Monday, June 10, 2019


City agencies, the MTA, elected officials and transit advocates will share ideas to increase bus speeds 25% citywide by 2020

  Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced the formation of an advisory group for the administration’sBetter Buses Action Plan to increase bus speeds by 25% across the five boroughs by the end of 2020.  City agencies, the MTA, elected officials, transit advocates and others represented in the advisory group will share thoughts about how to improve service along critical corridor around the city. To kick off the group’s work, they took a ride on the B35 bus along Church Avenue in Flatbush, Brooklyn – among the plan’s priority corridors.

“We are taking action to get New Yorkers moving and saving them time for the things that matter,” said Mayor de Blasio. “With guidance from riders, our new Better Buses advisory group will come up with innovative solutions to get our bus routes up to speed.”

“Church Avenue is a bustling corridor, where keeping buses moving is a persistent challenge —as we try to strike a balance among the needs of commuters, shoppers,  merchants and delivery trucks in one of Brooklyn’s densest neighborhoods,” said DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg.  “I look forward to working with the members of the Better Buses Advisory Group officially named today.   The Mayor’s Better Buses plan will bring sensible changes to Church Avenue that will not only make commutes faster and more reliable, but will make one of Brooklyn’s most crash-prone streets safer for everyone.”

"NYC Transit is working hard with our partners to improve bus performance throughout the city, which begins with unclogging congested streets and we welcome the attention that NYCDOT, the NYPD and City Hall are giving this critical matter,” said New York City Transit President Andy Byford.

New York City has 2.5 times more bus riders than any other city in the country, but also the nation’s slowest buses, with a current average speed of just eight miles an hour.  Despite the City’s expanding population, bus ridership has declined by 13% in the last four years.

As part of the Better Buses Bus Action Plan, the New York City Department of Transportation has identified 20 projects to improve bus travel times.  To highlight one key corridor in the City’s initiative, NYC DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg joined local elected officials and advocates today for a ride on the B35 bus along Church Avenue in Flatbush, Brooklyn.  Plagued by slow bus speeds and a high crash rate, the busy east-west corridor is a top 2019 project location identified by DOT in the Better Buses Action Plan. 

Commissioner Trottenberg was joined today by MTA New York City Transit President Andy Byford, Assembly Member Robert Carroll and members of the Better Buses Advisory Group, including representatives of the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, the Community Service Society of New York, The Riders Alliance, TransitCenter, the Straphangers Campaign, ABNY and AARP.

Better Buses -- First Stop, Church Avenue:  The planned changes along Church Avenue, which DOT presented this month to local community boards, help connect Flatbush to Kensington – by introducing new curbside dedicated bus lanes and updated curb regulations to optimize bus and traffic flow, as well as better organize activity at the curb. 

This 0.9- mile of roadway between Flatbush Avenue and Ocean Parkway carries four different MTA bus routes with a combined daily ridership of 45,000.  The B35, which travels across Brooklyn from Brownsville to Sunset Park, has an average speed of only 4.9 MPH during the morning commute and 3.6 MPH in the evenings, among the slowest in the entire City.  (The B103, BM3 and BM4 lines also travel along portions of Church Avenue.)  The street is plagued by traffic issues common to others identified in the Better Buses report: double parking, truck loading and long traffic queues – delays often caused by turning vehicles.  Safety along the corridor has also long been a concern: over the last five years, this portion of Church has seen 481 serious injury crashes, including two fatalities.

DOT is looking at several improvements to the Church Avenue corridor including:
·         Curbside red bus lanes that give dedicated space to buses, increasing travel speeds and reliability.
·         Updated curb regulations along Church Avenue and side streets, including new and adjusted truck loading zones and metered parking, to accommodate deliveries and parking activity along Church Avenue.

Vision Zero Changes at Ocean Parkway/Church Avenue – Today’s bus ride ended at the intersection of Church Avenue and Ocean Parkway.  This Vision Zero priority intersection has been among the most crash-prone in Brooklyn, as vehicles leave a pedestrian-heavy neighborhood to enter the Prospect Expressway.  Over the last five years, 102 people have been seriously injured at this intersection, with one pedestrian struck and killed here in February 2018.
Over past years, DOT has made a number of safety improvements to this intersection, including the addition of pedestrian refuge islands, flashing yellow turn arrows, leading pedestrian intervals (LPI) that give those crossing Ocean Parkway by foot a head-start, countdown clocks, and a red-light camera.  Along with the Better Buses improvements to Church Avenue, DOT also plans the addition of several Vision Zero-related changes that will be made this summer at this intersection, including: new curb extensions and widened concrete medians to expand pedestrian refuges; new turn restrictions; and an extension of the time for the pedestrian LPI. (see rendering of proposed changes below).

Better Buses Advisory Group: The Mayor’s announcement today also named the members of a new Advisory Group, which will help implement the Better Buses plan. The group will contain the following elected officials:

·         Public Advocate Jumaane Williams
·         Senator Alessandra Biaggi
·         State Senator Leroy Comrie
·         State Senator Andrew Gounardes
·         State Senator Brad Hoylman
·         State Senator James Sanders Jr.
·         Assembly Member Walter T. Mosley
·         Assembly Member Nily Rozic
·         Council Member Diana Ayala
·         Council Member Joseph Borelli
·         Council Member Fernando Cabrera
·         Council Member Laurie Cumbo
·         Council Member I. Daneek Miller
·         Council Member Donovan Richards
·         Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez

In addition to elected officials and representatives of MTA New York City Transit, NYPD, NYC Small Business Services and the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, the Advisory Group will include the following member organizations:

·         NYC BID Association
·         Association for a Better New York
·         1199 SEIU
·         Transport Workers Union
·         Amalgamated Transit Union
·         Rudin Center
·         Center for an Urban Future
·         The Rider's Alliance
·         Transit Center
·         Straphangers Campaign
·         New York League of Conservation Voters
·         Community Service Society of New York
·         AARP

“Efficient transportation is a priority for the over 230,000 small businesses across the five boroughs. Local businesses can only continue to support our economy if there are effective transit options available that allow their employees to reliably come to work and customers to easily support their businesses,” said Gregg Bishop, Commissioner of the NYC Department of Small Business Services. “I applaud DOT’s commitment to increasing bus speeds by 25% across the five boroughs by the end of 2020, which will go a long way to positively impact business owners and residents alike.”

“A better bus leaves no one behind,” said MOPD Commissioner Victor Calise. “As the City develops ways to increase the speed, safety, and efficiency of our bus system, it is important that we include the needs of people with disabilities. MOPD looks forward to working with our City and State partners, elected officials, and advocacy groups including the disability community to create a better and more inclusive mode of transportation that works well for everyone.”

REMINDER! Bronx Metro-North Hunts Point Interactive Public Workshop


Hunts Point Interactive Public Workshop is just one week away!

Join us for a public workshop/open house and help plan around future Metro-North service in your neighborhood!

This interactive, self-paced event is an important opportunity for the community to join city agencies in planning around future Metro-North service. Come share your local expertise, hear from your neighbors, contribute your ideas for improving pedestrian and transit connections to and from the station, and help ensure that new service is thoughtfully integrated into the surrounding neighborhoods.

How could new service enhance ongoing planning in the neighborhood?  Our teams from the Southern Boulevard Neighborhood Study and Hunts Point Vision will be on hand to hear your thoughts!

Activities will be self-paced and participants can come when they wish and stay for as long as they are able to.


Monday, June 17, 2019

(Self-paced activities. Come when you wish and stay for long as you are able to.)


940 Garrison Ave
The Point (Atrium space)
Hunts Point, Bx

For any questions or special needs, please email or call 718 220 8500

Find Out More

¡Ăšnase a nosotros para un taller pĂșblico interactivo y ayude a planificar alrededor del futuro servicio de Metro-North en su barrio!

¡SĂłlo una semana hasta nuestro Taller PĂșblico Interactivo para Hunts Point

¡Ăšnase a nosotros para un taller pĂșblico interactivo y ayude a planificar alrededor del futuro servicio de Metro-North en su barrio!

Este evento interactivo y que irĂĄ a ritmo propio serĂĄ una oportunidad importante para que la comunidad pueda unirse con agencias municipales para planificar alrededor del futuro servicio de Metro-North. Venga a compartir su pericia local, entender las perspectivas de sus vecinos, contribuir sus ideas para mejorar las conexiones a la estaciĂłn para los que caminan y los que usan trĂĄnsito, y ayude a asegurar que este nuevo servicio se integre en el contexto local de una manera bien pensada.

¿CĂłmo puede este nuevo servicio contribuir a otros estudios de vecinardio en el ĂĄrea? Miembros de los equipos del Estudio de Vecindario de Southern Blvd y Plan de VisiĂłn para Hunts Point tambiĂ©n estarĂĄn presentes para escuchar de Ud.!


Lunes, 17 de Junio, 2019

(Actividades irån a ritmo propio. Venga cuando quiera y quédese el tiempo que pueda.)


940 Garrison Ave
The Point (Atrium space)
Hunts Point, Bx

Para cualquier pregunta o necesidades especiales, por favor, envĂ­e un correo electrĂłnico a o llame al 718 220 8500


By Councilman Rubén Díaz Sr.
Bronx County, New York

 You should know that the New York State Democratic Senate only needs 32 votes to approve legislation and they now have 39 Democratic Senators. That means they do not need one single Republican Senator vote to pass the Rent Control Regulations for the poor people of New York State.
You should also know that an article titled “Cuomo threatens lawmakers with extended session to finish business” written by Bernadette Hogan appears in the June 7, 2019 edition of the New York Post.  Here is how the article begins: “Gov. Andrew Cuomo threatened to hold state lawmakers hostage in Albany this summer if they can’t agree to pass rent reform before the end of the legislative session on June 19.”
It is important for you to know that unlike the Republicans, we Democrats are proudly defined as being opposed to homelessness and as champions of affordable housing for all.
If this is still true, then Democrats in New York State need to get their act together this week, if not, landlords will be able to evict tenants without cause, and rent regulated apartments will be turned into free-market units.
According to Ms. Hogan’s article: “Laws covering nearly 1 million rent-stabilized tenants in New York City are set to expire June 15, and the Legislature is considering a broad new set of tenant protections that are deeply unpopular with landlords because the laws would limit their ability to raise rents or take units out of rent stabilization.”
It is important for you to know that Governor Andrew Cuomo has given his word that he will sign into law whatever rent package the Senate passes. So what is the delay in passing these bills before rent and tenant protection laws expire?
My dear reader, with Democrats in control in New York State, why is this dreaded deadline still looming overhead?
With Democrats in control, why are protesters filling buses to Albany to jam the hallways with chants and signs to demand universal rent control regulations?
With Democrats in control, why are truly concerned housing advocates, including NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, getting arrested in Albany during these protests?
Should there be any reason at all for Governor Cuomo to have to threaten elected officials that he will keep them in Albany after Session if they do not pass these laws to protect New York’s tenants?
You should know that many of my constituents and people here in the South Bronx are extremely troubled about this, as am I. But what can I say to those who tell me repeatedly that they vote for Democrats because they believe the Democrats are there to represent their needs, and then they have such anxiety because New York Democrats in charge haven’t resolved this matter yet?
With all of the public protests – and Governor Andrew Cuomo having to act like a Den mom – I can only hope the Democratic chaos will end and New York’s senior citizens, families and individuals will get the affordable housing they need.
I am Council Member Reverend Rubén Díaz, Sr. and this is what you should know.

The New Bronx Chamber of Commerce - Amazing events happening this week!

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Yemini Community Parade Across Rhinelander Avenue Saturday June 8th

  One can only guess what Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are saying to each other as they prepare to march in the first Bronx Yemini Community Parade. 

Police estimates were that over five-hundred people marched the five blocks across Rhinelander Avenue from Matthews Avenue to White Plains Road where the Mosque for the Muslim American Society is located. In front of the Mosque it was estimated that there were up to one thousand people for the speeches and other events. This event was one year in the making drawing people from across New York City and six states including California. 

Above - The parade across Rhinelander Avenue begins.
Below - As the marchers are coming there is dancing in the street in front of the Muslim American Society.

Above - It was 2021 Mayoral candidates Term-Limited City Comptroller Scott Stringer sitting next to another 2021 Mayoral candidate Term-Limited Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. Next ro BP Diaz is probable 2021 Bronx Borough President candidate Term-Limited City Councilman Fernando Cabrera, with non term-limited District Leader (and past State Assembly candidate) John Perez also in the photo. 
Below - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. speaks of the diversity of the Bronx, saying that the Bronx is home to many immigrants who have chosen to make the Bronx their home, and welcomes the Yemini population who are hard workers and excellent additions to any of the Bronx's many communities.

Above - Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks about the current president's policies on immigration, where many of the Yemini families are split apart due to some family members coming to America, but others not being able to now. 
Below - City Comptroller Scott Stringer brought a citation for the Yemini community of the Bronx with him, that he presented while he spoke.


This was e-mailed by SAVING JUSTICE Editor, Dr. Jim Fairbanks, (and to other media outlets.)

My desire is for trust and the working together of landlords and tenant associations so that our buildings and South Bronx community can survive and thrive.

Yet, looking historically, trust requires the justice of an apology and restitution from the real estate industry! After 50 years I still have not received an apology from the millionaire landlords for milking and burning down 10,000 buildings in the South Bronx for arson profit, and for making 500,000 residents flee for their lives in one of the greatest crimes and migrations of the 20 th century.

Rent increases? But, trust requires apology, restitution, repairs, rent rollback, more rollback. and a lot  more rollback. I would prefer that this not be a hearing on rent increases, but rather a hearing of a Truth & Reconciliation Commission. I would gladly forgive and restore trust!

A predatory landlord bought my building a year ago, and in less than a year, 25% of the tenants have fled the building because the landlord is ending the preferential rents of all tenants. Talk about a rent increase of hundreds and hundreds of dollars! And, the Rent Guidelines Board is considering increases? Really?

If things weren’t bad enough, here comes the Mayor’s unaffordable rezoning gentrification plan to destroy the diverse cultures of the South Bronx community and drive out the people of low and moderate income. And landlords want rent increases?

After the destruction and abandonment of the South Bronx by the real estate industry, we rebuilt the South Bronx by sweat equity, low income coops, non-profit community housing developers, and years of demand to the government and the private sector to rebuild. And the real estate industry made their billions in rebuilding. So, why gentrify and drive out the people again?

Thanks to the unprecedented organizing of CASA and dozens of such groups across the city, we are trying to hold off another eve of destruction. How long will the notion continue that the residents of the Bronx do not know what is best for the well being of our community, but only the people of power, wealth and control?

My desire as a tenant leader is the restoring of trust between landlords and tenant associations so that our buildings and community can survive and thrive. Thank you.

Please attend the Rent Guidelines Board’s Hearings on rent increases on Tuesday, June 11 at the Hostos Community College Main Theater. CASA will have a press conference at 5:00 PM before the Hearings.

TEAM DIAZ “Abrazo Boricua in New York”

  Thursday night the TEAM DIAZ  “Abrazo Boricua in New York” was held at the Eastwood Manor on Eastchester Road in the Northeast Bronx to a packed room as usual. 500 people were on hand for the evolution of TEAM DIAZ under City Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. which has changed over the years. 

TEAM DIAZ 2019 features (L - R) 79th Assembly candidate George Alvarez, 87th A.D. Female District Leader Julia Rodriguez, City Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr., 87th A.D. Male District Leader and Assembly candidate Sergeant John Perez, and Community Activist Antonio Cabrera. Not in the photo is TEAM DIAZ 2019 member Councilman Rafael Salamanca.

The honorees for TEAM DIAZ 2019 TEAM DIAZ  “Abrazo Boricua in New York” were Mr. Frankie Hernandez President of La Flor De Mayo Express, Community Board # 2 District Manager Ralph Acevedo, Community Activist Carmen Martinez, and Puerto Rican Pioneer Federico Perez. 

Above - Councilman Rafael Salamanca with his honoree Community Board # 2 District Manager Ralph Acevedo.
Below - 79th Assembly candidate George Alvarez with his honoree Community Activist Carmen Martinez.

Representative Adriano Espaillat Celebrates LGBTQ Pride Month; Holds 9th Annual Pride Forum June 30th at Indian Road Cafe

  Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13), a member of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, released the following statement in honor of LGBTQ Pride Month.

“Each year during the month of June, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community comes together to celebrate their courage, their identity, the freedom to love who they love, and their right to equal treatment under the law. In communities across this country, LGBTQ individuals can still be fired from their jobs, evicted from their homes, and denied services simply because of who they are or who they love. It is critical that we do more to protect the dignity of the LGBT community and work to ensure full legal and societal equality. That is why I was proud to join my congressional colleagues last month in voting to pass the Equality Act in the U.S. House of Representatives, which would ensure comprehensive civil rights and protections for LGBTQ individuals in communities across the country.

“Pride Month recognizes the courage it takes for LGBTQ people to come out as their true selves into a society that is not always accepting, and it celebrates what for many is a transition from hiding who they truly are to boldly accepting and being proud of their identity.  It is an observance of those who have fought for equality, in some cases losing their freedom or even their lives. This year is particularly important as we recognize the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots -- the starting point for the LGBTQ equal rights movement – and as New York City hosts the World Pride festival.

“As we celebrate Pride during the month of June, we also pause in reflection of the 49 individuals killed during the attack at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, and countless others whose lives have been lost due to targeted attacks based on their identity.

“As a strong ally, I am proud to celebrate Pride Month and recognize the significant contributions of the LGBTQ community throughout New York’s 13th congressional district and around the nation. When we are inclusive of all persons, including our LGBTQ family, friends and fellow citizens, we are a stronger, more resilient and more unified society.”