Monday, October 8, 2018


In new report, Borough President Diaz urges Both City & State to increase efforts in tech education

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. has issued a new report, “Programming New York City Students for Success,” which outlines an expanded view of computer science education in New York City public schools.

“New York has a long way to go when it comes to providing students with adequate and equitable computer science learning options,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “If we are to prepare our students for an ever-changing economy, we have to do more to expose them to a robust computer science curriculum.”

The report offers multiple recommendations to expand and improve computer science education in New York City schools, such as increasing the overall number of class hours required for computer science learning in city schools; creating a standard computer science curriculum and working with educators and industry leaders to keep it up-to-date; and enacting a project-based requirement for computer science education as a requirement for high school graduation. These recommendations are designed to address the gender, race, and socio-economic gaps in access to computer science education.

The full report can be read at

“Given our Borough and our City’s place as a leader in education, workforce development planning and tech hub development, we must ask the following question: ‘How do we educate our students today in computer science and technology so they can be best prepared for the jobs of tomorrow?” said Borough President Diaz. “It is my intention to answer that question in this report, and to spark a conversation on how this City and State can provide a path forward on the equitable creation and implementation of a rigorous computer science curriculum in every school.”

Council Member Ruben Diaz Sr - Shut Down the Horizon Juvenile Center Now Before Someone Gets Killed!

What You Should Know
By Councilman RubƩn Dƭaz Sr.
District 18 Bronx County, New York


Shut Down the Horizon Juvenile Center Now Before Someone Gets Killed!

You should know that New York’s media is paying very close attention to reports about the dangerous inmate situation at the Horizon Juvenile Center located here in Bronx County. Their October 4, 2018 headlines say it all:

The New York Times“Teenagers Were Moved Off Rikers for Safety. Their Brawls Came, Too.”

The Wall Street Journal“20 Guards Injured During Brawl at Juvenile Detention Center in Bronx. Guards’ union calls the facility unsafe and dangerous”

The New York Daily News“Juvie Beatdown. 20 jailers injured breaking up gang brawl”

The New York Post: “Guards: Shut new juvie jail. 20 officers injured in gang melee”

It is important for you to know that the Horizon Juvenile Center has only been open for just one week and already, it is a nightmare!

I strongly support the Correction Officers Benevolent Association’s demand that the Mayor of the City of New York shut down the Horizon Juvenile Center immediately and return the inmates to Rikers Island, before a life is lost.

You should already know that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to close Rikers and build prisons in four boroughs. His plan may simply be a means to eventually expand La Guardia Airport.

You should know that the Bronx once had its own prison, the Bronx House of Detention, once located at 653 River Avenue. It was closed in 2000 and then served as a homeless shelter. In 2007 it was demolished to make way for the Bronx Terminal Market Shopping Center.

Mayor de Blasio’s goal to close Rikers, whether good or bad, cannot be done by this rush to transfer 16 and 17-year old inmates into any unsafe facility. It endangers both inmates and correction officers. 

Ladies and gentlemen, we need to do all we can to prevent our prison guards as well as our city’s 16 and 17-year old prison population from being placed in any prison facility that is dangerous. No one deserves this. We must not accept a culture of violence. The Horizon Juvenile Center needs to be shut down, now!

I am Councilman Rev. RubƩn Dƭaz and this is what you should know.

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - Applebee's presents Dinner and a Movie: "Kung Fu Panda 3" | Sunday | October 10, 2018 | 5:00-7:30 PM

Events, Communications & Grants Director
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"The Network for Business Success"
1200 Waters Place, Suite 106
Bronx, NY 10461

Aretha Franklin dance tribute opens BAAD!'s BlakTinX Festiva

2018 BlakTinX Performance Series
At BAAD! The Bronx Academy of Arts & Dance
Opens with Aretha Franklin Dance Tribute
Festival runs October 19 to November 20, 2018

Series includes a dance concert tribute to the Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin, plus evenings of music (all string musicians), poetry and the premiere of three new dance works by Pepatian/BAAD! Jerome Foundation/Artists in Residence  Ebony Golden, Kayla Farrish and ColemanCollective and more!

The Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance kicks off its fall season with the BlakTinX Performance Series from October 19 to November 20, 2018.  This annual multidisciplinary festival inaugurated in 2002 celebrates art and performance by Black, Latinx and artists of color. The festival’s opening weekend features a dance tribute to the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. BAAD! is located in a neo gothic style building at 2474 Westchester Avenue. For tickets and information call 718-918-2110 or visit
Friday & Saturday, October 19 & 20 at 8pm | $20, $15 (Students/Seniors) 
The Queen of Soul made us move, groove, and feel the spirit. We honor her legendary music career of more than six decades with a 2-day dance tribute featuring 16 choreographers. Each concert is presented like a gapless album with back to back music and performances.

FridayOluwadamilare AyorindeItaly BiancaCashel Campbell, Havanna FisherGerard MinayaJason “Slim Ninja” RodriguezMervin Acharo SmithJanice Tomlinson and Miki Tuesday/International Affair.
SaturdayJennifer AcostaMegan CuretJessica DanserAlfred GallmanJayden HiggsNoele PhilipsKiran Rajagopalan and Vir-Amicus.
Sunday, October 21 at 7pm | Free 
BLAQ and BAAD! is a new web show focused on queer culture of The Bronx. It's The View meets The Tonight Show with a (BAAD!) twist. A panel of LGBTQ members meet to discuss current events, culture, and creativity in our city with special performances by local QPOC in front of a live studio audience. Co-hosted by Rosaly Ruiz and Whitney Dav-Rho.

Friday, October 26 at 8pm | $20, $15 (students/seniors) 
A music concert giving props to the strings section. Singer/songwriters, classical musicians, and rockers join the varied program covering genres of all types. Featuring The Dolly/Workman ProjectMel GreenwichGanessa James and Robin Tucker.

Saturday, October 27 at 7pm | Free 
BAAD! brings it on Halloween with costumes, dancing and artful fun. Doors open at 7pm, and everyone is invited to sing, dance, read or perform for the open stage beginning at 8:30pm, and MC’d by Appolonia Cruz. Come dance the night away.

Sunday, October 28 at 3pm | Free 
Persistent Voices takes its name from a poetry anthology highlighting work by writers lost to AIDS. Edited by Phillip Clark and David Groff, the book memorializes legendary poets of a generation. Prominent Bronx queer leaders from literature, social justice, and performing arts select and read works from the book and share personal stories and interpretations. ​Last Gasp!, created and performed by Laura Shapiro, uses mordant humor, talking as well as movement, video projections, and colorful costumes to consider personal end–of–life preparations within a perspective of possible planetary apocalypse and/or exhaustion. A discussion on end of life planning that affirms our lives and deaths are worthy of consideration will follow. BAAD! presents Persistent Voices as part of the Reimagine End of Life Event Series.

Thursday & Friday, November 1 & 2 at 8pm | $20, $15 (Students/Seniors) 
Live and recorded audio including the sounds of a school yard, recited statistics, dissonant statistics, and music by Outkast and Bambounou, incites Fruit Punch, a vibrant work depicting the ins and outs of bullying and how it translates to adulthood. The impetus for the work was a Bronx school stabbing in the fall of 2017. ColemanCollective is a multidisciplinary performing arts company, founded by Cain A. ColemanCharisma Glasper and Matthew Perez.

Friday & Saturday, November 9 & 10 at 8pm | $20, $15 (Students/Seniors) 
Spectacle is a film and live performance production imploding in the possibilities of love, and addressing torrential questions that can come with it. We follow a wild-spirited woman re-examining her sexuality, power, and trauma within society’s placement of a female body, while challenging expectations that propel her to healing and freedom.

Friday & Saturday, November 16 & 17 at 8pm | $20, $15 (Students/Seniors) 
EBONY GOLDEN | wash’d// 
A dance-based performance ritual, wash’d// explores both the violence of misogyny and the strength of sisterhood as they relate to women of color—past, present and future. The piece centers and celebrates the activism present during the founding of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) that organized during the Civil Rights Movement. wash’d// is an embodied meditation on women’s social and political power as a means to highlight sisterhood and its role in dismantling systems of patriarchy, heteronormativity, misogynoir as women and femmes unite and organize for social transformation.

BAAD!/AATT receive support from The Ford Foundation, The SHS Foundation, The NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, The Howard Gilman Foundation, The Mertz Gilmore Foundation, The New York State Council on the Arts, The Jerome Foundation, Councilmember Mark Gjonaj, Jody and John Arnhold, OVATION Stand for the Arts and private donations.

Children's Dance Classes resume at BAAD - AATT Academy Fall 2018


Dance Education for 6-9 year old boys and girls offers comprehensive program in Ballet, Gymnastics, West African Dance and Hip-Hop  from October 15 – December 12, 2018!

    The Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance begins Fall 2018 classes on Monday, October 15 for the AATT Academy, a community-based, accessible dance education program for 6-9 year old boys and girls.  The Academy offers a fully inclusive, nurturing environment that uses multi-media to provide an immersive experience.  The Academy’s diverse and professional faculty provides progressive, non-competitive, gender neutral, quality instruction in movement based techniques from traditional dance to athletics, including a mix of dance forms that include ballet, West African, Hip Hop and gymnastics. The program in its third year, will run Monday and Wednesday afternoons from October 15 to December 12, 2018.  BAAD! is located in a neo gothic style building at 2474 Westchester Avenue. To register a child or for further information about the AATT Academy, contact Dance Education Coordinator Cynthia Paniaguaat 718-918-2110 or, or visit

            “At the AATT Academy, BAAD! Boys Move!” shared Ms. Paniagua. “We work to have equal numbers of boys and girls in the program.   We are happy to say that we still have only six slots open for boys.  And for all children we offer free tuition.”

The program offers Bronx children a unique opportunity to receive high quality dance instruction from master teaching artists in the field.   This fall, Hip Hop master Kwikstep founder of Full Circle Productions and Jewel Love , the director of the Bambara Drum and Dance Ensemble (that regularly performs in BAM’s Dance Africa Festival), will be a part of the faculty. The fall program culminates on Wednesday, December 12 with the children publicly demonstrating the dance techniques they’ve learned.

Acclaimed Bronx Choreographer, Arthur Aviles , inaugurated the AATT Academy in 2006 and held classes and workshops in elementary schools and for incarcerated teenage girls.   The program was redesigned and developed as an in-house program in 2016 and was offered as a 5-week dance intensive during the summer and as an afterschool program in the fall and spring.  BAAD! has been a stakeholder in the Bronx for nearly 19 years, has become a beacon for dance and has earned national recognition for its innovative dance and arts programming. The AATT Academy received generous support from the SHS Foundation, Jody and John Arnhold and Councilmember Mark Gjonaj through the New York City Council Cultural Immigrants Initiative.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

NYC EMS Plays Boston EMS at Castle Hill Baseball Field

  It was Brian Anderson of the NYC EMS singing the Star Spangeled Banner with the NYC EMS Color Guard and EMS Pipe and Drum Corp standing behind him at the Annual NYC EMS vs. Boston EMS softball game. The game started a little late as the Boston team was celebrating a game one win in Boston the night before. However the NYC EMS showed the New York Yankees how to win game 2 by getting to the Boston pitcher in the first inning. 

The teams lined up for the pregame ceremony.
Above - The pride of the Boston EMS.
Below - The pride of the NYC EMS.

Above - A special honor went to the the Arroyo family by the Boston EMS.
Below - The first pitch was thrown out by Jason Saffran of Station 24 based at Jacobi Hospital. Jason was in an accident where doctors said that his two legs probably would have to be amputated. As you see Jason can stand on his own two feet as he throws out the first pitch of the game.

Above - You see this NYC EMS player was a little late on this pitch as he swung and missed.
Below - Here is another NYC EMS player who is about to hit the ball.

  If you look to the upper left corner of the photo, you can see the ball traveling far into the outfield to give the NYC EMS a lead that would be a sample of what the New York Yankees would do to the Boston Red Sox later in the night at Fenway Park in Boston.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Mayor de Blasio Celebrates Kick Off of the 1st. Annual NY. Pizza Festival on Arthur Avenue

  Mayor Bill de Blasio came to Arthur Avenue to cut the ribbon for the first Annual NY Pizza Festival. Before he cut the ribbon the mayor showed us that he didn't need a knife and fork today, and that he could also speak while eating some delicious pizza. Pizza makers came from all over the country as dozens of booths were set up for ticket buyers to select which pizza they wanted to taste.

Above - Mayor de Blasio chomped down on pizza while he spoke of what this festival would mean to the Arthur Avenue area, and the Bronx. Hundreds of people jammed the two block area to taste some of the beat pizza in the country.
Below - One pizza maker came from Connecticut. 

Above - The Brooklyn Pizza Crew.
Below - The Bronx's own Zero Otto Nove.

Comptroller Stringer Statement Denouncing Confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh

  “We are in the midst of a defining moment for America, one that will shape how our children understand power and who wields it, who is believed and who is not. I want my two young boys to know that real power – the kind that matters – lies in recognizing each other’s full humanity. And we can’t do that without believing the brave survivors who come forward.

“This confirmation process exposed a profound lack of decency. Just this week the investigation into the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh was revealed to have been plainly partisan and incomplete. The president cruelly ridiculed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, provoking laughter at her expense. Today’s vote to propel Judge Kavanaugh to our nation’s highest court – despite bipartisan concern about his judicial temperament and credibility – has been the final, searing insult.
“What must not get lost are the voices of the millions of people who spoke out in opposition, and we will not be silenced. We will only grow louder and stronger in our fight for equality, a woman’s right to choose, for families who come to this country for a better life, and for every person this administration tries to stifle. Our democracy depends on it.”