Sunday, April 15, 2018

Romanian Man Admits Illegal Re-entry into United States

  Ioan Rostas, a/k/a Ioan Angel, age 29, and a citizen of Romania, pled guilty today to illegal re-entry into the United States.

The announcement was made by United States Attorney Grant C. Jaquith and Chief Patrol Agent John C. Pfeifer, United States Border Patrol, Swanton Sector.
Rostas was removed from the United States to Romania on September 28, 2017.  On March 17, 2018, he was arrested by Border Patrol Agents in Chateaugay, New York.  Rostas had entered the United States from Canada without inspection shortly before he was found by Border Patrol. Rostas admitted that he returned to the United States without permission following the 2017 removal.   
As a result of his conviction, Rostas faces up to 2 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 when he is sentenced by United States District Judge Mae A. D ’Agostino on August 13, 2018.  A defendant’s sentence is imposed by a judge based on the particular statute the defendant is charged with violating, the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, and other factors.    
This case was investigated by U.S. Border Patrol. 

2 South L.A. Men Indicted on Federal Charges of Robbing Undercover Secret Service Agent during Counterfeit Money Investigation

  A federal grand jury this afternoon returned an indictment that charges two men in a scheme to rob an undercover agent with the United States Secret Service at gunpoint under the pretense of selling the law enforcement officer counterfeit money.

Richard Taron Henderson, aka “Profit,” 22, and Tyre Jordan Simmons, aka “Reckless,” also 22, were named today in a six-count indictment that alleges one transaction involving counterfeit United States currency and an armed robbery of the undercover agent.
Both men are charged with conspiracy, robbery, assaulting a federal officer with a deadly weapon, and using a firearm during a crime of violence. Henderson is further charged with dealing counterfeit money, and Simmons is accused of being a felon in possession of a firearm.
The indictment alleges an October 18, 2017 incident in which Henderson allegedly sold 250 counterfeit $20 Federal Reserve Notes as part of a Secret Service investigation into the trafficking of counterfeit money.
As the investigation continued, Henderson allegedly negotiated a deal to sell $40,000 in counterfeit money. However, according to the indictment, the deal was a pretense to rob the undercover agent who was attempting to purchase the counterfeit money.
On March 26, Henderson arranged the meeting in South Los Angeles and prepared for it by stuffing clothes into a duffel bag to make it appear that the bag was filled with counterfeit money, according to the indictment. Henderson dispatched Simmons to meet with the undercover agent. During the meeting, Simmons allegedly produced a Taurus 9mm handgun, pointed it in the face of the undercover agent and robbed him of $4,500 in genuine United States currency and the keys to the undercover USSS vehicle. In committing the robbery, Henderson and Simmons put the life of the undercover agent in jeopardy by using a dangerous weapon.
Simmons, who was convicted of robbery in the Los Angeles County Superior Court in 2016, allegedly was a felon in possession of a firearm during the robbery.
An indictment contains allegations that a defendant has committed a crime. Every defendant is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in court.
Simmons is scheduled to be arraigned on the indictment on April 19, and Henderson’s arraignment is set for the following day. Henderson and Simmons were previously arrested in this case pursuant to a criminal complaint, and Simmons remains in custody without bond.
If they were to be convicted, Henderson would face a statutory maximum sentence of 20 years for the counterfeit money charge. Both defendants would face up to 50 years for the charges related to the alleged robbery, plus a mandatory seven-year sentence related to the use of the firearm. And, Simmons would face up to 10 years in prison for being a felon in possession of a firearm.
This investigation is being conducted by the United States Secret Service.

Two Individuals Charged For Robbery And Carjacking

  SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – On April 11, 2018, a federal grand jury returned a four-count indictment charging Eddie Ruiz-VĂ©lez, a state correctional officer, and Yissette Burgos-Santiago, for interference with commerce by robbery, and using and carrying a firearm during a crime of violence. Ruiz-VĂ©lez is also facing one count for carjacking, announced Rosa Emilia RodrĂ­guez-VĂ©lez, United States Attorney for the District of Puerto Rico. The FBI is in charge of the investigation of the case and arrested both defendants without incident.

On January 21, 2018, Ruiz-VĂ©lez and Burgos-Santiago, aided and abetted by others, planned and robbed a Chinese restaurant in the municipality of Yauco, PR. Burgos-Santiago was an employee of the Chinese restaurant. The defendants unlawfully took approximately $1,200  U.S. currency, from and in the presence of persons, against their will by means of actual and threatened force, violence, and fear of injury, immediate and future, to their person.
On that same date, Ruiz-VĂ©lez, aiding and abetting others, with the intent to cause death or serious bodily harm took a 2010 Hyundai Elantra that had been transported, shipped, and received in interstate or foreign commerce, from and in the presence of a male victim by force, violence, and intimidation while carrying and  brandishing a firearm.
If convicted, the defendants face from seven years to a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. The charges and allegations in the indictment are merely accusations; all defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

New York Hispanic Clergy Organization Annual Banquet 2018

    Today was the Annual New York Hispanic Clergy Organization 2018 Annual Banquet. The five Honorees were Revsa Meily De Olmo, Rev. Oscar Giron,Licda. Maria Lusia Tifa De Wally, Rev. Dr. Fermin Medina Colon, and Rev. Roberto Lopez. The elected officials that were in attendance included Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr. (who also was the Master of Ceremonies), New York State Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul and State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. New York City Council members Fernando Cabrera and Rafael Salamanca, and New York State Assembly members Marcos Crespo, Victor Pichardo, and Luis Sepulveda.

   The Banquet was opened by Councilman Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. who had control of the event until it ended almost two hours afterwards. It was nice to see both New York Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul and State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli heap praise on the Hispanic Clergy and now Councilman Rev. Diaz Sr. At times Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. seemed to be giving a campaign for Mayor speech, by saying the many things that could be considered problem areas for the current Mayor. However if it was a warm up campaign speech the BP needs to put more meat into it. It is now less than two weeks away from the special election to fill the vacant seat of former State Senator Rev. Diaz Sr., and Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda was right on target with his speech to the clergy. Bronx Democratic County Leader Marcos Crespo gave what I thought was the most heated speech, as Crespo's speech reminded me of those I had seen on television of former Cuba Dictator Fidel Castro. Crespo paced back and forth, turning at times, and I was waiting for him to take off his shoe and bang it on the podium. After he spoke Crespo had to wipe the constant sweat pouring down his forehead. The photos below will tell the rest of the story.

Above - Ms. Evelyn Pichardo Sings the National Anthem.
Below - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. speaks about some of the problems in New York City today.

Above - Lieutenant governor Kathy Hochul walks into the Banquet room.
Below - Councilman Diaz Sr. introduces the Lieutenant Governor.

Above - Councilman Fernando Cabrera.
Below - Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda.

Above - Assemblyman Marcos Crespo.
Below - Honoree Revsa Meily De Olmo

Above - Honoree Rev. Roberto Lopez.
Below - Honoree Rev. Dr. Fermin Medina Colon

NEWS FROM - Cynthia for New York

In Crushing Blow to Cuomo, Working Families Party Endorses Cynthia Nixon for Governor

In a show of rapidly growing support from progressive activists, WFP votes 91.5% in favor of new leadership for New York’s working families

  In a show of massive grassroots power, the Working Families Party voted today to formally back Cynthia Nixon as their candidate for governor of New York. An overwhelming 91.5% of state committee members gathered in Albany voted to endorse Cynthia, a major blow to Governor Cuomo and a rejection of his divisive politics that threaten progressive policies and community groups.

“I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Working Families Party and inspired by the enthusiasm of progressive working-class members of the party,” said Cynthia Nixon. “WFP activists and voters are the heart and soul of our movement to make New York a place that belongs to all of us-- a place with great schools for every child, good jobs, health care for all, and an end to mass incarceration. I've been a supporter of the WFP for years. It’s the party that I’ve always looked to as the political home for progressives in New York State, and a source of grassroots muscle for the movement.”

With chapters and thousands of active grassroots supporters in all corners of the state, sealing the endorsement of the Working Families Party will help bring a broad base of support to Cynthia's campaign. After an extended campaign to pressure the party and state committee members to endorse him, on the eve of losing the vote to endorse, Andrew Cuomo withdrew his name from contention, pretending that he never cared about winning the WFP’s support in the first place.  Cuomo's own words and actions have shown that this is an endorsement he badly wanted to win. He is willing to do absolutely anything to win – except act like a real Democrat.

Following the committee meeting, hundreds of members of the Working Families Party welcomed her to accept the nomination to chants of "SĂ­ se puede," vowing to work alongside her to knock doors, organize and win the nomination. Showing stark contrast in excitement  and momentum compared to her opponent, Cynthia happily accepted the nomination to a cheering crowd and spoke of her platform to fight economic, racial, and gender inequality all across New York.

The WFP endorsement caps off a week of five consecutive progressive community organization endorsements, including New York Communities for Change (NYCC), Citizen Action of New York, Make the Road Action, and the New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN), representing 30 chapters across the state. Today’s endorsement echoes growing discontent among the progressive community with centrist policies and backroom dealings in Albany that leave working-class and communities of color out in the cold.

After the Working Families Party endorsed Cuomo four years ago, he went back on his promises, and his policies proved to exacerbate economic inequality and prioritize corporate donors over the needs of everyday New Yorkers. In the last 24 hours, Cuomo threatened the funding of the WFP and of community organizations who won’t endorse him, a hallmark of his political brand. In the coming months, Cynthia will work with the thousands of activists and members of WFP to grow a political movement to become New York's first woman governor.

Cynthia Nixon Receives Endorsement from New York Progressive Action Network
The State Affiliate of Our Revolution, the Organization Spun Out of Senator Bernie Sanders's 2016 Presidential Campaign, Backs Cynthia

 Democratic candidate for governor Cynthia Nixon was endorsed today by New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN), formally committing to work together to advance election reform, racial and social justice, and take on the democratic establishment in the race for New York governor. NYPAN, the main New York State affiliate of Our Revolution, came out of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and has grown to 30 chapters and 8 affiliates throughout the state with thousands of grassroots members.

“I am thrilled to receive this endorsement from NYPAN and my fellow New York progressives. I have seen firsthand the hard work NYPAN have been doing to organize for a better, more progressive New York, and stand up to Governor Cuomo's destructive policies by demanding we take big money out of politics once again. I look forward to fighting alongside NYPAN members every single day.

As governor, Cynthia would fight for a progressive agenda in New York by supporting policies to provide health care for all, legalize marijuana, and take corporate money out of politics.  

NYPAN co-chair Traci Strickland stated: “Cynthia Nixon, who, unlike the incumbent, is not an ambitious career politician, is not deterred by Cuomo’s horde of millions of campaign dollars collected almost exclusively from the 1% of corporate polluters, hedge fund billionaires, real estate speculators and other rich special interests. It is so refreshing to back a candidate who is an activist and not a politician, who believes in something other than their own self-interest, and who, like Bernie, will certainly mobilize thousands of enthusiastic voters to rally behind her historic candidacy”.

Engel Wants Seniors to be Aware of New Medicare Cards

  Congressman Eliot Engel wants all Medicare recipients in New York’s 16th Congressional District to know that they will soon be receiving new Medicare cards in the mail.

To better protect Americans against fraud, Medicare has begun sending beneficiaries new cards that include a unique Medicare Beneficiary Identifier, or Medicare Number. This new number is specific to you, and will replace the Social Security-based Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN) currently listed on your Medicare card.

Americans enrolling in Medicare for the first time will be the first to receive these new cards this month. If you are already enrolled in Medicare, you will be sent your new card at no cost in the coming months. Mailings to New Yorkers will begin after June 2018.

“These new cards are important to keeping our seniors safe from fraud,” Engel said. “I want all Medicare beneficiaries in my district to be aware that these new cards are coming, and that they are not part of a scam. However, seniors should be on alert for scammers looking to capitalize on this change. Seniors do not need to pay for these cards or provide any new information in order to receive them. If anyone has any questions regarding this change or Medicare in general, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office for assistance.”

For additional questions regarding this change, please visit or call 1-800 MEDICARE. If you would like to update your mailing address, visit or call 1-800-772-1213.



  Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) issued the following statement in reaction to news that FEMA will immediately cutoff temporary relocation services for nearly 90 families who sought refuge in communities throughout the United States, including in New York City. 

“In the wake of Hurricane Maria, hundreds of residents and families evacuated Puerto Rico and temporarily relocated for refuge in New York City,” said Rep. Espaillat (NY-13). “New York City has consistently stood with our brothers and sisters from Puerto Rico and the surrounding devastated areas to ensure affected families access to FEMA resources and other emergency services dedicated to helping them rebuild their lives.

“My office was just informed that FEMA will evacuate nearly 90 families who received temporary housing throughout New York City following Hurricane Maria, and these families will immediately lose their Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) benefits and be asked to check out of their temporary hotels by April 21st, which is nearly a month sooner than the anticipated cutoff date of May 14th.

“I have reached out to FEMA and will be sending a letter to urge for an extension of the move-out date to allow these affected families a chance to properly transition to long-term housing as they are still reeling with the aftermath and upheaval caused to their daily lives following the storm. 

“Puerto Rico will rebuild and New Yorkers will continue to be there every step along the way. The constant outpour of support to Puerto Rico has been invaluable and our City has stood in solidarity to help individuals and families – our families – repair and rebuild during this critical time in history. Further displacing these individuals, American citizens who have already lost so much, will only setback our efforts and the progress that has been made so far in this road to recovery.”


  Congressman Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) issued the following statement on last night’s airstrikes against Syria following reported chemical attack.

“We are witnessing a humanitarian crisis in Syria following last week's chemical attack on Douma,” said Rep. Adriano Espaillat, member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “As a global leader, united with our allies in the U.K. and France, the United States has to move forward in response to Syria's violation of international law committed against innocent civilians. Congress has a critical role in our nation's efforts to develop a clear diplomatic strategy and a response that will put forth a solution to this crisis and end attacks from the Assad regime once and for all. If the Trump Administration wishes to continue our military response, any strategy must be reviewed and authorized by Congress.”

Friday, April 13, 2018

Senator Klein & NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi Host 3rd Annual SUV Stakeholder Reception

Senator Jeff Klein and Jacobi celebrated the success of the Stand Up to Violence program at a stakeholder reception on April 11 and the announcement of $700,000 in funding secured by Senator Klein in this year’s budget. Christopher Mastromano, Chief Executive Officer of NYC Health + Hospitals and Jacobi Hospital, made opening remarks.

The event also honored five individuals whose contributions to the program have helped lead the way on reducing gun violence, including Reverend Dr. Sydney Hargrave, Assistant Chief Fausto Pichardo, Norma Saunders, Officer Jason Soto, Reverend Rabbi Dr. Keith Elijah Thompson.
“The SUV program has had an incredible impact on reducing gun violence in The Bronx. This innovative model has been able to get at the core of where violence comes from and put a preemptive stop to it. I’m proud that I’ve been able to continue to secure the funding needed to continue this program so that we can see further reductions in the future,” said Senator Klein.

“Whether it is a GSW, stabbing, or some other type of assault, Jacobi treats 470 victims of violence every year. That’s more than one, every single day,” says CEO Chris Mastromano. “But through intervention and defusing conflict, our hospital-based program is mitigating the public health crisis that violence has become in our communities.”

The program includes a team of 10 professionals who work together to reduce violence in Bronx communities. Since the start of SUV, gun violence has reduced dramatically in precincts where it has been introduced:

       43rd Precinct  42 percent decrease.
       49th Precinct  57 percent decrease.
       47th Precinct – 52 percent decrease.

Above - A group photo of Senator Klein, Pastor Jay Gooding, police officers from the local precincts, and Inspector Griffin of Bronx Borough Command.
Below - Senator Klein address the audience on how important this program is.

Above - Jacobi Hospital CEO Chris Mastromano tells about the decrease in gun shot wounds, but now the increase in stab wounds the hospital is getting.
Below - SUV workers Tokyo and Shariff are on each end with Pastor Gooding and Rabbi Thompson next in, followed by SUV director Erika Mendelsohn and her assistant Drommo.