Thursday, June 20, 2024

Governor Hochul Joins Attorney General James and Bill Sponsors to Sign Nation-Leading Legislation to Restrict Addictive Social Media Feeds and Protect Kids Online


Legislation S.7694A/A.8148A Establishes the SAFE For Kids Act To Put First-in-the-Nation Restrictions on Addictive Social Media Feeds for Minors

Legislation S.7695B/A.8149A Enables the New York Child Data Protection Act To Prohibit Online Sites from Collecting Personal Data of Minors Without Consent

New York Establishes the Nation’s Most Stringent Protections To Safeguard Kids on Social Media

Builds on the Governor’s Ongoing Efforts To Address the Youth Mental Health Crisis

Governor Kathy Hochul today signed nation-leading legislation to combat addictive social media feeds and protect kids online. Legislation S.7694A/A.8148A establishes the Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation (SAFE) For Kids Act to require social media companies to restrict addictive feeds on their platforms for users under 18. Legislation S.7695B/A.8149A enables the New York Child Data Protection Act to prohibit online sites from collecting, using, sharing or selling personal data of anyone under the age of 18, unless they receive informed consent or unless doing so is strictly necessary for the purpose of the website.

“Young people across the nation are facing a mental health crisis fueled by addictive social media feeds – and New York is leading the way with a new model for addressing the crisis and protecting our kids,” Governor Hochul said. “By reining in addictive feeds and shielding kids’ personal data, we’ll provide a safer digital environment, give parents more peace of mind, and create a brighter future for young people across New York.”

The Governor was joined at today’s bill signing by Attorney General Letitia James and bill sponsors State Senator Andrew Gounardes and State Assemblymember Nily Rozic, marking the culmination of a jointly led push to pass and sign this nation-leading legislation.

With this newly signed legislation, New York has established the nation’s most stringent protections to safeguard kids on social media. This action also builds on Governor Hochul’s ongoing efforts to address the youth mental health crisis.

New York State Attorney General Letitia James said, “Addictive feeds are getting our kids hooked on social media and hurting their mental health, and families are counting on us to help address this crisis. The legislation signed by Governor Hochul today will make New York the national leader in addressing the youth mental health crisis and an example for other states to follow. I applaud the sponsors, Senator Gounardes and Assemblymember Rozic, for working with my office to introduce and advance this legislation, and I thank the legislative leaders for their support of these historic bills. As we move forward with the rulemaking process, my office will work tirelessly to defend these new laws to protect New York children.”

The legislation signed today addresses critical challenges facing young people. According to an advisory issued by the U.S. Surgeon General, recent research shows that adolescents who spend more than three hours per day on social media face double the risk of experiencing poor mental health outcomes, such as symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, a recent report from Pew Research Center found that six out of 10 teens say they feel they have little or no control over the personal information that social media companies collect about them.

The SAFE For Kids Act
Addictive feeds, or algorithmically driven feeds, facilitate unhealthy levels of social media use. This legislation will require social media companies to restrict addictive feeds on their platforms for users under 18. Unless parental consent is granted, users under 18 will not receive addictive feeds. Notably, the SAFE for Kids Act is the first bill of its kind to be signed into law in any state across the nation.

Under this law, kids may still use social media. For example, they can continue to search for specific topics of interest or subscribe to creators but will not be subject to algorithmically driven feeds that promote unhealthy levels of engagement. The law will also prohibit social media platforms from sending notifications regarding addictive feeds to minors from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. without parental consent. The law will authorize the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) to enforce the law and ensure compliance, including by seeking civil penalties of up to $5,000 per violation, among other remedies. And finally, it calls for the establishment of acceptable age verification and parent consent methods, to be determined by the OAG as part of a rulemaking process.

The New York Child Data Protection ActThis legislation will prohibit online sites and connected devices from collecting, using, sharing or selling personal data of anyone under the age of 18, unless they receive informed consent or unless doing so is strictly necessary for the purpose of the website. It also authorizes the OAG to enforce the law, including by seeking civil penalties of up to $5,000 per violation.

Safeguarding Teens from Online Exploitation
In addition to the legislation signed today, Governor Hochul has also taken other steps to protect young people online. As part of Governor Hochul’s FY25 Enacted Budget, the Governor directed the Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV) to develop sextortion-focused training and technical assistance programs as well as a public facing informational website and to conduct a public awareness campaign. The training and technical assistance programs will assist both gender-based violence support organizations and law enforcement agencies seeking to support victims and investigate sextortion crimes. The public-facing website will provide educational materials for guardians and other audiences. The public awareness campaign will use social media platforms to publicize the warning signs of sextortion, technology-facilitated abuse and deepfakes.

Addressing the Youth Mental Health Crisis
As part of the Governor’s $1 billion investment in mental health statewide, Governor Hochul has also significantly expanded access to mental health care and resources for young people and their families. This focus on youth supports and services continued with additional investments secured by the Governor in the FY25 Enacted Budget.

Governor Hochul took steps in her Enacted Budget to expand mental health support for children across the state and ensure their voices are heard, making good on an agenda she unveiled in her State of the State address in January. The Governor announced $20 million in start-up funding for school-based mental health clinics and launched a rolling application, which will make it easier for interested schools to establish these satellites than through the state procurement process previously used. The announcement built on the $5.1 million awarded in November to support 137 new school-based clinics, including 82 at high needs schools, and bringing the total number of clinics to more than 1,200 statewide.

The Governor’s FY25 Enacted Budget also includes an investment of more than $19 million to provide critical care to young people outside of school environments, including increasing resources for youth receiving treatment in their community or, when necessary, in residential care. Key initiatives such as the Youth Assertive Community Treatment teams, which provide wraparound services and support to young people at risk of entering residential or inpatient psychiatric treatment, have been expanded with $9.6 million to continue serving them at home and within their community whenever possible. Additionally, the Governor secured an additional $4 million to support a loan forgiveness program specifically for licensed mental health clinicians serving children and families.


Jocelyn E. Strauber, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), announced the arrest of a Brooklyn woman for allegedly offering a bribe to a City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (“DOHMH”) Associate Public Health Sanitarian (“APHS”). The APHS reported to DOI that a test taker who had failed the DOHMH Food Protection Certificate (“FPC”) exam and wanted a passing grade had offered cash to the APHS, which the APHS did not accept. DOI conducted an undercover operation, which led to these charges. The office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr., is prosecuting the case. 

CASELLE WHYTE, 53, of Brooklyn, N.Y. was charged Monday, June 17, 2024, with two counts of Bribery in the Third Degree, class D felonies. Upon conviction, a class D felony is punishable by up to seven years in prison. She was arraigned Tuesday morning and released on her own recognizance. Her next court date is scheduled for August 7, 2024. 

DOI Commissioner Jocelyn E. Strauber said, “This defendant used bribery to try and obtain a certificate confirming she had passed an exam about the safe handling of food, when in fact she had failed the exam, according to the criminal complaint. This kind of corruption can jeopardize the health of New Yorkers, but thankfully the Department of Health employee who was offered the alleged bribe rejected the offer and reported it to DOI, consistent with the legal obligation of all City employees to report corruption. I thank this employee and the City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene for their commitment to integrity, and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office for their partnership in pursuing this important case.” 

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr., said, “The integrity of the Department of Health’s Food Protection Certificate exam is a key component of the health and safety of our City’s restaurant-goers. I thank the DOI for its partnership in this case as we continue to root out fraud in Manhattan.”

Dr. Aswin Vasan, DOHMH Commissioner said, “Our staff not only protect health, but also trust, by ensuring our standards are fair. I am proud of this staff person, and the entire agency, for the work they do every day. The integrity demonstrated in this instance is reflective of how well these individuals serve our City year-round.”

The City Health Code requires that at least one supervisor at a food service establishment or a non-retail food processing establishment hold an FPC during the time the establishment is operating. To obtain an FPC requires completing a food protection course and passing a final exam.

According to the criminal complaint, in October 2023, at the NYC Health Academy in Manhattan, an APHS proctored an FPC exam. The defendant completed the exam and immediately thereafter, an APHS graded the exam and notified the defendant she had failed. The defendant approached the APHS and tried to hand the APHS an unknown amount of money while asking the APHS, “Can you pass me?” The APHS did not accept the money and reported the incident to DOI, which subsequently conducted an undercover investigation.

In December 2023, DOI investigators listened to and recorded a call between the APHS and the defendant in which the defendant confirmed that after failing the test, she had $50 in her hand when she approached the APHS in October 2023 and would have provided more money if the APHS had engaged with her. During a subsequent call on the same day, the defendant stated that she wanted the APHS to pass her on the exam in exchange for $50. In February 2024, DOI investigators listened to and recorded another call between the APHS and defendant in which the APHS provided the defendant with the contact information for a “co-worker” who would assist the defendant in passing the exam in exchange for money. The “co-worker” in fact was a DOI undercover investigator posing as a DOHMH employee. In May 2024, DOI investigators listened to and recorded a call between the undercover DOI investigator posing as the “co-worker” and the defendant, who stated she would provide the co-worker with $200 in exchange for assistance in passing the exam and obtaining the FPC certificate. On Monday, June 17th, 2024, the defendant handed $100 to the DOI undercover investigator posing as a DOHMH worker in exchange for the answers to the FPC exam. The defendant offered to provide an additional $100 after taking and passing the exam. The defendant was arrested immediately after providing $100 to the undercover investigator to obtain the exam answers.

WHYTE has been employed since October 2023 by the City Department of Education as a School Lunch Helper, where she receives $16.17 an hour.

DOI Commissioner Strauber thanked Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg Jr. and his staff for the prosecution of this matter, which is being handled by Assistant District Attorney Jaime HickeyMendoza under the supervision of Jodie Kane, Chief of the Public Integrity Bureau. Commissioner Strauber also thanked DOHMH Commissioner Dr. Aswin Vasan, and DOE Chancellor David C. Banks, for their cooperation in this investigation. 

A criminal complaint is an accusation. A defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. 

Five Men Convicted for Operating Major Illegal Streaming Service


Jetflicks Generated Millions in Revenue at Expense of Television Program Copyright Owners

A federal jury in Las Vegas convicted five men this week for their roles in running one of the largest unauthorized streaming services in the United States, which generated millions of dollars in subscription revenue while causing substantial harm to television program copyright owners.

According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, beginning as early as 2007, Kristopher Dallmann, Douglas Courson, Felipe Garcia, Jared Jaurequi, and Peter Huber operated an online, subscription-based streaming service known as Jetflicks. The Jetflicks group used sophisticated computer scripts and software to scour pirate websites for illegal copies of television episodes, which they then downloaded and hosted on Jetflicks servers. The group reproduced hundreds of thousands of copyrighted television episodes without authorization, amassing a catalog larger than the combined catalogues of Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, and Amazon Prime. Dallmann and his co-conspirators made millions of dollars streaming and distributing this catalogue of stolen content to tens of thousands of paid subscribers.

“The defendants operated Jetflicks, an illicit streaming service they used to distribute hundreds of thousands of stolen television episodes,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “Their scheme generated millions of dollars in criminal profits, while causing copyright owners to lose out. These convictions underscore the Criminal Division’s commitment to protecting intellectual property rights by prosecuting digital piracy schemes and bringing offenders to justice.”

“The defendants conspired to operate an online streaming service that unlawfully reproduced and distributed thousands of copyrighted television programs for their own personal gain,” said U.S. Attorney Jason M. Frierson for the District of Nevada. “This case is another example of our steadfast commitment to combat intellectual property theft and to hold accountable those who violate intellectual property rights laws.”

“The defendants ran a platform that automated the theft of TV shows and distributed the stolen content to subscribers,” said Assistant Director in Charge David Sundberg of the FBI Washington Field Office. “When complaints from copyright holders and problems with payment service providers threatened to topple the illicit multimillion-dollar enterprise, the defendants tried to disguise Jetflicks as an aviation entertainment company. Digital piracy is not a victimless crime. As these convictions demonstrate, the FBI will indeed investigate those who illegally profit from the creative works of others.”

The jury convicted Dallman, Courson, Garcia, Jaurequi, and Huber of conspiracy to commit criminal copyright infringement. The jury also convicted Dallmann of two counts of money laundering by concealment and three counts of misdemeanor criminal copyright infringement. Courson, Garcia, Jaurequi, and Huber each face a maximum penalty of five years in prison, and Dallmann faces a maximum penalty of 48 years in prison. A sentencing date has not yet been set. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

The FBI Washington Field Office investigated the case, with assistance from the FBI Las Vegas Field Office.

Attorney General James Announces Settlement with UnitedHealthcare for Failing to Provide Coverage of Birth Control


UnitedHealthcare to Pay $1 Million Penalty for Failing to Cover Birth Control for New York Patients, Will Refund Those Who Were Denied Coverage and Paid Out-of-Pocket

New York Attorney General Letitia James secured $1 million from UnitedHealthcare of New York, Inc. (UnitedHealthcare), the country’s largest health insurer, for failing to provide coverage of birth control through its health plans. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) received a complaint from a patient in Brooklyn who was denied coverage for their oral contraceptive by UnitedHealthcare’s Oxford health plan, in violation of New York’s Comprehensive Contraceptive Coverage Act (CCCA). The CCCA requires health insurance plans to cover FDA-approved contraceptives without copays, restrictions, or delays. In addition to paying a $1 million penalty, UnitedHealthcare will refund consumers who were denied coverage by any of its health plans and were forced to pay out-of-pocket costs to purchase their prescribed birth control. Eligible consumers will receive payment in the mail and those with potential claims will be notified and asked to submit a claim. Consumers covered by UnitedHealthcare who paid for contraception and believe they should have been covered in full may submit a claim by emailing UnitedHealthcare must also ensure that all its health plans are covering birth control without restrictions or delays as required by the CCCA.  

“Birth control is an important medication that millions of people use every day,” said Attorney General James. “Denying health insurance coverage of birth control can cause serious health concerns for anyone who takes the medication. Reproductive health care is essential to the safety and wellbeing of New Yorkers, and it is crucial that health insurers abide by New York’s reproductive health care laws. I encourage anyone who may have had their birth control coverage denied by their health insurance company to contact my office and file a complaint. New Yorkers can rest assured that my office will always protect access to reproductive health care.” 

The OAG’s Health Care Bureau opened an investigation into UnitedHealthcare after receiving a complaint from a patient that their prescription oral contraceptive was denied coverage by UnitedHealthcare’s Oxford plan. The patient's appeal was rejected, and the health plan required the patient to obtain prior authorization or step therapy, a process requiring patients to try alternative treatments. UnitedHealthcare’s denial of coverage and further delays forced the patient to go without their birth control and violated New York’s CCCA.  

Health insurers that deny, restrict, or delay coverage of birth control impose unnecessary and unwarranted costs for patients, restrict equitable access to reproductive care, and force patients to skip or delay care because of financial barriers. Under New York’s CCCA, health insurance plans are required to cover FDA-approved contraceptives without copays and to remove any actions that might limit or delay access to care, including prior authorizations, step therapy, and exception processes. The CCCA also requires health insurers to cover at least one version of approved contraceptives if there are multiple therapeutically equivalent drugs.  

As a result of this settlement, UnitedHealthcare will pay a $1 million penalty and ensure that all of its health plans are covering contraception without copays, restrictions, or delays as required by New York’s CCCA. Additionally, UnitedHealthcare will ensure all staff involved in the claim approvals process for contraception are trained on compliance with New York laws. 

The settlement also requires UnitedHealthcare to reimburse all out-of-pocket costs paid by consumers for their birth control, plus 12 percent interest. Eligible consumers include patients who paid a copay for contraceptives that should have been covered without cost sharing under CCCA from June 1, 2020 onwards. Eligible consumers will receive payment in the mail and those with potential claims will receive notice inviting them to submit a claim. Consumers covered by UnitedHealthcare who paid for contraception and believe they should have been covered in full may submit a claim to UnitedHealthcare by emailing In the claim, patients should list the exact type of contraception, approximate date(s) of the claims for coverage, and the amount they believe they overpaid. 

Today’s settlement is the latest action taken by Attorney General James to protect access to reproductive healthcare. In May 2024, Attorney General James announced a sweeping lawsuit against an anti-abortion group and 11 crisis pregnancy centers claiming to offer medically unfounded abortion reversal treatments, building on her previous work in shutting down abortion clinic protestors who were harassing patients trying to get care. In April 2024, Attorney General James led a coalition of 21 Attorney Generals across the country calling on Congress to expand access to IVF. Attorney General James has continued to lead fellow attorney generals across the country in protecting reproductive health, leading amicus briefs at the Supreme Court calling on the court to protect emergency abortion services and access to medication abortion, as well as leading efforts to stand up to states criminalizing those who help others access abortions.  

NYPD’s ShotSpotter Gunshot-Detection System Overwhelmingly Sends Officers to Locations Where No Confirmed Shooting Occurred, New Audit Uncovers


Comptroller’s audit finds NYPD spent thousands of officer hours responding to unconfirmed ShotSpotter alerts

New York City Comptroller Brad Lander’s office released an audit of the New York Police Department (NYPD)’s use of ShotSpotter—an auditory gunfire location and detection technology—and found the alerts only identified confirmed shootings 13 percent of the time. The audit found that NYPD fails to make efficient use of its resources and officers’ time, and hold SoundThinking, Inc (aka ShotSpotter, Inc) accountable for the system’s extremely high rate of unfounded and unconfirmed shootings. The audit also found that the NYPD substantially overstates the reduction in response times achieved by using ShotSpotter.  

“ShotSpotter claims to be ‘a proven detection system’ that is ‘faster and more accurate’, but our audit found that 87 percent of the time, ShotSpotter is sending NYPD officers in response to loud noises that don’t turn out to be confirmed shootings,” said Comptroller Brad Lander. “The evidence shows that NYPD is wasting precious time and money on this technology and needs to do a better job managing its resources. Chasing down car backfires and construction noise does not make us safer.”  

The ShotSpotter system employs over 2,000 acoustic sensors to detect gunshot activity to assist NYPD in locating suspected gunfire within the five boroughs. Under their contract with the NYPD, the primary metric for ShotSpotter performance is to avoid “missed incidents:” ShotSpotter is expected to report 90% or more of probable shooting, thus gives them a strong incentive to over-report loud noises that do not turn out to be confirmed shootings.  

For the eight months in 2022 and 2023 reviewed by the audit, these unconfirmed shootings ranged from 80% to 92% of ShotSpotter alerts, sending officers to investigate 7,262 incidents that did not turn out to be confirmed shootings.  

NYPD records show that officers spent an average of 20 minutes investigating alerts deemed unfounded and 32 minutes investigating alerts that went unconfirmed. This translates to thousands of hours of officer time responding to ShotSpotter alerts that do not turn out to be confirmed shootings.

Number of Confirmed Shooting Incidents vs. Total ShotSpotter Alerts by Month 

In addition, the audit found that ShotSpotter and the NYPD significantly overstate the reduction in response time that ShotSpotter facilitates – the primary value of the technology. While ShotSpotter markets a 5-minute difference between its detection system and emergency calls, the audit found that the average response time to ShotSpotter alerts was 1 minute 38 seconds faster than to 911 reports of outdoor gunfire. 

More than 150 cities across the country use the technology, according to ShotSpotterMajor cities like Chicago, Atlanta, and Portland have decided against using the technology, with city officials and others describing it as “expensive, racially biased and ineffective.”  

Comptroller Lander made five recommendations to the NYPD to address the audit findings. The NYPD rejected three and accepted two. 

Recommendation #1Decline to renew the ShotSpotter contract when it expires in December 2024 without first conducting a more thorough performance evaluation, considering the very low rates of confirmed shooting incidents detected, and factoring in the extensive NYPD officer time spent responding to alerts not ultimately confirmed as shootings. 

  • The NYPD claims, “it is not feasible to conduct an evaluation prior to the contract renewal period.” 

Recommendation #2Develop more meaningful performance standards of ShotSpotter’s accuracy that better factor in the very high rate of alerts not ultimately confirmed as shootings. 

  • NYPD suggested that data is not relevant to their considerations: “[W]here evidence is not recovered to confirm whether a shot was fired or not, it is not definitive proof that no crime has occurred, and it fails to acknowledge that the simple omnipresence of the Officers responding to the ShotSpotter alert dissuades further crime in and of itself. Omnipresence of Police Officers is a tactic that has been employed since the earliest days of law enforcement, however, in this case its reduction of crime is difficult to quantify.” 

Recommendation #3Collect and publish relevant data to increase transparency, including the number of published alerts, percentage of alerts that result in confirmed shootings, the number of false negatives and missed incidents, time and staff costs spent responding to alerts that are not ultimately confirmed as shootings, and the relative response times to ShotSpotter alerts versus 911 reports of shots fired outside.  

  • NYPD erroneously believes that the public would not understand the data: “Shooting numbers are ever changing based on investigations and other factors that follow the shootings and therefore, parties that are not familiar with the data could misinterpret the information.” 

The NYPD did agree with the Comptroller’s office’s final two recommendations to follow up with ShotSpotter Inc. on coverage areas where the sensors did not meet the current contractually obligated standard, and to pay its invoices within 30 days, as mandated by procurement rules.  

Comptroller Lander continued, “The NYPD’s response to these audit findings is disappointing and reflects a disinterest in using data, effective performance metrics, and transparency to improve public safety. With a thorough evaluation before deciding whether to renew this multi-million-dollar contract, better performance standards, and more transparency, the NYPD could deploy its resources – especially its officers’ time – far more effectively.” 

Please find the Comptroller’s audit here. 

Governor Hochul Announces Free Admission to State Park Sites During This Week's Heat Wave

Jones Beach

Free Admission to All State Park Locations on Wednesday, June 19 and Thursday, June 20 To Help New Yorkers Beat the Heat at Beaches and Pools

Cooling Features Such as Misters and Sprays To Be Added at Several State Park Sites Throughout New York City

Select Beaches and Pools Opened Early This Week To Help New Yorkers Cool Down During the Heat Wave

New Yorkers Encouraged To Stay Hydrated and Wear Sunscreen; Find Cooling Centers in New York State and New York City 

Governor Kathy Hochul announced that admission to all New York State Parks will be free on Wednesday, June 19 and Thursday, June 20 to help New Yorkers beat the heat this week. Governor Hochul announced several beaches and pools are temporarily open ahead of the season and cooling features such as sprays and misters are being added at several State Park sites throughout New York City.

“Extreme heat can be dangerous for New Yorkers, and I’m doing everything I can to help families stay safe and cool this week,” Governor Hochul said. “I encourage everyone to take advantage of free and early admission to our world class beaches, pools and other State Park sites to beat the heat as we expect record temperatures across the state.”

Starting today, record temperatures are possible in Western, Central, Northern New York, and the Capital Region. The “feels like” temperature values could approach the low 90’s to over 100 degrees today through Friday. Ahead of pools, beaches, and other cooling opportunities at State Park sites opening for the season, the Governor directed several locations to open temporarily this week to help New Yorkers cool down.

New York State Parks Commissioner Pro Tempore Randy Simons said, “We are excited to support Governor Hochul’s efforts to help New Yorkers find safe and affordable places to cool off during this week of extreme heat. From Jones Beach on Long Island to Allegany State Park in Western New York, our state park system offers exceptional places to relax in the outdoors. So take a break from this heat by cooling off at one of our incredible beaches or simply relaxing in the shade of our parks.”

Governor Hochul is encouraging New Yorkers to stay safe in the face of extreme heat, which is the leading cause of weather-related deaths nationwide, according to CDC data. New Yorkers should prepare in advance, know the symptoms and what to do in the case of heat stroke and exhaustion, and never leave children and pets unsupervised in hot cars. Sign up for NY alerts that can come to your phone and email and other alerts offered in your local community. If you plan to visit one of our outdoor State Park sites, wear sunscreen and a ventilated hat (e.g., straw or mesh) when in the sun, even if it is cloudy. More safety tips available here.

A full list of expanded access to State Parks and cooling features is available below:

Sites to add cooling features through Friday:

New York City

  • Marsha P. Johnson State Park
  • Gantry Plaza State Park
  • Roberto Clemente State Park
  • Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park – Indoor pool also open

Sites open early for swimming:

Long Island

  • Jones Beach State Park
  • Robert Moses State Park
  • Hither Hills State Park
  • Sunken Meadow State Park

Hudson Valley

  • Lake Welch State Park
  • Canopus State Park
  • Rockland Lake State Park
  • Tallman Mountain State Park
  • Bear Mountain State Park
  • Lake Tiorati Beach – Harriman State Park

Capital Region

  • Taconic State Park – Copake Falls Area
  • Lake Taghkanic State Park
  • Grafton Lakes State Park
  • Moreau Lake State Park
  • Thompson’s Lake Campground – Thacher State Park

Southern Tier

  • Chenango Valley State Park

Central New York

  • Fillmore Glen State Park
  • Green Lakes State Park
  • Sandy Island Beach State Park

Mohawk Valley

  • Gilbert Lake State Park
  • Glimmerglass State Park
  • Verona Beach State Park
  • Delta Lake State Park

Finger Lakes

  • Seneca Lake State Park Spray Ground
  • Sampson State Park – Opened early for the season on Monday

Western New York

  • Woodlawn Beach State Park

Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson - JOIN US: BRONX PRIDE MARCH



Billion-Dollar-Plus Contracts to Be First to Set Community Hiring Goals Since Law Went Into Effect


40 Percent of Labor Hours to Be Performed by Individuals Who Live in NYCHA Housing or ZIP Codes Where at Least 15 Percent of Residents Live Below Federal Poverty Line


Announcement Concludes Mayor Adams’ “Spring Jobs Sprint,” Which Created Opportunity for Thousands of New Jobs Over Final Weeks of Season

New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced the city’s first-ever community hiring effort, which will leverage more than $1.2 billion in city contracts to create job opportunities for underserved New Yorkers. Community hiring allows the city to use its purchasing power, set hiring goals across city procurement contracts, and build on the success of existing project labor agreements and agency-specific hiring programs. Today, the New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) released the city’s first-ever request for proposal (RFP) subject to community hiring, which will result in an estimated $1.2 billion in contracts for security guard services and fire safety personnel throughout the five boroughs. The contracts awarded under this RFP contain a community hiring goal for 40 percent of the labor hours to be performed by individuals who live in New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) housing or in a ZIP code where at least 15 percent of the population lives below the federal poverty threshold. With state legislation on community hiring going into effect on May 15, in just over one month, the Adams administration is already delivering on the potential of the New York City Mayor’s Office of Community Hiring (OCH) to create more equitable pathways for New Yorkers to participate in the city’s economy.


“Today, we are sending a clear message: if you want to work with the City of New York, you need to put the community first,” said Mayor Adams. “From day one, our administration set out to lead by example on showing the nation that we could do smarter, more inclusive, and equitable contracts that engaged communities most in need. With this landmark RFP, we are bringing real, good-paying jobs to our neighbors in NYCHA and to ZIP codes across our city that have been forgotten for far too long. Together, we are building the economy of the future in a city where opportunity reaches every block, neighborhood, and borough.”


“This historic legislation delivers on priorities the Adams administration has been advancing since day one: putting money back into the pockets of everyday New Yorkers,” said First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. “With community hiring, not only are we ensuring that essential city services get done, but we are also ensuring that these services lead to real opportunities for underserved New Yorkers. With the launch of this effort, we are leveraging $1.2 billion worth of contracts to create job opportunities for individuals from NYCHA and low-income neighborhoods. This is a true commitment to ensuring that New York City works for every New Yorker.”

“Less than 40 days after the community hiring legislation became effective, the Adams administration has taken rapid action to make its benefits real for New Yorkers,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and Workforce Maria Torres-Springer. “This velocity makes clear our commitment towards action in tackling historic disparities in employment. Today’s milestone also follows our recent announcement that the administration is ahead of schedule and nearly halfway in reaching our moonshot goal of delivering 30,000 apprenticeships by 2030, as we are on track to deliver over 14,000 apprenticeship opportunities by end of 2024. We set ambitious goals to ‘Get Stuff Done’ and will continue to deliver for New Yorkers.”

“As we embark on this groundbreaking initiative, we're not just awarding contracts, we’re investing in the future of our communities,” said DCAS Commissioner Dawn M. Pinnock. “By prioritizing community hiring, we’re ensuring that municipal opportunities are accessible to those who need them the most. Today marks a historic milestone in our journey towards increased equity and inclusion for all New Yorkers, where we turn our contracts into catalysts for positive change.”


“This landmark RFP that leverages the city’s purchasing power to position jobseekers and companies for success highlights how the Adams administration is making tangible progress to build a more inclusive economy that works for all New Yorkers,” said New York City Mayor’s Office of Talent and Workforce Development Executive Director Abby Jo Sigal. “By setting community hiring goals for NYCHA residents and residents in economically-disadvantaged communities, we are building pathways for economic mobility while reversing decades of historic disinvestment that has prevented too many low-income and Black and brown New Yorkers from fully contributing to, and benefiting from, the city’s prosperity.”


“Since the state legislation that authorized community hiring passed, our team has been working diligently to operationalize community hiring,” said OCH Executive Director Doug Lipari. “Community hiring provides the city with a remarkable opportunity to further embed equity into its procurement process. We are thrilled to announce the release of the first city RFP subject to community hiring goals and are incredibly grateful to our internal and external partners, collaborators, and advocates who have helped us reach this historic milestone.”

“Providing equitable employment and business opportunities for our city’s most marginalized communities are what this administration has been committed to from day one,” said New York City Chief Business Diversity Officer Michael J. Garner. “Whether it’s helping a certified minority or woman-owned business enterprise secure its first city contract or providing a living wage employment opportunity for a head of household NYCHA resident, we can leverage our great city’s vast purchasing power towards creating life-changing economic opportunities in local communities that have been left behind despite their many contributions to our rich culture. The community hiring initiative and M/WBE program fundamentally share the same goal of eradicating systemic and historic inequities in our business environment and creating pathways towards economic upward mobility. I commend Mayor Adams for his vision and leadership and remain excited to partner with my colleagues at OCH, DCAS, NYCHA, and MOCS on this landmark RFP.”

“New York City has experienced numerous procurement milestones during the Adams administration, and today’s community hiring announcement adds to that list,” said New York City Chief Procurement Officer and Mayor’s Office of Contract Services (MOCS) Director Lisa M. Flores. “Community hiring is a crucial tool in building the equitable procurement system that New Yorkers deserve. It showcases how reforming the way we contract can bring about positive change and trigger economic growth in communities throughout our city — especially our most vulnerable. We are proud to have worked in collaboration with DCAS since the beginning of the Adams administration in developing this RFP, as well as a M/WBE-specific pre-qualified list for awards under $1.5 million, which together will revitalize the security guard portfolio for competitiveness, quality, and equity. The addition of community hiring will only enhance these benefits, and I am thrilled to work with the OCH in expanding this program across our agencies and contracts.”

“It is so important to ensure equitable hiring opportunities — like those set forth by the Adams administration’s first-of-its-kind request for proposal subject to community hiring — for the one in every 17 New Yorkers who call NYCHA home,” said NYCHA Chief Executive Officer Lisa Bova-Hiatt. “These hardworking, intelligent, and ambitious public housing residents, as well as others living below the poverty line in New York City, deserve viable opportunities for economic advancement as they and the diverse communities they represent are what make New York the greatest city in the world.”

“Investing in the future of our city requires equitable and fair hiring practices for all New Yorkers, and this landmark legislation cements a commitment to achieving that goal,” said New York City Department of Parks and Recreation Commissioner Sue Donoghue. “Community hiring is a crucial step in engaging future employees with New York City Parks, and, combined with Mayor Adams’ initiatives for retaining talent, our agency is positioned to provide the services and resources that make our parks vital for all New Yorkers. We are excited to join this administration in inviting the next generation of city employees to make our city great.”

“With this innovative RFP, the Adams administration is again reaffirming its commitment to using every mechanism at its disposal to ensure that the city’s procurement efforts contribute directly to our goal of supporting disadvantaged communities and creating pathways to economic stability for New Yorkers in need,” said New York City Department of Social Services Commissioner Molly Wasow Park. “This community hiring initiative will allow us to build on our successful efforts to connect the low-income New Yorkers we serve with gainful employment opportunities while concurrently addressing the long-term disinvestment in communities of color across the city. We applaud the administration and DCAS for prioritizing this initiative and releasing this RFP just over a month after the state’s community hiring legislation became effective.”

“Under our leadership, the New York City Department of Transportation is focused on equitable hiring processes to ensure staff at all levels of the agency — as well as our contractors — better reflect the demographics of our great city,” said New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. “This RFP is an important step in delivering a fairer and more livable New York, and I applaud Mayor Adams and his administration for advancing this great community hiring initiative.”

“Whether providing increased access to good-paying jobs or free high-speed internet, the Adams administration continuously delivers critical opportunities and services to the underserved New Yorkers who need them most,” said New York City Chief Technology Officer Matthew Fraser. “Today’s community hiring announcement, in addition to the ongoing Jobs NYC initiative, demonstrates yet again our commitment to empowering working-class New Yorkers and building a more livable city for residents of all ZIP codes.”

“Community hiring is a game changer. Residents in NYCHA or historically underserved communities can now live, work, and earn a living wage in their neighborhood by leveraging the city’s enormous purchasing power,” said New York City Department of Youth and Community Development Commissioner Keith Howard. “With record investments in workforce programs, our mayor continues to level up, and the Department of Youth and Community Development stands ready to support in any we can.”

“The New York City Department of Design and Construction promotes community hiring with targeted employment of local union members through projects, such as East Side Coastal Resiliency, and in our growing design-build program,” said New York City Department of Design and Construction Commissioner Thomas Foley. “Having local residents on a project allows us to better understand and react to people’s needs and to more fairly share the financial benefits that our large portfolio of projects generates. Our team builds in every neighborhood and should hire from every neighborhood as well.”

“Community hiring is a win-win as New Yorkers gain an opportunity to secure good-paying jobs while the city benefits from employing individuals with direct experience in the communities we serve,” said New York City Chief Climate Officer and New York City Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Rohit T. Aggarwala. “This will be especially critical as we transform our city’s built environment to make it more resilient to the changing climate, an effort that will be powered by accessible, ‘green-collar’ jobs conducted by New Yorkers in communities who need these opportunities most.”

“With 18 Workforce1 Centers across the five boroughs that have served over 87,000 New Yorkers in the last fiscal year alone, we know first-hand at the New York City Department of Small Business Services that matching members of the community to good jobs is essential to building our economy,” said New York City Department of Small Business Services Commissioner Kevin D. Kim. “This landmark initiative doubles down on the mayor's efforts to combine the world's greatest talent with the city's greatest needs, and brings historic opportunities to the NYCHA community.”

Once the RFP is awarded, the resulting contracts will provide an estimated 10 million hours of prevailing wage job opportunities for NYCHA residents and residents of low-income communities over the five-year contract term. Job opportunities include security guards, security guard supervisors, field inspectors, field managers, and an emergency action plan and fire safety director. New hires will be provided with 40 hours of no-cost training as part of their employment. OCH will work closely with DCAS to ensure that the vendors are able to access the talent they need and that New Yorkers in search of opportunity can connect with available opportunities. Additionally, DCAS, in partnership with MOCS and the Mayor’s Office of Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises, are continuing to use procurement opportunities to drive equitable economic development by increasing minority- and women-owned business enterprise (M/WBE) utilization. The RFP will require city agencies with under $1.5 million in annual spending on security guard services to solicit from a pre-qualified list of M/WBE firms.


Last year, Mayor Adams announced the formation of the Office of Community Hiring and the appointment of Doug Lipari as its executive director after successfully advancing legislation in Albany with support from labor, state elected leaders, and workforce organizations. OCH will work with contractors to identify promising talent and provide employment and apprenticeship opportunities for low-income individuals and those residing in economically-disadvantaged communities. Once fully implemented, an estimated 36,000 jobs will be created annually for low-income individuals and impacted communities, allowing city contractors to leverage the full talent of the New York City workforce.


Today’s announcement builds on a series of policy reforms made by Mayor Adams to retain top talent in city government, provide high-quality services to New Yorkers, and create equitable pipelines to enter the workforce. Under Mayor Adams, the unemployment rate for Black New Yorkers has significantly decreased since the start of the administration. Between January 1, 2022, and April 1, 2024, the Black unemployment rate in the five boroughs decreased from 10.7 percent to 7.9 percent — a 26 percent decrease. This marks the first time in half a decade that the Black unemployment rate in New York City has been below 8 percent. Building on this progress, the city launched “Run This Town,” a multi-media advertising campaign to engage diverse New Yorkers and help them apply for thousands of available city government jobs. The announcement follows the launch of “Jobs NYC,” a multi-pronged citywide effort to reduce barriers to economic opportunities and deliver workforce development services directly to communities across the five boroughs that are experiencing high unemployment. Both campaigns are expected to further reduce the unacceptable disparities in employment between Black, Latino, and white communities.


Today’s announcement concludes Mayor Adams “Spring Jobs Sprint,” which has delivered thousands of opportunities for new jobs over the final weeks of the season. The rapid economic development campaign included a new agreement to transform the Brooklyn Marine Terminal into a modern maritime port and vibrant mixed-use community hub with the potential to create thousands of jobs; a nearly $12 million expansion towards The City University of New York (CUNY) Inclusive Economy Initiative, which leverages CUNY campus resources to create college-to-career pipelines for CUNY students; $10 million to seed the city’s next major small business loan fund; and a plan to deliver over 14,000 apprenticeship opportunities by the end of 2024, on the path to 30,000 apprenticeships by 2030, among other initiatives.


Mayor Adams has also successfully negotiated contracts with unions representing more than 96 percent of the city’s workforce and 100 percent of the city’s uniformed workforce — the quickest any mayoral administration has reached that milestone in modern city history, delivering fair wages and benefits to hundreds of thousands of municipal workers, many who went years without a wage increase. Following the pattern established by the agreement with District Council 37 (DC 37) in February 2023, the Adams administration continued to reach settlements with unions representing nearly all of the city’s workforce, including the United Federation of Teachers, the Communication Workers of America Local 1180Teamsters Local 237, the Council of Supervisors and Administrators, and the Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association, as well as with unions representing uniformed workers including the Police Benevolent Association, the Uniformed Officers Coalition, and the United Sanitation Workers’ Union Local 831, among dozens of others.


Additionally, in an effort to retain talent in the human services sector, Mayor Adams, earlier this year, announced a $741 million investment for an estimated 80,000 human services workers employed by non-profit organizations with a city contract as part of a new cost-of-living adjustment. Finally, in Fiscal Year 2023, the first full fiscal year of the Adams administration, the city set a new record for spending on city-certified M/WBEs, awarding over $6 billion in total to M/WBE firms in the fiscal year through OneNYC contracting, with a record-setting 1,903 certified vendor firms.