Monday, March 25, 2024



Intro. 0653-A Extends NYC’s Rent Stabilization Law of 1969 for Three Years


Intro. 0001-B Designates Animal Care Centers of NYC Facility in Queens to Be Named “Paul A. Vallone Queens Animal Care Center”

New York City Mayor Eric Adams today signed two pieces of legislation — one to extend the New York City Rent Stabilization Law of 1969 and another honoring late public servant Paul A. Vallone by naming the Animal Care Centers (ACC) of NYC facility in Queens the “Paul A. Vallone Queens Animal Care Center.”


In response to the New York City Department of Housing and Preservation Development’s (HPD) Housing Vacancy Survey, highlighting a historically low 1.4 percent rental vacancy rateIntro. 0653-A, extends the city’s vital rent stabilization law to April 1, 2027 and underscores the need for support from all levels of government to build more housing in New York City.


Intro. 0001-B honors public servant Paul Vallone — who passed away on January 28, 2024, and served as deputy commissioner for external affairs at the New York City Department of Veterans Services (DVS) and previously represented District 19 in Queens in the New York City Council — by naming an ACC location in Queens after him. As a councilmember, Vallone was a champion for animal welfare and advocated for improving the conditions for animals in New York City.


“Our rent stabilization laws are critical to the security of working-class New Yorkers who live in rent-stabilized housing. With a historic-low 1.4 percent vacancy rate, our administration again calls on our colleagues in Albany to say ‘yes’ to more affordable housing, and to help us deliver more housing for the city and our state,” said Mayor Adams. “Paul Vallone was a longtime friend, but, more importantly, a true public servant who served our city throughout his career. Over his time in office, the blue-collar community Paul represented knew they had a fighter from the neighborhood representing them at City Hall. He was a committed advocate for veterans, serving those who have served our country, and fought to protect animal welfare. The Paul A. Vallone Queens Animal Care Center will forever cement his legacy to public service.”


 “Our city is facing a housing emergency with a dire shortage of available homes that impacts all New Yorkers. The signing of this legislation into law extends the New York City Rent Stabilization Law of 1969 to ensure rent regulation protections can continue unimpeded within our city,” said Speaker Adams. “We all must remain focused on pursuing the many necessary solutions to confront the housing crisis that makes our city less affordable to all New Yorkers. I’m also proud of my legislation to rename the Animal Care Center in Queens after former New York City Councilmember Paul Vallone. A passionate advocate for animals and their welfare, former Councilmember Vallone was pivotal in the passage of a law requiring full-service animal shelters in every borough. This renaming is a fitting tribute to his longstanding commitment to animals and our entire city.”


“Our severe housing crisis is evident by the historic low vacancy rate from the 2023 Housing Vacancy Survey and the pressures New York City renters are facing every day as they try to find safe, affordable housing across the five boroughs,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and Workforce Maria Torres-Springer. “Declaring a housing emergency to extend and protect rent stabilization, while also working collaboratively with our legislative partners to turn the tide on our decades-long housing crisis, is essential to ensuring that we can continue to be a city accessible for all. I thank Speaker Adrienne Adams, Housing and Buildings Chair Pierina Sanchez, and the entire City Council for their leadership in this effort. I am also heartened to see our friend, the late Councilmember Paul A. Vallone, honored in ensuring future generations know about his commitment to New York City.”


“Today’s bill signing is not a moment to celebrate, but a moment to double down on efforts to fix the city’s housing crisis once and for all. Not in the future, not in the next legislative session, but this year,” said HPD Commissioner Adolfo Carrión Jr. “Declaring a housing emergency and extending rent stabilization another three years is a necessary step to protect some of the most vulnerable renters from unaffordable rent increases, but it does not get us out of this crisis. Today and every day, we are renewing our calls for all levels of government to step up and deliver the tools we need to build housing at the scale this crisis demands. Everyone must step up.”


“As we reflect on the life and legacy of our colleague and friend, Paul Vallone, it is both an honor and a privilege to witness the establishment of the Paul A. Vallone Queens Animal Care Center with this legislation,” said DVS Commissioner James Hendon. “Paul’s commitment to improving welfare of animals across this city, coupled with his parallel dedication to our veterans, is a testament to his remarkable character and I am humbled to have had the opportunity to serve alongside him.”


“Paul Vallone dedicated much of his life and public service to the well-being of animals and ensuring each borough has a full-service animal shelter — furthering his family’s legacy and remaining an inspiration to us all,” said New York City Mayor’s Office of Animal Welfare Director Alexandra Silver. “Once the bright, welcoming new Animal Care Center bearing Paul Vallone’s name opens later this year, Queens will have an animal shelter that reflects his and our city’s humanity.”


Intro. 0653-A — sponsored by New York City Councilmember Pierina Sanchez — underscores the Adams administration’s urgent calls for action at every level of government to combat the housing crisis as state lawmakers consider a package of new affordable housing tools and as the administration's historic “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity” nears the start of the city's public review process. To address this crisis, the administration has worked to use every tool at its disposal to accelerate housing production and deliver the affordability New Yorkers need and deserve. In 2023, Mayor Adams announced the city had closed on financing for the creation of an all-time record 14,227 new affordable homes and directly connected more New Yorkers to homes than ever before in the city’s history, bringing nearly 13,000 households into affordable units.


To accelerate housing production and deliver relief to New Yorkers, the Adams administration has advanced a number of creative solutions, including its “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity” proposal to build 100,000 additional homes through significant pro-housing reforms to the city’s zoning code; an office conversation acceleratornew proposed rules to streamline approvals for sustainable housing; and several pilot programs to help fund the creation of accessory dwelling unitshelp move New Yorkers out of shelters and into renovated apartments, and fuel mixed-income development in neighborhoods across the city; among other innovative efforts.


Intro. 0001-B — sponsored by New York City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams — will honor Paul A. Vallone and build on the administration’s efforts to support animal welfare across New York City. Last year, the administration broke ground on the new ACC in Baychester. The $92 million project — anticipated to open by the end of 2025 — will provide necessary animal care and adoption services in the Bronx that supports a safe, healthy, comfortable, and humane environment for animals, staff, and visitors. The ACC in the Bronx is one of several animal adoption and shelter projects the administration is working on throughout the city, including new facilities in Manhattan and Brooklyn. In October 2022, the city celebrated the completion of a new center on Staten Island. The new Paul A. Vallone Queens Animal Care Center will open by the end of 2024.


Statement from New York City Council on Its Appeal of Latest Ruling on Municipal Voting Law – Local Law 11 of 2022


Today, the New York City Law Department filed a notice of appeal on behalf of the City Council, indicating its intention to seek a ruling from the New York State Court of Appeals in response to the recent decision invalidating Local Law 11 of 2022 by the Appellate Division for the Second Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. In response to the filing, the Council issued the following statement from spokesperson, Rendy Desamours.

“The Council passed Local Law 11 of 2022 to enfranchise 800,000 New Yorkers who live in our city, pay taxes, and contribute to our communities. Today’s filing to appeal the Second Department’s recent decision seeks a determination from the state’s highest court that the law is consistent with the State Constitution, Election Law, and the Municipal Home Rule Law. Empowering New Yorkers to participate in our local democratic process can only strengthen New York City by increasing civic engagement. We look forward to the Court of Appeals’ consideration of the Council’s appeal.”

The Ruling

"This case concerns the validity of Local Law No. 11 (2022) of Cityof New York, which created a new class of voters eligible to vote in municipal elections consisting of individuals who are not United States citizens and who meet certain enumerated criteria," Associate Justice Paul Wooten wrote in the appeals court decision.

"we determine that  this local law was enacted in violation of the New York   State Constitution and Municipal Home Rule Law, and thus, must be declared null and void," he aded.

Seven Hackers Associated with Chinese Government Charged with Computer Intrusions Targeting Perceived Critics of China and U.S. Businesses and Politicians


Defendants Operated as Part of the APT31 Hacking Group in Support of China’s Ministry of State Security’s Transnational Repression, Economic Espionage and Foreign Intelligence Objectives

An indictment was unsealed today charging seven nationals of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) with conspiracy to commit computer intrusions and conspiracy to commit wire fraud for their involvement in a PRC-based hacking group that spent approximately 14 years targeting U.S. and foreign critics, businesses, and political officials in furtherance of the PRC’s economic espionage and foreign intelligence objectives.

The defendants are Ni Gaobin (倪高彬), 38; Weng Ming (翁明), 37; Cheng Feng (程锋), 34; Peng Yaowen (彭耀文), 38; Sun Xiaohui (孙小辉), 38; Xiong Wang (熊旺), 35; and Zhao Guangzong (赵光宗), 38. All are believed to reside in the PRC.

“The Justice Department will not tolerate efforts by the Chinese government to intimidate Americans who serve the public, silence the dissidents who are protected by American laws, or steal from American businesses,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “This case serves as a reminder of the ends to which the Chinese government is willing to go to target and intimidate its critics, including launching malicious cyber operations aimed at threatening the national security of the United States and our allies.”

“Over 10,000 malicious emails, impacting thousands of victims, across multiple continents. As alleged in today’s indictment, this prolific global hacking operation – backed by the PRC government – targeted journalists, political officials, and companies to repress critics of the Chinese regime, compromise government institutions, and steal trade secrets,” said Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. “The Department of Justice will relentlessly pursue, expose, and hold accountable cyber criminals who would undermine democracies and threaten our national security.” 

"Today's announcement exposes China's continuous and brash efforts to undermine our nation's cybersecurity and target Americans and our innovation,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. "As long as China continues to target the US and our partners, the FBI will continue to send a clear message that cyber espionage will not be tolerated, and we will tirelessly pursue those who threaten our nation’s security and prosperity. This indictment underscores our unwavering commitment to disrupt and deter malicious cyber activity, and safeguard our citizens, businesses, and critical infrastructure from threats in cyberspace."

“The indictment unsealed today, together with statements from our foreign partners regarding related activity, shed further light on the PRC Ministry of State Security’s aggressive cyber espionage and transnational repression activities worldwide,” said Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division. “Today’s announcements underscore the need to remain vigilant to cybersecurity threats and the potential for cyber-enabled foreign malign influence efforts, especially as we approach the 2024 election cycle. The Department of Justice will continue to leverage all tools to disrupt malicious cyber actors who threaten our national security and aim to repress fundamental freedoms worldwide.”

“These allegations pull back the curtain on China’s vast illegal hacking operation that targeted sensitive data from U.S. elected and government officials, journalists, and academics; valuable information from American companies; and political dissidents in America and abroad. Their sinister scheme victimized thousands of people and entities across the world, and lasted for well over a decade,” said U.S. Attorney Breon Peace for the Eastern District of New York. “America’s sovereignty extends to its cyberspace. Today’s charges demonstrate my office’s commitment to upholding and protecting that jurisdiction, and to putting an end to malicious nation state cyber activity.”

“The recent indictments against the Chinese actors reaffirm the FBI’s relentless dedication to combating cyber threats,” said Assistant Director Bryan Vorndran of the FBI Cyber Division. “They serve as a reminder that cyber adversaries who seek to compromise our nation’s systems and target US officials cannot rely on the cloak of anonymity and will face consequences for their actions.”

“APT31 Group’s practices further demonstrate the size and scope of the PRC’s state-sponsored hacking apparatus,” said Special Agent in Charge Robert W. “Wes” Wheeler Jr. of the FBI Chicago Field Office. “FBI Chicago worked tirelessly to uncover this complex web of alleged foreign intelligence and economic espionage crimes. Thanks to these efforts, as well as our partnerships with the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and fellow Field Offices, the FBI continues to be successful in holding groups accountable and protecting national security.”


As alleged in the indictment and court filings, the defendants, along with dozens of identified PRC Ministry of State Security (MSS) intelligence officers, contractor hackers, and support personnel, were members of a hacking group operating in the PRC and known within the cybersecurity community as Advanced Persistent Threat 31 (the APT31 Group). The APT31 Group was part of a cyberespionage program run by the MSS’s Hubei State Security Department, located in the city of Wuhan. Through their involvement with the APT31 Group, since at least 2010, the defendants conducted global campaigns of computer hacking targeting political dissidents and perceived supporters located inside and outside of China, government and political officials, candidates, and campaign personnel in the United States and elsewhere and American companies.

The defendants and others in the APT31 Group targeted thousands of U.S. and foreign individuals and companies. Some of this activity resulted in successful compromises of the targets’ networks, email accounts, cloud storage accounts, and telephone call records, with some surveillance of compromised email accounts lasting many years.

Hacking Scheme

The more than 10,000 malicious emails that the defendants and others in the APT31 Group sent to these targets often appeared to be from prominent news outlets or journalists and appeared to contain legitimate news articles. The malicious emails contained hidden tracking links, such that if the recipient simply opened the email, information about the recipient, including the recipient’s location, internet protocol (IP) addresses, network schematics, and specific devices used to access the pertinent email accounts, was transmitted to a server controlled by the defendants and those working with them. The defendants and others in the APT31 Group then used this information to enable more direct and sophisticated targeted hacking, such as compromising the recipients’ home routers and other electronic devices.

The defendants and others in the APT31 Group also sent malicious tracking-link emails to government officials across the world who expressed criticism of the PRC government. For example, in or about 2021, the conspirators targeted the email accounts of various foreign government individuals who were part of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), a group founded in 2020 on the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests whose stated purpose was to counter the threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party to the international order and democratic principles. The targets included every European Union member of IPAC, and 43 United Kingdom parliamentary accounts, most of whom were members of IPAC or had been outspoken on topics relating to the PRC government.

To gain and maintain access to the victim computer networks, the defendants and others in the APT31 Group employed sophisticated hacking techniques including zero-day exploits, which are exploits that the hackers became aware of before the manufacturer, or the victim were able to patch or fix the vulnerability. These activities resulted in the confirmed and potential compromise of economic plans, intellectual property, and trade secrets belonging to American businesses, and contributed to the estimated billions of dollars lost every year as a result of the PRC’s state-sponsored apparatus to transfer U.S. technology to the PRC.

Targeting of U.S. Government Officials and U.S. and Foreign Politicians and Campaigns

The targeted U.S. government officials included individuals working in the White House, at the Departments of Justice, Commerce, Treasury, and State, and U.S. Senators and Representatives of both political parties. The defendants and others in the APT31 Group targeted these individuals at both professional and personal email addresses. Additionally in some cases, the defendants also targeted victims’ spouses, including the spouses of a high-ranking Department of Justice official, high-ranking White House officials, and multiple U.S. Senators. Targets also included election campaign staff from both major U.S. political parties in advance of the 2020 election.

The allegations in the indictment regarding the malicious cyber activity targeting political officials, candidates, and campaign personnel are consistent with the March 2021 Joint Report of the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security on Foreign Interference Targeting Election Infrastructure or Political Organization, Campaign, or Candidate Infrastructure Related to the 2020 US Federal Elections. That report cited incidents when Chinese government-affiliated actors “materially impacted the security of networks associated with or pertaining to U.S. political organizations, candidates, and campaigns during the 2020 federal elections.” That report also concluded that “such actors gathered at least some information they could have released in influence operations,” but which the Chinese actors did not ultimately deploy in such a manner. Consistent with that conclusion, the indictment does not allege that the hacking furthered any Chinese government influence operations against the United States. The indictment’s allegations nonetheless serve to underscore the need for U.S. (and allied) political organizations, candidates, and campaigns to remain vigilant in their cybersecurity posture and in otherwise protecting their sensitive information from foreign intelligence services, particularly in light of the U.S. Intelligence Community’s recent assessment that “[t]he PRC may attempt to influence the U.S. elections in 2024 at some level because of its desire to sideline critics of China and magnify U.S. societal divisions.”

Targeting of U.S. Companies

The defendants and others in the APT31 Group also targeted individuals and dozens of companies operating in areas of national economic importance, including the defense, information technology, telecommunications, manufacturing and trade, finance, consulting, legal, and research industries. The defendants and others in the APT31 Group hacked and attempted to hack dozens of companies or entities operating in these industries, including multiple cleared defense contractors who provide products and services to the U.S. military, multiple managed service providers who managed the computer networks and security for other companies, a leading provider of 5G network equipment, and a leading global provider of wireless technology, among many others.

Targeting for Transnational Repression of Dissidents

The defendants and the APT31 Group also targeted individual dissidents around the world and other individuals who were perceived as supporting such dissidents. For example, in 2018, after several activists who spearheaded Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, the defendants and the APT31 Group targeted Norwegian government officials and a Norwegian managed service provider. The conspirators also successfully compromised Hong Kong pro-democracy activists and their associates located in Hong Kong, the United States, and other foreign locations with identical malware.

The charged defendants’ roles in the conspiracy consisted of testing and exploiting the malware used to conduct these intrusions, managing infrastructure associated with these intrusions, and conducting surveillance and intrusions against specific U.S. entities. For example:

  • Cheng Feng, Sun Xiaohui, Weng Ming, Xiong Wang, and Zhao Guangzong were involved in testing and exploiting malware, including malware used in some of these intrusions.
  • Cheng and Ni Gaobin managed infrastructure associated with some of these intrusions, including the domain name for a command-and-control server that accessed at least 59 unique victim computers, including a telecommunications company that was a leading provider of 5G network equipment in the United States, an Alabama-based research corporation in the aerospace and defense industries, and a Maryland-based professional support services company.
  • Sun and Weng operated the infrastructure used in an intrusion into a U.S. company known for its public opinion polls. Sun and Peng Yaowen conducted research and reconnaissance on several additional U.S. entities that were later the victims of the APT31 Group’s intrusion campaigns.
  • Ni and Zhao sent emails with links to files containing malware to PRC dissidents, specifically Hong Kong legislators and democracy advocates, as well as targeting U.S. entities focusing on PRC-related issues.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Douglas M. Pravda, Saritha Komatireddy, and Jessica Weigel for the Eastern District of New York are prosecuting the case, with valuable assistance from Matthew Anzaldi and Matthew Chang of the National Security Division’s National Security Cyber Section.

An indictment is merely an allegation. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State Preparations Ahead of April 8 Eclipse

New York State Commissioners wearing solar eclipse glasses.

Two Weeks Ahead of First Total Solar Eclipse Over New York State in 99 Years, Governor Hochul Reminds New Yorkers of State Efforts to Ensure a Safe Viewing Experience for This Once-In-A-Generation Event

Since October 2022, Interagency Task Force Convened by Governor Hochul Has Been Working With Local Authorities to Prepare

Governor Hochul Cautions Travelers to Prepare for High Volume of Traffic and Reminds New Yorkers to Use Proper Eye Protection During Eclipse

Governor Hochul Releases Buffalo Bills PSA With Safety Tips Here

State Parks Across New York and NASA to Hold Events on April 8 and Weeks Leading Up to the Event

Two weeks ahead of the April 8 eclipse, Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state’s preparations to ensure everyone can have a safe and memorable viewing experience. In October 2022, Governor Hochul convened an Interagency Task Force comprised of nearly two dozen state agencies and authorities. The Task Force has been collaborating for the past 17 months on plans to ensure everyone can safely enjoy the eclipse. New York State is expecting hundreds of thousands of visitors, and Governor Hochul is reminding travelers of several tips to ensure the smoothest possible experience for everyone. Governor Hochul is advising travelers to get to their destination early and plan on staying late to avoid the most traffic, allow for extra travel time, and travel prepared with water and snacks. Additionally, drivers should never pull over on the side of the road to ensure first responders can get by in an emergency.

“The April 8 eclipse is a once in a generation experience, and there’s no better place to view it than in our beautiful state,” Governor Hochul said. “New York is ready to welcome millions of visitors, and my administration has been working hard to ensure everyone in the path of the eclipse can safely enjoy this rare event. I encourage anyone traveling for this experience to plan on arriving early to their destination and staying late to enjoy all of what our state has to offer.”

Governor Hochul is reminding New Yorkers that during the afternoon of April 8, a total eclipse will encompass 29 counties in the western and northern parts of New York State. For other areas of the state that are outside the path of totality, there will still be 88 percent to over 99 percent coverage. The next total solar eclipse that will be visible from the contiguous U.S. will not be until August 2044.

Governor Hochul has been working with her administration to ensure everyone can safely enjoy this once in a generation event by:

  • Directing the New York State Police, Department of Transportation (DOT) and Thruway Authority to prepare for high volume of traffic. The Governor is urging travelers to be patient, be prepared for backups and always obey traffic rules.
  • Ensuring New Yorkers know where to find the proper eye protection. During the eclipse, looking directly at the sun without specialized eye protection can result in serious injury. More information and resources available here.
  • Working with agencies and local authorities to ensure communities have the tools they need to manage an influx of visitors.
  • Releasing a PSA featuring members of the Buffalo Bills reiterating important safety tips. Watch PSA here.
  • Warning New Yorkers to protect themselves against potential scams, fake merchandise, and phony accommodation listings.
  • Urging New Yorkers to prepare for the weather, pack plenty of water, bring proper gear and watch out for ticks if camping.

New York State’s Eclipse Experience Preparations

Interagency Task Force

For the last 17 months, an interagency task force comprised of nearly two dozen state agencies and authorities, has been collaborating on plans to ensure a safe and memorable viewing experience for New York State’s residents and visitors. It is focused on building awareness of the State as a prime location to experience the eclipse by gathering important safety and preparedness information, amplifying and supporting region-specific viewing activities, and maintaining regular communication with local governments and municipalities, especially those within the path of totality.

New York’s public safety efforts align with the State’s normal jurisdictional role over state parks and State roads and support to local governments in their planning and decision making in accordance with their own codes, laws and needs as this exciting event approaches. Public safety challenges for such an event include traffic management, communications capabilities and public health and safety. State, county and local public safety and emergency management efforts have been and will continue to be tailored to the anticipated needs from an influx of those who come to view the eclipse from both inside and outside the state.

Traffic Preparations

Governor Hochul has directed State Police, DOT and Thruway to prepare for a high volume of traffic the weekend leading up to the eclipse and through April 9. Vehicles are not allowed to park on the shoulder of the highway to view the eclipse. DOT and Thruway will have increased staffing and patrols for maintenance and traffic crews. Additionally, construction and temporary lane closures will be suspended to allow traffic to flow.

Eye Protection

During the eclipse, it is especially unsafe to look directly at the sun without specialized eye protection and can result in serious injury. The partial phases of the solar eclipse can only be safely observed directly with specialized eclipse glasses or a handheld solar viewer ­– regular sunglasses are not a safe replacement. On March 18, Governor Hochul launched a statewide effort to distribute limited-edition I LOVE NY eclipse glasses at 30 locations throughout the state. There is a limited amount of glasses available for distribution daily, and additional sources for eye protection are available here.

Eclipse Events

Governor Hochul announced earlier in March that on April 8 and over the next two weeks, numerous eclipse-viewing gatherings are scheduled at many New York State parks and historic sites. Register for the dozens of events and activities through the OPRHP event calendar and the eclipse website. The Governor also announced that beginning on April 4, 2024, scientists, subject matter experts and astronauts from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will be providing programming and exhibits at Niagara Falls State Park as well as throughout the city. Full list of events found here will be free and open to the public.

Come for the Eclipse, Stay for New York

I LOVE NY has launched the multi-platform “Come for the Eclipse, Stay for New York” campaign to present New York as THE place to be to witness this event. The campaign and a special eclipse website highlight viewing location information in the five regions that will experience the path of totality, a variety of attractions and special eclipse-related events happening across the state across its digital platforms including InstagramFacebookTikTok and Twitter/X. A downloadable special edition eclipse poster is also available, created through I LOVE NY's partnership with acclaimed artist and professional astronomer Dr. Tyler Nordgren. Visit for viewing locations and additional safety tips.

To complement any eclipse travel or viewing experience, I LOVE NY created a special eclipse playlist on Spotify, featuring songs that both reference the eclipse or New York State, or are eclipse-adjacent. From classics like Bonnie Tyler's “Total Eclipse of the Heart” and “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles, to David Bowie's “Starman” and Taylor Swift's “Welcome to New York,” more than 80 curated songs are available to provide as the ideal total solar eclipse soundtrack.

News, updates and more from NYC Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Jr.



🌸Thank you to everyone who joined us for our 2nd Annual Women of Distinction event! 

Our Borough, and each one of us, wouldn’t be as strong and capable as we are if it weren’t for the incredible women in our lives, so it was an honor to shine a light on 5 Bronx women who have created a positive impact for our community: 

🌸Janet Sanchez 
🌸Priscilla Jameson 
🌸Iris Bonhomme
🌸Cheryl Simons-Oliver
🌸Minerva Del Real 

I was proud to stand alongside Melrose Houses TA President Cassandra Bowlin, Jenny Cruz, and New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) staff as we unveiled newly-installed CCTV Security Cameras and lights. 

Although this project was a long time coming - with my office securing $3 million for its funding in 2017 - thanks to persistent lobbying efforts for its completion, we are now able to help usher in a greater sense of public safety for the South Bronx community.

Had a productive meeting with Forest Houses’ TA President, Erik Farmer, to discuss improvements that will help elevate the standard of living for his tenants. 

👉 I will continue working to ensure that the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) is maintaining clean standards and equitable safety practices at all South Bronx City Housing facilities.

‪Great to meet Third Avenue Business Improvement District’s new Executive Director Pedro Suarez. 

I look forward to collaborating with Pedro to increase public safety and help revitalize the Roberto Clemente Parkway.


Chag Purim Sameach- Wishing all those celebrating a Happy Purim!

Wishing a joyous Ramadan Mubarak to all beginning their celebrations ✨

Visit our District Office at: 
1070 Southern Boulevard
Bronx, New York 10459
(718) 402-6130

Easter Egg Hunt on Pelham Parkway By Assemblyman John Zaccaro and 49th Precinct Council


After a rainy Saturday, Sunday's weather turned out to be cold but sunny and dry for the Pelham Parkway Easter Egg Hunt by Asemblyman John Zaccaro and the 49th Precinct Council. 

Plastic eggs filled with chocolate treats were placed along the Greenway of Pelham Parkway North for children to find and eat the chocolate gift inside. A face painter, popcorn machine, and DJ for everyone to enjoy, plus a friendly life size Easter Bunny for children and adults to take pictures with were on hand. 

Children lined up to have their face painted. 

The Easter Bunny with 49th Precinct Community Affairs Officer Bell, and 49th Precinct Council Treasurer Elio Morales.

Children and their parents searched the large Greenway area on the north side of Pelham Parkway by Williambridge Road for the plastic Easter Eggs filled with chocolate surprises. 

Children put the eggs they found together on the large rock on the Pelham Parkway Greenway. 

The Easter Bunny with parents, children, and officers of the 49th Precinct Community Affairs Department.