Saturday, January 22, 2022

Manhattan Borough President Levine Last night's tragic events in Harlem


Last night in Harlem, our community witnessed the tragic shooting of two NYPD officers responding to a domestic disturbance at a home on 135th Street. Just 22 years old, Officer Jason Rivera of Inwood tragically has lost his life responding to that call, while Officer Wilbert Mora remains in the hospital in critical condition.

I have a 22-year old son. I am at a total loss thinking about what the Rivera and Mora families are going through. I am praying that they find strength and solace amidst the shattering pain. These officers were responding to a call for help to protect their fellow New Yorkers. They are heroes and my heart breaks for their families, for the 32nd Precinct, and for their brave fellow officers at the NYPD. 

I cannot claim to have the answers to end this senseless violence, but I do know what we must strive towards. A future with gun-free streets. With gun-free schools. With gun-free homes and gun-free houses of worship. A gun-free community where all New Yorkers are safe. We must work together to achieve that vision, and every solution must be on the table. Our city can not and will not allow this epidemic of gun violence to continue.

In the coming days, our community must grieve together and then must do the hard work to heal and to end this cycle of senseless loss and violence. I'm here to do that work with you and ask that Manhattanites come together to join us as we work to achieve a better future.

In the meantime, there is an active NYPD investigation into this tragedy in Harlem to determine the chain of custody of the gun, possible motive, and any other relevant information. If you have any information, please contact the 32nd Precinct Detective Squad at (212) 690-6315), or Crime Stoppers (800-577-TIPS). As always my office is ready to help, so please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Praying with you and our community,


Permits Filed For 91 Bruckner Avenue In Mott Haven, The Bronx


91 Bruckner Avenue in Mott Haven, The Bronx

Permits have been filed for a seven-story residential building at 91 Bruckner Avenue in Mott Haven, The Bronx. Located at the intersection of Willis Avenue Bridge and Bruckner Avenue, the corner lot is near the Brook Avenue subway station, serviced by the 6 train. Anshel Fridman of Artist Construction LLC is listed as the owner behind the applications.

The proposed 70-foot-tall development will yield 60,999 square feet designated for residential space. The building will have 89 residences, most likely rentals based on the average unit scope of 685 square feet. The concrete-based structure will also have a cellar, a 38-foot-long rear yard, 20 open parking spaces, and 25 enclosed parking spaces.

S. Wieder Architect is listed as the architect of record.

Demolition permits were filed earlier this month for the single-story warehouse on the site. An estimated completion date has not been announced.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Governor Hochul Announces Statewide COVID-19 Percent Positivity Below 10% - JANUARY 21, 2022

 Clinical specimen testing for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wadsworth Laboratory

First Time Below 10% Since December 20

Cases Per 100k (7-Day Average) Declining in All Regions

154 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday

 Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.   

"For the first time since December 20, New York State's percent positivity is in the single-digits," Governor Hochul said. "I want to thank New Yorkers for doing the right thing to get where we are in fighting this winter surge. However, this isn't the time to take our foot off the gas. Let's keep using the tools - the vaccine, the booster and masking up - to further bring the numbers down and keep our vulnerable loves ones safe from this virus." 

Today's data is summarized briefly below: 

  • Test Results Reported - 290,107
  • Total Positive - 28,296
  • Percent Positive - 9.75%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 12.27%   
  • Patient Hospitalization - 11,016 (-354)   
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 1,357  
  • Patients in ICU - 1,548 (-35)   
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 880 (-5)   
  • Total Discharges - 261,073 (1,706)   
  • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 154
  • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 51,532 

The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only.     

  •   Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC - 64,120                

This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings.     

  • Total vaccine doses administered - 35,329,715
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 81,968
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 518,068
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 90.5%   
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 81.5%   
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 95.0%   
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 84.0%   
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 79.7%   
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 71.2%   
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 86.7%   
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 73.4%   



New York’s Rebounding Population Meets Another Recovery Goal

 The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced the release of the 2021 Lake Sturgeon Population Assessment Status Report. The report demonstrates that the lake sturgeon population in the Upper St. Lawrence River has exceeded crucial metrics set forth in the Lake Sturgeon Recovery Plan for adult spawning and juvenile recruitment.

“Lake sturgeon are rebounding in New York State, and that’s great news,” said Commissioner Basil Seggos. “This progress is possible because of the work of dedicated staff at DEC, and our strong partnerships with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, New York Power Authority, and Cornell University. Together, we have secured funding, raised and released sturgeon, and used science to track our success, and DEC looks forward to continuing these effective collaborations.”

The Lake Sturgeon Recovery Plan, written in 2018, set the following goal for lake sturgeon in New York State: “Establish or maintain sufficient self-sustaining populations of lake sturgeon within six of the seven management units to warrant removal of lake sturgeon from the list of threatened species in New York.”

With the addition of the Upper St. Lawrence Management Unit, the lake sturgeon population has now reached the target in four of the seven management units. When the population reaches the target level in two more management units, DEC will seek to remove lake sturgeon from the threatened species list.

The Upper St. Lawrence Management Unit for lake sturgeon runs from Cape Vincent downstream to the Moses Saunders Dam and includes the Oswegatchie River drainage. Based on sampling of populations in Black Lake, the Oswegatchie River, and the spawning beds near the Iroquois Dam on the St. Lawrence River, DEC documented healthy reproducing adult lake sturgeon and the presence of several year classes of juveniles throughout the management unit.

Lake sturgeon have been on New York’s threatened species list since 1983. DEC began its lake sturgeon restoration program in 1993 by stocking four sites. In 2021, DEC and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stocked 10 locations. More than 275,000 lake sturgeon have been stocked into New York waters since 1993.

Lake sturgeon can live for more than 100 years and grow to seven feet in length, making them the largest freshwater fish in New York. Because of this long lifespan and delayed sexual maturity, lake sturgeon are incredibly vulnerable to overfishing and population depletion. Anglers deserve credit for being good stewards of New York’s aquatic resources and helping to keep lake sturgeon populations on the rise.

Partial funding for the lake sturgeon recovery program comes from the State Wildlife Grant Program and the Fish Enhancement, Mitigation and Research Fund, both administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service New York Field Supervisor, David Stilwell said, “The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s New York Field Office and Genoa National Fish Hatchery remain committed to the recovery of lake sturgeon in New York. This joint recovery effort is a model for partnership in achieving shared species recovery and restoration goals, results from years of work by dedicated staff from all partners. We are proud to be a partner in this important conservation effort." 

U.S. Geological Survey Scientist, Dawn Dittman said, “Meeting the population recovery criteria is an important and exciting milestone for lake sturgeon restoration in Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River. As part of the recovery team, the USGS provides unbiased and consistent technical support through field assessments and high-quality fish and environmental data.”

New York Power Authority Director of Environmental Operations, Jeff Gerlach said, “NYPA is excited by the success of the ongoing Lake Sturgeon Recovery Plan and looks forward to continuing our partnership with the resource agencies and stakeholders on establishing a healthy, sustainable population of Lake Sturgeon in New York.”

Director of the Cornell University Biological Field Station, Lars Gosta Rudstam said, “Lake sturgeon is now part of the Oneida Lake ecosystem. These iconic fishes are reproducing in the lake and growing to impressive sizes. Last year, we were able to tag one 26 year old fish that weighed almost 160 pounds. This a wonderful development.”

Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Environment Division Program Manager, Jessica L. Jock said, “Teiokién:taron, lake sturgeon, is a revered and culturally important fish species in Mohawk and Haudenosaunee waters. We are grateful for our positive working relationship with the New York State DEC, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, and other federal and academic partners to ensure this vibrant species continues to flourish for future generations in Akwesasne and New York State waters.”

The 2021 Lake Sturgeon Population Assessment is available on DEC's website. For more information about lake sturgeon in New York, see DEC's Lake Sturgeon Recovery Plan.

For more information on how DEC tracks lake sturgeon, visit this link from DEC’s YouTube page.

Attorney General James Announces Arrest of Port Authority Police Officer For Filing False Reports and Engaging in Misconduct with Vulnerable Young Woman


 New York Attorney General Letitia James today announced the arrest of Port Authority Police Officer Telly Simmonds, 47, of the Bronx, NY, for creating false police reports to cover up his inappropriate relationship with a 19-year-old woman. Simmonds met the young woman, brought in as a homeless individual in danger of exploitation, while he was a police officer at the Port Authority Bus Terminal.  

“Taking advantage of a young, at-risk woman seeking help is one of the most despicable things an officer of the law can do,” said Attorney General James. “Simmonds allegedly abused the power of his badge and the Port Authority in order to engage in and conceal an inappropriate relationship. No one should be taken advantage of by the very individuals who are charged with protecting them. My office will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to ensure the safety of New Yorkers and accountability for those who put them in perilous positions.”

In the Spring of 2018, Simmonds was assigned to the Youth Services Unit (YSU) at the Port Authority Bus Terminal on 42nd Street in Manhattan. The YSU was established to identify runaway youth and young adults who may be in danger of exploitation. On March 21, 2018, the 19-year-old woman was brought to the YSU office and met Simmonds, who took down her name, address, telephone, and other personal information. After leaving the police station, Simmonds and the young woman began to text each other regularly. On April 1, 2018, Simmonds and the young woman stayed at a Times Square area hotel using a Port Authority voucher, which are for use by officers for work-related duty only.

In early April 2018, the young woman left the shelter where she was residing in New York City and transferred to a shelter in Philadelphia, citing safety concerns in New York. Once at the new shelter, Simmonds sent her texts in an attempt to convince her to return to New York. On the morning of April 18, 2018, Simmonds worked the morning shift at the Port Authority Bus Terminal. He filled out a police report falsely claiming that he met the young woman at the Bus Terminal that very same morning at 8 a.m. and helped her get on the subway with a MetroCard. Simmonds made additional false entries of the fake meeting on Port Authority reports. After ending his shift at 3 p.m., Simmonds drove in his personal car to the shelter in Philadelphia to pick up the young woman. When he arrived at the shelter at approximately 6 p.m., he gave his Port Authority Police ID to the employees and told them that he was on official duty. Simmonds then left the shelter with the young woman and dropped her off at a shelter in the Bronx. After Simmonds took her from Philadelphia, the Philadelphia facility contacted the FBI, who then contacted the Port Authority. The Port Authority commenced an investigation and referred the matter to the Office of the Attorney General (OAG).  

Simmonds was arraigned today before Supreme Court Judge Melissa Jackson in New York County on two counts of Tampering with Public Records, a class ”D” felony, Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree, a class “E” felony, and four counts of Official Misconduct an “A” Misdemeanor. If convicted, Simmonds faces an indeterminate sentence of 2 1/3 to 7 years. 

The charges are merely accusations and Simmonds is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law. 

The OAG wishes to thank the Office of Inspector General of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and members of its Police Integrity Unit for their work on this investigation. 



  New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced the appointment of Thomas J. Foley, P.E. as commissioner of the New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC). Foley previously served as acting commissioner of the agency. A 25-year veteran of DDC, Foley will oversee the city’s capital construction projects, which include infrastructure and public buildings. He will be tasked with delivering on the mayor’s vision for promoting greater fiscal efficiency in capital construction and ensuring all projects are aligned with the city’s resiliency goals.

“Thomas Foley is an experienced professional who understands the infrastructure needs of our city on a granular level, and he has been a steady hand in moments of crisis,” said Mayor Adams. “We are proud to announce his appointment, and look forward to working with him to build safe, equitable, and resilient infrastructure that serves all New Yorkers.”


“Commissioner Foley brings keen expertise and awareness to our city’s critical construction projects, so that they meet the needs of all New Yorkers in all neighborhoods and withstand the test of time to serve our future generations,” said Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi.


“I am extraordinarily honored to be chosen by Mayor Adams to serve as the head of DDC,” said incoming DDC Commissioner Thomas J. Foley. “DDC’s hundreds of construction professionals are uniquely capable of making the city’s infrastructure and public buildings reflect this administration’s agenda of public safety, equity, and prosperity for all. And we will continue to aggressively pursue the capital construction process improvements detailed in 2019 under former Commissioner Lorraine Grillo in order to meet the administration’s goals for fiscal efficiency. I’d like to thank the staff at DDC for making this possible.”


About Thomas J. Foley, P.E.


Thomas J. Foley, P.E. currently serves as acting commissioner of DDC. He started at DDC as an engineer-in-charge in 1998, supervising a team of resident engineers and evaluating and approving design modifications of engineering structures and systems. After 9/11, he became a project manager for DDC’s World Trade Center Disaster Recovery and Debris Removal Project, reviewing staffing and procedures, analyzing labor and equipment utilization, and identifying and correcting inefficiencies in the $500 million project.


Foley has held a variety of roles at the agency, including deputy director, director, and assistant commissioner in the agency’s Division of Infrastructure. In January 2014, he became associate commissioner in the Division of Infrastructure, while helping to spearhead the activation of Water Tunnel 3. In January 2017, he assumed the role of deputy commissioner of the Public Buildings Division, establishing short- and long-term plans for the division to best align with the goals of the agency and provide executive leadership on divisional/agency initiatives, and was responsible for managing the design and construction of a large range of civic buildings for the City of New York.


Foley earned his B.S. in Civil Engineering from Manhattan College. He is a licensed professional engineer and a certified construction manager. He also serves on the national board of the Design Build Institute of America. 


Governor Hochul Signs Legislation to Allow Voting by Absentee Ballot Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Through 2022

Voting booths

Legislation (S.7565-B/A.8432-A) Permits Voting by Absentee Ballot Where There is a Risk of Contracting or Spreading Disease that May Cause Illness to the Voter or Other Members of the Public 

 Governor Kathy Hochul today signed legislation to allow voting by absentee ballot due to the COVID-19 pandemic through 2022. This legislation continues to allow New Yorkers to request an absentee ballot during the pandemic where there is a risk of contracting or spreading disease that may cause illness to the voter or other members of the public. This legislation first became law in July of 2020, and expired December 31, 2021.

"No one should have to choose between exercising their right to vote and protecting their health and safety," Governor Hochul said. "This legislation will ensure the pandemic does not create inaccessibility for voters during upcoming elections and help protect New Yorkers' access to the ballot."

Absentee ballot applications for the February 15th special elections in the 60th and 72nd assembly districts are open through January 31st by mail, until February 14th in-person and can be submitted by mail or in-person until February 15th. More information on absentee voting and how to apply for an absentee ballot is available here.

Senator Alessandra Biaggi said,  "The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the way we work, learn, and live— teaching us to adapt to in ways that we had never imagined before. We cannot allow the ongoing pandemic to undermine our democracy and interfere with New Yorkers' right to vote, and must similarly adapt to prioritize public health while protecting our democracy. This is why I introduced S7565, my bill alongside Assemblymember Dinowitz, to ensure that no New Yorker has to choose between their health and fulfilling their civic responsibility, allowing New Yorkers to continue to vote absentee in 2022. Thank you to Governor Hochul for recognizing the need for this legislation, and for prioritizing the wellbeing of New Yorkers, while committing to protect our democracy."

Assemblymember Jeffrey Dinowitz said, "Nobody should be forced to choose between their health and their vote. Tens of thousands of New Yorkers have availed themselves of the expanded absentee ballot eligibility, and the continuation of this law through the end of 2022 is an important boost to our democracy. As we watch states around the country debate and enact restrictions to voter access, I am proud that New York has taken a stand on the other side of the debate. Thank you to Governor Hochul for quickly signing my bill into law so that as many eligible New Yorkers can cast their ballots this year as possible."

In addition, Governor Hochul proposed in her 2022 State of the State a number of proposal to strengthen voting rights protections in New York State, including a state-level voting rights act to protect against voter suppression, improving language access for voters, lowering the voter registration deadline from 25 days to 10 days before Election Day, and requiring polling locations on college campuses.

Defendant Charged With Attempted Enticement Of 5-Year-Old Boy


 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Michael J. Driscoll, Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced charges against RICHARD VIET NGUYEN for attempted enticement of one minor boy in Manhattan, New York.  NGUYEN was arrested this morning and presented in Manhattan federal court today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Sarah L. Cave.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “The conduct alleged against Richard Nguyen is as chilling and disturbing as one can imagine. The protection of our youth from predators has been and will remain of critical importance to this Office and our law enforcement partners.”

FBI Assistant Director Michael J. Driscoll said: "It's unfathomable to believe anyone would see a five-year-old boy as a sexual being. What's more despicable in this investigation, we allege the subject brought Benadryl to drug the child. The work these agents do is truly difficult, but so tremendously important to protecting children from predators. I want to commend what they do, and the fact that they show up every day despite how difficult their job can be."

As alleged in the Complaint filed today in Manhattan federal court[1]:

On or about October 20, 2021, an individual identified to be NGUYEN initiated a series of conversations on an instant messaging platform with an undercover FBI agent (“UC-1”), posing as the father of an 8-year-old boy and a 5-year-old boy. Thereafter, UC-1 and NGUYEN had numerous communications, include one oral communication, via the instant messaging platform.

In these conversations, NGUYEN expressed his desire to engage in sexual activity with both children – including both oral and anal sex – and discussed potential arrangements for NGUYEN to engage in sexual activity with either child. 

UC-1 and NGUYEN arranged to meet at a coffee shop in Manhattan on the morning of January 20, 2022, with the understanding that they would return to UC-1’s apartment afterward and NGUYEN would then engage in sexual activity with the youngest boy.  On the morning in question, NGUYEN met UC-1 at the agreed-upon location.  After the two of them left the coffee shop and began walking toward UC-1’s purported apartment, law enforcement arrested NGUYEN. NGUYEN was in possession of, among other things, children’s Benadryl and a condom in his pocket.

NGUYEN, 29, of Manhattan, New York, is charged with one count of attempted enticement of a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2422(b) and 2, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force. 

The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint and the description of the Complaint set forth herein constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.