Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Bronx Jewish Community Council Breakfast Right Around the Corner Wednesday November 30th


Don't keep them waiting in 
line any longer!

Help support our food pantry, the 4th 
largest in the Bronx, at this year's 

Tickets for the breakfast can be purchased 
at our NY Charities Page. We need your 
journal ads ASAP! 

We're up on Amazon Smile. Select "Bronx 
Jewish Community Council" in your account. 
Every $ matters.  

Looking forward to seeing you on 
November 30. 
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Legislation would require the testing of window tint density at annual safety and emissions inspections

   Mayor Bill de Blasio, Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill, NYPD Sergeant Herman Yan and Tatyana Timoshenko – mother of Sgt. Yan’s fallen partner, Detective Russel Timoshenko – today joined forces with law enforcement leaders and legislators outside the David N. Dinkins Manhattan Municipal Building to urge Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to sign legislation that would protect New York police officers by taking illegal vehicles off the road due to excessive window tint.

“Law enforcement officers face increased danger every time they pull over a vehicle and are unable to view the interior. There is no justification for sacrificing officer safety in order for vehicle owners and manufacturers to apply what is a cosmetic detail to vehicles operated on the roadways of the State. This bill would protect law enforcement officers from the unnecessary risk of walking into unexpected and dangerous situations,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “I stand with the Timoshenko family and law enforcement throughout the State in urging the Governor to sign this bill.”

“This legislation is about making cops safe. It’s about helping cops do their job. I’m calling on the Governor to pass this bill, immediately. To veto this legislation would be a direct assault on cops and the safety of law enforcement officers across the state,” said Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill.

The tragic death of Detective Russel Timoshenko in 2007 brought a new focus on the unacceptable danger presented to law enforcement officers by motor vehicles bearing illegal levels of window tint. Police Officer Timoshenko and his partner, Sergeant Herman Yan, were shot in the course of conducting a routine traffic stop. The officers faced especially grave danger because of the excessive tint on the vehicle’s windows, preventing them from being able to see into the vehicle.

It is currently illegal for a vehicle to be operated on New York State roads in violation of light transmittance standards as provided in Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375(12-a). The proposed legislation would amend Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 301(c)(1)(a) to include light transmittance of a vehicle’s windows as part of the yearly motor vehicle safety inspection. The bill is sponsored by State Senator John DeFrancisco and Assembly Member Michael DenDekker. It has passed both houses. The bill was delivered to the Governor on November 16 and action is due by midnight on Monday, November 28.

Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375(12-a) requires a minimum of 70 percent light transmittance on front windshields, on front seat side windows and on rear side windows of station wagons, sedans, hardtops, coupes, hatchbacks and convertibles. However, this crucial safety feature is not currently included in the annual safety and emissions inspections vehicles are subjected to pursuant to the Vehicle and Traffic Law. This bill provides a proactive method to ensure compliance with existing law by adding light transmittance standards to the list of safety features provided in State law, in order to address and curtail the proliferation of blacked-out windows in a routine and predictable fashion. 

Should this bill become law, vehicle inspection centers would be required to purchase an inexpensive device which is readily available in retail markets to calibrate the tint density and perform the requisite testing. These devices generally retail for between $100-$150 and are already owned and operated by many auto body shops throughout the State. If the glass on a vehicle is found to be tinted beyond 30 percent of light transmittance, that vehicle would not pass the New York State safety inspection. In this instance, the window tint would have to be removed or altered before it could be re-inspected for compliance.

The NYPD performs over one million car stops annually and issues approximately 65,000-70,000 tinted windows summonses per year. These numbers underscore the potential danger that police officers may encounter with every car stop they perform, and they provide the justification for the enactment of this common-sense measure to protect our police officers.

“Police Officers put their lives on the line every day to keep New Yorkers safe. This legislation would go a long way toward providing police officers with the protection and security we deserve while conducting vehicle stops, especially at night,” said NYPD Sergeant Herman Yan.

"Car Stops have always been a dangerous situation for police officers to get involved in. In the present day with the many acts of violence against officers and the constant threat of terrorism, cops are on high alert so the timing of this bill is very good. Giving cops a clearer view and a clearer picture of what is going on inside a vehicle will make it safer for both the cops and the occupants,” said Michael Palladino, President of the Detectives’ Endowment Association and New York State Association of PBA’s. “On Behalf of the 5,500 active NYPD detectives and the thousands of hard working men and women of law enforcement throughout New York State, I strongly encourage Governor Cuomo to sign this bill into law."

“Car stops are one of the most dangerous actions our Officers perform on a regular basis. No car stop is routine, and each stop puts our officers’ personal safety in jeopardy. We in the law enforcement community always welcome and support any legislation that enhances the safety of our officers,” said Louis Turco, President of the Lieutenants’ Benevolent Association

"Vehicle stops are among the most dangerous situations that police officers face on a regular basis, and excessively-tinted windows only amplify that danger. As the murder of Police Officer Russel Timoshenko tragically demonstrated, a police officer's ability to see inside of a stopped vehicle can be a matter of life and death,” said Patrick J. Lynch, President of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association. “We urge Governor Cuomo to sign this legislation to protect all of the women and men who keep New Yorkers safe."

Upcoming Cultural and Holiday Events at JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center

Below are activities for the Van Cortlandt Senior Center located at 3880 Sedwick Avenue on the first floor. You can call Ms. Sharon Wolfe the Executive Director of the center for more information at 718-549-4700.

Sun. Dec. 11th Enjoy the upbeat international music of the East SideTrio:   Deborah Karpel, Vocals; Ismail Butera, accordion & Sprocket Royer, Bass at 2:00 PM. Festive meal served at 1:00 PM: Souphoney lemon chicken or sole fillet, kasha varnishkes (w/bow ties), California blend vegetables and dessert. Recommended senior meal contribution: $3.00 and event contribution: $2.00. Please call the senior center office at 718-549- 4700 for meal reservations by Wed. Dec. 7th.

Wed. Dec. 14th: Pierre Montiel, film historian, will present on the life accomplishments of Doris Day, actress/singer, at 1:00 PM. Lunch of turkey meatloaf or tuna salad will be served at 12:15 PM. Recommended senior meal contribution: $2.00 and event contribution: $1.00. Please call the senior center office 718-549-4700 for meal reservations by: Mon. Dec. 12th.

Thurs. Dec. 22nd: Sasha Papernik, pianist/singer/composer, with her trio will present: “I Speak Music: Songs of a Second Generation Russian American.” She will explore how Russian Jewish first generation musicians like Irving Berlin shaped popular American music. Program features classical, Russian folk and original works. She has performed “I speak Music” as part of the Meet the Artist program at Lincoln Center and the Musical Explorer series at Carnegie Hall in 2014.  A delicious pre-holiday meal of Shake & Bake chicken or sole fillet, potato kugel and zucchini w/tomatoes, fruit and dessert will be served at: 12:15 PM. Recommended senior meal contribution: $3.00 and event contribution: $2.00. Please call the senior center office 718-549-4700 for meal reservations by: Mon. Dec. 19th.

Janice Hermalyn, Couselor/Educator, will present  on Non-verbal and Verbal Communication on Tues. Dec. 27th at 1:00 PM. Chicken francaise or egg salad will be served at 12:15 PM

Wed. Dec. 28th: Holiday party with Joe Salvatore, dynamic sax player, at 1:00 PM. Joe will play all the old favorites by Perry Como, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and more. Festive meal of roast oregano chicken or breaded tilapia, potato pancakes, green beans, apple sauce and dessert will be served at 12:15 PM.  Recommended senior meal contribution: $3.00 and event contribution: $2.00.  Please call the senior center office 718-549-4700 for meal reservations by: Fri. Dec. 23rd.

Thurs. Dec. 29th: Hanukkah celebration with Rose (piano), Meir (tof/vocals) and Yael (flute) at 1:00 PM. A holiday lunch will be served at 12:15 PM. Festive Menu: Soupbaked Salmon or stuffed cabbage, potato knish, winter blend vegetables, strawberry & apple sauce plus dessert. Recommended senior meal contribution: $3.00 and event contribution: $2.00.  Please call the senior center office 718-549-4700 for meal reservations by: Tues. Dec. 27th.

Wakefield Town Hall Meeting by Mayor Bill de Blasio and Councilman Andy King

  It should come as no secret that the town hall meetings by Mayor bill de Blasio have come in council districts where the council member is favorable to the mayors positions, and last night's Wakefield Town Hall meeting was held in Councilman Andy King's district. Councilman King has been a friend to Mayor de Blasio, and it has shown in his district by the placement of a new YMCa to be built in Councilman Kings district. The dream of a new youth and community center was on the minds of residents of the12th council district for many years before Councilman King and Mayor de Blasio elected into office, but it was Councilman King and Mayor de Blasio with help from the new Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie who made the dream happen. 
   Hundreds of residents attended the Town Hall meeting with questions about NYCHA, the MTA, Coop-City, Senior affairs, getting a traffic light installed, education, water bills, and many more. Councilman King went around the room to choose the people who then asked the mayor their question. The mayor brought with him Agency and Department heads who the mayor would bring up to further give the answer when the mayor wanted to make sure the person who asked the question knew just who to see after the Town Hall meeting was over. This Town Hall meeting lasted over two hours, and even longer as the mayor hung around to take photos with many of those who stayed the entire night. Others found the department or agency person to give them more information, or to answer any questions not said at the Town Hall meeting. Photos of the Town Hall meeting are below.

Above - After being introduced by Councilman King, Mayor de Blasio spoke for a few minutes before answering questions from the audience.
Below - The mayor gives an answer on the topic of the MTA.

Above - The mayor brought up Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie the local assembly member to say a few words. Also on hand were newly elected 36th State Senator Jamaal Bailey, and Bronx District attorney Darcel Clark who also said a few words.
Below - The mayor got real close to the audience when answering some of the questions.

Above - The mayor answers a question, and you can see the agency and department heads or Bronx representatives and Bronx Borough police command in the background to be called upon when needed to answer specific questions that the mayor needed help on. 
Below - The mayor brings up a Deputy Chancellor to answer a specific question about overcrowding in the school district. 

The mayor listens to a question from a young student who wants to know why she can't get a metro card because she has to take three buses to school and home.


Latest action by joint Real Estate Tax Compliance Program to protect City tenants and taxpayer dollars means owners lose tax benefits retroactively unless they comply within 90 days

   Mayor Bill de Blasio, Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) issued letters notifying owners of 178 residential buildings – with a total of 1,400 rental apartments – that their 421-a tax benefits will be revoked retroactively if they don’t comply with the requirements of the 421-a program, including registering their apartments as rent-regulated.

“Owners wrongfully receiving 421-a are on notice – comply with the law or your tax benefits will be revoked. Since day one, my Administration has made enforcement of rent regulation laws and protecting tenants a priority. With our state and law enforcement partners, we will continue to fight for a reformed 421-a program that better serves New Yorkers,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

"We're taking aggressive action to protect rent-regulated tenants from those who seek to cheat the system and deprive hardworking New Yorkers of a safe, affordable place to call home. These latest actions send a strong message – bad actors will be held accountable, these unscrupulous practices will not be tolerated and this Administration, with our local partners, will always work to protect the rights of millions of tenants across New York," said Governor Andrew M. Cuomo.

“The 421-a tax program is a two-way street: landlords who receive these lucrative tax benefits must afford their tenants rent-stabilized leases and protections. But investigations conducted by my office have found that some landlords are flouting these requirements and instead, using the tax break to simply increase their profits,” said Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman. “We will never hesitate to protect tenants or New York City’s affordable housing stock, which is critical to the economic stability of many families.”

This is the latest action under the Real Estate Tax Compliance Program, a joint initiative of the Attorney General, HPD and the Governor’s Tenant Protection Unit to ensure building owners receiving 421-a benefits are in compliance with the law. 

In September, as part of the enforcement program, HPD instructed the City’s Department of Finance to revoke benefits to 35 other buildings. Those buildings have a total of 244 apartments, and would receive a total value of $4.5 million in tax benefits under 421-a.

The enforcement letters mailed yesterday are focused on 178 cooperative and condominium buildings that receive 421-a benefits but that have been operating as rental buildings without fulfilling the law’s rent-regulation requirements, including having their initial aggregate rent roll approved by HPD and registering their apartments as rent-regulated with DHCR.

In 2014, the agencies began coordinating on a broad tax compliance and enforcement effort. That year, the Attorney General initiated an investigation of multifamily rental buildings that claimed to be operating as cooperatives or condominiums. As a result, in 2015, compliance letters were sent to landlords of 285 buildings targeted by the Attorney General’s investigation, and the Real Estate Tax Compliance Program was established to address ongoing violations of rent stabilization requirements of the 421-a law.

Of the 285 buildings, 35 had their benefits revoked in September, and an additional 178 were sent revocation notices Monday. The rest either proved they are in compliance, or are curing the violations that have been uncovered.

“This is the latest shot across the bow at landlords who don’t play by the rules,” said HPD Commissioner Vicki Been. “Since the start of this Administration, we have sought to crack down on those who would abuse the system, cooperating across levels of government to use all of our enforcement powers to go after owners who try and skirt the law. We will not stop until every property is brought into compliance.” 

New York State Homes and Community Renewal Commissioner James S. Rubin, said, “The law is clear and so are we: arbitrary noncompliance with the rent laws is not an option. These buildings that received these 421-a benefits are subject to rent regulation; the apartments must be registered; owners must provide rent-regulated leases to the tenants; and annual rent increases must be limited to what is prescribed by the New York City Rent Guidelines Board and the Rent Stabilization Law. This collaborative enforcement initiative draws on the full force of both the State and the local municipality to impose penalties. Under the Governor’s leadership the Tenant Protection Unit is poised to address any violations of the rent laws.”

Tenants in rental buildings identified as non-compliant are entitled to the protections of a rent-stabilized lease by their landlords. Even if benefits are revoked, the 421-a law provides that the owners do not get out of the 421-a tax exemption requirements, including rent stabilization. In addition to HPD commencing proceedings to revoke their tax benefits, DHCR’s Tenant Protection Unit can simultaneously pursue additional actions against owners.

The vast majority of buildings identified as non-compliant contain less than 50 units and are located in four boroughs, all but Manhattan and with the majority in Brooklyn and Queens.

The Tenant Protection Unit (TPU), established by Governor Cuomo in 2012, created a new frontier in enforcement of the rent laws. Since its inception, the TPU has used data analytics, metrics, audits and investigations to proactively identify if landlords are complying with the rent regulation statutes. This initiative, along with the creation of the joint Tenant Harassment Prevention Task Force, is one TPU’s many multi-agency enforcement actions that protect tenants from harassment. To date, the Tenant Protection Unit has successfully returned more than 55,000 units to rent regulation.
Tenant Protection Unit staff working on the 421-a initiative include Attorney Thomas Mennecke, Special Assistant Jamie Reyes, TPU Legal Director Vernitta N. Chambers, and Forensics Director Harvey Akerman, under the supervision TPU Bureau Chief Gregory C. Fewer and under the overall supervision of DHCR Deputy Commissioner Richard R. White.

New York State enacted Section 421-a of the Real Property Tax Law in 1971 to incentivize the construction of rent- regulated housing and condominiums in New York City. The law provides a partial exemption from New York City property taxes for the owners of newly-constructed, residential multi-family buildings for at least ten years. Under the Governor’s’ leadership, when the current iteration of 421-a expired, additional affordability options were added to the law as well as fairer wage guidelines for those involved in the construction of these buildings. The current agreement negotiated by the Real Estate Board of New York and the Construction Trades Council of Greater New York, based on the framework supported by Governor Cuomo, provides for more affordability for lower-income families and a fair wage for workers. In 2015, the de Blasio administration worked to significantly reform the 421-a law to increase the amount of affordable housing required of every developer receiving the subsidy, require affordability for lower incomes than ever before, and demand affordable housing everywhere in the City. These reforms were captured in the 2015 state reauthorization of the program. The reauthorization also included a provision that suspended the law unless the Real Estate Board of New York and the construction trade unions agreed on the wages that would be paid to construction workers hired to build the projects receiving the tax exemption. The law remains suspended until the legislature re-enacts the program, or until REBNY and the Trades reach an agreement that does not require legislative action.

Further information on the Real Estate Tax Compliance Program is available on the Attorney General’s website, at http://www.ag.ny.gov/421a-compliance-program.


New York City’s Child Savings Account initiative will provide families the opportunity to create a long-term savings plan for college, making higher education more accessible and achievable for all New York City public school students
  Mayor Bill de Blasio, Commissioner Julie Menin, chair of the newly formed public-private partnership NYC Kids RISE, and the Gray Foundation’s Mindy and Jon Gray today announced the launch of NYC’s Child Savings Account (CSA) initiative, a new child savings account program to help thousands of New York City public school children save for college. The first phase will fund accounts for 10,000 children over three years.

“The steep cost of higher education has left too many New Yorkers unable to afford a college degree. Creating a savings account early in life dramatically increases the likelihood of a child going to college, so we’re going to help New York City families do just that. I am thrilled the City is partnering with NYC Kids RISE and the Gray Foundation to give New York City’s public school children a chance to obtain a college degree and reach their dreams. With this initiative, every child – regardless of their family’s economic status – will have a fighting chance to access higher education,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“We need to invest in the future of our children. Research confirms that by creating these savings accounts, we will be dramatically increasing the chance that our children not only enroll in college, but graduate. Through this program they will see first-hand the benefits of long term savings, helping families to move up the economic ladder and enabling our students to secure their futures,” said Commissioner Julie Menin, who will serve as Chair of the public-private partnership NYC Kids RISE.

“We believe that all children should have an opportunity to reach their highest potential. By making college scholarship investments early in life, the New York City CSA initiative is sending the message to New York City public school students, their parents, their teachers, and their communities that they can pursue higher education and will be supported in realizing that goal. We are excited to help Mayor de Blasio and NYC Kids RISE pilot this impactful program,” said Jon Gray, co-Founder of the Gray Foundation.

With up to $10 million in seed funding contributed by the Gray Foundation, and working in collaboration with NY’s 529 College Savings Program, the CSA initiative will enable children to have access to financial resources to be used to obtain a post-secondary education. The initiative will encourage positive financial behaviors and life-long savings, through improved financial education and literacy, and will democratize the benefits of long-term investing.

The three-year pilot program will kick off in one City school district with approximately 3,500 kindergarteners in year one. Starting in fall 2017, kindergarteners in the participating school district will each start with $100 allocated to them in scholarship accounts, plus up to an additional $200 in matching funds during the program’s first three years. There is no cost to participate in the program, and all kindergarten students in that district will be automatically enrolled.

According to the Center for Social Development, a low- or moderate-income child with a college savings account of up to $500 is more than three times more likely to enroll in college than a child with no savings account. With savings of $500 or more, that same child is five times more likely to graduate from college than a child with no savings account.

"For even the brightest and best-prepared high school graduates, financial barriers too often place college beyond reach. That should never be the case, especially when our high school graduation rate is at an all-time high," said Richard Buery, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives. "CSAs can be a powerful tool – not only for encouraging college saving, but for inspiring families to believe that college is in their future. This is a shining example of government and the private sector working together to put our children first."

“This groundbreaking public private partnership between the City of New York and the Gray Foundation will help to get our city’s kids on the right path by giving New York families a head start on saving for higher education. The de Blasio Administration wants every child to have the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their economic situation or their zip code. With the generosity of our partners in the private sector, I know we can give students the support they need to reach higher and stretch farther,” said Senior Advisor to the Mayor and Director of the Office of Strategic Partnerships Gabrielle Fialkoff.

“As the first person in my family to go to college, I understand the barriers that stand in the way of our low-income or first-generation students getting there and succeeding. This Administration has taken powerful steps to address those barriers, and the new Child Savings Accounts represent one more step in the right direction. I look forward to working with the Mayor and our partners as we build up this program and start our youngest learners on the path to college and careers,” said Schools Chancellor Carmen FariƱa.

A top priority for the de Blasio Administration is to create equity and excellence in education for all of New York City’s children. This Administration is creating a path to college and careers starting with Pre-K for All – which is in its second year of providing every 4-year-old in the city with a free, full-day, high-quality pre-K seat – and continuing through elementary, middle, and high school. The City’s high school graduation rate is over 70 percent for the first time, the dropout rate is the lowest ever recorded, and college readiness and enrollment rates are also at record highs. As the City builds on this progress through the Mayor’s Equity and Excellence for All agenda – including the College Access for All initiative, which will provide every student with the awareness, resources, and support to graduate high school with an individual college and career plan – the child savings program will better prepare children to save for higher education options including college, vocational programs and other postsecondary educational options.

The project, led by Commissioner Julie Menin, is supported by several City agencies including the Department of Education, the Department of Information, Technology, and Telecommunications, the Department of Consumer Affairs, the Center for Economic Opportunity, and the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment. In addition to their generous contribution of up to $10 million, the Gray Foundation has also played a leadership role in the development of the initiative. The Gray Foundation's gift will provide funding for a three-year pilot period as well as start-up funding for the CSA program’s infrastructure and personnel. Pending a successful pilot program and a fundraising campaign to raise the necessary private funding, the initiative will expand to fulfill its goal of providing a universal scholarship account to every child in the New York City public school system.

The City worked with leading social policy research firm MDRC to conduct six focus groups of 60 low- to moderate-income parents in New York City. MDRC found that while families care deeply about their children having the opportunity to go to college and were excited to learn about 529 accounts, almost no participants were previously aware of the tool. Further, the City conducted data analysis to determine that in NYC, a child growing up in a neighborhood in the top 20 percent of income is 20 times more likely to have a 529 College Savings Direct account than a child growing up in a neighborhood in the bottom 20 percent of income.

As part of the partnership, NYC Kids RISE will oversee the scholarship accounts and programs within the guidelines of NY’s 529 College Savings program. The nonprofit will function independent of the City and have a full-time Executive Director and a Board of Directors. The Board will have representation from both City Hall and the private sector, and will include Commissioner Julie Menin as Chair, NYC Schools Chancellor Carmen FariƱa, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives Richard Buery, and Executive Director of the Gray Foundation Dana Zucker. NYC Kids RISE plans to launch efforts to raise additional funds to support the ongoing costs of the initiative and to explore opportunities to scale. Commissioner Menin will assume the new responsibility of chairing the nonprofit, and continue in her role as Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment.

The Department of Consumer Affairs and its Office of Financial Empowerment will also be involved with the initiative, utilizing its Financial Empowerment Centers to help families create their financial savings plans.

NY’s 529 College Savings programs are investment vehicles designated for saving for higher education. The CSA initiative will leverage the 529 platform and enable New York City students, regardless of circumstance, to take advantage of the benefits of investment and compounding growth.

The City worked to create an innovative account structure to enable all students entering participating schools to be in a position to benefit from the program’s philanthropic dollars. Under this structure, the funds invested in the scholarship component will be held in an omnibus account, and each participating student will be automatically assigned a portion of the total regardless of the families’ income or immigration status.

Through a unique hybrid structure, students will be able to participate in both a scholarship component and a family savings component of the program. Both the scholarship and family savings components will be invested in the 529 plan, so all funds will have the opportunity to benefit from compounding earnings. The family savings option will allow family members, relatives, and others to contribute to students’ education funds and have those funds be invested in a 529 plan.

Assemblyman Dinowitz’s Holiday Food Drive Makes Huge First Donations to Bronx Non-Profits

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center and Saint Frances of Rome Church received hundreds of cans, boxes, and jars of nonperishable food items this afternoon.

Goodman Management, Kelly Ryan’s Bar and Restaurant, and Ben’s Market, donated dozens of turkeys to families in need.

  Assemblyman Dinowitz was joined at his district office by representatives from the Kingsbridge Heights Community Center and Saint Frances of Rome Church in Wakefield, who picked up dozens of boxes containing hundreds of cans, boxes, and jars of food collected by local students from PS 7, PS 81, and community members during Assemblyman Dinowitz’s annual holiday food drive. These non-perishable food items, along with dozens and dozens of turkeys donated by Goodman Management, Kelly Ryan’s Bar and Restaurant, and Ben’s Market will go to Bronx families in need this holiday season.

“I am very pleased to report that my office’s 2016 annual holiday food drive has been a huge success thus far,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz. “Thanks to the inspiring efforts of the community, in particular the students and staff at PS 7 and PS 81, my office has been absolutely packed over the past weeks with boxes of food.  These donations make a big difference to many families in our community. If you haven’t yet had the chance to give back this holiday season, don’t forget that my office will be accepting non-perishable food items until December 15th!”

All food items will be donated to the Kingsbridge Heights Community Center and the food pantry at Saint Frances of Rome Church for families in need during the Thanksgiving, Chanukah, and Christmas holiday seasons.  The following canned and non-perishable food items are accepted: canned fruits and vegetables, cereals, dried beans, pasta, rice, tuna, coffee, teas, canned juices, powdered milk, Jell-O, and soups. Residents may donate their canned goods to Assemblyman Dinowitz’s office located at 3107 Kingsbridge Avenue; one block west of Broadway, just off of West 231st Street.  For more information, call (718) 796-5345.

Pictured from left to right: Margaret Della, Executive Director of Kingsbridge Heights Community Center; Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz; Lorrin Johnsons, co-chair of Saint Frances of Rome Food Pantry; Dave Lynch, Kelly Ryan’s Bar and Restaurant, and Pat McCaffrey, co-chair of Saint Frances of Rome Food Pantry.

BP Diaz Gives Turkeys to Needy Bronx Residents

  The Turkey truck pulled up at one of the many sites throughout the Bronx where Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. and staff from the his office would give turkeys to needy Bronx residents. At this stop on Wallace Avenue BP Diaz would hand out 100 turkeys for resident to enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving.

Above - BP Diaz greets residents with turkeys that he would give out courtesy of Western Beef Supermarkets.
Below - This person thanks BP Diaz for the turkey for his turkey to have on Thanksgiving.

Above - This man not only thanks BP Diaz for the turkey he received, but also has his picture taken with his favorite BP.
Below - The turkey give out lasted until 100 turkeys were given out at this stop, and then it would be on to the next stop to give out more free turkeys to residents of the Bronx who may not be able to afford them. In all three thousand turkeys were given out over three days by BP Diaz.