Monday, February 1, 2016

Assemblyman Dinowitz Announces State Tax Forms Are Now Available in His Community Office

  Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz announced that New York State tax forms are now available to be picked up at his district office. Constituents are invited to stop by Assemblyman Dinowitz’s office on 3107 Kingsbridge Avenue between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, to receive a form, free of charge.

“Each year, constituents ask me when up-to-date state tax forms will be available again in my office,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz. “While New York residents are encouraged to file their taxes online, some may not have access to a computer or may otherwise prefer to mail their forms. I welcome those constituents to stop by my office to pick up a form and get an early start on their taxes!”

Current versions of the most frequently requested state tax forms will be available upon request. Constituents should know which forms they need prior to their arrival.

AM Dinowitz Denounces Unnecessary Con Ed Rate Hike, Vows Major Push to Pass Utility Consumer Advocate Legislation

  Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz has released a statement denouncing Consolidated Edison Inc.’s recently proposed rate hike that would increase costs to ludicrous new heights for countless New Yorkers and local businesses. Additionally, the Assemblyman announced he will be making his bill creating the independent Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate (A. 180) a top priority for the legislative session once again.

The rate hike proposed by Con Edison would increase the average electricity customer’s bill by 4.5%, while the average gas customer would see an 8.2% increase. If approved by the Public Service Commission, the increase would take effect on January 1, 2017.  According to Con Ed, average New York City residential customer using 300 kilowatt-hours of electricity per month would see a bill increase from $78.52 per month to $82.63 per month. A typical residential customer using natural gas for heating would see an average monthly bill increase from $142.31 to $153.30.

“I wish I could be surprised at this sort of proposal from Con Ed,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz who chairs the Assembly Committee on Consumer Affairs, “however it’s not surprising at all and I’m afraid this is just what New Yorkers have come to expect from Con Ed – high costs, low quality service, and no accountability. Add to that the astounding lack of representation that consumers have during rate hike proceedings and it is easy to see how New Yorkers pay the highest utility costs in the continental United Stated. That is why I have sponsored a bill creating the independent Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate (A. 180).”

New York’s utility consumers are currently represented by the Public Service Commission and the Utility Intervention Unit; however, neither entity is independent nor has a responsibility to advocate solely on behalf of ratepayers. Assemblyman Dinowitz’s legislation would protect consumers by creating a Utility Consumer Advocate office to ensure ratepayers are properly represented in regulatory proceedings at both the state and federal level.

“The UCA would help level the playing field between powerful utility providers and New York families to ensure transparency and accountability at a time when New Yorkers pay some of the highest utility rates in the nation,” said Mr. Dinowitz. “This legislation aims to give those most impacted by high utility costs a seat at the table, saving them a considerable amount of money when it comes to their utility bills. The establishment of a UCA will not only give New York consumers an active voice, but also increase oversight in how utility rates are set and services are provided.”

Under Assemblyman Dinowitz’s legislation, the office of the UCA would be required to submit an annual report to the governor and the Legislature – which would be made available to the public – containing information regarding proceedings the UCA participated in and the outcomes of those proceedings. Additionally, the report would include estimated savings to residential utility consumers which resulted from intervention by the UCA, as well as policy recommendations and changes to the law that will benefit consumers. In states where such offices exist, residential consumers have seen drastic savings on their utility costs in comparison to the amount of funding these offices require in order to operate. The UCA would be appointed by the governor, subject to Senate confirmation and serve a term of six years. Currently, 40 states and the District of Columbia have some sort of independent consumer advocate office. New York is the largest state without any such office by far.

"New York City residents regularly pay the highest electric rates in the nation - more than twice the national average - and Con Ed now wants over half a billion dollars more, or $636 million, to deliver electricity and gas to customers' homes. Con Ed's proposal for a 9.5 percent electric increase and 13.4 percent gas increase on that portion of the bill state regulators control, the delivery charge, is simply too much. Over half of city Generation X and Baby Boomer voters, including two thirds of African-Americans and Hispanics, are already concerned about being able to pay their utility bills, according to a 2015 AARP survey,” said Beth Finkel, State Director of AARP for New York State. “This is another example of why AARP continues to support Assemblyman Dinowitz's legislation to have New York join 40 other states by establishing a strong, independent advocate for who can fight for utility consumers when unaffordable rate hikes are on the table."

"New York is facing a crisis of affordability, where working families are falling farther and farther behind on their energy bills,” said Elizabeth Jorgensen Council for the Public Utility Law Project (PULP). “When Con Edison, the most expensive electric utility in the Continental United States, seeks to raise its rates by hundreds of millions of dollars like it did last Friday, it makes a bad situation worse for low-income and fixed-income New Yorkers."

“New York is one of the only states without an independent Utility Consumer Advocate, and New Yorkers across the state are paying the price for it,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz. The price of gas and oil in the U.S. right now is as cheap as it’s been in over a decade, and yet Con Ed has the gall to ask its customers for an 8.2% increase? This is absurd. How is a senior on a fixed income supposed to pay an additional 4.5% in electricity costs? How is a minimum wage worker making $8.75 an hour supposed to pay an extra $10.99 just to heat their apartment?”

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman - Ticket Industry Abuses, IRS Scams & More

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Uncovering Abuse In The Ticket Industry

Ever wondered why you’ve had trouble purchasing tickets to see your favorite performer? A new report issued by the Attorney General has answers. The wide-ranging, three year investigation found that consumers are often prevented from accessing tickets at affordable prices – or even accessing them at all. Pre-sale tickets, high fees and ticket bots which snatch up tickets that are subsequently sold at higher prices all make the ticketing industry a fixed game. This investigation is just the beginning of the Attorney General’s efforts to create a level playing field in the ticket industry.

Protecting New Yorkers Against Scams

New Yorkers should be wary of telephone scammers posing as officials from the Internal Revenue Service. The Attorney General recently received an uptick in complaints on these scams, which often target seniors, students, and first-generation Americans. The scam typically involves a caller holding themselves out as an IRS agent or representative from the Attorney General’s office inquiring about a past due tax balance that is owed. The caller will state that unless the debt is paid immediately, a team of officers will come to the victim’s home that day to arrest the victim. New Yorkers should remember that IRS and legitimate government agencies never demand payment by phone. If you think you are being scammed, remember that you can always say no and hang up the phone. The Attorney General urges anyone who thinks they have been the victim of fraud to immediately contact his office. 

Protecting Medicaid Against Fraudulent Billing

A Capital Region transportation company will repay Medicaid more than $1 million for overbilling the program. Over several years, Advantage Transit Group submitted reimbursements for transportation services that were not rendered. Many New Yorkers rely on Medicaid for essential health care services, and when companies take advantage of the program, it burdens taxpayers and patients alike. The Attorney General will continue to identify abuses and put Medicaid money back where it belongs.

Stopping Abuse Of Nursing Home Residents

The Attorney General announced the arrest of a Buffalo area social worker for allegedly pushing a nursing home patient to the ground. The alleged incident, caught on video surveillance, shows Susan Sanborn pushing the resident and then kicking the resident’s legs out of the way of the exit door as she left the unit. It is charged that Sanborn did not wait with the resident for medical assistance and did not return to check on the wellbeing of the resident. The Attorney General will not tolerate anyone being abused by those responsible for their care. 

Battling Public Corruption

With Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, the Attorney General announced the guilty plea of Robert Wiesner, the former Security Director for the Monroe County Water Authority, for working with others to rig the bidding process for a multi-million dollar public works contract in Monroe County.  Wiesner and other individuals were initially charged with a scheme to rig the bidding process for a number of multi-million dollar public works contracts in Monroe County.  Wiesner admitted that he acted in concert with others between March 2008 and approximately October 2013, to rig the bidding process of Monroe County for a $212 million public safety contract.
Have a question, comment, or complaint? Click here. You can also learn more about the various initiatives of the Attorney General's office by visiting our website at

Saturday, January 30, 2016

100 PERCENT Saturday January 30, 2016

By Robert Press

 The Next 17th Councilman

   Before I tell you who the next city councilman for the 17th City Council will be, Monday is Iowa Caucus Day (or evening). Iowa residents most of whom are independent voters not enrolled in either the Democratic or Republican Party are still able to register in either party to select their candidate for the state Caucus. The front runner Donald Trump is expecting thousands of new people to sign up for the Republican Caucus to select him as their choice. In the Democratic side Bernie Sanders is hoping for the same thing. So why does Iowa and the next primary stare New Hampshire mean so much to the candidates? 
    It is always good news when you are out trying to raise the much needed campaign funds or trying to get more people to vote for you if you have already proven that you are a better choice than the other candidates. You are already a winner, and if there is a large field of candidates they start to drop out because things are starting to get tough, and look bleak for them. That is the true spirit of the primary, let the people decide. To bad that dies not happen in the Bronx, and especially in the current 17th City Council Special Election. 
   Why am I so cynical about the 17th City Council Special Election especially when there was a forum that ten of the eleven candidates took part in. I expect that after the petition hearings are held on February 8th to see less than half of the field of candidates left. Will they be the best candidates or will they be the political hacks, one issue candidate, or just plain lucky to not get thrown off the ballot by the Bronx Democratic County organization expert election lawyer "KING STANLEY SCHLEIN". KING STANLEY is the man credited with knowing more than the Board of Elections when it comes to election law, after all it is said that he wrote the book on election law, or corrected it. 
   Here is who I predict will remain on the ballot, and just who will win and why. Of course Rafael Salamanca the candidate of the Bronx Democratic County organization will be on the ballot since no one challenged his petition, and the petition of the other ten candidates were challenged by the Bronx Democratic County organization as said at the candidates forum by soon to be former candidate Elliot Quinones. Other candidates who will make it past the Board of Elections challenge phase will be Julio Pabon, Loren Russell, and maybe one more candidate for a total of four from the original eleven candidates. 
   One would think with only three or four candidates in the race the Bronx Democratic County organization candidate would win, but one would be wrong as has happened in recent elections such as the 79th Assembly District. Then there is the factor of the campaign manager Mr. Benny Catalia, who seems to be slipping in recent elections, and most recently as the campaign manager of the Ruth Hassel-Thompson campaign for Mayor of Mount Vernon. It seems that State Senator Thompson should have won the election easily especially with the Bronx Democratic County organization ace campaign manager as her campaign manager Mr. Benny Catalia. So what happen to Senator Thompson in the Mount Vernon Mayor's race, she came in third. Was it bad campaign managing or something else? Word is that State Senator Thompson will be seeking re-election after saying that she would be retiring from office. Could the way she lost have anything to do with the decision?
   Getting back to the 17th City Council Special Election with only three or four candidates I would have to say that candidate Julio Pabon would be the favorite to win, and he should need less votes this election than he received in the last election for this seat in 2013. The Bronx Democratic County organization candidate Rafael Salamanca seems to be very weak, especially since it appears that he was not doing his job as District Manager of Bronx Community Board #2. I say that because there were no minutes of Community Board #2 full board meetings, executive board meetings, or District Service Cabinet meetings on file when I requested to see them at the Community Board #2 District office on January 19, 2016. I also asked to see the time sheets for the Community Board #2 District Manager, any communication between the district manager Mr. Salamanca and the board as to when Mr. Salamanca decided to run for office, and any discretionary spending by Bronx Community Board #2 while Mr. Salamanca has been the district manager. I have had to give Bronx Community Board #2 Chairman Dr. Ian Amritt a Freedom of Information letter for the above six items, and in an e-mail to me dated January 25, 2016 from Dr. Amritt he states that the board has received my FOIL letter and will respond in twenty business days of which documents are in the possession of Community Board #2, how I can obtain them, and which items I will be denied. Since Bronx Community Board #2 is a public body of the City of New York all six items should be in the possession of the board office and available for viewing at any time. By the way the twenty business days just happens to be after the Special Election that Community Board #2 District Manager Rafael Salamanca is a candidate. 
   I have also viewed the first Campaign Finance Board filing of 17th City Council candidate Rafael Salamanca (all nine pages) which is accessible on the CFB website, and it seems that candidate Salamanca received campaign donations as far back as early December 2015, throughout November 2015, on October 26, 2015, and even as far back as September 11, 2015. The question is, how many of the contributors had anything to do with Bronx Community Board #2, and was District Manager Rafael Salamanca on the payroll of Bronx Community Board #2 when any of the contributions to his campaign for City Council of a seat that covers Bronx Community Board #2 came in? by the way I was sitting next to a person who said they were a member of Bronx Community Board #2 at the candidates forum. More in upcoming columns.
   If you have any political information (especially about the 17th City Council special election) that you want to share or have checked out, any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on this blog, you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.     


AUDITIONS for the 6th Annual Youth Got Talent Competition/Show

The Youth Got Talent (YGT) Committee of Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church cordially invites youth ages 5-25 y/o to participate in our 6th annual youth talent competition & show.
An audition is required to perform in the event.

Persons May Enter In Either Category:
I    Perform as Contestant with chance to win prize (1st Place $100, 2nd Place $75, 3rd Place$50).
II   Perform as Supporter/Guest-will NOT be considered for a prize.
III  Display own Art Work at Gallery segment – no prize offered– item for display must be
      Screened by the committee. Persons over age 25y/o may participate for the Gallery.
IV  Help Decorate Stage.

Audition Registration:
To register for audition, please complete and return the attached Pre-Registration Form (PRF). Performers must be at least 5 y/o and no older than 25 y/o on day of the event on May 21, 2016. PRF must be received by committee to confirm your selected arrival time to audition- from schedule listed below.  An application must be completed and signed prior to the audition.

 Audition Schedule:
Persons under age 18 must be accompanied during audition by their parent or legal guardian or authorized adult – with signed consent of parent or legal guardian.  
February 6th (Saturday) 11am-1pm
February 13th (Saturday) 1pm-3pm
March 24th (Thursday) 6pm-8pm

Audition Location:
 771 Fairmount Place (corner of Fairmount Pl & Prospect Ave). 
BronxNY 10460
Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church

The Event:
Youth Got Talent Competition/Show 2016: “Stirring Up The Gifts”
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Gallery: (11am – 1pm); Performances: (1pm – 4pm).
Event Location: Community site in the Bronx
If you have any questions call (917) 226-7960 or send email to

Bronx Democratic County Committee - Upcoming Events

Below is a list of upcoming events. Attached you will find flyers for each event.
Bronx Dems' Winter Reception
Thurs. 2/18/16 from 6:30 - 9:30pm
Michaelangelo's - 2477 Arthur Avenue, Bronx, NY

You are cordially invited to join Hon. Marcos A. Crespo & the Bronx Democratic County Committee for a Winter Reception.

To RSVP or for more information, please call347.281.9759 or email

Click to Enlarge
State of the 79th Assembly District Address
When: Sun. 1/31/16 at 2p
Where: Dreamyard - 1085 Washington Avenue The Bronx, NY
The Honorable Michael A. Blake cordially invites you to the State of the 79th Assembly District Address. 

RSVP by calling (718) 538-3829.
Click to Enlarge
Liberty Democratic Club Meeting
When: Sun. 1/31/16 from 2 - 5p
Where: Janel Towers - 801 Neill Ave. (Community Room)

The Liberty Democratic Club is holding its first meeting of the new year. Annual dues of $10 will be collected. Space is limited. 

RSVP by contacting Monica 917-208-3886 or Zena Twyman: 646-236-2053.
Click to Enlarge
BYD Networking Event
When: Wed 2/3/16 at 6:30p
Where: Bronx Beer Hall - 2344 Arthur Ave, Bronx, NY
Join the Bronx Young Democrats for an evening of networking.

For more information, please
Click to Enlarge
State of the 12th Council District
When: Sat 3/12/16
Where: 177 Dresier Loop (Auditorium)

Save the date for Councilman Andy King' State of the District Address.

For more information, contact the Councilman's office at 718-684-5509.
Click to Enlarge

In solidarity,
Hon. Marcos A. Crespo, Chair
The Bronx Democratic County Committee
1640 Eastchester Rd.

Friday, January 29, 2016


  This afternoon Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz held a Senior Town Hall Meeting at the Van Cortlandt Senior Center on Sedgwick Avenue.  The main focus of these senior town hall meetings is to alert senior who are targets of scammers to the current and newest scams that are aimed towards senior citizens.  Assemblyman Dinowitz mentioned some of the phone scams where the caller says a relative is in need of money or that the senior owes Con Edison back payment or their lights will be turned off. The senior is then directed to go to a drug store to purchase a Green Dot Money Card and give the code numbers to the scammer in a call back. Also mentioned was a new scam at this time of the year when taxes are done. The senior receives a call from someone who says they are from the IRS who tells the senior that they owe more taxes, and again to purchase a Green Dot Money Card and call back with the code numbers.

   Assemblyman Dinowitz said that Con Edison, The IRS, and any reputable company will not call you on the phone directing you to purchase a Green Dot Money Card, and call back with the code number from the back of the card. These are scams he said and once you give the code number the Green Dot Money Card becomes useless and worth nothing. He added that Con Edison, the IRS, and any other reputable company will not call you asking you to purchase a Green Dot Money Card, and the code from the back of the card. 

   Assemblyman Dinowitz also warned the seniors to be careful on their computers as to phony e-mails that may do the same thing, or try top get their personal information for a scam to steal their hard earned money. Hse suggested if you do not know who the e-mail is from, or it looks suspicious that you should not open the e-mail and delete it from your computer. Afterwards Assemblyman Dinowitz took questions from the audience on this and other topics. 

The next Senior Town Hall Meeting from Assemblyman Dinowitz will take place on Friday February 12th at the Riverdale YM_YWHA located at 5625 Arlington Avenue (off West 256th Street), and begin at 11 AM.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The 17th City Council Special Information Forum hosted by We Stay/Nos Quedamos began l

  The 17th City Council Special Information Forum hosted by We Stay/Nos Quedamos began last night at the Pregones Theater located at 575 Walton Avenue, but by the photo above two candidates were missing at the the opening. Candidate George Alvarez and Candidate Rafael Salamanca were not in their seats (as seen by the empty chairs) Salamanca came in about 10 minutes after the forum started, but Alvarez was a no show like in a previous 79th A.D. debate two years ago.  

  Candidates Carlton Curry, Helen Hunt, Martin Molina, Joann Otero, and Elliot Quinones on one side, with candidates Julio Pabon, John Perez, Rafael Salamanca, Loren Russell, and Amanda Septimo seated across from the first five candidates. The first question went to candidate Quinones, who in answering the question opened up against the Bronx Democratic County organization. Quinones said that the Bronx Democratic County organization had challenges put in against the 10 candidates who were running against their candidate. The anti Bronx Democratic County organization atmosphere was also felt by many in the audience who wanted a fair open election, or had their own choice other then the Bronx Democratic County organization candidate. 

  In my opinion there were some candidates who I felt because of their current positions should do better than other candidates, and the few who were doing this for the first time. Candidate Rafael Salamanca was the choice of the Bronx Democratic County organization, and the District Manager of Community Board #2. Candidate Joann Otero was the Chief of Staff for the previous Councilwoman who resigned. Candidate Amanda Septimo was an aide to Congressman Jose Serrano. All three of these candidates emphasized their positions, but I felt all three should have done better. Candidate Helen Hunt stressed her union background, Candidate Julio Pabon stressed his community activism and ownership of three small businesses. Candidate Loren Russell stressed his church background. Candidate John Perez stressed his roots in the neighborhood, and almost 20 year military career coming back to a district that has gone in reverse rather then forward. Candidates Curry, Molina, and Quinones seemed out of place in a candidates forum, and candidate Alvarez was no where to be seen..
  As to just who won the forum were the people who were in attendance, and those who watched on Bronxnet Television. As I interviewed people after the forum they had their own candidate that they liked, now liked, wanted to know more about, and did not like. You can make up your own mind by watching a replay on Bronxnet Television channel 67 when the forum is rebroadcast, or you can go to to view a replay of the 17th City Council Special Election Forum held last night by We Stay/Nos Quedamos. 


Candidates Carlton Curry, Helen Hunt, Martin Molina, Joann Otero, and standing Elliot Quinones.

Candidates Julio Pabon, John Perez, Rafael Salamanca (not seated yet), Loren Russell, and Amanda Septimo. The photo was taken as the forum began before candidate Salamanca arrived.

This photo was taken when candidate Salamanca was answering a question. Candidate Septimo is hidden by the two questioners.