Thursday, May 25, 2017


5,000 City-certified minority and women-owned businesses puts the Administration ahead of schedule to certifying 9,000 M/WBEs by 2019

  Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives and Citywide M/WBE Director Richard Buery today announced that the City has reached 5,000 City-certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs), meaning the Administration is ahead of schedule of reaching 9,000 City-certified M/WBEs by 2019.

The 5,000th City-certified M/WBE is a Bronx-based transportation firm owned by Miguel Cabrera who was born in the Dominican Republic and immigrated to the U.S. in 2009. After receiving his legal residency, Cabrera worked as a taxi driver and was later inspired to open his own transportation company in 2015. His company, MC Transportation, specializes in delivery services, commercial and residential moving services and construction waste and debris removal. Deputy Mayor Buery and key Administration officials focused on the M/WBE effort presented Miguel with his M/WBE certificate a letter from Mayor Bill de Blasio at a NYC Business Solutions Center in the Bronx. In the letter, the Mayor thanked Cabrera for making contributions to the local economy and highlighted the importance of having all New Yorkers participate in New York City’s economy.

“This City works best when all people - regardless of race, religion or ethnicity - have the resources they need to reach their full potential,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “My Administration is committed to providing those resources to business owners like Miguel, beginning with City-certification, as a way to help grow and sustain their business. I thank Miguel for establishing a Bronx-based firm, hiring locally and reinvesting in the community and congratulate him on being the 5000th City-certified M/WBE firm.”

"We know that with certification comes opportunity. By getting certified by the City as an M/WBE, businesses can access mentoring programs, workshops, networking opportunities and other programs that can help their businesses grow and win contracts with City agencies," saidRichard Buery, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives and Citywide M/WBE Director. "Today marks a critical milestone toward our goal of certifying 9,000 M/WBEs in the next three years. I would like to congratulate Miguel Cabrera, owner of Bronx-based MC Transportation, for being number 5,000!"

“I started my own business to become more independent and give back to my local community by hiring people from my neighborhood,” said Miguel Cabrera. “Working with the City and obtaining City certification can help grow and expand my business so that I can continue hiring locally. I look forward to using City business as a resource and visiting the Department of Small Business Services to learn how I can continue to manage a successful business. I also thank the de Blasio Administration for prioritizing minority and women-owned businesses.”

The de Blasio Administration encourages all M/WBEs interested in doing business with the City to apply for City-certification. City-certified M/WBEs have access to the latest contracting opportunities, are granted City resources that help them bid and successfully perform on City contracts, and are added to the M/WBE Online Directory where contractors and City agencies can proactively seek M/WBEs to do business with. M/WBEs interested in becoming City certified can visit

The Department of Small Business Services recently streamlined the applications for M/WBE certification and recertification to provide a more efficient path to getting certified while maintaining the integrity of the process. The new, user-friendly applications have 30 percent less paperwork and are simplified and sequenced to expedite the completion process. The City also created a separate simpler application for small businesses that are sole proprietors to make the application process more accessible and user-friendly. This will directly benefit women business owners across New York City since 90 percent of women-owned businesses across the United States are sole proprietors.

In September of 2016, when Mayor Bill de Blasio announced his certification goal, the Mayor also announced the goal of awarding 30 percent of the value of all City contracts to M/WBEs by 2021.

“City-certification is a resource that minority and women-owned businesses can utilize to help grow and sustain their business,” said Jonnel Doris, Senior Advisor and Director of the Mayor’s Office of M/WBEs. “I’m happy to see people like Miguel get certified and access all of the resources that come along with MWBE certification, and I congratulate him on being the 5,000th City-certified M/WBE. He embodies everything that makes this City great – the entrepreneurial spirit that this City welcomes from all walks of life to establish businesses and reinvest in local communities.”

“Minority and women-owned businesses play a vital role in our local economy, and I am proud to support Mayor de Blasio’s vision for investing in their success,” said Gregg Bishop, Commissioner of the Department of Small Business Services. “Today, we are excited to celebrate the 5,000th M/WBE that is certified with the City – and to do it here in the Bronx during City Hall In Your Borough. City contractors should reflect the rich talents and diversity of all of our people, and I’m glad that our agency is leading the way by getting more firms certified and connecting them with contracting opportunities.”


  • In 2015, the Mayor de Blasio established his OneNYC goal of awarding $16 billion to M/WBEs by 2025. The Administration has thus far awarded $3.54 billion dollars to M/WBEs putting the Administration on track to meeting the goal.

  • Since the beginning of the Administration, the City has seen a steady increase in the value of City contracts being awarded to M/WBEs. In FY 15, the utilization rate was 8 percent. That number later increased to over 14 percent in FY 16 and – in the first two quarters of FY17 – over $571 million was awarded to M/WBEs, representing an 18 percent utilization rate.

"Increasing M/WBE participation in the City’s procurement process has been a priority of my Administration from day one. I congratulate Mayor de Blasio and his Administration on reaching this important milestone. As we move forward, I will continue to work with stakeholders at all levels of government as well as the private sector to increase MWBE participation and strengthen this critical piece of our city's economy," said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


Tough enforcement, including a new NYPD unit, will include fines, strict work-related penalties, and towing

Chief Thomas Chan is in charge of this new placard unit.

Alongside NYPD, DOT and DOE officials at Concourse Village Elementary School in the Bronx, Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced a new Citywide enforcement plan to crack down on the improper use of City parking placards.

“In our increasingly crowded city, parking placard abuse is contributing to traffic congestion,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “However, more important, when drivers with placards block crosswalks, fire hydrants or bike lanes, they endanger public safety as well. Few things irk New Yorkers more than their fellow citizens taking advantage of a system that was designed to aid in public service delivery. Instead, placard abuse is starting to erode faith in the integrity of government, so we are taking action today to make things right.”  

Speakers today noted that the problems created by placard abuse include reduced wheelchair accessibility to the curb, reduced parking spaces for authorized users, and reduced revenue from parking meters. The City is committed to reducing the improper and fraudulent use of parking placards across the five boroughs, particularly in civic centers where public employee workplaces are clustered and around schools, where school employees with new parking placards will be competing for a limited set of authorized parking spaces. 

Effective immediately, New York City will: 

Implement Strict Controls for New DOE Parking Placards.

Chancellor Farina address the new issuance of 50,000 DOE parking placards

This month, to resolve an outstanding dispute, the DOE issued 50,000 new parking placards for school employees working at schools with designated street space. The DOE will be implementing strict new controls for parking placards to minimize illegal or improper parking behavior.
·         New DOE Placard Unit: DOE will create a new office responsible for issuing placards annually and auditing schools for proper accounting of the placards. This unit will also receive complaints and take disciplinary action against staff for placard abuse. 
·         Tight restrictions on DOE staff placard use: All placards will only be authorized for clearly designated DOE parking spots at specific schools during school hours. The license plate of the vehicle, name of the permit holder and authorized signature will all be clearly displayed and visible for inspection. Placards will be non-transferrable under any circumstance. 
·         Tough penalties: Any placard found to be misused, fraudulent, copied or altered will result in the placard holder being subject to discipline in addition to placard revocation and permanent ineligibility for placards. Cars using placards improperly will be subject to towing and additional towing capacity will be available to tow vehicles using placards illegally. These rules will be shared with and signed-for by all DOE employees receiving the new placards.

Pursue Tough New Enforcement Actions to Crack Down on Placard Fraud and Abuse Across All City Agencies.

DOT and NYPD will pursue new enforcement actions to crack down on placard forgery/counterfeiting and abuse across all City agencies, including creating a new anti-placard-fraud unit at NYPD. As DOT proceeds with its annual re-issuance of placards, the agency will continue to identify ways to incorporate enhanced anti-forgery protections.

·         New, empowered unit focused on public integrity in parking privileges: The NYPD will create a dedicated unit that reports to the Chief of Department that will consist of 16 dedicated enforcement personnel in the Transportation Bureau Citywide Task Force to identify counterfeit placards and misuse at hotspots in every borough. 
·         Additional 100 Traffic Enforcement Agents for placard enforcement citywide: The NYPD will hire an additional hundred traffic agents for deployment citywide. 
·         Create new anti-placard enforcement imperative among Borough Investigation Units: The City will task Borough Investigation Units (approximately 100 officers across all five boroughs) to identify placard abuse and unauthorized use in local boroughs around precincts, courthouses and government buildings.
·         New Towing Capacity: The City will add additional towing capacity to tow vehicles that are using placards fraudulently or illegally. 
·         New sanctions and penalties for placard fraud or abuse: Any placard found to be misused, fraudulent, copied or altered will result in the placard holder being subject to permanent ineligibility for placards. City employees found abusing placards will be turned over to DOI for investigation. As noted, all placards will be re-issued annually.
·         New penalties for fraudulent usage: The City will create a new parking fine for the misuse of placards, punishable by a fine of up to $100, which is in addition to the parking violation. Employees are currently subject to disciplinary action for placard fraud or abuse. Disciplinary action may include placard revocation, permanent ineligibility for parking privileges, discipline, suspension, or termination. 

Lay The Groundwork for Long-Term Technological Solutions.
DOT will explore development of a unified system for management, enforcement and tracking of both placards and metered parking payments tied to license plate numbers. Best practices in cities across the world include license plate reader technology that can scan all vehicles on a block for paid parking sessions or legal parking permits and automatically generate appropriate violations if necessary. Such a system would provide an added measure of fraud prevention and allow for greater efficiency in enforcement by allowing agents to cover more ground.

In order to help spread the word on the heightened rules and regulations concerning placard usage, the City will launch a public awareness campaign to help educate City employees. The campaign will reinforce the City’s zero tolerance for placard and fraud abuse and the associated penalties for engaging in such behavior, including towing, new fines and permanent revocation of parking privileges. It will also encourage members of the public who observe parking placard violations to call 311 to report them.

Mayor de Blasio answers my question about the progress of the Kingsbridge Armory and the KNIC proposal. He said that the project is ready to go forward, but the State EDC needs to authorize the funding for the proposal.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

City Hall in Your Borough

  Today City agencies were made available to the public, as well as the mayor himself in the Rotunda of the Bronx County Building located at 851 Grand Concourse. There were not only Bronc commissioners, but also Citywide commissioners available to talk to and listen to the average citizen. The event lasted from 9 AM to 2 PM when Mayor Bill de Blasio went to various locations in the Bronx. At 12:30 PM the mayor toured Arthur Avenue to visit with Small Businesses. At 5 PM the mayor visited seniors along with Councilman Jimmy Vacca at Villa Barone Manor. Below are some photos of City Hall in your borough.

Above - Not only was Bronx Parks Commissioner Iris Rodriguez on hand, but her boss NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver was on hand also to hear about Bronx parks.
Below - Some of the behind the scene DOT people you don't always see. 

Above - Effie of the NYCEPA (formally DEP) listens to one Bronx resident who had a problem.
Below - A map of the current active CPC sites which are currently under study (in blue) at the City Planning table.  

Above and Below - You can see how each city agency or department had a table with experts in their field to help Bronx residents with any questions.

Above - The Department of Sanitation is well represented by its top supervisor Mr. Terranova.
Below - Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson stands with a few  Bronx police officers on hand including Chief Nikunen.

Above and Below - The mayor and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. get a few words in. Could it have been about their favorite baseball teams?

Above - The mayor is ready to take on questions from Bronx residents.
Below - The mayor listens to this Bronxite's comments.

Above - This bronx resident shows the mayor what her problem is, as one of the mayor's aids looks on.
Below - Dr. Cary Goodman (of the 161st Street BID) gives Mayor de Blasio a Derek Jeter Mother's Day retirement shirt the 161st Street BID had masw for the Yankee great's retirement celebration on Mother's Day.

Bronx Chamber of Commerce 2017 Golf Outing at Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point has been rescheduled to Thursday, June 8th

Due to yesterday's rain
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce 2017 Golf 
Outing at Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point
has been rescheduled to Thursday, June 8th



  State Senator Gustavo Rivera released the following statement today after bill S159 was reported out of the Senate Health Committee. This bill, which is sponsored by State Senator Gustavo Rivera in the New York Senate and Assemblymember Deborah Glick in the New York State Assembly, will allow freestanding diagnostic and treatment centers that receive comprehensive family planning reproductive health services grants, such as Planned Parenthood, to become eligible for state assistance for indigent care. The bill has now been referred to the Senate Finance Committee.

"I am incredibly proud that my colleagues in the Senate Health Committee have joined me in pushing this bill towards the next step of the legislative process. This vote represents legislative progress as our State works to ensure that the healthcare needs of New Yorkers, especially those of women, are adequately safeguarded," said State Senator Gustavo Rivera. "With the ongoing efforts from Washington to restrict funding for such organizations, I vow to continue working with my colleagues in both chambers to pass this measure as I refuse to sit idly by while the reproductive rights and the health of millions of women in New York State are irresponsibly put at risk"

Planned Parenthood praises new IDC legislation to shield Title X money in New York State used for vital women’s health services

  Members of the Independent Democratic Conference today introduced legislation to protect funding on a state level for vital women’s health services under Title X that have been threatened to be cut nationally and received praise from Planned Parenthood.

The bill, introduced on Tuesday by Senator Tony Avella, and co-sponsored by all IDC members, requires the state to maintain funding levels equal to those available now in the event of future federal budget cuts or a change to federal statute or regulations for Title X funding.

“Throughout my entire career I have always fought for women’s health services. Title X funding provides family planning services including cancer screenings, contraceptive care, infertility services, among other important care. We will not let the federal government impact the health and wellness of women in New York, and I’m proud to sponsor legislation that ensures Title X funding remains at the same level if the federal government tries to play politics with women’s health needs,” said Senator Avella.

“We must ensure that all communities have access to the care they need most. The Independent Democratic Conference understands family planning funding is not a political football. We applaud the IDC for recognizing that Federal attempts to dismantle our state’s health care delivery system is a non-starter in New York State,” said Robin Chappelle Goldstein, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Empire State Acts.

Planned Parenthood, and other organizations, provide important services through Title X funding for family planning, preventative health services, infertility services, contraceptive care, breast and cervical cancer screenings, STD and HIV prevention education, counseling, testing and referrals and other preventative health services.

Funding may also provide training grants for personnel working in family planning services projects and to fund research grants for projects in the biomedical, contraceptive development, behavioral and program implementation fields related to family planning and population. Projects conduct data analysis and related research and evaluation on issues of interest to the family planning field.

“We will not allow the federal government to jeopardize critical women’s health services in the name of politics. Title X funds must stay intact in New York State to ensure that organizations like Planned Parenthood can continue to deliver the care, screenings and services that are vital for women’s wellness,” said IDC Leader Jeff Klein.

“Women’s health services are vitally important and this legislation will ensure that we combat any attempt on the federal level to cut services that could negatively impact the health of New Yorkers. The IDC has always stood with Planned Parenthood and we will never allow life-saving preventative health care services and cancer screenings to be taken away from women,” said IDC Deputy Leader David Valesky.

“No woman should ever be deprived the care that she needs because Title X funding was taken away on the federal level. Our health is important and screenings for breast and cervical cancer, for preventative health care, for contraceptive care and family planning should not be ripped away from any woman and we will stand with Planned Parenthood and ensure that we protect these important funds here in New York State,” said Senator Diane Savino.

“The work that Planned Parenthood does for women across New York is incredibly important and deserves to be protected. Women from all over the state depend on the services that they provide, often times when they have nowhere else to turn to. This legislation shows our commitment to their mission,” said Senator Senator Jose Peralta.

“No woman should ever have to choose between their health and paying the bills. Title X funding provides organizations like Planned Parenthood crucial funding for important women’s health services that should never be threatened. Unfortunately, the federal government wants to play games with our health and I’m proud that the IDC has introduced a bill to keep Title X funds intact,” said Senator Marisol Alcantara.

“I have always stood with Planned Parenthood and I will never allow the federal government to strip important funding from women’s health services. This legislation ensures that we protect those vital funds that ensure organizations like Planned Parenthood are able to provide life-saving cancer screenings, contraceptive care, and other women’s health services that so many depend on,” said Senator Carlucci.

“It is unfair to deprive any woman of health care services that she needs. It is absurd that anyone on a federal level would deprive a woman of care and we will not let that impact funding to important organizations like Planned Parenthood,” said Senator Jesse Hamilton.


Engel Statement on Trump Administration’s Proposed Budget

   Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a top member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement on the Trump Administration’s budget proposal:

“To say the cuts in the Trump Administration’s budget proposal would hurt most Americans really doesn’t describe the amount of pain people would feel if it were somehow enacted. This proposal—save for the very rich—does not discriminate in who it hurts. It is disgraceful and, I believe, a total non-starter in Congress.

“Here are just some of the harmful cuts President Trump would like to make happen: After the President unambiguously promised not to cut Medicaid, he proposes a $610 billion cut; the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), a program to prevent domestic hunger benefitting children and families, would see a $193 billion cut over 10 years; the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, which states and municipalities rely upon for funding local development and infrastructure projects, would be completely eliminated; the HOME program, which creates affordable housing, would be completely eliminated; and the National Institutes of Health would suffer billions of dollars in crippling cuts to research.  

“But that’s not all. The President is also proposing a 30 percent cut to the Environmental Protection Agency, which would include the zeroing out several clean energy and climate change programs. He wants to slash the Education Department by $9.2 billion, or 13 percent, and eliminate programs that serve children, including after-school programs and mental-health services. And he has proposed slashing the State Department by 28 percent, another extreme cut which I find particularly alarming as Ranking Member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

“This all amounts to a devastating assault on every American—our housing, health care, safety, education and environment are all put at risk. It represents a vision for America that is both cruel and unrealistic. We need to come up with a budget that works for the American people, not punishes them. I remain hopeful this budget will be rightfully rejected by my colleagues in the House, and a more realistic and sensible approach to our federal budget can be developed.”


Rep. Adriano Espaillat released the following statement today in response to President Trump’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2018 released earlier today.

“As expected, President Trump’s budget proposal is cold and harsh toward the poor and those struggling to reach the middle class in America,” said Rep. Espaillat. “While significantly cutting the budgets for vital safety net programs such as Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that save millions of Americans from the deepest depths of poverty, and increasing the funding for defense spending, immigration raids, border patrol and building a divisive wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, Trump has essentially prioritized his own interests ahead of America’s poor and low-income families. This budget proposal is bad for America as it will burden our states and leave our most vulnerable communities behind.”


  Meeting business owners on The Bronx’s Arthur Avenue, Mayor de Blasio released a “Small Business Progress Report” outlining a 40% reduction in fines, a three-month reduction in the time it takes to open a restaurant, and a surge in certified Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs).

  “We’ve slashed unnecessary fines and helped stores open their doors faster because small businesses are the cornerstone of our economy. When someone from the City walks through a business’s door these days, we’re there to educate and to help. We want to see businesses thrive and grow in every borough,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

In the Bronx alone, the City has served over 3,800 businesses through its borough Business Solutions Center. In 2016, mobile business support program Chamber On-the-Go reached the storefronts of an additional 295 Bronx businesses. Since the start of the administration, the number of certified Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) in the Bronx increased by 27% through supports from the City.  

“From boutiques to bodegas, small businesses are at the heart of the New York City economy,” said Gregg Bishop, Commissioner of the NYC Department of Small Business Services. “By helping these businesses to start, operate and grow, we’re building a vibrant city where economic mobility includes all New Yorkers.”

Small businesses employ more than half of New York City’s private sector workforce, and the Mayor’s plan has achieved the following results:

Reduced Fines While Protecting Consumers
·         Slashed fines by 40%
  • Helped small business owners to avoid more than $6 million in potential fees

Cut Red Tape, Helped Businesses Open Faster
  • Helped restaurants to open 3 months faster through expanded City programs (3 months compared to 6 without City support)
  • Provided 12,000 services to small businesses at innovative multi-agency service center, opened last year
  • Under Mayor de Blasio, nearly 95% of restaurants earned an ‘A’ letter grade as sanitary violations plummeted by more than 40%

Ensuring Access for All Business Owners 
  • Nearly doubled the percentage of the value of City contracts awarded to M/WBEs between fiscal year 2015 and fiscal year 2016, from 8% to 14.3%
  • Served more than 12,000 foreign-born entrepreneurs
  • The WE NYC initiative has helped over 2,000 women start and grow their businesses

Provided Free Legal Services to Protect Small Businesses
  • 500 business owners have received free legal advice since 2015, helping them negotiate more favorable lease terms 

"Thriving communities like the vibrant Arthur Avenue in the Bronx depend on small businesses, which create jobs, serve their neighbors, and are essential to the city's economy," said DCA Commissioner Lorelei Salas. "Thanks to our mayor, we are supporting our city's businesses with the fine reduction reforms that we've implemented, as well more education and language access. This more equitable approach to enforcement has translated into millions going directly back into the pockets of small business owners allowing them to reinvest their hard-earned money.”

"Small business corridors, such as Arthur Avenue, make up the backbone of our city's economy. For too long, small business owners and entrepreneurs have felt besieged by heavy fines and the red tape that comes with opening or expanding their business. Mayor de Blasio's commitment to a more streamlined process will help our small businesses expand and thrive, and I thank his administration and the Department of Small Business Services for developing more user-friendly policies to help our small business community," said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.