Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Box Truck Crashes Into Henry Hudson Parkway Overpass

  A Box Truck had to be pulled out from under the Riverdale Avenue overpass of the Henry Hudson Parkway Southbound direction. This tied up traffic for hours as only one lane was open at times until the truck which was to high to go below the parkway underpass. That is the reason signs are posted at all overpasses on the HHP, and the reason trucks are not allowed on the HHP. You can see in the photo above the damage to the top of the truck. In the foreground on the parkway south NYC DOT workers are cleaning up the debris on the parkway, and checking the overpass for any damage.

  Below is a close up view of the extent of the damage to the box truck as the topp of the truck has been sheared off.


  Every Student Succeeds Act will provide federal funding for student sexual abuse awareness and prevention - removing any barrier to passing Erin Merryn's law

State Senators Jeff Klein, and David Valesky, as well as members of the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC), joined Erin Merryn in applauding the Every Student Succeeds Act, signed into law by President Obama earlier this month, which includes federal funding for sexual abuse awareness and prevention programs for students, parents and guardians.

The federal legislation would provide funding to the State for the implementation of Erin Merryn’s Law (S.1947-A), legislation first introduced by members of the IDC in 2012, which would help protect children from sexual abuse by providing for age-appropriate awareness and education programs for students from kindergarten through grade eight. Despite the bill having passed the Senate every year since its introduction, it has yet to pass the Assembly.

Implementing an age-appropriate program for young students would give critically important information to victims – many of whom do not know there is a way out of their horrific situation.
“No child should ever have to suffer these kinds of horrible abuses in silence. Now, with the signing of the Every Student Succeeds Act, and federal funding for this program, we will be able to light the way for all of New York’s children. With Erin Merryn’s Law, we will ensure that our children are equipped with the information that they need to help another child, or to seek the help they need. I urge my colleagues in the legislature to join the IDC, Erin Merryn, and numerous advocates in fighting to give a voice to every child who may be suffering - with this federal funding, we can make Erin Merryn’s Law a reality in New York,” said Senator Klein.

“State law in New York already requires that we educate our children on abduction - it is high time that we updated it to ensure that we are also educating our children on sexual abuse awareness and prevention. With the Every Student Succeeds Act potentially providing federal funding for this program, New York now has the opportunity to join the 26 other states that have prioritized protecting their children from sexual abuse. I am proud to join Senator Klein, the IDC, and Erin Merryn in calling for the legislature to pass this much-needed legislation,” said Senator Valesky.

As a child, Merryn was abused by both a neighbor and a family member. She stayed silent due to a combination of threats from her abusers, and the lack of knowledge about available help. Now, it is her mission to give a voice to every child who may be suffering.

In 2012, the IDC released a report on the need for Erin Merryn’s law, as well as the economic impact that sexual abuse has on the state. “Erin Merryn’s Law: Breaking the Silence” estimated that in New York, the immediate financial effects caused by child sexual abuse is estimated to cost the State over $211 million, with 10 times as much cost in long term impact. This provision of federal funding can not only cover the expense of program implementation, but also mitigate the immediate and long term financial losses that abuse costs the State.

“With President Obama signing a federal version of Erin's Law that provides funding across the country for the law, there should be no reason New York should not pass it. A law that is now funded to protect kids from abuse - who would be against that? I hope this speeds up the delay in getting Erin's Law passed in New York and adding it to the already 26 states that have passed it,” said Erin Merryn, advocate for Erin Merryn’s law.

The importance of sexual abuse education and awareness for children who may be at risk can not be overstated. Providing the tools needed in order to prevent and avoid abuse is one of the most critical things we can do for our young students. The legislature must work to pass this legislation this year - with federal funding to be made available from the Every Student Succeeds Act, let's make New York the latest state to ensure that our children are educated on sexual abuse awareness and prevention,” said Senator Diane Savino.

I applaud President Obama for signing the Every Student Succeeds Act into law, which will strengthen federal funding to educate our nation's students on sexual abuse awareness and prevention. Our children are our future, and we must protect them for those who want to do them harm. Together with my colleagues in the Senate, we passed Erin Merryn's Law that would provide mandatory instruction on preventing child sexual abuse in grades kindergarten through eight. I urge the Assembly to pass this vital piece of legislation this session,” said Senator David Carlucci.

“Every Student Succeeds is proof that, when both parties work together and put policy above partisanship, real people stand to benefit. This new federal legislation has given us the ability to fund programs that will make every child in New York fully aware of sexual abuse and of how to prevent it. Victims need to know that they are not alone, that they have options, and that they can be protected when they feel most vulnerable. I urge my colleagues in the Assembly to pass Erin Merryn’s law before any more children are needlessly abused or left alone with their trauma,” said Senator Tony Avella.

The bill is currently carried  in the legislature by Senator Jeff Klein and Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz.

SepĂșlveda, Diaz, James, and Palma Secure One-Month Delay of "Draconian" Hike in Common Charges by Parkchester South but Vow "All Options Still Open"

  Assemblyman Luis SepĂșlveda said Monday that the decision by Parkchester South management to defer the threatened across-the-board 15.19 percent increase in common charges assessed all owner-residents was “a positive but insufficient development.”

“Obviously,” SepĂșlveda continued, “the board of directors heard — loudly and clearly — the demand by the community and its representatives for explanations and our determination to do whatever it takes to prevent exorbitant and unsubstantiated increases.”

The deferral was announced in a December 17 “Dear Unit Owner” letter from Board President Abu Shakoor which stated that management “recommended deferring the planned increase to Common Charges for 30 days.” The letter went on to assert that the board of directors was “preparing information for you to address and explain the need for the increase,” followed immediately, nonetheless, with a declaration that the increases will begin in February.
SepĂșlveda cautioned, however, that “all options” remain open — referring to the possibility of seeking an injunction or demanding that management agree to the hiring of an independent auditor to impartially review the numbers behind the increase.
It was just one week ago that more than 700 owner-residents turned out at a town hall meeting held by SepĂșlveda, State Senator Rev Ruben Diaz, and Council Member Annabel Palma at St. Paul’s Lutheran Evangelical Church to address the common charges increase.
Assemblyman SepĂșlveda reiterated his criticism of the way management was handling the issue and sharply rebuked them for insensitivity to the community. “The fact that repairs may be necessary throughout Parkchester South,” said SepĂșlveda, “does not justify management’s imposing draconian increases that will be devastating to the elderly, single families, the disabled, and others who are already struggling to keep up.”
SepĂșlveda also had lambasted Parkchester South management — Board President Shakoor in particular — for having pledged to attend last week’s town hall meeting but then reneging, with no explanation.
“They were no shows,” SepĂșlveda stated. “Apparently they decided that other business was more important than the 15.19 percent increase that they have been attempting to shove down people’s throats.”
"I am deeply concerned about the proposed 15% hike in common charges for residents of Parkchester South Condominiums and the significant impact that it will have on the hard-working families in this community," said Public Advocate Letitia James. "That's why I am committed to working with Assembly Member SepĂșlveda, State Senator Diaz, and Council Member Palma on behalf of residents to urge the Management Board of Parkchester South to consider a more reasonable agreement." 
“It has been one month since I formerly requested copies of past and proposed budgets from Parkchester South, and I have not received them. In the spirit of transparency, I reiterate my request so we can review the decision-making process of Parkchester’s Management with Parkchester residents, and any members of Management who decide to attend our January Town Hall Meeting. During our December 14th Town Hall Meeting, I requested that New York City Public Advocate Letitia James write a letter to New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman calling for an investigation of Parkchester South Condominium, Inc., and I have yet to receive a copy of that letter,” said Senator Diaz.
“Parkchester South Condominium’s decision to delay the implementation of the proposed maintenance fee increase until February is a tentative step in the right direction. I’m hopeful that the board will use this time to reassess its financial needs, while understanding — and taking into account — the impact this has on its tenants. My colleagues and I will continue to have conversations with management, and the board, until we can facilitate a solution amenable to all parties involved,” stated Council Member Palma.
Assemblyman Sepulveda, Senator Diaz, and Council Member Palma, who represent the Parkchester South Condominium, are planning a town hall meeting for early January to further discuss these rate increases with Parkchester residents.

Happy Everything from KRVC!

 All of us at KRVC wish every member of the community we serve a happy holiday season.  Enjoy friends and family and have fun!

Save the Dates!
Looking ahead to 2016, please save the dates of our events:

Thursday, March 31 - Community Jazz Concert, 7-9:30pm at Kelly Ryan's, 5790 Mosholu Avenue, Bronx, NY 10471

SundayApril 17 - Greenway Day, 1-3pm at Riverdale Station Park, West 254th Street and the Hudson River, Bronx, NY 10471

SundayMay 1 - South Riverdale Avenue Festival, 1-5pm, Riverdale Avenue, 236th-238th Street, Bronx, NY 10463  

SaturdayJune 4 - Boat Rides, Schedule TBA & Movie on the River, 8pmat the College of Mount Saint Vincent

Sunday, June 5 - Riverdale RiverFest, 12-6pm at the College of Mount Saint Vincent

Saturday, July 23 - Movie in Seton Park, 7-10 pm, 232nd Street and Riverdale Avenue, Bronx, NY 10463

SaturdaySeptember 10 - Movie in Vinmont Park, 7-10pm, 255th Street and Mosholu Avenue, Bronx, NY 10471

SundaySeptember 18 - Johnson Avenue Festival, 1-5pm, Johnson Avenue, 235th-236th Street, Bronx, NY 10463  

Please note that we plan to add more events to this calendar in the Kingsbridge, Van Cortlandt Village and Marble Hill communities as part of our new Broadway in the Bronx Initiative.  We also hope to work again in Woodlawn in 2016

Another NYCNeglect

By Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
District 32 Bronx County, New York 

You should know that while New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio talks about helping the Syrian immigrants who are innocent victims of a humanitarian crisis, and bringing them here to live because we are humanitarians, the New York City Housing Authority continues to subject our own senior citizens to barbaric living conditions. 

Ms. Carmen Rivera is an 82-year old grandmother who resides in disgusting and deplorable conditions in the New York City Housing Authority’s Betances Houses located at 460 East 147th Street in Bronx County. She is completely traumatized and cannot even sleep at night because of the years of neglect by the New York City Housing Authority. 

According to her family, Ms. Rivera has filed more than 100 complaints (tickets) with the New York City Housing Authority, whose receipts were confirmed. Her list of complaints includes: rats the size of cats on her furniture, leaks, toilet and bathtub backups, floods, holes in the walls, mold, etc.  See and 

The toilet in her apartment overflows from time to time, and her bathtub has backed up numerous times with dirty, filthy water that includes human feces and who knows what else is in that water. 

Ms. Rivera tries to keep her apartment neat and clean.  Then, when she least expects it, her toilet or tub overflow and once again, she has to go through the entire cleaning process to try to make her home livable, until the nightmare returns. 

Ms. Rivera’s grandson, William Garay has provided me with two videos to document the trauma that his grandmother is going through. One of the videos was recorded on December 10, 2015, and the other video was filmed earlier that week. 

After all of this serious trauma Ms. Rivera has experienced, and after filing more than 100 complaints. Ms. Rivera’s desperate calls for help continue. She is suffering from serious psychological trauma to the point that she cannot sleep at night nor find peace in her home during the day. 

Ms. Rivera has been asking to be transferred because she cannot get these visions out of her mind.  She gets up many times at night with real concerns such as those shown in the videos: if there are rats on her furniture, if her bathtub or toilet are overflowing, and how she can clean it all and sanitize her apartment. 

No matter how hard she tries to put her home back to normal, and no matter how many supposed repairs are made to her apartment, throughout the years, when she least expects it, the filthy flooding comes back, as do the rats. 

You should know that even though we live in one of the wealthiest cities in the world, we have senior citizens like Ms. Rivera living in unspeakable conditions in New York City’s Housing Authority apartments. 

Ms. Rivera, and any 82 year-old person most certainly deserves to live with some minimal dignity, and to go to bed without fear of her toilet and tub overflowing, or that rats are going to come out of the walls. 

The very least the City of New York can is to transfer Ms. Rivera to appropriate, sanitary and safe housing, someplace she can call home.  It is time to take all of this mental anguish away from Ms. Rivera. 

I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

Holiday Message From The Bronx Chamber of Commerce

Dear Friends and Friends:
The Holiday Season is a special time of year to recognize and remember those that have made a significant impact on our business success. Your support and membership in the Bronx Chamber of Commerce is greatly appreciated.
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce will be expanding its programs, services and networking events in 2016 including publishing an Annual Membership & Business Referral Directory to enhance benefits for current members and attract new members.
Members of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce will request companies that they do business with to join the Bronx Chamber of Commerce. We are witnessing a renaissance in our great borough that is unprecedented. Together, we can grow the Chamber, enhance its influence and further improve the image of The Bronx.
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce sponsors a wide range of programs and services to businesses ranging from large corporations, Cultural Institutions, Universities and Colleges, Hospitals and Medical Centers, and mid-sized to small companies. Patronize local Bronx businesses and strengthen our community! Companies do not need an office in the Bronx to be active members of the association. To join or for more information: call (718) 828-3900.
I look forward to working with you for mutual benefit in 2016 and beyond!
Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year!
Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"The Network for Business Success"
1200 Waters Place, Suite 106
Bronx, NY 10461
For More Information Please Email:

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Upcoming Cultural Events at JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center

1. JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center will host a musical program by Yanni, an outstanding pianist, on Tues. Dec. 29th after lunch.  Kosher BBQ chicken breast, brown rice pilaf, kale w/garlic sauce and dessert will be served at 12:15 PM.  Yanni will perform international, jazz and pop music at 1:00 PM. Recommended senior voluntary contribution for lunch is $2.25 and $1.00 for the event. Non-seniors are welcome to attend for a meal fee of $5.00 and event fee of $2.00. Please call the senior center office:at 718-549-4700 for meal reservations by Thurs. Dec. 24th.

2. JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center will host a dinner and New Year's celebration on Wed. Dec. 30th. A kosher festive meal of vegetable soup, choice of beef brisket or sole fillet, spinach noodle pudding,carrots and dessert will be served at 4:30 PM. Sigal Chen, soprano, accompanied by Jonathan Dzik will perform classical, Broadway and popular music at 5:30 PM. Recommended senior voluntary contribution for dinner is $3.50 and $2.00 for the event. Non-seniors are welcome to attend for a meal fee of $5.00 and event fee of $3.00. Please call the senior center office 718-549-4700 for meal reservations by Mon. Dec. 28th.

For more information about JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center's classes, activities and meals, 
JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center
3880 Sedgwick Ave., First Floor 
Bronx, NY 10463
Phone: 718-549-4700

Assemblyman Dinowitz Demands Falsely-Issued Parking Tickets Be Dismissed

 a photo of a ticketed vehicle with the new signage taken on 12/21/15.

   After receiving complaints from several constituents, all of whom received parking tickets after parking in spaces with newly installed parking signs, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz is calling for the tickets to be dismissed.

Recently, angled parking lines were painted on the southbound side of Fieldston Road on the overpass of the Henry Hudson Parkway, with no corresponding signage regarding the direction a motorist must pull in to a vacant space. Since then two parking signs have been installed requiring motorists to back in, resulting in many parking tickets being issued. Drivers have been pulling into parking spaces front end first and presumably over the weekend two new ‘Back-In 60° Parking Only’ signs were installed, resulting in almost every car parked there receiving a ticket. Moreover, because this parking area is not beholden to the city’s alternate side street parking regulations, many residents leave their vehicles for extended periods of time, meaning their vehicles may be subject to several days’ worth of fines before they go back to move them.

“The problem is that the Department Of Transportation failed to notify residents of the pending signage. My office has received several calls from residents who were ticketed, saying that the signs were installed after they had parked in the spots over the weekend,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz.  After visiting the location I found that there were indeed several cars parked front side first, all of which had parking tickets. While I am always supportive of creating more parking and making our streets safer, it is unacceptable that the DOT did not notify the community appropriately, nor was the Traffic Enforcement Officer on duty aware. I am demanding that these tickets be dismissed, and that in the future DOT takes the appropriate steps to notify the community of changing traffic and parking rules. Moreover, this is yet another example of the predatory traffic enforcement practices; there is no excuse for Traffic Enforcement Officers not being aware of recent and un-promulgated changes in local parking rules. I sincerely hope these tickets are dismissed and that these agencies are able to work better together in the future for the community.”After receiving complaints from several constituents, all of whom received parking tickets after parking in spaces with newly installed parking signs, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz is calling for the tickets to be dismissed.

Recently, angled parking lines were painted on the southbound side of Fieldston Road on the overpass of the Henry Hudson Parkway, with no corresponding signage regarding the direction a motorist must pull in to a vacant space. Since then two parking signs have been installed requiring motorists to back in, resulting in many parking tickets being issued. Drivers have been pulling into parking spaces front end first and presumably over the weekend two new ‘Back-In 60° Parking Only’ signs were installed, resulting in almost every car parked there receiving a ticket. Moreover, because this parking area is not beholden to the city’s alternate side street parking regulations, many residents leave their vehicles for extended periods of time, meaning their vehicles may be subject to several days’ worth of fines before they go back to move them.

“The problem is that the Department Of Transportation failed to notify residents of the pending signage. My office has received several calls from residents who were ticketed, saying that the signs were installed after they had parked in the spots over the weekend,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz.  After visiting the location I found that there were indeed several cars parked front side first, all of which had parking tickets. While I am always supportive of creating more parking and making our streets safer, it is unacceptable that the DOT did not notify the community appropriately, nor was the Traffic Enforcement Officer on duty aware. I am demanding that these tickets be dismissed, and that in the future DOT takes the appropriate steps to notify the community of changing traffic and parking rules. Moreover, this is yet another example of the predatory traffic enforcement practices; there is no excuse for Traffic Enforcement Officers not being aware of recent and un-promulgated changes in local parking rules. I sincerely hope these tickets are dismissed and that these agencies are able to work better together in the future for the community.”