Thursday, September 22, 2011

Liberty Democratic Association Awards Dinner


Dear Friends,

Liberty Democratic Association Annual Awards Dinner is coming this October 13, 2011. The event is on a Thursday night and it is gearing up to be a great event. We have a fabulous list of honorees.
We at Liberty Democratic Association use some of the proceeds to help needy citizens of the Bronx. Last year we provided 50 turkeys at Thanksgiving to St. Lucy’s church, money went to the food bank of The Jewish Community Council of The Bronx, a donation was made to the Einstein’s children program to provide a party to children, 78% who are on Medicare. We also helped the 49th Precinct Council with their fellowship breakfast.
The more you help us ; the more we can help our indigent Bronx residents.
Again, I would like to thanks all who have already responded.
To those who plan to attend, but who have not RSVP; we request you to respond before September 29, 2011. We need to set the room and the tables.
Joseph A. McManus
Democratic State Committee
80th Assembly District, Bronx NY  

Print allBloomberg Responsible for Poverty Spike

**Statement On The New NYC Poverty Stats**

One in five New York City residents are living in poverty, according to new data out today from the Census Bureau. The Living Wage NYC coalition, organized and led by the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU), responded with the following statement:

"The new poverty data on New York City released today by the Census Bureau is deeply unsettling but it should not come as a surprise. The Bloomberg administration’s economic policy has prioritized the interests of corporations and developers, and neglected the needs of most New Yorkers. Poverty has increased in so many communities and households because this administration is not investing in living wage jobs. It has given corporations and developers billions of taxpayer dollars and allowed them to create poverty-wage jobs with impunity. That needs to stop. This aristocratic agenda of protecting the rich and ignoring the most vulnerable has clearly failed countless New Yorkers across the city.
The same failed policy cannot continue. Morally and economically, the statistics released today are unacceptable. It’s time to focus on real solutions that will address this poverty epidemic. Now is the time to pass the Fair Wages for New Yorkers Act, City Council legislation that would create more living wage jobs, reduce inequality, and rebuild the middle class. The Living Wage NYC coalition calls on the administration to support this legislation and help the City Council move it forward quickly.
With nearly 2 million New Yorkers living in poverty, city government has an obligation to do everything it can to create living wage jobs and ensure that taxpayer money is no longer wasted on the wealthy."

About the Living Wage NYC coalition
Living Wage NYC is a diverse coalition representing thousands of New Yorkers including members of the faith community, anti-hunger groups, the LGBTQ organizations, large grassroots groups, and labor organizations. We are calling on the city to ensure that developers and companies receiving taxpayer subsidies create living wage jobs that strengthen communities, neighborhoods, and households. For more information, visit
Borough President Diaz Announces First-Ever
‘Well Being’ Survey for Bronx Residents

(We put this up before< but the survey is now available in Spanish language).

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz announced that his office will conduct the borough’s first-ever “well being” survey, which will measure the opinions of Bronx residents and those who work in the Bronx on a variety of issues that impact their communities.
The survey, which will be conducted online, asks respondents to rate their communities in a number of areas, from crime and education to fresh food availability and civic activity. The survey will remain open until October 31, 2011. Following the completion of the survey, one individual will be chosen at random to have brunch with Borough President Diaz.
“It is important that Bronxites participate in this survey and let my office hear from them on the specific issues that face our neighborhoods. We are ‘One Bronx,’ and this survey will help us discover what problems are shared by different neighborhoods, so that we may develop common solutions to them. The goal of this survey is to build upon newly-released Census data to perform a comprehensive, inclusive, and thorough assessment of where we are as a borough and where we want to go. I hope that as many Bronxites as possible will take a few minutes to fill out this survey and join us in that effort,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
The results of this survey will be compiled by the borough president’s office, and a report based on its outcome will be issued by the office at a later date.
To download a printable copy of the survey and fill it out manually, click here.

The link to the survey in Spanish is:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New window
  “My office is currently examining Comptroller Liu’s audit. We look forward to working with the New York City Economic Development Corporation to ensure that these available funds are used as part of a viable project that will provide positive economic development in the Bronx,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.