Friday, April 13, 2012

The Bronx PUSH 4 PEACE


HOT 97 Street Soldiers
(Featuring Lisa Evers-Hot 97 Street Soldiers’ Host & Fox 5 News Reporter)

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


President of COBA - Norman Seabrook


Festival & Hot 97 FM Live Show

Saturday, April 28, 2012   (1-5 p.m.)

Hostos Community College (CUNY)
500 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY

Live Hot 97 DJ-
Artist Open Mic Competition,
Info Fair,
**Hot 97 FM Street Soldiers Town Hall Live Show Discussion,
Free Prizes & Free Refreshments
Celebrity Guests: Hip Hop Artists and Sports Stars……..
 Click Here To Download Flyer:

Bronx Bankers Breakfast


Bronx Week 2012




Thursday, April 12, 2012

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York 

Congressman Charles Rangel and Senator Adriano Espaillat will attend Hispanic Ministers Banquet

You should know that  this weekend many Evangelical Churches and their congregations, together with The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization will join together to celebrate their 24th Annual Banquet.
You should also know that among the many  dignitaries and elected officials who have confirmed their attendance are New York State Comptroller Thomas Dinapoli, Congressman Charles Rangel, Senator Adriano Espaillat,  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., New York City Comptroller John Liu and New York City Public Advocate Bill De Blasio.
The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization was created in 1988, with the purpose of defending and protecting  those Biblical, traditional, family and moral values taught by the word of God, since then, each year the organization celebrates an annual banquet where more than 800 people including ministers, elected officials, and dignitaries gather to recognize those men and women who have done outstanding work on behalf of their communities and those in need. 

This year’s annual banquet, which will take place Saturday April 14th,  and will be dedicated to six members of our community, who have excelled in their religious endeavors on behalf of their community and  service to those that are most in need.
The Rev. Abelardo Batista - Bishop General of the Assembly of Christian Churches, Rev. Rene Cruz -   Apostle of the Christian Church El Redentor, Rev. Pedro Olivieri – Pastor of the Church La Puerta Estrecha in upper Manhattan, Rev. Myrna Padro – Director of the Bible Institute Rehoboth, Dr. Pedro Sanchez -  from the Dominican Republic and Mr.  Juan Bautista Jimenez Reinoso - Lieutenant Colonel of the Dominican National Police.
These six individuals have been recommended and selected by the Executive Board of Directors of the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization, as the most prominent figures in the evangelical community during  the year 2011.

You should know that we all rejoice in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for allowing us to celebrate together another year of many victories, achievements, blessings and the opportunity to do his will.
I am  Senator Rev.  RubĂ©n DĂ­az and this is what you  should know.



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Harlem River Working Group

  The Harlem River Working group met last week at Lehman College for its third and last session on planning recommendations for the Harlem River Bronx Waterfront. The Bronx Borough Presidents office, Community Boards 1,4,5,7,8, and local elected officials are trying to connect Bronx residents with the Harlem River. There have been different plans that have been proposed over the past four years, and some have changed in one way or another.
  The Trust for Public Land (a national non-profit organization) along with Pratt Institute are gathering information from past and present working groups to come up with a definite plan for the Bronx Harlem River Waterfront. At Lehman College there were three breakout groups from different areas that brought out ideas, and then were presented to the group as a whole to add or comment on. 
  The project will begin at the the new Fresh Direct site in the Southern portion of the Bronx with a proposal for a pedestrian bridge at Lincoln Avenue for waterfront access. A path from the Bronx to Randall's Island under the current train trestle is proposed, while Pier 5 by Yankee Stadium is proposed to be a waterfront park. A new safer route under the Macombs Dam Bridge is also proposed, while a new 3 acre park at Highbridge is also in the works. Access to the Putnam Greenway by Fordham Landing along the Train tracks, and a waterfront park by the Spuyten Dyvil Metro North station are also proposed. 
  There was discussion on how people would get to the waterfront on the other side of the Metro North tracks, access across the Henry Hudson Bridge to the Greenway, the waterfront by Target, and to the waterfront Triangle at the Spuyten Dyvil station. 
  In June there will be a final proposal by Pratt for the Bronx Council for Environment Quality  and public to discuss. Several government agencies (EPA, HUD, Army Corp of Engineers, Fish & Wildlife Agriculture) as part of the Urban Waters Initiative are charged with this non funded mandate.
   Visit the BCEQ website for much more on this and other items of interest at .

288086_88x31 Nestle Waters Logo
Bronx YEP, "YOUTH SPEAKS" 2012 Building Relationsh​​ips

7th Annual "YOUTH SPEAKS" 2012 Building Relationsh​​ips
News 12 Molly Rokasy will help host this youth organized event where youth voice their concerns and ideas to community and elected leaders.
Youth will be celebrating youth. Youth from 20 different schools participating 
Friday April 27. 2012 3:30-6pm 
Evander Childs High School Campus. 
800 East Gun Hill Road.
Sponsored the Bronx Youth Empowerment Program
like or visit us on facebook Bronx youth empowerment program
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email or call.
Thanks for all your support of the youth.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting

Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 19, 2012 – 7:00 PM
DEP Office – 3660 Jerome Avenue, Bronx NY 10467 - (718) 231-8470

I  Welcome                         Paul Foster, Chair

II Consider and Adopt The Meeting Agenda        CFMC Representatives

III Consider, Adopt 3/15/12 Meeting Minutes    CFMC Representatives

IV Update on JPR Jogging Path PDC Status    Hector Aponte, DPR 
                                                                    Steve Des Noyer, DPR

V Croton Construction Update,                   Bernard Daly, P.E., DEP
     Schedule and Costs
VI Croton Jobs and Bronx Purchases             Mark Lanaghan, DEP

VII CFMC Discussion, Set Next Meeting        CFMC Representatives

VIII   Adjourn

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April Volunteer Projects with New York Cares


Do your part for The Bronx – Volunteer!

New York Cares, the city’s leading volunteer organization, offers great ways for Bronx residents to get involved in their community through rewarding, conveniently scheduled projects.

April Volunteer Project Highlights – The Bronx
Becoming a New York Cares volunteer is easy. Simply attend a one-time orientation at the Mott Haven Library on the evening of Tuesday, April 17th or any other Bronx location. You can then choose from approximately 1,200 projects citywide each month.  To register for an orientation in your area, please visit or call 212-228-5000.

Upcoming Bronx project highlights:

·         New York Cares Day Spring Ensure your local parks, community gardens, and public spaces remain safe and fun places to relax and enjoy nature by joining more than 5,000 volunteers from across New York City in this April 21st day of service. Visit one of our twelve sites in the Bronx or any of our dozens of other locations. No orientation is required to participate. Visit for more information.
·         Bedtime Stories at Theresa’s Haven Foster a love of books and art in children, ages 4-12, by reading and crafts projects with the children of Theresa’s Haven in Mount Hope on Thursday evenings.
·         Pre-GED Prep at GED Plus Davidson Ensure students realize their full potential and take a step towards achieving their goals by preparing them in reading, writing, and math for the GED in Mt. Eden on Tuesday afternoons.
·         Music and Movement at BronxWorks' Nelson Avenue Family ResidenceEnjoy hands-on music games with children as they learn about different musical instruments, play rhythm games, and have fun expressing themselves through music on Saturday afternoons in University Heights.

About New York Cares:
New York Cares is New York City’s largest volunteer organization.  Founded in 1987, New York Cares runs volunteer programs for 1,200 nonprofits, public schools, and city agencies citywide.  New York Cares volunteers help children learn to read, prepare meals for homeless and housebound people, help low income students get into college, revitalize public parks and schools, and much more.  Last year, New York Cares volunteers helped 400,000 New Yorkers in need.  For more information about New York Cares, the public should visit or call 212-228-5000.


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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ex Espada Press Aide: Govt. Has A Double Standard

This came to us from Mr. Frank LaBoy, who was an ex-Press Aide to former Senator Pedro Espada Jr.


   A former press aide to ex New York state senator Pedro Espada, Jr asserts the government is using a double standard against the indicted former senator, and his son.

   Frank LaBoy, a former press secretary who broke ties with Espada in October, 2010 believes the government is relying too much on faulty bookkeeping, and press leaks in the news media tinged with racism, to bury the Espadas in their federal trial.

   The erstwhile press aide who became a political foe of Espada's says: " I dislike sushi (raw fish) big time, and I drive a simple car that's not a Mercedes, but frankly, if someone likes sushi, enjoys driving a premium auto mobile, talks stridently, that does not make them a criminal. Mr. Espada, and his son have done nothing wrong except exercise their freedom of choice rights as free American men in a capitalist society. Why is it okay for a major presidential candidate to have personal funds in offshore accounts which are legally questionable for someone running for president of the United States- but it is somehow wrong to celebrate your grandson's birthday especially if you're savvy, capitalist, and happen to be Hispanic? Hispanics have no right to be successful like Mitt Romney without fear of being criminalized? You have to be kidding!"

   LaBoy suspects the Espada's are victims of a protracted government witch hunt that resembles the persectution inflicted on the late Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. in eh latter part of the 1950s and 1960s, and the horrific prosecution and jailing of an innocent French general, Alfred Dreyfus during the late 19th Century.

   " In the prosecution of these two historic figures (Powell and Dreyfus), wanton, flagrant bigotry played a huge role in their persecution by the government.
   This is no different from the prosecution of the Espada's in this day and age, where they are held to up to constant ridicule, scorn, and disparaging dismissive condescension that masks what is really racism by the news media who appear obsessed with destroying people of color by criminalizing their behavior even when they practice the same standards of fiscal chicanery-capitalism that the media hides behind, but they peddle the drivel, and nonsense of celluloid "hollywood (with small letters) personalities" who contribute nothing to the American landscape except self destructive behavior that is really worrisome to the fabric of society in general."
  Pedro Espada is undergoing criminal prosecution for being no-nonsense, for daring to be successful, for doing what the white boys' club has always done here in America, except that Espada is Latino, and criminalizing him is the cruel way the government feels it can put him, and other successful Latinos like Espada, in their place ...on the plantation of protracted government persecution for promoting capitalism in a Nation that has a very hard time defining right from wrong these days, but is obsessed with constantly criminalizing the community of Americans Males who are people of color, especially if they wear business suits, and are successful capitalists, business people, or deign to be successful, and use the same rules of business enterprise that Anglo- White businesses use every day", said LaBoy.

   "If you are a Man and you happen to be Black, Latino, or from any group of racial minorities, you are likely to be racially-profiled for criminal prosecution, especially if you are a businessman, and enjoy a degree of notoriety. The New York state senate, and the Congress is rife with no-show jobs, and nepotism! Pedro Espada did not invent corruption. Politicians in Albany, and in Washington, D.C. hire relatives all the time, even girlfriends and boy friends, they do this every day, and have done so for over 200 years, and no one criminalizes them !
   LaBoy believes the Espada's are being subjected to a double standard of prosecution and hypocrisy. "Do the Espada's have offshore, or Swiss bank accounts? No. But a major presidential candidate does, and that's okay. Nobody is convening a federal Grand Jury to inquire how a successful multi -millionaire with millions of dollars in wealth can run for President of the United States, keep funds in off shore banks, away from the long arm of the federal government, the IRS, and the Law, and not face any kind of scrutiny. That is a glaring double standard of justice if you ask me." concluded LaBoy.