Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013 Baseball Hall of Fame Voting

Below are the results of the 2013 Baseball Hall of Fame Voting taken from the web site. As you will see no player has meet the 75% required vote for induction. The last time this occurred was in 1996. The Veterans Committee did select Jacob Ruppert, Deacon White, and Hank O'Day.
You can click on any name to see their stats courtesy of baseball-reference,com.
2013 Voting
75% required for induction
Less than 75% of vote, but still on ballot.
Craig Biggio 388 68.2% 1st Yr
Jack Morris 385 67.7% 66.7%
Jeff Bagwell 339 59.6% 56.0%
Mike Piazza 329 57.8% 1st Yr
Tim Raines 297 52.2% 48.7%
Lee Smith 272 47.8% 50.6%
Curt Schilling 221 38.8% 1st Yr
Roger Clemens 214 37.6% 1st Yr
Barry Bonds 206 36.2% 1st Yr
Edgar Martinez 204 35.9% 36.5%
Alan Trammell 191 33.6% 36.8%
Larry Walker 123 21.6% 22.9%
Fred McGriff 118 20.7% 23.9%
Dale Murphy** 106 18.6% 14.5%
Mark McGwire 96 16.9% 19.5%
Don Mattingly 75 13.2% 17.8%
Sammy Sosa 71 12.5% 1st Yr
Rafael Palmeiro 50 8.8% 12.6%
Less than 5%, will not be on next year's ballot
Bernie Williams 19 3.3% 9.6%
Kenny Lofton 18 3.2% 1st Yr
Sandy Alomar 16 2.8% 1st Yr
Julio Franco 6 1.1% 1st Yr
David Wells 5 0.9% 1st Yr
Steve Finley 4 0.7% 1st Yr
Shawn Green 2 0.4% 1st Yr
Aaron Sele 1 0.2% 1st Yr
Reggie Sanders 0 0.0% 1st Yr
Jeff Cirillo 0 0.0% 1st Yr
Woody Williams 0 0.0% 1st Yr
Rondell White 0 0.0% 1st Yr
Ryan Klesko 0 0.0% 1st Yr
Roberto Hernandez0 0.0% 1st Yr
Royce Clayton 0 0.0% 1st Yr
Jeff Conine 0 0.0% 1st Yr
Mike Stanton 0 0.0% 1st Yr
Jose Mesa 0 0.0% 1st Yr
Todd Walker 0 0.0% 1st Yr
**15 yrs on ballot, will not be on next year's ballot 



   Former Bronx Councilman Larry Seabrook who was found guilty on nine counts of fraud and conspiracy was given his sentence of five years in jail by Federal Justice Deborah Batts. The U.S. Attorney  had requested that Seabrook get at least a seven year sentence. The judge also ordered Seabrook to repay just over $619,000.00 in restitution, and Seabrook has until March 8th to report to prison. 
   It was then Councilman Seabrook who said during the debate on changing the term limit law that he needed ten years in office to be able to get his full pension. It is our understanding that his pension will now be forfeited with this conviction.

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   Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. has announced his office’s final tally of constituent service’s cases from 2012.

In total, Borough President Diaz’s Constituent Services Unit handled 3,428 different cases last year on a wide variety of issues, including housing, employment, traffic, transportation and other concerns.

“Constituent service has been a top priority of mine for as long as I’ve been an elected official. Each of these cases represents an individual, a family or even a community that came to us for help, and each of them received the full attention of my office. The most basic service of any elected official is helping their constituents with everyday problems, and I am proud that my wonderful constituent service unit was able to help so many Bronxites,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Housing, by far, was the largest area of service in Borough President Diaz’s office, as the Constituent Services Unit handled 1,970 total housing cases in 2012. Cases included rental disputes, New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) issues and applications for new developments, among others.

For the most part, Bronxites who were assisted by the Constituent Services Unit were extremely grateful for the help they received.

“Words cannot begin to express the gratitude that I have for you and your wonderful employees,” said one letter from a constituent who was helped with a Section 8 housing voucher issue. “Your office is the ray of light that the Bronx has been yearning for; to have a political leader that truly cares about his community.”

Borough President Diaz added that while such praise was welcome, his office was not in it for the accolades, but to help everyday Bronx residents improve their lives.

“My office will continue to all those who need our help. Those in need of assistance should feel free to contact my Constituent Services Unit to see what we can do for you,” said Borough President Diaz.

The Borough President’s Constituent Services Unit can be reached at (718) 590-3554.

Proposed Agenda for CFMC Meeting on January 17th

Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting
Thursday, January 17, 2013 – 7:00 PM
DEP Office – 3660 Jerome Avenue, Bronx NY 10467 - (718) 231-8470

I  Welcome & Set 2013 CFMC Objectives  --       Bob Fanuzzi, Chair

II Consider & Adopt January CFMC Agenda  --    CFMC Representatives

III Consider, Adopt 12/6/12 Meeting Minutes  --   CFMC Representatives

IV Update on Coordination of JPR Jogging Path  --   DEP, DPR
 Design & Construction

V Update on Current and Future Croton-Funded  Parks Projects  --  Steve Des Noyer, DPR

VI Croton Construction Update, Including - Sedgwick Ave, Traffic Stipulations - Status of VCP Green Roof - Check out & Test Plant Equipment -- Vincent Moorehead, P.E., DEP
VII Construction Schedule & Costs Report  --  Vincent Moorehead, P.E., DEP

VIII Correspondence Concerning Backup Generator at Croton Filter Plant   --  CFMC Representatives 
IX Croton Jobs and Bronx Purchases  --  Shane Ojar, DEP
Tom Farrell, Construction Mgmt

X   CFMC Discussion & Set Date for Next Meeting  --   CFMC Representatives
XI  Adjourn

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


      Comptroller John C. Liu hailed federal Judge Shira Scheindlin’s ruling today, stating the following:

“Judge Scheindlin today ruled what many of us already felt in our hearts — that police subjecting so many people to ‘stop and frisk,’ almost all of whom did nothing wrong, is unbecoming of the free and democratic society that New York City represents.  On this basis alone, even without addressing the racial profiling nature of NYPD stop and frisk, the practice must be abolished.  It’s time to restore trust between the community and police so that New York’s Finest can best keep our City safe, while maintaining the public’s interest in liberty and dignity, as described by Judge Scheindlin.”

Visit for the latest news, events, and initiatives.
Follow Comptroller Liu on 

RE: Federal Court Ruling on Stop & Frisk

“The NYPD needs to reassess and revisit their training methods in order to implement programs that residents find helpful, such as ‘Trespassing Affidavit Program,’ in a manner that does not impinge upon state and federal constitutional rights

“I am opposed to the NYPD’s ‘stop & frisk’ program as it is currently constituted.  Yet I know that my constituents have expressed to my office in our 2011 quality of life survey that greater police presence was a high priority to them. In addition, I hear from constituents all the time that they value the ‘Trespassing Affidavit Program,” which could be greatly affected by today’s ruling.

“Not all stops are misused, but many are. I prefer a return to a ‘stop, question & frisk’ program as we had in the past, as it would provide for greater investigation by our police prior to physical contact. The NYPD needs to address policies that will reconcile the desire for greater police presence without the fear of harassment, and I am prepared to work with our police department on such a plan,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


Free Coats Offered to Neighborhood Residents in Need

The Bronx, NYC (Neighborhood of Belmont)  – on Saturday - January 12th, the Perez family-owned C-Town Supermarket along with the help of Health Plus, will distribute over 100 coats to Bronx neighborhood residents.  Local residents can collect their coats at the C-Town store on East 187th Street & Crescent Avenue, where festivities begin at 10am and included health insurance consultations until noon. 

Radame Perez, who represents the third generation in his family’s grocery business, expressed the importance of such an event during these tough economic times.  “It’s very important that we as a community look out and care for each other,” said Mr. Perez.  “While unemployment seems to be on the rise, our winter temperatures are on the decline.  That’s why we felt, as a family-owned business and longtime neighbor, the need to help as many of our neighbors as possible to keep warm this winter.”

The Perez’s C-Town supermarket has been an active neighborhood store in the heart of the Belmont section of the Bronx and has proudly served the residents of “Little Italy” for over 30 years. 

“Partnering with Health Plus in this public gesture of giving seemed obvious, as the effects of the bone-chilling cold weather and subsequent health conditions too often correlate,” said Mr. Perez.  “This type of effort was the least we could do for many of our patrons.”

WHAT: Coat Drive for Bronx Residents
WHO: C-Town Supermarket & Health Plus
WHEN: Saturday, January 12, 2013
TIME: 10am – 2pm
WHERE: C-Town, 668 Crescent Avenue (corner of E. 187th Street,) Bronx, NY 

Editor's Note:  
     This event last year was a huge success. City Comptroller John Liu attended last year, and you can check the archive section Jan. 14, 2012  or click here   to get to the story from last year.


Monday, January 7, 2013


    Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. today invited Bronx residents to make a difference in their community by joining their local Community Board. The Office of the Bronx Borough President will be accepting applications for all 12 Community Boards from city residents who reside, work or have professional or other significant interests in the Bronx.

     “Participation on local Community Boards can provide Bronx residents with a forum to share with their community their expertise and talents,” said Borough President Diaz. “It is important that community residents participate in the decision making process in their communities on important budget, land use and service delivery issues.” 

    Applications are available at the Community Board office Room 207 of the Bronx Borough President located at 851 Grand Concourse (E.161st.), your local community board office, or on-line at . The deadline for submission of applications for the next round of appointments is February 8, 2013. Visit for more information about Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

What You Should Know

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York

It is Better to Give than to Receive

   You should know that not only is my Christmas Party the biggest Christmas Party and the “one” to attend every year in the City of New York where elected officials and dignitaries join close to 1000 people to celebrate our Christmas tradition, but also, my Three Kings Day Celebration has become the biggest Three Kings Day Celebration in the City of New York, where close to 1000 children receive free toys and backpacks filled with school supplies.

I was very proud and honored this weekend during the Three Kings Day Celebration to have in attendance three of the candidates for Mayor of the City of New York who not only came to the South Bronx to say hello to the children and their parents, but also to bring some gifts for the children.  Of these three Mayoral Candidates who were in attendance, Public Advocate Bill DeBlasio, Former Comptroller Billy Thompson, and Reverend Erick Salgado, it was Bill DeBlasio who stole the show by bringing the most expensive toys.

The contribution made by Mr. John Catsimatidis, who did not attend because he was with his family in California, was also well appreciated by the organizers.

This year, along with Mayoral Candidates, I had the special honor of being joined by Senator Andrea Stewart Cousins, the first woman elected to Chair the New York’s Democratic Senate Conference; Bronx Borough President RubĂ©n DĂ­az, Jr.; Assemblymen Marcos Crespo and Luis Sepulveda; and Council Members Letitia James and Melissa Mark-Viverito.

You should know about how the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York continues to participate yearly at this Three Kings Day Celebration.  Even though there are very few Chinese people who live in the South Bronx, for the past five years not only has Taiwan's Ambassador Andrew Kao (and former Taiwan Ambassador Kenneth Liao) and the Taiwanese delegation come to the South Bronx for our Three Kings Day event, but they have also been providing backpacks filled with school supplies to the poor and needy children of the South Bronx. Their generosity is greatly appreciated, especially during these times of economic stress in our community.

I want to make special mention of the generosity and participation of Mr. Pat Lynch, President of the Patrolman’s Benevolent Association and Mr. Joseph Alejandro, the PBA Treasurer, who has attended this event for the past few years.  I also want to publicly recognize and thank the Hispanic Federation, who for the past few years has contributed toys and has helped to coordinate this event, and to the Principal, Ms. Mary Padilla and administration of PS 5 who has welcome our cultural event there.

Finally, you should know that for the past 10 years, this tremendous humanitarian event – filled with good will and the joy of giving to the poor and the needy – has been sponsored by the Christian Community Benevolent Association, Affinity Health Plan, and the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization.

I am deeply honored and very proud to have the help and participation of all these leaders and organizations because they have a clear understanding of the Biblical mandate that it is better to give than to receive.

This is Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.