Monday, December 19, 2011

2012 Conference on Aging - REGISTER TODAY!


Register NOW to ensure your spot at the
2012 Conference on Aging
The Power of Aging: Creating a Future
for Older New Yorkers
January 19, 2012 8:30 - 4:00
CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY

    Unique workshops on timely issues
    Innovative resources for programming
    Networking with professionals in the field
    Vendor expo offering a variety of services and products
 We are excited to announces the 2012 Keynote Speaker:
Larry Minnix
Nationally-renowned Leader and Speaker
President & CEO, Leading Age

Use the Conference Webpage:
Learn more about the keynote speaker!

For more information please contact Allison Nickerson
  by phone: 212-398-6565 x 235 or via email at:
CSCS ~ The Power of Aging


John Haggerty Sentenced

   John Haggerty one of Mayor Bloombergs political operatives who was found guilty of using money from the 2009 mayoral election for personal uses will spend between 1 1/2 to 4 years behind bars. This was a case where the Mayor Bloomberg gave $1.1 million dollars to the state Independence Party to use on his 2009 re-election campaign for a election day poll watching operation, and $750,000 of it to Haggerty for his part in the operation. 

   Along with the jail time Haggerty was ordered to repay Mayor Bloomberg the $750,000 dollars that he used for personal use. Mayor Bloomberg was a key witness called to testify in the case.

Statement on de Blasio, Quinn & Living Wage

 The following came from the Living Wage NYC Coalition about the latest endorsement to the bill, and the 2013 mayors race. 


The Living Wage NYC coalition released the following statement today:
"2013 mayoral politics should not determine the fate of the living wage bill. Bill de Blasio is the latest in a very long line of elected officials, leaders, and organizations around the city to endorse the living wage bill. The final decision on the legislation is not up to him. The City Council will decide what happens next. We thank Speaker Quinn for her willingness to work with us and discuss the legislation from the very first day it was introduced. All along, she has guided a truly deliberative process, holding two hearings and thoughtfully engaging many supporters of the legislation since the spring of 2010. She has devoted a tremendous amount of staff time and personal time to reviewing all the relevant evidence and data. She deserves credit for her commitment to sustaining an open and productive dialogue."

RE: Public Advocate de Blasio’s Support for the ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act

“As a leader in the fight to bring a ‘living wage’ law to New York City, I enthusiastically welcome Public Advocate Bill de Blasio’s support for the ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act. Public Advocate de Blasio has displayed a strong record of fighting for the rights of those underserved and often ignored residents of this City, and his support for this historic legislation is another great example of his commitment to justice and fairness for New Yorkers.

“For months, the public advocate met with individuals and organizations on all sides of this legislation as he engaged in a thoughtful, deliberative examination of the merits of this bill. After meeting with me personally last week, I am thrilled that he has joined the majority of our City in support of the ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act. This further demonstrates that we are gaining momentum in our efforts to pass this important legislation.

“The ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act will ensure that our taxpayer dollars are spent not only to enrich major developers, but also to provide a way forward out of poverty for their employees. Bill de Blasio understands that, and I welcome his support for this bill and look forward to working with him on making it law,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
Last week, a Quinnipiac Poll new Quinnipiac Poll was released showing that New Yorkers of all political leanings support a “living wage.” Voters polled by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute said that the “Fair Wages for New Yorkers” Act, which is currently before the New York City Council, is a “good idea” by a wide margin of 74-19 percent. 

The poll also found support strong for the bill across the political spectrum, with support for the bill among Republicans at 56-39 percent, among Democrats at 83-11 percent and among independents at 67-25 percent.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


   On Friday, December 16, 2011, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., together with The New York Yankees hosted the 2011 Winter Wonderland celebration where five thousand kids received free toys. The children enjoyed hot chocolate and cookies and took pictures with Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus at Yankee Stadium.

  The kips bay Boys and Girls club entertained those in attendance, and Ms. Jennifer Steinbrenner was on hand to represent the Yankee organization, along with Neil Friedman President of Toys R Us. Also on hand was Ms. Marlene Cintron of the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation as well as members of the borough presidents office who helped to put this together, and were on had to see the children as they received their presents. Comments from the children and parents included "it is very nice of the Yankees and Borough President Diaz to do this", "Great", "I hope they do this again next year", and only one child asked where are the players.

   I was able to ask Ms. Steinbrenner if the Yankees would go all the way in 2012, and what new players might be added to the team. Her answer was "Yes we will go all the way next year, but I don't know what new additions to the team there will be as I am the last to know". 

Front row Mr. Neil Friedman (of Toys R US) starts on the left next to Ms. Jennifer Steinbrenner, BP Ruben Diaz Jr., Deputy BP Greene, De Santa Claus partially blocked by Ms. Marlene Cintron of BOEDC. The children of the Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club are in the background. 


Friday, December 16, 2011

State of the City’s Economy Report Outlines Risks to Mayor’s Budget Plan

City Comptroller John C. Liu today warned that the City economy faces extreme downside risks from the European debt crisis and has reduced his economic and tax revenue forecasts for Fiscal Year 2012.

The forecasts, part of the annual “State of the City’s Economy and Finances” report, also anticipate continued weakness in the national economy. Given the troubling outlook overall, the Mayor’s Budget Plan may face larger than expected gaps.

“Our office continues to closely monitor and evaluate risks to the City’s finances in these unsteady times.  Fiscal uncertainty will only increase given weaknesses in the national economy and overseas, which makes it more important than ever to be prepared for risks that we can identify ahead of time,” Comptroller Liu said.  “Mounting concern over the Euro zone remains a wildcard and our City’s potential exposure to a European collapse is significant.”

The City’s ties to Europe run deep. European banks have more than $1 trillion in assets in New York City offices, accounting for nearly two-thirds of all foreign bank assets in the City, according to Federal Reserve data. They also have extensive ties to other financial firms in the City, have thousands of employees here, and are active lenders in the City economy. Many of the City’s non-financial firms also have significant business relationships with European firms, and the City attracts millions of European business and leisure travelers each year.

In light of these widespread commercial interactions, adverse effects on the City’s economy from Europe’s debt crisis appear alarming and lend greater urgency to addressing existing budget issues.

While the City economy outperformed the national economy in 2011 – growing at an annualized rate of 1.9 percent in the first three quarters, compared with the national rate of 1.2 percent – both saw growth slow from the previous year.

Job growth also faltered. By October, the number of private payroll jobs in the City was only 20,300 above the level of the previous October.

Until job opportunities become more plentiful, the Comptroller does not expect significant improvement in the housing sector as young people delay establishing their own households and buying homes. New construction will continue to languish, and the nation’s economy will struggle to return to full prosperity. The chart below tracks the link between jobs and housing.
New Home Sales vs Unemployment Rates (Inverted), Seasonally Adjusted
January 1970 – October 2011

 -- Source: Monthly Data from the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Census Bureau.


The Comptroller has been citing Europe’s sovereign debt problem as a risk to the City since his March 2010 report – and the problem has only intensified since then. It has escalated so severely that it must now be considered a material factor in the City’s economy. The Comptroller’s Office has lowered revenue forecasts on personal income taxes to $8.63 billion from $8.72 billion in July, and business taxes to $5.48 billion from $5.52 billion also in July.
As part of the report, the Comptroller outlined line-item risks to the Mayor’s November Budget Plan that would result in growing budget gaps:

Table 1.  Risks and Offsets to the November 2011 Financial Plan
($ in millions)

FY 2012
FY 2013
FY 2014
FY 2015
City Stated Gap

Tax Revenues

Property Tax
Personal Income Tax
Business Taxes
Sales Tax


UFT/CSA Collective Bargaining
Dept. of Education
Proposed Pension Changes
Judgments and Claims

State Budget Impact

Total Risk/Offsets

Restated (Gap)/Surplus

As the chart shows, these risks place the potential City deficit at $1.7 billion in Fiscal Year 2012.

Even as revenue forecasts have fallen, budget expenditures have risen since adoption. Overtime for the Police Department, Fire Department and Department of Corrections were underestimated – and the Comptroller’s Office believes they are still being underestimated in the Mayor’s Plan based on spending in previous years.

Another budget risk stems from the unsettled labor contracts for the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) and the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators (CSA). The Comptroller’s Office is concerned that the Mayor’s Plan relies on a collective bargaining strategy that has yet to materialize.

On the upside, record-low interest rates have allowed the City to refinance high interest rate bonds, saving taxpayers money. In Fiscal Year 2011, the Comptroller’s Office working with the City’s Office of Management and Budget executed refinancings that produced over $341 million in total gross savings over the life of the bonds for the City’s major credits.

“My office will continue to identify opportunities to lower the City’s borrowing cost whenever possible,” Liu said.

Comptroller Liu credited Deputy Comptroller for Budget and Accountancy Simcha Felder and his team for presenting the report, which can be viewed at:

Thursday, December 15, 2011



On Thursday, December 15, 2011, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., joined Mayor Bloomberg, Deputy Mayors Linda Gibbs  and Cas Halloway, as well as Health Commissioner Thomas Farley  to announce that obesity rates among New York City public elementary and middle school students have decreased over the past five years across all race and ethnic groups, marking the biggest decline in childhood obesity reported to date by any large city in the country. The  event took place at P.S./I.S. 218 on Gerard Avenue.  

  Yes that's Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Mayor Bloomberg in the same photo together. Click on it to enlarge.

Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera Hosts 4th Annual Christmas In The Bronx!

Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera and Santa Claus to give away toys to children in four Bronx locations

On Saturday December 17 Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera will be hosting her 4th Annual Christmas in the Bronx. Starting at 10:30 in the morning the Assemblywoman, accompanied by Santa Claus, will be stopping by Allerton Avenue, Pelham Parkway, Morris Park, and Norwood business districts so that local children have the chance to take a picture with Santa and receive a gift. For the complete schedule please see below: 

The Sanz                          Pelham Parkway Vision
815 Allerton Ave              735 Lydig Ave
9:30-10:30 am                 11:30-12:30 pm
900 Park Restaurant        Leroy Pharmacy
900 Morris Park Ave       314 E 204th St
1:30-2:30 pm                   3:30-4:30 pm

Christmas in the Bronx is one of the year’s most popular and well attended events. Not only do local children get to meet Santa, but their parents will receive special deals at nearby Bronx businesses in an effort to promote the local economy. “In light of the difficult economic times we are facing as a nation, I think this year’s fourth annual event is more important than ever. I hope that it will bring joy to many community members and help bolster our small businesses.”

There are no financial obligations for those who wish to participate. This event is family oriented and appropriate for children ages 5-12 as well as adults of all ages.

Tapia Holiday Party

Yudelka Tapia (center in picture) Female District Leader of the 86th A.D. and her political club the Great Alliance Democratic Club held a holiday party last night to collect toys for needy Bronx children. Over 200 people were in attendance including pictured above City Comptroller John Liu, Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Carl Heastie, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Councilman Fernando Cabrera, and many of the honorees and Great Alliance Democratic Club officers. Assemblywoman Vanessa Gibson (not in picture) also stopped by.

Ms. Tapia in an interview and while addressing the crowd said that she will not be running against 86th assemblyman Nelson Castro next year, or councilman Cabrera in 2013, but will help re-elect them. She said her long range goal is to look to the future, by bringing people together, build an even better club with more young people, and working to improve the community.