Monday, March 7, 2022

News from BP Gibson: Resources and Updates

Dear Neighbors,
We had a great week as we traveled across the borough spending time with many of you, and I want to wish everyone a Happy Women's HerStory Month! I am especially excited about Women`s HerStory Month this year, as we have a record number of women in elected office in The Bronx and New York City.

Also, for the first time, we have two women leading at Bronx Borough Hall. This is an exciting time for our city, and I want to congratulate all of the HerStory makers who are shattering glass ceilings and who are creating opportunities for the next generation of young female leaders in our borough.

I want to remind you all that tax season is here. If you or someone you know needs assistance, New York City has a number of free resources. You can visit for more information.
As the fight against COVID-19 continues, New Yorkers have made significant progress. Effective today, if you are patronizing restaurants, bars and other indoor venues, you will no longer have to show proof of vaccination at the door to get in. All other vaccine mandates will remain in effect, specifically work-related COVID-19 policies in New York City.

The deadline to submit Community Board applications has closed, and I want to thank everyone who has submitted an application and expressed interest in making your voice heard. We will share more updates about this soon.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 718-590-3500 or email us at
In partnership,
Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson
“I am deeply saddened and disturbed by the news of a Bronx mother and her six-year-old daughter being fatally stabbed over the weekend in their home.
According to the NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee’s 2021 Annual report, The Bronx had the highest number of Domestic Violence homicides of any borough in the city. These statistics are heartbreaking and unacceptable.

During my time in the City Council and as the former Co-Chair of the Women's Caucus, we worked with organizations and providers that were on the ground providing support to survivors of Domestic and Gender Based Violence. Last month, our office reinstated our Domestic and Gender Based Violence Advisory Council and we will be working with providers from throughout the city to identify areas in which we can collaborate to find solutions to this problem in our borough. 
Domestic violence is an epidemic that affects everyone, regardless of age, economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or nationality. It is a crime that we must reject, punish and work to eradicate. On behalf of our Bronx community, I offer condolences and prayers to the loved ones of those who were tragically killed by this horrific act of violence. To all of the survivors of Domestic and Gender Based Violence, I want you to know that you are not alone, and we will continue to fight for you.” 

In the Community
Borough President Gibson, Deputy Borough President Peguero and Acting BOEDC President Rogers meet with Prestige Properties at The Mall at Bay Plaza to discuss partnerships, economic development and the work ahead for current businesses and new businesses.
Borough President Gibson joins Superintendent Renee Peart to visit the James Monroe Educational Campus and speak with students.
Borough President Gibson joins Council Member Sanchez for the opening of her district office.
Borough President Gibson joins The African Advisory Council's meeting at Bronx Community College.
Borough President Gibson, Council Member Sanchez and Council Member De La Rosa attend the Marble Hill Houses Tenants Association meeting.
Borough President Gibson visits Mercy Center, a faith-based social services organization in The Bronx.
Borough President Gibson joins The National Supermarket Association for the inauguration of their new board.
Borough President Gibson joins R.A.I.N. Inc at their Eastchester Center for their Vaccine Day and Black History Month event.
Deputy Borough President Peguero joins The Patterson Community Center's Black History Month Event.
Borough President Gibson joins Mayor Adams for the announcement of the Commissioner of the Department of Probation and the Director of the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice.
Borough President Gibson and Deputy Borough President Peguero join colleagues and the community to celebrate Dominican Independence Day.
Borough President Gibson joins Reverend Roger Hambrick for a celebration of his birthday.


COVID-19 Resources
New York City Mayor Eric Adams has announced several changes to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions including the suspension of the Key to NYC program and the removal of indoor mask mandates in city public schools for K-12 students. 
  • Key to NYC rules will be suspended. Indoor venues, including restaurants, fitness facilities, and entertainment spaces will no longer be required to check for proof of vaccination before customers enter. Businesses previously covered by Key to NYC rules will still have the flexibility to require proof of vaccination or masking indoors if they choose. 
  • Masks will no longer be required on public school grounds for kindergarten to 12th grade students. While these public school children will be able to remove their masks, if they so choose, schools will continue to maintain strict COVID-19 protocols, including increased ventilation, a daily screener to ensure those with symptoms do not come to school, and test kit distribution. Masks will continue to be required for all settings with children under 5 years of age (where none of the population is yet eligible for the vaccine), including programs contracted by the New York City Department of Education with 3- and 4-year-old children as well as 3k and 4K classrooms in district schools.  
Mayor Adams today also announced that all other COVID-19 mandates will remain in effect. Under the rules, employees will still be required to be vaccinated unless they have received a reasonable accommodation from their employer.
Free home COVID-19 testing kits will be available by mail:

Residential households in the U.S. can order one set of 4 free at-home tests from Here’s what you need to know about your order:

·       Limit of one order per residential address
·       One order includes 4 individual rapid antigen COVID-19 tests
·       Orders will ship free starting in late January

Long Island Medical Doctor Pleads Guilty to Medicare Billing Fraud Scheme


Defendant Was Paid Over $1 Million for Procedures on Patients That Were Never Performed

 Earlier today, in federal court in Central Islip, Morris Barnard, a medical doctor practicing in Great Neck, New York, pleaded guilty to health care fraud in connection with billing Medicare for millions of dollars for medical procedures that were never actually performed.  The proceeding was held before United States Magistrate Judge Anne Y. Shields. 

Breon Peace, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Scott Lampert, Special Agent-in-Charge, Health & Human Services and Michael Driscoll, Assistant Director-in-Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Field Office (FBI) announced the guilty plea.

“With today’s guilty plea, Dr. Barnard admits to committing a multi-million dollar fraud on the Medicare program by billing for procedures he did not perform,” stated United States Attorney Peace.   “By claiming to render services to disabled and other vulnerable patients, Dr. Barnard not only pocketed taxpayer funds that were intended to help beneficiaries in need, he also betrayed his oath for profit.  We will continue to work closely with our law enforcement partners to protect the integrity of taxpayer-funded health care programs.” 

“Money that’s allocated for Medicare-approved services, and fraudulently paid out to providers who don’t actually perform these services, is a crime that’s ultimately paid for by taxpayers themselves. Our office is committed to rooting out this type of fraudulent activity and maintaining the integrity of our government-sponsored health care programs,” stated FBI Assistant Director-in Charge Driscoll.

“The defendant’s actions diverted scarce taxpayer funds from the Medicare program for personal enrichment, while taking advantage of vulnerable individuals,” stated HHS-OIG Special Agent-in-Charge Lampert.  “Working with our law enforcement partners, HHS-OIG will continue to ensure that providers that bill federally funded health care programs do so in an honest manner, and criminals will be held accountable.”

From October 2015 through February 2020, Dr. Barnard submitted over $3 million in billings to Medicare for colonoscopy and gastroenterological procedures that were not done.  Most of these billings indicated that the services were rendered to disabled beneficiaries, who were living in residential group homes.  Medicare reimbursed approximately $1.4 million of these false claims, none of which Dr. Barnard was entitled to receive.

Statement from Governor Kathy Hochul on the MTA Receiving $769 Million in Additional COVID Relief Funding from the Federal Transit Administration

 Governor Hochul announces efforts to support the hospitality industry

“The MTA is the lifeblood of the New York City region, and investing in quality, reliable transit service is key to our economic recovery. This additional $769 million in funding brings the total federal pandemic aid for the MTA to over $15 billion and is a victory for New Yorkers who rely on the system. I thank Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and our Congressional delegation for their ongoing support of our transportation systems as we keep working to bring our economy back.” 

Former NYC Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz - My People Perish For Lack of Knowledge (Hosea 4:6)


You should know that New York State Governor, Kathy Hochul, recently made the following announcement: She said that "New York will not allow Republicans to come and change our Reproductive Laws”.   What she really meant to say but did not have the audacity to plainly say it, is that “New York will not allow the Republicans to come and change their (the Democrats) radical Abortion Laws.” 

She made this declaration apparently too ashamed to use the word "Abortion". The Leftists Democrats have, for too long, controlled the verbiage and they have successfully done so for the purpose of confusing voters.  They hide behind the words that are less harsh and as a result easier to swallow.  They change the language (actual words) to conceal their true intentions (agenda).  The Left knows that they will face the voter’s repudiation which can result in their loss on election day. So, the truth is hidden behind carefully selected language, crafted to purposely confuse the voter.
This change in words is a clever, sophisticated, but a deceiving strategy that too often results in uniting a large block of voters, who do not fully understand this play on words and their true hidden meanings.  Therefore, words used in place of the actual words appear to be something they are not.  
This is intended to, deceitfully, hide Democrats Leftists Agenda. An agenda that most people, especially people of faith, do not support. The voter will unknowingly vote for pro-abortion candidates, and for the very policies they abhor.  Abortion and Late term Abortions become laws disguised as “Pro-Choice Rights” or “Reproductive Rights”, etc.
Most Democrats and elected officials, either willingly play into this game of semantics or they are too ashamed to publicly say what they really mean. They will not campaign as a pro-abortion candidate, and instead they campaign as a “Pro-Choice” candidate.  You see how easier that is to swallow? I guess this makes them feel better about themselves. They convince themselves that they are doing something “Nobel”, something great that would benefit women and their unborn children. 

During campaign season, we often hear candidates and elected officials proudly say that they support a "Women’s Right to Choose” or they will promise to protect "Reproductive Rights.”  But don’t be fooled. Please know that these nice phrases are synonymous to saying they support “Abortion”. That my dear reader, leads to the end of an innocent life.  As the saying goes “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”   
It is important for you to know, that we as Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, and believers in the Holy Scriptures, believe in “Reproduction”, not “Abortion”.   Reproduction produces Life while Abortions always Lead to Death.    Supporters of Abortion recognize this fact, so they will go all out to transform the harsh word of "Abortion" and turn it into something it is not.  Abortion is not “Reproductive Health”Abortion is not about being “Pro-choice” when the only choice is the death of the unborn.  Abortion is not about a “Women’s Health” when women too often have suffered with emotional, mental, and physical ailments following her abortion procedure.
It is unfortunate that far too many Christian voters and people of faith have been purposely deceived and do not know that when they support and vote for a person who publicly says that they are “Pro-choice” or “Pro-Reproductive Rights” they are voting for a person who supports the death of an innocent life who is still in their mother’s womb.  
It is important for you to know that the Left is very aware of how crucially important words are in today’s culture and how words convey emotions and transform one's thinking. They know how to use certain words or terms that will convey emotions in the hearts and minds of the electorate. Words have been changed to such a level that if we are to use the original terms, we will be confronted with insults, criticized, subjected to name calling and condemnation from the Left. 
For example, persons entering the U.S. illegally; can no longer be called “Illegal Aliens”. Now an easier term to swallow is "Undocumented Immigrant”.  Please note, that although this play on words may sound great, it does nothing to help solve the serious problem of illegal immigration. The individual is still here Illegally, disadvantaged, and still faces the problems and hardships that come with it.  
Another example on this play on words, is that many reject the use of the word “Homosexual”. You are “Homophobic”, a “bigot” or a “Preacher of Hatred” accused of “hate speech”, and other derogatory terms, if you dare use the word “Homosexual” instead of the word “Gay” (note the original meaning of "Gay” was to be joyous or in a state of happiness).  
Now Drug Addicts, and Alcoholics, are called and treated as “Persons with Disabilities” or “Persons with Substance Dependency”. Failure to use the proper verbiage will subject you to accusations of being “insensitive”, “hateful”, and you're accused of having discriminated against that person.
It is very important for you to know that in Washington D.C., individuals dressed as members of the clergy, gather in front of Abortion clinics to pray, and proclaim that abortion is a righteous "Sacred and Holy” act. Can you imagine how far we have fallen as a society when the truth no longer matters?
A person who enters a life of Prostitution, obviously, were called “Prostitutes”. Now they are to be called “Sex Trade Workers” or “Employees of the Sex Industry”. This makes the selling of your body sound more respectable and acceptable.
These changes in our language, this game of semantics, and the transformation of the true meaning of the word has negatively impacted our society. It has caused much confusion, division, misunderstandings, and the condemnation of Christians and other groups of faith. This has proven to be detrimental to the people of our City and State.
The Leftists, Socialists, Communists, and Progressive’s goal is to permanently transform our vocabulary. Why? Because they know that whoever controls the language, controls the culture, the hearts, minds, and successfully controls the agenda.  Changing the vocabulary, conceals the truth and pushes forward the Leftists “Progressive” agenda.
My advice is this; let’s keep true to our words and keep their Rightful Meanings.  Let’s say what we mean and mean what we say.  If we believe in what is written in Scripture, that in the beginning God created everything and named all things. Then let’s keep it real. The word of God says that "He never changes" (Malachi 3:6) and that He is "the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrew 13:8).  We cannot think to be wiser or more intelligent than The Creator of the Universe.
This is not based on Racism, Discrimination, Homophobia, let alone Hate speech. This has everything to do with the Truth, Transparency, Liberty, Freedom of Religion, and the free exercise thereof. 
I am Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr., and This Is What You Should Know.

Attorney General James Releases Top 10 Consumer Complaints of 2021


Top Frauds Included Internet, Housing Issues, Retail, Automobile, and Consumer Services

AG James Offers Tips to Avoid Scams, Urges New Yorkers to Report Fraud to Her Office

 New York Attorney General Letitia James kicked off National Consumer Protection Week by releasing a list of the top 10 consumer fraud complaints received by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) in 2021. Attorney General James also provides a variety of tips on how consumers can avoid common scams.

“Let this list serve as a warning to all New Yorkers to keep their guard up against scam artists,” said Attorney General James. “From inaccurate turnaround times for COVID-19 test results to deceitful debt collectors, scammers took advantage of these difficult times to mislead and deceive New Yorkers. My office is committed to rooting out fraudsters and protecting all New Yorkers, young and old, from harm. Consumers have been valuable in helping my office identify and eradicate fraud, and I urge them to remain vigilant and follow these tips.” 

The following are the top 10 consumer complaints received by OAG in 2021 by category:

1. Internet

Internet-Related (internet services and service providers, data privacy and security, digital media, data breaches, frauds through internet manipulation).


2. Landlord / Tenant

Landlord/Tenant Disputes (security deposit releases, tenant-harassment).


3. Retail Sales

Retail related (price gouging, defective merchandise, poor customer service, pet stores, and animal breeders).


4. Services

Consumer related services (COVID-19 testing facilities, alarm companies, dry cleaners, restaurants, movers, services for personal household use).


5. Automobile

Automobile (sales, service, financing, repairs)


6. Credit

Credit (debt collection, credit card billing, debt settlement and debt relief, payday loans, credit repair, credit reporting agencies, identity theft)


7. Utilities

Utilities (wireless and residential phones, energy servicers and suppliers, cable, and satellite)


8. Home Repair/Improvement

Home Repair/Improvement (repair issues, deceitful contractors)


9. Health Clubs

Health Clubs (inability to cancel memberships, inability to access facilities, refunds not provided, no response from clubs)


10. Furniture/Appliances

Furniture/Appliances (defective merchandise, delivery problems, and service and repair issues).


Attorney General James offers various tips to protect New Yorkers from future scams:


o   Do not use the same password for multiple accounts. Cybercriminals use passwords stolen from one company for other online accounts. Earlier this year, Attorney General James announced that a sweeping investigation by her office had identified more than 1.1 million online accounts compromised in credential stuffing cyberattacks on just 17 well-known companies. New Yorkers can protect themselves with the following safeguards:

o   Never reuse passwords. While reusing login information may be convenient, it also puts consumers at risk. A password manager on a phone or computer can keep track of passwords, automatically filling them in when they log in to a website or an app.

o   Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): 2FA can provide an extra layer of security by requiring anyone logging in to an account to provide another credential, such as a one-time code sent by SMS or email.

o   Check your online accounts regularly for unauthorized transactions and immediately contact your online service (or credit card company, if appropriate) if you see something suspicious.

o   Register with a breach notification service, like Have I Been Pwned, that will send a notification if an account associated with your email or phone number has been compromised.


o   Your landlord must return your security deposit within 14 days of you moving out. If your landlord takes any money out of the security deposit for damages, they must provide an itemized receipt describing the damage and its cost. If your landlord doesn’t give you this receipt within 14 days of moving out, then they must return your entire security deposit, whether there is damage or not. If your landlord fails to comply, you may be entitled to up to twice the amount of the security deposit.

o   If you are having trouble paying your rent, please contact your local Department of Social Services. To find offices across the state, check NYC residents can call 311 and ask about rental assistance programs. More resources are available here:

Retail Sales:

o   If you see unconscionably excessive prices for at-home COVID-19 testing kits or other goods vital and necessary for health, safety, and welfare, you are encouraged to report it to my office immediately.

o   Free COVID-19 testing kits are available from the U.S. Government at

Consumer related services:

o   COVID-19 testing facilities that advertise test-result turnaround times are required to accurately convey how long it will take for consumers to receive their test results.

o   Any consumer who believes a lab or other testing facility is making misleading statements about their turnaround time for COVID-19 test results should report it to my office immediately.

o   Attorney General James has recovered over $400,000 in refunds for consumers who did not receive their COVID-19 test results in the promised time frame.


o   Beware of deceptive sales tactics when purchasing or leasing a car. New and used automobile prices keep climbing, due to factors such as high demand and a global semiconductor shortage, which are a critical component of new automobiles. Never sign any documents or leave the dealership with a car until you have reviewed all of your paperwork carefully. Do not sign a blank document that does not have numbers or terms filled in.

o   Make sure that what you are signing is consistent with what the salesperson told you and that you are not being charged for any extra accessories or products that you did not ask for, such as warranties, tire and wheel protection, and vin etching. Ask the salesperson or finance manager about any fees or charges you do not understand and whether they are required by law.


o   If you have debt in collection, debt collectors are required to provide you with key information about the origin and history of your debt within five days of their first communication with you. You also have a right to dispute the debt, and once you do, the collector must stop all attempts to collect from you until they provide information supporting their claim to the debt.

o   Debt collectors cannot harass you, and must follow limits on how, and how often, they contact you.  For example, they cannot call you more than seven times in any seven-day period and cannot call you between 8 PM and 9 AM. You have the right to tell debt collectors not to contact you by email or text message or any other means of communication, and you may tell them not to contact you at all.

o   Starting on April 7, 2022, creditors cannot sue you, or threaten to sue you, on debts that are older than three years. Prior to April 7, creditors cannot sue you, or threaten to sue you, on debts that are older than six years, or even less, depending where the original company or person you owed the debt to is located. 


o   Thousands of New Yorkers recently saw considerable and sudden increases in their gas and electric bills. Attorney General James has demanded reforms from Con Edison that include a commitment to providing consumers advance notice of such increases.  Any consumer who believes they received a high utility bill as a result of a billing error should report it to OAG immediately.

o   If you have trouble paying your energy bill, contact the utility company. Resources are available for consumers who may need help paying their utility bill. Utilities companies offer programs and payment plans to help.

o   In addition, the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps low-income individuals pay the cost of heating their homes. Information on how to apply is available at

Home Repair/Improvement:

o   Many of our homes have suffered wear and tear due to the pandemic. Before entering into a contract, shop around for estimates, check in with the Better Business Bureau, suppliers and neighbors for references.

o   Know your rights: You have three days after signing a home improvement contract to cancel it.

Health Clubs:

o   New York’s Health Club Law authorizes gym members to cancel their membership under certain circumstances, including “after the services are no longer available or substantially available as provided in the contract because of the [gym’s] permanent discontinuance of operation or substantial change in operation,” and requires gym owners to provide prorated monetary refunds (NOT credits) for such cancellations within 15 days. In 2021, Attorney General James resolved a lawsuit against the parent company of New York Sports Club and Lucille Roberts for unlawfully charging monthly dues to members and for partaking in a variety of illegal and fraudulent practices involving consumers’ cancellation rights during the COVID-19 pandemic. Attorney General James obtained the proceeds of a $250,000 bond for restitution to affected consumers.

o   Additionally, the law further prohibits misrepresentations about consumers’ cancellation rights.


o   Always find out what a furniture or an appliance retailer’s return policy is before making a purchase. Some online retailers require customers to pay for return shipping which can make it cost-prohibitive for people to return bulky furniture or appliances.

Consumers can learn more about COVID-19 resources and consumer scams on the OAG website. Attorney General James reminds consumers that in addition to being vigilant, they should report instances of fraud to her office. Consumers are encouraged to file complaints by completing and submitting a Consumer Frauds and Protection Bureau online complaint form or by calling (800) 771-7755 if they are unable to submit a form online.

Governor Kathy Hochul Announces Department of Motor Vehicles Has Recovered $1.65 Million for Consumers from Auto Dealers and Repair Shops

 Mechanic inspecting the underside of a vehicle

During National Consumer Protection Week, Governor Highlights DMV Success Pursuing Customer Refunds, Recovering Titles, and Ensuring Completed Repair Work

National Consumer Protection Week Runs March 6 Through 12

 Governor Kathy Hochul today announced that more than $1.65 million in goods and services have been recovered for New Yorkers who received faulty or fraudulent service from auto dealers and repair shops. The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles helped customers recover titles when dealerships closed abruptly, assisted people to get repairs or refunds, and in some cases, dealerships bought back vehicles to settle disputes.

“When bad actors try to take advantage of consumers, New York will fight back,” Governor Hochul said. “My administration is dedicated to protecting consumers from fraud, working closely with motorists who file complaints to make sure they get what they pay for. This money recouped by the DMV on behalf of consumers is a testament to our ongoing efforts to make our state a better, fairer place for all New Yorkers.” 

The Department of Motor Vehicles’ Office of Vehicle Safety investigates complaints from consumers who believe they were misled or wronged by a DMV-regulated business. In 2021, the agency was able to recoup refunds for 540 customers totaling more than $385,000. In other instances, DMV investigated complaints about the quality of the repair work done on customer’s vehicles. DMV enabled those consumers to get a total of $78,000 of additional repair work completed at no additional charge to the customer.

In addition, some customers were sold cars by auto dealers who went out of business before issuing the vehicle titles, meaning the consumer was left with no proof of ownership but in many cases still on the hook for the car payments. DMV’s offices of Vehicle Safety and Title Services worked together to recover vehicle titles worth more than $682,000 for those customers. 

Since 2017, when the DMV began to track data on those recoveries, the Department has helped 279 consumers gain clear title to their vehicles worth more than $4.5 million.

A certificate of title for a vehicle is what establishes a person or business as the legal owner. It includes important information about the vehicle’s history and the vehicle itself, including year, make, and model. Without a title, a vehicle owner is unable to transfer ownership, remove a lien, or provide proof of ownership necessary to take out a loan on the vehicle or file an insurance claim.

In some cases where the customer filed a complaint about a vehicle purchase, dealers offered to buy the vehicle back during the course of the DMV investigation. The value of such repurchases in 2021 was more than $503,000.

Department of Motor Vehicles Commissioner Mark J.F. Schroeder said, “We at DMV are very proud of the work our Vehicle Safety unit does on behalf of consumers. Anyone who believes they have been taken advantage of during a sales or repair experience should know they have an advocate to stand up for them to make sure they get what they pay for.”                                                                         

When customers make a complaint, DMV first discusses it with the customer and the business to try to resolve it amicably. About half of all complaints are settled directly. If the problem is not resolved, a DMV inspector investigates the complaint. If it is found that a dealer or shop violated laws and/or regulations, DMV can impose fines and suspend or revoke business registrations. 

To learn more about filing a complaint, see DMV's Guide to Consumers. DMV also helps businesses and offers information on their rights if faced with a complaint in our Guide for Facilities

New Yorkers can learn about their rights when they bring their vehicles into a repair shop on DMV’s Know Your Rights in Auto Repair page
To be certain they are using a state-licensed repair shop or dealer that performs repair work, consumers should look for a green and white "Registered State of New York Motor Vehicle Repair Shop" sign outside the shop and a valid New York State Department of Motor Vehicles registration certificate inside. For a dealership, the sign will be red and white. 

Consumers can also verify that a repair shop, auto dealer or motor vehicle inspection station is properly registered on the Find a DMV-Regulated Business web page. For consumers as they prepare to buy, trade or sell a vehicle, the DMV also offers useful advice on its Let the Buyer Be Aware page.

Gennaro, Holden Team Up with Queens Delegation, the Associazione Culturale Italiana Di New York & Local Orgs to Host Borough-wide Donation Drive for Ukrainian Refugees


Gennaro, Holden Team Up with Queens Delegation, the Associazione Culturale Italiana Di New York & Local Orgs to Host Borough-wide Donation Drive for Ukrainian Refugees

Gennaro, Holden & Several Members of the Queens Delegation Will Have Drop-off Locations for Donations to be Shipped to Refugees Based in Poland
 Queens, Council Members James F. Gennaro and Robert Holden have teamed up to spearhead a Borough-wide donation drive for Ukrainian refugees who have fled to Poland to escape the ongoing Russian invasion. A number of Council Members from the Queens Delegation will be participating by offering drop-off sites, including Council Member Francisco Moya, Council Member Vickie Paladino, Council Member Selvena Brooks-Powers, Council Member Linda Lee, Council Member Nantasha Williams and Council Member Sandra Ung. The Associazione Culturale Italiana Di New York will cover the cost of shipment to Rzeszow - a city in Poland located near the border of Ukraine. The Polish Consulate and President of Rzeszow, Konrad Fijołek, are helping to coordinate the final drop-off in Poland, ensuring donations will go directly to Ukrainian refugees.

There are a total of 25 sponsors for the drive next week, assisting with logistics ranging from transport to outreach to financial assistance. The long list of sponsors also include the Federazione Italo-Americana Di Brooklyn and Queens, Comm. Tony Di Piazza, Comm. Joseph Ficalora, ECS Globe Air, WAW Humanitarian Goods, Fucsia Fitzgerald Nissoli, Ficalora Family Foundation, the CHAZAQ Organization, Chaverim of Queens, New York Community Bank, Maspeth Federal Savings Bank, Cross County Savings Bank, Webster Bank, Richmond County Savings Foundation and Seka Moving Company.

"I was deeply moved when I saw the atrocities taking place in Ukraine, and was compelled to help. It is an honor and a privilege to help organize this drive, which I hope will yield many useful donations for the people who have been displaced by this needless bloodshed," said Council Member James F. Gennaro. "This is a large-scale, joint effort that could not happen without the help of our many community partners. I'd like to thank Council Member Holden for helping us coordinate the drive, the Queens Delegation for jumping on board to help collect donations across the Borough, as well as the several groups and individuals who have turned this vision into a reality. I encourage everyone who can to donate so that this drive is a big success!"

"As the invasion of Ukraine touches the world, I'm proud that my fellow New Yorkers of many diverse cultures in Queens are once again eager to help. I thank all who donate these badly needed items and all who made this drive possible, including Comm. Tony Di Piazza , Comm. Joseph Ficalora, the Federazione Italo-Americana Di Brooklyn and Queens, the Associazione Cuturale Italiana Di New York, my fellow elected officials and all the numerous organizations who have come together to show the world that we care about the people of Ukraine," said Council Member Robert Holden.

"The events unfolding in Ukraine are of extreme concern to the Italian-American community, and we cannot sit idle and continue watching the death and destruction. Our organizations for several decades have been generous for numerous causes, and we have come together once again to assist those in need," said Comm. Tony Di Piazza, Comm. Joseph Ficalora, the Federazione Italo-Americana Di Brooklyn and Queens, and the Associazione Cuturale Italiana Di New York in a joint statement. "We are proud to partner with several elected officials, including Council Members Robert Holden and James Gennaro, and several groups to collect donations for the Ukrainian refugees. Comm. Tony Di Piazza and Comm. Joseph Ficalora are also proud to contribute a collective $100,000 to the cause. Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people, and we pray for peace in Eastern Europe."

"Having relatives who lived through the atrocities of the Korean War and were displaced as a result, watching the horror of history repeat itself is too close to bear," said Queens Delegation Co-Chair Council Member Linda Lee. "I am proud to partner with Nantasha Williams and the Queens Delegation to help deliver some measure of comfort and relief to the people of Ukraine amidst this crisis. Thanks to Council Members Gennaro and Holden's leadership, we are sending a message loud and clear that the world will never be silent in the face of oppression and tyranny."

"The decision to leave the life you know behind in the hopes of finding relief is an utterly difficult and painful one. Too many refugee families face heart-breaking conditions, discrimination, homelessness during their journey," said Queens Delegation Co-Chair Council Member Nantasha Williams. "I would like to thank Council Members Gennaro and Holden for spearheading this most needed drive. I look forward to collaborating with the Queens Delegation to collect donations and supplies for the people in Ukraine."

"As someone who knows what it’s like to be forced to flee their homeland to escape the ravages of war, I feel the pain of the over one million Ukrainians who have been forced to flee to Poland to escape Russian aggression," said Council Member Sandra Ung. “I am urging residents across Queens to donate what they can to show the people of Ukraine they are not alone. My district office at 135-27 38th Avenue will be accepting donations from Monday, March 7, until Friday, March 11, from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m."

"The world has endured a tremendous amount of suffering due to COVID and now as Ukrainians seek shelter away from the egregious situation happening in their home, anything we can do to bring solace to people in need is what New Yorkers are all about. I am honored to join my colleagues Council Members Gennaro and Holden, and the Queens Delegation to host these donation drives to help our Ukrainian brothers and sisters," said Council Member Francisco Moya

Residents who wish to support the Queens Delegation's efforts may donate canned food, clothing, children's toys (without batteries), sealed pet food and toiletries. High demand items include non-perishable food, clothes and footwear, thermal underwear, hygiene products, blankets, bedding, disposable table wear, first aid kits, tents, mattresses, sleeping bags, standalone lamps and candles.

The donation drive will run through next week, with the following dates, times and locations:

Council Member Vickie Paladino – March 7-11, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 20-15 Francis Lewis Boulevard in Whitestone

Council Member Selvena Brooks-Powers – March 7-11, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1931 Mott Avenue, Suite 410 in Far Rockaway

Council Member Linda Lee – March 7-11, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 73-03 Bell Boulevard in Oakland Gardens

Council Member Nantasha Williams – March 7-11, 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at 122-05 Smith Street in Jamaica

Council Member Sandra Ung – March 7-11, 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at 135-27 38th Avenue, Suite 388 in Flushing

Council Member James F. Gennaro and the CHAZAQ Organization – March 10, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 141-47 72 Avenue in Kew Gardens Hills

Council Member Francisco Moya – March 10, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 106-01 Corona Avenue in Corona

Council Member Robert Holden and the Associazone Culturale Italiana Di New York – March 12-13, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 66-31 Fresh Pond Road in Ridgewood.

Con Ed Reps Come to Morris Park Community Association to Explain Higher Bills


Representatives of Con Edison were at last week's Morris Park Community Association meeting to answer questions from people who complained that their Con Ed bills were much higher in January this year than before. The answer provided by Rolando Infante Governmental Relations Manager of Metro New York for Con Edison was that there was a sharp hike in oil at the plants that produce electricity, and the upgrading of Con Edison's grid. With Mr. Infante were Kristina Y. Le Gallo of Customer Outreach and Education, and Belkys Mateo a Customer Operation Supervisor who gave a presentation on energy efficiency, and other ways of lowering your electric bill by unplugging coffee machines, phone chargers and like appliances which use electricity when not in use. 

Afterwards the Con Ed Reps took questions from those in attendance. One question was, can I get my electricity from someone else, to which the answer was yes. They are called Energy Savings Companies, but that is the raw electricity that still has to travel over the Con Edison electric grid to get to you. Another question was about low voltage during heat waves that ruins appliances, and why can't Con Ed supply enough electricity. The answer to that was that during heat waves more power is demanded because more air conditioning and other cooling devices are used. Con Ed cuts the voltage to avoid widespread blackouts, and that the power comes first to the Bronx, and then to the rest of the city. There was also a program called level billing that averages out the bill year round so there are no larger bills in the summer when more power is used. 

Standing (L-R) Kristina Y. Le Gallo and  Belkys Mateo of Con Edison, Seated Elio Morales MPCA Treasurer, and Yahay Obeid MPCA Vice-Chair who ran the meeting in the absence of the Chair Al D'Angelo.

Rolando Infante of Con Edison explains the January increase in Con Ed bills.