Friday, April 27, 2012


  I am gratified that the police have arrested two suspects in the murder of Hwang Yang who was shot in Riverdale on April 19th. Said Councilman G. Oliver Koppell.
  It is my understanding that two men have confessed to their participation in the robbery and murder.
I know that the arrest of the alleged perpetrators will bring some peace to the Yang family, although nothing can compensate for the loss of this fine young man.
   I congratulate the 50th Precinct and the NYPD on the arrest of these alleged perpetrators.

BX Chamber of Commerce
Upcoming Events 


Public Safety Answering Center II (PSAC II)
 Construction Project
Employment and Contracting Information Session
 Wednesday, May 2nd
 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM
For more information or to register for this event, Click Here 

Tuesday, May 8th
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
For more information or to get an application, Click Here 
Sponsored by: Courtney Strong
Wednesday, May 9th
5:30 PM
For more information or to register for this event, Click Here 
In Westchester Square
Saturday, May 12th
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
For more information on this event, Click Here
Monday, May 21st
11:00 AM
For more information or to register for this event, Click Here
Tuesday, June 19th
2:00 PM - 6:30 PM
For more information or to register for this event, Click Here
We look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


   City Comptroller John C. Liu issued the following statement about the Mayor’s veto of the Prevailing Wage Bill:

  “As a City employee the Mayor continues to ignore the widening wealth gap within the five boroughs. In opposing these bills, he is sending the wrong message, that our scarce taxpayer resources are better spent on lining the pockets of wealthy corporate executives rather than creating fair-paying jobs to support working families and the communities in which they live.  Needless to say, my office looks forward to the Council overriding these vetoes, and to continuing to enforce Prevailing Wage Laws, which help promote equality and fairness in our City.” 


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gas Leak Outside PS , 81 Riverdale

  Shortly after 1 PM Tuesday afternoon PS 81 located at 5550 Riverdale Avenue in the Riverdale section of the Bronx was evacuated when the smell of gas was discovered in the basement of the school. The NYFD and Con Edison quickly responded to the school, and soon there after the children were able to return to the building. Con Edison workers said that the gas leak was underground in the street possibly due to recent construction that may have damaged a gas pipe.
  Con Edison workers were still at the scene at 4 PM after PS 81 had let out trying to find the exact location of the gas leak. Boring holes were being drilled by Con Edison in the street and then tested for the amount of gas in them. The gas leak seemed to be near the connection of the gas main in the street that was recently connected to PS 81.
Fire engines and Con Edison trucks parked in front of PS 81
Con Edison workers check recent construction in front of PS 81
Firemen and Con Edison workers look at the gas main in the street.
Con Edison workers check next to new curb for any gas leak.
A nearby manhole is checked for any leaking gas.
Hours later Con Edison workers are drilling test bores in the street 
near the gas main checking for gas leaks.
Below after Con Edison workers found the gas leak they dug up the 
area by the old gas main, and repaired the leak.

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 New York City Comptroller John C. Liu issued the following statement in response to protests at Wells Fargo’s annual shareholder meeting:

  “We understand the sentiments voiced by the protestors.  As a
long-term shareowner, the NYC Pension Funds have asked in vain for the firm to root out and correct systemic flaws in its mortgage and foreclosure practices,” Comptroller Liu said.  “Today we repeated that request for the second year in a row.  Until Wells Fargo and other large banks conduct independent audits of their housing-related policies, investors will lack assurances that they and the larger public are safeguarded against further economic damage. Today’s protests should remind these banks that if they fail to improve future practices, their reputations and financial performance will suffer accordingly.”


New York City Comptroller John C. Liu serves as the investment advisor
  to, custodian and trustee of the New York City Pension Funds. The New York City Pension Funds are composed of the New York City Employees’ Retirement System, Teachers’ Retirement System, New York City Police Pension Fund, New York City Fire Department Pension Fund and the Board of Education Retirement System. The New York City Pension Funds hold 13,067,127 shares of Wells Fargo, valued at $427,164,381.63 as of



Monday, April 23, 2012

Mark Gjonaj Announces Candidacy For 80th A.D.

  Sunday afternoon in the pouring rain hundreds of loyal supporters gathered at 2134 Barnes Avenue (corner Lydig Ave.) to hear Mr. Mark Gjonaj announce that he would be running for the 80th Assembly District seat. While most first time candidates say that they are not politicians, Mr. Gjonaj was quick to say that he is a politician, and that he will be the next representative in Albany from the 80th A.D. 
  Candidate Gjonaj said that he has come from humble beginnings, his immigrant grandparents (together for 70 years) were with him at the announcement, as were several other family members. His wife Roberta said that she supports her husband in his quest to become the assemblyman from the 80th  A.D. Candidate Gjonaj said that he will be the voice of the people in Albany, raising the quality of life in the district, that the Bronx has the highest unemployment rate in the state at 14.1%, and that government regulations are choking small businesses that provide the needed jobs to cut the unemployment rate. Candidate Gjonaj said that all children should have an equal education, and that he wants to keep schools open more hours for after school programs, child care, and adult education. He added that we are in debt to the elderly, and where it is now policy to cut elderly programs and threaten to close centers that he will fight to keep said programs and centers open. “I'm only as good as the people around me, and here I have the best”, and Gjonaj ending by saying “God bless you all”. The campaign slogan of Mark Gjonaj for the 80th A.D. is “YOUR CHOICE FOR PROGRESS 2012”, and the campaign headquarters for Mr. Mark Gjonaj is located at 2134 Barnes Avenue at the corner of Lydig Avenue, with 718-791-0512 as the phone number.  

Gjonaj HQ is located at the corners of Barnes and Lydig Avenues

In the pouring rain there was still a large crowd
Mark Gjonaj speaking to the crowd of supporters.

You can see the pouring rain in this photo.

Here past 80th A.D. candidate Joe Thompson poses with good friend and 80th A.D. candidate Mark Gjonaj.

Bronx Democratic County Committee To Support Luis Sepulveda For New York State Assembly

April 23, 2012  

The Bronx Democratic County Committee
Announces its Support for Attorney Luis Sepulveda in his bid for the New York State Assembly

The Bronx Democratic County Committee will support Luis Sepulveda for the 87th Assembly District. Sepulveda, a professor and attorney in the Bronx, has shown his commitment to Bronx residents through his outreach and pro bono efforts for the residents of Parkchester.  An experienced educator, Sepulveda is a professor at Mercy College, teaching law-related courses including Business Law and Constitutional Law.  He looks forward to being a strong advocate in Albany for enhanced public safety, education and access to better services for the residents of the 87th District.

“Luis Sepulveda has demonstrated his commitment to the Bronx and the residents he intends to serve through his advocacy and persistent presence on issues that matter.  The Bronx Democratic Party welcomes him with open arms and we look forward to working strenuously to elect him” said Bronx Democratic Chairman Carl E. Heastie.

"I am humbled and honored to receive the endorsement of the Bronx Democratic County Committee," said Luis Sepulveda.  "The Democratic Party of the Bronx is the driving force behind progressive change in this City and State.  It is making a difference in the lives of the residents of the Bronx and the State; a movement of which I would be proud to be a part.”

"Luis Sepulveda has proven that he is a fighter for the people of the Bronx, and I am proud to support him in his quest to represent the 87th Assembly District. Luis has long been a friend and ally to me, and I know from my own experience that he will make us proud in Albany, just as he has through his years of service and advocacy for the people of the Bronx. I look forward to working to see him elected to the New York State Assembly, and to working with him on the many important issues that face our borough once he is elected," said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

"I have been impressed by Luis' tenacity and dedication in fighting for the needs of our community," said Council Member Annabel Palma. "I have no doubts that, given the opportunity, Luis will carry on this fight in Albany." 

The Democratic primary election will be held in September.


C.E.P.B.A.’s Community Forum

C.E.P.B.A.’s community forum
Mobilizing and Restructuring Community Resources to Better Educate our Youth

\“But even in the toughest of neighborhoods and circumstances, children excel when the right adults are doing the right things for them.”  . . . from the award winning book on American education, Waiting for Superman, Karl Weber, Editor
This forum will lay the foundation for a series of think-tank and strategic planning sessions focused on building capacity within the community to more effectively educate our youth for the social and economic environments they face in this 21st Century.
Forum Topics will include the following:
  • Essential elements of 21st century education for our youth.
  • Defining educational arenas for community-based leadership and responsibility.
  • Parent Training, Child Guidance Networks, and Peer Group Mobilization
  • Health, safety, spiritual supports at the community level.
  • Untapped and under-engaged community resources.
  • Promoting innovative educational strategies.

R.S.V.P. recommended. For further information contact:
Johnnie Goff (917) 797-1771, Audrey Eadie (718) 231-7100/7101, or

Delete text and place photo her
An action-oriented forum for concerned youth caretakers & community activists sponsored by the
Community, Education, Political & Business Alliance of the Northeast Bronx, Council District 12

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

6:00 – 8:00 P.M.

North Bronx Nat’l Council of Negro Women Child Development Center
4035 White Plains Road
Bronx, NY 10466
(between 227th & 228th Streets)
