Wednesday, July 4, 2012



The Fordham Road Business Improvement District (BID) presents Fordham Fever Friday’s! taking place the first Friday of the month (Friday, July 6, August 3, September 7, and October 5, 2012) from 11AM-4PM at Muller Park & Plaza at East Fordham Road & Creston Avenue.

Join the Fordham Road BID as they expand their retail services into a unique day of culturally diverse activities, giving shoppers and their families a delightful experience while visiting one of the busiest shopping districts in the Bronx. Shoppers can take a break from bargain hunting and bring children to enjoy Native American Storytelling, stretch and learn how to make the most of a hot day work-out with a fitness challenge boot camp instructor, or listen to live music later in the afternoon. 

The event series will feature free Native American Storytelling with Bobby Gonzalez, free Belin Sports & Fitness Boot Camp Demos, artists displaying their artwork, live musical performances and much more.

The Fordham Road BID is a non-profit corporation under contract with the City of New York to provide supplementary services to the community. The BID focuses on sanitation, beautification, promotion and overall advocacy of the Fordham Road area – striving to make the district a more attractive and dynamic locale in which to shop, work and visit. The BID boundaries extend from Third to Jerome Avenues along East Fordham Road and also includes the commercial areas on select side streets.  The district is comprised of approximately 80 buildings and almost 300 businesses ranging from nationwide chains to locally owned independent shops.

For more information about this event or any of our other programs, events or services, please contact the BID office at (718) 562-2104 or visit the BID website at



State Senator Rivera Hosts Bronx CAN Health Initiative Event Focused on Nutrition

The focus of Saturday's Health Fair is Nutrition and Healthy Eating

     State Senator Gustavo Rivera, along with Montefiore Medical Center and other community health partners will host the second Bronx CAN Health health fair of the summer on Saturday July 7th  at St. James Park. The Bronx CAN Health Initiative was launched in response to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's study that showed the Bronx as the unhealthiest county in the state of New York. The month of July as well as the July 7th health fair will be focused on nutrition and ways to eat better. 
WHO: Senator Gustavo Rivera, Montefiore Medical Center and other community partners 
WHAT: Bronx CAN Health Initiative Second Health Fair
WHERE:  St. James Park- 2530 Jerome Ave Bronx NY 10468
WHEN: Saturday, July 7th, 2012 1:30-3:30 PM

This event is the second in a series of Bronx CAN Health fairs. All events are free and open to the public. The last Bronx CAN Health fair will be on August 4, 2012 at St. James Park from 1:30PM to 3:30PM and will focus on access to affordable health care.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Statement from Assemblyman Marcos A. Crespo Supporting Con Ed Workers

As a State Assemblyman and Member of the NYS Assembly Energy Committee, I support the 8,500 members of Locals 1 and 2 Utility Workers of America who have been locked out in their fight for a fair
contract with Con Edison.

Certainly no one wants to see electric service disrupted to homes and businesses of New York’s 3.2 million Con Ed customers this summer, but no one should blame union leaders for advocating for their workers since this is, in fact, the time of year when their union contract has been set to expire. As we enter the height of the summer season, New Yorkers are at great risk of a heat wave leading to black outs and other life or death emergencies. Now is not the time to exacerbate this risk by locking out workers who are trained and ready to address any situation that may arise.

I am respectfully requesting Con Ed’s administration to bring these workers back to their positions and that they work with union leaders, return to the bargaining table and negotiate a fair contract in good faith.

While the economy has continued a slow rebound, Con Edison has seen increased rates and has been cited for having one of the country’s highest paid Chief Executive. None of which helps their argument in seeking these steep demands from the hard working men and women who keep Con Ed running.

My District Leader, Mr. Michael Robles, a hard working member of this union, is an active National Guardsmen, and a father of three beautiful children who has earned the right to provide for his children and to enjoy this Independence Day celebrating the greatness of our country. Neither Mr. Robles nor any of his colleagues should have to spend their time on any picket line.

The responsible thing for all parties is for negotiations to continue while these individuals remain on the job.



Summer is magical in New York City and a time for families to build great memories together.  Across the five boroughs, a variety of activities can be found to capture the interest of everyone.

The 2012 guide and activities can be found HERE.
It is broken down week by week, by borough, and by event.
You can also look into other services provided by the DYCD on the different links on the left. 


Monday, July 2, 2012

Luis Sepulveda 87th A.D. Fund Raiser

Inline image 1

Espiallat--- Don't Let The 13th C.D. election be another Florida

Senator Adriano Espiallat's campaign is in court trying to secure ballots so as the campaign says "That there can be a correct and honest accounting for all ballots". In this New York Daily News piece Celeste Katz says that Espiallat does not want the NY 13 race to become another Florida .

   Ms. Katz tells you exactly what we have been saying that not all the ballots have been counted, and that many people who wanted to vote for Espiallat were told that their names were not in the list of voters and to go home. Hundreds of complaints came into the Espaillat headquarters about that, and that still with thousands of vote not counted that Rangel's lead keeps getting smaller and is no at 802.

   We are wondering if this race will be decided by the November Election, if this election will be thrown out by the courts and there will be another election in September on the state primary date, or even that the way things have been handled by the Board of Elections that heads start to roll as Mayor Bloomberg said Friday after the election when asked "this is the most easily corruptible in the world" as Bloomberg slammed the Board of Elections once again.

  So How Did It Happen, and Who is Responsible? 
  We hope to have the answer for you.


Saturday, June 30, 2012

What You Should Know

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York 

  Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz Calls for A Thorough Investigation into 13th C.D. Election

Adriano Espaillat should have known that before he conceded on Tuesday night, that there were many uncounted ballots that might have declared him the winner.

It is unbelievable and incredible that despite the extremely low voter turnout, the final tally to decide who actually won the Democratic Primary race between Senator Adriano Espaillat and Congressman Charlie Rangel (and three other candidates) continues to change.

According to today’s media reports, there are 3,174 affidavit ballots for New York’s Primary Race in the 13th Congressional District, 776 from the Bronx and the rest mostly from the 72nd Assembly District in Washington Heights.”

How can it be that on election night there was a 6.6 percentage gap showing Charlie Rangel was the clear victor, and now, two days later, we hear that all the votes have not been counted, and as the remaining votes are being counted, Congressman Rangel is now only leading by a mere 1,000 votes and still 30 machines have not been counted yet?

We need to know what actually transpired with the Board of Elections and the candidates for this race.  How can it be that two days after the Primary, things are such a mess?

Is this how a democracy functions?

Will this mean that from now on, candidates will have to wait two or three days before conceding the seat or do we have to send the people from the board of elections to a counting and additions course?

This calls for a thorough investigation!

I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.


Luis Sepulveda Fundraiser

     Friday night there was a fundraiser held at the Pines located on Eastchester Road right across the street from the Bronx Democratic County Headquarters for 87th Assembly candidate Luis Sepulveda. This fundraiser was being hosted by Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Carl E. Heastie. The Bronx County Democratic organization has announced that they will be backing every incumbent in the Bronx this year, and since there is no incumbent in the 87th A.D. Mr. Luis Sepulveda has been endorsed by the Bronx Democratio organization and Chairman Heastie. There were many friends and supporters of 87th A.D. candidate Luis Sepulveda, but due to the high temperature outside the fund raiser was moved from the Rooftop Garden of the Pines inside to a much cooler space.

     Luis Sepulveda ran in 2010 against Assemblyman Peter Rivera loosing by only a few votes, and now that Peter Rivera has been confirmed to be the new state labor commissioner Sepulveda is campaigning each and every day as he is the underdog. Tthe Luis Sepulvedahe campaign headquarters is located at 1512 Castle Hill Avenue, or you can his Facebook page at
     Here you see Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Carl Heastie on the right, 87th assembly candidate Luis Sepulveda in the center, and possible 2013 11th City Council candidate Dan Padernacht on the left.