Monday, July 28, 2014

City to Spend Money Repaving East Tremont Avenue

  East Tremont Avenue starting at Waterbury Avenue heading past St. Raymond's Cemetery towards Bruckner Boulevard is going to be milled and repaved starting tonight. Why is the city repaving a street that was fine can be blamed on Con Edison. As you see in the photo above there is a narrow strip of less than 2 feet that Con Edison cut so they could lay high pressure gas lines. after a few months the patchwork that was done by Con Edison now needs repair work. The NYCDOT only requires that any patchwork done in city streets last a minimum of 6 months.
  This is going on all over the Bronx as Con Edison contractors cut through perfectly good streets to put in high pressure gas lines and leaves patch work that turns into such as is pictured above and below.

Left - Further up East Tremont Road you can see the milling and repaving machines.
Right - You can see the Con Edison manhole cover under the first cone.
The lousy patch work by Con Edison continues past the entrance of St. Raymonds Cemetery, and on.

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