Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Holy Smokes, Look Who’s Returning to NYCC on Thursday Oct. 6th

New York Comic Con - NYCC

batman: return of the caped crusaders with adam west thursday at NYCC
thursday tickets are still available.
bookcon @ new york comic con fan favorite authors join bookcon @ NYCC
the walking dead collector's models
order your photo ops today.
arrive onsite prepared! check out the nycc floor plan
nycc presents stuff you missed in history class

CB7 Committee Meetings Thursday September 8th

The following two CB7 committee meetings will be held tomorrow at the Board office:

Traffic and Transportation 6:30 PM

Veterans Committee meeting 7:30 PM

Andrew Sandler  District Manager

Bronx Community Board 7

229-A East 204th Street Bronx, NY 10458

P: 718-933-5650/51
F: 718-933-1829

Serving the Communities of Bedford Park, Fordham, Jerome Park, Kingsbridge Heights, Mosholu, Norwood, and University Heights in the Bronx

52 Pct Community Council Meeting- Sept. 22, 2016

  The 52nd Precinct Council Meeting will be held at The Kinginston Building: 2455 Sedgwick Avenue Bronx NY, Thursday, September 22, 2016 from 7:00pm–9:00pm(opposite) Fordham Hills Oval Cooperative Apartments. See the attached flyer for details. The Precinct Council will also be collecting food and clothing in partnership with Community Board 7 and Council Member Andrew Cohen for the victims of the fire at 267 East 202nd Street. 


WINS: We are joined live now on 1010 WINS by Mayor Bill de Blasio who’s going to be talking education. Good morning, Mr. Mayor, so, school starts tomorrow – big day – but the City, today, is rolling out several new education initiatives. So, let’s run them down, bullet point style. One is aimed at increasing economic diversity. Tell us about that.
Mayor: Well, you know, in all that we’re doing in the schools, we want to increase the quality-level of all our schools – the program is called Equity and Excellence. And the idea is that there should be no such thing as a “bad school” in any neighborhood, that we have to bring the level up across the board. But it’s also important to ensure that our kids get to learn together from all backgrounds. So, one of the things we’ve seen some very good success on in schools is admissions models that recognize kids of different economic backgrounds making sure that they get well represented across the board in our schools. So, that’s been one new initiative.
 But the overall frame system is Equity and Excellence. And basically it says we’re going to make sure that across the board we’re raising the quality-level of schools, we’re raising the demand-level too because our young people are going to be confronted by a much tougher world than when you and I were growing up. They have to get a better education. They have to be prepared for a demanding economy. We need that to happen across the school system, not just in some of the best schools but across the school system.
WINS: And so what specifically can the City do to expand diversity at some of the specialized high schools like Bronx Science and Stuyvesant?
Mayor: First, we need the State government to go along with changing the admissions. I don’t think anything should be decided by a single test. College admissions are not decided by a single test – even to the finest colleges in the country. I don’t think our very best high schools should base their admissions on a single test. I think there should be multiple measures. But that’s something we can only achieve through the State Legislature.
 What we will do in the meantime is add a number of measures to help prepare kids for the test from all backgrounds so there really can be representation. Right now, a school like Stuyvesant just does not represent the population of New York City in any way [inaudible] and reflects the reality of this city.
 We have to do a lot more to prepare kids to succeed on the test so long as that is the State sanctioned way to get into a school like that.
WINS:  Alright, there’s also a literacy initiative. Tell us about that –
Mayor: Yes, well, let me tell you the most important thing – I hear this from educators all the time – is to get kids to reading level by 3rd grade. And when you do that, when a kid reaches reading level by 3rd grade a lot of other things become possible. If they don’t, it really holds them back. So, we started with Pre-K for All which has been a great success. And I want to remind all your listeners if they have a four-year-old still not signed up for pre-K all they have to do is call 3-1-1 or go online to– plenty of seats still available.
 But on top of pre-K we’re going to emphasize reading and literacy in 2nd grade into 3rd grade – we’re adding a number of reading coaches and specialists on a level we’ve never had before so that we can really help teachers to improve what they’re doing with kids but also help the individual children who need extra attention.
 Our goal over the next ten years is to go from where we were when this administration started – about 30 percent of kids in this system reading at grade level by 3rd grade – absolutely unacceptable number. We want to get that to 100 percent over the course of the next ten years.
WINS: Another initiative that is a bit controversial has to do with altering the disciplinary code. Some of the teacher’s union is saying there’s not enough training in personnel or funding. There’s also concern that this may disproportionately affect minority students. What is going to be done with that?
Mayor: Well, what we’re seeing already is amazing progress on reducing crime in our schools and reducing violent incidents. I give a lot of credit to our school safety officers and, obviously, our teachers and parents as well. Over the last five years – 35 percent decrease in crime in our schools. And that started – I want to give credit – it started in Mayor Bloomberg’s administration. We’ve been able to add to that quite a bit.
 So, the fact is the schools are getting safer consistently. At the same time, we found that we can change the approach to discipline – reduce the number of suspensions. Suspensions, in my view, sometimes they are warranted but a lot of times they were overused, and basically did not help kids in terms of their education, and didn’t improve safety in the schools – and in some cases would exacerbate a problem a young person was having.
 We found that with reduced use of suspensions, we’re simultaneously getting better numbers on reducing crime in the school. So, those two things are actually going together.
 Also, I have a different – I have a lot of respect for the teachers and their union, but we have a difference – we don’t think there should be suspensions of kids in kindergarten, for example. It’s just something where I part company with the teacher’s union because I think it’s inappropriate even if a kid has a problem. I don’t think they should be suspended at that kind of early age.
WINS: What about the 85 struggling schools that may be approaching a three-year deadline for getting their act together. What is going on with that?
Mayor: Well, I’m very clear about the fact that we gave them time – about three years – and a lot of support to be able to turn around. And we’re seeing some very big improvements in a lot of these Renewal Schools. These are the schools that have had historic trouble and needed a lot more support. We’ve seen improved test scores in many cases. We’ve seen improved amounts of attendance, etcetera. But I’ve said, starting from two years ago, that we would go into this next year and any school that had not made sufficient progress, we’re either going to merge it into another school or shut it down. But I’m very hopeful based on what I’ve seen so far that most of the schools are moving in the right direction. And we’ll continue to support them.
WINS: And when do you think announcements about those schools will be made?
Mayor: We’re going to give them this school year, and in the case – by the way, some we can see already are succeeding and we know will do well in the long term. Others have already – small number – but several have been already in the process of shutting down or being merged. By the end of the school year, we’ll have a clear picture of what we want to do with the remainder.

It seems that ten years of mayoral control has done very little if any to advance the goals outlined above by Mayor De Blasio. I would hope that the entire state legislature (not just those Republicans in Albany) have noticed how mayoral control has failed in New York City public schools. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A.G. Schneiderman Launches Antitrust Investigation Into Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc., Maker Of Epipen

  Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced his office has commenced an investigation into Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc, the maker of EpiPens. A preliminary review by the Office of the Attorney General revealed that Mylan Pharmaceuticals may have inserted potentially anticompetitive terms into its EpiPen sales contracts with numerous local school systems. Mylan’s EpiPen is the predominant epinephrine autoinjector—a device and drug used in cases where an individual suffers a severe allergic reaction, which could otherwise lead to death—in the U.S. market.

  “No child’s life should be put at risk because a parent, school, or healthcare provider cannot afford a simple, life-saving device because of a drug-maker’s anti-competitive practices,”Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman said.  “If Mylan engaged in anti-competitive business practices, or violated antitrust laws with the intent and effect of limiting lower cost competition, we will hold them accountable. Allergy sufferers have enough concerns to worry about—the availability of life-saving medical treatment should not be one of them. I will bring the full resources of my office to this critical investigation.”


Council Member Jumaane D. Williams, Deputy Leader, and Co-chair of the Council's Task Force to Combat Gun Violence released the following statement after 17-year-old Tyreke Borel and 22-year-old Tiarah Poyau were killed early Monday morning during J'Ouvert. 

"It's with a heavy heart that there is need to write another letter like this one. I send prayers of peace and comfort to the families of Tyreke Borel and Tiarah Poyau, who lost their lives during what should have been a time of festivities and not fear. I'd also like to send prayers of speedy recovery for the victims who survived. It's unfortunate that as a community, a joyous time like the Carnival season has once again been marred by incidents of gun violence.

"The primary thing we should be doing now is supporting those families who are in mourning, and dealing intimately with the impacts of violence. After that there will be sufficient time to fully discuss what actions should be taken as it relates to next year's season, and J'Ouvert in particular.

"We should also continue a very real discussion about gun violence as a whole. The type of violence that takes place during J'Ouvert should be inclusive of the epidemic that plagues our communities year round. An honest discussion is owed to those who are dealing with this chronic type of violence."

Editor's Note:
Councilman Jumaane Williams represents the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Flatbush, East Flatbush, Flatlands, and parts of Midwood and Canarsie.


New York City Experiences Safest Summer in Modern History

Decreases in every index crime category and a 9.3% drop in overall crime for August 2016, compared with 2015

  New York City experienced the safest summer – in overall crimes reported – in the entire Compstat-era that began in 1994. There were 1,610 fewer crimes reported during the months of June, July and August 2016, or a 5% decrease, compared with the same period in 2015. This also marks a 73% decrease, or 73,463 fewer crimes, compared with the same period in 1994 – the initial year Compstat was implemented under Police Commissioner William J. Bratton’s first tenure leading the NYPD.

For the month of August 2016, each category of index crime experienced a decrease – resulting in 957 fewer total index crimes reported, or a 9% reduction, compared with August 2015. Murder is down one crime, or -2.9% for the month of August 2016, compared with August 2015. Also for the month of August 2016: rape is down 10 crimes, or -6.7%; robbery is down 247 crimes, or -15%; felonious assault is down 162 crimes, or -7.6%; burglary is down 289 crimes, or -20%; grand larceny is down 224 crimes, or -5.4%; and grand larceny auto is down 23 crimes, or -3.3%.

Today marks Commissioner Bratton’s final crime press briefing.  For context, there were 1,946 murders in 1993. There were 352 murders in 2015.  In calculating the annual reduction in murders over the ensuing two decades, it can be inferred that approximately 28,800 fewer murders have occurred in New York City since Commissioner Bratton first implemented Compstat with the late-Jack Maple in 1994.    

“Detractors said it couldn’t be done. We have further reduced violence and serious crime across this city, yet again,” said Police Commissioner William J. Bratton. “The tremendous focus on a small group of criminals has resulted in these unprecedented declines in crime – as violence has increased in other American cities significantly. To the men and women of this Department, thank you for what you do every day to make this the safest big city in America.”
“Our city just experienced the safest summer since the NYPD broke ground with Compstat more than two decades ago. It is clear from our success this summer that neighborhood policing works,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Commissioner Bill Bratton has helped make our city the safest big city in America. We owe the Commissioner an extraordinary debt of gratitude for the lives he has saved and the security he has brought neighborhoods across our five boroughs. While the achievements of Commissioner Bratton can never be replicated, I have never been more confident in the future of the NYPD than I am today knowing that Chief Jimmy O’Neill will continue the department’s focus on precision and neighborhood policing as we deepen the bond between officers and the communities they serve and protect.”  

Note: All crime statistics are preliminary and subject to further analysis, revisions, or change.

Public Advocate Letitia James Endorses State Senator Gustavo Rivera in Reelection Bid

James touts incumbent State Senator's strong record as a defender of Bronx families, advocate for greater transparency in Albany, and supporter of progressive issues
   State Senator Gustavo Rivera continues to consolidate his support among New York's leaders in progressive politics with the endorsement today from New York City Public Advocate Letitia James. The Public Advocate's support draws a clear contrast between the incumbent Senator and his controversy-plagued, formerly-Republican opponent in the September 13th Democratic primary for the Bronx's 33rd Senate District. 
"Gustavo Rivera is a true progressive in Albany, fighting for the needs and rights of working families. As the New York City Public Advocate, it is critical to have a partner in Albany fighting for tenants' rights, access to quality healthcare, and safer streets. I am proud to support Gustavo Rivera, and look forward to continuing our strong partnership on behalf of all New Yorkers,"said New York City Public Advocate Letitia James.  
"I am honored to have the endorsement of our Public Advocate Letitia James," said State Senator Gustavo Rivera. "I share the Public Advocate's commitment to working families in the fight for fair and affordable housing, ensuring a living wage for all workers, and the many other issues affecting the Bronx. With her support, I look forward to continuing our work of making New York a safer, more equal place for all."