Sunday, September 13, 2020

Comptroller Stringer, State Senator Liu, and Assemblymember Rozic Call on the City to Implement Green Roofs Tax Abatement and Spur Development of Green Roofs Across the City


Urge executive order to kickstart program to incentivize building green roofs in areas of the City suffering from lack of green space, intense heat, or sewer overflows

Tax abatement would generate green jobs and mitigate ongoing environmental and health inequities that put low-income communities and communities of color at risk

Every dollar invested in green roofs is estimated to generate two to three dollars in societal return

  New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer joined with State Senator John Liu and Assemblymember Nily Rozic to send a letter to Mayor de Blasio calling on the City to implement the Green Roofs Tax Abatement and catalyze the development of green roofs across the city. Comptroller Stringer, State Senator Liu and Assembymember Rozic urged Mayor de Blasio to sign an executive order authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability to implement the new Green Roof Tax Abatement and to designate high-need areas for green roof installation. The Green Roofs Tax Abatement, sponsored by State Senator Liu and Assemblymember Rozic and signed into law by Governor Cuomo, stems from recommendations made in 2018 by Comptroller Stringer and Danielle Spiegel-Feld, a professor at New York University Law School.

“As we continue to tackle our public health crisis and grapple with the economic fallout of COVID-19, we must remember we’re still in the midst of the climate crisis. We can’t postpone our climate fight until after the pandemic — we have to use every tool at our disposal right now to take it on,” said Comptroller Stringer. “Every dollar invested in green roofs reaps double or triple in societal returns and pays major public health and environmental dividends in communities on the frontlines of climate change. Green roofs cut energy costs and carbon emissions, mitigate flooding, insulate buildings, and cool entire neighborhoods. We have to seize every opportunity to work towards a cleaner, greener future.”

“The green roofs tax abatement program is a small yet smart investment in green infrastructure that will reap huge benefits for New York City,” said State Senator Liu. “Though we are facing many challenges these days, fighting climate change must remain a top priority. Letting the green roofs program wither on the vine is short-sighted and would do a disservice to the outerborough communities who most need the jobs, the green space, and the societal and financial benefits that come with an investment in green infrastructure. The Mayor must prove his commitment to creating a sustainable future for NYC by signing an executive order to activate this program without delay.”

“When we renewed the City’s Green Roof Tax Abatement Program, we knew it was integral to investing in green infrastructure and addressing the realities of climate change in our communities,” said Assemblymember Rozic. “To delay its implementation any further denies our most vulnerable neighborhoods the opportunity to reap many benefits amidst an environmental and public health crisis.”

The new Green Roof Tax Abatement incentivizes the construction of green roofs by tripling the tax abatement in areas of the city that are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The program, now capped at $1 million per year, would drive the development and retention of green infrastructure jobs that will form a critical part of the City’s economic recovery as well as mitigate ongoing environmental and health inequities that put low-income communities and communities of color at risk. Furthermore, the Comptroller underscores that every dollar invested in green roofs is estimated to generate an estimated two to three dollars in societal return.

The letter highlights several advantages of green roofs, including absorbing stormwater, reducing runoff by more than 50 percent and averting combined sewer overflows and localized flooding, insulating buildings, cutting energy use and associated carbon emissions, and mitigating the urban heat island effect that imperils seniors and other residents susceptible to heat stress. Green roofs keep individual rooftops 30 to 40 degrees cooler than conventional roofs and can help lower temperatures across entire neighborhoods, and can even be turned into community space for New Yorkers to enjoy the outdoors.

The Green Roofs Tax Abatement was restructured and reauthorized last year with the goal of catalyzing the development of green roofs across the City’s 62 square miles of roof space. According to the Nature Conservancy, less than 0.1% of New York City’s one million buildings boast green roofs, and the bulk of existing green roofs are concentrated in Manhattan. The new abatement aims to offer an enhanced credit to areas most in need of critical green space and infrastructure, including communities like Eastern Queens, the South Bronx, Central Brooklyn, and other neighborhoods.

To read the full letter from Comptroller Stringer, State Senator Liu and Assembly member Rozic to Mayor de Blasio, click here.

Libertarian Party Visits the Bronx

Larry Sharpe, The Libertarian Party candidate for Governor of New York State in 2018, received 90,816 giving the Libertarian Party qualified party status, and automatic ballot access for the first time in the history of the party's existence. A minor party needed a minimum of 50,000 votes to become a recognized New York State party with an automatic ballot line. Warren Redilch in 2010 received only 48,386 votes, the most of any Libertarian Party candidate since the party's inception in 1971.

In talking with Mr. Sharpe, he said that he had taken a year and a half off without receiving any compensation in his bid for governor in 2018. He said that currently there are slightly over 13,000 members of the Libertarian Party of New York. He has traveled around the state to ask people to vote on the Libertarian Party line this year, because new ballot laws passed this year now require that minor parties receive a minimum of 130,000 votes each year, instead of 50,000 votes once every four years during the governors election year. 

A mix of the Democrats and Republicans was seen by the people who attended this dinner to meet Larry Sharpe in the Bronx. The Libertarian Party of New York is dedicated to the principle that free people have the right to do anything they please, except to initiate force, the threat of force, or fraud, against other persons or their property.

Above - Larry Sharpe explaining what he is doing to help the Libertarian Party maintain its current qualified party status in New York State.

Below - Libertarian Party candidate Oz Sultan (a registered Republican) for the 30th State Senate District tells why he chose to run on the Libertarian Party line.  

There were many questions for Larry Sharpe, including if he was going to run for governor in 2022, which he did not rule out.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Bridgeport Police Chief And Personnel Director Charged With Fraud, False Statements In Connection With City’s Hiring Of The Police Chief


Defendants Alleged to Have Rigged Police Chief Exam, Misappropriated City’s Confidential Information

  Audrey Strauss, Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Acting Under Authority Conferred by 28 U.S.C. § 515, and David Sundberg, Special Agent-in-Charge, New Haven Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced the arrest of ARMANDO J. PEREZ, the Chief of Police of the City of Bridgeport, Connecticut (the “City”), and DAVID DUNN, the City’s acting personnel director, for defrauding the City by rigging the 2018 police chief examination, mandated by the City’s Charter, to ensure PEREZ would be selected for the position.  PEREZ and DUNN were also charged with making false statements to federal agents in the course of the investigation.  Both defendants are expected to appear before U.S. Magistrate Judge William I. Garfinkel in Bridgeport federal court this afternoon.

Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “As alleged, Chief Perez and Personnel Director Dunn schemed to rig the purportedly impartial and objective search for a permanent police chief to ensure the position was awarded to Perez, and then repeatedly lied to federal agents in order to conceal their conduct.  Bridgeport’s citizens and police officers deserve leaders with integrity who are committed to enforcing, not breaking, the law, and we thank the FBI for their partnership in investigating and uncovering the scheme alleged.”   

FBI Special Agent-in-Charge David Sundberg said:  “I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the members of the United States Attorney’s Offices in both the Southern District of New York as well as Connecticut for their professionalism and invaluable assistance in this case. Today’s arrest of city officials including a high ranking, long-time law enforcement officer is a stark reminder that the betrayal of public trust and community members by a public servant is not only unethical but often illegal. We recognize these arrests are not a reflection on the Bridgeport Police Department as a whole, but it is our responsibility to root out injustice and corruption by any and all elected and appointed officials entrusted to protect and serve with honor. We at the FBI will continue to aggressively pursue all those engaged in matters of public corruption throughout Connecticut.”

According to the allegations contained in the Complaint unsealed upon the defendants’ arrest, and publicly available information:[1]

The Scheme to Rig the City of Bridgeport’s Police Chief Exam

The charges alleged in the Complaint arise from a criminal scheme to rig the City’s search for a new Bridgeport Police Department (“BPD”) chief in 2018.  During the course of this scheme, PEREZ – who was serving as the acting BPD chief at the time – conspired with DUNN, who is and was at that time the City’s acting personnel director, to deceive the City by secretly rigging the supposedly independent search process for a new BPD chief to ensure that PEREZ was ranked as one of the top three candidates and could therefore be awarded a five-year contract to serve as the BPD chief.

More specifically, in or about February 2018, the City commenced a search to fill the position of permanent Chief of Police.  Under the City’s Charter, the City was required to conduct an “open and competitive examination” to determine the top three scoring candidates for the position, from which the mayor could then choose.  DUNN, in his role as the personnel director, oversaw the police chief examination process, and retained an outside consultant (“Consultant-1”) to assist with developing and carrying out the exam.  DUNN and PEREZ then manipulated that examination process in multiple ways:  DUNN stole confidential examination questions and related information developed by Consultant-1, and provided those materials to PEREZ, including by email; DUNN had Consultant-1 tailor the examination scoring criteria to favor PEREZ; PEREZ enlisted two BPD officers to secretly draft and write PEREZ’s written exam; and DUNN attempted to influence a panelist, tasked with ranking the candidates in the last stage of the exam, to ensure that PEREZ was scored as one of the top three candidates. 

As a result of the scheme, the City was deceived into ranking PEREZ among the top three candidates, which rendered him eligible for the permanent police chief position.  The mayor ultimately offered the position to PEREZ, and the City, under the assurance that PEREZ had been appointed in accordance with the City Charter, entered into a five-year contract with PEREZ, the terms of which included a payout of more than $300,000 to PEREZ for accrued leave.

False Statements by PEREZ and DUNN

PEREZ and DUNN were each voluntarily interviewed in connection with the FBI’s investigation.  In an attempt to conceal their conduct, during those interviews they both lied to FBI agents about facts material to the criminal investigation.  PEREZ provided false and misleading information about the assistance DUNN and others had provided him in connection with the examination process, including his requests to a BPD officer to sneak into headquarters to retrieve stolen confidential information provided by DUNN.  DUNN falsely denied requesting an exam panelist ensure that PEREZ was scored as one of the top three candidates.

PEREZ, 64, of Trumbull, Connecticut, and DUNN, 72, of Stratford, Connecticut, are each charged with one count of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, each of which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. PEREZ is also charged with two counts of false statements to federal investigators, and DUNN is charged with one count of false statements to federal investigators, each of which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by a judge.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding work of the FBI and the Special Agents of the U.S. Attorney’s Office. 

The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

 [1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint, and the description of the Complaint set forth herein, constitutes only allegations, and every fact described therein should be treated as an allegation.

Attorney General Letitia James Obtains Refunds for Consumers Who Purchased Simply Certificates Gift Cards

For Over Two Years, Simply Certificates Sold Illegal Gift Certificates to Western New Yorkers

 Attorney General James secured refunds for New Yorkers who had purchased gift cards that expired earlier than legally permitted. The court order resolves a lawsuit filed earlier this year in Erie County against gift card company “Simply Certificates,” which profited by selling gift cards to consumers with illegal expiration dates. New Yorkers purchased gift cards from Simply Certificates that expired one year from the purchase date, in violation of New York state law that requires a 5-year period before a gift card can expire.

“At a time when so many are hurting financially due to the COVID-19 pandemic and recession, this will put money back in the pockets of New Yorkers,” said Attorney General James.“The greedy practices of Simply Certificates are simply unacceptable and illegal. Let this serve as a warning to any company that seeks to steal from New Yorkers: We will hold you accountable.” 

Consumers were also charged reissuance fees for expired gift cards — terms which were not disclosed to the consumer at the time of purchase. Simply Certificates has agreed to offer eligible consumers the ability to get a refund or exchange their certificate via mail, free of charge. Additionally, they are also required to pay a penalty of $10,000 to the state of New York.

Eligible consumers must have purchased a certificate any time between December 25, 2016 and August 4, 2020. Consumers may request an exchange at any time, but those seeking a refund must submit their refund request by December 31, 2020. Those that are eligible can access further instructions on Simply Certificates’ website, where a form can be accessed to begin the process of receiving an exchange or a refund.



Schumer, Gillibrand Say Federal $$ Awarded To Albany, Herkimer, Niagara, Erie, Cattaraugus, And Steuben Counties Will Invest in Economic Revitalization of Counties 

Senators: EDA Funding Will Help Upstate NY Small Businesses Recover

  U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced federal funding totaling $19,135,194 allocated by the Economic Development Administration (EDA) for Albany, Herkimer, Niagara, Erie, Cattaraugus, and Steuben Counties. This funding will help capitalize a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) for counties to provide assistance to small business and entrepreneurs impacted by the pandemic, with additional funding to cover administrative costs for deploying that business assistance.

“In these trying and unprecedented times, the federal government should do everything in its power to support our small businesses and put local economies on track to recovery and that is why I insisted this EDA funding be included in the CARES Act Congress passed to deal with COVID-19,” said Senator Schumer. “This federal funding will begin that process by helping small businesses and entrepreneurs in Upstate New York weather this crisis and help the economy bounce back. I will continue to fight and make sure that small businesses and local New York economies have the tools and support they need to rebuild from this crisis.”

“Communities across New York are hurting from the devastating economic impact of the ongoing pandemic,” said Senator Gillibrand. “This critical federal funding will help Upstate New York recover from the pandemic’s economic disruptions, and will ensure local businesses have the tools needed drive growth and create meaningful jobs. I will keep fighting in the Senate for the resources needed to stimulate the economy and ensure New York communities are stronger than ever before.”

Specifically, Albany County Business Development Corporation will receive $8,755,500, Mohawk Valley Economic Development District in Herkimer County will receive $3,014,000, Niagara County Industrial Development Authority will receive $737,000, Erie County Industrial Development Agency will receive $5,415,694, Southern Tier Enterprise Development Organization in Cattaraugus County will receive $660,000, and Regional Economic Development & Energy Corporation will receive $550,000.

Schumer played an integral role in the Senate to negotiate EDA funding for economic development assistance programs into the CARES Act to help communities prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID crisis.

Governor Cuomo Announces 35th Straight Day with COVID-19 Infection Rate Below 1 Percent


0.98 Percent of Yesterday's COVID-19 Tests were Positive

5 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

SLA and State Police Task Force Visits 1,380 Establishments; Observes 7 Establishments Not in Compliance

Confirms 880 Additional Coronavirus Cases in New York State - Bringing Statewide Total to 442,791; New Cases in 48 Counties

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the 35th straight day that New York State's COVID-19 infection rate has been below 1 percent. The number of new cases, percentage of tests that were positive and many other helpful data points are always available at

"New York's ability to beat back COVID-19 and slow the spread depends on what we do. That's why it's so important to wear a mask, socially distance and wash your hands, and why local governments are critical partners in enforcing state guidance," Governor Cuomo said. "When informed citizens stay safe and play by the rules, 35 straight days with an infection rate below 1 percent is what you get. Now we have to stay New York Tough and maintain a vigilant attitude so we don't go back to the hell we experienced."

Yesterday, the State Liquor Authority and State Police Task Force visited 1,380 establishments in New York City and Long Island and observed 7 establishments that were not in compliance with state requirements. A county breakdown of yesterday's observed violations is below:

  • Manhattan - 1
  • Nassau - 1
  • Suffolk - 5

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Patient Hospitalization - 474 (-8)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 68
  • Hospital Counties - 32
  • Number ICU - 120 (+0)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 54 (-1)
  • Total Discharges - 75,649 (+65)
  • Deaths - 5
  • Total Deaths - 25,382

Friday, September 11, 2020

District 13 Clean Up 9/17 and Food, Face Mask, and Hand Sanitizer Giveaway 9/15


Bronx Jewish Community Council - Pelham Parkway Jewish Community Needs Your Help


The hard pressed remaining synagogues in the 
Pelham Parkway neighborhood are facing
unprecedented challenges in reopening for 
High Holiday services.

Some need to rent space because their existing
sanctuaries are too small to accommodate synagogue
services while enforcing Social Distancing rules.
All need to do greater measures of cleaning and
disinfecting. Masks and hand sanitizers have to be 
readily available. 

The synagogues have all appealed to the Council for help in meeting 
these needs. Our goal is to have $7200 available for these 
new emergency costs.

Please help us meet our goal.

Please put Pelham Parkway in dedication



  Bronx Jewish Community Council

2930 Wallace AvenueBronx, NY 10467