Monday, October 20, 2014

What You Should Know

Editors Note: 
I do not agree or disagree with the following statement by State Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr. I will say that this campaign for Governor should have been a hands down victory in the Democratic Primary for Governor Andrew Cuomo, but the entire campaign has turned into a Walt Disney cartoon. Use your own imagination of which Disney character plays the real people.

What You Should Know
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District

Why Rob Astorino is My Candidate
You should know that on Tuesday, November 4th from 6AM – 9PM there will be a General Election in the State of New York.  You will have the chance to elect Members of the State Legislature, and a new Governor for the State of New York.  You should also know that I am supporting and voting for Rob Astorino, the Republican Candidate for Governor for the State of New York.

There are various reasons that compel me to ask you to support and vote for Rob Astorino for Governor – and not to support nor vote for Governor Andrew Cuomo.

You should know that I am supporting Rob Astorino for Governor because of his outstanding and firm position on life. I do not understand how there could be any minister or preacher of the Gospel or ANY Christian believer who would support Governor Andrew Cuomo when he publicly tells all how he is pushing for an agenda to promote abortion up to the 9th month - and open the door for partial-birth abortion.

Rob Astorino is a God-fearing person who has proven his ability to stand firm for life and protecting the unborn.  Rob Astorino is a strong supporter of family values and traditional marriage. Rob Astorino won’t compromise these principles to attract votes.
In Rob Astorino, we will have a Governor who will be open to all New Yorkers: Women, Men, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Gay, Straight, Religious, Atheists, Conservative, and Liberal.  He will never tell anyone they are not welcome in the State of New York.
Those are some of the reasons why I am supporting and voting for Rob Astorino for Governor.

For those of you who question me as a Democrat for crossing party lines at election time – especially when we as Democrats have been fighting for years to pass the DREAM Act, you should know that  Governor Andrew Cuomo is trying to have it both ways and wants to blame the Republicans for not passing the DREAM Act.

My dear reader, I would like to remind you that in 2012 Governor Andrew Cuomo supported two Senate Republican candidates to keep the Republicans in control.  It was also Governor Andrew Cuomo who managed to create the Senate Independent Democratic Conference to keep the Republicans in control.  And this year, Governor Andrew Cuomo is supporting Republican Senator Mark Grisanti instead of his Democratic opponent to keep the Republicans in control.

Ladies and gentlemen, please join me on November 4th to send the greatest message we can by voting for Rob Astorino for Governor of the State of New York.

This is Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az, and this is what you should know. 

Bronx Community Board 7 Public Hearing

Community Board 7 will be having a Public Hearing regarding the ULURP Application for Library Lane, City Map Change (Application #: C 140282 MMX)

The details are as follows:

When: Wednesday, November 5th, 2014
Time:  6:30 P.M
Where: Community Board #7 Office

229-A East 204th Street

Bronx, NY 10458

Should you have additional questions regarding this email, feel free to contact us at the number below.

Thank you.

Maria F. Baez
Community Associate
Community Board # 7
229-A East 204th Street
Bronx, New York 10458
Tel:          (718) 933-5650
Fax:         (718) 933-1829

Saturday, October 18, 2014


  Mr. Fernando Pinata of the Castle Hill Neighborhood Betterment Association leads a protest rally against a proposed Days Inn motel that the organization and elected official believe will turn into a 'Hot Sheet Motel'. Over 100 local residents, State Senator Jeff Klein, Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, and Community Board 9 Chair William Rivera joined the protest. 

Above - State Senator Jeff Klein talks about a new bill that he and Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda have introduced for any new development of a hotel/motel in the Bronx to be required to go through a community review process before the community and local community board.
Right - Assemblyman Sepulveda adds to what Senator Klein said, and congratulates his neighbors and constituents for coming to the rally.

Left - Community activist Mr. Fernando Pinata thanks the elected officials for their help in getting a "Stop Work Order' on the site of a proposed Days Inn the community says will become a 'Hot Sheet Motel'. 
Below - Senator Klein and Assemblyman Sepulveda joined in on the march in front of the site.

Above - The Jet Set Hotel alleged to be a 'Hot Sheet Motel' was said to be owned by the developer of the Days Inn Motel on Bruckner Blvd.
Right - St. Barnabas Hospital is within two blocks of the Jet Set Hotel located on 3rd Avenue in the middle of many auto shops.

Bronx Chamber of Commerce Events and Bronx Builder Awards Dinner

Bronx Chamber Logo
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce 
cordially invites you to join us for our upcoming events...

For more information call: 718-828-3900 
To RSVP send an e-mail to:



Friday, October 17, 2014

What You Should Know

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District

  Governor Andrew Cuomo's Private Plane 

You should know that this week, while New York Governor Andrew Cuomo jetted off with his staff in a private plane to pander to leaders in Santo Domingo and Puerto Rico, the Dominican Hispanic elected officials were not given the same courtesy treatment as his staff and and had to travel on a commercial plane.  The same is true for the Puerto Rican Hispanic elected officials traveling to Puerto Rico from New York to support Governor Andrew Cuomo.  No private plane - they all had to fly commercial like Cuomo and is staff traveled like royalty in his private plane. 

You should know that despite his many flaws, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg never relegated any elected officials who accompanied him to travel on commercial airlines while he flew in his private plane.  Those who traveled with Bloomberg were treated like family members.  

It is disgraceful that Governor Andrew Cuomo did not welcome New York Hispanic elected officials to join him and travel with him in his private plane as they went out of their way to demonstrate support for his campaign. 

Ladies and gentlemen, if this is how Governor Andrew Cuomo treats members of his political family, what more can the rest of us expect from him? 

This is Senator RubĂ©n DĂ­az, and this is what you should know.

Editors Note:  Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. has endorsed Republican Rob Astorino for governor over the incumbent Democrat  Andrew Cuomo.

New York City's Speed Limit is Changing to 25 MPH on November 7, 2014

BigApps winners Jeff Novich and Josh Weitzman

Embedded image permalink

Starting November 7th, the speed limit on all New York City streets will be 25 MPH unless otherwise posted.

By getting New York drivers to slow down, we will prevent crashes, protect New Yorkers from injury and save lives. Lowering the speed limit to 25MPH is one aspect of the Mayor’s comprehensive Vision Zero Action Plan to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries.

The new 25 MPH speed limit will affect all NYC streets, except those where a different speed limit is posted. The speed limit on our highways will remain the same. Some big streets, which have been designed to accommodate faster speeds will remain at 30 MPH. Other streets, particularly streets near schools, may have a lower speed limit posted. 

Questions? Please visit

Thursday, October 16, 2014

New York Observer - Mayor de Blasio Only Measures his Buccess by How Many People are on Welfare

  In addition to the headline The Observer also writes that Astorino would like to see a Walmart open up in New York City in an interview with the papers editorial board. Astorino adds that Walmart is a good thing for poor neighborhoods so people have lower prices and job opportunities. 

  Astorino then is quoted as saying that Success should not be measured by how many people are on welfare, which Astorino thinks that is how Mayor Bill de Blasio sees success as. Astorino added in the interview that the goal should be to get people off welfare. 

  I don't see the New York Observer endorsing Rob Astorino for Governor, and you can find the entire article at the link in the first line of this post.

Walmart Targeted in Day of Protests at City Hall and Outside Home of Walmart Heiress

  26 people were arrested outside the upper East Side home of Walmart Heiress Alice Walmart The Daily News Article reports, in that two separate rallies were held against the Walmart chain. One anti Walmart rally was held at City Hall where Public Advocate Letitia James and City Comptroller Scott Stringer attended, and the other outside the upper East Side home of Walmart heiress Alice Walmart.

  At City Hall James and Stringer slammed the Walmart chain charging that the chains influence has driven down wages and other benefits at their competition to compete with Walmart. Full time hours, consistent schedules, and a living wage of $15 an hour,” were demanded by Public Advocate James of Walmart. Comptroller Stringer mentioned that small businesses are disappearing, Walmart will be hold to a higher standard, and that Walmart is not going to be let in to the city because of what they are doing. 

  Walmart has no stores in New York City after a failed attempt two years ago at opening a store in East New York.