Wednesday, September 14, 2016

PRIMARY DAY 2016 - How Did I Do?

  Most elected will say that it is not important how much you win by, but that you won the election. Two years ago Victor Pichardo won the 86th A.D. by almost the narrowest of margin, but Victor Pichardo won. In 2016 Victor Pichardo won again against the same opponent, and by a much larger margin of victory. Is Victor Pichardo safe, we will have to wait for two years to see.
  In the 33rd State Senate District Gustavo Rivera won two years ago by a very wide margin. In 2016 Gustavo won against the same opponent, but by a smaller margin of victory. Is Gustavo Rivera safe, again we will have to wait for two years to see.
   In the 78th A.D. Jose Rivera won two years ago by a huge margin over his opponent. In 2016 Jose won against a different opponent (which I said would win), but by a smaller margin of victory.
   The reason I mention these three races is because most of the 33rd State Senate district covers the 78th and 86th A.D.'s. It looks like the smaller margin of victory by Jose Rivera in the 78th A.D. may of had something to do with the smaller margin of victory by Gustavo Rivera. 
   Kudos to the new State Senator from the 36th District Jamaal Bailey, and it was a smashing victory as soon to be Senator Bailey won with well over 50 percent of the vote in a five person race. 
   In other races Bronx Democratic County Leader Marcos Crespo won with 75 percent of the vote. Not bad, but not good since 15 percent of the drop off vote from Senator Diaz went elsewhere. 
    In the 87th A.D. Luis Sepulveda also could only garner 75 percent of the vote, which means he also lost 15 percent of the drop off vote from Senator Diaz Sr. 
   It may be time for Granny Arroyo to hang it up getting less than 65 percent of the vote which as the Assembly woman's age goes up her vote total goes down.
    As for Jose Rivera's win I say to his opponent build now for the next two years. It may come sooner than you think. To Aldo Perez and Naomi Rivera thank you for those kind words, and I will use the advise you both gave me. 
   I did pretty good on my predictions, only missing on the Jose Rivera race. I was wrong in 2012, got it right in 2014, wrong in 2016, and should be right in 2018. Heck, I get it right every other primary in the 78th A.D. 

The Basket of Deplorables, According to Hillary Clinton

What You Should Know
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District

You should know that on Friday, September 9, 2016, at a fundraiser in New York City, Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described half of Donald Trump’s supporters as a “Basket of Deplorables.”
Mrs. Clinton said: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
According to her description of who belongs in that basket, I’d have to say that a lot more than half of America belongs in there, so why pick on Donald Trump supporters?  Let’s go down her list.
According to Hillary Clinton, if you are a racist, you belong in the Basket of Deplorables.
If we all take a serious look into our hearts, we have to admit that most Americans fall into that category.  If we look at our own communities and see how Puerto Ricans are against Dominicans, and Dominicans are against Puerto Ricans, isn’t this racist? In our own elections, if Puerto Ricans and Dominicans line up against each other, and Hispanics only vote for Hispanics, isn’t that racist?
If Black people are fighting to elect people only because they are Black, or if Jewish people are only willing to vote for Jewish candidates, isn’t that racist?
If White people reflexively vote for only White candidates and vote against Black, Hispanic or Asian candidates, isn’t that racist?  
If these characterizations describe you, then you would be in Hillary Clinton’s Basket of Deplorable.
According to Hillary Clinton, if you are a sexist, you belong in the Basket of Deplorables.
You should know that if most men were honest with themselves, and thought about any time they complimented a woman because of the way she looked, or spoke with other men about their thoughts about women, they would belong in the Basket of Deplorables.
Or if you are a woman and thought about any time you complimented a man because of the way he looked, or spoke with other women about what they really think about men, they would belong on the Basket of Deplorables.  
If you are pro-life, and you don’t support abortion, you are in the Basket of Deplorables.
According to Hillary Clinton, if you are a homophobe, you belong in the Basket of Deplorables.
You should know that if you oppose the legalization of gay marriage in America, you are homophobic and you belong in the Basket of Deplorables.
This would include all Americans who are faithful to the teachings of their religions that oppose marriage between a man and a man, or a woman and a woman.  It would also include religious leaders who are Jewish, Christian, Catholic and Muslim and follow the fundamental teachings of their faiths that oppose homosexual marriage.  All of these Americans are in the Basket of Deplorables.
According to Hillary Clinton, if you are xenophobic, you belong in the Basket of Deplorables.
Most Americans are against people coming into this country illegally, and all of those people would be labeled xenophobic, and therefore, belong in the Basket of Deplorables.
Many people in this country worry that their jobs will be taken by undocumented immigrants, and taxes will go up to pay for people who are here illegally.  
This is also true in the Dominican Republic, Mexico and many other countries. People just don’t want anyone going into their country illegally.  
When President Barack Obama was campaigning in 2008, he promised that if he would be elected and there was a Democratic Congress, there would be immigration reform. Even though he won, this was not done, and these problems continue to grow here in America, and more and more people get labeled xenophobic, and belong in the Basket of Deplorables.
According to Hillary Clinton, if you are Islamophobic, you belong in the Basket of Deplorables.
Most Americans don’t want Syrian refugees to come to live here, and because of this, they are automatically labeled Islamaphobic.
You should already know that Democrats and Republicans are overwhelmed with America’s homeless crisis, veteran’s crisis, as well as the housing crisis, and what to do help America’s poor and hungry children and families.
If people are honest with themselves and think about what is in their hearts about Syrian refugees coming to live in our communities, most people would belong in the Basket of Deplorables.
I am afraid that many of those deplorables are, as Hillary Clinton even said, are irredeemable.
So you see, my dear reader, more than 75 percent of American people, whether they are Donald Trump supporters or Hillary Clinton supporters, belong in the Basket of Deplorables.
Welcome to the Basket of Deplorables!
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

It is a good thing your son the borough president does not fit into that category which 'Deplorable Hillary Clinton' does. 
It is also a good thing that you defeated your primary opponent by almost 90 percent. Are those 90 percent also Deplorables for voting for you? 
We may disagree, but we are together on this.
That is what you should know.


This afternoon, Council Member Salamanca and the full City Council approved La Central, a 100 percent affordable housing project with 992 affordable apartments in the Bronx. La Central is the largest project subject to Mandatory Inclusionary Housing policy to be approved thus far.

“Today’s vote marks a big step forward for families in the Bronx. This affordable housing crisis hurts families, from those struggling in poverty to those trying to make it into the middle class. With the backing of the City Council, we are making sure that a thousand more Bronx families will be safe in new affordable homes, with services and recreation facilities that will strengthen an entire neighborhood. We again thank Council Member Salamanca for his work to secure such an inclusive vision. Together, we are fighting for working families and building strong communities.”

Monday, September 12, 2016

Election Day Schedule for State Senator Gustavo Rivera

  State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Democratic candidate running for re-election for the 33rd Senate District, will vote at PS 86 at 9:00 am and greet voters and poll workers at various poll sites throughout the day.  The Gustavo Rivera for Senate campaign will hold its Election Night Celebration at The Bronx Beer Hall at 2344 Arthur Ave., Bronx, NY 10458
Gustavo Rivera's detailed schedule for Election Day, September 13, 2016:
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM        Greet Voters at 
                                         Kingsbridge 4 Subway Station
                                         E. Kingsbridge Rd. & Jerome Ave.
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM      Voting at PS 86
                                         2756 Reservoir Avenue, Bronx, NY 
11: 00 AM - 12:00 PM    Greet Voters & Poll Volunteers at PS 33
                                         2424 Jerome Ave., Bronx, NY 
 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM         Greet Voters & Poll Volunteers at PS 85
                                         2400 Marion Ave, Bronx, NY 
 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM         Greet Voters & Poll Volunteers at PS 54
                                          2703 Webster Ave, Bronx, NY 
 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM          Greet Voters & Poll Volunteers at PS 33
                                          2424 Jerome Ave., Bronx, NY 
 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM          Greet Voters & Poll Volunteers at PS 57
                                          2111 Crotona Ave., Bronx, NY
 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM       Election Night Celebration at 
                                          the Bronx Beer Hall
                                          2344 Arthur Ave., Bronx, NY 
NOTE: This schedule is subject to change.

KRVC - Johnson Avenue Block Festival THIS Sunday, Sept. 18th

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Bronx Democratic County BBQ and Family Day

There could have been many reasons as to why the turnout was half of the usual crowd, but Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Marcos Crespo (in his Met colored county t-shirt) put the blame on his Executive Director Anthony Perez (to Crespo's right) for not getting the baseball field for the elected official softball game. It was 90 degrees, and the event was being held in an area that many people did not know where it was. Crespo said that it would be held in Riverdale next year, and that county committee chair Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz would find the location. One thing I must say is that the food was catered by Joe's Restaurant, and the food was delicious. Kudos also goes to Mr. Freddie Perez for setting up the event. 

Above - County Leader Crespo, State Senate IDC Leader Jeff Klein and Pepsico executive Peter Wilcox, and since they could not get the baseball field is that a football in Crespo's hands?
Below - With no softball game Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie gets some practice on the basketball court.

Above - Game one featured some great moves by Speaker Heastie, and Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. who attempts a long shot from the foul line, but Heastie does not look worried as he is setting up for the rebound. 
Below - In game two the action got a lot hotter as Community Board 7 District Manager Andrew Sandler appears to get his hand in the face of the BP.

Above and Below - The action got hotter as Diaz was not going to let Sandler beat him. Even as the ball is behind Sandler in the bottom photo.

Above - Sandler must of thought he was a cop as he tries to frisk the BP after stopping him.
Below - Sandler tries an outside shot at the basket, but the BP knows after sever other missed shots by Sandler the place to be is waiting for the rebound. 

Manhattan College Assistant Head of Security Gets Heat About Student Behavior Off Campus

  The photo above should tell the whole story as Manhattan College Assistant Head of Security Peter DeCaro listens to complaints about off campus antics and drinking by residents living around the college at last weeks 50th Precinct Community Council meeting. One after another local residents spoke of loitering, loud noise, public urination, public drinking, underage drinking, and other mischief or pranks that the college students partake in off campus. 
  Mr. DeCaro said that the college can not discipline any students that are not identified. He suggested taking photos of the student acts, but when one resident said they sent him such a video, he answered it was to dark to identify any student. 
  At this point local Councilman Andrew Cohen stood up and said that this has gone on long enough year after year, and he wanted the college to do something about the drinking and behavior problem of the few Manhattan College students off campus. Mr. DeCaro replied 'Mr. Cohen how long have you been in office?' Cohen shot back three years, and this has been going on for ten years now. 
  I then showed Mr. DeCaro a photo of three Manhattan College students from last years Santa Gon who were walking off campus with bottles in their hands. The orange juice bottle I was told was a screwdriver which contained Vodka in it, and I was not able to find out what alcoholic beverage was hidden in the paper bag. DeCaro told me to send him the photo, and I said I would do one better, and put the photos on this blog and in my Riverdale column in the Bronx Voice newspaper I am the Associate Editor of. 
  The last time Mr. DeCaro came to this meeting a few months ago to address several complaints about the college students, I told him that I was in a local deli where a call came in for a delivery of a 24 pack of beer. The worker asked for the address, and then said what dorm room. I asked Mr. DeCaro 'How does the clerk check the ID of the person calling or is the beer left at the front desk so the student can come down to get it?' Just like that time Mr. DeCaro rushed out of the meeting as not to hear anymore complaints about the poor job of controlling student behavior of the Manhattan College students he is doing.

Here is the photo from Santa Gon I am talking about, and I have cropped the photo as not to show the faces of there three Manhattan College students.

640 West 238th Street Construction Mess

Above - The construction site 640 west 238th street the day after concrete was poured for the fourth floor of an eight story building. The Concrete trucks have to back in at an angle in the street to unload since there is no room inside the construction site. Here is where they unload.
Below - This is what can happen when there anyone of several things happen on a poorly planned construction site where you try to build an eight story building where there was only a one family house. Yes that is washed out concrete from one of the trucks which made a delivery to the construction site 640 West 238th Streetup the hill.

Above - That is another trail of cement from one of the trucks that delivered to the construction site at 640 West 238th Street.
Below - It appears that the protective fencing around the island directly across from the construction site at 640 West 238th Street had to be replaced. By the looks of it and the cement on the street one would have to guess that a construction vehicle drove over the island again.

The above photos were sent to the DOT who said they will be investigating the matter.