Friday, March 23, 2012

Upcoming Bronx Chamber of Commerce Events

"Celebrating 118 Years"

We look forward to seeing you at our
6th Annual

March 30, 2012

Marina Del Rey


For more information or to RSVP, call 718-828-3900

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New York State Assembly Resolutions
From Bronx Members

Assemblyman Marcos A. Crespo (D-Bronx) introduced a resolution calling on Governor Andrew Cuomo to memorialize March 21st as the 17th Annual Kick Butt’s Day in the State of New York. Kick Butts day is a national day of advocacy and education against tobacco use.

“It is vital that we recognize the gains made to reduce cigarette smoking amongst New Yorkers, therefore, now is not the time to cut back on such important programs. We must oppose the NYS Senate’s support of a 5 million cut to tobacco cessation programs. Cigarette smoking continues to be the cause of the most preventable deaths in the country, and Kick Butts Day is just one of the many ways we are continuing to fight against this addiction,” Assemblyman Crespo said.

In NYC since 2002, we have seen 35%  reduction in adult smoking. Moreover, teenage and adult tobacco use rates have fallen faster in NYS than in the US as a whole. Nonetheless, there is still a staggering 15% New York high school students who are smokers.

According to data completed by the Bronx Smoke Free Partnership, the Bronx has the highest smoking rates in New York City where 3,000 High School students in the Bronx smoke. In the Southeast Bronx 1 in 4 adults are smokers. While the national average is 15% in a given community, the Bronx neighborhoods still average 25% of the population as smokers.

“Furthermore, I commend the institutions across New York State and those in the Borough of the Bronx, such as Bronx Breathes who collaborated with Montefiore Medical Center, The Bronx Smoke Free Partnership, The American Lung Association, The American Cancer Society and particularly the thousands of youth across the country that are today advocating for tobacco cessation through Kick Butt’s Day activities,” Assemblyman Crespo said.

Anyone needing assistance to quit smoking should call the State hotline: (1-866) NY QUITS (1-866-697-8487).
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Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz (D-Bronx) announced today that he has introduced new legislation that would prohibit employers from demanding login information, including usernames and passwords, to popular social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter as part of their hiring process.  The legislation would also protect the privacy of current employees.

Employers are beginning to use various new tools in decisions concerning the hiring, promotion, and discipline of prospective and current employees.  Recently, there have been reports of employers demanding login information, including usernames and passwords, to popular social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as to email accounts and other extremely personal accounts.  This information is being used as a condition of hiring, promotions, and lateral movement within companies, and in matters relating to disciplinary action including firing of individuals.

This type of request can lead to unfair and discriminatory hiring practices and constitutes a serious invasion of privacy by the employer.  Employees have the right to make their social media public or private through the individual websites, and they should have every right to maintain this level of privacy in their workplace or during an interview.  In this economy, many people cannot walk away from a job and are forced to submit to employers’ requests for passwords for fear that they will not be hired otherwise.  This bill would remedy this serious issue, maintaining prospective employees’ right to privacy and reducing the risk of unfair and discriminatory hiring practices by employers.

“This legislation will address a terrible and growing abuse by certain employers.  The right to privacy and protection from coercion and discrimination must be maintained.  I urge all of my colleagues in the State Legislature to protect the rights of job seekers and support this bill,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz.

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NWBCCC Holds Evening of Solidarity and Prayer at the Kingsbridge Armory

  Wednesday night hundreds of people came to the Reservoir Avenue side of the Kingabridge Armory to say "Don't Forget Us". The us meaning the community. The gathering was led by the North West Bronx Church and Clergy Coalition and K.A.R.A. The theme was "One Bronx United ", and during the 1 1/2 program various people reminded everyone "What's at Stake Here" with song or speech.

  In speaking to Ms. Desiree Pilgram-Hunter (President of NWBCCC) she told me that this meeting is to remind whoever wins the RFP for the armory the following things are still wanted by the community. Living wage jobs, a new high quality public school by the armory, dedicated community space, priority access for Bronx residents, a green and sustainable development, no big box store with limited retail space, and the creation of non-competitive, small businesses and programming in and around the armory.

  Police set up barricades for what we were told was protection, of people at the rally from being injured by passing cars (which you can see in the first photo below.

Police setting up barricades along Kingsbridge Road before Rally

Just some of the people at the rally.

Here is a prayer that is being said for the armory.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New York Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Woman's History Month Luncheon

  Over 200 people were in attendance for the 6th Annual New York Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Woman's History Month Luncheon Wednesday March 21st to honor four outstanding Hispanic women in the business community. NYHCC Executive Director Idania Lopez-Mercando was the mistress of ceremony for the event, while Chairman Nick Lugo and Vice-Chair Joe Ithica helped to move the event along smoothly. Comptroller John Liu and former Deputy Mayor Randy Mastro were on hand to help celebrate the four honorees.  
  Mr. Frank Celentano of Webster Bank presented Ms. Madeline Marquez the Executive Director of the "Business Initiative Corporation with the first award.
  Supreme Court Judge Luis Gonzalez presented Ms. Maria Matos the Executive Secretary, Committee on Character & Fitness, NYS Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department with the second award.
  Mr. Nick Lugo presented Ms. Joanne Fernandez the Governmental Affairs Manager of Entergy with her award. Mr. Lugo also presented Ms. Rose Rodriguez Special Assistant, Workforce Solutions & Small Business Services, NYS Department of Labor.

  Below are photos of the event. Click on a photo to enlarge it.

Supreme Court Judge Luis Gonzalez and former Deputy Mayor Randy Mastro.

New York City Comptroller John Liu addresses the audience. 
The four honorees

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-Absentee management led to delays, cost overruns and abandoned priorities –

  City Comptroller John C. Liu released an audit that found the Emergency Communications Transformation Program (ECTP) has suffered severe management flaws since its inception, resulting in a domino effect of delays and a billion dollars in cost overruns.

ECTP is now a billion dollars over budget, from an estimated $1.3 billion, to now an estimated $2.3 billion (City Capital Commitment plan, dated February 2012.) The project was scheduled to be completed in 2008. The latest figures released by Mayor Bloomberg now peg completion in 2015 - seven years behind schedule.

This audit, the first of two by Comptroller Liu’s office, identifies serious issues with the overall management of this important public safety project.  Auditors found an alarming lack of decision-making by City Hall which led to major technical missteps, the abandonment of a critical objective, and poor vendor performance.  Other findings show that the current project lacks a quality assurance monitor, and the newly created agency to oversee ECTP is ill-equipped for the job.

“Taxpayers are just tired of hearing about out-of-control projects involving expensive outside consultants,” Comptroller Liu said.  “This is unfortunately yet another example of massive waste and delay due to City management that was at best lackadaisical, and at worst, inept.  New cost constraints put in place by my office will help curb overruns, though they cannot turn back the clock or put already wasted dollars back in taxpayers’ pockets.”

Last year, Comptroller Liu’s office rejected the New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications’ (DoITT) request for a $286 million contract for ill-defined services based on hourly consulting fees. That contract, which was with Northrop Grumman for the PSAC #2 component of ECTP was restructured to clearly defined deliverables, with a cost revised down to $95 million.

Comptroller Liu’s office is currently in the process of auditing the HP contract for PSAC #1 (See history below).


ECTP was initiated in 2004 to consolidate emergency communications (FDNY, NYPD, and EMS) within the City.  It is a multi-year, multi-agency undertaking that includes two separate Public Safety Answering Centers (PSAC#1 and PSAC#2). Oversight is delegated to DoITT.

Hewlett Packard was contracted to serve as project manager over PSAC#1 and #2 in 2005, with Northrop Grumman now serving as lead on PSAC#2 since January 2011.



City Hall disregarded early warnings from the agency in charge of the project. In April 2007, an internal memo from the then-DoITT Commissioner attempted to sound the alarm on ECTP by raising questions about the vendor’s poor management of subcontractors which led to questionable billings, incomplete status reports and schedules, and the lack of corporate oversight or quality assurance.

The Commissioner, with the support of NYPD and FDNY, recommended the contract be cancelled and re-bid.  However, City Hall disregarded this advice and instead placed the project under the supervision of a Deputy Mayor, who outlined a timeline to meet three goals for ECTP - none of which were met.


Since its inception ECTP has been managed by an interagency governance structure. However, a May 2009 consultant report by the Gartner group, entitled “Lessons Learned,” outlined key deficiencies in this structure such as:

-          Lack of timely and effective decision making
-          Lack of a clearly defined strategy and direction

The Gartner report provides eleven pages of suggested changes in management and standards of operation to prevent the same problems from occurring in PSAC #2.


Technical problems with mission critical VESTA software, including the inability to keep up with NYC call volume, led to a three - year delay in the implementation of PSAC#1.

While both PSACs were expected to be operational by 2008, only PSAC#1 is complete.  At present time, the foundation and walls have been completed on PSAC#2, with Mayor Bloomberg recently stating that completion is now expected by 2015 – seven years past its estimated completion and 11 years after the project was announced.


One of the most crucial components of the original plan – a shared Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) between FDNY, NYPD, and EMS scheduled to be completed in 2007, was never implemented and may never be fully established.  As a result of this failure in delivery, the NYPD portion of the CAD program has been moved from ECTP completely, resulting in additional expenditures.


In 2010, the Mayor’s Office created the Office of Citywide Emergency Communications (OCEC) to be lead coordinator on the ECTP project.  However, the agency has been plagued by personnel changes and leadership problems since its creation. As of September 2011 the agency remained nearly 40 percent below targeted headcount.


In addition to the personnel gap in OCEC, the current project is progressing without any outside monitoring by a quality assurance expert.  Instead, DoITT plans on hiring “additional project managers and subject management experts on the program.” Liu’s auditors warned against this, stating that “going forward on PSAC#2 without an independent QA process could recreate all the deficiencies noted in this report.”


As a result of the audit DoITT has agreed to all recommendations in order to address the issues that have emerged concerning their ability to provide oversight on this project.

Liu credited Deputy Comptroller H. Tina Kim and the Bureau of Audit for their work on this report.  The full audit can be found at

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Women's History Month Celebration 2012

  It was the First Lady of the Bronx who took center stage at Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz's Women's History Month celebration Thursday. New York 1 reporter Roma Torre was the Mistress of Ceremony, and it was First Lady Hilds Diaz that greeted everyone. Ms. Diaz is employed by the Port Authority, called BP Diaz "Still Her Honey", and spoke of her mother who told her to "Get a good education, and marry a man who can do his own laundry". 
  BP Ruben Diaz Jr. then spoke, saying he could not be doing the things at borough hall without the women on his staff. He then thanked Deputy Borough President Aurilia Greene, Deputy Chief of Staff Carmela Price, Marlene Cintron of BOEDC, and Monica Major his Director of Education. Diaz then said that "As women go men go, and as women and men go so does society".
  Ruben Diaz Jr. is the 13th Bronx Borough President, and the youngest person elected to the position. BP Diaz proudly says that he and his wife Hilda were high school sweethearts, and have been together for over 20 years.
  The Honorees were Ms. Beatrice Castiglia-Castillo the founder of the Regional Aid for Interim Needs or better known as R.A.I.N. 95 year old Ms Castiglia-Castillo said that in 1957 she made a promise to god if she survived a tragic event. In 1964 she founded R.A.I.N. while working at a local hospital to provide home care services. She also joked about how the name came about as when asked in the beginning when asked what her company name was, she said that she looked outside at the rain coming down, giving it that name.
  Deputy Inspector Nilda Hofmann was the second honoree, and she said that she was born and raised in the Bronx, going to Bronx public schools. She spoke of how she rose through the ranks of the Police Department of become only one of five women precinct Commanders.
  The third honoree was Ms. Belkis Lora CEO/President of the Grand Slam Foundation. She said that her organization serves 300 children, and that she id very proud of her business. BP Diaz then spoke of the Little League Bronx championship game that was played last year at Yankee Stadium, saying that it was an idea that came from Ms. Lora.
  Ms. Roma Torre then gave the closing remarks.

Bronx Borough President is seated between his wife Hilda on the right, and Deputy BP Greene on the left
First Lady Hilda Diaz addressing the audience
From left to right is Deputy Inspector Nilda Hofmann, Ms. Betrice Castiglia-Castillo, BP Diaz, First Lady Hilda Diaz, Roma Torre of NY1, and Ms. Belkis Lora.

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What You Should Know By Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York 

   While speaking with State Senator JosĂ© Peralta from Queens, I learned about a problem in which most of the Hispanic legislature, especially the leaders of Somos, have gotten into with the labor unions in New York State.
   As you know, Somos is an activity celebrated every year in Albany and coordinated by the Hispanic legislators in order to create a “Hispanic Agenda in favor of the Hispanic Community.”
   This activity, through all the years, has changed names from “Somos El Futuro” which in English means “We Are the Future” –  to “Somos Uno” which means “We Are One” – and now it is just plain “Somos” meaning “We Are.”
   When I came to Albany in 2002, I joined the group and started to participate in this activity every year.  I used to bring 17 buses filled with senior citizens to participate in what was called the “Senior Luncheon.”   But after noticing and becoming aware of how Somos has just become a tool of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, and that every year they continued voting against the interests of our community in order to please Silver, I then decided not to participate, nor to be a member.
   Last year, as you already know, they all voted for a budget that was detrimental to our minority community: cutting services from senior citizens; cutting education services from our children; cutting close to $3 billion dollars from Medicaid, making it dangerous for members of our community to get sick and get decent healthcare; and forcing many not-for-profit organizations that serve our community to close their doors.  All this because they were so afraid of Speaker Silver and the Governor.
   This year, you should know, that one more time they went along with the Speaker and the Governor and voted to destroy pension funds for the working members of our community.
   According to Senator Peralta, those votes against pension funds have made every union in the State and the leaders of the labor movement so upset that they have decided not to participate nor  contribute funding to Somos.
    To me, dear reader, it is very unclear what Somos really means.  It could mean various things:

   “Somos: one thing in our community and another thing in Albany;”
   “Somos: the puppet of the Governor to help him balance the budget on the backs of the poor and needy;”
   “Somos: Hispanic only during re-election times;”
   “Somos: only in name.”

   This weekend the great leaders of our community will congregate in New York to celebrate the achievement of Somos.  I have to ask: What achievement and what Somos?
I am Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.



New York Magazine extols virtues of Kingsbridge


  Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz applauds New York Magazine for its extremely positive article highlighting the Kingsbridge community’s real estate value, excellent business establishments, and neighborhood amenities.

  “I am extraordinarily pleased that New York Magazine has recognized the desirability and positive future of Kingsbridge.  I’ve been saying for a long time that so many great things are taking place in Kingsbridge and its future is bright.  The fact that the River Plaza shopping center has been such a huge success and the upcoming development of the Stella D’oro site and West 230th Street and Broadway all indicate that there is much confidence in our Kingsbridge community.  Substantial business investment along the Broadway corridor, which I have advocated for many years, is a huge vote of confidence in Kingsbridge’s future,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz.
  You can check out the three page article in The New York Magazine here.

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