Thursday, March 24, 2022



 New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced the appointment of Abby Jo Sigal as executive director of the Mayor’s Office of Talent and Workforce Development. In this role, Sigal will help deliver on the mayor’s workforce vision to prepare New Yorkers, particularly those from underserved communities, for the jobs of the future, in sectors including the life sciences, clean energy, and 21st-century manufacturing, among others. Sigal will also work in partnership with members of the New York City Workforce Development Board to oversee federal investments under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act into strategic adult and youth workforce development initiatives.


“As my economic blueprint makes clear, investing in our city’s workforce is critical to an equitable recovery, and having a leader at the helm of the Office of Talent and Workforce Development with the knowhow to ‘Get Stuff Done’ will be essential in helping our city grow. Abby Jo Sigal is that leader,” said Mayor Adams. “For too long, far too many people in our city  primarily those living in Black and Brown neighborhoods  have been left behind. Equipping them with the skills they need to compete in our modern economy and burgeoning industries will be a top priority for my administration, and I’m so proud to have a proven leader like Abby spearheading that effort.”


“Abby Jo Sigal is a proven leader, and I am excited that she is joining our team at this critical moment for New York City,” said Deputy Mayor for Economic and Workforce Development Maria Torres-Springer. “The Office of Talent and Workforce Development will play a leading role in realizing our vision for a workforce development system that is better integrated with our economic development efforts, and which will yield real results for New Yorkers.”


“I am humbled and honored that Mayor Adams and Deputy Mayor Torres-Springer tapped me to work in the administration on behalf of the people of New York City,” said Abby Jo Sigal, incoming executive director, Mayor’s Office of Talent and Workforce Development. “New York has the opportunity to build back its economy stronger and more equitably than before the pandemic  and through strategic investment and alignment of resources, together, we can transform how we, as a city, develop our talent and position all New Yorkers for lifelong career success.”


Sigal will lead the city’s effort to connect New Yorkers to quality jobs, as outlined in the recently released plan, Rebuild, Renew, Reinvent: A Blueprint for New York City’s Economic Recovery.” She will work with stakeholders from the public and private sectors to reimagine the city’s talent development system so that it promotes the economic security of every New Yorker, meets the talent needs of employers, and contributes to a robust and inclusive economy.  


At the head of the newly renamed Office of Talent and Workforce Development, Sigal will work across multiple agencies, launching, convening, and staffing the ‘Future of Workers’ taskforce, a working group of industry experts — including higher education, job training providers, research institutions, labor, and employers — to develop a citywide, early-education-to-adult talent development vision to address short-term recovery needs and long-term structural challenges.  The office will seek out opportunities to streamline and improve coordination among the more than two dozen city and state agencies that manage workforce programs, as well as The City University of New York (CUNY), the New York City Department of Education (DOE), nonprofits, intermediaries, and employers.


“An equitable recovery for our city starts with meaningful investments in our most valuable resource: New Yorkers,” said Deputy Mayor for Strategic Initiatives Sheena Wright. “Abby Jo Sigal has been a tireless champion for uplifting New Yorkers across the five boroughs and building pipelines to good-paying jobs, and I especially look forward to working with her on youth workforce development initiatives to expand on our administration’s efforts to help young people thrive.”


“Every student who graduates a New York City public school should be ready to get a good paying job or go to college, and Abby will be a vital partner in realizing this goal,” said New York City Department of Education Chancellor David C. Banks. “Abby is a tireless advocate for creating quality career pathways for young people that blend academic and work-based learning and has a keen sense for how to create a citywide culture amongst community and business leaders that will foster the expansion of this work. I look forward to working closely with Abby to benefit all of our young people.”


“As a nonprofit leader, Abby Jo Sigal has served as a powerful voice for creative and collaborative policies and programs that expand economic opportunities for low-income New Yorkers,” said David Fischer, executive director, Mayor’s Office of Youth Employment (MOYE). “The team at MOYE is delighted that she will bring her knowledge, energy, and idealism to the Mayor’s Office of Talent and Workforce Development, in service to its vital mission of economic mobility and empowerment.”


“Abby Jo Sigal is a tireless and proven leader, who will marshal the cross-sector resources and best thinking needed to deliver on the mayor’s ambitious vision for a talent pipeline worthy of our great city and its thriving industries,” said Saskia Levy Thompson, program director, Carnegie Corporation of New York; and chair, Mayor Adams’ Education Transition Committee. “Carnegie Corporation has invested in career pathways for a quarter of a century because we believe all young people should experience the rigorous education, real-world learning experiences, and professional networks necessary for long-term success and economic mobility. We were an early supporter of HERE to HERE  a Bronx-based youth-serving coalition that, under Abby’s leadership, demonstrated what is possible when K-12, higher education, and employers partner to expand opportunities for young people, and cultivate the brilliant, home-grown workforce that will build our future.”


“Having worked with Abby over the years that she served as executive director of the James and Judith K. Dimon Foundation and founding CEO of HERE to HERE, I know her solid commitment to ensuring opportunities for CUNY students to enter the city’s workforce and build rewarding careers, particularly during the ongoing post-pandemic recovery,” said CUNY Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez. “Abby has been a key ally and advocate for our students; she understands the talent that CUNY students bring to the table, along with the benefits of a truly inclusive workforce that mirrors the diversity of New York City. We congratulate Abby on her appointment and look forward to working with her to foster the continued growth the city’s thriving economy and economic prosperity of CUNY students.”


“I have known Abby Jo Sigal for more than 20 years and we have worked side-by-side. I believe Abby Jo will do for the City of New York what she has always done — lead, shape opinion, build consensus, and transform lives,” said Kirk Goodrich, president, Monadnock Development; and chairman, New York State Association for Affordable Housing. “The mayor could not have made a better choice to lead the Office of Talent and Workforce Development for all New Yorkers.”


“Abby Jo Sigal is a unique leader who focuses on doing no less than transforming an entire system without ever losing sight of listening to and engaging young people directly, one person at a time — accounting for their strengths, aspirations, and potential,” said Angie Kamath, dean, New York University School of Professional Studies. “The city has exhibited incredible foresight by entrusting the workforce strategy and transformation of New York City in the hands of Abby Jo Sigal.”


“Abby Jo will bring deep knowledge and experience to the challenge of integrating the city’s public education and workforce development initiatives into a coordinated system with seamless connectivity to employers, large and small. This is an important appointment,” said Kathryn Wylde, president and CEO, Partnership for New York City.


About Abby Jo Sigal


Abby Jo Sigal will serve as executive director of the Mayor’s Office of Talent and Workforce Development. For over 25 years, working in various roles and types of organizations, Sigal has been committed to revitalizing New York City neighborhoods to better serve local residents. As the founding CEO of HERE to HERE, Sigal currently leads a diverse Bronx-based team committed to aligning with key stakeholders around the goal of career success for New York City students — demonstrating best practices and translating those best practices into common practice.


She also serves as the executive director of The James and Judith K. Dimon Foundation. Sigal has extensive experience in community development, public/private partnerships, real estate finance, impact investing, and working with community-based organizations.


Prior to HERE to HERE and the Dimon Foundation, Sigal was the senior vice president of Innovation at Enterprise Community Partners, a national housing organization, where she provided leadership across the multiple business lines and markets for strategy, new product development, knowledge management, and impact investing.


Prior to that role, she ran the Enterprise New York market, deploying $200 million annually in equity, debt, and grants; developing and implementing programs; and enacting policy. Early in her career, she oversaw the design and development of New York City’s Hudson River Park along the westside and launched its first summer youth program.


Sigal holds a bachelor’s degree from Yale in Philosophy and master’s degrees from University of California, Berkeley in Business Administration and City & Regional Planning.


Sigal will report to Deputy Mayor for Economic and Workforce Development Maria Torres-Springer.


NYGOP Chairman Langworthy, Dutchess County Executive and NY-19 Congressional Candidate Marc Molinaro and Dutchess Sheriff Kirk Imperati Blast Delgado on Support of Dangerous Pro-Criminal Agenda


Called on Him to Return Blood Money from AOC & PACs That Support Defunding Police

New York State Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy, Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro and candidate for congress in NY-19, and Dutchess County Sheriff Kirk Imperati today blasted Antonio Delgado for his support of the deadly bail reform law and taking money from AOC and radical left PACs that support defunding the police. 


Chairman Langworthy traveled to Dutchess County where he noted that flipping NY-19 from blue to red is one of the Party’s top priorities this fall. He slammed national Democrats for their recent 180 on support for police now that polling shows voters are outraged by their bail law and “defund the police” movement. 


“Don’t let him fool you--A vote for Antonio Delgado is a vote for Nancy Pelosi and AOC,” said NYGOP Chairman Langworthy. “He supports the dangerous bail law, takes campaign money from the radical left and wants to empty our jails while tying the hands of law enforcement. Democrats like Antonio Delgado created this public safety crisis and the only way to fix it is to throw them out of office and elect common-sense leaders like Marc Molinaro who will restore safety and sanity to our communities.” 


"Antonio Delgado is attempting to dupe his constituents into believing he is pro-safety and pro-law enforcement when he is in fact an ardent supporter of New York's failed cashless bail laws and defunding the police,” said Dutchess County Executive and candidate for congress Marc Molinaro. “If he was serious about his all-too-convenient election-year flip-flop on this issue, he'd return the money he's received from anti-police groups like AOC's PAC, and refuse the Working Families Party's nomination." 


From left to right: Dutchess County Sheriff Kirk Imperati, Dutchess County Legislator Will Truitt, NYGOP Chairman Nick Langworthy, Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro, Dutchess County Legislator Ben Gellar

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19 - MARCH 24, 2022

 Clinical specimen testing for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wadsworth Laboratory

911 Hospitalizations - Under 1,000 for Seven Consecutive Days 

Highest Daily Test Results in Past Three Weeks

5 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday

 Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19. Additionally, Governor Hochul today announced that Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Commissioner Jackie Bray was on-site for the delivery of 100,000 over-the-counter COVID tests at the Food Bank of Central New York in Syracuse today, as food banks across the state this week are receiving test kits from the State. Photos of the delivery are available here. These efforts are part of Governor Hochul’s previously announced plan to make 20 million over-the-counter tests available to various organizations, primarily schools and adult-care facilities, throughout the spring. DHSES and the New York National Guard will continue to work together to distribute millions of tests over the coming months to help keep New Yorkers safe.

“New Yorkers have shown time and time again that they are resilient in the face of crises, and the COVID-19 pandemic has been no different,” Governor Hochul said. “While hard work has led to enormous progress, we cannot afford to let our guard down. The vaccine and booster are key to moving forward safely through this pandemic, and I encourage all New Yorkers to take advantage of these tools so we can continue to keep ourselves and loved ones safe and healthy.

Today's data is summarized briefly below:  

  • Test Results Reported – 162,273
  • Total Positive – 3,450
  • Percent Positive – 2.13%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive  2.02%
  • Patient Hospitalization – 911 (-22)
  • Patients Newly Admitted – 120
  • Patients in ICU – 150 (-11)
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation – 68 (-2)
  • Total Discharges  289,824 (+150)
  • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 5
  • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS – 55,070   

The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only. 

  • Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC – 70,108 

This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings.      

  • Total vaccine doses administered – 37,362,271
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours – 14,129
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days – 92,009
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose – 92.0%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series – 83.4%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) – 95.0%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) – 86.0%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 12-17 with at least one vaccine dose (CDC)  82.3%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 12-17 with completed vaccine series (CDC) – 72.4%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose – 81.4%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series – 73.7%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) – 89.4% 
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) – 76.0%
Each New York City borough's 7-day average percentage of positive test results reported over the last three days is as follows:  


Monday, March 21, 2022 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 

















Staten Island 




Statement from Mayor Eric Adams and Commissioner Manuel Castro on Welcoming 100,000 Ukrainians Fleeing the Crisis to the U.S.


“We thank President Biden for listening to our call to use every tool at his disposal to welcome Ukrainians to the U.S. affected by the Russian invasion. As the home to the largest Ukrainian population in the U.S., New York City is ready to work hand in hand with our state and federal partners to safely reunite Ukrainians with their loved ones and connect them with city resources and support. Those fleeing war, persecution, or disasters are always welcome here. We also applaud the Biden administration's efforts and investments to protect public health, democracy, and human rights for vulnerable groups in Ukraine.”

Attorney General James and Brooklyn Community Foundation Deliver $2.2 Million to Brooklyn Substance Abuse Treatment Programs


Funds Derived from Fraudulent Charity Shut Down by AG’s Office

To Date, AG James Has Delivered More than $1.5 Billion Statewide for Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Programs

  New York Attorney General Letitia James and the Brooklyn Community Foundation today delivered $2.2 million in grants to 10 community-based organizations to fund substance treatment programs and harm reduction services. The Wellness and Recovery Fund of the Brooklyn Community Foundation was established last year after Attorney General James dissolved Canarsie A.W.A.R.E. for exploiting some of New York’s most vulnerable residents and defrauding Medicaid.

These grants will provide $217,500 over three years to each of the 10 beneficiary nonprofits for dignity-centered direct services designed to prevent and treat substance misuse and abuse; expansion and innovation of harm reduction programs and services; and systems change efforts that impact the lives of people in recovery and people living with addiction.

The 10 organizations that will be receiving grants are: After Hours Project, Ali Forney Center, Brooklyn Community Housing and Services, Community Counseling & Mediation, Global Trauma Research, Housing Plus, Lantern Community Services, New York Therapeutic Communities – Stay’n Out, The Family Center, and VOCAL-NY.

“I am proud to work with the Brooklyn Community Foundation to return these funds to vulnerable communities,” said Attorney General James. “It is essential for New Yorkers who have struggled through addiction and substance abuse to have access to reliable treatment programs, and with these funds, we are doing just that. The funds will finally be used in the manner in which they were intended — to help New Yorkers who need it most. From holding accountable the companies responsible for the opioid crisis and delivering billions of dollars for treatment, to cracking down on nonprofits that try to cheat New Yorkers, I will always use the power of this office to foster the recovery of our communities.”

“Drawing upon their own experiences with substance abuse and misuse, our advisory council members have partnered with us to select an outstanding group of grantees that are helping people navigate the difficult road of treatment and recovery while honoring their agency and dignity,” said Jocelynne Rainey, CEO and president, Brooklyn Community Foundation. “We are grateful for Attorney General James’ leadership in reclaiming these funds for the benefit of Brooklyn’s communities, her belief in our community-led grantmaking approach, and her commitment to helping New Yorkers overcome the devastating and far-reaching impacts of addiction.”

The funding comes at a critical moment for in-demand community-based programs, as drug overdose deaths have soared to record levels during the COVID-19 pandemic. From January to March 2021, there were 596 confirmed overdose deaths in New York City, with the second largest number occurring in Brooklyn.

The grants were selected by 10 Brooklyn residents impacted by substance misuse or who have worked with impacted communities. This participatory grantmaking funding approach is a part of the Brooklyn Community Foundation’s commitment to sharing decision-making power with community members who have lived experience on the issues being addressed. Last year, the Brooklyn Community Foundation adopted participatory grantmaking models across all its unrestricted grantmaking programs in alignment with focus on racial justice and community-led change. The grants prioritize communities that have been disproportionately impacted by substance abuse and addiction, including Black, indigenous, and people of color; women, parents/caregivers, youth, older adults; immigrants; low-income individuals and families; people who are unhoused and housing insecure; people who are formerly or currently incarcerated; people who are LGBTQIAGNC+; people with disabilities and or mental health challenges; and people living in the neighborhoods of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brownsville, Bushwick, Canarsie, Coney Island, Crown Heights, East Flatbush, East New York, Flatbush, and Sunset Park.

“This grant will allow After Hours Project to enhance our evidence-based substance abuse treatment and supportive services, which includes buprenorphine treatment, syringe access, overdose prevention, harm reduction counseling and education,” said Fernando Soto, CEO and president, After Hours Project, Inc. “We plan to use the funds to purchase an electric mobile unit to help lower our carbon footprint and hire a peer-driven outreach team to expand our services in areas with the highest needs, such as Bed-Stuy, Sunset Park, and Williamsburg.”

“During the grant process, I looked for organizations that have grassroots connections to their communities and are committed to listening, respecting the people they serve, and treating the whole person,” said Victoria Graves, member, Brooklyn Community Foundation’s Wellness and Recovery Fund Advisory Council. “I am pleased to say that the grants are going to groups that will truly expand critical services, like harm reduction, for those who need it most.”

Wellness and Recovery Fund Grantees:

After Hours Project: To support an array of health and social services, including behavioral health education; sexual health and wellness; HIV/AIDs linkage to care; harm reduction; housing, food, and family wellness; community outreach; advocacy and referral services, and more. Clients primarily have little or no contact with traditional service providers, and that include persons who inject drugs, sex workers, and people who are homeless. Neighborhoods served: Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brownsville, Bushwick, Crown Heights North, Crown Heights South, East Flatbush, East New York, East Williamsburg, and Flatbush.

Ali Forney Center: To support services provided to 2,000+ LGBTQIA+ youth at a 24/7 drop-in center and 17 emergency and transitional housing sites, as well as to hire a substance misuse treatment counselor to work at 14 housing sites, including 9 in Brooklyn. Neighborhoods served: Boroughwide, Park Slope, and Sunset Park.

Brooklyn Community Housing and Services: To support housing for 1,000+ people who experience homelessness annually, including transitional and permanent housing, as well as substance misuse counselors and skilled clinicians for all new housing developments. Neighborhoods served: Boroughwide.

Community Counseling & Mediation: To support a wide range of social services, counseling, physical and mental healthcare, education, and supportive housing services for individuals and families in extremely low-income areas of Brooklyn. Services include treatment, early intervention, wrap-around services, and recovery support services for people living with substance misuse disorders and/or co-occurring mental health disorders. Neighborhoods served: Boerum Hill, Brooklyn Heights, Brownsville, Bushwick, Clinton Hill, Crown Heights North, Crown Heights South, Downtown Brooklyn, East Flatbush, East New York, Flatbush, Park Slope, Prospect Heights, Prospect Park South, and Red Hook.

Global Trauma Research: To support the “Stay Well” program, which provides 24-hour crisis intervention/hospital prevention and culturally/spiritually specific long-term trauma counseling to participants with a history of substance misuse, as well as a multilingual substance misuse and abuse community education campaign with 300 community partners. Neighborhoods served: Boroughwide.

Housing Plus: To support justice-involved women in an alternative-to-detention program that provides community-based housing and comprehensive services to help them overcome poverty, homelessness, effects of incarceration, and build stable lives. The program also seeks to reunite and reconnect parents and caregivers with children in foster care, and to prevent separation in as many families as possible. Neighborhoods served: Bedford Stuyvesant, Brownsville, Canarsie, Crown Heights, East New York, Flatbush, and Prospect Lefferts Gardens.

Lantern Community Services: To provide comprehensive harm reduction services to improve the overall quality of life for clients, including at two supportive housing sites in Brooklyn that serve formerly unhoused residents living with chronic illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and/or diagnosed mental health conditions. Staff also provide Naloxone training kits and overdose prevention education to residents. Neighborhoods served: Bedford Stuyvesant and Brownsville.

New York Therapeutic Communities – Stay’n Out: To support substance misuse treatment for adults in the criminal legal system through licensed community-based residential and outpatient programs that use a therapeutic community model, as well as to add more peer recovery advocates to connect persons using substances with needed services. Neighborhoods served: Boroughwide.

The Family Center: To support programs that provide comprehensive, culturally sensitive, and family-focused behavioral health treatment and recovery services for adults, children, and families with significant levels of trauma, chronic disease, extreme poverty, and barriers to care, as well as free childcare for parents and caregivers who are living with addiction, substance use challenges, and recovery while they are receiving treatment and health services. Neighborhoods served: Boroughwide.

VOCAL-NY: To support the growth of outreach and testing programs for people who use drugs, increased operating hours for syringe services programs, expansion of service delivery teams by transitioning part-time peer outreach workers and Hepatitis C care coordinators to full-time salaried positions, and hiring additional peer outreach workers. Neighborhoods served: Boroughwide.

This is the latest action in Attorney General James’ efforts to fight the substance abuse epidemic. In March 2019, Attorney General James filed the nation’s most extensive lawsuit to hold accountable the various manufacturers and distributors responsible for the opioid epidemic. The manufacturers named in the complaint included Purdue Pharma and its affiliates, as well as members of the Sackler family (owners of Purdue) and the trusts they control; Janssen Pharmaceuticals and its affiliates (including its parent company Johnson & Johnson); Mallinckrodt LLC and its affiliates; Endo Health Solutions and its affiliates; Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. and its affiliates; and Allergan Finance, LLC and its affiliates. The distributors named in the complaint were McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health Inc., Amerisource Bergen Drug Corporation, and Rochester Drug Cooperative Inc. 

In December 2021, an agreement with Allergan was reached that will deliver up to $200 million to New York state and Nassau and Suffolk counties for opioid abatement, as well as make enforceable a bar that stops Allergan and all of its subsidiaries, predecessors, and successors from selling opioids in New York and acknowledge Allergan’s prior exit from the opioid business.

In September 2021, an agreement with Endo was reached that delivered $50 million to New York state and Nassau and Suffolk counties to combat the opioid crisis.

Also, in September 2021, the bankruptcy court in Purdue confirmed a $4.5 billion plan — at least $200 million of which will be earmarked for New York — from the Sackler family and foundations that they control, will end the Sacklers’ ability to manufacture opioids ever again, and will shut down Purdue Pharma. The court’s ruling against Purdue and the Sacklers has since been challenged by dissenting states and is currently in mediation.

In July 2021, a settlement with McKesson, Cardinal Health, and Amerisource Bergen that will deliver up to $1 billion to New York state to combat the opioid epidemic was announced.

In June 2021, a settlement that ended Johnson & Johnson’s sale of opioids nationwide and that will deliver $230 million to New York alone was announced.

The deals with Johnson & Johnson, McKesson, Cardinal Health, and Amerisource Bergen have a global value of approximately $26 billion.

The cases against Mallinckrodt and Rochester Drug Cooperative are now moving separately through U.S. Bankruptcy Court.

Pursuant to the new law establishing the opioid settlement fund, all funds collected by the state from opioid settlements or litigation victories will be allocated specifically for abatement efforts in communities devastated by the opioid epidemic and will not go towards the state’s general fund.

Separately, but related to her work on opioids, in February 2021, Attorney General James co-led a coalition of nearly every attorney general in the nation in delivering more than $573 million — more than $32 million of which was earmarked for New York state — towards opioid treatment and abatement in an agreement and consent judgment with McKinsey & Company.

In December 2020, a jury found Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. and its affiliates liable for violating New Yorkers’ rights and responsible for the public nuisance charges made by New York state in its opioid trial in Suffolk County State Supreme Court. A subsequent trial will now be held to determine how much Teva and others will be required to pay, which will be added to the up to $1.5 billion Attorney General James has already secured for the state of New York from different opioid manufacturers and distributors.