Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Quid Pro Quo of Politics

What You Should Know 
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz 
32nd Senatorial District 

You should know that in politics, there is something known as quid pro quo.  In some form or another, this strategy is used by elected officials to negotiate business, positions, agendas, and personal interests - in exchange for political favors.

You should know that this practice of political negotiations is seen by the law as a criminal, corrupt and illegal.  Therefore, anyone who is caught committing this act is taking the risk of ending up wearing a striped uniform, and living in a 6 foot by 8 foot cell in prison. 

You should know that in the business of politics, quid pro quois illegal, corrupt and unethical  - but only when it is committed by the little guy.  When the act is committed by one of the big guys – like a mayor, a governor, etc. – then it is considered to be a masterpiece, an act of political genius, and even a phenomenal success. 

I first became aware of this practice in 1977 when the late Ramon Velez, the Godfather of New York’s Hispanic community wanted to get something out of Bronx Senator Joseph Galiber. Ramon Velez called upon one of his allies, Américo Martínez– who held a prominent position in a New York City agency – to run against Joseph Galiber.  Ramon Velez promised Américo Martínez that if he would provide the money and the troops, that Américo Martínez would become a New York Senator.  Américo Martínez moved forward to coordinate his campaign and got Israel Martínez to run against Assemblywoman Estella Diggs.  They put their team together and Américo Martínez collected his petitions. 

However, Ramon Velez sat down with Senator Joseph Galiber and after a little quid pro quo time, Ramon Velez got he wanted and then asked Américo Martínez to disappear, to drop it, to cease and to desist.  The only problem for Américo Martínez was, as happens to many people, that first taste of political power can have a similar effect on a person like a powerful drug does – one taste and you feel hooked forever, and you need it to survive.  After he received a request to drop out of the race, Américo Martínez found himself alone and destroyed, and as history tells, he disappeared to Puerto Rico. 

Nowadays, our beloved New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has found himself involved in what appears to be various - and seemingly nefarious acts - of quid pro quo. 

As you already know, when New York State Senate Co-Leader and Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeff Klein and his IDC colleagues, Senators Diane Savino, David Carlucci, David Valesky and Tony Avella abandoned the Senate Democratic Conference and made an alliance with the Senate Republicans, they engaged in what looked like quid pro quo to keep the Republicans in power. But after Bill de Blasio was elected Mayor of New York City, a movement formed that was made up of mayors, unions, Democratic millionaires, and the Governor himself, all joined to get rid of IDC Leader Jeff Klein and his four IDC colleagues and their alliance with the Republicans. 

In that effort, they called upon former City Councilman, former Assemblyman, and former Attorney General Oliver Koppell, promising him that they would raise a million dollars for his campaign against Jeff Klein.  They promised Oliver Koppell union support.  They promised Oliver Koppell all kinds of support from the Mayor and the Governor.  Governor Andrew Cuomo became the leader of the movement. 

After Oliver Koppell listened to all of those marvelous enticements and offers of becoming an elected State Senator from the Bronx, he went out announced that he would run to unseat Senator Jeff Klein, and he collected signatures. 

Surprise, surprise … all of those people sat down with Jeff Klein, and after what seemed to be a little quid pro quo, Jeff Klein decided to abandon the IDC's alliance with the Republicans and come back to the Democratic fold.  Oliver Koppell was asked to drop his bid to run against Jeff Klein, to drop it, to cease and to desist, and to disappear.  Now Oliver Koppell has found himself alone because everyone he thought would support him has gone over to support Jeff Klein.  The Governor, the Mayor and the unions have abandoned Oliver Koppell. 

You should know that all of the challengers against the five IDC rebel Democrats – except for John Liu who still hopes to unseat Tony Avella – are gone.  (And I have to give credit where credit is due and say that the Queens Democratic organization who organized and accepted John Liu’s candidacy, as of today, have not abandoned John Liu.) 

You should also know that there is another apparent act of quid pro quo that Governor Andrew Cuomo is being accused of that has practically exploded in his face.  This is about his manipulation of legislators and his creation of a commission to investigate public corruption. Many believe that Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Moreland Commission was formed to threaten to send legislators to jail if they did not bow down to him and support his agenda. 

Once again, those involved sat down together to talk.  “What’s in it for me?” “You do this for me and I’ll do that for you.” “You give me this and I’ll give you that.” They all came out like one big happy family, and as the story goes, the Governor had to disband his Moreland Commission. 

My dear reader, Governor Andrew Cuomo’s quid pro quo acts involving the Moreland Commission were made very public on the front page of the New York Times, and even became a 6-minute joke on Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show.  Accusations about Governor Andrew Cuomo interfering with his own Moreland Commission are not being ignored by editorial boards, columnists, reporters, and bloggers, and it doesn’t look like the issue will go away any time soon. 

Ladies and gentlemen, even though we don’t really know how this particular embarrassment will end or how U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara may proceed in any official investigation of Governor Andrew Cuomo, I am afraid that like so many of the powerful, astute, brilliant and politically savvy leaders that have preceded him, Governor Andrew Cuomo might just pass through history as masterful politician who had nothing at all to do with official crimes involved in quid pro quo. 

This is Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

Board of Elections Hearings Bronx Results

  Above is a photo from the candidates point of view when you go before the Commissioners of the Board of Elections when your petition has been objected to, and specifications to those general objections have been filed. The commissioners sit around the circular table in the background, while in the pit before them are the Board of Elections borough heads, counsel, and other BOE employees. There are ten commissioners, two from each of the five boroughs, and one each from the Democratic and Republican parties. 

  As for who is on and who is off the ballot, hundreds of challenges to various petitions were made for almost all elected and party positions. However when it came to filing Specifications to the general objections only a few made it to the commissioners. In the 33rd State Senate race Candidate Fernando Cabrera was ruled on the ballot, while candidate Jose Padilla Jr. was ruled off the ballot for not having enough valid signatures.
 In the 86th A.D. candidate Kirby was ruled off the ballot for having no district listed on the petition
 In the 77th A.D. candidate Curry was ruled back on the ballot after showing the commissioners a letter from the printer of his petitions that the printer claimed that they put the wrong address on the petition.
 In the 85th A.D. candidate Pabone was ruled off the ballot for no residency.
 Almost 200 various country committee candidates in different A.D.'s were ruled off the ballot for non residency, not registered in the party, or not an active voter. Bronx Republican Commissioner Mike Rendino then questioned the 'non active' status. the explanation was that notice of election to the voter by the BOE was returned,and if the voter did not vote in 2 federal elections they are put into the non active status. The voter can vote by affidavit ballot at the poll site to be counted upon certification by the board. Commissioner Rendino then said that the person can vote, but not run for office.
 Two people came up to ask to be on the ballot. Ms. Pamela Johnson upon giving certified BOE copies to the commissioners that she is registered as Pamela Hamilton Johnson was put back on. the second Junella Hill said the BOE had the wrong address for her, and upon checking the petition the wrong address was on the petition, and she was ruled off the ballot. 
 Next were the minor party challenges, and Bronx Democratic County lawyer Stanley Schlein assured the commissioners that Assemblyman Carl Heastie was not enrolled in the Working Families Party and Heastie was off the WFP ballot line. 
 83rd A.D. candidate Chen was ruled off the ballot with only 180 valid signatures.
 77th A.D. candidate Patrice was ruled on the ballot having more than the 500 required signatures.
 85th A.D. candidate Rojas was ruled off the ballot with only 32 valid signatures.
 79th A.D. candidate Jones was ruled on the ballot having more than the 500 needed signatures.
 84th A.D. candidate Molina was ruled on the ballot having more than the 500 needed signatures.
 79th A.D. candidate Blake was not ruled on as it is a objection to his legal residency which is handled by the courts. BDCC lawyer Stanlry Schlein then served a subpoena to the BOE to appear in court Monday August 4th on the matter.

Left - "King Stanley" in action against Mr. Egidio Sementilli, as the two shake hands afterwards.
Right - "King Stanley" goes up again after another candidate.
 A photo of the "Pits" as it is called where the work gets done by BOE staff and counsel.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Latinas for Klein Kick off Campaign to Re-elect State Senator Jeff Klein

  On the heels of Governor Andrew Cuomo's endorsement State Senator Jeff Klein Bronx Leading ladies of “Latinas for Klein” launched their grassroots effort to reelect State Senator Jeff Klein. On hand were First Lady of the Bronx Hilda Diaz; Councilwoman Annabel Palma, District Leaders Julia Rodriguez, Toni Figueroa and Marjorie Velazquez; State Committeewomen Nelly Medina and Maria Gonzalez; Bronx Democratic County Committee executive director Ischia Bravo; BOEDC President Marlene Cintron, Community Board 6 District Manager Ivine Galarza, CEO and President of Urban Health Plan Hernandez; Virna Lisy Crespo, and a crowd of over 50 women at Babalu on East Tremont to participate in the effort. Also on hand was Assemblyman Marcos Crespo to support his wife Virna Lisy Crespo and Senator Klein.

Comments for Senator Klein included - “State Senator Jeff Klein has shown true leadership, both in Albany and right here in The Bronx." “I had the pleasure of working with Senator Klein on the Latina Women's Wellness Program. Senator Klein took the time to understand the needs of Latina health issues and has been supportive of their participation in health screenings and health education. I look forward to spreading the word about his great work to our fellow Latinas as we secure another victory for Senator Klein..” “Through his leadership in the State Senate, our communities have benefited from programs that promote health, such as: The Wellness Program with Urban Health, The Teen Check the Box campaign, and the Latina Suicide Prevention Program."

Gracias por su apoyo! I’m so proud to stand here with you and grateful for this tremendous showing of support,” said Senator Klein. “As mothers, grandmothers, and sisters, I know that education is a paramount concern. This year I fought to deliver $300 million to the City, allowing our children to attend free, full day universal pre-kindergarten. Over the past three years, I’ve brought home over $1.4 million in BOOST and bullet aid to enhance elementary and middle schools right here in our district. This year, I also secured increased child care subsidies so that women don’t have to make the difficult choice of keeping their careers or staying home because child care is far too costly.”

“Sadly, I learned that young Latinas are at an astoundingly higher risk than any other population to attempt suicide. To combat that alarming statistic, I delivered $300,000 to the Latina Suicide Prevention Program. I also launched a Latinas Women’s Wellness Program with Urban Health Plan that brought free screenings to our district,” Senator Klein added.

Left - Bronx First Lady Hilda Diaz tells why she is supporting Senator Jeff Klein for re-election. Councilwoman Palma is also in the photo, as is Senator Klein.

Right - Assemblyman Marcos Crespo stand with his wife Virna Lisy Crespo as both speak why they are supporting Senator Klein.

Left - Johira Flores and Candida Rosa model the new Latinas For Klein t-shirt.
Right - Senator Klein speaks with Marlene Cintron of the BOEDC.

City to Spend Money Repaving East Tremont Avenue

  East Tremont Avenue starting at Waterbury Avenue heading past St. Raymond's Cemetery towards Bruckner Boulevard is going to be milled and repaved starting tonight. Why is the city repaving a street that was fine can be blamed on Con Edison. As you see in the photo above there is a narrow strip of less than 2 feet that Con Edison cut so they could lay high pressure gas lines. after a few months the patchwork that was done by Con Edison now needs repair work. The NYCDOT only requires that any patchwork done in city streets last a minimum of 6 months.
  This is going on all over the Bronx as Con Edison contractors cut through perfectly good streets to put in high pressure gas lines and leaves patch work that turns into such as is pictured above and below.

Left - Further up East Tremont Road you can see the milling and repaving machines.
Right - You can see the Con Edison manhole cover under the first cone.
The lousy patch work by Con Edison continues past the entrance of St. Raymonds Cemetery, and on.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Movie Night at Seton Park

  Saturday night was "Movie Night at Seton Park". This event was sponsored by KRVDC, State Senator Jeff Klein, and several other local sponsors. The movie "Frozen" was shown on the huge portable screen that was purchased by KRVDC for such events. On hand were almost 400 parents, children and others to watch the movie that started at sundown. Also on hand were Senator Jeff Klein, Councilman Andrew Cohen, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Community Board 8 Chair Dan Padernacht, and even Senator Klein's opponent in the upcoming Democratic primary former Councilman Oliver Koppell as you will see in the photos below.  

Left - State Senator Jeff Klein welcomes people to the movie.
Right - Oliver Koppell wants people to know that he is running against Senator Jeff Klein for state senate.

Left - It got so competitive to meet the voters that Senator Jeff Klein and challenger Oliver Koppell were only a few feet apart.
Right - Councilman Andrew Cohen welcomes everyone to the Movie Night in Seton Park, with KRVDC Executive Director Tracy Shelton.
Above - Senator Jeff Klein, KRVDC Executive Director Tracy Shelton, Councilman Andrew Cohen, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, and CB 8 Chair Dan Padernacht.
Below - You can see that the sun has set and the movie "Frozen" is well under way.

Friday, July 25, 2014


      Council Member Ritchie Torres, New York League of Conservation of Voters, Bronx Health Reach, Mary Mitchell Family and Youth Center, New York City Department of Health will be on hand since   Council Member Torres provided funds for innovative program to promote healthier choices for Bronx residents. Health Bucks is a program facilitated by the Department of Health where coupons offering $2 toward fruits and vegetables from farmer's markets are distributed to local residents. Council Member Torres allocated $10,000 towards Health Bucks for his district and is the first member of the City Council to fund this program.

         Tuesday July 29th, 11 AM 
            At Poe Park, Bronx 

Poe Park is located on the Grand Concourse between East Kingsbridge Road and East 192nd Street. An announcement will be made in front of Poe Park Farmer’s Market. In case of rain, the event will be held in Poe Park visitor center.

Events From KRVDC

Bring a Chair or Blanket
& Join Us for our First Summer 2014  
Movie in the Park!
THIS Saturday, July 26th at Dusk
Seton Park (232nd St. & Independence Ave.) 
Bronx, NY 10463 
We will show the hit Disney Movie, Frozen, THIS Saturday, July 26th at dusk in Seton Park (232nd Street and Independence Ave.) in the Riverdale section of the Bronx.  The movie will be shown on  our 20 foot movie screen purchased by KRVC last summer with funds allocated by State Senator Jeff Klein.

 KRVC's Summer/Fall 2014 Event Calendar
Saturday, August 2nd, Woodlawn Movie Night, Van Cortlandt Park East. We are showing TOY STORY at dusk.
Saturday, September 6th, North Riverdale Movie Night, Vinmont Park. We are showing THE LEGO MOVIE at dusk.
Sunday, September 21st, Johnson Avenue Block Festival, 12-4pm, featuring live music, clowns, children's activities, food, shopping discounts, business exhibits and more!!

Join us for a planning meeting for the Johnson Ave. Festival on Thursday, September 4th at 7pm at Country Bank.
Sunday, November 2nd, North Riverdale Block Festival,12-4pm, featuring live music, bouncy castle, trolley service for bus riders, clowns, children's activities, shopping discounts, business exhibits and more!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bronx Democratic County Dinner 2014 Huge Success

  Governor Cuomo was expected to be at the 2014 Bronx Democratic County Committee dinner, but instead his Lieutenant Governor candidate Kathy Hochul stood in for the Governor. Hochul told the standing room only crowd at Marina Del Ray Wednesday night that she has visited the Bronx more than any of the other boroughs. New York State Democratic Party Leader (and former Governor) David Patterson said that he is proud of the partnership between Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Carl Heastie and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. When I asked State Democraic Leader David Patterson about the primary that Ms. Hochul may be in, and the possibility of her not winning, Patterson replied "And lightning could also strike the state capital." That was the kind of night it was as one could hardly find a seat let alone maneuver from one side of the room to the other.  
  It was not easy to find an elected official who did not attend this Bronx Democratic County dinner, that is unless you went all the way to Italy to find Mayor Bill deBlasio. The photos below will speak for themselves as did those in the photos.

Left - Bronx Democratic County Committee Chairman Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz with his son (and soon to be 81st A.D. District Leader) Eric Dinowitz, and Eric's wife Tamara Dinowitz.  
Right - State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. and Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda hold up the hands of their candidate for state Comptroller incumbent Tom DiNapoli.


Left - Assemblyman Dinowitz gets some last minute instructions from Bronx Democratic County Executive Director Ischia Bravo.
Right - Ms. Kathy Hochul Democratic candidate for N.Y. State Lieutenant Governor.

Left - Mr. Lenny Caro President of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce was one of the honorees.
Right - Mr. Caro with State Democratic Party Leader (and former Governor) David Patterson, and Bronx State Senator Ruth Hassel-Thompson.

Left - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Mr. Lenny Caro with Ms. Kathy Hochul.
Right - Ms. Hochul is standing between Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. and State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. with Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda. 

Left - New York State Attorney General Eric Schniderman is between State Senators Ruth Hassell-Thompson and Ruben Diaz Sr. with Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda.
Right - Former Assemblyman, and probable future candidate for the 15th Congressional district Adam Clayton Poweel chats with Bronx Democratic County petition wizard Benny Catila.