Monday, June 25, 2018

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW By Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz


You should know that rumor has it the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Board of Directors has quietly decided to dedicate next year’s parade to the Mayor of San Juan Puerto Rico, the Honorable Carmen Yulin Cruz, in order to help her aspiration of becoming the Governor of Puerto Rico.

But now, it is important for you to know the Mayor of San Juan Puerto Rico, Carmen Yulin Cruz, and her administration are being investigated by the FBI for corruption - according to many Puerto Rican news media outlets.

Among the Puerto Rican news media outlets reporting this conduct are: El Vocero de Puerto Rico,, Telemundo PR and many others.

Mayor Yulin Cruz and her administration are under fire for allegedly obstructing critical supplies from reaching victims of the Category-4 Hurricane, Maria, that leveled much of the small island of Puerto Rico less than a year ago. 

You should know my dear reader that for many weeks after Hurricane Maria, Mayor Yulin Cruz made headlines for her comments about President Trump and the Governor of Puerto Rico’s administration slow response to the victims of Puerto Rico. It now appears it was not Governor Rosello and President Trump’s slow aid keeping the supplies from reaching the residents of San Juan, but hers, according to the Epoch Times report.

I don’t know how the FBI investigation will affect the future plans to dedicate next year’s National Puerto Rican Day Parade to Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz. Nor do I know if Mayor Yulin Cruz’s aspiration to run for Governor of Puerto Rico will have to be put on ice.

As I used to say, back in those days to my friends Jose Rivera and Isreal Martinez “We’ll see”.

This is Councilman Rev Ruben Diaz, Sr and this is what you should know.


Reverend Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr., you should tell your son Ruben Diaz Jr., and Bronx Democratic County Leader Marcos Crespo of this.

Didn't your son Ruben Diaz Jr. help remove your friend Jose Rivera as the Bronx Democratic County Leader?

That is what you need to know.

A.G. Underwood Announces Sentencing Of Registered Nurse Who Stole Over $390,000 From Medicaid

Private RN Collins Anyanwu-Mueller Defrauded Medicaid by Submitting False Claims for Severely Disabled Patients for Nearly Five Years 
Anyanwu-Mueller Sentenced to 1 Year in Jail, Agreed to Pay Full Restitution 
  Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood today announced the sentencing of registered nurse Collins Anyanwu-Mueller, 48, of Seymour, Connecticut, for stealing over $390,000 from Medicaid. On November 2, 2017, Anyanwu-Mueller pleaded guilty to Grand Larceny in the Third Degree, a Class D felony, after an investigation conducted by the Attorney General’s office revealed that, over the course of nearly five years, Anyanwu-Mueller submitted false claims for private duty nursing services that he never provided to severely disabled patients.
Anyanwu-Mueller was sentenced in Westchester County Court in White Plains by the Honorable Barry H. Warhit to one year in jail. Prior to sentencing Anyanwu-Mueller paid the State of New York $25,000 and has agreed to pay the remaining $367,954 in restitution owed.
“The Medicaid home care program is meant to provide vital care to severely disabled New Yorkers,” said Attorney General Underwood. “Fraudsters who rip off Medicaid will be caught and prosecuted.”
An investigation by the Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) uncovered that between August 2010 and January 2015, Anyanwu-Mueller submitted claims for payment to Medicaid in which he falsely represented that he provided private-duty nursing services to two severely disabled Medicaid recipients. Anyanwu-Mueller’s false claims included instances when the recipients were in the hospital, when another nurse provided the care, when he was in Europe, when he was caring for another Medicaid recipient, and for an extended period when he sent an unlicensed person to the recipient’s home but billed Medicaid as if he provided the care himself. Both Medicaid recipients required around-the-clock care at their respective homes located in New Rochelle and Pleasantville, New York.
The Attorney General thanks the New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General for its referral in this matter.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Sues Herbal Drug Manufacturer For Selling Misbranded And Unapproved Drugs In Violation Of The Federal Food, Drug, And Cosmetic Act

  Geoffrey Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Melinda Plaisier, Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”), announced today the filing of a Complaint against defendants RAHSAN A. HAKIM (“Hakim”) and ADONIIAH A. RAHSAN (“Rahsan”) for repeated violations of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.  HAKIM and RAHSAN do business as Sundial Herbal Products. 

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman said:  “As alleged in the complaint, the defendants are the modern incarnation of snake oil salesmen, selling the unsuspecting public unapproved or misbranded drugs that they claim, without basis, will cure cancer, diabetes, and other serious illnesses.  They have repeatedly been warned that their conduct violates the law, yet have continued to sell unapproved, adulterated, and misbranded drugs.  Our lawsuit seeks an injunction preventing them from continuing this illegal conduct.”
FDA Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs Melinda Plaisier said:  “Dietary supplements pose a public health risk when they claim to treat medical conditions, such as asthma, diabetes or cancer, which puts them into the category of misbranded and unapproved drugs.  The FDA will continue to take action to protect the public when companies violate the law.”
The Complaint, filed today in federal court in Manhattan, alleges that defendants manufacture and sell various unapproved drugs and dietary supplements that claim to cure, treat, and/or prevent numerous diseases and conditions, including but not limited to syphilis, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, heart disease, and cancer.  None of their products has been tested or approved by the FDA for safety or effectiveness.  Their sale of such products poses a threat to public health because the products’ disease treatment claims may cause consumers to delay appropriate medical care for the serious medical issues described above.  Further, defendants cannot guarantee the identity, purity, strength, and composition of their dietary supplements.
Defendants have been inspected by the FDA multiple times, and, despite repeated promises to do so, have failed to correct their violations of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.           
The Complaint seeks an order enjoining defendants from manufacturing and selling drugs and dietary supplements in violation of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Mr. Berman thanked the FDA for its work leading to the Complaint.

A.G. Underwood Announces Election Day Hotline To Protect Voter Access During June Federal Primary Election

Voters Experiencing Problems Can Call 800-771-7755 Or Email Between 6AM And 9PM On Election Day
Attorney General’s Hotline Troubleshoots A Range Of Election Day Issues
  Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood announced her office’s Election Day Hotline, which will help troubleshoot and resolve a range of issues encountered by voters at the polls during the federal primary election on Tuesday, June 26thThe Attorney General urges voters experiencing problems or issues at the polls to call the office’s hotline at 800-771-7755 or email at any time between 6:00 AM and 9:00 PM on Tuesday. The hotline will be staffed by attorneys and staff in the Attorney General’s Civil Rights Bureau.
“All eligible voters deserve equal access at the polls,” Attorney General Underwood said. “Any New Yorker who encounters barriers to voting should immediately contact our office.”
Voters registered in New York City trying to find their poll site can click here. Voters registered outside New York City trying to find their poll site canclick here
The Attorney General’s Office has operated the voter access hotline since November 2012. During previous elections, the office fielded hundreds – and sometimes thousands – of complaints from voters across the state and worked with local election officials and others to address issues. The Election Day hotline is part of the office’s ongoing effort to reduce barriers to voting.
Attorney General Underwood reminds all registered voters that they have the right to accessible elections. In addition, all registered voters have the right to vote free from coercion or intimidation, whether by election officials or any other person.
The office will receive and respond to election-related complaints relating to any of the statutes that the office enforces. 


  "Like the rest of our community, I am profoundly disturbed and outraged by last week's murder of 15-year old Lesandro 'Junior' Guzman-Feliz. The sheer brutality and complete lack of humanity demonstrated by those who perpetrated this heinous crime, are difficult to comprehend. These criminals have left Junior's mother, family, and friends facing an excruciatingly painful loss, and an entire community mourning a young, talented Bronxite with a bright future ahead of him.

I commend the exhaustive efforts of the NYPD and our community as a whole, as they worked together to identify those responsible and bring them to justice. As a result, five suspects in Junior's murder are currently in police custody. If charged and found guilty, it is my hope they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I would also like to echo the NYPD's message urging Bronxites to not answer violence with violence either on the streets or through social media. We need to and must do better than that.

Finally, I ask you to join us today at a vigil that will be held on E. 183rd Street and Bathgate Avenue at 6:00pm to honor Junior's life while demanding the justice his family deserves. #JusticeForJunior."


It is nice that State Senator Gustavo Rivera could take time out of his tour of Texas to come back to his district for this event.

So, State Senator Gustavo Rivera, what are you going to do to try to prevent this from happening again?


Innovative public private partnership will generate $400 million for critically needed repairs without raising rent

  Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today a commitment from the New York City Housing Authority to renovate nearly 2,400 apartments across 21 public housing developments in Brooklyn and Manhattan. The $400 million in upgrades will be made possible through the HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration program, which converts apartments’ funding to the Section 8 program. These homes will be permanently affordable and maintained by quality private property managers. The 5,300 residents at these developments will retain all their rights as public housing residents, continue to be charged their current rent, and remain in their buildings during the renovations, which will include new kitchens and bathrooms; replacing windows, elevators, boilers and roofs; and improved common areas. NYCHA will begin selecting development teams for the construction and management work this fall, with renovations on the first buildings beginning in 2019.

NYCHA also announced new private management and construction teams to oversee $80+ million in renovations for 700 NYCHA apartments with 1,000 residents at Baychester and Murphy Houses in the Bronx. These developments have had no consistent funding stream since the State of New York divested them in 1998. Using a program similar to RAD, they are also being converted to NYCHA’s Section 8 program to raise funds, complete badly needed repairs, and efficiently oversee day-to-day operations. The renovations on these units will begin this fall.  This conversion prevents these unfunded units from falling into complete disrepair and protects their affordability along with residents’ rights. These RAD and unfunded renovations will all be complete by 2023.

The Mayor made today’s announcement at Campos Plaza I, a 875-apartment complex on the Lower East Side that recently underwent renovations under the Section 8 model, with drastic improvements in the health, safety and quality of residents’ homes.

“All New Yorkers deserve to live in safe and decent housing, which is why we’ve been investing in NYCHA since the first day of my Administration to reverse the decades of neglect,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “The City is leveraging every tool available to deliver critically needed repairs without raising the rent. We will never stop fighting to improve the quality of life for NYCHA residents.”

“As we strive to preserve public and affordable housing for future generations, RAD is one of the clear paths forward to get residents the repairs they need while keeping them in their homes despite the federal government continuing to cut back its public housing support,” said NYCHA Interim Chair and CEO Stanley Brezenoff. “Through public-private partnerships, millions of dollars will be brought to these homes, improving resident quality of life and guaranteeing they stay affordable.”

RAD is an innovative tool from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that lets public housing authorities permanently preserve public housing developments as affordable homes and make necessary repairs. In New York City, RAD includes collaboration between the Authority, NYCHA residents, development partners, and community and housing advocates, and it is a key part of Next Generation NYCHA, the Authority’s long term strategic plan to create financial stability and improve residents’ lives. 

NYCHA will begin resident engagement this summer at the 21 developments across Manhattan and Brooklyn:

Manhattan sites: 
·         335 East 111th Street
·         Manhattanville Rehab (Group 2)
·         Manhattanville Rehab (Group 3)
·         Park Avenue-East 122nd, 123rd Streets
·         Public School 139 (Conversion)
·         Samuel (MHOP) I
·         Samuel (MHOP) II
·         Samuel (MHOP) III
·         Washington Heights Rehab (Groups 1&2)
·         Washington Heights Rehab Phase III
·         Washington Heights Rehab Phase IV (C)
·         Washington Heights Rehab Phase IV (D)
·         Fort Washington Avenue Rehab
·         Grampion

Brooklyn sites: 
·         Armstrong I
·         Armstrong II
·         572 Warren Street
·         Berry Street-South 9th Street
·         Marcy Avenue-Greene Avenue Site A
·         Marcy Avenue-Greene Avenue Site B
·         Weeksville Gardens

New York City is using innovative strategies to generate revenue for repairs in public housing. With today's announcement, there are currently nearly 8,900 NYCHA RAD and unfunded apartments in resident engagement, predevelopment, or development for comprehensive capital repairs, and the City is on track to complete all 20,000 apartments by 2025. In the Next Generation NYCHA plan, the City committed to renovating 15,000 apartments through RAD and that all 5,000 unsubsidized apartments receive subsidy by 2025.  The 1,400 apartments at Ocean Bay have completely new interiors, hydronic boilers on every roof, and upgraded elevators with RAD. In addition to the 2,400 RAD units being announced today, there are 3,100 RAD apartments in predevelopment.  In addition to the 700 apartments at Baychester and Murphy, NYCHA has started resident engagement on 1,300 additional unfunded units.  

For Baychester and Murphy, NYCHA will partner with MBD Community Housing Corporation, Camber Property Group, and L+M Development Partners. This development team was chosen based on their experience and capacity for both development and property management, their financial proposal, and the quality of their proposed rehabilitation scope of work. The development team will partner with BronxWorks to provide tailored social services to the residents. The development partner will begin making repairs as early as 2019. Residents will play a major role in finalizing the rehab scope for their developments, including kitchen and bathroom upgrades in every apartment, replacing the existing boilers, and improvements to common areas, outdoor spaces, and community centers to create a stronger sense of pride and belonging among residents. All repairs will be done while keeping the residents in place.


Today's announcement is not enough. By 2025 this small part of the work should be finished? 

This mayor and the next mayor should be made to live with those NYCHA residents who are not going to get repairs until who knows when?

Cynthia Nixon and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Announce Dual-Endorsement

Citing a shared interest in taking on centrist, corporate Democrats, Nixon and Ocasio-Cortez throw support behind each other’s progressive campaigns

  Democratic candidate for governor, Cynthia Nixon today publicly announced her support for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is running in the Tuesday's congressional primary to unseat Rep. Joseph Crowley in New York’s 14th District. Ocasio-Cortez also announced her support for Cynthia’s bid for governor in the September 13 primary as they both take on status quo incumbents, whose political careers have been financed by big-money banks, luxury real estate developers and multigenerational political machines. Later today, both candidates will appear in Queens together.

"I am proud to endorse Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress,” said Cynthia. “She represents the future of the Democratic Party.  Alexandria and I are joining together to take on the old boys club, rejecting corporate money, and run people-powered campaigns that envision a progressive New York that serves the many, not just the few who can afford to buy influence. Like thousands of other women across the country who are running for office for the first time this year, we looked at who is in charge and the job they were doing and realized that if we want things to finally change, we’re going to have to step up and do it ourselves."
Both Cynthia and Ocasio-Cortez are running progressive, people-powered campaigns grounded in racial and economic justice. Like thousands of women across the country, both are running for office for the first time and challenging establishment politicians to fight for a fairer, more progressive New York. In stark contrast to Cuomo and Crowley, both campaigns are rejecting any corporate donations. Cynthia and Ocasio-Cortez have publicly supported the abolishment of ICE, single-payer health care, and 100% renewable energy, among other progressive priorities.
“Movements are built when communities come together. For too long, New York machine politics has drifted away from the communities they were originally supposed to serve. Today I am honored to join fellow fighter Cynthia Nixon in the advancement of dignified healthcare, housing, and education for all, in one concerted movement for a New York for the many. Cynthia and I both have roots in educational work, and her nonstop fight for working families resonates with me deeply. Together, it is my hope that Cynthia and I can propose the notion that New York’s elections don’t have to be foregone conclusions - they can be earned opportunities for change.”
Before New York voters head to the polls this Tuesday, June 26th, to vote in the Congressional primary, Cynthia will visit Ocasio-Cortez’s district today to meet with constituents and discuss the need for more progressive, and more diverse Democratic Party in New York and across the country. The New York gubernatorial primary election will take place on September 13.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Wave Hill Events July 6‒July 13 Scented Geraniums Day, Balkan Brass and Creatures of the Night!

Sat, July 7    Family Art Project: Billowing Sails and Handmade Boats
Use brightly colored kite paper to design colorful, flag-like sails. Then collage a mixture of buoyant materials cut from repurposed foam trays, corks, plastics and reeds, and construct a handmade sailboat. Keep it as a small sculpture—or see if it floats! Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Sat, July 7    Garden Highlights Walk
Join a Wave Hill Garden Guide for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Sat, July 7    Gallery Tour
Learn about Glyndor Gallery exhibitions on a tour led by Wave Hill’s Curatorial Fellow. Ecological Consciousness: Artist as Instigator continues Wave Hill’s efforts to examine the ways that artists engage in ecological projects that present a call to action. The exhibition documents environmental art that explores persistent problems throughout New York City. In the Sunroom Project Space, Priyanka Dasgupta and Chad Marshall’s installation uses traditional landscape architecture, such as a conventional English garden maze, to expose the instability of identity in the United States. Working collaboratively since 2015, Dasgupta and Marshall’s work explores the dichotomy of the sanctuary—its ability to protect as well as restrict. In the Sun Porch, Katie Westmoreland’s presentation of kinetic tapestries responds to the space’s architecture, evoking the patterns cast by sunlight through trees and plants. Her immersive installation utilizes the passing light and shadow patterns of the day as active mediums in her work, calling attention to the sun’s enduring, inspirational qualities. Free with admission to the grounds.

Sun, July 8    Summer Birding
Naturalist Gabriel Willow contributes his extensive knowledge of diverse bird species and their behavior on these walks through the gardens and woodlands. Observe the plants, insects and habitats at Wave Hill that make it so appealing for such a wide variety of birds. Birders of all levels welcome! Ages 10 and older welcome with an adult. Free with admission to the grounds. NYC Audubon Members enjoy two-for-one admission. 

Sun, July 8    Family Art Project: Billowing Sails and Handmade Boats
Use brightly colored kite paper to design colorful, flag-like sails. Then collage a mixture of buoyant materials cut from repurposed foam trays, corks, plastics and reeds, and construct a handmade sailboat. Keep it as a small sculpture—or see if it floats! Free with admission to the grounds.

Sun, July 8    Yoga in the Garden
Enjoy a morning yoga class in the gardens, offered in partnership with Yoga Haven. All levels welcome; please bring a mat and be on time. Meets indoors in case of rain. Online registration suggested, at, or register day-of at the Front Gate. Yoga sessions continue through July 29. $25 per session. Wave Hill Members save 10%.

Sun, July 8    Wellness Workshop: Floral Soap-Making
Explore scented-geranium essences, including floral varieties that will surely surprise you! Learn about the wrinkle-reducing, muscle-relaxing and skin-soothing benefits of geranium oil while making your own cold-processed soap. Melissa Rivera ofEssence and Aroma leads this hands-on workshop; participants go home with several bars of all-natural vegan soap. Ages 12 and older welcome with an adult. Space is limited. $55. Wave Hill Members save 10%. Registration required, online at or at the Perkins Visitor Center. Scented Geranium Day event.

Sun, July 8    In The Shop: Get Half Off a Second Scented Geranium Plant
Captivated by the wonderful fragrances and properties of pelargoniums? Enjoy this opportunity to take a couple of plants home for your collection at a wonderful discount! We love the perfumed, herbal leaves of scented geranium—with fragrances of spice, citrus, fruit and flowers—which can be enjoyed by delicately rubbing the leaf surface, or drying the leaves and using them in fragrant potpourri or sachets. Scented Geranium Day event.

Sun, July 8    Family Nature Walk
Join naturalist and educator Gabriel Willow on a family-friendly walk through the gardens or woodlands. Ages six and older welcome with an adult. Registration is not required. Free with admission to the grounds.

Sun, July 8    Scented Geranium Walk
Join Wave Hill gardener Gelene Scarborough on an aromatic walk through the Herb Garden to enjoy the astounding varieties and fragrances of scented geraniums (Pelargonium species and hybrids). Learn about their origins and pick up some useful tips for growing these easy-care plants both indoors and out. Purchase your favorites in The Shop. Free with admission to the grounds. Scented Geranium Day event.

Sun, July 8    Cooking Demo: Cooking with Scented Geraniums
A rose is a rose is a rose… unless it’s a scented geranium! These beguiling herbs mimic the scent of other familiar plants such rose, lemon, peppermint and apple. Many varieties can be used in the kitchen, where their leaves lend evocative aromas to a variety of dishes. Watch as a chef from Great Performances whips up some delicious summer recipes featuring scented geraniums. Free with admission to the grounds. Scented Geranium Day event.

Sun, July 8    Garden Highlights Walk
Join a Wave Hill Garden Guide for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

Mon, July 9
Closed to the public.

Tue, July 10    Garden Highlights Walk
Join a Wave Hill Garden Guide for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Tue, July 10    Gallery Tour
Learn about Glyndor Gallery exhibitions on a tour led by Wave Hill’s Curatorial Fellow. Ecological Consciousness: Artist as Instigator continues Wave Hill’s efforts to examine the ways that artists engage in ecological projects that present a call to action. The exhibition documents environmental art that explores persistent problems throughout New York City. In the Sunroom Project Space, Priyanka Dasgupta and Chad Marshall’s installation uses traditional landscape architecture, such as a conventional English garden maze, to expose the instability of identity in the United States. Working collaboratively since 2015, Dasgupta and Marshall’s work explores the dichotomy of the sanctuary—its ability to protect as well as restrict. In the Sun Porch, Katie Westmoreland’s presentation of kinetic tapestries responds to the space’s architecture, evoking the patterns cast by sunlight through trees and plants. Her immersive installation utilizes the passing light and shadow patterns of the day as active mediums in her work, calling attention to the sun’s enduring, inspirational qualities. Free with admission to the grounds.

Wed, July 11    Sunset Wednesdays: Live Music on the Great Lawn‒Slavic Soul Party
A fiery Balkan Brass Band that features funk grooves, Roma accordion and a lineup of musicians with virtuosic jazz chops,Slavic Soul Party makes new music out of the unplanned results of immigration, proximity, and globalization. “Slavic Soul Party! doesn’t strain for authenticity… it plays its chosen music with skill and spirit” (Jon Pareles, The New York Times). Rain or shine, all Sunset Wednesday Concerts are held on the Great Lawn. In case of inclement weather, concerts will be moved indoors to Armor Hall with overflow space in the Mark Twain Room and the covered terrace behind Wave Hill House. Check for shuttle service and for The Café menu on Sunset Wednesdays. The onsite parking lot closes at 4PM, except to accommodate vehicles with a disability license plate or placard. Free with admission to the grounds, which is $12 starting at 4PM. Free to Wave Hill Members. The grounds close at 8:30PM. 

Thu, July 12    Stories in the Garden
Each week, Wave Hill educators share some of their favorite nature stories. These stories—classics and more—will come to life through interactive book readings, sing-alongs and movement. Programs are held outdoors. Rain cancels. Ideal for children ages three to six with an adult. Free with admission to the grounds.

Thu, July 12    Evening Garden Walk
Enjoy a short evening stroll in the gardens with a Wave Hill Garden Guide. Free with admission to the grounds. Serene Thursday event.

Thu, July 12    Nocturnal Wildlife Presentation: Creatures of the Night
Experts from Volunteers for Wildlife share the mysterious lives of nocturnal wildlife. Get up close with some of VFW’s “Animal Ambassadors”—perhaps an owl, opossum and nocturnal snake—while uncovering unique adaptations and behaviors that allow them to survive, even thrive. Ages eight and up welcome with an adult. $25. Wave Hill Members save 10%. Registration recommended, online at or onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center. Serene Thursday event. 

A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM–5:30PM,  March 15–October 31. Closes 4:30PM, starting November 1.

ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6–18. Free Saturday and Tuesday mornings until noon. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Programs are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at
DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 30 minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the W. 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at