Monday, August 1, 2016

AM Dinowitz Secures $500k for Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy

  New York State Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz announced that he has secured $500,000 in funding for the Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy (M.S./H.S. 141) for technology upgrades.

The capital funds secured by Assemblyman Dinowitz are to be used for in-classroom Smartboards, which are interactive, computerized whiteboards that utilize touch screen technology. Smartboards are an innovative way to upgrade public schools as they enable students to engage in classroom activities and lessons in a highly immersive way. The addition of this technology to RKA also ensures that teachers have the best technology available to facilitate student learning.

“I am very pleased I was able to allocate this money for the Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy,” saidAssemblyman Dinowitz. “Smartboards are a great way to bring our schools into the twenty-first century and make sure that our students have access to the best resources possible. It is critical that as technology advances, our schools continuously improve to match those advancements, so I am very excited to see this funding go to good use in the near future. Exposing middle and high school students to this technology will help prepare them for both higher education learning, and gives them crucial experience with technology used in today’s workforce.”

The Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy is located at 660 West 236th Street and services over 1400 Middle and High School students.

Assemblyman Dinowitz presented the check for $500,000 to Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy Principal Lori O’Mara at H.S. 141’s graduation.


   Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. has issued a letter to Hon. Tom Vilsack, Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture, urging his agency to adopt rules making it easier for consumers to use their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) benefits online using Electronic Benefit Transfers (EBT) cards.

“As we work to change habits and promote healthier food options, we must also do everything we can to create the opportunity of affordable choices,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “Allowing consumers to use their EBT card as one might use their own credit or debit card to purchase groceries will lead to lower prices and greater options for those living in food deserts or facing food insecurity, and I urge the federal government to update their regulations to account for ongoing advances in technology.”

“If healthy food is either economically unaffordable or physically unavailable,  that increases hunger and harms community nutrition," said Joel Berg, CEO of Hunger Free America, a nationwide advocacy group.  “That's why the federal government must keep pace with current technology by enabling more low-income families who rely on SNAP and live in food deserts to be able to use their benefits to order healthy food online. I thank Borough President Diaz for his partnership on this important issue.”

Borough President Diaz initial proposed such changes in his “State of the Borough” address this past February.

“We will make healthy food options more easily available by urging the Department of Agriculture to change its rules to allow the use of EBT benefits to purchase from online vendors,” said Borough President Diaz during the speech. “Affordable nutrition should not be a victim of antiquated regulations.” 

Borough President Diaz’s full letter to Secretary Vilsack can be read at

Bravo for Assembly - Fundraiser Tuesday August 2nd

Primary Day is just 7 weeks away!  It's been an amazing campaign - we've built a strong base of community members, volunteers and supporters over the past few months. We've mobilized community residents and activated people who were previously disconnected from the process.  We've shown what true leadership should look like.
Now it's time to FINISH STRONG.
We are having a FUNDRAISER on Tuesday, Aug, 2nd from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Enzo's of Arthur Avenue, 2339 Arthur Avenue. I hope you can join us!  Your continued support is needed for OUR campaign to be successful and to take us to Albany.
The funds raised go directly towards voter contact, so more of our friends and neighbors are aware of what we are trying to do in the 78th District - bring better jobs, more affordable housing and increased opportunities for our youth. 
Ischia Bravo
Candidate, NYS Assembly, District 78, Bronx

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj - August 2nd is National Night Out

On behalf of our precincts in the 80th A.D, the 
49th and 52nd Precincts
are pleased to invite you and your family to the 
33rd Annual National Night Out Against Crime

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

52nd Precinct Celebration
Location: Poe Park - Grand Concourse
Near Fordham Road
Time5:00pm - 8:00pm

-Special Guests: Batman, Spiderman, Ironman and Batgirl! 
-Raffles: Back to School Supplied for ages 6+
-Food  -Snacks  -Drinks
-Face Painting   -Pony Rides!   -Music   -Bingo
   -free Manicures  
Register your Bike & Recieve a Free Helmet 

Join the NYPD Auxiliary Police! Become a Youth Explorer!, Join NYPD School Safety or Attend the Police Citizen Academy

Information tables from the Bronx D.O , Montefiore Community Relations and several health insurances!

49th Precinct Celebration 
Location: Barnes Avenue & Pelham Parkway N 
Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
-Live Music   - Dancers   - Entertainers    -Amusement Rides   - Refreshments   -Slushies   
-50/50 Raffle   -Giveaways!! 
free information on crime prevention, community organizations and homeland security*
Meet your Elected Officials, Local Fire Fighters,and officers from the 49th Precinct!  

Sunday, July 31, 2016

News From Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman


Ensuring Equal Rights For All Citizens

Attorney General Schneiderman and Governor Cuomo led a coalition of ten states and the District of Columbia in filing of an amicus brief challenging North Carolina’s discriminatory anti-transgender law. The so-called “bathroom bill” limits the ability of cities and localities to protect the rights of transgender and non-gender-conforming people. The coalition, along with two other states, filed a second court brief opposing Texas’s failure to allow transgender students to use the facilities of their choosing.

Allowing Consumers To Dispute Damage Fees When They Use Zipcars

The Attorney General reached a settlement with Zipcar for charging New Yorkers rental vehicle damage fees without giving consumers the opportunity to dispute them. Zipcar routinely charged consumers these fees before notifying them of suspected damage. Zipcar is a car-sharing service that allows members to rent vehicles on an hourly or daily basis at a variety of locations for a monthly membership fee. The company has agreed to refund damage charges assessed against consumers who contested their responsibility for the vehicle damage and comply with New York law regarding vehicle damage charges. 

Protecting Vulnerable Citizens From Unscrupulous Landlords

The owners of the Esplanade Senior Residences in White Plains will pay $528,000 to 139 elderly residents after forcing them to vacate their apartments. The Attorney General charged the owners for continuing to rent apartments to senior citizens without informing them of their plan to vacate and renovate the building. 

Have a question, comment, or complaint? Click here. You can also learn more about the various initiatives of the Attorney General's office by visiting our website at You can also call our General Hotline: 800-771-7755

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Former Head Of Foundation Sentenced To 20 Months In Prison For Bribing Then-Ambassador And President Of United Nations General Assembly

    Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that SHIWEI YAN, a/k/a “Sheri Yan,” the co-founder and former chief executive officer of the Global Sustainability Foundation, was sentenced in Manhattan federal court today to 20 months in prison for paying more than $800,000 in bribes to John W. Ashe (“Ashe”), the late former Permanent Representative of Antigua and Barbuda (“Antigua”) to the United Nations (“UN”) and 68th President of the UN General Assembly.  Yan pled guilty in January 2016, and was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Vernon S. Broderick.
U.S. Attorney Bharara stated: “As she admitted in court at her guilty plea, Shiwei Yan bribed the President of the UN General Assembly with hundreds of thousands of dollars to further private business interests.  For her role in corrupting the United Nations, Yan will serve time in a federal prison.”
According to the Complaint, Superseding Information, information presented in connection with sentencing, and other publicly available materials:
Starting in approximately April 2012, YAN, along with co-defendant Heidi Hong Piao, a/k/a “Heidi Park” (“Piao”), agreed to and did arrange for more than $800,000 in bribe payments to Ashe in exchange for official actions by Ashe and one or more other Antiguan officials to benefit several Chinese businessmen.  Piao also pled guilty for her participation in the scheme, but has not yet been sentenced.
The initial bribe payment arranged by YAN and Piao was a $300,000 payment on behalf of a Chinese media executive referred to as “CC-1” in the Complaint.  In exchange for this payment, Ashe agreed to “start the conversations” with Antiguan officials, including the then-Prime Minister, concerning CC-1’s interests.  With YAN’s knowledge, Ashe shared a portion of the bribe payment with one or more Antiguan officials.  YAN also requested and received an official appointment from Ashe as an adviser.
In August 2013, YAN and Piao began paying Ashe approximately $20,000 per month, purportedly for his forthcoming service as the “Honorary Chairman” of a non-governmental organization, the Global Sustainable Development Foundation, later known as the Global Sustainability Foundation (“GSF”).  GSF was founded by YAN and Piao and purported to promote the UN’s sustainable development goals.  YAN sent these monthly payments from a Chinese company she operated to personal accounts of Ashe.
In September 2013, Ashe formally began his one-year term as President of the UN General Assembly.  YAN and Piao thereafter arranged for another Chinese businessman, referred to as “CC-2” in the Complaint, to send Ashe $100,000.  Approximately one month after this payment, YAN arranged for Piao to travel with Ashe and CC-2 to meet with Antiguan officials about a business deal for a Chinese security company (the “Chinese Security Company”) affiliated with CC-2.  After YAN sent Ashe another $100,000, the government of Antigua signed a “memorandum of understanding” with the Chinese Security Company. 
YAN and Piao also arranged for ASHE to be paid $200,000 in exchange for attending a private conference in China in Ashe’s official capacity, hosted by a Chinese real estate developer identified as “CC-3” in the Complaint. 
During the scheme, YAN and Piao also arranged for Ashe to receive tens of thousands of dollars in custom suits and clothes.
In imposing sentence, Judge Broderick said, “To those bent on perverting decision-making” through bribery, “this simply will not be tolerated…there are consequences to these actions.”
YAN, 60, a naturalized United States citizen who resided principally in China prior to her arrest, was charged in October 2015 along with Piao, Francis Lorenzo (then-Deputy Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic to the UN), Ashe, Ng Lap Seng, and Jeff C. Yin.  Piao and Lorenzo subsequently pled guilty to bribery, money laundering, and other charges.  Charges against Ng Lap Seng and Jeff C. Yin, who are scheduled to proceed to trial on January 23, 2017, remain pending, and they are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.[1]
In addition to her prison term, YAN was sentenced to two years of supervised release, was fined $12,500, and was ordered to forfeit $300,000.

A.G. Schneiderman Announces Indictment Of Alleged Ringleaders Of Check Fraud Scheme

  Kevin Lee And Daniel Green Allegedly Cashed Over $100,000 In Fraudulent Checks As Part Of A Scheme To Defraud Account Holders And Local Credit Unions

Defendants Face A Maximum Of 10 To 20 Years In State Prison If Convicted
   Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced the arraignment today of Kevin Lee (aka Kev Escobar) and Daniel Green (aka Lance Gambino) on a 19-count indictment charging them with issuing over $100,000 in fraudulent checks written in the name of a fictitious business as part of a scheme to defraud vulnerable account holders and small financial institutions.  Lee and Green are accused of convincing vulnerable individuals, many of whom were contacted over Facebook and other social media outlets, to deposit forged checks into their personal checking accounts. Lee and Green then allegedly drained the accounts of the available balances before the checks were returned and the financial institutions discovered them to be worthless.  The defendants are charged in Onondaga County Supreme Court with Grand Larceny, Forgery, and Identity Theft, among other charges. The defendants face a maximum of 10 to 20 years in state prison.
“These defendants allegedly attempted to line their own pockets by preying on vulnerable New Yorkers who were looking for an extra financial boost,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “My office has zero tolerance for those who commit identity theft and seek to exploit local financial institutions that ordinary consumers rely on for stability.”
State Police Superintendent George P. Beach II said,  “These suspects are accused of using a devious scheme to victimize vulnerable people for their own gain. I commend the Attorney General and our Special Investigations Unit in Syracuse for their work on this case. It’s because of our strong partnership that we were able to bring charges and seek to hold these two suspects accountable for their alleged crimes.”
According to statements made by prosecutors in court today, Lee created phony bank accounts in the name of Jones Maintenance, a fictitious business in which Lee claimed to have an interest.  Thereafter, Lee and Green, relying heavily on Facebook and other social media outlets, allegedly targeted numerous financially vulnerable individuals—college students, young single parents, and other indigent, disadvantaged, and unwary young adults—to whom they issued forged checks in the name of that company. In exchange for depositing these forged checks in their accounts, the account owners were promised a portion of the check as a fee. After the checks were deposited and the funds cleared and became available, the defendants allegedly withdrew the money for their own personal use. In some instances, the defendants are accused of assuming the identities of the account holders, accessing their accounts, and withdrawing funds through ATM transactions using personal information the account holders had been required to provide for asserted security purposes.  As a result, the targeted financial institutions targeted were forced to devote resources to compensate account holders for the phony checks and fraudulently withdrawn funds.
Also according to prosecutors, between December of 2015 to May of 2016 alone, Lee and Green issued over $100,000 in fraudulent checks pursuant to this alleged scheme, primarily targeting small, local or regional credit unions and banks.
The Attorney General’s indictment charges Kevin Lee  with three counts of Grand Larceny in the Third Degree (a class D felony), three counts of Attempted Grand Larceny in the Third Degree (a class E felony), one count of Grand Larceny in the Fourth degree (a class E felony), six counts of Forgery or Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the Second Degree (class D felonies), one count of Identity Theft in the First Degree (a class D felony), one count of Identity Theft in the Second Degree (a class E felony), one count of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree (a class E felony), and one count of Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree (a class E felony). Daniel Green is charged with two counts of Grand Larceny in the Third Degree, one count of Attempted Grand Larceny in the Third Degree, two counts of Forgery in the Second Degree and one count of Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree.
Lee, 26, of Clay, and Green, 20, of Syracuse, were arraigned today in Onondaga County Court before the Honorable Judge Aloi; Lee is currently being held without bail, and Green is currently being held on $150,000 bond over $75,000 cash bail.
The charges against the defendants are allegations and they are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
The Office of the Attorney General is continuing to investigate the alleged operation of this check cashing ring in other counties across the state, including Westchester, Rensselaer, Albany, Schenectady, Saratoga, Oneida, Broome, and Oswego counties.
The Office of the Attorney General thanks the New York State Police Special Investigations Unit – Syracuse and the Financial Crimes Unit for their invaluable assistance on this case.
The charges against the defendant are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj - 6th Annual Summer Streets 2016

The Bainbridge Avenue 204th Street Merchants Association with NYS Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj
and NYC Councilman Andrew Cohen
present the

6th Annual Summer Streets Festival!
Date: July 31st and August 7th
Time: 12pm-6pm
Location: East 204th Street
 between Bainbridge & Decatur Avenue

Come join us at this spectacular event!