Thursday, April 28, 2011


Socrates A. Caba & LeMed Pharmacy are pleased to announce the formation of the Bronx Borough AIDS Advocacy Network (BBAAN). Along with Socrates Caba, the former coordinator of the Bronx HIV Care Network, LeMed Pharmacy understands the magnitude of collaboration, the distribution of information, education and networking, something vital to the community at large, and persons infected and affected by HIV and AIDS.

The mission of BBAAN is to strengthen community awareness of available services in community based organizations. BBAAN will foster collaborations and networking among residents of the community and CBO service providers. Members will collectively identify and prioritize local regional needs, provide information and education in an effort to promote services and improve community awareness of HIV related issues.

In addition to the tremendous need for advocacy, BBAAN will be meeting to discuss service priorities and linkages to care throughout the Bronx and invite all to be a part of the initial meeting. Event details follow below.

Thursday, April 28st 2011 --  6:00pm to 7:30pm
CitiWide Harm Reduction Program 
226 East 144th Street, Bronx, NY 10451

6:00pm – 6:15pm               Introductions and Announcements
6:15pm – 6:45pm               Discuss Network Mission and Purpose
6:45pm – 7:15pm               Presentation:   Sean Barry, ED  Vocal  - NY
                                                                   “Housing Issues: 30% Rent Cap” 
                                                                   “Medicaid Cuts”
7:15pm – 7:30pm               Networking

Directions:             Train: 2, 4& 5 to 149th St./Grand Course
                                                Buses: 1,2 & 19

Food & Metro-cards will be provided. For More information call 347.805.5180 or 347-326-5100.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

SoBRO Receives Two Brownfield Opportunity Areas (BOA) Program Grants to Revitalize Port Morris  

The New York State Department of State awarded SoBRO two Brownfield Opportunity Areas (BOA) Program grants for planning, analysis and predevelopment activities in the Port Morris neighborhood of the Bronx adjacent to the Harlem River and the East River. The awards will allow SoBRO to advance efforts to clean up “brownfield sites”—dormant and environmentally contaminated lots of land— for their eventual redevelopment into areas of commercial and/or residential use. SoBRO’s Harlem River and East River projects were among only four initiatives funded in New York City and 21 projects funded across New York State. The two awards, totaling $807,800, represent a major investment in the community revitalization of the South Bronx.

SoBRO’s first BOA project involves the completion of an Implementation Strategy for a 200-acre area containing 10 brownfield sites in Port Morris near the Harlem River. The project’s objectives include establishing development and financing plans to realize the removal of hazardous substances from former industrial properties, predevelopment efforts aimed at redeveloping the land into commercial and/or residential properties, and increasing waterfront access to the Harlem River.

For the second BOA project, SoBRO will complete an in-depth assessment and evaluation for a 145-acre area with approximately 20 brownfield sites located in Port Morris near the East River. The project will help identify strategies to remove environmentally hazardous substances and study the most effective ways to redevelop and reuse the land to energize the local economy. SoBRO was awarded $374,000 for this initiative.

The work on these BOA sites will enable future investments to flow into the South Bronx from both public and private realms. “The BOA program has been an instrumental tool in engaging property owners and the local community in a meaningful planning process that facilitates revitalization of underutilized lots in the historically underserved neighborhoods of the Bronx,” explained Phillip Morrow, SoBRO’s President and CEO. “Leveraging this program allows us to bring critical and sustainable economic development practices to address sites that are among the most challenging yet have tremendous potential for positive impact into our communities. We commend New York State for prioritizing this important program, and pledge to continue our efforts to bring Brownfield sites back to productive uses for the Bronx.”

The BOA program is sponsored by the New York State Department of State in partnership with the Department of Environmental Conservation. To date, more than 100 BOA revitalization strategies are underway, supported by over $32 million in New York State funds. For more information about this year’s BOA program, visit the Department of State’s website at For more information about SoBRO, visit or contact us directly with the information provided below. 

Monday, April 25, 2011


Dozens of banners promoting borough festivities will appear in different city neighborhoods 

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and The Bronx Tourism Council announced today that Bronx Week 2011 will be promoted through a first-ever lamppost advertising campaign in neighborhoods in Manhattan and Queens.
The banners will be displayed in Soho, South Street Seaport, and Union Square in Manhattan and at LaGuardia Airport in Queens. The promotional banners, created in partnership with NYC & Company, will invite city residents and visitors to the numerous events that are scheduled during the Bronx Week 2011, celebration that this year marks its 40th anniversary and takes place from May 12 to May 22.
“Bronx Week is the best time to visit The Bronx and to confirm that our borough is a great place to live, work, and have fun.  We want to be sure that more and more New Yorkers and tourists will visit us and share the biggest celebration of our culture, history and places. We are ready to show them the beauty of The Bronx!” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
The banners, which read “The Party Is Uptown” and feature the website, show pictures of some of the borough’s most famous places such as the Yankee Stadium, the Bronx Zoo and the Botanical Garden, and will be up through the end of the festivities.
For more information on Bronx Week, visit

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Open Letter to the Editors of the Village Voice

From Senator Ruben Diaz Sr

To the Editors of the Village Voice:
  When I read Steven Thrasher's column, Ruben Diaz Sr.: Gay Marriage Over My Dead Body, I realized that your point was not to explore the beliefs of people opposed to homosexual marriage, but to vilify my principled and vocal defense against attacks on marriage as we know it.
  When I read the comments posted online that followed your article, I considered that you or your editors have espoused an "at all costs" approach to achieving your goal of passing a gay marriage bill.  One reader, Wayne writes: " you wish, Mr Diaz.....I can arrange your final resting place in a local dump."
  Would the authors and editors at the Village Voice have been so quick to tolerate any comments hoping for the demise or imminent death of one of their favorite political leaders? Or perhaps their purpose really was to draw out and encourage criminal acts by your readers.
  If the "affront" to my personal safety wasn't enough, it was embodied in an article that was so poorly researched. The two factual errors come to mind: first of all, if as you say my chief-of-staff is gay, no one has bothered to tell her. Also, if any of your readers are interested in attending a counter-demonstration, they shouldn't bother taking your directions to gather at 181st Street expecting the end of our rally there, I and the thousands of New Yorkers who believe in respect for human life and sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman will be found praying near the Bronx County Courthouse at 161st Street and the Grand Concourse.
It's so sad to see people in journalism abuse their positions, but it's outrageous to see how the editors of the Village Voice use their editorial discretion to facilitate and encourage homicide.
Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz
32nd Senatorial District.
Please don't make any comments that will have to be deleted --- 100PERCENT. 


Assemblyman Michael Benedetto
Treasurer of Bronx County Democratic Party

Lisa Marie Agosto-Soto • Organizational Award
Paul Spitaleri & Garrett Lane • Hospitality Award
SUNDAY •MAY 1,2011•1PM-4PM
MIRIAM SCHWARTZ  718-829-3041
JOSEPH A. MCMANUS   718-644-1841

Thursday, April 21, 2011

New tolls on the East River Bridges?

Here is the bill proposed by the five State Senators listed to the Assembly, and it is unknown who is the assembly sponsor if there is one. 

  New York State Assembly Logo Thursday, April 21, 2011

S04774 Summary:

BILL NO    S04774 

SAME AS    No same as




Amd S800, Tax L; amd S28, NYC Chart
Relates to eliminating the Metropolitan commuter transportation mobility tax in certain counties and authorizing the imposition of certain bridge tolls by the city of New York.

S04774 Actions:

BILL NO    S04774 


S04774 Text:

S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 4774 2011-2012 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E April 20, 2011 ___________ Introduced by Sens. BONACIC, BALL, LARKIN, SALAND, ZELDIN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Investigations and Government Operations AN ACT to amend the tax law, in relation to the Metropolitan commuter transportation mobility tax and to amend the New York city charter, in relation to the imposition of certain bridge tolls THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Subsection (a) of section 800 of the tax law, as added by 2 section 1 of part C of chapter 25 of the laws of 2009, is amended to 3 read as follows: 4 (a) Metropolitan commuter transportation district. The metropolitan 5 commuter transportation district ("MCTD") means the area of the state 6 included in the district created and governed by section twelve hundred 7 sixty-two of the public authorities law, BUT EXCLUDING THE COUNTIES OF 8 DUTCHESS, ORANGE, PUTNAM, SUFFOLK, ROCKLAND, NASSAU AND WESTCHESTER. 9 S 2. Section 28 of the New York city charter is amended by adding a 10 new subdivision h to read as follows: 11 H. FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING AN ADDITIONAL STABLE AND RELIABLE 12 DEDICATED FUNDING SOURCE FOR THE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 13 AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES TO PRESERVE, OPERATE AND IMPROVE 14 ESSENTIAL TRANSIT AND TRANSPORTATION SERVICES IN THE METROPOLITAN COMMU- 15 TER TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT, THE COUNCIL IS AUTHORIZED TO ESTABLISH 16 TOLLS ON THE FOLLOWING BRIDGES OVER THE EAST RIVER: BROOKLYN, MANHAT- 17 TAN, WILLIAMSBURG AND QUEENSBORO BRIDGES. THE RECEIPT OF REVENUES GENER- 18 ATED FROM SUCH TOLLS, IS AUTHORIZED TO BE TRANSMITTED BY THE CITY TO THE 19 METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY FOR SUCH PURPOSES. IN THE EVENT 20 THAT ANY OR ALL OF SUCH BRIDGES ARE CONVEYED, THE DEED OF CONVEYANCE 21 SHALL INCLUDE A PROVISION RESERVING SUCH RECEIPTS FOR THE TRANSPORTATION 22 USES WITHIN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 23 S 3. This act shall take effect immediately. EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD08935-01-1 

Bronx Week 2011 Vendor Invitation

Bronx Week Festival
40th Anniversary
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Mosholu Parkway
The largest street fair & festival in the Bronx.  
An all-day celebration and concert draws thousands for the grand finale of the Bronx Week celebration, which marks its 40th anniversary this year.
All types of vendors welcome
For information and an application
Contact:  Freddy Perez 
In partnership with
btc logo



 In response to questions about the Requests for Proposals (RFP) for a Financial Advisor, Pricing Advisor and Swap Advisor released jointly today by the Comptroller’s Office and the Mayor’s Office of Management and Budget, Comptroller C. John Liu stated the following:

"New York City's ambitious infrastructure rebuilding plan requires billions to be raised in the capital markets.  These RFPs will allow new as well as established firms to compete for the City's business, ensuring that our taxpayers get the best deal with lower borrowing costs.  Moreover, opening the process up to competition may result in doing more business with firms owned by minorities, women and small NYC-based business, whereas continuing the same old non-competitive process guarantees the status quo.”
The existing Financial Advisor contracts had been extended multiple times without a new RFP being issued.
Deputy Comptroller for Public Finance Carol Kostik stated, “New York City benefits from a deep talent pool in financial services.  We manage a large and complex financing program, so we want the best and the brightest on our financing teams.  With these RFPs, firms can compete to earn a place on those teams.”
Two RFPs were issued today, one for Financial Advisor and Price Advisor, and one for Swap Advisor.  The RFPs will be used to hire advisers for the City General Obligation bonds as well as for the New York City Transitional Finance Authority, the New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, and the Hudson Yards Infrastructure Authority.