Monday, April 20, 2020


  Mayor Bill de Blasio: Good morning, everybody. Well, we start a new week. And as we start this week, it's a chance to really, think about something that's kind of different than what we normally think about. I want everyone to just take a minute, really take a minute to break out of whatever you're doing right now, whatever you normally would do this time of day, even the middle of this crisis, and put yourself in the shoes of the people who are saving lives right now. Think about our doctors, our nurses, our health care workers. For a moment, try to feel, try to imagine what their lives had been like for these last two months. You, every one of us has some kind of daily routine, and we're trying to make sense of our daily routines in the middle of this crisis, but think about the daily routine for a doctor, for a nurse, for anyone in one of our hospitals and how it really is anything but routine what they're going through right now. They wake up each morning and go directly into battle. That's the reality they face today and they have been for weeks and weeks. They all are in the places that are the epicenter of this epicenter that is New York City. And you think about this crisis affecting our whole nation, our city has been the epicenter, but our hospitals have been the place where this horrible, painful crisis has played out most deeply. And they, these heroes, have been the ones who just every single day walk through those doors to confront whatever is thrown at them. Now, they are fighting an enemy they've never seen before and they're fighting an enemy that the rest of us fear. But they go to face every single day. They do that thing we always talk about with first responders, then run toward the danger. Day after day, these heroes are saving lives, and it's even more powerful, more profound to think about the fact that they're fighting an enemy, they cannot see. They're fighting an enemy no one fully understands, but they have not for a moment run from that responsibility or shirk from that responsibility. They keep fighting.

Now, these are warriors fighting a different kind of war than we've ever seen. And we would never send our warriors into battle without armor, without ammunition. We would never do that. When you think about a soldier, when you think about our armed forces, we would never imagine sending someone to battle and saying, oh, you know what, we don't have a helmet for you, we don't have a gun for you. That would be literally unthinkable. So, we have to understand that for these heroes in our hospitals, the personal protective equipment is their armor, is their ammunition. All the things they need, the equipment, the supplies, are to keep them alive and protect them, protect their families so they can keep fighting this war. And we work every day to get them what they need. And yet, we see the profound challenge that every city, every state, every country on earth is trying to find the exact same things for their health care workers and there's simply not enough in this country, there's not enough in this world. And so, it's always a race against time. So, we're going to keep talking about these PPEs. But I don't want you to hear, you know, think of a product on a shelf somewhere, I want you to think about the armor for our heroes, the ammunition for our soldiers in this battle. I want you to recognize how hard they have been to come by and how we have to fight every single day to find everything we need. And that's why we're going to build more and more of these things and manufacturing and create them right here in New York City because it's the right thing to do. And we literally don't have a choice. We're going to keep demanding the federal government provide us what we need for these heroes, but we know those demands sometimes are met, sometimes they're not. We're going to scour the market all over the nation, all over the world, but we know how unreliable that has been. So, the point is to think of each of these. These items is exactly what we say, the personal protective equipment – think about protecting our heroes.  And now, I'm going to talk to you about where we stand. I think it's yet another reminder of how every week, every day this is a fight to stay one step ahead of this crisis to make sure we protect people. But it's never been easy since the very beginning and it won't be easy going forward either until we get to a very much better place.

So, let me update you on where we stand with our supply of personal protective equipment and the other things we need, the equipment we need. And there is good news in the first instance, because, compared to a few weeks ago, we definitely have a better situation. I've talked to you a lot about Sunday, April 5th. That was a crucial day where it looked like the supplies and equipment were not going to be there when we needed them and the crisis was going to grow. And, thank God, the crisis to some extent has leveled off and more supplies and equipment have come in. But, again, we are far from out of the woods. We're just in better shape than we were at the worst point. And remember, I want to say this because our health care professionals deserve for all of us to understand this, what we're providing them is still have that crisis standard that the CDC has set – the Centers for Disease Control. It means in a wartime dynamic, in a crisis dynamic, this is a level of protection that will still help them. It's by no means the level of protection we want to achieve in better times. We want to give them so much more. So, by that crisis standard, we do have a sufficient supply for this week. We have begun, it'll get us through to Sunday and that means the N95 mass, the surgical masks, the face shields, the gloves. These things are constantly being delivered to hospitals more and more to nursing homes as well, and to first responders, to all of our agencies that protect us. Those supplies, by the crisis standard, we have enough for this week. We also, thank God, have enough ventilators. We’ll be saying more about ventilators this week. And that's an area where we came from behind and we've made a lot of progress and the situation is much better than what it was a few weeks ago.

But there's been a growing problem, and this problem we have not found a solution to yet – that is the surgical gowns. And these are crucial because they protect our health care workers when they're doing some of the most sensitive work and some of the work that really makes them most vulnerable. Now, it got to the point where it's very clear that we were not going to be able to buy enough on the open market no matter what we did. It got to the point where it was clear. Sometimes the federal government has gotten us supplies or the state has, but those have been very uneven. And we always appreciate it, but we can't say it's reliable or an abundant supply. So, we made the decision to manufacture our own here in New York City, and that is now starting to become a major part of the equation, because it's the one thing we can depend on. But even with that, we do not have a secure supply. We're using fallback items like coveralls that certainly provide protection, but, even with the fallbacks, we are not sure we're going to have enough to get to Sunday of this week. We're fighting every way we can to find more, but that's how tight this situation is. This is an area I'm really concerned about and we're going to work every way we can. So, I want to immediately say, I'm making an appeal to the federal government, because if there's any place that might be able to find a supply that is not yet been tapped, it is the federal government. We need more surgical gowns in New York City and we need them now. And I have reiterated this request over the weeks. I will go today and reiterate it again, but we're trying our best to create our own in the numbers we need, and those numbers are very, very large – that's the truth – but we need the federal government immediately to try and help us find solutions even just to get to the end of this week.

Now, I want to give credit. When the federal government does something right, I'll also say that. And here's an example of them doing something right. They did not have a substantial supply. We asked over a week ago, knew that this was a growing crisis, and I do want to say what they did come up with is deeply appreciated – 265,000 Tyvek suits to help our public hospitals. And that is helpful for sure. And I want to thank everyone who was involved in that effort. I particularly worked with Peter Navarro in the White House, who has been very responsive. I want to thank Peter and everyone who worked to get us those Tyvek suits. That helps a lot. But again, we need a much, much greater number to move forward. So, the other thing that we asked for, we said, if you can't get us actual surgical gowns – and imagine, the greatest country in the world, you know, the richest, most powerful country in the world, and we can't get surgical gowns for our largest city to even get through a week. It says so much about what we're learning from this crisis about the madness of so many of the supplies we need for health care and for protection of our people are not even made in this country and not even available or can't even be moved quickly. It certainly speaks to the lack of use of the Defense Production Act to build these kinds of supplies on a much greater level. There's a lot of things wrong here. But I will say, that when we couldn't get the surgical gowns, I said to Peter Navarro, can you get us fabric, because at least we have fabric, waterproof fabric, we can start to manufacture more and more of our own gowns here. And he did come through, and a group of other folks from the industry – the textile industry came through. I want to thank everyone who's a part of that effort and we'll list them out soon so we give all the thanks that are due. But we've got enough fabric in now to make 400,000 gowns. That's substantial, but, again, nowhere near the need we have. But I'll still say, if we can make 400,000 gowns, that's 400,000 times that our health care workers are protected. And I certainly am very appreciative for that. 40,000 will be made now. That full 400,000 will be made by May 23rd. We're going to try and speed that up, but we're literally building a new industry right away in this city and my goal is to see it expand rapidly. This is not a product that was made here in New York City. We want to see it become a major, major part of what we do as we fight this battle. But we're going to need a lot more than that to get through.

Now, let me talk to you about another piece of this reality we've been facing. A few weeks ago, we went through something that was a huge challenge. We saw a major, major uptick in the number of calls to EMS – 9-1-1 calls on a level we had never seen literally in our history. The kind of records that were set were the kind of records you never want a set of the most calls to 9-1-1 ever. Our EMTs, our paramedics fought back. I want to thank Commissioner Dan Nigro and everyone at FDNY for the really powerful, smart, you know, calm, steady way they handled this crisis in a way they fought back. And now, I am really pleased to say we've seen a rebound. We've seen really big improvement, Still, a lot to do, but FDNY held the line, EMS held the line. Our EMTs and paramedics worked long hours. They saved a lot of lives. They fought back. There's no question that we are not out of the woods yet. So, I'm saying there's been a rebound, but there's still a lot more to this game. But the numbers are coming down substantially and getting much closer to normal. So, I want to give you an update on that and just a sense of how extraordinary the surge we saw was, going back to March 30 – a number that's just astounding – we got 6,527 medical emergencies in one day. Never seen anything like that. By this last Saturday, April 13 – excuse me, April 18th – this last Saturday, April 18th, the number was down to 3,485. So, not quite half, but getting close to half the number of calls that came in just about three weeks earlier. So, Saturday was 3,485. When you compare that to the average for last year – the average day last year, it was actually below the average. The average last year was 4,196 on a typical day. So, thank God, that number has come way down. There’s still a lot to do, but that's giving us real relief. We also, of course, had a huge challenge, ensuring that we could respond in this crisis with so many more calls. And, obviously, the most urgent, the most life and death calls got prioritized, but if you take the average across the board, in March, that average was just over 10 minutes on the response time. In the last two weeks, it's gone down to – up until Friday of this last week, it went down to eight minutes, 46 seconds. Now, on Saturday, April 18th, that went down to six minutes, 43 seconds. So, something’s, again, profoundly changed. Many fewer calls, much faster response time, thank God for that. Also, the number of FDNY personnel who had been on leave – a sick leave continues to go down. So, again, 1,446 and returned to service – a much lower sick leave level now than we saw at the peak. The same with for fire and for EMS – the same thing. So, EMS has now almost a thousand members who have returned from dealing with COVID-19 and we see the number of folks on sick leave going down. Long way to go, but real progress for sure.

Now, one of the things that tied us over, I want to give a lot of thanks to FEMA. And so, this is the federal government doing something really good, and I want to give credit where credit is due. And I've talked to Pete Gaynor, who's the administrator for FEMA nationally – a really, really good guy who's really been th

ere for New York City many may times. Tom Von Essen, our former fire commissioner from the days of 9/11, who now is the FEMA regional administrator. They've both been absolutely fantastic. When they saw that FDNY, EMS were struggling so much, they reached out immediately and got ambulances, and EMTs, and paramedics from all over the country. And I had that real amazing experience going to meet a lot of these good, good people who came from around the country to help us and to thank them on behalf of all New Yorkers. And folks came from California and Alabama and Florida, all over the country. And particularly met ambulance crew from Kalamazoo, Michigan – two really good guys that drove all night to get to New York City because they just wanted to help out. And that has made a huge difference. That's really been one of the X factors and giving relief to EMS and helping them through. I'm happy to report the FEMA has helped us again, and just in the last week we've added another hundred ambulances from around the country. So, now, from FEMA, we have 350 ambulances active with 790 EMTs and paramedics that come from 19 states of the union. This is truly America's stepping up to help New York City, just like New York city has so many times sent our heroes and our first responders out to help folks all over the country in the middle of their challenges and disasters, and folks are really coming to bat for us. So, we expect this group now to take us through basically the month of April and continue to provide a lot of relief and support for our EMTs and paramedics, help them through – I'm sorry, I should have say past April, another 30 days, my apology – into May – to the end of May – and to give a lot of relief to our EMTs and paramedics who, again, they've done so much in these last weeks. They continue to need that support and that teamwork and it's continuing to come thanks to FEMA. So, very good news.

Now, a couple of days ago we talked about the fact that as we evaluate where we're going, going forward, we keep recognizing the power of what people are doing, what every-day New Yorkers are doing. Again, I'm going to say thank you a lot of times because you've been amazing at social distancing. You've been amazing at shelter in place. It's not easy, but you've been doing it really, really well. I want to be very clear, we're going to be smart about how we come back. We're going to be smart about how we turn a corner. We're not going to let our foot off the gas prematurely. We're not going to run the risk of this disease reasserting itself. So, we're going to be going in stages as we work that slow, steady road back to normal. And we already miss so much of what was part of our everyday lives. A lot of us are missing sports, both playing sports, watching sports. We're missing all sorts of community gatherings, family gatherings. There’s so much we miss right now and it's almost like it's impossible to count all the things that are gone that we love and we miss. And this is the time of year where you start to have more and more big public events, the street fairs, the festivals, parades, outdoor concerts, outdoor plays, things that are really a beautiful part of the year in New York City. That's all true, but we also know compared to all the basics we're focused on right now, compared to people's health and safety and food, shelter, all the things we're trying to guarantee for New Yorkers, and especially compared to the big question – how do we come back safely, smartly? These kinds of community events, we love them, but they're not what we need right now, they're not the most essential things, and we have to be smart about it. And we have to also recognize when thousands and thousands of people gather in one place, of course that goes against everything we're trying to do with social distance in a shelter in place and everything we're trying to do to bring ourselves back.

So, a few days ago I said that a city permits for events scheduled for the month of May have been canceled. I told you we were going to talk to the organizers of events in June, which includes some really big important annual events. We have had those conversations and this probably will not surprise you, but I'm now reporting today that we will cancel city permits for June events as well. It's not a happy announcement but it's one we have to make. And look, a lot of these events will be postponed. I want to be clear, the permits are being canceled for June, but the event organizers, a lot of them are looking at doing something later in the year, and we're going to work with them on that. And, again, I think the fact that they're postponing now is actually going to help us get to that point later in the year where things can open up and be better. And then, we're going to work closely with them to find the right time and place to do what they do each year. The bottom line, of course, is to think about safety, to think about saving lives, protecting people's health, speeding us to that day when we get more normal. So, this is the right thing to do and this is what we are doing. But I will say, obviously, I will note three events in particular that are just highlights of the whole year – the Salute to Israel Parade, the Puerto Rican Day Parade, and the Pride Parade. And this was – you know, this year is the 50th anniversary of the Pride Parade, and it's a very, very big deal. That march is such an important part of the life of this city, but this year in particular was going to be something that was a historic moment. Look, we're going to miss all three of them in June, but they will be back, and we will find the right way to do it, working with all the event organizers. And that joy and that pride that all of these events bring, that celebration, will be back. We're going to do it when it's the right time.

Now, to the question that we turn to every day, how are we doing overall? And we have these three indicators we keep coming back to tell us so much. And it’s a high bar, but we wanted to set a high bar to make sure we get it right. So, what I would say, what we are seeing day after day is progress in many of the categories. We still haven't hit that perfect note we want to hit, which is getting all three of categories to go down together for a long period of time. But we see consistently most of the categories going in the right direction. And so, something is moving positively because of everything people are doing and it says, just keep doing it. First of all, the first indicator, daily number of people admitted to hospitals for suspected COVID-19, that is down – good news – down from 317 to 212. That's a really good drop. The daily number of people in ICU across our public hospitals for suspected COVID-19, that is up, although it's up by just a little bit – 849 to 853. So, not the right direction, but notable that it's a very, very small increase. The percent of people who tested positive for COVID-19 citywide, down from 38 percent to 34 percent. Public health lab, down 84 percent to 67 percent. So, this is not a perfect daily report, but it's getting better and it's damn close to what we're looking for. Let's see if we can keep pushing. Everyone, keep doing what you're doing so we can get this tracking to start moving consistently in the right direction and that's going to give us the chance to really start to make the moves towards a more normal life.

So, let me close with this. We said from the beginning of this crisis, it's like nothing we've ever seen. We're fighting an invisible enemy, an enemy no one understands, and there's no timeline here, there's no ground rules, there's no playbook. No one knows exactly how this will go. Anyone who tells you they know exactly how this is going to go is lying to you. What we can say though, one thing we have heard universally is this is a crisis that has an end point. Everything we know about the nature of this disease is that there is a point where we turn a corner. That doesn't mean it won't be back in the future. It doesn't mean there won't be challenges. We obviously all want to see that day where there's a vaccine and a cure, but this crisis will end at some point. The question is, are we strong enough? Are we tough enough? Are we resilient enough as New Yorkers to fight our way through to that point? The answer is a resounding yes. You have proven it already in so many ways. The heroic health care workers, first responders, they've proven it over and over again. But everyone in this city who's contributing in so many ways to this fight has proven it. So, I've no doubt we're going to get there. I know it's going to be a tough road. I know it's not going to be simple. I know it's going to be a long road. Now, how do we get there? We'll keep coming back to the testing we need to allow us to make that transition to when we have a low level of transmission of this disease and we can really start to get to normal. Can't do it without the testing. But the other thing is, we cannot do it if we don't get help from Washington DC, it's as simple as this. Think about it for a moment, this city, this heroic city that has been fighting this battle, epicenter of the crisis for the United States of America, fighting so often alone without help from the federal government from the very beginning when the tests weren't there, to the many may times we've asked for help and it hasn't come. I will always give credit for when the help did come. I'll always say thank you for that. But we still don't have a clear picture on testing. And the one thing that I've asked the President for lately that should be the easiest part of the equation is to help New York City through this crisis, give us the financial support to make us whole, to actually balance our budget, pay our first responders and our public servants who are doing this work, because, you know what – and I'll address this to the President again – you know, Mr. President, you know what we're doing right now? We are saving lives here in New York City. We are spending hundreds of millions of dollars now, it's going to be billions of dollars to save lives. We are not hesitating. We're not for a moment doing anything but what is right to protect New Yorkers and to protect all Americans by beating back this disease. We estimate by the end of this calendar year the City of New York will have spent $3.5 billion to save lives and protect people in this city. The federal government is not stepping up. You, Mr. President, are not saying, I see your burden, I see the fight you're waging, let me offer a helping hand, let me save the day by taking that burden off of New York City. In fact, Mr. President, you know, it was quite clear when the airline industry was in trouble you were quick to act. You gave them $58 billion. But when New York City, and cities all over the country, states all over the country had been pleading in the middle of a huge budget crisis where we can't provide the services that our people need going forward, we're not going to be able to have a recovery, you are absolutely silent. I'm challenging you to open your mouth. I think I may be the first person in history to challenge Donald Trump to speak up. He's not shy. But it's amazing, he was asked yesterday at his press conference and he barely could say a word about the need for a stimulus program that would actually help America’s cities and states.

So, everyone's watching. Mr. President, you say the word and Mitch McConnell will act, the Senate will act, we can be made whole and we can actually help restart the nation's economy and move a recovery. But if you don't act, we're just not going to have what we need to move this city forward to help our people, to protect our people, to help our nation. We're not going to have it. So, I don't know what more I have to say but that is the truth. And there's still time to act right now in Washington. That stimulus bill is being discussed right this minute. You know what? There's even some bipartisanship. I'm hearing it from mayors all over the country, Republican and Democrat. You're seeing it from governors, Republican and Democrats saying the federal government has to provide this help. Even yesterday, two senators – Republican Senator Cassidy from Louisiana, Democrat Senator Menendez from New Jersey put forward a $500 billion plan to help cities and states recover. Even in Washington, there are people trying to act in a bipartisan fashion to move us forward. Mr. President, you're the only one who's missing an action right now. Why don't you step up and say this is the right thing to do? And you would be doing something for this whole country in our time of need.

Partnerships for Parks - Webinar Series: NYC Community Groups, Parks, and the COVID-19 Crisis

In these unprecedented times, we realize more than ever how crucial our parks are to our health and well-being. New York City parks remain open as City and State authorities recognize green space as an essential part of public health. As New Yorkers turn to parks to connect with nature and relieve stress, all of us at PfP are working remotely to support communities who care for parks; addressing needs now and preparing for the future. Join us at our Partnerships Academy Webinar Series to discuss these issues and build a path forward. You can also double your fundraising efforts with a matching fund grant and read about our ongoing visioning work.

                                                  Photo by Daniel Avila, NYC Parks

As the scale and impact of COVID-19 transforms our city, our lives, and our ability to care for neighborhood green spaces, it’s more important than ever to stay connected. Towards this goal, we have designed a new series of interactive webinars for NYC community members, leaders, and park advocates. 

At these sessions we will:

  • Share experiences and inspiration with one another about how we are caring for ourselves, our families, and our communities.
  • Talk about how community group needs have changed- and ask for feedback on what Partnerships Academy webinar topics would be helpful in the coming months.
  • Provide information and resources from Partnerships for Parks, City Parks Foundation, NYC Parks, and other expert speakers to help you manage this crisis.

Featured Speakers: To be announced

Registration for this session is required. You will receive information on how to join the webinar once you register. Feel free to join any or all of these sessions. All are welcome.

Session 1: Thursday, April 23 from 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm

Session 2: Saturday, April 25  from 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm
Session 3: Wednesday, April 29 from 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm

Session 4: Monday, May 11 from 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm


Planning for the future of your park? The Partnerships for Parks Crowdfunding Challenge provides up to $2,500 in matching funds to approved community projects that are hosted through an ioby crowdfunding campaign. Projects benefiting an NYC green space—including parks, community gardens, street trees, and green streets—are eligible to have their ioby crowdfunding campaign matched. If approved, Partnerships for Parks contributes one dollar for every dollar raised up to $2,500. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.



Our Visioning Cohort is continuing its workshop series online. On April 1st, representatives from five different community groups representing each of the boroughs logged onto an evening webinar to learn about the NYC Parks Capital Process. Guest speaker and Chief of Landscape Architecture Nancy Prince and Senior Project Manager of Design Judy Tung from the NYC Parks Capital Division explained how community input is incorporated into final park designs. Cohort members left with a better understanding of how to advocate for the kinds of physical improvements their community would most like to see.

Partnerships for Parks is a joint program of City Parks Foundation and NYC Parks that supports and champions a growing network of leaders caring and advocating for neighborhood parks and green spaces. We equip people and organizations with the skills and tools needed to transform these spaces into dynamic community assets.

Our mailing address is:
City Parks Foundation
830 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10065

State Senator Gustavo Rivera's Virtual Town Hall on COVID-19's Impact on the Health of The Bronx


  Dear Friends,

Hope this email finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. The COVID-19 crisis has significantly impacted our State, especially The Bronx. As the Chairman of the Senate Health Committee, I am hosting an important virtual town hall tomorrow at 6:00 pm via Facebook Live where I'll be joined by expert guests from Union Community Health Center and the Campaign for New York Health to discuss our borough's health and mental health care access in the times of COVID-19. If you are interested in asking health-related questions, submit them here:
In Solidarity,

Gustavo Rivera
New York State Senate
District 33


With COVID-19 concerns, drivers will have a new pay-as-you-go option via ParkMobile smartphone app 

Today, the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) announced a new effort to discourage cash payments at the City’s parking meters and encourage contactless parking payment by smartphone. The Pay-By-Cell option protects the safety of both DOT’s workforce and the public by reducing physical interactions with the City’s 14,000 meters.  

Two different apps are now available for download to pay for parking at 80,000 metered spots across New York City:

  • ParkNYC: Launched in December 2016 and available for free download in the Apple Store or Google Play, ParkNYC allows account holders to pay for parking at any metered parking space on a new pay-as-you-go basis with no additional fees after loading an initial $25 wallet balance. The popular app was used for more than 22 million parking transactions last year.
  • ParkMobile: To enhance the Pay-by-Cell program and encourage contactless transactions, DOT is now temporarily offering the option to use the nationwide ParkMobile app for single transactions, for a 15-cent per transaction fee. While meters will continue to accept coins and credit cards, we encourage all customers to consider their own safety and the safety of our workers — and opt for mobile payments. The app accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
 “DOT is asking all New Yorkers who can to switch to Pay-By-Cell, which will reduce the need for physical cash transactions at our 14,000 parking meters.  Contactless Pay-By-Cell reduces exposure risk for the public and our workforce,” said DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg. “Please help us reduce the need to physically service parking meters and collect, sanitize and securely store cash during this crisis.”

New York City’s parking meters remain in effect to encourage curb turnover, which supports deliveries and essential businesses such as grocery stores, pharmacies and medical providers.  The availability of parking meters also discourages double parking, which enhances safety.  Zone numbers on Muni-Meter decals and under parking signage will work in both apps. DOT encourages all New Yorkers who do not need to travel to stay home to help stop the spread of COVID-19, and expresses its greatest thanks to its own employees — and all other essential workers — for their continued work keeping the city running safely. 

About ParkMobile:
ParkMobile, LLC is the leading provider of smart parking and mobility solutions in North America, helping millions of people easily find, reserve, and pay for parking from their mobile devices. The company's technology is used in thousands of locations across the country, including 7 of the top 10 cities as well as college campuses, airports, and stadiums. People can use ParkMobile solutions to quickly pay for on-street and off-street parking without having to use a meter or kiosk.

No. 202.21: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency

No. 202.21

E X E C U T I V E  O R D E R

Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency

WHEREAS, on March 7, 2020, I issued Executive Order Number 202, declaring a State disaster emergency for the entire State of New York; and
WHEREAS, both travel-related cases and community contact transmission of COVID-19 have been documented in New York State and are expected to be continue;

NOW THEREFORE, I, Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 29-a of Article 2-B of the Executive Law to issue any directive during a disaster emergency necessary to cope with the disaster, I hereby issue the following directives for the period from the date of this Executive Order through May 19, 2020:

  • The directive regarding solemnization of a marriage ceremony contained in Executive Order 202.20 shall be modified to expressly include any officiant, public or private, as able to perform or solemnize such marriage ceremony utilizing audio-video technology, as delineated in such directive.

G I V E N   under my hand and the Privy Seal of the State in the City of Albany this nineteenth day of April in the year two thousand twenty.


Secretary to the Governor

Appointees to Multi-state Council to Get People Back to Work and Restore the Economy

Appointees Include One Health Expert, One Economic Development Expert and Respective Chiefs of Staff from Each State

  New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, Delaware Governor John Carney, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo and Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker today announced their appointees to the multi-state council to restore the economy and get people back to work. The appointees include one health expert, one economic development expert and the respective Chief of Staff from each state.
The appointees from each state include:

New York
  • Melissa DeRosa, Secretary to the Governor
  • Robert Mujica, Director of NYS Division of the Budget
  • Michael Dowling, President and CEO, Northwell Health
New Jersey
  • George Helmy, Chief of Staff to the Governor
  • Dr. Richard Besser, President and CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and former Acting Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Jeh Johnson, former United States Secretary of Homeland Security under President Barack Obama
  • Paul Mounds, Jr., Chief of Staff in the Office of the Governor
  • Indra Nooyi, Co-chair of the nonprofit organization AdvanceCT and former chairman and CEO of PepsiCo
  • Dr. Albert Ko, Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine and department chair at the Yale School of Public Health
  • Michael Brunelle, Chief of Staff, Office of the Governor
  • Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, Department of Health
  • Secretary Dennis Davin, Department of Community and Economic Development
  • Sheila Grant, Chief of Staff, Office of Governor
  • Dr. Kara Odom Walker, Secretary, Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
  • Kurt Foreman, President and CEO, Delaware Prosperity Partnership
Rhode Island
  • David Ortiz, Chief of Staff to the Governor
  • Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health
  • Stefan Pryor, Rhode Island Commerce Secretary
  • Kristen Lepore, Chief of Staff
  • Michael Kennealy, Secretary of the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development
  • Lauren Peters, Undersecretary at the Executive Office of Health and Human Services

"We have been collaborating closely with our neighboring states to combat this pandemic through a uniform approach to social distancing and density reduction and it has been working well. Now it is time to start opening the valve slowly and carefully while watching the infection rate meter so we don't trigger a second wave of new infections," Governor Cuomo said. "This is not a light switch that we can just flick on and everything goes back to normal - we have to come up with a smart, consistent strategy to restart the systems we shut down and get people back to work, and to the extent possible we want to do that through a regional approach because we are a regional economy. New York is partnering with these five states to create a multi-state council that will come up with a framework based on science and data to gradually ease the stay at home restrictions and get our economy back up and running."

Governor Phil Murphy said, "No one has given more thought or is more eager to restart our economy than I am, but if we don't get the sequencing right, we put more lives at risk. The only path to a sustainable economic recovery is through a strong healthcare recovery. Then, and only then, do we position ourselves to fully ignite our economy and get the residents of our state back to work while minimizing the danger of this disease. A coordinated, regional approach, informed by a multi-state council of experts, will help us avoid a major setback with potentially disastrous consequences. I look forward to the day when the facts on the ground allow us to ease our restrictions and move our regional economy forward."

Governor Ned Lamont said, "One thing that's undeniable is that this virus does not stop at the border of any county, state, or country, but the impact is the same when it comes to our respective economies and healthcare systems. Working as a regional coalition to make the right decisions will lead to the best public health results for all of our residents. We must solve these problems together."

Governor Tom Wolf said, "Our highest priority remains protecting the health and safety of Pennsylvanians. While my administration continues to take critical steps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, I also recognize that we must look ahead and take a measured, careful approach to prepare for the future while ensuring that we don't undo all of our efforts. Pennsylvania will work collaboratively with our partners both in state and in surrounding states to develop a comprehensive strategy that first focuses on health but also addresses the need to gradually restore our economy." 

Governor John Carney said, "We still have a situation in Delaware that is getting worse. Infections of COVID-19 and hospitalizations are rising. Delawareans should stay home. Don't go out in public unnecessarily. Don't visit Delaware unless you need to see a doctor, or care for a family member. You'll only increase everyone's risk. At the same time, we need to look forward. We need a consistent approach for moving our states out of this crisis, when that day comes. I'm grateful for the partnership of my fellow Governors in the region. They are all working around-the-clock to prevent surges in COVID-19 cases, protect hospital capacity for the most critically-ill patients, and save lives. We'll get through this by working together."

Governor Gina Raimondo said, "States are taking the lead as we fight to slow the spread of coronavirus and save lives. I'm proud of the steps we've taken, and I'm constantly thinking about what it will take to safely reopen our economy. But we know that this virus does not recognize borders, and it's clear we need a strong, coordinated regional approach to avoid a second wave of this disease. I'm grateful to my fellow governors for their leadership during this crisis and I'm confident that this new partnership will support our efforts to get Rhode Islanders -- and all Americans -- back to work safely."

Governor Charlie Baker said, "The Baker-Polito Administration looks forward to participating in discussions with neighboring states and experts regarding the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Massachusetts also remains focused on efforts to expand testing, ensure hospital capacity and provide the necessary PPE to those on the front lines to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities."

No. 202.20: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency

No. 202.20

E X E C U T I V E  O R D E R

Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws
Relating to the Disaster Emergency 

WHEREAS, on March 7, 2020, I issued Executive Order Number 202, declaring a State disaster emergency for the entire State of New York; and 
WHEREAS, both travel-related cases and community contact transmission of COVID-19 have been documented in New York State and are expected to be continue;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 29-a of Article 2-B of the Executive Law to temporarily suspend or modify any statute, local law, ordinance, order, rule, or regulation, or parts thereof, of any agency during a State disaster emergency, if compliance with such statute, local law, ordinance, order, rule, or regulation would prevent, hinder, or delay action necessary to cope with the disaster emergency or if necessary to assist or aid in coping with such disaster, I hereby temporarily suspend or modify, for the period from the date of this Executive Order through May 18, 2020 the following: 

  • Section 13 of the Domestic Relations Law, to the extent necessary to permit those persons to whom marriage licenses were issued but shall expire within the period of time that New York State residents are to maintain distance between each other, to waive the 60 days required to obtain a marriage license during the period of time that there exists a declared emergency in New York State; and 
  • Section 15 of the Domestic Relations Law, to the extent necessary to permit those persons who were unable to marry within the time frame issued on the marriage license, waive the fees necessary to obtain a second marriage license, if necessary, mirroring the original marriage license that was obtained during the period of time a declared emergency existed in New York State. 

IN ADDITION, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 29-a of Article 2-B of the Executive Law to issue any directive during a disaster emergency necessary to cope with the disaster, I hereby issue the following directives for the period from the date of this Executive Order through May 18, 2020: 

  • Any issuance of a marriage license application, marriage license, or witnessing or solemnizing of the marriage ceremony, that is required under New York State law is authorized to be performed utilizing audio-video technology provided that the following conditions are met: The couple seeking the marriage services, must present valid photo ID to verify identity whenever required by law the during the video conference, not merely transmit it prior to or after; the video conference must allow for direct interaction between the couple and the town or city clerk, the witness or the person to solemnize the marriage (e.g. no pre-recorded videos of the person signing or engaged in the marriage ceremony); the couple must affirmatively represent that he or she is physically situated in the jurisdiction where the marriage is legally allowed to occur, within the State of New York; the couple must transmit by fax or electronic means a legible copy of the signed document directly to the town or city clerk, the witnesses, the person to solemnize the marriage on the same date it was signed; the town or city clerk, witness or person who solemnizes the marriage may sign the transmitted copy of the document and transmit the same back to the person responsible for the document by law; to the extent practicable, all parties will use their best efforts to ensure the document is transmitted in the most confidential manner and information will not be released to any third party not associated with the marriage license and marriage ceremony; and the electronic signed copy of the marriage license application or marriage license will become the official document for purposes of Domestic Relations Law. Local town and city clerks may provide guidance related to how marriage licensure applications and issuance will be implemented in their jurisdictions.

G I V E N   under my hand and the Privy Seal of the State in the City of Albany this eighteenth day of April in the year two thousand twenty. 

Secretary to the Governor