Thursday, April 14, 2016

Ischia Bravo for Assembly

Join Us on Thursday, April 21, 2016

Dear Friend,
I was born and raised in this district and now am raising 
my two children here. I have seen the good, the bad, and 
the ugly. I joined this race because what our community 
needs is new leadership; the kind of leadership that 
understands the issues we face and will fight them head 
on. Whether it's enacting new measures to keep our 
streets safe, finding innovative ways to create good paying 
jobs, improving access to quality education and 
after-school programs, or protecting and building more 
affordable housing---- what our community needs is an 
Assembly member who will roll up their sleeves and put 
forth real solutions for these very real, everyday problems. 

I am working hard every day to fight for progressive values 
and help change the face of Albany so that working 
families actually feel the positive impact of good 
government policies. 

Thank you for your trust and faith in me,

STATEMENT FROM BP DIAZ RE: 2016 Gifted & Talented Testing Results

    “The newly released results of this year’s testing for Department of Education gifted and talented programs shows how much more work we need to do to make these programs accessible to all students, especially minority students. Far too few children in The Bronx are testing for these programs, and therefore many students are deprived of this option. Requiring all students in public universal pre-K programs to be tested for gifted and talented classes in the best way to ensure that more students have access to highest level of classwork, placing them on the path to specialized high school admissions and success in higher education.

“Today’s announcement that the Department of Education will open gifted and talented classes in the third grade in four districts that do not currently have such programs—including two in The Bronx—is a welcome one. The children of these districts deserve the same access as their counterparts in other communities, and I encourage parents in those school districts to take advantage of this opportunity,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Parents in Bronx School Districts #7 and #12 can learn more about the new third grade programs by visiting:

GOTV with Pres. Bill Clinton, Rep. Engel & AM Gjonaj!

with President Bill Clinton, Congressman Elliot Engel & Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj!
You are invited to a rally in support of Hillary For America with President Bill Clinton, Congressman Elliot Engel, Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj and members of the Albanian American Community. Please bring your family and friends, and remember to vote in New York's April 19th Democratic presidential primary.

Friday, April 15, 2016
10:45am - 12:00pm

Mount Saint Vincent  - Smith Hall
6301 Riverdale Avenue
Bronx, NY 10471

Text NEW YORK to 47246*

Annual Jacobi/NCB Mental Health Conference- Preventing Teen Suicide

The Annual Mental Health Conference is sponsored by The Joint Community Advisory Board of
Jacobi Medical Center and North Central Bronx Hospital, in conjunction with the JMC Auxiliary.

Preventing Teen Suicide

Monday, May 16, 2016, 6 PM - 8:30 PM
Jacobi Medical Center, Conference Center- Building 4, 2nd Floor
1400 Pelham Parkway South, Bronx, NY 10461
Light Dinner Served, Parking On Campus

Opening Remarks:
Andrew Cohen, NYC Council Member
Chair, Committee on Mental Health

Timothy’s Law:
Tom O’Clair
Family Affairs Advocacy Specialist, NYS Office of Mental Health

Youth Suicide: The Preventable Epidemic:
Tom Templeton, MSEd, LMHC
Public Policy Specialist, New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services

What We Know, What We Don’t Know, And What We Can Do About It:
David Woodlock, MS
President and CEO, ICL (The Institute for Community Living, Inc.)

*** This conference is dedicated to the memory of Blanche Comras-Rifkin, our dear friend and longstanding CAB member and community activist. ***

New York Hispanic Clergy Organization Annual Banquet Will Be Held On April 16

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
District 32 Bronx County, New York

You should know that on Saturday, April 16, 2016, the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization will be celebrating its Annual Banquet.

It is important for you to know that this Banquet will begin a 1:00PM and continue until 4:00PM, and will take place at Maestro’s Caterers, located at 1703 Bronxdale Avenue in the Bronx, New York.

Like every year for the past 27, Bishops, Pastors, Evangelists, Lay People and Community Leaders will get together with the Board of Directors to celebrate the biggest social gathering of the Evangelical Hispanic Community in the Metropolitan area.

You should also know that more than 800 people have already confirmed their attendance, and elected officials are also expected to attend and join in the recognition of five distinguished members of the Hispanic Clergy.

Reverend Luis Serrano, Chaplain of the New York City Police Department; Dr. Ariel Torres, Member of Radio Vision Cristiana International Board of Directors; Reverend Dr. Feliciano Espaillat, Community Dentist and Pastor; Dr. Julio Wally, Pastor of the Iglesia Alianza Cristiana Ebenezer; and Reverend Francisco Peralta, Assistant Pastor of Heavenly Vision Ministry in Bronx County will receive Certificates, Proclamations, and Recognition during the activity.

The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization’s Banquet will be presided by yours truly.

I am Senator Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Keith Wright for Congress files with over 11,000 signatures

    On Tuesday, April 12, 2016, Keith Wright for Congress filed with 11,387 signatures, showing widespread grassroots support building on Wright’s endorsements.

Over the past few months several leaders and organizations have announced their support for Keith Wright’s bid for Congress, including the Bronx Democratic County Committee, Gov. David Paterson, Mayor David Dinkins, Upper West Side District Leaders Bob Botfeld, Cynthia Doty, and Curtis Arluck, Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie, Assembly Member Denny Farrell, Assembly Member Daniel O’Donnell, Council Member Inez Dickens, the United Firefighters Association, Teamsters Joint Council 16, Teamsters Local 237, over 90 New York City tenant leaders, New York City District Council of Carpenters, International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 1 and numerous community leaders and clergy in the Bronx and Manhattan.

“I am so grateful for the amount of support my campaign is receiving from the community I love and work for. I am committed to increasing affordable housing, protecting reproductive rights, improving education, protecting LGBTQ rights, and creating jobs for our community and will bring this fight to Washington DC, just as I have brought it to Albany. I am thankful that my community recognizes the work I have done and ask for their support in the upcoming months. Together we will bring the fight to Congress,” said Keith Wright. 

Rep. Engel On Today's Anti-Swatting Act Hearing

Statement From Rep. Engel On Today’s Anti-Swatting Act Hearing

     Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement on today’s Subcommittee on Communications and Technology hearing on seven communications bills, including the Anti-Swatting Act, which Engel introduced in 2015:

“’Swatting’ refers to the act of provoking law enforcement to respond to a phony emergency. The act gets its name from the SWAT teams that are often deployed to respond to these hoaxes. 

“Though swatting might sound like a prank, its consequences are no laughing matter.

“According to the FBI, a single SWAT team deployment can cost thousands of taxpayer dollars. Swatting also risks injury to the unassuming victims who are present when law enforcement arrives at a supposed crime scene, as well as to the officials who arrive on the scene, anticipating danger. On top of that, swatting wastes law enforcement’s precious time, keeping them from responding to actual, life-threatening emergencies.

“I introduced H.R. 2031, the Anti-Swatting Act, to address these very serious risks.

“The Anti-Swatting Act would expand on the Truth in Caller ID Act, which Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Emeritus Joe Barton and I introduced and was signed into law in 2010.

“My bill would increase penalties for people who falsify their caller ID information to mislead law enforcement. This technological trick – called ‘spoofing’ – allows swatters to make law enforcement believe they are calling in an emergency from a different phone number or location. In addition, my bill would force swatters to reimburse the emergency services that squander valuable funds responding to their invented emergency.

“I introduced this bill last year, following a string of swattings in my district. Incidents have also occurred in Tennessee, Ohio, New Jersey, North Carolina – the list goes on. My goal is to dissuade potential swatters from wasting taxpayer money and law enforcement resources and – most importantly – from putting their neighbors and emergency response teams in harm’s way.

“I’m grateful the Chairman Walden and Ranking Member Eshoo of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Communications and Technology Subcommittee for convening today’s hearing, and I remain hopeful the Committee will move swiftly on this bill to keep additional communities from falling victim to these despicable crimes.”

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz 
District 32 Bronx County, New York 

You should know that the Bronx is burning – but in a positive way!

As we all know, there was a time when Bronx landlords abandoned their properties, fires were burning, blocks were lined with empty lots and burnt down buildings, factories left, and banks red lined the area. The Bronx was practically deserted.

The Bronx was ignored, abused, and used as everyone’s political piñata and punch line.
But it is also important for you to know that in recent years, the Bronx has made a turn for the best: crime is down, roads and bridges have been renovated, businesses are booming, and real estate values are rising. The Bronx has come to be a place to be.

An indication of this dramatic change is that during this Presidential Campaign season, the Bronx has become the focus for one and all to come and visit.

The Bronx has become the Road to the White House.

Never before in Bronx history have Presidential candidates taken it upon themselves, in one way or another, to make sure a visit to the Bronx is a must-do on their itinerary.

Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Ted Cruz, Governor John Kasich, Secretary Hillary Clinton – they have all made a major visit to the Bronx
The only one who has been missing in action in Bronx is Mr. Donald Trump.

By coming to the Bronx, Presidential candidates show their willingness to recognize how significant the Bronx and our people are. One result of their visits is how every media outlet worldwide is talking about the Bronx.

You should know that on Tuesday, April 5th at approximately 8pm, I received a call from Ted Cruz’s people telling me that an event they planned had been cancelled, and asked if I could get 15-20 ministers to meet with Ted Cruz in any place of my choice in the Bronx.

I got busy on my phone and in less than 10 hours, I organized an event where not 15, but 100 Hispanic ministers welcomed Ted Cruz in the Sabrosura Restaurant located at 1808 Westchester Avenue in Bronx County.  And the Bronx got worldwide coverage!

It is important for all of us to know that since the Bronx is the Road to the White House, and every national candidate is coming here to visit, I am still waiting for Mr. Donald Trump to also come here and to show the whole world that there is nothing to fear by coming to the Bronx.

My dear reader, you should know that on Thursday, April 7th at 12:30pm, as I was ending my weekly meeting with my Hispanic ministers, I received a phone call from the Trump Organization inviting me to go and meet one on one with Donald Trump at the Trump Tower.

Even though I do appreciate Donald Trump's invitation, my priorities as the President of the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization force me to make sure that any meetings with candidates are held with my ministers - not just with me - and for these meetings to be held where we meet, in the Bronx.
My invitation to Donald Trump still stands.

It is great to see Bernie Sanders going to St Mary's Park, John Kasich coming to Fordham Road, Hillary Clinton riding the Subway at 161st Street in the Bronx, and Senator Ted Cruz eating in Sabrosura Restaurant on Westchester Avenue.  

This has been a great victory for the Bronx and its more than one million residents.
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

While Senator Diaz Sr. was able to round up about 100 (by his count) Hispanic ministers for a meeting with Ted Cruz the good senator is not looking at the big picture. How many of the 100 were Republicans or were they members of the Democratic or Conservative Party who are unable to vote for Republican Ted Cruz in a Republican primary. In New York only Republicans are eligible to vote in the state primary. The real reason that Ted Cruz and John Kasich came to the South Bronx was to visit the congressional district with the lowest number of registered Republicans. If either Cruz or Kasich is able to get one vote over the majority number of registered Republicans in the district (close to 101) they could get the delegates from that district. So why would either campaign in Republican rich areas they know they can not win, The answer, come to the South Bronx district that overlaps Senator Diaz's State Senate district to find the least number of enrolled Republicans, that is why State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. is still an enrolled Democrat he would never get elected as a Republican, and that is what you should know.