Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cablevision Putting System Underground

  First it was Con Edison which ripped up streets in the Bronx, and is still busy at work digging up many streets as they head down to the South Bronx area to install high pressure gas lines. Now it is Cablevision who is putting its new fiber optic cables underground, and following in Con Edison's path to help ruin our streets. As you have seen on this blog that some of the Con Edison street patchwork had to be redone, and I hope the same will not be true of the Cablevision underground wire work. However why would a company such as Cablevision be doing this work when by the time they are finished almost everything will become wireless, and Cablevision will become the latest victim of new technology. 

Above - A contractor (much like the ones used by Con Edison) is digging up the intersection of West 239th Street and Blackstone Avenue in the Riverdale section of the Northwest Bronx to lay new underground cables.
Below - The underground casing for the Cablevision wiring is sitting on the sidewalk.

In an unrelated story Waldo Avenue (several blocks from where Cablevision is digging up the street to lay new underground wires) is being milled and repaved. Con Edison put in high pressure gas lines in this street less than one year ago. Since the roadway became so bad after the Con Edison construction, could that be why the city is repaving this street now. Will the street have to be repaved again when Cablevision digs it up to lay their underground wires?

Above - The top few inches of asphalt is easily removed by this street grinder which is loading the old street surface into the back of the bin of the dump truck.
Below - You can see that Waldo Avenue (like many city streets) was once made of cobblestones.

“Yogi Bear” Will Be Shown on Thursday at the Soundview Park Ampitheater

This Thursday, August 27, 2015 at 6PM the elected officials who represent the area – including Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., Assemblyman Marcos Crespo and State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. – will join together for an official Ribbon Cutting for the Soundview Park Amphitheater.  
The Soundview Amphitheater will be used as a stage for live music, entertainment and outdoor movies where families and children can join together for special times in Soundview Park.
It is also important for you to know that right after this Thursday’s event with the Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. and other elected officials there will be a Free Movie Night where “Yogi Bear” will be shown for our children and families to enjoy.
So come out and have a nice, decent and marvelous night out with your families in Soundview Park.  Soundview Park is located at the end of the Bronx River Parkway South, and the entrance is located at Rosedale Avenue and Lacombe Avenue in Bronx County.

Jorge Ramos Makes the Case for Donald Trump

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz 
District 32 Bronx County, New York 

You should know that last night, during Donald Trump’s press conference in Dubuque, Iowa there was a confrontation between Univision reporter Jorge Ramos and US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump. 

After watching that interview, I believe that Jorge Ramos’ actions were an embarrassment to Hispanics, immigrants, reporters and to Univision. 

We all know that Donald Trump has become #1 in the polls because when he talks about immigration, he stirs a sentiment that resonates with many Americans who think that immigrants come here to take cover, be macho men, and enjoy the rights without respect, and do whatever they want to do. 

Jorge Ramos’s responsibilities were to wait until he was called upon like every other reporter, and to ask his question when called upon – not to grandstand about his views on immigration before he was called to even ask a question.  It was embarrassing to watch Jorge Ramos conduct himself they way he did last night.  He did not wait for his turn to ask a question, and he was not respectful when he did ask. 
Even when he was allowed to return to the press room, Jorge Ramos started to ask his question with his own opinion: "Here's the problem with your immigration plan. It's full of empty promises." 

Jorge Ramos’ preamble to his question for Donald Trump showed us all how he was trying to engage in debate with Donald Trump – not to be an objective news reporter.  He tried to tell Donald Trump what he can do and what he cannot do. 

You should know that there is a reporter by the name of Gerson Borrero who has disagreed with me on many occasions, but when he interviews me, he asks direct questions and allows me to answer his questions. He does not inject his personal views into any of his questions. THAT is the job of a reporter. 

With last night’s behavior of Jorge Ramos, he made the case for many of Donald Trump’s followers and other Americans who reject immigrants, thinking that we came here to take over without regard for any rules. I have to say that I believe Jorge Ramos’ behavior may have helped Donald Trump’s poll numbers to rise. 

I am State Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Citi Bike Thefts Up This Year Vs. Last Year

  In a New York 1 Story the NYPD is reported as saying that 476 Citi Bikes have been stolen this year, compared to only 300 in all of last year. The story states that there was a 100 percent increase in Citi Bike thefts in Manhattan, and that the $1,200 price tag for one Citi Bike may be the responsibility of the rider if the bike is not found or returned. Citi Bike is quoted as saying that most of the missing bikes are found or returned within 24 hours, and that the bikes are taken when riders fail to properly dock or leave them unattended. To read the entire New York One article complete with video HERE. 

Editors Note:
Maybe this is why the Bronx has no Citi Bike locations? 
Could it be that Citi Bike still believes in the 'Bad Ole Bronx Days', and not the 'New Bronx'?

Assemblyman Dinowitz: John F. Kennedy Gas Explosion

Statement from Assemblyman Dinowitz regarding the John F. Kennedy High School Gas Explosion

  “I and our other elected officials continue to work for the least disruptive outcome while repairs are made on the John F. Kennedy High School building.  In my conversations with the Department of Education I urged that work be done around the clock to ensure that repairs and reconstruction at JFK be completed quickly.  It is most unfortunate that the education of thousands of students will be disrupted as a result of the gas explosion.  The DOE must relocate the various schools from the JFK campus at other locations temporarily, but I reminded the DOE that a significant percentage of the students at JFK are from Manhattan and therefore the DOE needs to look at relocation sites in Manhattan and not just the Bronx. In addition, we all hope the injured workers make a speedy recovery from the horrific explosion that took place at the school, but the City must ascertain whether or not all workers on the site met all necessary qualifications for the job.”

FREE Outdoor Movie on the Avenue THIS Thursday!

 Movie on the Avenue!

We were able to reschedule
our Movie on the Avenue for
THIS Thursday, August 27th!
Event will feature a bounce house, face painting, a performance by Riverdale Children's Theatre and see below for more! 

Bronx Back To School Literacy & Health Fair 2015


  Music icon to ‘twist’ the night away with hundreds of Bronxites

State Senator Jeff Klein, together with hundreds of community members, will host the ‘King of The Twist,’ Chubby Checker, at Loreto Park on Wednesday, August 26 at 7:00 p.m.

Chubby Checker rose to national prominence in 1959 with his debut record, The Class. The following year, Checker released his smash hit, “The Twist,” which quickly rose to number one on the Billboard pop chart. Nearly 50 years later, Billboard Magazine named “The Twist,” the number one song of the Billboard Hot 100’s first 50 years. Today, Checker is celebrating the 55th anniversary of the hit song touring the country and dancing the night away with countless fans.

WHO: Senator Jeff Klein
Chubby Checker
Community members

WHAT: Senator Klein to host the legendary Chubby Checker at Loreto Park

WHERE: Morris Park Avenue, between Haight & Tomlinson avenues, Morris Park

WHEN: Wednesday, August 26 at 7:00 p.m.