Monday, April 4, 2016

CarFreeNYC Shows Strength With Growing Support Across City


Rally Draws from Diverse Range of Prominent NYC Institutions & Officials to Stress Importance of Leaving Cars at Home This Earth Day

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams Issues Challenge to Fellow BP's, Saying Brooklyn Will Have Fewest Cars on Street this Earth Day

New York, NY - Over one hundred gathered on the steps of City Hall today to back a transformative initiative spreading across the globe: a Car Free Day, this time in New York City. The effort, kick started by NYC Council Transportation Committee Chair Ydanis Rodriguez, encourages New York drivers to leave their cars at home for at least one day this year: Earth Day, April 22nd

Supporters included elected officials, companies and advocacy organizations from a wide variety of fields, all eager to take part in the discussion about the choices we can make as a city when it comes to transportation.

"New Yorkers who choose to drive don't often think twice about hopping in cars to get around, at least until they're sitting in the parking lot that is typical midtown traffic," said NYC Council Transportation Chair Ydanis Rodriguez. "This Earth Day, we can choose another way-to work, to school, to run errands or otherwise-and hopefully drive a discussion about how our choices impact our planet and our neighbors. We will see how lively our streets can be when filled with people rather than cars. We can also reaffirm that investments in mass transit pay major dividends from an economic and environmental perspective. I am so proud that this initiative has received the support of so many and we expect to have a real impact on April 22nd."

Single occupancy car usage is one of the least efficient ways of moving about a city rife with quality transportation options, not to mention the high costs of car ownership in New York City as compared to monthly MetroCards or a Citibike membership. Freeing up our streets can provide for cleaner air, causing less harm to our environment; allow for greater walkability and bikeability to promote active transportation; and will impress upon New Yorkers how our choices matter when it comes to how we move about.

At the rally, Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams issued a challenge to his fellow Borough Presidents, including Manhattan BP Gale Brewer, who was present, that Brooklyn would be the borough to reduce car usage the most in the City; a challenge that Brewer accepted immediately.

#CarFreeNYC is also specifically geared toward those New Yorkers who don't live in transit rich areas as it will highlight the disparities in commute time for those living in transit deserts. This is an indicator which often holds a direct relationship to income and employment levels in New York and cities across the country. This is why it has garnered the support from Council Members representing districts with sparse transit such as Elizabeth Crowley and I. Daneek Miller. 

"Our planet is the only one we have, and all of us have a role to play in preserving it for future generations," said Public Advocate Letitia James. "Any step that reduces carbon emissions brings us one step closer to finally tackling climate change. I look forward to doing my part and participating in Car Free Day on Earth Day, and thank Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez for creating this important initiative."

"Car-Free Day is a great way to show our commitment to a greener future on Earth Day," said State Senator Adriano Espaillat. "Council Transportation Chair Ydanis Rodriguez has demonstrated a deep dedication to better connecting our city, with new and improved transportation options. I look forward to continuing to work with him to better connect our communities to emerging job centers."

"Manhattan is one of the most walkable urban environments on the planet," said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. "Working together, events like Car-Free Day can help us imagine a cleaner, safer city with more public transportation, more walking, more public space, and fewer cars."

"If we are to conquer our congestion challenges, we need to be bold," said Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams. If we are to make meaningful progress in the battle against climate change, we need to be aggressive. I applaud Council Member Rodriguez for his bold, aggressive push for a Car Free Day in New York City this Earth Day, a movement that asks all of us to rethink transportation and advance sustainable solutions. I will do my part to make sure Brooklyn is a leading force in this important moment for our planet."

Editor's Note:
The list of names who commented added up to 35. That would mean a little more than 65 others (probably mostly staff of those who commented) attended. Considering the Public Advocate, both the Manhattan and Brooklyn Borough Presidents, and a candidate for congress, not to mention all the others listed as giving comments for various groups or organizations, it seems that no one else was in attendance. This press release also came from City Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez who was not listed as giving commentary.

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - The passing of Frank DeGrazio

Dear Members:
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Frank DeGrazio, life partner of Kathy Zamechansky. Kathy has been an active member of the Board of Directors for many years.

Frank attended most of our Chamber events throughout those years. Frank passed away suddenly on Saturday evening.  

Our sincere condolences go out to their families. 
Wednesday, 4/6, and Thursday, 4/7, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Yannantuno Burr Davis Sharpe Funeral Home
584 Gramatan Avenue
Mount Vernon, NY 10552
Friday, 4/8, 10:45 am
St. Claire's Church
1918 Rhinelander Avenue
Bronx, NY 10461
Woodlawn Cemetery 
517 East 233rd Street
Bronx, New York 10470

Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"The Network For Business Success"
1200 Waters Place, Suite 106
Bronx, NY 10461

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Bronx Borough President Invites you to celebrate.....

Assemblyman Gjonaj & Senator Klein meeting with NYC Small Business Services April 6, 2016

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj & Senator Jeff Klein invite you to a conversation with NYC Small Business Services
Join us for an open discussion with NYC Small Business Services
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Tracey Towers
Community Center 
40 West Mosholu Parkway South
Bronx, N.Y.

Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman - A Historic Climate Change Coalition

AG banner_NEW

The Attorney General, joined by former Vice President Al Gore and six other A.G.’s, announced a new unprecedented coalition that is committed to aggressively protecting and building upon the recent progress the United States has made in combating climate change.

AG Speaking
Watch the press conference here.
Al Gore Speaking
Check out more photos here.
Quote Block

A Taxi Company Ripped Off It’s Drivers

But the Attorney General was there to stand up for workers, and in a settlement deal returned over $750,000 in restitution to those who were overcharged by Style Management Corp and its owner. 

A Dangerous Medicaid Fraud Scheme

The ringleader of a Medicaid fraud scheme that involved selling HIV medication purchased on the black market through sham companies has pleaded guilty. Glenn Schabelnow faces up to seven years in prison for perpetuating this scheme which preyed on sick New Yorkers

Shutting Down Sham Charities

New Yorkers who received calls from the Cancer Fund of America or Cancer Support Services were told their money would go directly to help cancer patients. But the Attorney General alleged it was all a fraud. In a joint action between the FTC, Attorney General Schneiderman and 49 other states, the two charities are now shut down after they bilked over $75 million from donors nationwide. Listen to one of the solicitation calls many New Yorkers may have received from the charities.

A Contractor Allegedly Withheld Benefits From Workers

And he has now been arrested on charges that he failed to pay over $250,000 in benefits to employees on a construction project at JFK airport. Government contractors who fail to pay the legally required wages or benefits must be held accountable

Nursing Home Neglect Cover Up

The former Director of Nursing Services at Woodmere Rehabilitation and Health Center in Long Island has been charged with attempting to conceal the neglect of a resident by providing false information to a Department of Health Inspector

Have a question, comment, or complaint? Click here. You can also learn more about the various initiatives of the Attorney General's office by visiting our website at You can also call our General Hotline: 800-771-7755

Saturday, April 2, 2016


By Robert Press

Who's Minding the City?

    One of the biggest stories this year is how a non-profit was able to sell a once Aids clinic for around 100 Million dollars (give or take a few million or so). This was a building that was classified as a clinic from a non-profit in an area where the value was a tremendous amount as we see by the so called allowance of the sale by the city.  Do we lay blame on the owner of the property given the special change in zoning, the Mayor's new ZQA plan, the Mayor himself, or the Deputy Mayor in charge of the program. Any way you look at it the city got dumped on for tens of millions of dollars, and right after the Mayor pushed, and the City Council approved the new ZQA zoning. 
     I only wonder if it was one of those now much higher salaried City Council members who benefited from the sale of the building, or was it one of Mayor de Blasio's rich donors. Remember Mayor de Blasio you are up for re-election next year, and the indicators are that Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. is going to be your challenger. I wonder who Stanley Schlein will be representing, as it was Bill de Blasio in 2013. 
     I was able to sit down with former State Senator Efrain Gonzalez Jr. to go over some old times, and what the future has in store for him. While he was convicted, former State Senator Gonzalez still maintains his innocence, and that he will vindicate his good name as he is in the process of his appeal of the case. No more can be said, but one has to wonder why this appeal seems to keep getting stalled as Senator Gonzalez tells it. 
     The state budget is or was finally passed, as all the bills and other materials are being printed. My favorite question to many elected state officials is - how much of the budget did you really read? There will be comments from the various Bronx elected officials as they come out with their statements on the state budget, and I hope to interview a few for a future column. 
     As usual check the archive section (you will have to back to March) to see the upcoming events such as the Rain Barrel Giveaway by Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj and State Senator Jeff Klein, The many upcoming Bronx Chamber of Commerce events, More on the 15th Congressional race, and both the Democratic and Republican New York State Presidential Primaries which for the first time in many many years is playing a key role in the selection process, and next week my predictions for the New York State Presidential Primary on both sides. Will New York 'Feel the Bern', or will C&K get Trumped in New York. 
     Lastly, Mayoral control of the public schools is up in June of this year it is not renewed by the state legislature. I would hope that after three disastrous terms of former Mayor Bloomberg, and now two more years of not working under Mayor de Blasio that the state legislature would put an end to this idea that has failed like the schools it was intended to improve. No I still say failing school even if the Mayor, Chancellor, and state legislature want to call it a struggling school. A failure is still a failure no matter what you call it, and mayoral control should be ended. There needs to be accountability where there has been none the past fourteen years. 
        If you have any political information that you want to share or have checked out, any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on this blog, you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press. 

Senator Rivera Speaks on the Senate's Passing of the 2016 - 2017 Budget

  Senator Gustavo Rivera (D-Bronx) joined his colleagues in the State Senate to vote on the 10 bills of the 2016-2017 Budget. Senator Rivera voted against one of the budget bills, specifically the Capital Projects bill (S. 6404-D).
"The greatest victory of this budget was preventing the shift of a substantial portion of New York State's financial responsibility in terms of Medicaid and the City University of New York (CUNY) to New York City. In addition, this year's budget took important steps in improving the lives of hard-working New Yorkers by raising our State's minimum wage and implementing paid family leave.
However, this year's budget has left out key priorities New York desperately needs. I continue to be disappointed by the lack of urgency demonstrated by this Legislature to implement necessary ethics reform, such as campaign finance reform, that will help restore the trust of New Yorkers in our government. At the same time, the budget once again omitted common sense proposals such as Raise The Age and the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to investigate cases of police misconduct that led to the death of a civilian.
While this year's budget represents an auspicious step forward for our State on a number of issues, the budget process itself has left much to be desired. Not only was our leader, Senator Stewart-Cousins, not included in the budget negotiations, but the entire Senate Democratic Conference was only able to analyze the legislative language of several of the budget bills in an absurd short span of time. The voices of the 8 million New Yorkers, who are collectively represented by the Senate Democrats, deserve a budget process that is transparent, inclusive and more importantly, democratic."
"As always, my top priority during the budget process is the Bronx. It is my responsibility to find ways to enact policies and deliver resources for the communities I represent that will help them thrive.
After a long and exhaustive fight, this year's budget will raise our State's minimum wage continuously until reaching $15 per hour by the end of 2018. In a district such as the one that I represent, where the median income is $27,000 for a family of four, raising our minimum wage will give many families another tool to help break the cycle of poverty.  Furthermore, working New Yorkers will now be eligible to take up to 12 weeks of paid family leave by the year 2019. These two measures will greatly benefit workers in the Bronx and across the State. Bronxites living on a minimum wage will be better able to provide for their families and all workers will be able to take off time from work to care for a family member without having to worry about losing their job.
Additionally, it is encouraging that this budget has allocated $600,000 for the SNUG program at the Jacobi Medical Center in order to continue its efforts to reduce gun violence in our neighborhoods. It is my goal to bring this model to a hospital in our district."  
"As the Ranker of the Senate Health Committee, I am very pleased that this year's budget took various steps towards ensuring that New Yorkers have access to quality and affordable healthcare. I'm extremely relieved that the State did not burden New York City with nearly $700 million in Medicaid costs over the next two years. This funding shift would have been disastrous for the City and would have taken away funding from crucial social programs.
I am very glad that the budget included $195 million for the transformation of healthcare services, with 30 percent going to community-based health care providers across the State. Additionally, we allocated $9.65 million in funding for the Doctors Across New York Program to help train and place doctors in underserved communities like the Bronx.
Lastly, as a vocal advocate for ending AIDS as an epidemic by 2020, I find it discouraging that the budget did not allocate anywhere close to the $70 million needed to ensure we fulfill the goals set by the Ending AIDS Epidemic Blueprint. Instead, the budget only appropriated a meager $10 million towards this effort."
"I'm elated that we did not jeopardize the academic future of thousands of students by preventing the shift of $485 million in CUNY costs from the State to New York City. We were also able to maintain CUNY and SUNY affordable for in state students by freezing their tuition, providing students with a much needed relief after years of hikes.  However, the State did not live up to its commitment to allocate $240 million towards fulfilling the collective bargaining agreement for CUNY professors and staff who have been working without a contract for too many years.
While it is encouraging that this budget has included $340 million towards statewide universal full-day pre-kindergarten and $175 million in funding to transform struggling schools into community schools, it has once again fallen short in providing adequate funding for our public schools. This year's budget once again failed to meet its responsibility to our public schools under the Campaign for Fiscal Equity settlement, while not removing last year's measure to tie teacher evaluations to the funding a school receives. Disgracefully, we once again denied our immigrant youth an affordable higher education by omitting the Dream Act."
This is a budget that all New Yorkers can be proud of, as it contains solid measures that will benefit millions all across our State. However, the lack of transparency during the process of putting it together is the absolute opposite of the way a democracy should work. We need to make a conscious decision to improve it so that the voices of all New Yorkers are properly heard.

Friday, April 1, 2016

STATEMENT FROM BP DIAZ RE: #FightFor15 Minimum Wage Victory

  “I congratulate my colleagues in Albany on their victory for greater economic equality in New York. The Bronx was the birthplace of the ‘living wage’ movement, so we know just how important the push to raise the minimum wage was. The #FightFor15 has achieved a major, game-changing victory in New York State, thanks to the leadership of Governor Andrew Cuomo and his partners in the New York State Legislature.

“I congratulate Governor Cuomo, my good friend Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and the members of the State Legislature who fought so hard to raise the minimum wage and do right by the workers of this City and State,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


Rep. Engel Applauds Passage of Minimum Wage Increase in New York State Budget

 Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement praising Governor Cuomo and the New York State Legislature for passing a $15 minimum wage increase in this year’s budget:

 “I am pleased Governor Cuomo and the State Legislature have crafted a budget that will help millions of hard working New Yorkers with a much needed increase to the minimum wage. In particular, the entire New York City area – including Westchester – will see a $15 minimum wage over the next few years. This adjustment will put more money in the pockets of working families, many of whom have been scraping by even with full-time jobs. A strong middle class, new jobs, and prosperity for everybody—those are New York values, and I’m glad this budget reflects those values for working New Yorkers.”