Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Leader And Members Of Mob Family Sentenced To Life In Prison For Murder, Racketeering, And Other Crimes


Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “Matty Madonna, Christopher Londonio, and Terrence Caldwell – respectively, the Acting Boss, a soldier, and an associate of the Luchese Family – were responsible for the execution-style murder of Michael Meldish seven years ago.  Madonna ordered it, Londonio set it up, and Caldwell pulled the trigger.  Now all three have been sentenced to serve the rest of their lives in federal prison.  Thanks to the outstanding investigative work of the FBI and NYPD, we continue our commitment to render La Cosa Nostra a thing of the past.”

According to the evidence presented at trial, and other court documents:

Until his arrest in this case, MADONNA was the Acting Boss of the Luchese Family of La Cosa Nostra, one of the “Five Families” that constitute the Mafia in the New York City area.  In 2013, MADONNA became displeased with Michael Meldish, a longtime organized crime associate who had refused to collect debts owed to MADONNA.  MADONNA ordered Meldish killed.  Acting under the orders of MADONNA and Crea, LONDONIO helped set up Meldish – a personal friend of LONDONIO’s – to be killed, and acted as the getaway driver for the murder.  CALDWELL carried out MADONNA’s and Crea’s orders to kill Meldish.  CALDWELL met Meldish and drove with him to a Bronx neighborhood to meet LONDONIO.  As Meldish got out of his car, CALDWELL shot him once in the head, killing him instantly.  CALDWELL then drove off with LONDONIO.  For their participation in the Meldish murder, MADONNA, LONDONIO, and CALDWELL were each convicted at trial of conspiracy to commit murder in aid of racketeering, murder in aid of racketeering, and use of a firearm in furtherance of murder in aid of racketeering.

In addition, MADONNA, 84, of the Bronx, New York, LONDONIO, 45, of Hartsdale, New York, and CALDWELL, 61, of New York, New York, were also convicted of racketeering conspiracy; CALDWELL was convicted of attempted murder in aid of racketeering and discharging a firearm in furtherance of attempted murder in aid of racketeering arising out of his May 29, 2013, ambush of a member of the rival Bonanno Family in Manhattan; and LONDONIO was convicted of conspiracy to distribute narcotics.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the New York City Police Department, Homeland Security Investigations, the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor, and the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.


Comptroller Stringer Demands Answers on NYCHA Playgrounds

Comptroller’s April 2018 audit uncovered dangerous or deficient conditions in nearly three-quarters of NYCHA’s playgrounds — a failing that NYCHA has yet to properly address

As playgrounds reopened, Comptroller requested update from NYCHA Chair on critical inspections and repairs to ensure children in public housing have safe spaces to play this summer

   New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer is demanding answers from New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Chairman Greg Russ on the status of overdue inspections and repairs of NYCHA’s playgrounds. The Comptroller’s April 2018 audit found that nearly three-quarters of NYCHA’s playgrounds were in unsatisfactory or dangerous condition. Despite several promises for full inspections and corrective action following that audit, NYCHA has yet to provide a full accounting of its playground inspections or the condition of its 788 playgrounds in 238 developments.

Last month, NYCHA announced that it was reopening its playgrounds, which had been closed for several months because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It did so without having provided the Comptroller with the promised results of the “first round” of inspections that NYCHA’s newly formed Playground Unit was to have completed by February 28, 2020 — a promise Chairman Russ made to the Comptroller by letter dated December 27, 2019.

Given that the COVID-19 pandemic has hit NYCHA developments particularly hard and that children in public housing need safe spaces to play outside this summer, the Comptroller asked the NYCHA Chairman to respond in writing with answers to specific questions by July 23, 2020. To date NYCHA has failed to respond.

The full text of the Comptroller’s letter can be found below.

Re: Status of NYCHA playgrounds repairs

Dear Chair Russ:

While the entire City has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, NYCHA residents, and particularly children living in NYCHA developments, have been particularly hard hit. Our young people have experienced trauma and loss, between the disruption of school, the stress of the pandemic, and disproportionally high mortality rates of their neighbors and loved ones. It has never been more urgent that children living in NYCHA have safe spaces to play this summer.

That is why I am writing to follow-up on my office’s April 2018 audit of NYCHA playground conditions that found nearly three-quarters of playgrounds in unsatisfactory or dangerous condition, and July 2019 letter demanding action to remedy the situation after NYCHA’s failure to act for more than a year after the audit was released. You have outlined a commitment to implement new practices, develop a masterplan, and create a new unit to ensure that all NYCHA play spaces are inspected, maintained, and repaired within 90 days; however, my office has not received any additional information indicating the implementation of these plans to date.

On June 22, 2020, New York City officially entered phase II of reopening and playgrounds across all five boroughs were allowed to reopen. On July 6, 2020, New York City officially entered Phase III of reopening allowing other outdoor play spaces including basketball courts to re-open. While the pandemic may have delayed some inspections or maintenance, as play spaces reopen, we must ensure that all children have equitable access to safe playgrounds. I therefore request your timely response and action on the following items to maintain safety at NYCHA playgrounds.

In your December 27, 2019 letter to my office, you indicated that NYCHA was in the process of reviewing solicitations for landscape architecture design services, to establish comprehensive baseline inspection data and masterplans for all play spaces. You also offered the following timeline:

  • November 2019-December 2019 – Solicitation released, addendum issued, and proposals received
  • January 2020 – Task Order to be issued (multiple landscape architecture firms anticipated)
  • February 2020-May 2020 – Phase 1 of Masterplan (Data Collection and Analysis) to be shared with the Comptroller’s Office
  • June 2020-September 2020 – Phase 2 of Masterplan (Masterplan Design of All Sites in Scope) to be shared with the Comptroller’s Office

1) What is the status of these plans and when can my office expect to receive them for review?

You also shared that while the masterplan is in development you would implement an interim strategy that included the formation of a new Playground Unit composed of maintenance workers. You outlined that this new unit would be expected to inspect play spaces and secure or mitigate hazardous conditions and meet regularly with the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation (DPR) to learn best practices and refine training protocols. You informed my office that the Unit would finish its first round of inspections of all of NYCHA’s play spaces by February 28, 2020 and that this work would continue on a monthly basis thereafter. Moreover, you committed to collate the results and provide them to my office shortly after February 28, 2020. However, my office has still not received this data.

2) Please provide documentation confirming when the Playground Unit completed its first round of inspections, as well as any inspections that occurred in the months thereafter, and any inspections scheduled for the future.

3) In accordance with your prior commitment, please provide a collated report of the results of the inspections including a full accounting of all deficiencies noted during NYCHA’s playground inspections undertaken by this Unit to date, including but not limited to hazardous and potentially hazardous conditions, and any corrective action taken thus far.

4) Please also confirm whether the Unit met with DPR and if so, whether this training is still ongoing.

I understand that as part of an Agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Southern District of New York, and the City of New York, NYCHA created Compliance and Quality Assurance Departments to address the various health and safety issues that you admit had long been neglected. In your previous letter to my office you indicated NYCHA would review all of its Standard Procedures and establish an inspection baseline that these new Departments will validate.

5) Please advise whether this review is complete, and whether any reforms have been made to these procedures, please respond with the date it was officially rescinded, superseded, or revised, with supporting documentation for any such change.

Additionally, you informed my office that the Compliance and Quality Assurance Departments are charged with ensuring that procedures, statues, rules and regulations are consistently followed across all departments.

6) Are these Departments reviewing all play space inspection records for accuracy and completeness?

7) Please provide an accounting of all inspections performed to date (including but not limited to those performed within the 90-day period following March 22, 2018) with applicable dates and identifying the specific playgrounds inspected, listing the developments and location (street address). If none were performed, please so state.

You further indicated that technological upgrades were required to enable the results of play space inspections and corrective actions to be tracked, monitored, and reported out electronically in an automated and systematic fashion.

8) What is the status of these IT upgrades and when are they expected to be complete?

Please provide a written response to these questions and document requests by July 23, 2020. I am also available to meet with you at any time to discuss NYCHA’s plans to adopt my office’s audit recommendations.


Scott Stringer

New York City Comptroller


  After video surfaced of the arrest of Nikki Stone, a transgender woman at a protest Tuesday night - an incident later explained by the NYPD to be the Warrant Squad utilizing an unmarked car - Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams demanded answers and accountability from the NYPD Commissioner.

  In a letter, the Public Advocate says "The actions the world saw yesterday demonstrate a clear need to change how we police protestors engaging in their rights to assemble and gather," and requested information on several aspects of the arrest, including how these aggressive tactics were selected relative to the nature of the allegations against Ms. Stone and whether they are often used in relation to similar allegations. He also probed the protocols in place for arrests by the Warrant Squad, including whether and when Miranda rights are read.

The full letter is below.

Dear Commissioner Shea:

I write with grave concern regarding the New York Police Department Warrant Squad's arrest of a transgender woman on Tuesday, July 28, 2020. The actions the world saw yesterday demonstrate a clear need to change how we police protestors engaging in their rights to assemble and gather.

This morning, the Mayor said this was not only a matter of "wrong place, wrong time," but an action that makes it difficult to build trust between police and our communities. To that end, I request your response to the following questions on the tactics deployed by the NYPD yesterday: 

  1. Have previous cases for alleged damage of property ever led to similar tactics by the NYPD we saw in the videos yesterday?  If so, how frequently are those tactics used in those instances?
  2. How did the New York Police Department determine the tactics used in the viral video to force a transgender woman in an unmarked car?
  3. At what point of any arrest in an unmarked van by Warrant Squad are Miranda rights read? 
  4. What other criminal charges have ever led to plainclothes officers forcibly removing protestors if any?
  5. Was an arrest warrant, signed by a judge, issued to make this or any arrest on July 28?
  6. What protocols must be followed by the Warrant Squad when serving someone a warrant?

I hope you will understand the urgency of this request, and I look forward to receiving your response on this matter. Please contact First Deputy Public Advocate Nick E. Smith at with any questions.  Thank you.


Jumaane D. Williams
Public Advocate for the City of New York


  New York City Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams introduced multiple pieces of legislation in the City Council today to advance transparency in policing and protect the rights of minors in police custody amid a citywide and national movement for police reform.

"In the midst of a long-overdue national conversation on policing and public safety, it is critical to support transparency and protect against abuses, whether a police encounter is on the street or in a precinct," said Public Advocate Williams of the bills. "These legislative efforts are part of a broader reimagining of what public safety is, and how law enforcement and civilians interact."

The first of the bills, Intro 2013, would provide transparency in police use of force by Taser or other electronic weapon by requiring police officers to download the electrical weapon data at the end of each tour. The bill would also require that for any new contracts, contract renewals, or contract modifications of body worn cameras, such cameras must be capable of automatically beginning recording when an electrical weapon is armed or its trigger is pulled.

A 2019 report by the Civilian Complaint Review Board indicated the NYPD only downloads Taser data in the event of a critical incident or suspected misconduct, rather than as a routine. It recommended that it should do more to train officers and prevent any improper use, as well as provide detailed reporting on such use. 

The analysis further showed a racial disparity in complaints related to Taser usage, with 53% of complainants being Black and 67% of officers involved being white. It also noted an increase in the number of Tasers used by the department, particularly from 2016-2017, and a commensurate increase in the number of Taser discharge events.

The second piece of legislation, Intro 2012, would require the NYPD Commissioner to
report on custodial interrogations of minors. Such report would include:
  • The total number of times the department attempted to conduct a custodial interrogation of a minor in the previous quarter
  • The precinct of the arresting officer and borough where the arrest took place
  • Whether a parent or legal guardian of the minor was informed of the arrest prior to the interrogation
  • Whether the minor spoke to an attorney prior to the interrogation
  • Whether the minor was notified of their Miranda Rights, and whether the minor waived such rights.. 
The Public Advocate also introduced a resolution calling on the Governor and State Legislature to enact S4980A/A6982, which would make it clear that police are required to immediately notify parents that their child will be taken into custody before taking the child into custody and would amend the criminal procedure law to require that persons under 18-years-old consult with counsel before being subjected to custodial interrogation.

Issues surrounding police interrogations of young people have long been controversial, from the questioning of the young boys then known as the Central Park Five in 1989 to questions stemming from interrogations related to the 2019 murder of Tessa Majors in Morningside Park.

Rep. Adriano Espaillat Statement on Revel Suspending Moped Services in New York City

   Representative Adriano Espaillat released the following statement in response to Revel’s announcement today that it will suspend operations of its electric moped-sharing service in New York City. The announcement comes following pressure from Rep. Espaillat to halt the service in the wake of a spate of deaths and critical injuries.

“Like so many others, I am relieved that Revel suspended service and acknowledged that its standards for operational safety, customer training, and rider accountability fall short of protecting the public health and safety of New Yorkers,” said Rep. Adriano Espaillat (NY-13). “That said, it should not have taken two deaths and a barrage of other troubling incidents – including one that left a constituent of mine in critical condition – for Revel to take this necessary action.”

“Nonetheless, there should now be a concerted effort with city officials and the input of key community stakeholders, to ensure the safety of Revel users and others on our streets before the company restores operations in our city. New York has and always will be a center for innovation, especially in the transportation space, but that cannot come at the expense of our safety. We must use this opportunity to put mechanisms in place that ensure the safety of New Yorkers is protected before new and unvetted products, services and technologies hit our streets,” said Rep. Espaillat.

This past Saturday, Rep. Espaillat became the first elected official in New York City to call for Revel’s operations to be suspended pending a safety review in the wake of a spate of accidents. Last week, Nina Kapur, a 26-year-old television reporter for CBS in New York died after she was thrown from a Revel while riding in Brooklyn. Nina was a passenger when her 26-year-old male companion who was driving swerved for unknown reasons. On Saturday, a 30-year-old man was left in critical condition after losing control of his moped and crashing into a pole in the Inwood neighborhood of Manhattan, in Rep. Espaillat’s district. His passenger sustained non-life-threatening injuries. Another similar, tragic incident occurred early this morning in Queens, leaving yet another rider dead.

Rep. Espaillat is the only member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee from New York City. He has authored and advanced various legislation at the federal level that would improve safety on local streets for all users, including pedestrians and bicyclists. His Transportation Alternatives Enhancements Act passed in the House this year as part of a larger infrastructure package advanced by House Democrats. Components of his Complete Streets Act and his Safe and Friendly for the Environment (SAFE) Streets Act were also included in the package.


Taskforce On Racial Inclusion and Equity announces citywide push to help entrepreneurs of color start and grow their own businesses

  Mayor Bill de Blasio today signed an Executive Order to immediately strengthen the City’s utilization of Minority and Women-Owned Businesses (M/WBEs) and announced a series of new programs with the Taskforce on Racial Inclusion and Equity to connect Black and Latinx entrepreneurs to business opportunities, including government contract matching, access to pro bono business consultants and mentorship networks. The project also will provide an opportunity for non-certified businesses to learn how to do business with the City.


The Executive Order includes directives focused on expanding the pool of contracts subject to the M/WBE program, and creating more opportunities for M/WBEs to win procurements, and establishes a Chief Diversity M/WBE Officer in all City agencies. It also encourages all City agencies to procure goods, services, and construction from M/WBEs for amounts up to $500,000, and increases oversight for high-values projects. In addition, the Executive Order ensures M/WBEs’ continued involvement in the City’s response to the ongoing State of Emergency by ensuring City agencies set M/WBE participation goals for contracts in response to the pandemic, and by requiring every City agency that is conducting procurement in response to the State of Emergency must consider at least one quote from a M/WBE before awarding the contract.


“Our City works best when everyone – regardless of race, gender or ethnicity – has the resources they need to participate in our economy,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “With these programs, we’re bringing business opportunities directly to diverse and talented New Yorkers who provide our City with a variety of goods and services.”


"COVID-19 has hit communities of color especially hard, and the Taskforce on Racial Inclusion and Equity has stepped in to address the disparity in opportunities that are available.” said First Lady Chirlane McCray. "These directives will help level the playing field for black and brown entrepreneurs so they can build and grow businesses that stabilize our local communities with good-paying jobs, and contribute to the vibrancy of our city."


This work is supported by the Administration's Taskforce on Racial Inclusion and Equity, which brings an equity-based approach to COVID-19 response and recovery efforts in hardest-hit communities. Services and supports are tailored to meet the unique challenges of New Yorkers in communities of color that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.


A case-management structure will be developed to proactively identify a subset of Black and Latinx certified firms and match them to contracts. Anchor institutions such as universities, hospitals, cultural centers will also support this work with a focus on outreach to minority businesses to encourage them to compete for government contracts. In addition, the City will recruit pro-bono business consultants to provide business and operations planning to businesses in Black and Latinx communities. The City will also help Black and Latinx communities to create online and in person mentorship networks for entrepreneurs and small businesses of color.


“Minority and women-owned businesses hire people in the community whom other businesses won’t take a chance on, serve as the eyes and ears that help keep communities safe, and form the bedrock that our communities can build upon,” said J. Phillip Thompson, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives and Co-Chair of the Racial Inclusion and Equity Taskforce. “M/WBEs have done so much for us and now need our support as the economic and health effects of the pandemic disproportionately impact them. Today’s actions will secure the meaningful participation of M/WBEs in City contracting – especially Black and Latino businesses, and within that group, Black, Latina, and Asian women-owned businesses – and help to ensure an equitable recovery in New York City.”


“As New York City continues to recover, it is imperative that we address the inequities exposed by the pandemic, and that includes building economic empowerment for our hardest-hit communities,” said Dr. Raul Perea-Henze, Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services and Co-Chair of the Racial Inclusion and Equity Taskforce. “Today’s step to connect Black and Latinx entrepreneurs with more access to government contracting opportunities will ensure that our City emerges stronger and more vibrant from the crisis.”  


"M/WBEs are a backbone of this City and integral part of the economic vitality of black and brown communities," said Sideya Sherman, Taskforce Executive Director and NYCHA Executive Vice President for Community Engagement & Partnerships. "Through these new initiatives, entrepreneurs of color will be better positioned to compete for contracting opportunities and have networks that will help their business grow."


The new programs will be managed by the Department of Small Business Services (SBS) in coordination with the Office of Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises and community partners. The Administration is taking aggressive steps to strengthen M/WBEs and ensure the City’s procurement reflects the diversity of New York City businesses:

  • The Administration has more than doubled the certified pool of M/WBEs since 2016 (from 4.5K to 9K), and we are nearing 10K certifications.
  • In the first three quarters of FY 2020, the City reached a record 29.5% M/WBE utilization, totaling $964 million in prime and sub-contracts.
  • The City is more than halfway to achieving the 10-year OneNYC goal awarding nearly $16 billion of $25 billion in contracts to M/WBEs by 2025; we are more than $1 billion ahead of schedule.
  • In FY19 alone, the City awarded $3.8 billion in contracts to M/WBEs through both mayoral and non-mayoral agencies.

“M/WBE policy is about ensuring that the City's commitment to diversity is reflected in its spending and these changes are ensuring our M/WBEs are moving forward,” said Jonnel Doris, Commissioner of the NYC Department of Small Business Services and Co-Chair of the Small Business Subcommittee of the Taskforce on Racial Inclusion and Equity. “Today, we continue our commitment to level the playing field and create fairer systems, making NYC more equitable for all."


“I am extremely honored to be part of the First Lady’s Taskforce on Racial Inclusion & Equity. As part of this Taskforce, we heard from many minority business owners that their businesses cannot survive this crisis without government  assistance. The Mayor’s Executive Order is a significant step in addressing many of the disparities that have been revealed as a result of this pandemic and with the implementation of these initiatives, I am confident it will provide many of our minority businesses impacted by the COVID crisis with additional contracting, mentoring and technical assistance necessary for their survival,” said Suzanne Veira, Chief Diversity Officer for the NYC School Construction Authority and Co-Chair of the Small Business Subcommittee of the Taskforce on Racial Inclusion and Equity.


"M/WBEs are critical to the very fabric of NYC; they contribute to the vitality and vibrancy of each and every neighborhood in this city and represent the future of business and the future of the City," said Magalie Austin, Senior Advisor and Director of the Mayor’s Office of Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises. "They will be hard-pressed to fully recover economically if M/WBE’s are not included in our economic recovery.”


Shoelace Park Clean Up By Councilman Andy King Local Community and the National Guard

In what the Bronx Borough President has declared 'Clean Up Monday's' This past Monday in Council District 12 was Clean Up Shoelace Park located at Bronx River Parkway and East 219th Street. Over 25 volunteers from the Bronx River Alliance, local community, and the National Guard unit helped Councilman King clean up Shoelace Park.

Above - A few volunteer picking up the trash in Shoelace Park.
Below - Two of the National Guard detail bring up bagss of trash to the collection point.

Bronx Parks Commissioner Iris Rodriguez arrived after attending other events in the South Bronx, and then was off to another event.