Monday, April 1, 2019


The Corps’ will use all of the dredged sand for beach re-nourishment between Beaches 92nd Street and Beach 103rd Street; goal is to have work completed in time for the beginning of beach season

  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Mayor de Blasio today announced that a USACE contractor, Weeks Marine, Cranford, N.J. has begun moving work vessels, pipe, and other equipment to perform maintenance dredging of East Rockaway Inlet to beneficially use dredged sand to re-nourish and restore Rockaway beach between Beach 92nd Street and Beach 103rd Street. The Mayor, Senator Schumer and Congressman Meeks worked with the Army Corps of Engineers to find this solution, which should allow for the reopening of this stretch of beach this coming summer, depending on the severity of spring storms.

“It’s happening! Equipment is on the move, and work is starting that will restore the previously closed stretch of Rockaway Beach in time for summer,” said Mayor de Blasio. “The summer wouldn’t be the same for the community and for families across the city without this work. The Army Corps and our federal partners have been critical to getting this solution in action.”

I am super thrilled to see the mobilization of equipment, which represents the next step in our process to begin executing this vital maintenance dredging contract," said Colonel Thomas Asbery, commander, USACE, New York District. "With hurricane season beginning June 1st, it's extremely important that we take full advantage of the opportunity to beneficially reuse the dredged material to restore portions of Rockaway's heavily eroded shorefront and provide additional coastal storm risk reduction benefits for the residents of the Rockaway community. I would like to thank to our partners at the City and the leaders at the federal, state, and local levels for their enthusiasm and support of this project.

USACE, New York District, recently awarded a contract for $10.7M to Weeks Marine to perform needed maintenance dredging of the East Rockaway Inlet Federal Navigation Channel. The City is contributing $2.7M to pump the sand two and a half miles farther west along Rockaway Beach in order to restore this section of the beaches which were closed last year because of significant erosion.

Tugboats, towing rafts of submergible pipe, have begun arriving in East Rockaway Inlet from Barnegat Inlet, New Jersey, and installation is ongoing. The submersible pipes are being installed in the ocean from East Rockaway Inlet west to Beach 87th Street, where the pipeline will come out of the ocean and onto the beach at Beach 88th Street, east of the most western groin. During the week of April 1st, additional pipe and bulldozers, wheel loaders and work sheds will arrive at the staging area between Beach 109th and 110th Streets.

USACE is expected to begin dredging operations the week of April 8th, 2019, pending the severity of spring storms, with a completion date before June 1, 2019, which is the beginning of Hurricane season. The work will restore and ensure safe passage for both commercial and recreational vessel traffic through East Rockaway Inlet. USACE is expected to remove approximately, 300,000 cubic yards of sand from the inlet and place it between Beach 92nd and Beach 103rd Streets to replace lost sand due to heavy erosion after last March’s back-to-back nor’easters.

In 2013, the USACE placed 3.5 million cubic yards of sand on Rockaway Beach following Superstorm Sandy to rebuild the beach and provide significant storm risk reduction. In addition, the New York District is now in the process of receiving the final approvals from USACE headquarters for the Rockaway & Jamaica Bay Reevaluation Report.  This report will authorize the construction, at 100% Federal cost, of new erosion control features (such as "jetties" or groins), additional beach fill and reinforced dunes, as well as flood risk reduction features on both the Atlantic and bayside shoreline of the Rockaway peninsula.

The plan also calls for increased beach berm with 1.6 m cubic yards of sand for initial placement, the extension of 5 groins already in place and the construction of 13 new groins --all designed to help reduce the risk from future coastal storms and provide additional resiliency for the residents of this community.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Battle for NY-15

Finding "The People's Champion" to represent the "poorest congressional district." The Sweet 16 is comprised of candidates who may seek to succeed incumbent Rep. Jose Serrano in the 2020 Democratic primary for NY-15 seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. [The joy of speculating "what if?"] Vote!

Round Two begins at Midnight Tonight.
On Friday, April 5, the top two challengers square-off. The fantasy poll will be open from 6 AM to 9 PM Friday night.

Councilman Andy King Celebrates Senior Birthdays in Council District 12

  Saturday evening it was the 90th birthday party for Maria Roman with Councilman Andy King not only stopping in to wish the birthday girl a Happy Birthday, but Councilman King brought along with him a Proclamation for Ms. Roman

Above - Councilman Andy King presents 90 year old Maria Roman with her Proclamation.
Below - Days before her official 103rd birthday Councilman Andy King brings flowers to Sister Sarah Pauline Turner at the Burke Avenue Baptist Church after Sunday Church services. 

Above - As Councilman King congratulates Sister Sarah Turner on her good life, you can see the birthday girl wave to the camera. 
Below - Councilman King goes around to give Sister Sarah a big hug and kiss.

Above - Local Bronx cable channel News 12 came to help celebrate Sister Sarah Turner's 103rd birthday, and interviewed her for the 6 PM news. Carolyn Turner is seated next to her mother.
Below - Citywide Cable Channel New York One also came to help Sister Sarah Turner celebrate her 103rd birthday, and also interviewed her for airing later in the evening. 

Bronx Chamber of Commerce Women of Distinction Luncheon

   The Bronx Chamber of Commerce held its Annual Women of Distinction Luncheon. Scholarships were given to local high school seniors, . The event was hosted by WCBS TV reporter Mary Calci, Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark was the Keynote Speaker. WNBC TV reporter Darlene Rodriguez and Dr. Ester Henry received Honoree awards. For more about the event click on the link to the Bronx Chronicle.

The Easter Bunny Comes to the Bay Plaza Mall


   Saturday the Easter Bunny came to the Bay Plaza Mall to meet and greet the children who were enjoying the magic show that Magician Peter Juris was giving. The Magician said the magic words and the Easter Bunny suddenly appeared to the delight os all the children who were waiting for him. 

Above - Mario Rodriguez helps Magician Peter Juris with a trick. All the magic wands the magician gave Mario seemed to bend in half so the Magician gave Mario a Magic Chicken to help do the trick.
Below - Niya Valentin did a bottle in the tube trick, but every time she and the magician lifted the tube off the bottle one was up and the other was down. The magician then turned his bottle over to match Niya, they turned their hands around and when they lifted the tube off the bottles they one was up and the other was down. That went on several times until the magician gave up.


MONDAY April 1, 2019
7:00 PM
Monsignior Fiorentino Apartments
1830 Amethyst Street, Community Room
Between Morris Park & Rhinelander Avenues

Allerton International Merchants Association
Monthly Meeting
TUESDAY April 2, 2019 7:30 PM
The Sanz
815 Allerton Avenue Upstairs
Off Boston Road.
Scheduled Guest
Bronx DOT Commissioner Nivardo Lopez

Morris Park Community Association
SATURDAY April 6, 2019 7 PM
Marina Del Rey
Throggs Neck

Morris Park Community Association
Next Meeting
WEDNESDAY April 10, 2019 7:30 PM
1824 Bronxdale Avenue
Between Morris Park & Rhinelander Avenues

Bronx River Art Center (BRAC) - Tableau

is pleased to invite you to the opening of
curated by Chad Stayrook 

APRIL 5TH - MAY 25th, 2019
Opening Reception, 
April 5th, 6 - 9 PM.
1087 East Tremont Avenue 
Bronx, NY 10460
718 589-5819

Elisabeth Smolarz, Ntianu, 3:30:00 New York, 
52x42, archival pigment print, 2016

Bronx River Art Center, 1087 E. Tremont Ave, Bronx NY 10460

Train: 2 or 5 train to West Farms Square - E Tremont Av Station
Bus: 9, 21, 36, 40, 42, Q44 to E. Tremont & Boston Road