Sunday, November 21, 2010


NYS Senator Eric Adams and NYS Assemblyman Marcos Crespo will amend State law to require concurrent resolution by the Senate and Assembly for any Commissioner’s waiver of requirements for persons who do not meet educational or professional prerequisites
NYS Senator Eric Adams states: “My legislation (S8512) will amend the Education law to restrict the ability of the Commissioner of Education to issue a certificate for Superintendent or Chancellor to persons who do not meet educational or professional requirements for the position.
“New York State law requires that school superintendents have a minimum of three years teaching experience and done graduate work in ‘school administration.’  The law enables the Regents to grant waivers in the case of ‘exceptionally qualified persons’ whose ‘exceptional training and experience are the substantial equivalent’ of certification in teaching.
 “Requiring concurrent resolution of the Senate and Assembly for waivers will bring a thorough and essential review process and a necessary transparency.  The individual selected as Chancellor must be the most appropriate person for this uniquely demanding position.” 
NYS Assemblyman Marcos Crespo states: “I will introduce legislation in the NYS Assembly to modify existing Education law to require concurrent resolution of the Assembly and Senate when the State Education commissioner grants a waiver to any individual who does not possess the stipulated requirements for the position of public schools Chancellor.
“It is imperative that any decision on the issuance of a waiver for someone seeking ‘exceptionally qualified person status’ undergo a careful and comprehensive review process to ensure that the selectee is the most qualified individual available.
 “A compelling alternative argument is required in support of anyone who has no background in or commitment to public education; the elected representatives of the people of New York State must review any such selection.”
Sunday, November 21, 2010 – 1:30PM  On the steps of Tweed Courthouse

Saturday, November 20, 2010


    On Thursday, November 18, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and ComitĂ© Noviembre celebrated Puerto Rican Heritage Month 2010 honoring an important group of Puerto Rican leaders.  
     The annual event highlights the positive impact the Puerto Rican community has made on virtually every sector of life in The Bronx.  During the celebration, which was attended by more than 250 Bronx community leaders from the fields of academia, community service, the arts, healthcare, business and communications, Borough President Diaz honored the outstanding careers of Marcus Solis, ABC Network reporter, and Angel Rodriguez, well known musician. The keynote speaker for the evening was Nicholasa Mohr, author of numerous acclaimed books for children and adults. 
 Caption: From left, Marcus Solis, Nicholasa Mohr, Borough President Diaz, and Angel Rodriguez.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Did Donald Trump Convince Mayor Bloomberg to Appoint Cathie Black Chancellor?
    If you watched the "Apprentice", Donald Trump's television show last night you saw that the reward for the winning project manager was a meeting with a highly skilled, professional, executive of a major corporation. Since the current season of the Apprentice is filmed weeks in advance, Donald Trump when saying  the title of the person that the winner was having their meeting with only said Ms. Cathie Black President of Heart Publications. 
    I almost fell out of my seat when Donald Trump mentioned Ms. Blacks name, and then realized that if Mayor Bloomberg needed someone to replace Joel Klein, Donald Trump probably suggested that he hire Ms. Cathie Black, some one who Mr. Trump has great admiration for. 
    Now if only Mayor Bloomberg would only admit that he took Donald Trumps advice we could see how she was ever thought of for the position of chancellor. 
   New York State Education Commissioner David Steiner has announced an eight-member screening panel to review Mayor Bloomberg’s waiver request for Ms. Black. Three members are former employees of Joel Klein that left before he did. 
    Mayor Bloomberg said that it would be very difficult for him to find another choice for chancellor if the waiver for Ms. Black is denied. 
    New York City Comptroller John C. Liu stated the following in response to questions about the Mayor's proposed layoffs and service cuts:
    "Layoffs and cuts to essential city services aren't the only options for closing a daunting $1.6 billion budget gap.  Especially now, there must be a concerted effort across city agencies to identify and trim any fat around city contracts. Specifically, agencies should be questioning whether all contracts are truly necessary, and should also be asking for reasonable cost concessions from its major contractors the way even the MTA has recently and successfully done.
    "In Fiscal Year 2010, my office identified $157.4 million in potential savings through audits of city agencies alone.
    "Working with the Mayor, we will continue to seek additional savings through audits and contract reviews to improve efficiency in city agencies and ensure that each and every dollar available is maximized. In the coming weeks, we will issue our review of the Mayor's budget, including options to consider before resorting to service cuts and layoffs."
Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz to Distribute Thanksgiving Turkeys to Seniors

    New York State Senator Reverend RubĂ©n DĂ­az, Chair of the Senate Aging Committee, will distribute Thanksgiving turkeys on Friday, November 19, 2010 at two senior citizen centers in The Bronx.
    At 11:30 am, Senator Reverend DĂ­az will join senior citizens at the Sue Ginsberg Center located at 975 Waring Avenue to distribute turkeys to every member who is present at that center.
    At 12:00 noon, Senator Reverend DĂ­az will join senior citizens at the RAIN Boston Road Senior Center located at 2424 Boston Road to distribute turkeys to every member who is present at that center.
     “I thank God for all of our senior citizens and wish them all a blessed and happy thanksgiving day”, stated Senator Reverend DĂ­az.
     Senator Reverend DĂ­az will be distributing turkeys (or vouchers for turkeys) at eighteen more senior citizen centers in his district before Thanksgiving Day.    

Thursday, November 18, 2010


     Leroy/LeMed Pharmacies and Marketing & Advertising Solutions Inc. (MAS) will be sponsoring Thanksgiving meals for underprivileged Bronxites at HIV Centers throughout the borough as well as donating turkeys to needy Bronx families during the week leading up to Thanksgiving Day. The recent 1st Annual MAS-Querade Ball held on October 28th, which featured a Latin-style buffet, great music, and special performances, allowed MAS and Leroy Pharmacies to raise funds to provide these meals and turkeys this holiday season. “The event was very successful and I’m looking forward to producing more Events by MAS that will benefit the Bronx community” said Jacqueline Acevedo, CEO of MAS Inc.
     “Leroy/LeMed Pharmacies are happy to give back to the community in every way possible. We are excited to have partnered with MAS Inc. to make these events possible for individuals that may not otherwise have a Thanksgiving meal”, says Vipul Parekh, pharmacist at the Gun Hill Road location.
    These Thanksgiving meals are by invitation only. For more information on how to attend these events, please contact MAS Inc. at 718.676.1626. 
    Marketing & Advertising Solutions Inc. was launched in 2007 and is the largest and only freestanding multimedia firm in the borough. Recognized for an unparalleled commitment to clients and obtaining optimum results via all facets of media, MAS provides the strategic aptitude needed to build companies and organizations, large and small.

     Deputy Majority Leader and State Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) visited multiple Senior Centers across the 34th Senate District during the past two weeks, raffling off turkeys just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday.
       “Thanksgiving is all about the turkey and I am so pleased to be able to provide so many of them to our seniors, so that they may enjoy a bountiful holiday feast this year. This annual raffle is one small way for me to say thank you to the great residents of the 34th Senate district, who are truly a wonderful community to represent,” said State Senator Jeff Klein.
      More than two hundred 14-pound plus turkeys were raffled off to seniors throughout the Bronx and Westchester during the month of November.  

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

BP Diaz and Speaker Quinn Host GED Fair

    On Monday, November 15, as part of the New York City Council’s efforts to help New Yorkers get good jobs, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn  hosted an adult education fair to get more New Yorkers to sign up for the GED and for free education courses.
    According to city reports, 1.6 million New Yorkers over the age of 16 don’t have their high school diploma and are more than twice as likely to be unemployed as someone with a college degree.