Friday, November 10, 2017


$185 million transformation of World War II-era storage facility will be home to 3,000 jobs

  Mayor Bill de Blasio celebrated the opening of the Brooklyn Navy Yard’s Building 77, a one-million-square-foot, state-of-the-art manufacturing building and the largest on the 300-acre industrial campus.

The $185 million renovation of the World War II-era storage facility is a milestone for the growth of manufacturing in New York City and the de Blasio administration’s push to build 100,000 good-paying jobs across a range of industries. Located within the City-owned Brooklyn Navy Yard at the corner of Vanderbilt and Flushing Avenues, the 16-story building will be home to more than 3,000 jobs.

Building 77 is the centerpiece of a billion-dollar investment currently underway at the Yard to add over two million square feet of space and 10,000 good-paying jobs by 2020.

“As a major driver of quality middle-class jobs, investing in and expanding manufacturing space is key to growing and diversifying our economy and boosting wages. As we re-open this historic building we re-imagine New York’s future,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said.

Long a symbol of America’s industrial might, the Brooklyn Navy Yard is among the country’s leading urban manufacturing centers, with some 400 companies currently employing more than 7,000 New Yorkers. In the next three years, that number is expected to more than double to 17,000 accessible middle-class jobs.

Images of Building 77 can be found here.

The Mayor’s New York Works plan to create 100,000 good-paying jobs in 10 years is squarely focused on industrial and manufacturing jobs: Twenty thousand of the total jobs, or one fifth, are in the industrial and manufacturing sectors.

Building 77, the largest in the Navy Yard, includes a 60,000-square-foot ground-floor Food Manufacturing Hub that will serve as a public gateway to the Yard, as well as the central gathering point for Navy Yard businesses, employees and guests. 

Built in 1942 as part of the U.S. Navy’s wartime mobilization, the huge concrete building had been a storage facility with fewer than 100 jobs and no windows on its first 11 floors. More than three million pounds of concrete have been removed and replaced with 50,000 square feet of windows as one component of the upgrade.

The project is financed through a combination of BNYDC investment, $73.1 million of Mayoral City Capital and $7.1 million from the City Council and Brooklyn Borough President.

“Let there be no doubt that in cities across America both existing manufacturing firms and new enterprises need modern space to thrive,” said Alicia Glen, Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development. “Industrial jobs are a springboard for social mobility for many New Yorkers, in particular those without advanced educational degrees.”

“The Brooklyn Navy Yard has been a center of innovation, growth and opportunity for New York City for more than 200 years, and Building 77 represents an incredible continuation of that tradition,” said Brooklyn Navy Yard president and CEO David Ehrenberg. “Building 77 will contribute tremendously to our mission of creating accessible middle-class jobs and securing a vibrant future for manufacturing in Brooklyn. We are grateful to Mayor de Blasio and his team for their unflagging commitment to this bold project and look forward to building on this national model for urban manufacturing we have created together.”

“The opening of Building 77 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard is a watershed moment that symbolizes the remarkable strength of New York City’s manufacturing sector and the businesses that are driving its growth,” said Hank Gutman, chairman of the Brooklyn Navy Yard. “Thanks to the leadership of Mayor de Blasio and BNYDC President David Ehrenberg, the Brooklyn Navy Yard today remains a wellspring of both innovation and inspiration more than two centuries after it first opened.”

“The NYCHA community’s entrepreneurial skills, and delicious food businesses will be on full display in the new Brooklyn Navy Yard,” said Sideya Sherman, executive vice president for community engagement and partnerships at NYCHA, which is partnering with BNYDC to create the first permanent retail opportunity for participants of its Food Business Pathways program, as part of the ground-floor Food Manufacturing Hub. “Created as part of the NextGen NYCHA strategic plan, Food Business Pathways is a proven business program for residents to enter and succeed in the food industry. Now, through this exciting partnership, NYCHA residents will run a food kiosk in the Brooklyn Navy Yard’s new building 77, creating new opportunities for public housing residents’ small businesses to thrive.”

“EDA’s investment of $2M in floors 6 & 7 of Building 77 supports the critical need for space to accommodate new and expanding manufacturers and start-up companies creating approximately 400 jobs to benefit the region,” said Linda Cruz-Carnall, Economic Development Administration Regional Director.

“Empire State Development is proud to support Building 77 and the creation of state-of-the-art, modern manufacturing spaces for New York’s industrial firms,” said ESD President, CEO, and Commissioner Howard Zemsky. “These industries spur innovation, opportunity and jobs for New Yorkers across all skill levels and today’s opening will build on Brooklyn’s strength as a manufacturing hub both for New York City and across the state.”

“Today is truly a milestone in the reactivation of the Brooklyn Navy Yard into a center of 21st century industrial jobs,” said Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. “The City Council is proud to have contributed to the transformation of Building 77 from an empty windowless warehouse to a thriving center for hundreds of businesses and 3,000 new jobs. The Brooklyn Navy Yard continues to be a great success story for New York’s manufacturing and industrial sector, which provides good middle-class jobs and helps support our growing economy.”

Bronx Chamber of Commerce. - Bronx Business Newsletter November 2017

November Newsletter - What's Inside:

10 New Companies Unanimously approved to serve on the Board of Directors of The Bronx Chamber > Front Cover 

Your Holiday Party is scheduled>Front Cover > Reservation Form on Back Cover

Chamber President and CEO Message > page 2

Officers and members of the Board of Directors > page 2

SBS Commissioner Greg Bishop article > page 3

Testimonials by Jimmy Vacca NYC Councilman; Stephen Jerome Chairman Monroe College; John Bonizio, Metro Optics Eyeware and Lisa Sorin, Westchester Square BID > page 3

Member Spotlight: Lisa Sorin > page 4.

Building Bridges for Small Businesses OATH Seminar > page 5

Country Bank article > page 6

Italian Heritage Luncheon and Celebration > page 7

Recent events and 2017 Bronx Business Expo > pages 5-7

Upcoming networking events >pages 5-8

Calendar of Events>page 8

Corporate Sponsors - Chairman's Circle - President's Circle members > page 8.

To read your copy: Click on the following link:

The Bronx Chamber of Commerce is one of the most influential, professional and successful organizations and voice for businesses in Bronx County. Professionals and companies are drawn to the successful companies and active members affiliated with The Bronx Chamber of Commerce. Membership includes businesses ranging from large corporations, Cultural Institutions, Universities and Colleges, Hospitals and Medical Centers, non-profits, and mid-sized to small companies. Visit:

Helping you grow your Bronx Business is our Goal!
Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"You never know where your next big deal is going to come from"

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Defendants Couldn’t Find Target So Shot His Friend Who Happened to Be Sitting on Stoop 
Defendants Found Guilty of Murder, Manslaughter; Could Face Life in Prison

  Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that two Latin Kings have been convicted of killing a Bronx man whom they happened upon as they sought to shoot a rival drug dealer in 2013. The defendants couldn’t find their target so they shot his 21-year-old friend, to send a message to the dealer to leave their block. 

 District Attorney Clark said, “These defendants came down the street gunning for a rival drug dealer, and when they couldn’t find him they coldly, non-chalantly shot dead a young man who happened to be sitting on a stoop, to send a message. Now two Bronx juries have sent the message that gun violence will not be tolerated by convicting these gang members of charges that carry up to life in prison.” 

 District Attorney Clark said that Jason DeJesus, 31, of 3662 Bronx Boulevard, was convicted of second-degree Murder and second-degree Criminal Possession of a Weapon on November 3, 2017 and Hector Rodriguez, 39, of 2240 Ryer Avenue, was convicted of firstdegree Manslaughter and Criminal Facilitation on November 8, 2017. They were convicted by separate juries after a two-month trial before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Robert Neary.

 Rodriguez will be sentenced on November 29, 2017, and as a discretionary persistent felony offender he could face life in prison. DeJesus will be sentenced on January 10, 2018, and faces up to 25 years to life in prison.

 According to the investigation, at about 11 p.m. on May 20, 2013, Marcos Cabral, 21, was found lying outside 287 East 162nd Street near Morris Avenue in Melrose with two fatal gunshot wounds. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

 According to the investigation, Rodriguez, a First-Crown Latin King, was told by another gang member, Edwin Colon, that Colon was having trouble on East 162nd Street and Morris Avenue with a marijuana dealer who was selling there, and the gang had to push back.

 DeJesus, Rodriguez and Colon went to the block and DeJesus fired five shots at Cabral, who was eating Chinese takeout food on the stoop. 

 Colon pleaded guilty to Criminal Possession of a Weapon on October 12, 2017 and will be sentenced to 11 years in prison.

 District Attorney Clark thanked Detective Al Crawford of the 44th Precinct Detective Squad and the Bronx Homicide Task Force for their work on the case.


  When the case was dismissed on September 6, 2017, I said I would not tolerate misconduct by law enforcement. My Office’s Public Integrity Bureau delved into the allegations surrounding the Pedro Hernandez case. 

Because the investigation has broadened, we saw the need for additional law enforcement resources and the Acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Joon H. Kim, has agreed to assist my office in this investigation.

Bronx Borough President - Puerto Rico Se Levanta.... Puerto Rican Heritage Month Celebration 2017

Puerto Rican Heritage
Month Celebration
Thursday, November 16, 2017
5:30 p.m.
Bronx Community College
2155 University Avenue, Colston Hall Lower Level
David Franco, FDNY, Chief Inspector
Nicky Marrero, Master Percussionist, FANIA All-Star
Ms. Audrey Puente, Meteorologist, Fox 5 NY
Enjoy an evening of mĂșsica tĂ­pica and delicious dishes of Puerto Rico
as we honor distinguished community leaders for their accomplishments.
Buffet from 5:30 p.m.—6:30 p.m. Program to begin at 6:45 p.m.
To RSVP call 718-590-3522 or email


 “President Trump’s top economic advisor has admitted that the group most excited about their tax plan is wealthy CEOs. This plan takes from New York City’s working families and hands billions of dollars to the largest corporations and wealthiest Americans.  That’s bad for our people and bad for our economy. The only way you could possibly think this plan makes any sense is if you care more about the wealth of the 1% than you do about the wealth of the middle class.” 

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Initial Distribution Of More Than $770 Million To Victims Of Madoff Ponzi Scheme

Payments Are the Single Largest Distribution of Forfeited Funds in the History of the Department of Justice’s Victim Compensation Program

  Rod J. Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General, Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced today that the Madoff Victim Fund established by the Department of Justice began its initial distribution of $772.5 million in funds forfeited to the United States Government in connection with the Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (“BLMIS”) fraud scheme.  These funds will be sent to more than 24,000 victims worldwide, the first in a series of payments from the Madoff Victim Fund that will return to victims more than $4 billion in assets recovered as compensation for losses suffered by the collapse of BLMIS, following the largest fraud in history.  Another $5 billion in assets recovered by the U.S. Attorney’s Office are being separately paid to Madoff victims through the BLMIS Customer Fund administered by the Securities Investor Protection Act Trustee.

Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein said:  “Thanks to civil asset forfeiture, the Department of Justice is announcing today the record-setting distribution of restitution to victims of Bernard Madoff’s notorious investment fraud scheme.  We have recovered billions of dollars from third parties – not Mr. Madoff – and are now returning that money to tens of thousands of victims.  This is the largest restoration of forfeited property in history.”

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said:  “Bernie Madoff committed one of history’s largest and most devastating frauds.  This Office not only prosecuted Madoff himself and others who helped perpetrate his fraud, but has remained committed to recovering money for his victims.  To date, this Office has recovered more than $9 billion for the innocent victims of Madoff’s fraud, and today’s distribution of $770 million, the single largest distribution of forfeited funds in the Department’s history, is part of our ongoing commitment to not only prosecute criminals but also find relief for victims.” 

FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “No amount of money in the world could ever reverse the catastrophic effects Madoff’s historic Ponzi scheme had on individuals and businesses alike. But now, nearly a decade after this crime was exposed, it is our hope that victims will finally be able to see the light at the end of a long, dark tunnel.”

Since the early 1970s, BERNARD L. MADOFF (“MADOFF”) used his position as Chairman of BLMIS, the investment advisory business he founded, to steal billions from his clients.  On March 12, 2009, MADOFF pled guilty to 11 federal felonies, admitting that he had turned his wealth management business into the world’s largest Ponzi scheme, benefitting himself, his family, and select members of his inner circle.  On June 29, 2009, United States District Judge Denny Chin sentenced MADOFF to 150 years in prison for running the largest fraudulent scheme in history.  Judge Chin ordered MADOFF to forfeit $170,799,000,000 as part of MADOFF’s sentence. 

The Madoff Victim Fund is funded through recoveries by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in various criminal and civil forfeiture actions, and is overseen by Richard Breeden, the former Chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, in his capacity as Special Master appointed by the Department of Justice to assist in connection with the victim remission proceedings.   

Of the approximately $4.05 billion that will be made available to victims through the Madoff Victim Fund, approximately $2.2 billion was collected as part of the civil forfeiture recovery from the estate of deceased MADOFF investor Jeffry Picower.  An additional $1.7 billion was collected as part of a Deferred Prosecution Agreement with JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. for MADOFF-related Bank Secrecy Act violations.  Additional funds were collected through criminal and civil forfeiture actions against MADOFF and his co-conspirators, and certain MADOFF investors.

Mr. Kim praised the work of the FBI and the Madoff Victim Fund, and thanked the Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division for their assistance.    

For more information about the Madoff Victim Fund, compensation to victims of BLMIS, eligibility criteria, and payment information, please visit