Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Mayor Bill de Blasio endorses state Senators Jeff Klein and Tony Avella

In a major announcement on Tuesday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio endorsed state Senators Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) and Tony Avella (D-Queens).

“Throughout this past session, Sen. Jeff Klein and Sen. Tony Avella worked tirelessly on behalf of the residents of New York City and helped make progress on issues that had been stalled for far too long,” Mayor de Blasio said.
“With their leadership, we secured a record increase in funding for universal Pre-K, a fair budget for New York City, needed property tax relief for victims of Hurricane Sandy, and the changes we need to save lives and improve street safety.
“As part of a united Democratic majority in the State Senate, I look forward to working with Sen. Klein and Sen. Avella as we work to implement a progressive agenda, including increasing the minimum wage, expanding affordable housing, ensuring women’s equality, passing the DREAM Act and much more. I am proud to endorse Sen. Klein and Sen. Avella for re-election,” Mayor de Blasio added.
Both Independent Democratic Conference members looked forward to working with Mayor de Blasio and advancing important progressive legislation next session.
“As Co-leader of the State Senate,  I partnered with Mayor de Blasio to deliver $300 million for full day Universal Pre-K, brought home 120 additional speed cameras for school zones and passed life-saving legislation to reduce the City's speed limit, a crucial piece of his Vision Zero plan.  We both agree that there's still more work to be done including, passing the DREAM Act,  protecting a woman's right to choose and enacting real, meaningful campaign finance reform.  I'm honored to receive his endorsement and look forward to achieving more Democratic victories for all New Yorkers," said state Senator Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester).

FREE Children's Events this Sunday in Van Cortlandt Park

  FVCP’s City of Water Day Event 
Sunday July 13th from 11am to 1pm
The Firends of Van Cortlandt Park presents: Hands on activities for all ages: Collect and Identify Aquatic Invertebrates, Guided Hike Around the Lake and EcoCrafts.
Van Cortlandt Lake near the VC Golf House, enter the Park at Van Cortlandt Park South and Bailey Ave. Bronx, NY 10463
For more info call (718) 601-1553 or email info@vancortlandt.org
Babar the Little Elephant
Sunday July 13th at 1 and 2:30pm
The Friends of Van Cortlandt are hosting a children’s performance with Bronx Arts Ensemble.  Master mime/storyteller W.T. McRae tells the popular story of Babar, growing up from a baby to the king of the jungle. With our old friends Queen Celeste, Cornelius and Arthur. Special thanks to Partnerships for Parks for helping to support this event.
Van Cortlandt House Museum Lawn, enter the Park at Broadway and W. 246th St. Bronx, NY 10471
For more info call (718) 601-1553 or email info@vancortlandt.org

New York City Could Become the Next O.K. Corral

What You Should Know 
Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
32nd Senatorial District 

New York City Could Become the Next O.K. Corral

You should know that since New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton eliminated the Stop and Frisk policy, the number of shootings and loss of life by innocent bystanders has increased to the point that if this does not stop soon, New York City might become the next O.K. Corral.
You should know that the O.K. Corral involved the shooting between the Earp brothers, Wyatt, Virgul and Morgan – and the Clanton brothers – in Tombstone, Arizona on October 26, 1881. It is still regarded as the biggest gunfight in the American Old West.
Under the Administration of New York City’s former Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, the Stop and Frisk policy was established, stopping a lot of crime and getting guns off the street.  While there are those who will argue against Stop and Frisk, statistics show that crime was better controlled and the loss of life was decreased.
Most complaints against Stop and Frisk include the fact that more Black and Hispanic people were stopped than Whites.  That created a lot of bad feeling and a public outcry, forcing Bill de Blasio – when he was a Mayoral Candidate – to promise that when he would be elected Mayor, that he would not comply with Stop and Frisk and that he would end Stop and Frisk.
But my dear reader, the waters are running deep for Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, because these past few weeks have been the most violent in the city. Last weekend, there were more than a dozen shootings, four dead, many injuries including a 10-year old and a 12-year old bystander. Between June 20 and 22, there were 21 people who were shot, and two of them died.
The spike in crime in New York City is soaring, preventing senior citizens from going out for a walk, and parents from feeling safe to take their children outside.
You should already know that the Stop and Frisk policy has its critics and its supporters. We all know that critics complain that the policy had a racially motivated theme, citing to the fact that the people who were stopped were almost exclusively Blacks and Hispanics, and were stopped because they were Black and Hispanic.  That was insulting.
On the other hand, supporters of Stop and Frisk say that the violent gun crimes are committed almost exclusively in Black and Hispanic communities by Blacks and Hispanics.  Therefore, the police do not go to White communities to stop people because violent gun crimes are not prevalent by White people in White communities.
Let’s look at the facts. We all know that taxi drivers have been assaulted and killed by Blacks and Hispanics.  Bodegueros have been assaulted and killed by Blacks and Hispanics.  Senior citizens and young children have been assaulted by Blacks and Hispanics.  And so, you can see, ladies and gentlemen, that there were strong pro and con arguments on both sides of the Stop and Frisk policy.
The problem now is that since Mayor Bill de Blasio and Commissioner Bill Bratton have removed the Stop and Frisk policy, crime is going up and people are losing their lives. Bullets are flying, and children are dying.
If the new initiative by Commissioner Bratton to put more police officers on the street does not work as  expected, then we need to take another look and think about the pro’s of Stop and Frisk.
We all know how Stop and Frisk took many guns off the street.  Criminals also knew it, and knew they could be stopped at any time. Now they know that no one will stop them, and they can feel the freedom to carry weapons throughout the City.
If the Stop and Frisk policy does resurface, it needs to be done in a way that all Black and Hispanic people are afforded the same courtesies that our White neighbors receive from New York City Police officers.  We all know that some of New York’s most prominent Black and Hispanic residents have been exposed to Stop and Frisk, and many have complained about rude and abusive treatment by police officers until their official identities were revealed.  If Black and Hispanic New Yorkers are treated with dignity and respect, there may be less criticism and the Stop and Frisk policy could work.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have to believe that Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton will have to decide what’s more important: reinstating Stop and Frisk, or just keep losing lives?  How long can we keep telling parents of young victims: “I’m sorry for your loss?” How long before New York City becomes the next O.K. Corral?  
This is Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Klein campaign files 9,000 petition signatures with State Board of Elections

  In an immense showing of support for the reelection of state Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester,) his campaign filed 9,000 petition signatures with the State Board of Elections on Monday.

The petitions, bound in four volumes, contained nine times the number of signatures required for a state Senate candidate to get onto the ballot. The campaign filed three days in advance of the filing deadline on Thursday.

“This illustrates my support in every corner of the district. It’s tremendously gratifying when 9,000 Democrats want you to be the standard bearer of the Party. I want to thank each and every person who knocked on doors throughout my district and each and every person who signed one of my petitions for their support. I’d also like to thank the political clubs that carried my petitions through the 34th State Senate District,” said state Senator Jeff Klein.

The local candidates of the Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club are shown holding nearly five hundred sheets of petitions containing nearly forty six hundred signatures of enrolled democrats to place the local democratic slate on the ballot. The signatures, which will also qualify for the ballot over three hundred members of the Bronx Democratic County Committee, were collected the old fashioned way: through grass roots, door-to-door canvasing. Pictured from left to right are Male Democratic District Leader Candidate Eric Dinowitz, Female Democratic District Leader Randi Martos, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Democratic State Committeeman William Weitz, Male Democratic District Leader Bruce Feld, and Democratic State Committeewoman Hellen Morik. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Board of Elections REVISED Petition Calendar for September 9, 2014 Primary

REVISED Petition Filing Calendar for the September 9, 2014 
Primary Election Pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Laws of 2014 
Last day to file Statement of Party Positions to be filed at Primary - Tuesday, May 20. 2014
First day to circulate Designating Petitions...…………….. .......... . Thursday, May 29, 2014 
Last day to circulate Designating Petitions.......……............................. Thursday, July 10, 2014 

Monday, July 7, 2014........................................9 AM to 5 PM 
Tuesday, July 8, 2014........................................9 AM to 5 PM 
Wednesday, July 9, 2014...................................9 AM to 5 PM 
Thursday, July 10, 2014...........................9 AM to 12 Midnight 

For Designating Petitions Filed on: 
General Objections Must Be Filed by: 
Monday, July 7, 2014............Midnight, Thursday, July 10, 2014 
Tuesday, July 8, 2014............Midnight, Friday, July 11, 2014 
Wednesday, July 9, 2014.......Midnight, Monday, July 14, 2014 
Thursday, July 10, 2014.........Midnight, Monday, July 14, 2014 

For General Objections Filed on: Specifications Must Be Filed by: 
Thursday, July 10, 2014.......Midnight, Wednesday, July 16, 2014 
Friday, July 11, 2014...............Midnight, Thursday, July 17, 2014 
Monday, July 14, 2014............. Midnight, Monday, July 21, 2014 

Last day to file Certificate of Authorization of petition designation..............Monday, July 14, 2014 
Last day to file Acceptance or Declination of petition designation..............Monday, July 14, 2014 
Last day to fill Vacancy caused by declination of petition designation.......... Friday, July 18, 2014 
Last day to submit Proof of Service of Specifications.................Day after Specifications are filed 
Last day to institute Judicial Proceedings............ Thursday, July 24, 2014 or (3) business days with regard to designating petitions after BOE hearing where petition is invalidated. 

Board of Elections' HEARINGS ON DESIGNATING PETITIONS at the Executive Office, 42 Broadway, 6th Floor starting on TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014 at 10 AM and continuing on WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 2014 at 10 AM and THURSDAY, JULY 31, 2014 at 10 AM (if necessary). Interested parties should contact the Board’s Executive Office after the Commissioners’ Meeting on Tuesday, July 22, 2014 to obtain a detailed breakdown of the Hearing Schedule by Borough by calling (212) 487-5300 or at the Board’s website: www.vote.nyc.ny.us. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


This comes from Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, and is representative of only one of the many July 4th greetings from the elected officials that fit the holiday the best.


Happy Independence Day!

On July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved, granting the 13 original colonies sovereignty. 

I am proud to join my fellow Americans as we come together to celebrate freedom for all.  I salute all of our soldiers and fallen heroes who have served our country with courage, pride, and honor to attain and preserve our nations Liberty.

I hope this holiday weekend is filled with health, happiness, and laughter alongside family and friends.

Below you will find some tips on how to make the most American Holiday fun and safe:

Outdoor Safety Tips

·           Refrigerate delicate food within 2 hours of purchase.
·      Take caution to prevent foodborne illnesses and assure to cook meats and poultry to a safe internal temperature.
·        If you will be spending time under the sun apply sun protector and make sure to use sunscreen as suggested by manufacturer.
·         Never leave a child unattended especially in the presence of a pool or hot grills.
·         Make sure fireworks are legal in your area before buying or using them.

For further outdoor safety tips please visit any of the following websites:

Again, Happy Fourth of July to you and yours.

Marcos A. Crespo
Member of Assembly
85th Assembly District

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Council Member Ritchie Torres Secures $600K to Help Reopen HHC North Central Bronx Hospital Maternity Unit

  In order to insure mothers and newborns get the highest level of health care Councilman Ritchie Torres first thanked City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito for the funding of $600,000.00 and also others that have made the re-opening of the North Central Bronx Hospital OBGYN unit possible. On hand were many staffers from NCBH Councilman Andy King, Councilman Andrew Cohen's Chief of Staff (Councilman Cohen was serving jury duty), and many others including mothers who have had children at the old NCBH- OBGYN unit.

Councilman King thanked Councilman Torres for his help in securing the needed funding, and added "People paid attention to the people who participated". 

 The $600,000.00 is part of $2 million dollars that was needed to reopen this OBGYN clinic. The city's HHC is committed to the  other $1.4 Million dollars. There will be a new nurses station along with upgrades to almost all of the other services that will be available. 

Councilman Torres is being introduced as Councilman King stands on the opposite side of the podium. 

Councilman Torres speaking on how important this OBYGN clinic is to the women of the north and central Bronx. 

Bronx Council Members Outline Budget Gains

  Standing on the Fordham Road overpass to the Grand Concourse City Council members Annabel Palma, Fernando Cabrera, Andy King, Vanessa Gibson, and representatives from Andrew Cohen and Ritchie Torres said that after 10 years of budget cuts - this year in working with Speaker Mark-Viverito more money was allocated for many Bronx community organizations. 

  The Bronx delegation of 11 council members fought hard to get 5 new funded initiatives for the Bronx Councilwoman (and Bronx delegation leader) Palma said. She added that in working together the Bronx delegation has come through for the people of the Bronx. Councilman Fernando Cabrera said that there is now equal distribution of funds in the council to all members unlike before. Councilwoman Gibson said that it was the first time that the Bronx delegation had come together as a unit. Councilman Andy King said that he was grateful to be a part of the process that for the first time in many years brought more to the people instead of cutting services to the people. 

  Councilman Andy Cohen was serving jury duty, and Councilman Ritchie Torres was setting up his announcement of getting $600,000.00 to help reopen the OBGYN unit at North Central Bronx Hospital (next item on this blog), but both had representatives in attendance on Fordham Road. The spot picked for this announcement is the dividing line between the 14th and 15th council districts on the Grand Concourse. 

Left -  Councilwoman and Bronx council delegation leader Palma tells of gains by Bronx council members.
Right - Councilman Fernando Cabrera speaks of gains to his district, as in the background is the office of State Senator Gustavo Rivera who Councilman Fernando Cabrera is challenging in th September Primary.

Left - Councilman Andy King standing between councilwomen Palma and Gibson describes the thrill that he had being able to secure more funding rather than having to say what services were cut this year.
Right - Councilmen King and Cabrera get in a few words before the announcement.