Saturday, February 13, 2016



Including a Concert with World Renowned Singer Miriam Cruz

Senator Adriano Espaillat and Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez will host two Dominican Heritage events in partnership with the Washington Heights BID in celebration of Dominican Heritage month. Hundreds of community members will join in this year's festivities, which will highlight Dominican-American culture and progress with a focus on education and the arts. We hope you will be able to join us. For more information please email 

First Night:

WHAT: Los Tres Grandes / The three leaders. Three experts will discuss three Dominican figures who helped shape the Dominican Republic's political system: JoaquĂ­n  Balaguer, Juan Bosch, and Jose Pena Gomez. 

State Senator Adriano Espaillat
Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez
Three expert panelists 
Open to the public 

WHERE: William Black Medical Research Building (650 W. 168 St New York, NY 10032)

WHENSunday, February 21st, 2016  from 5:00pm - 7:00pm  

Second Night:

WHAT: Dominican Heritage Concert, with world renowned singer Miriam Cruz and The Young People's Chorus of New York City at Washington Heights. 

State Senator Adriano Espaillat
Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez
Open to the public  (1,300 seats) 

WHERE: George Washington High School Media and Communications

WHENMonday, February 22nd 6:00 - 9:00 pm

Friday, February 12, 2016


  Proposal calls for $765 million investment in afterschool programming, community learning schools and full-day kindergarten

  Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeff Klein, and members of the IDC, on Friday released, The 50 Hour Learning Week, a policy report calling for a total $550 million investment to expand afterschool programming, $155 million to create community schools and a $60 million fund to ensure every child has a seat in full-day kindergarten.

This comprehensive approach to education targets students’ needs both inside and outside of the classroom by expanding traditional school hours and filling after hours time with enriching activities that wind up saving taxpayers billions of dollars in the long run on childcare costs, remedial education programs and crime reduction benefits.

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“New York State’s students deserve rich learning opportunities that seal their future success. Afterschool programs and the expansion of community schools place students in innovative learning environments well beyond traditional classroom hours, keeping them focused and performing at higher levels. The best investment we can make is in our children which is why the IDC wants to implement its 50 hour Learning Week proposal,” said Senator Klein.

“Our upstate students need expanded programming to receive the education they deserve — and that’s exactly what The 50 Hour Learning Week report and proposal will do. Many schools upstate would significantly benefit from the community learning school model — and this proposal would provide those schools the funding they need to support their students and families. Expanding afterschool programming and full-day kindergarten would also ensure that our students are receiving the education they need to prepare them for a bright future,” said Senator David Valesky.

“The 50 Hour Learning Week proposes an ambitious program that would expand education for all of New York’s students. These three key areas — afterschool programming, community learning schools, and full-day kindergarten are vital programs to ensure that our education system is supporting our students and families outside of the traditional school hours. In addition to helping students and families throughout the state, this proposal would save taxpayers millions in educational development costs and crime prevention, while resulting in higher earnings for New York’s future. It’s common sense — let’s support our students, families and the state,” said Senator Diane Savino.

Students across our state deserve the best education that New York has to offer. The proposed 50 Hour Learning Week will provide our students with the tools they need to shape their academic success both inside and outside of the classroom. Their future is in our hands, let’s ensure that future is brightsaid Senator David Carlucci.

Right now, there are too many children that have not yet reached their full potential because we have not given them the tools yet to reach it. Studies have been conclusive: Access to after-school programming and the availability of all-day kindergarten has a far reaching butterfly effect on the life of a child and we need to do everything we can to ensure that they have an opportunity for a successful life. Like everything, success lies in building a strong foundation and it is exactly that foundation that the IDC is trying to establish for kids throughout New York State,said Senator Tony Avella.

Afterschool Programming

Extensive research has shown that afterschool programs lead to overall student development, lower a child’s risk of criminal activity, alleviate parents of child care stress, and reduce long-term financial costs to the state. Students who participate in afterschool programs are less likely to be referred to remedial or special education courses and are 2.1 percent less likely to repeat a grade, all of which have higher costs to the state.

The report reveals that for every $1 invested in afterschool programming, taxpayers save a whopping $3 —  a savings of 300 percent.

For afterschool crime prevention programs, the benefits are even larger. Research shows that violent juvenile crime arrests peak by 20 percent, each hour, and youth victimized by violent crimes peak by 25 percent, each hour, during the after school hours. However, every $1 invested yields $5.92 in crime reduction benefits to the state.

The IDC proposes investing an increase of $301 million in afterschool programs to create 128,000 new seats for 167,000 students. This investment could save New York State taxpayers nearly $1 billion and yield nearly $2 billion in crime reduction benefits.

Community Learning Schools

Initially established by the Community Schools Grant Initiative in 2014, community learning schools provide students and their families rich, comprehensive programming for before and after school hours aimed at supporting communities through social services, as well as nutritional, medical, dental and mental health services. Analysis of 130 existing community learning schools has shown that this programming can increase student attendance, reduce chronic absenteeism and improve high school graduation rates by an average of 11 percent.

The IDC proposes a $50 million investment this year for Community Schools on top of the proposed $100 million by the Executive. In total, a the IDC would like to see a $200 million investment over four-years to establish 400 new community schools across the state. In addition, another $5 million should fund existing Community Schools.

Full-Day Kindergarten

For many young students, kindergarten can close the achievement gaps that are a result of income and education disparities in the home. Studies have shown that students who attend full-day kindergarten perform better throughout their academic years, and eventually obtain higher paid jobs, which in turn also leads to more tax revenue for the state.

It is estimated that if each student was given the opportunity to attend full-day kindergarten, the state could receive an additional $25 million in accumulated benefits.

While many school districts have a demand for full-day kindergarten, they lack the operation funds and capital expense money to expand their program. Over 30 school districts could benefit from new funds that would cover capital expenses for kindergarten program expansion.

Senate Bill S. 863-A, sponsored by Senator Carlucci and championed in the IDC’s New York 2020 Agenda: A Blueprint for a Better New York, would establish the Kindergarten Conversion Fund, which would use unclaimed lottery money to fund kindergarten programs, as well as related capital expenses, throughout New York State. The Kindergarten Conversion Fund could result in $60 million in additional funding for kindergarten programs, annually.

Elected Officials to celebrate the 4th “African American Abrazo in New York”

   Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az, in conjunction with  New York State Assemblymen Marcos Crespo, Luis Sepulveda and Michael Blake, will celebrate the 4th Annual “African American Abrazo in New York.”  This event will honor the contributions of the African-Americans to the State and City of New York .   

This event, which is by “invitation only will be attended by more than 500 people, will take place at Maestro’s Caterers located at 1703 Bronxdale Avenue, Bronx, New York, Friday, February 19, from 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. 

The elected officials organizing the event, will  be presenting proclamations to (4) distinguished members of the African-American Community. 

For more information and tickets  please contact  the office of Assemblymen Michael Blake718-538-3829,  Marcos Crespo 718-893-0202, Luis Sepulveda 718-931-2620 or Senator Ruben Diaz at (718) 991-3161. 

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.'s State of the Borough Address

The Honorable Ruben Diaz Jr.
President, Borough of The Bronx

cordially invites you to
The State of The Borough Address
Thursday, February 18, 2016
11:30 a.m.
Cardinal Hayes High School
650 Grand Concourse
The Bronx
seating is limited
or call 718-590-6116

The Office of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. | 718-590-3500 |

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Kingsbridge Armory Community Meeting

Click on the imager to make it larger, and for more information call Senator Rivera's office at 718-933-2034.


Klein Donates More Than 500 Valentine’s Day Cards and Gift Bags to Bronx Veterans

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Senator Jeff Klein, Miss USA Olivia Jordan, and P.S. 105 students pay tribute to the veterans.

State Senator Jeff Klein, joined by Miss USA 2015 Olivia Jordan and students from local schools, donated more than 500 Valentine’s Day cards and gift bags to veterans at the 21st annual “Valentine’s for Veterans” celebration held at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center on Wednesday.

“For the past 21 years, I have proudly hosted ‘Valentine’s for Veterans’ as a way to honor the sacrifices of our American heroes. This intergenerational event allows Bronx children to pay tribute to our brave service men and women and hear firsthand about their courageous acts that contributed to America’s freedom. I thank P.S. 105 for their outstanding performance, SUNY Maritime’s Color Guard, Miss USA Olivia Jordan, and our local students who prepared and donated the gift bags for the veterans,”  said Senator Klein.

“We’re excited to welcome Miss USA, our PS 105 students, and Senator Klein. Their participation just heightens the celebration and brings a special note of cheer to our veterans,” said James J. Peters VA Medical Center Medical Director, Dr. Erik Langhoff. “Our medical center’s 464 volunteers are an important part of our healthcare team and donate over 85,000 hours of their precious time to our veterans.  The National Salute program is a great way for people to learn more about helping the Veterans we serve."

“It is an honor for me to be here at Valentine’s for Vets.  After winning Miss USA last summer I have had several wonderful opportunities to thank the men and women who have served and are still serving our country and I feel it is the least I can do as Miss USA,” said Olivia Jordan, Miss USA 2015.

The event featured patriotic music by the P.S. 105 school choir and a special salute by SUNY Maritime’s color guard.

Senator Klein, Miss USA, and the students distributed Valentine’s Day cards and gift bags prepared by hundreds of students across the borough. Donations items included stationery, pens and pencils, books, playing cards, toiletries, handkerchiefs, and more.

“Valentine’s for Veterans” is held during the National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans, a weeklong celebration from February 7 – February 14 commemorating the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Services and are now cared for by the Department of Veterans Affairs in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and nursing homes across the U.S. The National Salute seeks to spread awareness and appreciation for veterans by encouraging citizens to visit hospitalized veterans in their communities.



State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Ranker of the New York State Senate Health Committee, released the following statement today after bill S779, also known as the "Happy Meal Bill", passed the Senate Health Committee. The "Happy Meal" bill, which is sponsored by Senator Rivera in the Senate and Assemblymember Felix Ortiz in the Assembly, sets nutritional standards for restaurants distributing incentive items aimed at children. The bill has now been referred to the Senate Codes Committee.
"Today, we took a step forward in directly combating the obesity epidemic that continues to affect the lives of millions of children throughout New York State. As the Ranking Member of the Health Committee and the sponsor of this bill, I'm proud that my colleagues joined me in pushing this bill towards the next step of the legislative process. By setting statewide nutritional guidelines for foods that are accompanied by toys, we are ensuring our children are able to make healthy food choices without any misguided influence, while holding restaurants accountable. I am fully committed to working with my colleagues in the Senate and Assembly to ensure that we pass this piece of legislation and continue to make fighting obesity a priority."

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj - Free Smoke/ CO Alarm Giveaway and Installations

Free Smoke/ CO Alarm Giveaways and Installation! 

We will be giving away 100-150 Smoke/CO Alarms while supplies last. All recipients are eligible for free installations. Please arrive on time; Smoke/CO alarms are available on a first come first served basis.  
Come by and arrange for a FREE smoke/CO Alarm installation in your home ! 

February 22,2016
5:00pm - 7:00pm.

Location:District Office of Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj
1126 Pelham Parkway South
Bronx, New York 10461

For more information call : (718) 409-0109

                  For more information call : (718) 409-0109