Friday, October 6, 2017

Unsealing Of Charges Against Three Men Arrested For Participating In International Plot To Carry Out Terrorist Attacks In New York City For Isis In The Summer Of 2016

The Planned Attacks, Thwarted by Law Enforcement, Included the Detonation of Explosive Devices in Times Square and the New York City Subway System

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Dana J. Boente, the Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security, William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), Danny Kennedy, the Acting Assistant Director-in-Charge of the Los Angeles Field Office of the FBI, Calvin A. Shivers, Special Agent-in-Charge of the Denver Field Office of the FBI, and James P. O’Neill, the Commissioner of the Police Department for the City of New York (“NYPD”), announced the Court’s unsealing of federal terrorism charges against three men alleged to have plotted attacks on New York City during the summer of 2016 in support of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (“ISIS”), which were thwarted by law enforcement.  All three men have been arrested, and one has pled guilty.

The defendants are: ABDULRAHMAN EL BAHNASAWY, a 19-year-old Canadian citizen; TALHA HAROON, a 19-year-old U.S. citizen residing in Pakistan; and RUSSELL SALIC, a 37-year-old Philippine citizen.  Communicating through Internet messaging applications, these three men allegedly plotted to conduct bombings and shootings in heavily populated areas of New York City during the Islamic holy month of Ramadhan in 2016, all in the name of ISIS (the “NYC Attacks”).  EL BAHNASAWY purchased bomb-making materials and helped secure a cabin within driving distance of New York City to use for building the explosive devices and staging the NYC Attacks.  HAROON allegedly made plans to travel from Pakistan to New York City to join EL BAHNASAWY in carrying out the attacks, and traveled within Pakistan to meet with explosives experts in furtherance of the plot.  And as EL BAHNASAWY and HAROON prepared to execute the NYC Attacks, SALIC allegedly wired money from the Philippines to the United States to help fund the terrorist operation.

  • The planned attacks included detonating bombs in Times Square and the New York City subway system, and shooting civilians at specific concert venues.

  • Law enforcement – the FBI and the NYPD – successfully thwarted this terrorist plot.  An undercover FBI agent (the “UC”) convinced the defendants that the UC was an ISIS supporter prepared to carry out the attacks with them.

  • EL BAHNASAWY, who has been in custody since he was arrested by the FBI in May 2016, pled guilty to terrorism offenses and is awaiting sentencing.

  • HAROON and SALIC have been arrested in foreign countries by foreign authorities in connection with these charges and it is the hope and expectation of this Office and U.S. law enforcement that they will be extradited to the United States to face justice in a United States court.

On May 21, 2016, EL BAHNASAWY was arrested in New Jersey, after traveling to the United States from Canada in preparation for carrying out the NYC Attacks.  HAROON was arrested in Pakistan in or about September 2016, and SALIC was arrested in the Philippines in or about April 2017.  EL BAHNASAWY pled guilty on October 13, 2016, to a seven-count Superseding Information before U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman.  Today, the Court unsealed the Superseding Information and EL BAHNASAWY’s guilty plea, as well as the Complaint and Indictment previously filed against EL BAHNASAWY.[1]  The Court also unsealed today the five-count Complaint charging TALHA HAROON (the “Haroon Complaint”), and the seven-count Complaint charging RUSSELL SALIC (the “Salic Complaint”), based on their alleged participation with EL BAHNASAWY in the plot to carry out the NYC Attacks.

According to the allegations in the Haroon Complaint and the Salic Complaint[2]; the Complaint, Indictment, and Superseding Information filed against EL BAHNASAWY; and the transcript of EL BAHNASAWY’s guilty plea[3]:

In the spring of 2016, EL BAHNASAWY and HAROON were plotting to carry out terrorist attacks in New York City in support of ISIS during the Islamic holy month of Ramadhan (which ran from approximately June 5 to July 5 in 2016).  In the course of their preparations, EL BAHNASAWY and HAROON communicated, via electronic messaging applications accessible on cellphones, with a certain individual posing as an ISIS supporter who was, unbeknownst to them, the UC.

EL BAHNASAWY and HAROON declared their allegiance to ISIS in electronic communications with the UC, and expressed their intention of carrying out Paris- and Brussels-like terrorist attacks on behalf of ISIS in New York City.  EL BAHNASAWY explained to the UC that he was in contact with an ISIS affiliate about obtaining official sanction of the planned attacks by the Khorasan Province, a branch of ISIS active in Pakistan.  HAROON, who was based in Pakistan and was introduced to the UC by EL BAHNASAWY, informed the UC that he was in contact with ISIS associates within the Khorasan Province, and that “khurasan dawla [ISIS] has o[u]r back.”  EL BAHNASAWY stated to the UC that “[t]hese Americans need an attack,” that he aspired to “create the next 9/11,” and that he planned to “com[e] to new York at around may 22” from Canada.  HAROON stated that he intended to fly from Pakistan to New York City to carry out the NYC Attacks with EL BAHNASAWY, and hoped to “cause great destruction to the filthy kuffars[4]by our hands.”[5] 

EL BAHNASAWY and HAROON identified multiple locations and events in and around New York City as targets of the planned attacks, including the New York City subway system, Times Square, and certain concert venues.  For example, on May 1, 2016, EL BAHNASAWY sent the UC multiple images of maps of the New York City subway system containing markings that depicted plans for attacking the subway system, including by identifying the subway lines in which explosives would be detonated as part of the NYC Attacks.  On May 12, 2016, EL BAHNASAWY sent the UC an image of Times Square and stated:  “[W]e seriously need a car bomb at times square. . Look at these crowds of people!”  That same day, EL BAHNASAWY also expressed his desire to “shoot up concerts cuz they kill a lot of people.”  EL BAHNASAWY described the plan to attack concerts as follows:  “[W]e just walk in with guns in our hands.  That’s how the Paris guys did it.” 

On May 5, 2016, HAROON expressed to the UC that the subway was a “perfect” target, that they should shoot as many passengers on the train as possible, including “women or kids,” and that “when we run out of bullets we let the vests go off.”  That same day, HAROON discussed with the UC the necessary supplies for making explosive devices for use in the NYC Attacks.  On May 9, 2016, HAROON stated to the UC:  “NY Needs to fall.  It’s a must.”    

During May 2016, EL BAHNASAWY, while in Canada, purchased an array of bomb-making materials for use in the NYC Attacks, including approximately 40 pounds of hydrogen peroxide (the “Hydrogen Peroxide”) – which is a primary ingredient in TATP (triacetone triperoxide), a powerful explosive commonly used in improvised explosive devices.  EL BAHNASAWY also purchased, among other things, batteries, Christmas lights, thermometers, and aluminum foil for use in constructing explosive devices to carry out the NYC Attacks.

Meanwhile, in Pakistan, based on HAROON’s communications with the UC, HAROON traveled to a certain city to meet with an explosives expert for the purpose of obtaining additional information to be used in building bombs for the planned NYC Attacks.  HAROON advised that they would need “perming cords” (i.e., detonator cords) for constructing the improvised explosive devices, and conveyed his expectation that EL BAHNASAWY was acquiring “all that’s needed.”  HAROON repeatedly expressed his commitment to travel to New York City as soon as feasible to carry out the planned attacks in support of ISIS, and described the steps that he had taken to renew the necessary travel documents to enable him to exit Pakistan and travel to the United States for the purpose of carrying out the NYC Attacks.    

In early May 2016, EL BAHNASAWY informed the UC that EL BAHNASAWY had been communicating with SALIC – who was known to EL BAHNASAWY as “Abu Khalid” and “the doctor” – about providing additional funding for the NYC Attacks.  EL BAHNASAWY further informed the UC that SALIC was a trusted ISIS supporter who had provided funding in support of ISIS on prior occasions.  EL BAHNASAWY advised that SALIC would send approximately $500 to help fund the NYC Attacks, and that the money sent by SALIC would be used to acquire additional ammunition and bomb-making materials for carrying out the attacks.  EL BAHNASAWY informed the UC that he had sent the UC’s account information to SALIC so that SALIC could transfer money to the United States in support of the NYC Attacks, and EL BAHNASAWY provided the UC with SALIC’s contact information on an electronic messaging application, to enable SALIC to execute the planned money transfer.

Shortly thereafter, SALIC, using the alias “Abu Khalid,” began messaging with the UC.  SALIC informed the UC that he had been in contact with EL BAHNASAWY, and that SALIC was prepared to transfer money to the United States to help fund the NYC Attacks.  SALIC, who allegedly maintained an active pro-ISIS social media presence, also conveyed that he had previously sent money to multiple other countries in support of ISIS, and expressed his allegiance to ISIS.  For example, on May 9, 2016, SALIC informed the UC that he was “desperate” to travel to Syria to join ISIS.  SALIC also expressed his belief that he could safely send money to support the NYC Attacks from the Philippines, where he claimed to be at the time, without attracting law enforcement scrutiny, stating:  “[I]ts not strict here. Unli[k]e in Aus [Australia] or Uk [the United Kingdom] even liking FB [Facebook] status will put[] u in jail . . . Terrorists from all over the world usually come here as a breeding ground for terrorists . . . hahahaha . . . But no worry here in Philippines. They dont care bout IS [ISIS]..loll[.] Only in west.” 

On May 11, 2016, SALIC sent approximately $423 from the Philippines to the UC to help fund the planned NYC Attacks.  SALIC also informed the UC that he intended to continue sending additional money in support of ISIS in the future, stating:  “In Sha Allah once we have the blessings again we will distribute again.”

As described above, EL BAHNASAWY acquired an array of bomb-making materials for use in carrying out the NYC Attacks.  In mid-May 2016, EL BAHNASAWY shipped those bomb-making materials, including the Hydrogen Peroxide, to the UC in the United States.  EL BAHNASAWY planned to build the explosive devices and prepare for the NYC Attacks with HAROON and the UC at a rural cabin within driving distance of New York City.  EL BAHNASAWY helped to secure such a cabin for a period beginning in late May 2016, when he planned to arrive in the New York City area.  EL BAHNASAWY informed the UC that the cabin would need to contain a refrigerator for purposes of making the explosives, and that EL BAHNASAWY wanted to “practise shooting” at the cabin site if it was not “too close to people.”

On May 12, 2016, when the UC sent SALIC a photograph of the Hydrogen Peroxide that EL BAHNASAWY had purchased for use in the NYC Attacks, SALIC reiterated his support for the planned attacks, and SALIC also conveyed that if he was unable to travel to Syria to join ISIS, he might carry out an attack himself.  During subsequent communications with the UC, SALIC described New York City as “the capital of Kufr [Kuffar],” and stated that “[i]t would be a great pleasure if we can slaughter” people in New York City.  SALIC further conveyed to the UC that he would be praying to Allah for the success of the operation when the planned attacks were imminent.

On May 20, 2016, HAROON conveyed to the UC that Times Square was “a perfect spot to hit them,” and suggested that the plan could include “[d]rive by or we surround the whole street and trap them and kill as many as possible.”  In the course of his communications with the UC, HAROON also stated:  “I wanna kill . . . them in thousands”; and “we have to make a ocean out of their blood[.] Leave no one standing.”  HAROON reiterated his intention of traveling to New York City, and discussed attempting to execute the attacks as soon as Memorial Day (i.e., May 30, 2016), stating that “that’s a day that will change history” and that the attacks “will scar them for life knowing the soldiers of Allah are everywhere and ready.”

On May 21, 2016, EL BAHNASAWY traveled from Canada to the New York City area, in preparation for staging and ultimately carrying out the NYC Attacks with HAROON.  In coordination with Canadian law enforcement, U.S. law enforcement closely monitored EL BAHNASAWY’s travel to the United States on May 21, 2016, and EL BAHNASAWY was arrested by the FBI that night in Cranford, New Jersey.  HAROON was subsequently arrested in Pakistan based on the charges in the Haroon Complaint, and SALIC was subsequently arrested in the Philippines based on the charges in the Salic Complaint.    

The chart below reflects: (i) the charges in the Superseding Information to which EL BAHNASAWY, 19, of Mississauga, Canada, pled guilty; (ii) the charges in the Haroon Complaint filed against HAROON, 19, a U.S. citizen residing in Pakistan; and (iii) the charges in the Salic Complaint filed against SALIC, 37, of the Philippines.

Conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction
18 U.S.C. § 2332a
Life in prison
Conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries
18 U.S.C. § 2332b
Life in prison
Conspiracy to bomb a place of public use and public transportation system
18 U.S.C. § 2332f
Life in prison
Conspiracy to provide material support and resources to terrorists
18 U.S.C. § 2339A
15 years in prison
Attempted provision and provision of material support and resources to terrorists
18 U.S.C. § 2339A
15 years in prison
Conspiracy to provide material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization, i.e., ISIS
18 U.S.C. § 2339B
20 years in prison
Attempted provision and provision of material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization, i.e., ISIS
18 U.S.C. § 2339B
20 years in prison

The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by a judge.

As noted above, EL BAHNASAWY was arrested in New Jersey on May 21, 2016, and has remained in custody since that date.  On October 13, 2016, EL BAHNASAWY pled guilty to the seven-count Superseding Information.  EL BAHNASAWY is scheduled to be sentenced on December 12, 2017.  HAROON was arrested in September 2016 in Pakistan in connection with the charges in the Haroon Complaint, and proceedings for his extradition to the United States are currently pending in Pakistan.  SALIC was arrested in April 2017 in the Philippines in connection with the charges in the Salic Complaint, and proceedings for his extradition to the United States are currently pending in the Philippines.

Mr. Kim praised the outstanding efforts of the FBI’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force, which principally consists of agents from the FBI and detectives from the NYPD, and the FBI’s Los Angeles and Denver Field Offices.  Mr. Kim also thanked the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the FBI’s Cleveland Field Office, the FBI’s Legal Attaché Offices in Canada, Pakistan, and the Philippines, the New York State Police, the Department of Justice’s Office of International Affairs, the Counterterrorism Section of the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California for their assistance.

This prosecution is being handled by the Office’s Terrorism and International Narcotics Unit.  Assistant U.S. Attorneys George D. Turner and Negar Tekeei are in charge of the prosecution, with assistance from Trial Attorneys Joshua Champagne and Larry Schneider of the Counterterrorism Section.

The charges contained in the Haroon Complaint and the Salic Complaint are merely accusations, and HAROON and SALIC are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.        
 [1] Certain portions of the transcript of EL BAHNASAWY’s guilty plea remain sealed pursuant to judicial order.  Those portions have been redacted from the version of the transcript unsealed today.
[2] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the texts of the Haroon Complaint and the Salic Complaint, and the descriptions of the allegations against HAROON and SALIC in those charging documents set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and should be treated as allegations.  EL BAHNASAWY has pled guilty, so as to him, the descriptions are not merely allegations.
[3] The Complaint, Indictment, and Superseding Information filed against EL BAHNASAWY refer to HAROON as “CC-1” and to SALIC as “CC-2.”  The Haroon Complaint refers to EL BAHNASAWY as “CC-1” and to SALIC as “CC-2.”  The Salic Complaint refers to EL BAHNASAWY as “CC-1” and to HAROON as “CC-2.”
[4] “Kuffar” generally means “disbelievers.”  
[5] Unless otherwise indicated, the communications quoted herein have not been altered to correct for grammatical, spelling, or other errors that exist in the original communications. 


Defendant Slashed Victim’s Throat; Tried to Pass Infant As Her Own

  Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a Bronx woman has been found guilty of Murder and Kidnapping for killing a pregnant woman and stealing the infant she removed from the victim’s mutilated body. 

 District Attorney Clark said, “The facts of this case are unfathomable: a child was yanked from the womb moments after her mother was murdered on her wedding day. Two years later, that child is a vibrant little girl, a testament to survival and hope. We are glad we have brought justice to her and her mother’s family.” 

  District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Ashleigh Wade, 24, of 4450 Monticello Avenue in Wakefield, was convicted today by a jury of second-degree Murder and second degree Kidnapping after a nearly two-week trial before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Margaret Clancy. Wade faces a maximum of 50 years to life in prison when she is sentenced on October 20, 2017. 

  According to trial testimony, Wade, who was pretending to be pregnant, reconnected with a childhood friend, Angelikque Sutton, 22, over social media. On November 20, 2015, Sutton--who was eight-months pregnant--stopped by the defendant’s apartment to pick up some baby items before heading to her civil wedding ceremony. The defendant slashed Sutton’s throat and proceeded to remove the victim’s uterus and cut out the infant. Wade claimed she had given birth to the baby when police later arrived.


   Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., and New York City Department of Investigation Commissioner Mark G. Peters today announced the indictment of 30 people for using forged parking placards to park illegally or to dispute previously issued parking tickets. The defendants are charged in New York State Supreme Court indictments with various charges including Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree, Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree, and Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree. [1]

  “New York City is one of the most expensive and challenging places in the world to park a car,” said District Attorney Vance. “It came as no surprise to my Office and our law enforcement partners that alleged scammers have taken advantage of this industry in an effort to park for free and avoid paying tickets. I hope this indictment sends a clear message to anyone using a fake parking placard in Manhattan that this behavior is illegal and may result in a criminal prosecution. I thank our partners at DOI for their work on this investigation and the prosecutors in my Office’s Financial Frauds Bureau for ensuring this conduct was put to a stop.”

  DOI Commissioner Mark G. Peters said, “Using a fraudulent placard to get around City parking regulations is no different than stealing any other City benefit or service. As our investigation shows, luxury vehicles with fake placards were restricting access to parking for the disabled, creating potentially dangerous situations and breaking the law. In fact, some of this abuse was observed right outside of DOI’s headquarters in Lower Manhattan. DOI has issued an investigative summary describing the investigation and will continue to work with its partners to ensure these fake permits are taken off the streets.”

  New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg: “I applaud DOI for its investigation and the DA’s office for these indictments. NYC DOT is doing its share to address placard abuse by pursuing electronic real-time verification, training law enforcement on the designs of legal placards and by enhancing our holograms. We look forward to a continued crackdown on this activity.”

  According to the indictment and statements made on the record in court, the defendants are charged with using forged parking placards to park illegally or dispute previously issued parking tickets, predominantly in Lower Manhattan, between March and September. Sixteen of the forged placards uncovered during this investigation were purportedly from the following New York City governmental agencies: the Administration for Child Services, the New York City Law Department, the New York City Department of Health, and the Fire Department of the City of New York. Fourteen placards were purportedly issued by non municipal agencies: the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the American Red Cross, and the New York Blood Center.

  Three of the defendants filed forged parking placards with the New York City Department of Finance in an attempt to dispute parking tickets that were previously issued. Five of the defendants used forged handicap placards that included their vehicle’s license plate number printed on the placard. Four of these defendants never applied for a legitimate handicap placard; one had previously possessed a legitimate placard, but had since reapplied and been rejected.

  District Attorney Vance thanked the New York City Department of Investigation, specifically Special Investigators Dan Taylor and Christina Clyburn, Deputy Chief Investigator Robert Miller, Detective William Orange, the NYPD Squad assigned to DOI, Inspector General Jessica Heegan, and Chief Investigator James McElligott; the members of the NYPD’s 20th Precinct, specifically Officer Zackary Bloomfield; the Federal Emergency Management Agency; Director of Security Operations for the NYC Department of Transportation Stefanie Panuccio; the American Red Cross, Office of Investigations, Compliance and Ethics; and the New York City Office of Payroll Administration.

  Defendant Information: 
RICHARD ABRAZI, D.O.B 1/9/1982 New York, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
BIBI ALLADIN, D.O.B. 5/23/1981 Queens, NY Charged: x Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree, a class E felony, one count x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
ROBERT BLESSINGTON, D.O.B. 12/13/1969 Wayne, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
ANDREJ BOGDANOVS, D.O.B. 3/8/1979 Tobyhanna, PA Charged: x Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree, a class E felony, one count x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
ROBERT BOJAJ, D.O.B. 9/26/1993 New York, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
JON CAMILLERI, D.O.B 9/30/1980 Monroe, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
RICHIE CANIZARES, D.O.B 7/6/1973 Queens, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
VINCENT CASSINO, D.O.B. 10/29/1948 Staten Island, NY Charged: x Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree, a class D felony, one count 
AMARILDO CIZMJA, D.O.B. 6/7/1983 Queens, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
JANKU ERGYS, D.O.B. 10/3/1981 Queens, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
RALPH FACCILONGO, D.O.B. 2/14/1967 Bronx, NY Charged: x Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree, a class D felony, one count 
EDWARD FASANO, D.O.B. 12/20/1960 Syosset, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
ALBERT FELIZ, D.O.B. 1/30/1979 Mamaroneck, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
YULIYA FIRAYDONOVA, D.O.B. 12/27/1988 New York, NY Charged: x Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree, a class E felony, one count x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
MICHAEL GIACCONE, D.O.B. 12/1/1952 Queens, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, two counts 
GIUSEPPE GIANNATTASIO, D.O.B 4/2/1967 East Meadow, NY Charged x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
MOHAMED HASSAN, D.O.B. 11/6/1980 Brentwood, NY Charged: x Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree, a class D felony, one count 
STANLEY JACQUES, D.O.B. 1/21/1971 Uniondale, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
KIERAN KEAVENEY, D.O.B. 9/9/1971 Yonkers, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
RAMI MISBAH, D.O.B. 11/27/1976 Bronx, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
JOHN O’CONNELL, D.O.B. 6/4/1965 Brooklyn, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, two counts 
CONSTANTINE PARDALIS, D.O.B. 4/23/1952 Queens, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
NAYEEM SIDDIQUE, D.O.B. 3/1/1978 Brooklyn, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count RICHARD TAYLOR, D.O.B. 3/25/1985 Brookyln, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count ANTONIO VENDOME, D.O.B. 4/20/1952 New York, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
RAQUEL VENDOME, D.O.B. 4/23/1989 Oyster Bay, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
MICHAEL WILSON, D.O.B. 7/4/1987 Bronx, NY Charged: x Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree, a class D felony, one count x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
BORIS ZAGRINICHNY, D.O.B. 8/23/1982 Brooklyn, NY Charged: x Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree, a class A misdemeanor, one count 
LYUDMILA ZAVLYANOVA, D.O.B. 7/18/1971 Queens, NY Charged: x Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree, a class D felony, one count 
MAREK ZIEBA, D.O.B. 2/20/1972 Mount Bethel, PA Charged: x Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree, a class D felony, one count 

[1] The charges contained in the indictments are merely allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. All factual recitations are derived from documents filed in court and statements made on the record in court. 

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News From Congressman Eliot L. Enge

Engel Leads NY Delegation Letter to Speaker Ryan Calling for Support of Select Committee on Gun Violence Prevention

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a member of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, led the New York Delegation Democrats in a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan calling on him to establish a Select Committee on Gun Violence Prevention.

“The victims and families of the most recent mass shooting in Las Vegas deserve more than our thoughts and prayers,” said Congressman Engel. “They deserve to live in a country that is free from gun violence. There have been more mass shootings than there have been days so far in 2017, yet Republicans in Congress refuse to respond. Congress has a duty to protect the lives of Americans. Today, I’m joining all the Democrats in the New York Delegation to call on Speaker Ryan to address this crisis.”

All 18 House Democrats from New York signed the letter. A copy of the letter is attached and full text can be found below:

October 5, 2017

The Honorable Paul Ryan
Speaker of the House
H-232, United States Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Speaker Ryan,

As members of the New York State delegation, we write to express our dismay at the unrelenting episodes of gun violence that continue to plague our nation. It is long past time that we, as elected representatives of the people, put aside special interests and take affirmative steps to protect our fellow citizens from becoming the next victims of this ongoing tale of American heartbreak. 

This weekend in Las Vegas, one man ended the lives of at least 59 people and injured another 527. This horrific act broke the record for deadliest mass shooting in our country’s history, a record that was previously set less than a year and a half ago in Orlando. Once again, families have lost loved ones and those that were injured will face a lifetime of challenges.

In the wake of yet another deadly mass shooting, Congress must not abdicate its duty to protect and defend the American people. On average 90 Americans lose their lives to gun violence every day and another 151 are treated for a gun assault in an emergency room. In 2016, guns were responsible for 371 homicides and over 10,000 violent crimes in New York.

New York has some of the strongest gun laws in the nation. But gun violence still threatens the safety of our communities and law enforcement because of easy access to firearms in states with weaker gun laws. This is an epidemic that we must address as a nation.

The debate over gun control is polarizing, but it is both possible and necessary to craft safety measures that reduce gun deaths while respecting the Second Amendment.  A sensible first step towards that end is to consider and pass Representative Mike Thompson’s resolution establishing a Select Committee on Gun Violence (H. Res. 367). This resolution would establish a bipartisan Select Committee to investigate and report on the causes of mass shootings, methods to improve background checks on firearm purchases, connections between access to firearms and dangerously mentally ill individuals, federal penalties for the trafficking of firearms, loopholes that allow domestic abusers to access firearms, links between firearms and suicide, the effects of gun violence on public health, the correlation between state gun violence prevention laws and the incidence of gun violence, the importance of accurate information on gun violence, the implementation of gun violence prevention laws, and the rates of gun violence in large metropolitan areas.

As Members of Congress, we are obligated to investigate and debate the challenges that our country faces, no matter how controversial. After hundreds of thousands of gun deaths in this country, it is time to act.

Eliot L. Engel
Joe Crowley
Brian Higgins
Gregory Meeks
Hakeem Jeffries
Yvette Clarke
Nita Lowey
Louise M. Slaughter
Jerrold Nadler
Carolyn B. Maloney
Adriano Espaillat
Thomas R. Suozzi
Nydia M. Velazquez
Grace Meng
Jose Serrano
Paul D. Tonko
Kathleen Rice
Sean Patrick Maloney

Members of Congress


Engel Denounces Trump For Rolling Back Contraception Coverage

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel issued the following statement on President Trump’s decision to allow employers to omit coverage for contraception from their workers’ plans:

“The Affordable Care Act increased access to affordable birth control for millions of American women. Under the ACA, insurers are required to cover birth control at no cost. We cannot roll back this progress. But that’s exactly what President Trump’s shameful new interim final rule will do.

“This interim final rule gives bosses, health plans, and schools veto power over women's health care choices by refusing to cover birth control. Curtailing access to birth control means curtailing women's ability to control their own health and bodies. It also means jeopardizing their health and economic well being.

“House Republicans continually vote to ban abortion and defund Planned Parenthood, and today’s decision by the President is just another example of the GOP’s ongoing war on women.

“Women and couples use contraceptives to have healthier pregnancies, to plan their families, and to treat conditions like endometriosis. Birth control is health care. This rule is just the latest move by the Administration and Republican-controlled Congress to roll back health care—and my fellow Democrats and I are going to fight back.


DOT names some of the major streets to be paved this fiscal year across all five boroughs; since 2014, DOT has repaved more than 4,500 lane-miles, nearly 1/4th of City streets, an unprecedented pace

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  Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced that thanks to a ten-year investment of $1.6 billion in street repaving, the number of potholes in New York City has declined by over fifty percent - 207,306 so far this year compared to 444,835 as of this date in 2014, a reduction of more than fifty percent.  Since 2014, DOT has paved 4,500 lane-miles of roadways out of 19,000 total Citywide, or nearly 25 percent. The Mayor made the announcement while visiting a DOT paving crew along Valentine Avenue in the Tremont section of the Bronx.

“When we took office in 2014, a drive down many City streets could be a bone-rattling experience,” said Mayor de Blasio. “Thanks to the hard work of DOT crews, rides are smoother everywhere, on major roads like the FDR Drive to smaller residential streets in neighborhoods around the City. But the turnaround is not complete; while freshly paved streets mean many fewer potholes, we still have too many, so crews will be both quickly filling potholes and keeping up the pace of repaving in the months ahead.”

“Thanks to Mayor de Blasio’s unprecedented investment in paving, the quality of City roads is up and the number of pothole complaints is down,” said DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg. “This fall, our crews will continue to work – literally day and night -- to provide even smoother rides.  We ask that if drivers encounter a paving crew, they please give them the necessary space and maintain a safe speed as we try to pave as many streets as possible before winter weather sets in.”

As part of its efforts to maintain work-zone safety, including for Roadways crews repaving and filling potholes, DOT will in the next week be introducing a new Vision Zero “Work Zone Heroes” public-service advertising campaign. The ad encourages safe driving around work zones and features actual DOT employees in the Roadways, Traffic Operations, Bridges and Sidewalk Inspection Management (SIM) divisions. 

DOT named some of the major streets planned for repaving for the current fiscal year, which ends June 30th, 2018.

 Union St, Northern Blvd to 31 Rd
Roosevelt Ave., 57 to 61 Streets
Roosevelt Ave, 69 to 73 Streets
N/B Van Wyck Service Road, 138 St to Liberty Ave

Colonial Rd, Bay Ridge Pkwy to 85 St
5th Ave, Flatbush Ave to Prospect Ave

Staten Island:
Goethals Road, Richmond Ave to Western Ave.
Narrows Road, Fingerboard Rd to Britton Ave.
West Shore Expressway Service Road west, Arden Ave/ Muldoon Ave Exit to Bloomingdale Road

W. 96th St., Central Park West to Riverside Dr.
West End Ave., W. 72nd St. to W. 59th St.
Central Park -- West and East Drives in the upper 90’s and 100’s

E. Gun Hill Rd, Webster Ave to Wayne Ave
Broadway, Mosholu Ave to W 262 Street
East Kingsbridge Rd, Jerome Ave to East Fordham Rd

DOT also provided the latest number of potholes repaired under the de Blasio Administration:

Calendar Year To Date: 10/02/14 10/02/15 10/02/16 10/02/17
Bronx          74,349          65,594          42,492          46,916
Brooklyn        112,340          92,506          46,747          43,627
Manhattan          81,565          65,599          36,859          26,355
Queens        117,312        127,798          79,012          62,451
Staten Island          59,269          54,989          26,679          27,957
Total        444,835        406,486        231,789        207,306

Borough  Number of Potholes Repaired  as of 10/2/2017
Bronx                         260,889
Brooklyn                         325,646
Manhattan                         234,987
Queens                         430,101
Staten Island                         188,837
Total                      1,440,460

In 2015, the Mayor announced a $1.6 billion commitment to resurface roads all over the city over ten years. DOT repaved 1,265 lane miles in FY16, and 1,324 lane miles in FY17.  So far in FY18, crews have resurfaced over 500 lane-miles.  It is the highest three-year output of paved lane-miles in DOT’s recorded history.
DOT both procures and produces asphalt at its two plants for resurfacing and filling potholes. In 2017, DOT used nearly 1.3 million tons of asphalt.  During pothole season, which generally begins with the onset of cold weather in December, anywhere from 25 to 75 separate DOT pothole crews are dispatched daily. The crews work in all five boroughs, responding to requests from residents and local stakeholders. The average response time to repair a pothole is now less than two days.  For information about DOT’s ongoing work to address potholes and maintain the City’s road network, please visit .
Pothole conditions should be reported immediately to The Daily Pothole or to 311.