Thursday, February 12, 2015


 New York City Council Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito, Bronx Borough President, Ruben Diaz, Jr., New York City Comptroller, Scott Stringer, Congressman Jose E. Serrano and New York City Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson are publicly inviting Pope Francis to Yankee Stadium. In a full-page newspaper ad the officials are asking The Pontiff to conduct a mass at the new Stadium when he visits NYC in September. The last papal mass at Yankee Stadium was led by Pope Benedict XVI in 2008 at the old Stadium. 

“We have a new Pope, a new Stadium and a new hope for The Bronx and our city,” said Speaker Mark-Viverito.

“This is the 50th anniversary of the first-ever, papal visit to the United States,” Borough President Diaz said. “We are inviting Pope Francis to celebrate that historic event here, this fall,” 

“It would be an honor to host the first Latin American Pope in the only New York district with a Latino majority,” said Congressman Serrano. 

“Papal visits to the Stadium are a great city tradition which we want to continue,” said Comptroller Stringer.

 “The whole district is excited,” said the BID’s executive director, Dr. Cary Goodman. “This community has hosted global leaders like Nelson Mandela, Rev. Billy Graham and three Popes,” Councilwoman Gibson noted. “We’d love to host Pope Francis, too.”  

The Pope’s New York itinerary has not yet been finalized.


Image result for photo pope francis

As New Yorkers, we are honored and delighted that you will be visiting our great city next September. 

Your appearance before the world’s Presidents, Prime Ministers and Premiers will be a highlight of the UN’s General Assembly.

We, the undersigned, invite you to conduct a public mass at Yankee Stadium while you are here.

Your address to The Bronx’s families, friends and faithful will commemorate a fifty year tradition

A mass at Yankee Stadium will help lift the spirits of our citizens and offer a vision of hope.begun by Pope Paul VI, followed by John Paul II and last done by Benedict XVI.

Yankee Stadium is the Bronx’s great cathedral, and the largest stadium in our city, a global icon befitting your ministry

Please accept our invitation in the name of a world of peace and justice.


NYC City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer, U.S. Congressman Jose E. Serrano,  NYC Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson, and 161st Street BID Dr. Cary Goodman


  Unemployment Fell to Lowest Rate in Six Years

   New York City's economy continued its solid growth in 2014, outpacing the nation on many fronts despite a slowdown in the fourth quarter, according to the NYC Quarterly Economic Update released today by New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer.

"While our economy lost momentum late in the year, most indicators are trending in the right direction for New York City," Comptroller Stringer said. "Job growth has been robust, unemployment is down and personal income tax revenues are at the highest level on record.  In 2015, we expect to see continued progress in restoring all of the City's communities to economic health."

2014 was one of the best job-producing years for New York City on record, with 88,900 (2.6 percent) private-sector jobs added, but in the fourth quarter, those jobs dropped slightly on a seasonally adjusted basis. Real Gross City Product (GCP), a measure of the City's total economic output, grew at an estimated 2.8 percent annual rate in 4Q14, a healthy but still weaker pace than the 4.2 percent registered in the previous quarter. Consumer spending, powered by rising employment and lower gasoline and heating prices, continued to drive economic growth.

Despite this data, bright spots remained in the City's fourth quarter performance:

  • New York City's unemployment rate (seasonally adjusted) fell to 6.3 percent in 4Q14, the lowest quarterly average rate in over six years. The New York City and the U.S. unemployment rates averaged 7.3 and 6.2 percent respectively, in 2014. Both rates were the lowest since 2008. 
  • New York City personal income tax revenues rose 10.8 percent, on a year-over-year basis, to over $2.3 billion in 4Q14, the highest fourth-quarter level on record. This reflects the city's employment growth and possibly some redemptions of previously-awarded restricted stock bonuses. It may also indicate improving wage rates and salaries, which have been stagnant through much of the recovery.
  • Venture capital investment in the New York metro area was about $1.2 billion in 4Q14, the same as last year's fourth quarter, but below the $1.7 billion in 3Q14 (Chart 2). Nonetheless, total venture capital investment in 2014 surpassed $5 billion, which was about 59 percent higher than the $3.2 billion in 2013. 
  • New leasing activity of Manhattan office space in 4Q14 totaled almost 8.4 million square feet (msf), over 16 percent higher than 4Q13 and the best fourth quarter since 2004. As a result, year-to-date leasing activity was about 32.8 msf, about 28 percent higher than 2013 and the highest level since 1998.
  • Hotel occupancy rates remain above 90 percent, with initial data suggesting that 4Q14 could see the highest fourth-quarter rates in the city's history.  The average daily hotel room cost $336 in October-November of 2014, up from $334 in the same period of 2013. 
"The economic recovery continued to build in 2014 for New York City; a slower final quarter should be viewed in that context," Stringer said. "As we head into 2015, we will continue to watch whether some of the wage gains we saw this past year will raise the paychecks of working New Yorkers."

To view the full report, please click here. 

Statement from Assemblyman Luis R. SepĂșlveda Congratulating Fiordaliza Rodriguez. on her nomination to Bronx Family Court by Mayor Bill De Blasio.

  “It is with great pride that I congratulate Fiordaliza A. Rodriguez for being nominated to a 10 year appointment to the Bronx Family Court by Mayor de Blasio. Over the years I have gotten to know Ms. Rodriguez very well through her community involvement in the Bronx and I believe she would be a proficient Judge in Bronx Family Court.

Ms. Rodriguez began her legal career as a Special Corporation Counsel representing the Administration for Children’s Services in child abuse and neglect cases. Following this, she went into private practice as a solo practitioner and as a member of the 18-b Assigned Counsel Plan representing indigent litigants in custody, visitation, orders of protection and all types of Family Court cases. Ms. Rodriguez is currently a Court Attorney Referee and has over 16 Â1⁄2 years of experience in Family Court. She has decided over 4,500 cases in her 41⁄2 years as a Referee.

Ms. Rodriguez also remains very active in her community having been past President and Vice-President of the Dominican Bar Association, and a member of various organizations including the Puerto Rican Bar Association, the New York Womens Bar Association, the Network of Bar Leaders, among others. She has even been named the Bronx YMCA’s Volunteer of the Year .

Ms. Rodriguez currently lives in the Bronx with her husband, Eliezer, a lawyer and Association Executive Officer of the Bronx-Manhattan North Association of Realtors (BMNAR) with their two children Miguel and Cristian.

I have no doubt that the Court system will be able to benefit greatly from the well-rounded experience of the Honorable Fiordaliza A. Rodriguez and I wish her luck in her candidacy for appointment to the Bronx Family Court.”

Wednesday, February 11, 2015



Council Member Jumaane D. Williams, Deputy Leader and co-chair of the Council's Task Force to Combat Gun Violence, released the following statement after New York Police Department (NYPD) rookie officer Peter Liang has been indicted in the shooting death of Akai Gurley, 28, in East New York.


"First and foremost, my continued prayers for comfort and healing go out to Akai Gurley's family and friends, including those who witnessed this tragedy unfold. I applaud Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson and the grand jury for indicting Officer Liang, but feel conflicted that such praise should be made since it was clear that an unarmed, innocent life was lost. In a case like this, an indictment should be the norm, not the exception. No matter what ones profession may be, all Americans must be held accountable for killing an innocent person, even if the person who is held accountable is an officer of the law-- even if it was unintentional. 

"I still, however, I question why the rookie officer was assigned to patrol the 'high crime' area with another rookie officer.  A 'dimly lit' staircase leading to an 'accident' exemplifies all that is wrong with our public safety system: a systemic problem within the department's culture, poor police-community relations in Black and Brown neighborhoods and an overly zealous ethos for excessive force. These are things we must continue to question and discuss as we move forward. We must also remember that this is simply an indictment and does not guarantee that accountability will prevail. It is my hope that our Administration immediately implements real and clear policy changes to improve how NYPD operates on the ground."

Council Member Jumaane D. Williams (D-Brooklyn), Deputy Leader, represents the 45th Council District, which covers Flatbush, East Flatbush, Flatlands, and parts of Midwood. He is the chair of the Committee on Housing and Buildings, and co-chair of the Task Force to Combat Gun Violence. He is a co-founding member of the Progressive Caucus, and a member of the Black, Latino & Asian Caucus. He was first elected to office in 2009 and re-elected in 2013.

Senator Klein and the IDC Have Seen the Light!

What You Should Know 
By State Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
32nd Senatorial District 

  You should know that on February 10, 2015 the Albany Times Union's Capitol Confidential reporter Matthew Hamilton published an article titled "IDC proposes banning outside incomes for legislators." In this article, Mr. Hamilton reports on a plan released by IDC Leader Senator Jeff Klein on behalf of the IDC (Independent Democratic Conference) that: "would not permit any state lawmaker to earn outside income."

After reading this IDC proposal for ethics reform, I have no other words than: Surprise, surprise!  For six consecutive years, I have sponsored Senate Bill S.111 (the previous bill numbers were S.384-A, S.284-A and S.3149) which "Prohibits a member of the legislature from engaging in any outside paid activity during his or her term of office."

My dear reader, in 2009 I saw the light and I called upon Governor Andrew Cuomo - who ran his campaign on the promise that he would clean up Albany - to attack the problem once and for all by banning legislators from engaging in outside paid activity during their term of office.

In a January 7, 2011 Legislative Gazette article titled "Sen. Diaz: No outside income for lawmakers" Simon Garron Caine documented my effort: "I realize that several proposals have been discussed to require legislators to report outside income. However, by allowing legislators to continue to receive outside income, there is no doubt in my mind that the problems, of which we are all aware, will not be resolved," said Diaz.

You should know that neither Senator Jeff Klein nor any member of his IDC have ever supported nor co-sponsored my bill. When I called upon my colleagues in the State Senate to co-sponsor my piece of legislation, only a very few ever did (former Senator Eric Schneiderman and Senator Adriano Espaillat, to be exact) - until last week when Senators Adriano Espaillat (for the third time) and George Latimer both jumped on board and asked to co-sponsor it.

This week, I am so glad that Senator Jeff Klein and his IDC Members have finally seen the light and are going to embrace something very important that I started several years ago. I can see no reason why Senator Klein and his IDC Members wouldn't be anything except eager to co-sponsor S.111.

Ladies and gentlemen, I look forward to hearing from Senator Jeff Klein and each IDC Member to hear from them that they would like to co-sponsor my piece of legislation.

This is Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

The Pride of the Bronx Annual Awards & Scholarship Banquet Feb. 26th


information or to RSVP, please call 718-828-3900 or 


We are looking forward to 
seeing you there

For more information or to
RSVP, please call 718-828-3900

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

IDC calls for a ban on outside income in a sweeping four-point ethics plan to clean up Albany

  State Senator Jeff Klein leaves law firm ahead of plan’s consideration

Albany, NY – The Independent Democratic Conference unveiled a four-point ethics plan which includes banning all outside income and an overhaul of the per diem reimbursement system on Tuesday. In advance of consideration by the legislature, IDC Leader State Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) announced he is divesting from his small, private law firm in the Bronx.

“The public expects and deserves the highest standards from public officials. The current climate in Albany has left us with a simple choice: serve the public full-time or collect a full-time salary out of office,” said Senator Klein.

“The choice is clear to me. I notified my law partners that I am immediately divesting from our firm,” Klein added.

The IDC ethics plan includes:

·         BANNING OUTSIDE INCOME – No state lawmaker would be permitted to earn an outside income, including advances for books. Any violation of this law, if passed, would result in prosecution as a class-A misdemeanor and an up to $50,000 fine issued by JCOPE. Only military service would be exempted.

·         BLIND TRUSTS FOR ASSETS – Like Congress, the IDC proposes that all income earning assets be placed in a blind trust overseen by a JCOPE approved trustee.

·         CLOSING THE DISCLOSURE LOOPHOLE – Every legislator who serves must file a financial disclosure form – even if his or her term concludes before the May 15 filing deadline.

·         PER DIEM LIMITS and ACCOUNTABILITY – Public officials may only collect per diems on session days, budget hearing days and committee hearing days when attendance is taken. Lawmakers could also receive reimbursements for an additional 14 days of to visit staff in Albany, but must check-in with the Secretary of the Senate or the Assembly Clerk as proof of attendance.

Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins to be Honored at the African-American Abrazo

 What You Should Know 
By State Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District 

You should know that since 1976 when United States President Gerald Ford declared the month of February as Black History Month, every U.S. President since has followed suit, giving all Americans, elected officials and organizations one full month to host events and activities that recognize distinguished members of the African-American community.

As you know, during my years in the New York State Senate, I have created annual events called Abrazos." (Abrazo means embrace.) I do this every year to celebrate various communities during their special months, and at each event, distinguished leaders are honored.
I have held the Abrazo Boricua in New York each June to celebrate the Puerto Rican community and heritage.  Each July, the Abrazo Dominicano in New York celebrates the attributes of the Dominican Republic's culture and community.  During the spring, the Abrazo Garifuna in New York honors the traditions that come from West Africa, Arawak, and the Caribbean - and the Abrazo Bangladesh in New York honors the many contributions of the Bangladeshi society.

In February - Black History Month - the African-American Abrazo celebrates the contributions and history of the African-American community.  This year, Assemblymen Marcos Crespo, Luis Sepulveda and Michael Blake have joined me to officially be part of all of the Abrazos. We have chosen Friday, February 20, 2015 to celebrate the African-American Abrazo.  
Each of us has chosen one member of the African-American community to honor at our banquet that will be attended by 500 guests. (This event is by invitation-only.)

You should know that my honoree is the distinguished Senator from Yonkers: New York State Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, who just happens to be the first African-American woman ever chosen to be the Leader of the Senate Democratic Conference in Albany. Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins has made history as the first African-American woman to lead a Conference in the New York State Legislature.
Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda has chosen Ms. Neva Shillingford-King to be his honoree. Ms. Shillingford-King is the Executive Vice President of 1199 SEIU, and one of the most powerful women in New York.  She is also the wife of New York City Councilman Andy King.
Assemblyman Marcos Crespo has selected Rev. Dimas Salaberrios, an African-American minister as his honoree.  Rev. Salaberrios works with the youth in the Bronx River Housing Development, and serves as the President of the Concerts of Prayer Greater New York.
Assemblyman Michael Blake's honoree is Mr. Abraham Jones, the Executive Director at Claremont Neighborhood Centers, Inc.

It is important for you to know that the 2015 African-American Abrazo will be held on Friday, February 20th at Maestro's Caterer (located at 1703 Bronxdale Avenue) where the three Assemblymen Marcos Crespo, Luis Sepulveda and Michael Blake - and myself - will gather to honor four hardworking and inspiring members of New York's African-American community.
Ladies and gentlemen, as a proud Hispanic, I have to say that it is a great honor for me to join my colleagues in coordinating the 2015 African-American Abrazo to celebrate Black History Month and recognize the contributions of four of our great leaders.

This event is by invitation only.