Tuesday, March 19, 2013


   New Reporting System Will Increase Transparency & Reduce Possibility for Fraudulent Billing 

   Comptroller John C. Liu and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg today announced that New York City will become the first municipality in the country to establish a comprehensive subcontracting database and publicly report payments made by prime contractors to subcontractors, which will greatly enhance the City’s – and the public’s – ability to monitor billions of dollars worth of contract activity. The new reforms will also strengthen the City’s capacity to detect and address potentially fraudulent billing practices, further ensure the timeliness of payments from contractors to subcontractors and more seamlessly track the utilization of minority- and women-owned businesses on subcontracted City work. The Mayor’s Office of Contract Services and the Comptroller’s Office have been working on this subcontracting initiative for more than a year, and recently began a pilot program with vendors serving as initial testers.

“Today marks the start of a new era of scrutiny for outside contractors,” said Comptroller Liu. “Giving all New Yorkers the ability to keep an eye on this information will give contractors 8.3 million more reasons to spend tax dollars as prudently as possible. It’s great that the Big Apple is setting another national benchmark for government transparency.”

“From creating a Citywide Performance Reporting tool, which allows the public to track agency performance, to establishing the City’s Open Data Portal, which makes more than a thousand agency data sets available for public use, we’ve worked to make City government more open and transparent,” said Mayor Bloomberg. “These new reporting requirements will help us to continue to lead the way in making government more accessible and accountable to the public.”

“This collaborative process produced an effective, efficient system that will reduce the risk of waste and fraud,” said Vanessa Champion, Chief of Staff and Special Counsel, Office of Comptroller Liu.

“By using the latest technology, we are furthering our goal of enhancing transparency,” said Andrea Glick, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services. “The new subcontracting database is a win for the City, and we are thankful to our partners for helping ensure its launch.”

Beginning this month, on any new contract valued over $1 million, all prime vendors will have to disclose information on the City’s Payee Information Portal, including the names of subcontractors hired as well as each and every payment to them. In June, the ceiling is lowered to contracts above $250,000, which will ensure approximately 96 percent of all dollars spent on City contracts are captured in this new database. The work to design and develop this new tracking system was completed by CGI, based on a fixed-price deliverable contract for a cost of $1.6 million. In the event a prime vendor fails to carry out their responsibility, the City has the right to withhold payment until all requirements have been met.

The City’s new requirements will create a central infrastructure to improve oversight, further reduce the possibility of fraudulent billing and ensure that the City is meeting its minority and women-owned business enterprise goals. Since Local Law 129 was first enacted in December 2005, certified minority and women-owned businesses have won thousands of contracts – worth billions of dollars in total aggregate value – in prime and subcontracts with the City of New York.

Once these new protocols are established, each payment and data set will be fully integrated with the Comptroller’s Checkbook NYC fiscal transparency website – which was launched with the assistance from the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services – placing never-before-seen subcontract data in the public domain.

The City modeled its groundbreaking reforms on the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, which was signed into law in 2006 and requires Federal contractors to disclose their subcontractors through a searchable website. Unlike the Federal government, however, the City is the first in the nation to publicly disclose both the names of subcontractors and payments made to them. 

“Citizens Union commends Comptroller Liu and Mayor Bloomberg for working collaboratively to provide more complete information about payments made to subcontractors through the Comptroller’s transparency website, Checkbook,” said Dick Dadey, Executive Director of Citizens Union. “Given the large size of certain contracts, it is important to provide New Yorkers with greater detail regarding those subcontractors who perform services for the city of New York.  This new level of detail will give New Yorkers more information on how their tax dollars are being spent and on whom. Such greater public scrutiny could result in cost savings.”

“This initiative improves transparency of New York City’s operations and is an important step forward for facilitating oversight of the city’s contracting operations,” said Citizens Budget Commission President Carol Kellermann.

“New Yorkers will be getting a much more complete picture of how contractors and subcontractors are spending their tax dollars, thanks to Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Comptroller John Liu,” said Gene Russianoff, senior attorney for the New York Public Interest Research Group.

“Congratulations to Mayor Bloomberg and Controller Liu,” said John Kaehny, Executive Director of Reinvent Albany and Co-Chair of the NYC Transparency Working Group. “Digitizing and reporting subcontractor payments is a huge leap forward in accountability and transparency. Though somewhat dry and esoteric, this new reporting system has big implications for reducing corruption and improving efficiency, and when fully in place, will make New York City one of the most fiscally transparent cities in the world. When the subcontractor data is put into the Checkbook NYC platform, it will become instantly available for the rest of government and the public to use.”

Comptroller Liu and Mayor Bloomberg thanked the members of the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services, including Director Andrea Glick and Deputy Director for Research and Information Technology Ezra Polonsky, the Comptroller’s Office – led by Chief of Staff Vanessa Champion – and Robert Townsend at the Financial Information Services Agency for their efforts on the project.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Beonx Chamber of Commerce Women of Distinction Luncheon

We look forward to seeing you there!

Bronx Chamber Logo

What You Should Know

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York

El Diario la Prensa is Following My Lead
    You should know that El Diaro la Prensa is following my lead – yes, the lead of Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz – and the political movement I began last year asking my colleagues in the New York State Senate, especially the Hispanic Senators, unite and to not vote for Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Budget unless it includes the Dream Act.

You should know that I worked very hard on this movement to Unite for Dream Act during last year’s Budget negotiations, and I was disappointed that my colleagues who advocate for the Dream Act on behalf of their constituents in public, did not unite with me and insist for the Dream Act to be included in the State Budget.  You should also know that I have not given up and instead, I am more determined than ever for a vote of unity against any Budget that does recognize the immigrant.

In my March 12, 2013 column, What You Should Know column titled
Hispanic Legislators: Put Up or Shut Up, urging the 6 Hispanic Senators and almost 15 Hispanic Members of the New York State Assembly:

"If they really want to fight for the Dream Act and if they honestly want it to be part of the Budget, then let all of the Hispanic legislators – let all of us in the Senate and in the Assembly – come together and take a vote that we will not vote for Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Budget – none of it – not one single part of it – unless it includes the Dream Act. Let the Governor pass the Budget without the Hispanic vote, and let us show our repudiation of him and his Budget plan of ignoring the immigrants."

Today’s editorial in El Diario la Prensa agrees with me.  Although they did not credit me, Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz, for my efforts to be sure that no Hispanic legislator votes for the Budget without the Dream Act, I am very glad they are standing beside me in this effort.

Below is a copy of today's editorial from El Diario la Prensa.

And once again, I ask all of my colleagues in the Senate and in the Assembly, especially the Hispanic Members of the State Legislature, to stand united with me and oppose the upcoming Budget if it does not include the Dream Act.

This is Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz and this is what you should know.

Unity on the NY Dream Act
Editorial/El Diario la Prensa

The New York Legislature is about to approve the budget, and as things stand, the state's Dream Act bill will be shelved once again. Hispanic lawmakers—who represent many Dreamers—can prevent this if they unite and make it clear to Senate leaders and Gov. Andrew Cuomo that they will vote "NO" on the budget package unless it includes the Dream Act.

Lawmakers have had this bill, which attempts to do what other states have done and give eligible undocumented students access to state financial aid for college, for several years. During the current session, the Assembly finally drafted a balanced version that was recently approved, along with $25 million to pay for it.

The Senate, controlled by Republicans and Independent Democrats, refuses to include this bill in the budget, despite its economic benefits in the long term. Hispanic senators support the bill, which makes sense, since it's a priority for their constituents. They have sent messages to Cuomo and attended Dream Act demonstrations.

But their actions haven't yielded results. Senate leaders and Cuomo clearly don't understand the importance of this law. However, when it's convenient for them, they talk about the contributions immigrants make, their concern about low high school and college graduation rates, and how important educating minorities is to the state's economic well-being.

Now, it's time to show that this bill is extremely important. The course of action in Albany will affect the future of 200,000 immigrant students who graduated from our public schools to start or continue their college studies. This major budget, with essential laws like a minimum wage increase, must also include the Dream Act. Hispanic lawmakers and others who believe in providing equal education opportunities must reject the budget proposal unless the Dream Act is in it.



Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting March 21st

Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting
Thursday, March 21, 2013 – 7:00 PM
                           DEP Office – 3660 Jerome Avenue
I  Welcome -                        Bob Fanuzzi, Chair

II Consider, Adopt March CFMC Agenda  -     
CFMC Representatives

III Consider, Adopt 1/17/13 Meeting Minutes   -
CFMC Representatives

IV Comment on CFMC Letters to DEP & DEP  Responses  - 
Bob Fanuzzi & CFMC

V Update on Croton Filter Plant Landscape Design & Construction  -       
DPR, DDC, DEP, & Grimshaw  Architects            
VI Croton Construction Schedule & Costs Report   -    
Bernard Daly, DEP

VII Update on Field Equipment & Field System Testing  -
Bernard Daly Lauren D’Attile, DEP

VIII Preliminary Budget Planning 2015 – Van Cortlandt Park Pedestrian Bridge -
Bob Fanuzzi
IX   CFMC Discussion & Set Date for Next Meeting -      
CFMC Representatives

X Adjourn


Mayoral Candidate John Liu Visits Riverdale

   After making his announcement that he is running for mayor current City Comptroller John Liu visited all five boroughs ending up in the Riverdale home of Community Board 8 Vice-Chair Maria Kurry before his days events were over. About 35 friends and supporters were on hand at Ms. Kurry's home to congratulate Mayoral candidate Liu on his announcement where candidate Liu spoke with his supporters. Earlier in the day on the steps of City Hall Comptroller Liu announced that he is running for mayor, and due to the extremely large crowd Liu had to repeat his speech to the many people who could not fit into the area by the steps of City Hall and were in City Hall Park. Below are a few photos of the visit to the Riverdale home of Ms. Kurry. Click on any photo to enlarge it. 

Below Left - Mayoral candidate John Liu with Host Ms. Maria Kurry.
Right - Candidate Liu explaining some of the points of his mayoral campaign. 

Below Left -  Liu and many Riverdale supporters gather around for a group photo.
Right - Another group photo with more supporters.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Bronx Week 2013

Bronx Week StD
We will have more information on these and other events that will be going on for Bronx Week 2013 as they are released. 

DanceBrazil at Lehman Center for the Performing Arts

 Three Decades of Acrobatic Dance and Dazzle

Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 6pm

"There can't be much anywhere to match the strength, flexibility, speed and idiomatic allure of the dancers and musicians of DanceBrazil." —The Washington Post

Bronx, NY – Lehman Center for the Performing Arts proudly presents the triumphant return of DanceBrazil to the Bronx.  Whether in the streets or on stage in the most prestigious theaters, the hot dancers and musicians of DanceBrazil enthrall audiences with the company's unique fusion of Afro-Brazilian movement, contemporary dance and Capoeira – the traditional dance/martial arts form that had its origins in Africa and evolved in colonial Brazil as a means of fighting enslavement. The company performs on Sunday, April 11, 2013 at 6pm at Lehman Center for the Performing Arts, 250 Bedford Park Boulevard West, Bronx, NY.
For over thirty years, DanceBrazil has thrilled audiences across the United States and the world with its dazzling artistry, which is inspired by the cultural tapestry of Brazil. The New York Times recently wrote, “There was enough appreciative whistling to make a construction worker blush…, when DanceBrazil rolled through town with its crowd-pleasing style of high-octane, high-flying, pelvis-swiveling choreography.” 

Founder and Artistic Director of DanceBrazil, Jelon Vieira and the late Loremil Machado were the first artists to bring traditional Afro-Brazilian dance and Capoeira to the United States over thirty-five years ago. He has devoted his life to sharing Afro-Brazilian culture with audiences in the United States and world-wide. In 2008, he was honored for work and awarded a National Heritage Fellowship, the country’s highest honor in the folk and traditional arts.  This spring he will tour a new work, FĂ© do SertĂŁo, and bring a company favorite, Banguela, to Lehman Center. 

Special ticket price for children 12 and under, $10 any seat
DanceBrazil performs on Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 6pm at Lehman Center for the Performing Arts located at 250 Bedford Park Blvd. W. on the campus of Lehman College in the Bronx.  Tickets cost $40, $35 and $25, and for children 12 and under, $10 any seat.  Tickets can be purchased through 24 hour online access at www.LehmanCenter.org or by calling the Lehman Center box office at 718-960-8833 open Monday & Wednesday-Friday 10am-5pm (closed on Tuesdays) and beginning at 12 noon on the day of the concert.  Lehman Center is accessible by #4 or D train to Bedford Park Blvd., and is right off several major highways, including the Henry Hudson Parkway, the Saw Mill River Parkway and Major Deegan Expressway.  Low-cost on-site parking available for $5.
Lehman Center is supported, in part, with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the New York City Council.  The 2012-2013 season is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, JPMorgan Chase, and through corporations, foundations and private donations.  Special $10 tickets for children are underwritten by Con Edison. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

City Council Candidate Andrew Cohen Calls for Council Reform

4-point plan includes elimination of lulus and
calls for automatic votes on bills with majority sponsorship

Bronx-City Council candidate Andrew Cohen unveiled his 4-point plan for reforming the New York City Council, through broad new measures that emphasize majority control, support Council committees, equalize funding for community needs, and eliminate Council Members’ subsidy stipends known as “lulus.” The need for reform has recently been highlighted by Council Member Oliver Koppell’s accessible taxi legislation and the renewed battle over the paid sick leave bill, which has stalled in the Council without a vote for three years despite widespread support among City Council Members.
“What we have with paid sick leave is a bill that has 38 sponsors, nearly three-quarters of the entire Council membership, which has been on the agenda since March 2010, and it still hasn’t even been voted on,” Cohen said. “Whether or not you support the legislation, its stagnant history in the face of overwhelming support clearly shows that the lawmaking process in the Council is in need of real reform.”

To reform the process, Cohen proposes establishing a sponsorship threshold whereby a bill sponsored by a majority of Council Members will be automatically heard and scheduled for an up or down vote. 

“Bills with significant support from the majority of the Council should not be denied a hearing or a vote,” said Cohen.

The Cohen reform plan also calls for other measures that would improve the legislative process by strengthening the roles of committees and individual Council Members:

  • Committee Reform: As it currently stands, committee chairs do not have the authority to hire any committee staff, severely handicapping their ability to lead effectively. The Cohen reform plan would allow each committee chair, rather than central leadership, to hire the counsel for the committee. 

  • Member Item Reform: Every year, Council Members are allocated discretionary funds known as member items to be used for improvements in their districts; however the amount of these funds varies widely among Council Members. As a result, member items often reflect the needs of central leadership, not the needs of the constituency. To reform this process the Council needs to move toward greater transparency and evenhandedness when dealing with member items. If he is elected, Andrew Cohen has already committed to setting aside a portion of his budget for participatory budgeting, which would give members of the community a chance to directly affect how his member items are spent. But that isnt enough. To ensure that each member has an equal opportunity to respond to his or her constituencys needs, and to treat our communities equitably, each Council Member, who by law represents a district with the same number of New Yorkers as any other, would receive the same amount of discretionary funds.

  • Elimination of Lulus: Lulus are stipends in addition to salary, doled out to certain members who hold leadership positions in the Council. Unfortunately, like member items money lulus are often tied to loyalty, rather than to the effectiveness of the legislator. If elected to the City Council, Andrew Cohen promises that he will not accept any lulus and will fight to have them eliminated altogether.