Saturday, February 18, 2017

Emergency Medical Technician For The Fire Department Of The City Of New York Arrested For Possessing And Receiving Child Pornography

Alfred Pabon Used Online Messaging Service to Obtain and Distribute Child Pornography

  Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Angel M. Melendez, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (“HSI”), announced the arrest of ALFRED PABON, an Emergency Medical Technician with the Fire Department of the City of New York, stemming from his possession and receipt, as well as distribution of child pornography. PABON was arrested today and presented in Manhattan federal court before U.S. Magistrate Judge Gabriel W. Gorenstein.
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said: “As alleged, Alfred Pabon frequented online chat groups for the explicit purpose of finding children and child pornography. In one his chats, Pabon allegedly expressed interest in taking a trip to Mexico in search of ‘something teenish.’ Thanks to the work of Homeland Security Investigations, Pabon’s alleged predatory search for children and child pornography has been brought to an end.”
HSI Special Agent-in-Charge Angel Melendez said: “Using online chat groups to post photos and videos of children being sexually exploited is a sickening crime made even more disturbing when it is committed by an individual who holds the public's trust as a member of the FDNY. Every day HSI agents stationed around the country, use innovative techniques to search the internet and chat rooms to bring these pedophiles to justice and keep our children safe.”
According to the Complaint filed today in Manhattan federal court[1]:
From in or about November 2015, up to and including at least in or about January 2017, ALFRED PABON, an Emergency Medical Technician for the Fire Department of the City of New York, posted images and videos containing child pornography in chat groups of an online messaging application. The chat groups were used almost exclusively to trade child pornography, discuss child pornography, and/or discuss engaging in sexual activity with minors. In or about December 2015, PABON exchanged private messages through the online messaging application with an undercover HSI Special Agent (“UC-1”). Through these exchanges, PABON, using a particular account username (the “Pabon Account”) indicated to UC-1 that he was interested in a trip to Mexico and was looking for “something teenish.” PABON posted an image of two girls, who appear to be prepubescent minors, posing nude on a bed as an example of the type of girls in whom he was interested. In August 2016, a second undercover HSI Special Agent (“UC-2”) observed additional postings by PABON in another online chat room, at least one of which appeared to include an image of child pornography. UC-2 later used a link that PABON had posted to download approximately 33 videos, most of which contained child pornography.
PABON was arrested at his residence in the Bronx, New York. On the morning of his arrest, he admitted to law enforcement that he was the user of the Pabon Account and had used that account to copy and forward images and videos containing child pornography as recently as within the last month.

ALFRED PABON, 49, of the Bronx, New York, is charged with one count of distribution and receipt of child pornography, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison and a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, and one count of possession of child pornography, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.
Any individuals who believe they have information concerning ALFRED PABON that may be relevant to the investigation should contact HSI at its toll-free hotline: 1-866-DHS-2ICE; TTY for hearing impaired: (802) 872-6196. This hotline is staffed around-the-clock by investigators.
Mr. Bharara praised the efforts of HSI in this investigation. He added that the investigation is continuing.
The prosecution is being handled by the Office’s General Crimes Unit. Assistant U.S. Attorney Lara Pomerantz is in charge of the prosecution.
The allegations contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint, and the description of the Complaint set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Bronx Man Sentenced To 25 Years In Prison For Production Of Child Pornography

   Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that KELVIN ACOSTA was sentenced to 300 months in prison and supervised release for 10 years for producing child pornography. ACOSTA pled guilty on September 26, 2016, before U.S. District Judge Paul A. Crotty, who also imposed today’s sentence. In imposing sentence, the Court characterized the defendant’s misconduct as the “most deplorable, depraved act that I can imagine.”
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara stated: “For years, Kelvin Acosta preyed on our community’s youth by tricking them into supplying personal information, using that information to hack their email accounts, and then extorting them into producing child pornography for him. Today, he has been sentenced to federal prison for his predatory criminal behavior.”
According to documents filed in this case and statements made in related court proceedings:
From at least December 2013 through November 2015, KELVIN ACOSTA engaged in a pattern of “sextortion” by hacking into email accounts belonging to teenage girls and extorting them into producing child pornography for him. ACOSTA did so by messaging the girls on Facebook and tricking them into revealing personal information, which he exploited to hack their email accounts. ACOSTA then told his minor victims that he had hacked their email accounts and found compromising material (sex videos and/or nude photographs), which he threatened to send their family, friends, and schools – unless they created child pornography for him via video chat and/or paid him money.
On March 29, 2016, ACOSTA was arrested in the Bronx. On that day, ACOSTA admitted that, for years, he had hacked and extorted girls and women, aged 13 to 25; he had exploited about 40 to 50 accounts of minors that had nude photographs or sex videos, which he viewed; he had about 10 to 20 minors produce child pornography for him; and he had extorted at least three victims – including at least one minor – into bringing him money.
ACOSTA, 27, of the Bronx, New York, pled guilty on September 26, 2016, to one count of sexual exploitation of a child, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2251(a), (e), and 2.
Mr. Bharara praised the investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the New York City Police Department, and thanked the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office for its valuable cooperation in this matter.

A.G. Schneiderman Announces Indictment Of 11 Individuals In Alleged Criminal Network That Stole High-End Motorcycles For Shipment To Dominican Republic

Nine Individuals Charged With Possessing Stolen Motor Vehicles Throughout New York City; Two Additional Defendants Charged With Trafficking Heroin
    Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced today the unsealing of two indictments charging 11 for participation in a criminal network which operated out of New York, Queens, and Bronx counties.  The indictments, unsealed in Bronx Supreme Court, came as a result of a two-year investigation conducted by the Attorney General’s Organized Crime Task Force and the New York Police Department’s Auto Crime Division involving the dismantling of high-end motorcycles for shipment to the Dominican Republic.  The investigation was dubbed “Operation Steal Horses” after police were tipped off to the stolen motorcycle thefts being committed by a group of individuals referred to as a “Steal Crew” by investigators.
“Whether you are stealing high-end motorcycles or dealing drugs, we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. My office will not allow New York to become a hotbed for international crime,” said Attorney General 

“I commend NYPD Auto Crime Division and our partners with the Attorney General’s Office whose investigation led to the arrest of eleven individuals involved in this high end motorcycle theft ring,” said NYPD Commissioner James P. O’Neill.

Members of the “Steal Crew”  allegedly worked by canvassing the city for in demand motorcycles, such as Ducatis, which they would break the steering columns of and then lift off of the street and into a van for transport. Defendants would dismantle the motorcycles into parts and package them for shipment.
According to the 121 count indictment, the “Steal Crew” operated by using multiple individuals who brought different skills to the theft operation, including: a “steal man,” who specialized in breaking the locking mechanisms on motorcycles; a “lifter” who loaded the heavy motorcycles into a van; a “driver,” who provided the empty cargo-sized van to transport multiple motorcycles; and a  “salesman,” who facilitated the quick transfer of the stolen motorcycle into buyers’ hands and who collected the profits.
The auto-theft indictment, unsealed today, names the following individuals: 
  1. Juana Galarza of Bronx County, New York
  2. Pablo Nunez, of Bronx County, New York
  3. Brandon Williams, of Bronx County, New York
  4. Luis Vargas, of Bronx County, New York
  5. Carlos Valverde, of Bronx County, New York
  6. Jean Herrera, of New York County, New York
  7. Christian Perez, of Bronx County, New York
  8. Richard Lovell, of Easton, Pennsylvania
  9. Steven Reese, of Brooklyn, New York
Each of the 9 individuals named above has been charged with various Criminal Possession of Stolen Property Charges, as well as Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree, for conspiring to steal and/or possess 32 stolen motorcycles and one Dodge Charger, which in total valued well over $100,000. 
The long-term investigation involved renting a storage facility unit, and outfitting it with covert cameras to capture the defendants’ illicit activities.  Law enforcement also utilized street-side covert cameras, confidential informants, and infiltrated undercover officers into the ring to establish how the organization functioned.
A separate drug indictment, also unsealed today, was filed against Juan Galarza, and two other individuals, Jeremey Collazo of Bronx County, New York, and Jhon Vasquez Ramos, of New York County, New York, for their alleged roles in selling Class A felony narcotic weight heroin in New York and Bronx Counties.  Class A-I narcotic charges carry a maximum sentence of 20 years imprisonment for first-time offenders.
The arraignments of the defendants in custody will occur this afternoon in Bronx Supreme Court.
The charges against the defendants are merely accusations.  All defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.

A.G. Schneiderman Issues Urgent Fraud Alert On “ICE” Immigration Scams

Alert Follows New Reports Of Fraudsters Posing As ‘ICE’ Agents, Threatening To Detain Immigrants Unless They Pay Up
Schneiderman: ICE Agents Will Never Ask For Money
  New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman issued an urgent fraud alert, warning immigrant communities of potential scams in light of recent reports that fraudsters have been posing as Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents scams and demanding money in order to avoid deportation. The Attorney General’s office has received an increased number of reported scams along these lines following the ICE deportation raids that have taken place over the last few days.
“It is unconscionable for scam artists to prey on heightened fear in our immigrant communities by pretending to be ICE officers and demanding that families pay up in order to avoid deportation,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “I urge communities to protect themselves by learning about these potential scams – and contacting my office if they suspect fraud. We will continue to use all of the tools at our disposal and bring to justice those who commit fraud against our immigrant communities.”
The Attorney General’s office has received a number of reports of unsolicited calls or in-person inquiries from fake immigration officials. For example, one immigrant living in Queens was approached by four men dressed as ICE agents. The purported ICE "agents" told the man that he was going to be detained unless he gave them all of his money.
To report potential fraud or other issues regarding immigration services, contact the Attorney General’s Immigration Services Fraud Unit Hotline at (866) 390-2992 or email The Attorney General’s office will never ask for your immigration status or share immigration information with federal authorities if you contact the Immigration Services Fraud Unit Hotline.
Attorney General Schneiderman also reminded immigrant communities of the New York resources available to those seeking immigration and naturalization-related support. Managed by Catholic Charities Community Services, the New Americans hotline is a toll-free, multi-lingual hotline that provides live assistance in receiving immigration and naturalization information and referrals, regardless of citizenship or documented status. All calls to the hotline are confidential and anonymous. Call 1-800-566-7636 (toll-free) anytime between 9:00am to 8:00pm Monday through Friday.
Attorney General Schneiderman reminds New Yorkers of these common forms of immigration fraud:
Being Approached by Fake ICE Agents. Official Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents will never ask you for money or threaten detainment or deportation if you do not pay them. ICE agents also do not have the authority to enter your household without a warrant signed by a judge.
Unsolicited Calls From Fake Officials: One of the most common immigration services scams are unsolicited calls or text messages from someone claiming to be a government official or law enforcement officer that make threats such as deportation. Often times the number on caller ID may look like a legitimate government number. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will never request payment over the phone, so immigrants should be wary of scammers that ask for any sensitive or personal information, demand payment and threaten deportation if you do not comply.
Notario Fraud: In many Latin American countries a “notario” refers to someone who has the authority to render legal services. Unscrupulous “notaries” who are not attorneys often rely on this misunderstanding to exploit immigrants. They charge immigrants excessive application fees without ever submitting applications to the immigration authorities or may induce deportation by submitting applications for relief for which the immigrant is not eligible for or did not request.
Misrepresenting Legal Credentials: Individuals may falsely claim to be attorneys or wrongly suggest that they are able to appear before the immigration agencies or court. They take advantage of immigrants who will unknowingly pay exorbitant fees for their services. By misrepresenting their qualifications, these individuals can have a detrimental impact on the immigrants with whom they work. For example, immigrants who take advice from and work with these individuals may waive their right to obtain legal residency, be unnecessarily deported, or become subject to civil and/or criminal liability for the filing of false claims.
Fraudulent Promises to Expedite Process: This type of fraud concerns individuals who contend that they know employees at immigration offices who can expedite the processing of their clients applications. Accordingly, they request high fees for this special service, but fail to provide it.
Misinformation Fraud: Under this type of fraud, a provider will typically provide inaccurate or false information to the immigrant concerning his or her eligibility for an adjustment of status under a particular law. In these cases, the immigrant is usually not aware that they have been a victim of fraud until they receive a letter of ineligibility from immigration authorities. The provider knows the immigrant is not entitled to relief, or ineligible, but will file the application with immigration authorities regardless.
Immigration Affinity Fraud: Some providers target immigrants belonging to their same ethnic or racial group. Accordingly, they seek to gain advantage over other providers by claiming to identify with the ethnic, racial, national origin or community-based affiliations of the immigrant group.
Unauthorized Practice of the Law: Individuals may not be licensed to practice law but present themselves as attorneys or immigration law experts capable of providing legal advice and services.
Attorney General Schneiderman provided these key tips to avoid getting scammed:
  • Only work with a licensed lawyer or an authorized provider.
  • Never sign blank applications or documents you do not understand.
  • Do not make payments over the phone or via email.
Last month, anticipating changes to federal immigration enforcement, Attorney General Schneiderman provided local law enforcement agencies with legal guidance to protect their immigrant communities and improve public safety by becoming “sanctuary” jurisdictions.
Additional resources can be found on the Attorney General’s website, including Know Your Rights: Immigration Services Fraud and Don’t Be a Victim of Immigration Fraud brochure. All authorized attorneys will be registered with the New York State Court. To verify an attorney, see here.  

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - ATTRACT NEW BUSINESS in the BRONX



Promote your company and Salute the distinguished Honorees at the Bronx version of the Academy Awards at the BRONX BUSINESS AWARDS 2017 Gala Celebration scheduled for Thursday, March 9, 2017 5:30 - 10:30 pm at the elegant Marina del Rey Caterers, 1 Marina Drive, Bronx, NY 10465.

Please forward advertising copy as soon as possible and no later than February 16, 2017.

Preliminary list of advertisers include:
  • Apple Bank
  • At&T External Affairs
  • Bay Plaza Community Center, LLC
  • Berkley College
  • Country Bank
  • Entergy
  • Ensign Engineering
  • Flushing Bank
  • Grassi & Cp.
  • Green Street Solar
  • Health and Hospital Corp.
  • INDA
  • Madison Square Garden
  • Metro Optics Eyewear
  • ResCare, Inc.
  • Ridgewood Savings Bank
  • RiteCheck Cashing
  • Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point
  • The New York Yankees
  • The Woodlawn Cemetery 
I hope you plan on attending 2017 Gala! Take Advantage of the Early Reservation Discount for paid reservations before February 24, 2017. 
Excitement for this fabulous event continues to grow each day.
The distinguished honorees are:
John Catsimatidis, Red Apple Group
Ensign Engineering
The Woodlawn Cemetery

Ridgewood Savings Bank

Montefiore Medical Center
Metro Optics

To make reservations, advertise and or sponsor, click on the following link: 2017 Gala RSVP form  

Members are encouraged to donate their promotional items to the Gift Bag given to each guest. For more information contact Phil Cardone at (718) 828-3900 or email:
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce is one of the most influential, professional and successful organizations and voice for businesses in Bronx County. Professionals and companies are drawn to the successful companies and active members affiliated with The Bronx Chamber of Commerce. Membership includes businesses ranging from large corporations, Cultural Institutions, Universities and Colleges, Hospitals and Medical Centers, non-profits, and mid-sized to small companies.
Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"The Network For Business Success"
1200 Waters Place, Suite 106
Bronx, NY 10461
"You never know where your next big deal is going to come from"!

Bronx Chamber of Commerce Black Heritage Celebration Luncheon to honor six distinguished individuals for their contributions to our borough



Members and Friends of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce are requested to nominate professionals to receive Special Recognition and Distinguished Awards at the BEST OF THE BRONX 2017 GOLF OUTING in following categories:
  • Businessman of the Year
  • Businesswoman of the Year 
  • Best of The Bronx Award of the Year 
To process your nominations, please forward name, contact information and biography up to 150 words for each nominee before February 24, 2017 

The BEST OF THE BRONX 2017 GOLF OUTING Awards will be presented on Monday, May 22, 2017, 11:00 am - 8:00 pm at Trump Links at Ferry Point Park 
Please forward your nominations to Nunzio Del Greco, President and CEO via
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce is one of the most influential, professional and successful organizations and voice for businesses in Bronx County. Professionals and companies are drawn to the successful companies and active members affiliated with The Bronx Chamber of Commerce. Membership includes businesses ranging from large corporations, Cultural Institutions, Universities and Colleges, Hospitals and Medical Centers, non-profits, and mid-sized to small companies.
Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"The Network For Business Success"
1200 Waters Place, Suite 106
Bronx, NY 10461
"You never know where your next big deal is going to come from"!

Friday, February 17, 2017

What You Should Know By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz - Alerting the Public

You should know that our community is being afflicted by some serious public health threats. 
It has come to my attention from the media that people in Bronx County are dying and becoming very sick because of a deadly bacterial infection that is being spread by rats. 
It has also come to my attention that the water our children are drinking in some of our public schools may be contaminated with toxic levels of lead. 
Enclosed is an open letter that I have sent to the Commissioner Basil Seggos of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. 
Also enclosed is a letter to parents that was sent by the New York City Department of Education regarding one of the effected schools. 
Ladies and gentlemen, these kinds of public health threats are always happening in minority communities. Our people are suffering and dying. Why are we the last to know? 
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

February 15, 2017 
Commissioner Basil Seggos New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 
625 Broadway, 14th Floor 
Albany, NY 12233-1010 

Dear Commissioner Seggos: 

This is a most urgent request for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to review and intervene in the situation involving toxic levels of lead in the water supply of certain New York City Department of Education schools. 

My office continues to receive complaints from frightened parents because there are school buildings in the New York City Department of Education that have been found to have dangerously elevated levels of lead in their schools water system. A copy of one such letter is included. 

Instances of elevated lead levels in school water supply is being made known on an ad hoc basis which gives no assurance to parents of school aged children. 

As has been the case in Flint Michigan, until sources of elevated lead in water supplies has been round and eliminated, alternatives such as bottled water, water coolers and filters are needed as a immediate relief. 

New York State must focus on water testing, lead testing for children, and long-term solutions, including follow-up care for affected residents. 

It is essential for your agency to investigate the method that leads to detectable presence and discovery of elevated lead in school water supply, is it leaching for unused, older pipes? If there a common mechanism for how it is being released into the water supply, how can parents and school officials prepare for this? 

While we can all hope that New York City Department of Education will cooperate with your agency’s intervention, the time has passed for letting New York City Department of Education take care of this problem entirely on its own. 
Please help now! 


Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz.