimburse owners for qualifying repair expenses up to $25,000 per unit after an eligible New Yorker with a CityFHEPS voucher moves in.


The Adams administration continues to support efforts in Albany to create a modernized J-51 program that would keep existing affordable homes from falling into disrepair. The program, which expired last year, provides a tax exemption or abatement to property owners to renovate existing apartment buildings and make or keep the units affordable. The administration also supports measures to ensure property owners are registering vacant rent-stabilized units with NYS HCR, including increased penalties for those that fail to comply. Registering vacant units is essential for determining if other interventions are needed to prevent affordable housing being held off the market.


“CityFHEPS vouchers are one of the most effective tools we have to help families move out of shelter and remain in permanent housing, but they only work when there are enough affordable apartments for New Yorkers to rent,” said Christine C. Quinn, president and CEO, Win. “This is exactly the kind of innovative public-private partnership we need to get affordable apartments back online and ensure homeless families have direct access to them — and it will change hundreds of New Yorkers’ lives. I look forward to continuing to work with the Adams administration to make CityFHEPS vouchers as effective and impactful as possible.”


“Confronting the city’s housing crisis will require a comprehensive toolkit that includes policies to both increase production and address the needs of vulnerable renters,” said James Whelan, president, Real Estate Board of New York. “We applaud Mayor Adams and his administration for putting forth creative solutions that seek to address the need for renovating and maintaining much-needed housing stock for voucher holders.”

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Construction Company President Pleads Guilty To 25-Year Fraud On The U.S. Government And To Bribery Of A Public Official


Sina Moayedi, the Owner of Montage, Inc., Fraudulently Induced U.S. Government Agencies to Pay his Company Millions of Dollars and Also Paid Bribes to a Government Insider

 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that SINA MOAYEDI, the owner of a construction company, Montage, Inc., pled guilty today to a 25-year fraud on the United States Government.  MOAYEDI pled guilty to three counts: conspiracy to commit wire and bank fraud, conspiracy to commit bribery of a public official, and aggravated identity theft.  Under the terms of his plea agreement, MOAYEDI also admitted to obstructing justice by, among other things, deleting electronic evidence of his fraud shortly after his release on bail in this case, which resulted in his pretrial detention.  MOAYEDI pled guilty before United States District Judge Jed S. Rakoff, to whom MOAYEDI’s case is assigned.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “From 1995 until 2021, Sina Moayedi defrauded the U.S. Government and various of its agencies by lying in various respects.  Moayedi lied that his construction company was woman-owned; he lied about his employees’ qualifications; he lied about his company’s construction experience; and he lied about his company’s financial condition.  He also repeatedly paid bribes to a State Department employee to illegally obtain inside information to help Moayedi’s company win government contracts.  His frauds netted his company at least 27 lucrative government construction contracts, including contracts to build sensitive U.S. embassies and consulates.  And following his arrest in this case, Moayedi obstructed justice by destroying electronic evidence of his frauds less than one month after his release on bail.  Moayedi now faces the consequences of his quarter-century fraud on the federal government, which harmed the government, taxpayers, and his competitors.”

According to the filings and statements made in Manhattan federal court:

In the 1980s, MOAYEDI founded Montage, Inc. (“Montage”), a U.S.-based business that is primarily involved in worldwide Government construction projects, including embassies, military posts, consulates, and similar overseas properties owned and operated by the United States Government.  In total, the U.S. Government has paid Montage more than $200 million on government contracts.  Since 2014, Montage appears to have focused primarily on competing for and obtaining contracts with the State Department.  During that period, the State Department awarded Montage approximately six overseas U.S. Embassy/Consulate construction project contracts totaling $100 million.

MOAYEDI defrauded the U.S. Government — including the State Department, Treasury Department, Department of Defense, and General Services Administration — by lying in various respects.  In submissions to the Government (i.e., bids for contracting work), MOAYEDI mispresented his company’s ownership, his employees’ qualifications, his company’s construction experience, and his company’s financial condition. 

As to ownership, MOAYEDI falsely represented, repeatedly, that Montage was a female-owned business (or a female- and minority-owned business) in order to secure unmerited advantages in the bidding process.  In fact, MOAYEDI founded, owned, ran, and controlled Montage, and he made all material decisions on Montage’s behalf.  As MOAYEDI revealed to a bank that inquired about Montage’s ownership status in 2016, “I am the sole owner and president of Montage and have always been.” 

As to employees’ qualifications, MOAYEDI significantly overstated the qualifications of various Montage employees in order to, among other things, meet State Department and contractual requirements for minimum experience in certain key positions.  For instance, MOAYEDI claimed, falsely, that certain Montage employees possessed engineering degrees, and he claimed, falsely, that certain individuals worked for Montage when, in fact, they did not.

As to Montage’s construction experience, MOAYEDI submitted bids to the Government in which he repeatedly falsified Montage’s purported construction experience in order to burnish its alleged credentials.  To ensure that the U.S. Government did not uncover these lies, MOAYEDI “backstopped” these fabricated prior projects by creating fraudulent email accounts and personas, so that someone else appeared to be “vouching” that Montage had performed this prior work.  This required creating online web domains (the “Fabricated Domains”), so that Montage’s purported references appeared legitimate.  These Fabricated Domains were extremely similar to, but one character or word different from, the legitimate web domain associated with the actual entity.  MOAYEDI purchased the necessary online infrastructure to create these Fabricated Domains.

As to financial condition, MOAYEDI paid a Certified Public Accountant to prepare at least four different sets of books and records, each of which was provided to a different recipient (e.g., one fraudulent set for the U.S. Government, another fraudulent set for the bank, another fraudulent set for a company that sold construction bonds, etc.).

In furtherance of his fraud on the U.S. Government, MOAYEDI also used the identities of at least 10 individuals, including some of his relatives.

In addition, between 2014 and 2020, MOAYEDI repeatedly paid cash bribes and kickbacks to an engineer in the State Department’s Overseas Building Operations division, May Salehi, in exchange for confidential inside information relating to several State Department construction projects, including projects in Ecuador, Spain, and Bermuda.  For instance, in late 2016 and early 2017, MOAYEDI paid approximately $60,000 in cash to Salehi after Salehi provided confidential inside bidding information to MOAYEDI about the relationship between Montage’s original bid and his competitors’ bids — information that allowed Montage to raise its bid by nearly $1 million yet remain the lowest bidder on a construction project that was ultimately awarded to Montage.

MOAYEDI also defrauded his primary bank (“Bank-1”) through various misrepresentations.  MOAYEDI and Montage had a multi-million-dollar line of credit at Bank-1, which they maintained through misrepresentations about Montage’s ownership and the value, progress, status, and existence of construction projects that Montage was performing for the United States Government.  For instance, in or about both 2014 and 2019, MOAYEDI made material misrepresentations to Bank-1 in support of an annual extension of Montage’s line of credit, including misrepresentations about purportedly lucrative “classified” government construction projects which, in fact, did not exist.

MOAYEDI also obstructed justice in multiple respects.  These include: (i) in September 2021, shortly after his release on bail in this case, MOAYEDI destroyed electronic evidence of his fraud on the U.S. Government by deleting at least seven Fabricated Domains, which (as noted) he had used to help inflate Montage’s purported construction experience in bids for U.S. Government construction projects; (ii) shortly after the execution of search warrants at Montage’s offices in September 2020, MOAYEDI attempted to witness tamper by, among other things, pressuring a co-conspirator to lie in order to impede the Government’s ongoing criminal investigation; and (iii) during a civil lawsuit between the State Department and Montage, MOAYEDI lied during a sworn deposition in 2019 by claiming to be the Vice President of Montage and by falsely claiming that a Hispanic woman had been the President of Montage “ever since” 2002.

MOAYEDI, 67, of Chevy Chase, Maryland, pled guilty to three counts: one count of conspiracy to commit wire and bank fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; one count of conspiracy to commit bribery of a public official, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; and one count of aggravated identity theft, which carries a mandatory prison term of two years, which must run consecutively to any other prison term.  

The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as MOAYEDI’s sentence will be determined by Judge Rakoff. 

MOAYEDI is scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Rakoff on August 10, 2023, at 4:00 p.m.  Under the terms of his plea agreement, MOAYEDI also agreed to pay restitution of $6,588,679.63 and forfeiture of $17,795,098.50.

May Salehi was previously sentenced to one year in prison, three years of supervised release, a fine of $500,000, and forfeiture of $60,000.

Mr. Williams praised the exceptional investigative work of the State Department, Office of Inspector General; Special Agents from the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York; and the Internal Revenue Service.