Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A.G. Underwood Announces Lawsuit Against Three Employment Agency Operators For Scamming Vulnerable New Yorkers

  Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood today announced a lawsuit against employment agency operators Jose M. Ortiz (a/k/a Jose M. Velez, Jose M. Ortiz-Velez, Joseph Ortiz), 44, of New Jersey; Maritza M. Quinones (a/k/a Ms. Velez), 42, of Pennsylvania; and Johanna Y. Miranda (a/k/a Lisa Garcia, Julia, Isabella, Carmen, Karol), 42, of the Bronx, for allegedly conducting deceptive business practices in the Bronx, Manhattan, and Queens that targeted unemployed and financially vulnerable individuals looking for low-wage cleaning and maintenance jobs. The Attorney General’s lawsuit seeks a court order enjoining Ortiz, Quinones, and Miranda from engaging in fraudulent conduct; restitution for complainants; and over $300,000 in fines and penalties.

“It is shameful to steal money from vulnerable New Yorkers looking for honest work,” Attorney General Underwood said. “We allege that these scam artists set up their business to target unemployed and financially vulnerable New Yorkers with the promise of a job. My office will continue to investigate and prosecute businesses and individuals that try to scam New Yorkers.”         
As alleged in the petition filed in Bronx County Supreme Court today, the Attorney General’s investigation found that Ortiz, Quinones, and Miranda falsely advertised cleaning and maintenance jobs that purportedly paid $13.50 to $29.00 an hour and charged upfront fees for these employment opportunities they knew were fake. The three agency operators targeted unemployed and financially vulnerable individuals looking for low-wage cleaning and maintenance jobs by putting advertisements in Spanish-speaking newspapers such as El Diario, and online classified jobs exchanges such as “Clasificado” and “Especialito.” They also advertised in the New York PostAM New York, and Metro New York.
The respondents charged between $140 and $499 for “guaranteed jobs” and “immediate hire” cleaning and maintenance employment opportunities, but then allegedly failed to obtain jobs for any of their clients. One of their agencies, Empire Services, allegedly sent customers to job interviews with companies that were unfamiliar with the agency and did not have available jobs.
Consumers were also allegedly told they had to pay upfront fees for an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) training course, an OSHA course completion certificate, and an OSHA license, in order to secure a job. Victims were led to believe that under New York State law, it is illegal to work as an office cleaner or maintenance worker without an OSHA license. The course certificates and licenses were all a scam – there is no New York State or federal requirement that office cleaners and maintenance workers be OSHA certified.
Once consumers realized they had been scammed and demanded refunds, Ortiz, Quinones, and Miranda allegedly disconnected their phones and abandoned their offices without issuing any refunds. A few weeks later, they would allegedly relaunch the same business under a different name and in another New York City neighborhood. 
Ortiz and Quinones operated Empire Services in the South Bronx from June 2015 through December 2015. Ortiz and Miranda operated Empire Safety Services from midtown Manhattan and the South Bronx from June 2017 through November 2017. Ortiz and Miranda operated Global Training Services in the South Bronx from October 2017 through January 2018 and have been operating National Safety Training Services from Jamaica, Queens since February 2018.


Community Board 7 Chair Jean Hill and District Leader Eric Dinowitz are organizing a signature drive following today’s rally to support installation of an elevator at the Mosholu Parkway #4 Train station.

  An age-old battle for accessible transit has begun anew in the Northwest Bronx as community leaders and advocates descended on the Mosholu Parkway 4 Train station to launch a month-long effort to lobby the MTA to install an elevator to the subway platform.  The train station is in close proximity to a number of community institutions that service populations with mobility disabilities, including two major hospitals, three nursing homes, a senior center, and several high density residential buildings including Tracey Towers and Scott Tower. The Bronx also has the fewest number of ADA compliant stations among the four boroughs connected to the subway system. In April, the MTA Board announced that they added $300 million to the current 2015-2019 capital plan for ADA station improvements at up to five additional subway stations.

  Over the next six weeks, District Leader Eric Dinowitz and Community Board 7 Chair Jean Hill will be leading a signature drive to demonstrate to the MTA that there is widespread community support for an elevator at this location in addition to a confluence of important demographic and geographic factors which cause Mosholu Parkway to be an ideal location for an elevator. These signatures will be delivered to the MTA Board at their next public meeting on September 26.

Bronx Community Board 7 Chair and President of Tracey Towers Tenants Organization Jean Hill said:An ADA elevator at the Mosholu Jerome Avenue Station is long overdue. This area covers a large area of seniors, young parents from Tracey Towers, Scott Towers, North Central Bronx and Montefiore Hospital patients. This neighborhood deserves consideration.”

State Senator Jamaal Bailey said: “Ensuring that all residents have the ability to use the public transportation system should never be up for debate. The Mosholu Parkway 4 Train Station is one of the most populated stations in the city, that is consistently used by a large senior population that lives in the area and by patients from the nearby Montefiore Hospital. I urge the MTA to install an elevator at the Mosholu Parkway station and to comply with ADA regulations at all of its stations.”

District Leader Eric Dinowitz said: “The MTA has a duty to serve all New Yorkers and for far too many years they have failed to do so. Across the city, we need to ensure that all subway stations and buses are in compliance with the ADA and accessible to all New Yorkers. The Mosholu Parkway 4 Train station in particular has an urgent need for an elevator to meet the needs of our community, and I am committed to ensuring that residents of the Northwest Bronx have our voices heard by the MTA in our demand for an elevator in the current capital plan.”

The Mosholu Parkway elevated station on the #4 Jerome Avenue line might need two separate elevators however, since there are two flights of stairs to get to the entrance point to pay ones fare. After paying your fare it is another flight of stairs to the train platform.

It should be noted that this elevated station is in the 80th Assembly District, where Ms. Nathalia Fernandez is the Assemblywoman. Eric Dinowitz is the Democratic District Leader of the 81st Assembly District, where his father Jeffrey Dinowitz is the Assemblyman. 

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - FREE Breakfast to discuss proposed Commercial Waste Zones

Members of the Bronx business community are strongly encouraged to attend this important meeting and voice your position on the proposed Commercial Sanitation Zones. 
A Free Breakfast to discuss Proposed Commercial Waste Zones

Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Time:   9:30-10:30am (doors open at 9:00)
Where: Residence Inn by Marriott, 2nd floor conference room
        1776 Eastchester Road in the Hutch Metro Center Atrium
Admission is free and open to all businesses that utilize commercial trash, recycling,  and/or organics carting services.
RSVP before August 17th to Phil Cardone at 718-828-3900 or
About the Business Roundtable:
  • The NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY) is proposing reforms to the commercial waste hauling industry that will promote a cleaner environment, ensure efficient and  orderly collection of commercial waste, and improve the quality of life for New Yorkers.
  • The new trash and recycling pickup system will ensure that businesses like your own  will have fair, transparent pricing and the peace of mind knowing that all carters have  been vetted by the city to provide safe and reliable service.
  • You will get a chance to hear more about the commercial waste zone proposal and  discuss how the City can work to maximize benefits to businesses. 
Bronx Chamber of Commerce Position on

Proposed Commercial Waste Zones

Prior to the establishment of the Business Integrity Commission (BIC), private sanitation in NYC was a zoned system allegedly run by the mob. Carters split up neighborhood zones into which only one company was allowed to collect business waste. BIC changed that, promoting the model that allowed carters to compete for customer business. Prices came down and service levels improved.

The City's new proposal is a return to the bad old days. The Department of Sanitation (DOS) is proposing a new zoned program - controlled by the City - where carters must bid for neighborhood collecting zones, much like the old mob run system. The laws of economics dictate that along with decreased competition comes increased pricing. The past two years have already seen an increasing in pricing brought on by minimum wage increases, huge hikes in the cost of healthcare, and general government fees as a whole. This new artificial "improvement" in a system that doesn't warrant City control beyond BIC, is sure to make prices rise again on the backs of mostly small businesses. These costs will surely be passed along to consumers (as all increases must be to assure survival). In the end, the people of NYC will pay again while small mom-and-pop microbusinesses will weaken and disappear for no legitimate reason.


For Immediate Release 
August 15, 2018
Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz



New York City Councilman Rubén Díaz, together with Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, Senator Luis Sepulveda, City Council Member Rafael Salamanca invite the community to the seventeenth (17th) Anniversary of the Morrison Festival in Bronx County.

This Saturday, August 18th, more than five thousand (5,000) people are expected during the annual Morrison Avenue Festival, beginning at 12 noon to 6 pm, between Westchester and Watson Avenue in Bronx County.

For the past 17 years, the Morrison Avenue Festival has been a day of fun, free games, free rides for children/families, and entertainment. This year’s main entertainment will be Puerto Rico’s own “NG2 & Orchestra”, among others.

At 3pm, honored guests, dignitaries, and elected officials will address the public.

I look forward to another successful Morrison Avenue Festival, and to seeing our Bronx families and children enjoy this very special event.
Transportation: Train #6, Buses #4 & 27 to Morrison Avenue Station.

For more information, please contact Leila Martinez at 718-792-1140.


Heat Advisory in effect for New York City Wednesday, August 15 and Thursday, August 16

Cooling centers will be open across the city Wednesday and Thursday. To find the nearest location call 311 or visit beginning at 12 p.m.Wednesday
  The New York City Emergency Management Department and the Health Department today advised New Yorkers to take precautions to beat the heat. The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory in effect for New York City from 12 p.m. Wednesday through 6 p.m. Thursday. High heat and humidity are in the forecast, with heat index values in the mid to upper 90s. A heat advisory is issued when the combination of heat and humidity is expected to make it feel like it is 95 to 99 degrees for two or more consecutive days, or 100 to 104 degrees for any length of time. 

To help New Yorkers beat the heat, NYC Emergency Management will open cooling centers on Wednesday, August 15, and Thursday, August 16Cooling centers are air-conditioned facilities such as libraries, community centers, senior centers, and NYCHA facilities that are open to the public during heat emergencies. To find a cooling center, including accessible facilities closest to you, call 311 (212-639-9675 for Video Relay Service, or TTY: 212-504-4115) or visit the NYC Cooling Center Finder beginning at 12 p.m. Wednesday.

“We are expecting high heat and humidity during the next few days, and we want to remind people to stay cool and hydrated,” said NYC Emergency Management Commissioner Joseph Esposito. “Drink plenty of water, use air-conditioning or visit a cooling center, and check in on your friends, family, and pets.”

The New York City Emergency Management Department reminds New Yorkers to take steps to protect themselves and help others who may be at increased risk from the heat. Those at increased risk are people who do not have or use air conditioning AND:

·         Are 65 years or older;
·  Have chronic medical, mental health, or cognitive/developmental conditions;
·         Take certain medications, which can disrupt the regulation of body temperature;
·         Are confined to their beds, have limited mobility, or are unable to leave their homes;
·         Are obese; or
·         Misuse alcohol or drugs.


·         Stay out of the sun and avoid extreme temperature changes.
·         Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing.
·         Drink fluids, particularly water, even if you do not feel thirsty. Your body needs water to keep cool. Those on fluid-restricted diets or taking diuretics should first consult their physician.
·         Water is the safest liquid to drink during heat emergencies. Avoid beverages containing alcohol and/or caffeine.
·         Eat small, frequent meals.
·         Avoid strenuous activity, especially during the sun’s peak hours: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you must do strenuous activity, do it during the coolest part of the day, which is usually in the morning between 4 a.m. and 7 a.m.
·         If possible, go to an air-conditioned location for several hours during the hottest parts of the day.
·         Cool down with a cool bath or shower.
·         Participate in activities that will keep you cool, such as going to the movies, shopping at a mall, or swimming at a pool or beach.
·         Cover all exposed skin with an SPF sunscreen (15 or above) and wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face and head.
·         Never leave your children or pets in the car.

For more information, visit


Heat illness is serious. Prolonged exposure to the heat can be harmful and potentially fatal. The added stress caused by heat can also aggravate heart or lung disease even without symptoms of heat illness.

Know the warning signs of heat stress. If you or someone you know feels weak or faint, go to a cool place and drink water. If there is no improvement, call a doctor or 911.

Call 911 immediately if you have, or someone you know has:

·         Hot dry skin.
·         Trouble breathing.
·         Rapid heartbeat.
·         Confusion, disorientation, or dizziness.
·         Nausea and vomiting.


·         Avoid dehydration: Pets can dehydrate quickly, so give them plenty of fresh, clean water.
·         Exercise early and lateWhen the temperature is very high, do not let your dog linger on hot asphalt. Your pet’s body can heat up quickly, and sensitive paw pads can burn.
·         Know when your pet is in danger: Symptoms of overheating in pets include excessive panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart and respiratory rate, drooling, mild weakness, stupor, or even collapse. Animals with flat faces like pugs and Persian cats are more susceptible to heat stroke since they cannot pant as effectively. They should be kept cool in air-conditioned rooms as much as possible.
·         Keep cats safe by installing screens in your windows: Unscreened windows pose a real danger to cats, as they can fall out of them often during summer months.


The improper opening of fire hydrants wastes 1,000 gallons of water per minute, causes flooding on city streets, and can lower water pressure to dangerous levels and hamper the ability of FDNY to fight fire safely and quickly.

Properly used “spray caps” reduce hydrant output to a safe 25 gallons per minute while still providing relief from the heat. To obtain a spray cap, an adult 18 years or older with proper identification can go to his or her local firehouse and request one.

For more information, visit


Modern facilities will be designed to be integrated into surrounding neighborhoods and promote safety and support for the people who work and reside within them

  The de Blasio administration today unveiled plans for the building of four modern, community-based jails throughout the City that will replace the detention facilities on Rikers Island. The innovative plan envisions facilities that will be fully integrated into the surrounding neighborhoods with community space, ground-floor retail and parking. The planned facilities will also provide a safer environment to work and will allow people in jail to remain closer to their loved ones, as well as offer quality health, education, visitation and recreational services that will help people reintegrate once they return to their communities.

“We’re taking a big step forward in the process of closing Rikers Island and creating a modern community-based jail system that is smaller, safer and fairer,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Now we can move full steam ahead on the engagement and planning for our new facilities so we can close Rikers as fast as possible.”

“These new jails will enable this city to close Rikers Island, which I know will help make this city a better place. The new facilities are designed to be safer for both the people incarcerated as well as the staff. The next chapter of criminal justice in New York City is beginning, and I couldn’t be prouder,” said City Council Speaker Corey Johnson.

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced plans to close the jails on Rikers Island in 2017 and released a roadmap for a smaller, safer and fairer justice system. The roadmap included plans to safely reduce the jail population to 5,000 people and transition to a local borough-based jail system.

Progress on these strategies is underway with the partnership of New Yorkers, the City Council, the courts, district attorneys, defenders, service providers, and others within the justice system. When New York City released its roadmap in June 2017, the City’s jails held an average of 9,400 people on any given day. One year later, the jail population has dropped by almost 13 percent to around 8,200, the lowest level in more than three decades.

The sites under consideration are:

  • Bronx Site—320 Concord Avenue
  • Brooklyn Site—275 Atlantic Avenue
  • Manhattan Site—80 Centre Street
  • Queens Site—126-02 82nd Avenue

“Closing Rikers and moving into newer, community-based facilities comes down to one thing – and that’s safety,” said DOC Commissioner Cynthia Brann. “These new jails will have improved interior layouts allowing officers more effective ways to supervise people in detention, and also provide space for quality education, health, and therapeutic programming. As we move forward with this transition, I want the men and women who are currently working on Rikers Island to know that the safer, state-of-the-art facilities you deserve are on the way.”

Elizabeth Glazer, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, said, “Our jails hold up a mirror to the fair functioning of our justice system. The release of today’s scoping study is another step forward on a path towards creating the safest and most humane justice system possible. It reflects a future that we have begun to sketch with many partners — New Yorkers, non-profits, justice system agencies and others — one in which jails can be civic assets, integrated into and contributing to neighborhoods; where the people incarcerated have opportunities that will permit them to thrive and contribute when they leave; and the people who work inside have the physical environment that promotes their safety.”

Each facility will contain approximately 1,500 beds in order for the City to meet the needed 6,000 beds to accommodate an average daily population of 5,000 people, while allowing space for population-specific housing requirements, such as those related to safety, security, health, and mental health, among other factors, as well as normal fluctuations in the jail population. Currently, existing borough-based facilities only have the combined operational capacity to house approximately 2,400 people.

The plans feature hundreds of parking spaces, community space and ground-floor retail as well as on-site support services. The proposal for the Bronx envisions rezoning the western portion of the site to facilitate the development of a residential building with potentially more than 200-units and ground floor retail.

The proposal will need to go through a public review – the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) – which includes hearings and recommendations by the local community board, borough president, the City Council and the City Planning Commission.

The Administration and its partners are also beginning a comprehensive engagement strategy that will go beyond what is required as part of public review of these discretionary actions. At the core of the City’s strategy will be neighborhood advisory bodies with local elected and neighborhood leaders to provide feedback on design, program, neighborhood integration and tackle a range of quality of life concerns within the neighborhoods where these sites will be located.

To date, the City has held meetings with community groups and local elected officials and conducted focus groups with correctional officers, service providers, defenders, educators, formally detained people and families of justice-involved people, among others. Engagement with the community in the weeks and months ahead will ramp up.

In February, the Mayor and the Speaker of the City Council agreed to consolidate the proposal to renovate or construct jails in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx into a single ULURP process, which will allow for a more expedited review. An application will be submitted for certification by the end of the year.

The Administration has launched an array of programs that are safely driving down the jail population, including a citywide alternative-to-bail program that allows eligible people to remain in the community while waiting for trial and a program that replaces short jail sentences for minor, low-level offenses (typically under 30 days) with services aimed at preventing reoffending. In addition, the Administration announced that every eligible person in the Department of Correction’s custody will receive re-entry services to help connect them with jobs and opportunities outside of jail, as well as be offered up to five hours of programming per day to address vocational, educational, and therapeutic needs.


The Bronx site of 320 Concord Avenue is that of the current Bronx Tow Pound. That would mean that the city now will have to find a new home for the Bronx Tow Pound. Wouldn't it be much easier to build the new jail on the site the city will have to find for a new Tow Pound, instead of having to close the Tow Pond, dig up the area to build a new facility, and then have to find a new home for the Tow Pound?

As usual we left out the comments of those elected officials and others the mayor's people could find to say how wonderful this would be. For the record, no Bronx elected official was quoted by the mayor's people, with the exception of Councilwoman Ayala who's district is a majority Manhattan council district. That could be why she is in favor of the Tow Pound site for the new Bronx Jail.

While the Bronx site listed is said to be proposed, rumor is that certain Bronx elected officials are trying to have the large open area behind the Bronx Courthouse turned into the new Bronx Jail. This way the new jail would be right behind the Bronx Criminal Court building.



Route takes 45 minutes, cutting average commute times in half

The de Blasio Administration today officially launched NYC Ferry’s Soundview Route. The new route starts in the Soundview section of the Bronx, and stops at the new East 90thStreet landing, East 34th Street landing and ends at Pier 11/Wall Street. The Soundview route, which takes approximately 45 minutes from start to finish, connects residents and workers in the Bronx with multiple points on the East Side of Manhattan, shortening commutes for thousands of New Yorkers. NYC Ferry riders are also able to transfer for free to the East River, Rockaway, Astoria, and South Brooklyn routes at East 34th Street and Wall Street/Pier 11.

“We are adding another stop on our route to becoming the fairest big city in America,” said Mayor de Blasio. “The new Soundview ferry will cut commute times in half for thousands of Bronxites. Our all-of-the-above approach to transit gives New Yorkers reliable options to get where they need to go.”

“Starting today, Bronxites now have a fast, comfortable and affordable way to get to major job centers and other opportunities along the East Side of Manhattan,” said New York City Economic Development Corporation President and CEO James Patchett. “With over five million riders to date and one more route still to launch, it’s clear that our ferry network is a game-changer for New Yorkers.”

Since its launch in May 2017, NYC Ferry has served over 5 million riders across the Astoria, East River, South Brooklyn and Rockaway routes, and the Soundview route is expected to add approximately 400,000 additional riders annuallyBoats will run every 30 minutes during peak times, and every 50 minutes during off-peak times. Residents of Soundview will be able to reach East 34th Street in just 30 minutes, cutting current commuting times by nearly half. Detailed timetables for the Soundview route, along with a map of all NYC Ferry routes, can be viewed here.

The de Blasio Administration is also set to launch the new Lower East Side route later this month on August 29th, which will run from Wall Street/Pier 11, to Corlears Hook, Stuyvesant Cove, East 34th Street, and end in Long Island City, Queens, a 36-minute trip from start to finish. The, Last month, NYC Ferry welcomed the arrival of Ocean Queen Rockstar, the first of six higher-capacity 350-passenger vessels to accommodate high ridership demand.

New York City Economic Development Corporation and the MTA New York City Transit Authority also recently announced the extension of the Bx27 bus line, which will now stop at Clason Point Park where the Soundview ferry landing is located. The Bx27, which connects customers in the Shorehaven, Clason Point and Soundview sections of the Bronx to the Morrison Av-Soundview 6 subway station, previously terminated on Soundview Avenue approximately 1,000 feet northwest of the ferry landing. The extension of select Bx27 trips to the Soundview ferry landing will provide an easy, direct connection for customers seeking to use local bus service or the subway.

The de Blasio Administration is also set to launch the new Lower East Side route later this month on August 29th, which will run from Wall Street/Pier 11, to Corlears Hook, Stuyvesant Cove, East 34th Street, and end in Long Island City, Queens, a 36-minute trip from start to finish. The, Last month, NYC Ferry welcomed the arrival of Ocean Queen Rockstar, the first of six higher-capacity 350-passenger vessels to accommodate high ridership demand.

“This long-awaited, much-anticipated ferry service has the potential to dramatically improve the commutes not only of Soundview residents, but of Bronxites in every community. The people of my borough are always looking for new mass transit options, and I congratulate Mayor de Blasio and his administration on today’s launch and for making this new service a top priority,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.