Wednesday, July 6, 2016


The NYPD wants input from the communities we serve on an important NYPD policy before it is finalized: our body camera policy.
The NYPD will be equipping 1,000 officers in 20 precincts throughout the city with body-worn cameras.  In partnership with the Policing Project at NYU School of Law, the NYPD is seeking input from the people who live, work or go to school in New York City into the policy that will govern the use of these cameras through an online questionnaire.
The questionnaire can be completed in minutes, is mobile-friendly, and can be submitted anonymously. It is designed to get community input on important policy issues, including the types of events that should be recorded and who should be allowed to see the body camera footage. The questionnaire may be found at This website contains a summary of the proposed policy, the full draft of the proposed policy, and the confidential questionnaire. 
The site will remain open until July 31, 2016.  NYU will collect the responses and comments and provide them to the NYPD for the NYPD's consideration in drafting the final policy.
Please provide your input, and please forward this email to other members of your organization or community. The NYPD wants to hear what New Yorkers think.


Bronx Democratic County Committee Dinner - 1 Week Away!

Click on the program to make it larger, and for more information.



  The Members of the Black, Latino, and Asian Caucus celebrate the successful adoption of the FY 2017 budget, which represents the Council’s commitment to equity and support for all New Yorkers.

  New York City’s stature in the global arena is in large part due to its wonderful level of diversity, with more than two-thirds of New Yorkers identifying as Black, Latino, or Asian/Pacific Islander. As the largest Caucus of the Council and the only Caucus dedicated to uplifting communities of color, the BLAC takes this responsibility very seriously, and is proud of the thousands of working hours invested by the Council to contribute to this mission. We especially thank Speaker Mark-Viverito and Finance Chair Julissa Ferreras-Copeland, both proud BLAC Members, for their tireless work in championing fair and progressive funding choices for our great city.

   The Caucus’ top FY 17 priority was securing 60,000 slots for the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) and 6,000 slots for year-round youth employment, as well as a commitment from the Administration to implement universal youth employment by 2019. The BLAC is pleased with the funding of the 60,000 summer job slots and the creation of a youth jobs task force to address the growing need for the program’s expansion.

  The BLAC also amplified the voices of thousands of students and education advocates by prioritizing the funding of the CUNY Merit-Based Scholarship program. The Council allocated over $17.3M for the scholarship program, helping to alleviate the financial burdens of many undergraduate students across the city.

   “Unemployment and educational inequality are two issues that affect far too many New Yorkers,” said Council Member Robert Cornegy, Co-Chair of the BLAC. “This year’s budget has secured $54.5 million for 60,000 slots in the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), with an additional $1.5 Million allocated for career training and job readiness. After much advocacy, we kept our promise to CUNY students by securing $16.5 million for CUNY merit based scholarships. Also, the Council has allocated $32 million in total for youth services with $1 million for community education programs that supplement and complement classroom teaching for NYC students.”

   Other successful Caucus priorities include the NYCHA Family Reentry Pilot Program, anti- violence community programs, language access and adult literacy solutions, foreclosure prevention assistance. More details on the BLAC’s advocacy in the FY 17 budget can be found in the accompanying report.

  “The BLAC was instrumental in advocating for and securing funding in the FY17 budget for programs that will have significant impact in communities of color throughout the City. The funding for 60,000 SYEP slots, including 6,000 year-round slots, will ensure that youth have access to summer-jobs that will enhance job skills and training for future employment opportunities. Another important program, NYCHA’s Family Reentry Pilot Program, will continue receiving funds in order to keep families intact in public housing. These are real wins for all New Yorkers, and we’re proud of the role the BLAC played,” said Council Member Ritchie Torres, Co-Chair of the BLAC.


   The Members of the Black, Latino, and Asian Caucus extend their deepest condolences to the family of Alton Sterling, who was tragically killed yesterday by police in Baton Rouge, LA.

   Our national landscape is peppered with the bodies of countless unarmed people of color who are being routinely killed by police simply for “looking suspicious” or for engaging in everyday behavior that would otherwise not warrant such extreme and lethal responses by police. As members of our respective communities, many of us easily forget that police violence and misconduct are not unique to specific localities. Rather, it is undeniably clear that the use of excessive force by police is a systemic issue across our nation, and we cannot allow this to continue happening anywhere, because injustice in one community threatens justice in all communities. We stand in solidarity with the people of Baton Rouge during this difficult time, and pledge to continue fighting against all forms of police violence whenever and wherever they occur.


   The Members of the Black, Latino, and Asian Caucus are outraged at the reckless violence that took place over Independence Day weekend when Delrawn Small was needlessly killed by an NYPD officer’s unnecessary use of deadly force. Mr. Small was involved in an interaction with the off-duty officer and Mr. Small was unarmed. Nevertheless, he was gunned down in front of his family, including his infant daughter.

   The Caucus has long advocated for the use of a special prosecutor in cases like this one. We are cognizant of the fact that Attorney General Eric Schneiderman will have jurisdiction in this case. However, we have grave concerns. We believe it is grossly inappropriate that the NYPD take any part in the official investigation, especially in the collection and retention of evidence. As an entity that has demonstrated that it prioritizes personnel over process, the NYPD has repeatedly hidden behind the “blue shield” to protect bad officers and allow them to continue harming communities of color. Officer Wayne Isaacs has already been the subject of claims of racially- charged violence—exactly two years ago today, Isaacs was alleged to have used racist slurs while beating a civilian, for which the NYPD paid a $20,000 settlement in the resulting lawsuit. We are deeply disturbed that the NYPD goes to such great lengths—at taxpayers’ expense—to keep dangerous officers on the streets.

   Each time we fail to hold police accountable for their misconduct, New Yorkers lose more faith in a system they see as irreparably broken. Without trust in law enforcement, our city becomes more polarized and less confident in the government’s ability to protect its most vulnerable residents.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

For Whom The Bell May Toll

  Rumors are that the U.S. Attorney will be if not already has knocked on a few doors in Bronx County.
    Nothing is official yet, but going back to the New York Times article of last year, my subsequent discussions with certain elected officials for my column 100 PERCENT about the Times article, and the recent arrest of a prominent union leader may have given authorities the final piece to the puzzle which may have some unexpected results in the world of Bronx politics. 
    I hope that I am wrong, but the Bronx could be in for a big surprise within the next 24 - 48 hours. 

Bronx Tax Preparer Pleads Guilty To 13 Counts Of Preparing And Filing False And Fraudulent Tax Returns

  Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Shantelle P. Kitchen, Special Agent in Charge of the Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigation (“IRS-CI”), announced that CHRISTOPHER AHERN pled guilty today to a 13-count Information, charging him with preparing false and fraudulent income tax returns for his clients.  According to the Information, AHERN filed tax returns that fraudulently claimed more than $4.7 million in credits and expenses.  AHERN pled guilty today before United States District Judge Deborah A. Batts.   
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said: “By repeatedly filing fraudulent tax returns for his clients, Christopher Ahern committed federal crimes and deprived the government of close to $5 million in taxes.  We remain committed to charging and convicting those who commit and facilitate tax fraud.”
IRS-CI Special Agent in Charge Shantelle P. Kitchen said: “Unscrupulous income tax return preparers hurt not only their clients, who are ultimately responsible for what is reported on their tax returns, but all law-abiding taxpayers, who have to shoulder an additional burden.  Accordingly, the investigation of unscrupulous preparers remains one of the top priorities for IRS-Criminal Investigation.  Today, Mr. Ahern is held accountable for his egregious practices.”
According to the allegations in the Information to which AHERN pled guilty, and statements made during his plea proceedings:
AHERN owned and operated a tax preparation business called Get My Refund Fast, located in the Bronx, New York.  From 2012 through 2013, AHERN’s business prepared, and submitted to the IRS, nearly 5,000 tax returns.  These tax returns were false and fraudulent in that they claimed education credits to which the clients were not entitled.  AHERN received more than $1.5 million in fees from his clients for preparing and filing the fraudulent returns.
AHERN, 40, of Little Neck, New York, pled guilty to 13 counts of making and presenting false, fictitious, and fraudulent claims to the United States, each of which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.  The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by a judge.
AHERN is scheduled to be sentenced on November 1, 2016, at 11:00 a.m., before Judge Batts. 

JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center - July 2016 Events

Please publicize the following July 2016 cultural events at JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center.located at 3880 Sedgwick Avenue Bronx.

On Thurs. July 7th, enjoy a delectable lunch followed by the lively rhythms of Michael Gaskin, pianist/singer, at 1:00 PM. He will perform patriotic songs as well as selections from the Great American songbook, ragtime, Latin and ethnic, show tunes and waltzes for listening, singing and dancing. Lunch menu: Breaded Sole Fish Fillet, or vegetable liver, cous cous, vegetable mix and fruit. Recommended Senior Meal Contribution: $2.00 and Senior Event Donation: $1.00 Refreshments will be served.Non-senior Meal Fee:$5.00 and Event Fee: $2.00 Contact JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center office at 718-549-4700 for advance meal reservations.

The center will open on Sun. July 17th. Lunch of sesame chicken, brown rice w/pigeon peas and beet salad will be served at 1:00 PM followed by entertainment at 2:00 PM. Recommended Senior Meal Contribution: $3.00 and Senior Event Donation: $2.00 Refreshments will be served. Non-senior Meal Fee: $5.00 and Event Fee: $3.00 Contact JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center office at 718-549-4700 for advance meal reservations and program information. 

On Thurs. July 21st, singer Phyllis Schapiro will present a program of Latin, Brazilian and Jazz music at 1:00 PMfollowing lunch at12:15 PM. Lee Feldman, pianist/song writer, will accompany her. Phyllis currently performs at several NY jazz venues including Cleopatra's Needle and BarThalia at Symphony Space. Lunch menu: Tilapia Francaise or veggie burger, Cuban rice, Kale and fruit.  Recommended Senior Meal Contribution: $2.00 and Senior Event Donation: $1.00 Refreshments will be served. Non-senior Meal Fee: $5.00 and Event Fee: $2.00 Contact JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center office at 718-549-4700 for advance meal reservations.

The Cynthia Sayer Trio will entertain at JASA Van Cortlandt's Volunteer Recognition event on Wed. July 27th.Award-winning instrumentalist, vocalist and bandleader, Cynthia Sayer single-handedly re-popularized the 4-string banjo in jazz. Sayer is
celebrated as one of the top 4-string jazz banjoists in the world today. A multi-instrumentalist, Sayer's banjo, piano, ukulele and tenor guitar, playing can be heard on feature film and TV soundtracks.

Lunch of Salmon, Quinoa, California vegetables and fruit will be served at 12:00 noon followed by the Volunteer Recognition ceremony at 12:45 PM. The Cynthia Sayer trio will perform at 1:30 PM.Recommended Senior Meal Contribution: $3.00 and Senior Event Donation: $2.00 Refreshments will be served. Non-senior Meal Fee: $5.00 and Event Fee: $3.00 Contact JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center office at 718-549-4700 for advance reservations.

News From Congressman Engel


Engel Announces $412,111 to Help NYC Prepare for the Zika Virus

     Congressman Eliot Engel, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee, announced $412,111 in federal funding to help New York City thwart the spread of the Zika virus. The State of New York will receive an additional $474,016.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has allocated a total of $25 million to help states, cities and territories mount strong responses to the Zika virus. This funding can be used to purchase needed resources, such as screens and mosquito repellant, and to help local health officials identify cases of Zika and organize response activities.

“Now that mosquito season is upon us, it is critical that our City and State be ready to detect local Zika infections, launch prevention campaigns and link infected New Yorkers with the services they need,” Engel said. “While these awards will provide significant support to New York, more federal assistance will be necessary to launch a comprehensive response to the Zika virus.

“Federal agencies need these resources to conduct vital research, manage mosquito populations, and educate the public about this public health crisis. While House Republicans have been content to sit on President Obama’s emergency funding request and put forward inadequate funding packages laden with partisan riders, House Democrats have fought for a robust federal response that would address the threat of Zika head-on. I will continue fighting to get this kind of response through Congress.”

Engel to HUD: Extend “reverse mortgage” option to co-op owners

    Congressman Eliot Engel, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, called on Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Julián Castro to issue regulations swiftly to allow co-op owners to take part in HUD’s Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) program.

“While Congress extended the reverse mortgage option to co-op owners through the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, HUD has not issued the regulations needed to execute this section of housing law,” Engel said.  “I spoke to Secretary Castro last week, and followed up with a letter, urging him to issue regulations so that co-op owners can also take advantage of this program.”

If you are 62 or older and own a private home or approved condominium, you may qualify for a “reverse mortgage” though the HECM program. This option permits homeowners to convert a percentage of the equity in their home into cash. That sum, along with interest and other necessary payments, does not need to be repaid until the home is sold or the owner passes away.

“Reverse mortgages are a valuable tool for older Americans,” Engel said. “Through the HECM program, homeowners can put the equity in their home towards medical care and other major living expenses. It just makes sense that those who own co-op units ought to be afforded this option. I hope that HUD will act quickly to carry out this section of the law, as Congress intended, and allow co-op owners to realize this significant benefit.”

The full text of Congressman Engel’s letter to Secretary Castro is below.


July 1, 2016

Julián Castro
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street SW
Washington, DC 20410

Dear Secretary Castro,

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me on June 27th. I am writing to follow up on our conversation regarding reverse mortgages.

As you know, if you are 62 or older and own a private home or approved condominium, you may qualify for a “reverse mortgage” though the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) program. This program allows homeowners to convert a portion of the equity in their home into cash.

Congress has allowed those who own units in a residential cooperative housing corporation – or “co-op” – to participate in this valuable program through language in P.L. 106-569 and P.L. 110-289. Specifically, the HECM statute states:

 The term “mortgage” means a first mortgage or first lien on real estate, in fee simple, a first or subordinate mortgage or lien on all stock allocated to a dwelling unit in a residential co-operative housing corporation, or a first mortgage or first lien on a leasehold.

Despite Congressional action on this issue, and the considerable benefits that this program could bring to older co-op owners, HUD has not yet issued regulations to implement this portion of the statute. I am writing to request that HUD expedite this process and issue these needed regulations as soon as possible.

Again, thank you for taking the time to discuss this issue. I look forward to your reply.


Eliot L. Engel
Member of Congress

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW - The Ones Who Remembered Me During My Time Of Need

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz 
District 32 Bronx County, New York 

You should know that for the past 2 months, I have been mostly bedridden, suffering and recovering from serious spinal problems.
It is important for you to know that on Wednesday, June 1st, I was admitted to New York University Langone’s Hospital for Joint Diseases, where they preformed various surgeries, one through my stomach and one through my back, to remove 3 discs and insert 10 screws onto my spine.
A few days later, on June 10th, because of difficulties, I was back in the hospital where Dr. Alexander de Moura opened me up to correct further problems.
There is an old saying that goes like this:  “One knows who their friends are when they are sick or in need.”
It is important for you to know that during these past two months, I have had the opportunity to see a great number of persons, dignitaries, ministers, bishops, friends, and even people I never met, demonstrating great compassion for me, more than I could ever imagine.
We all know that anytime something very difficult like this happens to a person, it is your family and close friends who are always by your side.  For example, my wife, Leslie, has patiently taken care of me like a mother takes care of a son. My children, Damaris, Samuel and Rubencito have demonstrated their love and support for me, and so have my grandchildren, nieces, nephews.
My fellow Ministers and Bishops, my employees, and Members of the Church where I serve as Pastor have all been by my side, trying to make me feel comforted and cared for.
I am grateful to God for all of them.
But my dear reader, it is important for you to know that what I was not expecting were the dignitaries and elected officials who took time out of their busy agendas, either to come personally to visit me in the hospital, or to give me a phone call.
Among those who took time to call me on the phone were: His Eminence Cardinal Timothy Dolan; United States Senator Chuck Schumer; New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo; United States Congressman Jose Serrano; State Senators Simcha Felder, Joe Robach, Joe Griffo, Jose Peralta, Adriano Espaillat, and Martin M. Dilan; Assemblymen Michael Blake and Victor Pichardo; New York City Councilman Rafael Salamanca; Taiwan Ambassador Lily Hsu; the Former Mayor of my hometown, Bayamon, Puerto Rico, Ramon Luis Rivera; and Dr. Ricardo “Ricky” Rosello, who is a Candidate for Governor of Puerto Rico.
Another official who called me was Charlie King, who I think was competing with Simcha Felder to see who would call the most. They both called me a million times!
Some officials who came personally to visit me in the hospital, aside from my son, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., were Assemblymen Marcos Crespo and Luis Sepulveda, former Senators Tom Duane and John Sampson, New York City Councilman Corey Johnson, and former New York City Transportation Commissioner Christopher Lynn.
I also received notes of sympathy from New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, Senators Kevin Parker and Toby Stavisky, New York State Senate Special Assistant Celeste Knight, Mr. Ken McFadden, the Castle Hill Senior Center, and reporters such as Gerson Borrero, Kirstan Conley and Jimmy Vielkind, who took time to demonstrate their love and concern.
To all of those Pastors and Bishops who took time to visit me and pray for my health and speedy recovery, know that I will be eternally grateful.
To the hundreds of people who sent me notes, emails and Facebook postings, too many to be mentioned one by one, please know that your good wishes and prayers have helped me tremendously and soon, with God’s help, I will again be walking the streets of the 32nd Senatorial District.
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.


Senator Diaz you need to know that I tried to inquire about your surgery on the night of June 1st to your son the Borough President at an event he was co sponsoring at Billy's on East 161st Street. I was told by his Communications Director not to bother the BP, and had to leave it at that. I am very sorry that you have been in much pain and hope that you get better as quick as possible. I want you to know that I would have come to visit you had I known where you were, and the situation you were in my dear friend. 
That is What You Need to Know Senator Diaz.