Tuesday, March 3, 2015


  Today, Council Member Jumaane D. Williams Deputy Leader and co-chair of the Council's Task Force to Combat Gun Violence, released the following statement after recent reports show that an increase in shootings and murders have occurred across the five boroughs. 

  "It is troubling to learn that increases in shootings have occurred across the city. We must remember that these are not just statistics, but are New Yorkers being killed by senseless acts of violence. My prayers for peace and comfort are with the friends and family of the victims, including Alexander Manning, a former marine who was shot and killed last week by a group of teenagers when he refused to let them rob him in front of his East Flatbush apartment.

"We must continue to push back against such violence and not accept it as the norm. I was pleased to attend a Committee on Public Safety hearing today, Chaired by Council Member Vanessa Gibson, where we had productive conversations with the Administration, representatives of NYPD and advocates on community policing. During the hearing, NYPD Deputy Commissioner Susan Herman and the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice Director Elizabeth Glazier reported that the department has developed creative strategies to engage community members to deal with crime and violence holistically.

"Included in that discussion was the Council's Task Force to Combat Gun Violence, which launched in 2012 and later created the Crisis Management System to address shootings as a public health issue by using an multi-faceted approach through funding grassroots groups, providing wrap around services and coordinating inter-agency initiatives. The program employs 'violence interrupters,' typically former gang members who have turned their lives around, to quell street disputes -- intervening before escalation to gun violence -- and links potential shooters to case management and supportive services. 

"We all know that we cannot combat shootings with police tactics alone, and owe it to the men and women in blue and the communities they serve to initiate creative strategies like these and others discussed during today's hearing to improve public safety and police-community relations.  I look forward to working further with Chair Gibson, the Administration and NYPD to address these issues and limit shootings across the five boroughs."

Preliminary Survey of Ectoparasites and Associated Pathogens from Norway Rats in New York City

  Every so often a study like this comes around about New York City inhabitants that can't be passed up. 

  In a report in the Oxford Press the Entomological Society of America did a study of the Norway Rat (Rattus Norvegious). They studied whatever fleas, insects, and anything else the rat may be carrying as to how they might effect any human life the rats may come in contact with.

  All told 133 Norway Rats were collected over 10 months in Manhattan (not the Bronx). 72 were male rats and 61 were female that were further broken down into 3 age groups, The youngest were Juveniles, next were sub-adult, and adult rats. The rats were collected from three residential sites (57), one outdoor site (26), and one mixed use indoor site (50). 

  The report goes on to say that in all but one rat there were fleas or other potential disease carrying ectoparsites. To read the entire Entomological Society of America report click on the Manhattan Norway Rat Study, but you had better not have a weak stomach.

Monday, March 2, 2015

21st Annual Bronx Park Speak Up

   Saturday February 28th was the 21st Annual Bronx Parks Speak Up. Who better than NYC Commissioner of the Parks Department Mitchell Silver to have on hand to speak up for our parks. Over 350 people enjoyed an afternoon of discussion and displays from various organizations from around the Bronx. 
    Commissioner Silver spoke of the inequality that has gone on in New York City when it came to the parks of New York City. He went on to say that 215 parks citywide need over 1 billion dollars  to be fixed due to lack of funding and maintenance. He hopes to change that, but for now the 134 neediest parks will get fixed. Mayor deBlasio has set aside 131 million dollars that will go into 35 parks of which 20 million will go into 9 parks in the Bronx.
 Councilman Andrew Cohen was on hand to speak about his participation in the city councils 'Participatory Budgeting Process'. Councilman Cohen has set aside monies from his budget for projects in his district that will come from people or groups in the district and be voted on by the people of the district.
   As you will see below groups from 'Restore the Highbridge', 'Friends of Van Cortlandt Park', 'Bronx Council for Environmental Quality (BCEQ), 'Friends of Ferry Point Park', 'Bronx Transportation Alternatives', 'Bronx River Alliance', and many others were on hand. This year was even larger both in turnout and in exhibits of what is going on in the Bronx related to the parks. Everyone could agree with Commissioner Silver that our parks need to be fixed and maintained. 

Above - The Friends of Van Cortlandt Park.
Below - Left - BCEQ, Right - Earthsavers.

Above - The Pugsley Creek Park Community shows where the Bronx - Manhattan ferry will go.
Below - Left - New Yorkers for Parks. Right - The Bronx Children's Museum

The Department of Sanitation was in the house to inform of upcoming new regulations in certain areas of the Bronx about composting.

Van Cortlandt Park Summer Teen Trails Crew Internship Application 2015

Van Cortlandt Park Summer Teen Trail Crew 

Internship Application 2015 

Park Overview Van Cortlandt Park is the third largest park in New York City at 1,146 acres 

located in the Northwest Bronx. With over 20 miles of hiking trails, the Summer Teen Trail 

Crew has the opportunity to conserve this invaluable green space in New York City 

alongside the Friends of Van Cortlandt Park. 

Position Description Summer Trail Crew Interns contribute to the maintenance of the 

trails of Van Cortlandt Park through supervisor led activities. All interns are required to do 

physical trail work outdoors in various conditions throughout the summer. Projects are 

primarily related to trail maintenance, habitat restoration, and invasive species removal. 

Training in trail work and plant identification will be provided for all interns. Job readiness 

training will also be provided during the internship. Schedule for all interns is Monday 

through Thursday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Open to applicants 14-18 years old. 


 Repair and maintain existing trails within park limits

 Assist in natural areas restoration through non-native invasive plant removal

 Perform monitoring studies in the Park natural areas to examine health

 Learn local ecology such as identification of trees and plants

 Become familiar with environmental issues, both in NYC and globally

 Explore new career opportunities


 Hours are Monday through Thursday from 9:00am-4:00pm

 Program runs from July 6th- August 20th

 Interns will be paid on a biweekly basis

Please fill out and return this pdf application to John Butler at john@vancortlandt.org by

Friday May 22nd at 6:00PM EST. Any applications received after this time cannot be

considered for this position. Applications may also be printed out and mailed (Postage must

be dated by May 21st, 2015) to

 Friends of Van Cortlandt Park

 ATTN: John Butler

 80 Van Cortlandt Park South

 Suite E1

 Bronx, NY 10463

Any questions may be relayed to john@vancortlandt.org. Applicants will be notified about

interviews by the end of the first week of June.

Van Cortlandt Park Summer Teen Trails Crew

Internship Application 2015

I. Applicant Contact Information

Name:_____________ ________________

 (Last) (First)

Address: _____________________________________________________________

 (Street Address) (City) (State) (Zipcode)

Telephone:___________________ ________________________

 (Cell) (Home)


Date of Birth:____/____/____ Age:______ Gender:_________

 (Mon.) (Day) (Year)

II. Education

Name of School:______________________ Borough:_________ Grade:_______

III. Parent or Guardian Contact Information


Telephone:_________________ ___________________

 (Home) (Work)


IV. Work Experience (Please list previous employment, internships and volunteer


1.__________________________ ________________ ____/____ to ____/____

 (Organization/Employer) (Position Held) (Mon.)/(Year) (Mon.)/(Year)

2.__________________________ ________________ ____/____ to ____/____

 (Organization/Employer) (Position Held) (Mon.)/(Year) (Mon.)/(Year)

3.__________________________ ________________ ____/____ to ____/____

 (Organization/Employer) (Position Held) (Mon.)/(Year) (Mon.)/(Year)

V. Extracurricular Activities (Please describe any extracurricular activities you

 are involved in or have taken part in both inside school and out)

VI. Please answer the following questions in paragraph form (minimum two paragraphs).

Describe why you would like to be a part of the Teen Trail Crew in Van

Cortlandt Park. What skills and experiences do you want to gain being a

part of this program? What aspects of your character can you bring that

would benefit the crew as a whole?

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Tomorrow, the New York City Council's Committee on Housing and Buildings, Chaired by Council Member Jumaane D. Williams (D-Brooklyn), Deputy Leader, will hold a hearing to consider a number of bills and resolutions to address an urgent matter that affects all residents in the City of New York - the renewal and strengthening of New York's rent laws. The Committee expects to receive testimony from representatives of the Department of Housing reservation and Development (HPD), housing advocates, building owners, legal service providers, and other interested members of the public.

Under State law, the rent regulation system will expire in June 2015, unless the City conducts a housing vacancy survey and finds that there is still a housing shortage, defined as a less than 5% vacancy rate. In addition to conducting the survey, the Council must pass a resolution, finding that, because there is still a housing shortage, there continues to be a need for rent regulation.

HPD recently published the results of the 2014 Housing and Vacancy Survey (HVS). The current HVS indicates a citywide rental vacancy rate of 3.45%. According to the HVS, there were approximately 75,000 vacant available rental units in New York City as of the survey period, an increase of approximately 7,000 units since 2011. The Survey also found that the median contract rent, including utility payments, increased by 4.3 percent from $1,100 in 2011 to $1,325 in 2014.

 The hearing will focus on several pieces of legislation, including Res No. 597 sponsored by Council Member Williams, Corey Johnson and Helen Rosenthal, a Resolution determining that a public emergency requiring rent control in the City of New York continues to exist and will continue to exist on and after April 1, 2015; Int. No. 685 sponsored by Council Member Johnson, Williams and Rosenthal, a Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to extending the rent stabilization laws; Proposed Res. No. 86-A sponsored by Council Members Williams, Arroyo, Johnson, Mendez, and Rosenthal, a Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature to create a review process for Individual Apartment Improvement rent increases and make such increases a temporary surcharge rather than a permanent rent increase; Proposed Res. No. 596-A sponsored by Council Member Williams, a Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature to approve, A.1865, in relation to repealing vacancy decontrol; and other Preconsidered Resolutions.

WHOCouncil Member Jumaane D. Williams; members of the Council's Housing and Buildings Committee; those testifying, including members of the Administration,  elected officials,  members of the real estate industry, and other interested members of the public.

WHAT: Council Hearing on the Renewal & Strengthening of New York City's Rent Regulation Laws

WHEREChambers of City Hall

WHEN: Monday, March 2, 2015, 10:00 AM

Senator Ruben Diaz Calls Upon Senate Democrats to Boycott the Budget

What You Should Know
By Senator Ruben Diaz Sr.

"After hearing that Governor Andrew Cuomo has invited Senator Jeff Klein, (the Leader of 5 Independent Senate Democrats) to become #4 in the 3-Men-In-The-Room for New York State Budget negotiations - and that Governor Andrew Cuomo has ignored Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, the Leader of the 25 Member Senate Democratic Conference  - I am calling on my Democratic colleagues in the Senate to boycott the Budget vote. 

It is a shame and an insult to every Democrat in the state, especially to each of us 25 Democratic Senators.  It is an insult to Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, who is the first woman to hold the position of a Senate Conference Leader. It is an insult to the mostly Black and Hispanic constituents she and I - and many of my fellow Democratic Senators represent. 

I have no opposition to Senator Jeff Klein being a part of the Budget negotiations to represent the interests of his 5 Independent Democratic Members. However, to ignore Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, the Leader of the Senate Democratic Conference and by that the 25 Democratic Senators, is to leave us without a voice. This effects millions of people. 

It is appalling! I ask that once and for all, for my fellow Senate Democrats to stand on their own feet, to stop this abuse and farce, and to boycott the Budget vote. Don't vote for the Budget. They already have the votes to pass the budget without us, and we should stop being part of the farce. 

This insult to Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins affects us all.  Racism and sexism have no place in our government, and I implore my colleagues to have no part in this vote. 

This is Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz, and this is what you should know."

Assembly Dems pass DREAM Act - All or Nothing

  The Assembly pass the New York State Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act (A.4311), which he co-sponsored. The legislation would allow children of immigrants to apply for state scholarships and the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) to help with the cost of higher education, as well as establish a private scholarship fund (the DREAM Fund). 

New York State has been at the forefront of giving students a fair shot at attending college. Since 2002, all students who graduate from a high school in New York State – including undocumented immigrants – are eligible for in-state tuition at SUNY and CUNY colleges and universities. The DREAM Act would further assist these youth by increasing access to state educational assistance programs, including the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP); Educational Opportunity Program (EOP); Collegiate Science and Technology Program
(C-STEP); and opportunity programs available at community colleges.

To be eligible for state tuition assistance and educational opportunity programs, undocumented immigrant students must satisfy certain requirements, including attending high school in New York State for at least two years and having graduated or received a high school equivalency diploma in-state.

The DREAM Act also creates the DREAM Fund, an initiative to raise private funds for scholarships that would assist college-bound students with at least one immigrant parent. The legislation would also expand access to the New York State College Tuition Savings (529) Program, making family tuition accounts available to anyone who provides a valid taxpayer identification number. This would help many families save for their children’s education over time.

Passage of the DREAM Act into law would make New York one of six states – including California, Minnesota, New Mexico, Texas and Washington – to offer state financial aid to undocumented students and children of undocumented immigrants. At least 18 states allow immigrant students to pay in-state tuition at state universities and college. 

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz said, “Every student should have access to an affordable higher education, regardless of his or her immigration status. The DREAM Act allows hardworking immigrant students to apply for the same funding for higher education that all other students in New York currently have access to.”

“Students who have worked hard to meet admission standards should not be at a disadvantage because of where they came from,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz. “Diversity is a big part of what makes New York so great – nearly all of us are the children or descendants of immigrants. This legislation would help deserving students invest in their own education and pursue their version of the American Dream.”

 All or Nothing 
By Senator Ruben Diaz Sr.

"After hearing that Governor Andrew Cuomo has invited Senator Jeff Klein, (the Leader of 5 Independent Senate Democrats) to become #4 in the 3-Men-In-The-Room for New York State Budget negotiations - and that Governor Andrew Cuomo has ignored Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, the Leader of the 25 Member Senate Democratic Conference  - I am calling on my Democratic colleagues in the Senate to boycott the Budget vote. 

It is a shame and an insult to every Democrat in the state, especially to each of us 25 Democratic Senators.  It is an insult to Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, who is the first woman to hold the position of a Senate Conference Leader. It is an insult to the mostly Black and Hispanic constituents she and I - and many of my fellow Democratic Senators represent. 

I have no opposition to Senator Jeff Klein being a part of the Budget negotiations to represent the interests of his 5 Independent Democratic Members. However, to ignore Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, the Leader of the Senate Democratic Conference and by that the 25 Democratic Senators, is to leave us without a voice. This effects millions of people. 

It is appalling! I ask that once and for all, for my fellow Senate Democrats to stand on their own feet, to stop this abuse and farce, and to boycott the Budget vote. Don't vote for the Budget. They already have the votes to pass the budget without us, and we should stop being part of the farce. 

This insult to Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins affects us all.  Racism and sexism have no place in our government, and I implore my colleagues to have no part in this vote. 

 This is Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az, and this is what you should know.

Irish Heritage Month Celebration

Bronx Borough President
Ruben Diaz Jr.
Invites you to His Annual
Irish Heritage Month Celebration

  Master of Ceremonies
       Pat O'Keefe
News 12-Sports Director
The Rambling House
4292 Katonah Ave
Bronx, New York
     Thursday, March 12, 2015 
               12 noon until 3pm            

2015 Honorees
Patricia Lynch
Government/Media Strategist
 Joe McDermott
Executive Director for the CWEProclamation
Aedin Moloney
 Producing Artistic Director  
The Fallen Angel Theatre Company, Inc.

Seating is limited please RSVP to 718.590.3989 or smalave@bronxbp.nyc.gov