Friday, January 27, 2017


Stage NYto meet restaurant sector’s growing demand for qualified kitchen employees by connecting young adults to paid, on-the-job training

   Mayor Bill de Blasio, the Department of Small Business Services and its NYC Food & Beverage Hospitality Council today kicked off NYC Restaurant Week by announcing a new three-month program connecting out-of-school, out-of-work youth with rewarding careers in the New York City restaurant industry. Stage NYC, pronounced “stazhje,” is a partnership with the hospitality industry that will help meet the restaurant sector’s growing demand for qualified culinary employees while creating new career pathways for New Yorkers. The program will cover technical skills and life skills to ready young adults, aged 18-24, for careers in the restaurant industry. Participants will receive paid, on-the-job training with an industry partner in order to gain hands-on experience. The culmination of both skills and experience training will provide participants with the tools needed to successfully fill positions in a growing industry.

“Through Stage NYC, we are investing in the young adults of New York City,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Thanks to leaders in the restaurant industry, we are allowing young individuals who find themselves out of school and out of work to gain the skills and experience needed to begin a successful career in the culinary field.”

“Stage NYC provides out-of-school, out-of-work youth with the comprehensive training and skills needed to embark on a rewarding career path in the hospitality industry,” said Gregg Bishop, Commissioner of the Department of Small Business Services. “By working with industry leaders, we are helping restaurants succeed in our City while providing New Yorkers with access to career opportunities involving in-demand skills.”

About Stage NYC
Stage NYC will target out-of-school and out-of-work young adults, ages 18-24, across all 5 boroughs. The three-month program will first provide participants with a week of classroom training that encompasses both in-demand, technical skills training and soft skills training, such as how to interact with potential supervisors, coworkers and restaurant guests. The remainder of the program will involve students participating in on-the-job training with a local restaurant to gain on-the-job experience. Following the program, participants will have the skills and experience needed to build a successful career in the culinary field.

Stage or Staging originates from the French word stagiaire meaning trainee or intern. Restaurants across Europe and in other parts of the world commonly use Staging to build a pipeline of talent by bringing novice cooks into the kitchen to learn and be exposed to new techniques and cuisines in a systematic way.

Those interested in participating in this program may, or call 311 for more information on how to apply.

SBS has partnered with the following organizations to create this program. All partners are part of the NYC Food & Beverage Hospitality Council, an alliance overseen by SBS of more than 30 leading NYC industry professionals and businesses to promote the sustained growth of the local food and beverage industry.

  • The Tao Group
  • Quality Branded
  • Altamarea Group
  • Eataly
  • Batali & Bastianich Hospitality group
  • Le pain Quotidien
  • Union Square Hospitality
  • Esquared Hospitality Group
  • Crafted Hospitality Group
  • Hornblower
  • Momofuku



You should know that one more time, our senior citizens are been used as pawns in the political games being played by New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. 

Is important for you to know that in his Budget,  Governor Cuomo is proposing the elimination of seventeen million dollars ($17,000.000)  to the City of New York, that the City uses to fund Senior Citizens Centers. 

If the Governor gets away with it, 65 Senior Centers will be closed affecting 6,000 senior citizens on a daily basis, forcing the Mayor of the City of New York to eliminate necessary services for our most vulnerable community. 

It is very shameful that the senior citizen are been used in this war of power between the Governor and the Mayor. 

Enclosed is a letter that I sent to the Governor regarding this intention to use our Senior Citizens as a bargaining tool and putting our seniors in a terrifying and scary situation, when we are supposed to be sending them a message that their services will be protected at all costs. 

January 25, 2017 

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo 
Executive Chamber 
State Capitol 
Albany, NY 12224 
Dear Governor Cuomo:
We write today to express our deep concern regarding a proposal included in your 2017-2018 Executive Budget. Under your plan, $17 million in Title XX funding would be stripped from centers which help vulnerable senior citizens. The loss of these funds would lead to the closure of 65 facilities which currently help 6,000 vulnerable senior citizen who rely on them to receive essential nutrition, socialization and health promotions activities.
We must not pit vulnerable populations against each other or cut from one group of New Yorkers in need to attempt to help a different group. Instead, we should ensure that the State Budget allocates resources fairly and that our actions do not lead to undo suffering by New Yorkers who rely on the services our budget funds.
There is a limited amount of resources in the State Budget, and we believe they must be utilized to assist New Yorkers in need and every tax dollar should be spent with that goal in mind. We hope you will join us in ensuring that the 2017-2018 State Budget is crafted with the intention of helping struggling New Yorkers, because the residents of our state are looking to us all for leadership and support in these difficult times.


Senator RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
32nd Senatorial District

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Senator Jose Peralta joins the Independent Democratic Conference

State Senator Jose Peralta (D-Queens) joined the Independent Democratic Conference, expanding the conference to eight members.

Today’s political climate demands that progressive legislators take bold action to deliver for their constituents. That’s why I’ve decided to join the Independent Democratic Conference, where I can best affect progressive change on issues like affordable housing, higher education, school funding equity, homelessness reforms, economic development, infrastructure upgrades, affordable healthcare, senior citizen protections and so much more. The IDC’s track record on delivering for the most vulnerable New Yorkers is irrefutable. They delivered an increased minimum wage, free UPK and Paid Family Leave. Joining the IDC will allow me to not only speak about,  but deliver on a progressive agenda for all New Yorkers,” said Senator Peralta.

“I welcome Senator Jose Peralta to the Independent Democratic Conference as our eighth member. Senator Peralta embodies the spirit of this conference’s drive to get real results for the people of New York. As a Democrat, Senator Peralta knows that at this moment in time it’s critical to join the IDC, not just sit on the sidelines, in order to bring about progressive change. As the IDC grows again, this is another validation of our track record of getting things done. Together, we passed Paid Family Leave, a $15 minimum wage and delivered free universal pre-k to every child in the city. I look forward to accomplishing so much more with Senator Peralta,” said IDC Leader Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester).

“This is an exciting time for the Independent Democratic Conference that has now doubled in size since its inception. Senator Jose Peralta shares our passion for getting the people’s work done. This is an important time to make sure Democratic voices are part of the conversation, and I’m proud that we’re adding another to our conference,” said IDC Deputy Leader David Valesky (D-Syracuse).

“Senator Jose Peralta is a talented legislator and we are proud to call him a member of the IDC. He cares so much about his constituents and this state, evidenced every time he speaks on an issue. This past week, Senator Peralta joined us as we released an investigative report on homelessness reforms and spoke so viscerally on the unacceptable, deplorable conditions faced by families placed in hotels and cluster sites,” said Senator Diane Savino (D-SI/Brooklyn).

“Congratulations to Senator Jose Peralta for joining the Independent Democratic Conference. He is a dynamic senator, who will undoubtedly add to our visionary conference,” said Senator David Carlucci (D-Rockland/Westchester).

“I welcome my fellow Democrat and neighbor in Queens to a conference that gets things done. Senator Jose Peralta will make a great Independent Democratic Conference member because he is serious about effecting positive change in his district and in this state. We welcome him to our conference,” said Senator Tony Avella (D-Queens).

“It’s a great time to be a part of the IDC and Senator Jose Peralta will make a great addition. This conference is an engine for innovative ideas and progressive accomplishments. Now, more than ever, we need leaders to speak out and fight for the needs of our immigrant communities. I look forward to working with Senator Peralta on issues that matter to New Yorkers,” said Senator Marisol Alcantara (D-Manhattan).

“When I decided to join the IDC, I felt much the same as Senator Jose  Peralta. I wanted to work with a conference with a track record of success and bring my vision into the fold. I’m proud that Senator Peralta made this choice and welcome him to our conference,” said Senator Jesse Hamilton (D-Brooklyn).


Normally political affiliation is deleted as not to show any favoritism, but in this case it is important to see that former members of the Senate Democratic Conference have realized that it is better to work as a coalition government as is done in many Democratic countries.

State Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr. recently said to State Senator Jose Peralta, 'KUDOS TO YOU'.
That is what you should know.

Statement From Rep. Engel on President’s Executive Orders on Immigration

Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a top member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement on today’s executive orders from the President:

“Today’s announcements from the White House – a $20 billion border wall, a pledge to snatch funding from cities and states that oppose the President’s agenda, and a threat to ‘unapologetically’ detain and deport undocumented people – are the first steps down a dangerous path. We’ve heard a number of ominous promises like these from President Trump throughout the last 18 months. But today’s actions prove the President is undeterred in pursuing this anti-immigrant track, and all Americans should be worried by it.

“The President’s proposals will not improve America’s immigration system, nor will they help ease any of America’s economic or security concerns. A border wall won’t make us safer when the vast majority of undocumented immigrants come into the country by airplane. Taking away billions in funding from America’s largest cities won’t create jobs. Rounding up ethnic minorities suspected of being undocumented won’t ‘restore law and order.’ Yes, the current immigration system has problems. But we need commonsense, comprehensive reform, not policy that plays to people’s fears.

“Americans across the country have to stay strong in the face of these dangerous ideas. If we speak out and stand by our values, we can make it clear that we won’t let America continue down this ill-conceived path.”

Congressman Adriano Espaillat Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order On Immigration

Congressman Adriano Espaillat issued the following statement today in response to President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration reform:

“I am deeply concerned yet not at all surprised by President Trump’s hardline policies on immigration reform.  The President’s anti-immigrant agenda is a continuation of the irrational and hateful rhetoric we have witnessed from him before and stands contrary to who we are as Americans and to what we believe as a nation.

“In 1987, then President Ronald Reagan issued one of his most famous speeches, ‘Tear down this wall!’ to Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev to insist that he open the barrier dividing West and East Berlin. It was a moment of hope, strength and character that propelled our country to a higher regard and standard of our identity throughout the global community.

“Today, in stark contrast, President Trump’s order to construct a $25 billion wall to divide communities, separate families, and perpetuate fear and hate sets a dangerous precedent and fails to elevate our country and confidence abroad.  The economic ramifications will be devastating to New York City as today’s orders puts our communities in danger as funds will be redirected from securing our city to building the wall.  These executive actions also restore secure communities, straining relationships between law enforcement and the immigrant community.

“As a member of Congress, and once an undocumented immigrant, I support common sense immigration reform, and refuse to accept racism and bigotry as a policy solution.  I will not fall prey to being bullied and vow to fight and challenge President Trump on any and all anti-immigration policies that will lessen American values and our standing as a beacon of hope and freedom for all.”


"As we listen daily, we see a playbook of fear that is used in every authoritarian and fascist regime in the past. The use of a hyperbolic threat is the first step before horrible acts occur. Donald Trump is unraveling all that our country claims to stand for. As the son of Grenadian immigrants, and as representative of a district that has a large number of foreign-born residents, Trump's assault on immigration is offensive and shows the worst of America. 

"His immigration policies are precisely why so many pushed to resist him from day one. We cannot, at all give him the semblance that we will accept or approve of these divisive policies -- to the people who said give him a chance for those who refused to accept reality and suggest we wait. The time for anger and disbelief is over. Now is the time for action." 

STATEMENT FROM BP DIAZ RE: President Trump's Immigration Proposals

  "President Trump's proposal to build a wall along the Mexican border was pandering during his campaign. It takes on a much more serious tone now that he has been elected. New York is a sanctuary city, and we are proud of that designation. I will stand with my colleagues and the people of New York to fight any attempt to enact immigration policy that will harm New York City.

“Rich men and women all over this nation--including Donald Trump--have built their fortunes on the backs of immigrants. It is nothing short of shameful that the President would use the plight of those seeking refuge from persecution, the stereotypes surrounding a single religion, or the desire of many to provide for their families to demagogue on the immigration issue while ignoring the real concerns of those immigrants currently in the United States," said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

My Answer to Councilman Rafael Salamanca's Chief of Staff John Zaccaro Jr. Re Todays Facebook Disagreement

Chief of Staff John Zaccaro to Councilman Rafael Salamanca here is my answer as promised earlier on the Facebook posting about joining community boards.

I am not going to repeat what was written, but will only say that in this blog archive, and the minutes of Community Board 8 are the answers as to why I was not reappointed to Community Board 8. 

It all began with the special election for the 17th City Council district when Maria Del Carmen Arroyo stepped down as of December 31, 2015. This blog archive beginning from the first forum where I was warned by two members of the Bronx Democratic County organization at a January 2016 candidates forum that I was up for reappointment to community Board 8 in June of 2016. One of the two people has made amends to me for saying that since I was not supporting the candidate of the Bronx Democratic County organization. You Mr. John Zaccaro Jr. were the other person who warned me of my reappointment. 

May 31st came along and I received a call from the Chair of Community Board 8 that I was not reappointed. I saw the Bronx Borough President the next night at an event I was covering and asked the good borough president why I was not reappointed to Community Board 8. He was at a loss for words, and I said that I knew the reason since I had been warned about my reappointment to CB 8 by members of the Bronx Democratic County organization. The Borough President jokingly replied that I had been a bad boy. So John Zaccaro there you have it. You now have your answer, and your boss Councilman Salamanca knew this also. I wanted to keep this a secret as not to hurt the borough president, but you Mr. Zaccaro forced my hand.

Robert Press
Former member Community Board 8.