Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Assemblyman Dinowitz Announces Additional October Free Flu Shot Dates

  Assemblyman Dinowitz is pleased to announce that he will be sponsoring  two additional dates for flu shots for members of the community in the 81st Assembly District. Flu shots will be administered on October 6th at Vladeck Hall at 74 Van Cortlandt Park South, and on October 27th  at the Riverdale YM-YWHA at 5625 Arlington Avenue, both events will be between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. This service is also sponsored by Montefiore Health System, Walgreens Pharmacy, Congressman Eliot Engel, State Senator Jeff Klein, and Council Member Andrew Cohen.

Flu shots will be administered at no cost to the constituent, though participants are asked to bring their insurance card.

“I am pleased to partner with Montefiore Health System and Walgreens to offer this important service to the community,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz. “The flu is a serious health matter, and getting a flu shot protects not just yourself but also your friends, family, and neighbors. I strongly encourage everyone to contact my office about getting a flu shot.”

“It’s important that people get vaccinated to protect themselves and importantly, their loved ones, particularly those who are young, elderly or suffer from chronic diseases.” said Amanda Parsons, M.D., M.B.A., vice president of Community & Population Health, Montefiore Health System. “Vaccination is safe, effective, and the best way to prevent getting the flu -- yet only half of New Yorkers report getting a flu shot. Montefiore is excited to partner with Assemblyman Dinowitz and Walgreens to ensure that Riverdale residents have access to flu vaccines at no cost to them.”

“The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that every adult get a flu shot, and annual flu shots from Walgreens are a quick and effective way to protect you and your family from the most common influenza viruses each year,” said Walgreens District Manager Jerry Couch.

Please note that members of the community must be 18 years of age or older to participate, and cannot be allergic to eggs. Residents MUST contact Assemblyman Dinowitz’s office at (718) 796-5345 to guarantee a flu shot.

Senator Klein, Assemblyman Gjonaj, and Bronx DA Clark Hosts Heroin Town Hall


Above - Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj,  Sarah Church, Ph.D. (Montefiore Medical Center), Senator Jeff Klein, OASAS Commissioner Arlene González-Sánchez, Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark, and Luke Nasta (Camelot of Staten Island, Inc.) address the audience at the heroin town hall.

In response to recent heroin-related deaths in the community, Senator Jeff Klein along with Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services Commissioner Arlene Gonzalez-Sanchez, Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark, Bronx Community Board #11, and The Morris Park Community Association hosted a town hall on heroin addiction on Monday at Maestro’s Caterers.
Community members learned about treatment and prevention, heard about the recently enacted legislative measures addressing this epidemic, and received Naloxone training   All participants received a Naloxone kit.  

“It is devastating that lives were taken from us because of heroin addiction, and tonight’s town hall will help to ensure our community receives the tools and resources they need to help end this epidemic. I am deeply committed to working to combat this scourge.  I am proud to say that this year, we created a life-saving package of legislation to get people the help that they need through prevention strategies, better treatment services and overdose reversal medication access,” said Senator Jeff Klein.

“It is so important to continue to stay informed on the dangers of drugs and prescription drugs. The battle with addiction is growing and evolving every day. I am thankful for the professionals who joined us tonight to share insight on the epidemic and how to fight it, but as residents to the neighborhood we need to bring this awareness home to our families. We need to educate our young ones to avoid triggers and temptations to avoid getting to the level of despair we are in now,” said Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj.

This year the Legislature passed sweeping laws to combat the heroin and opioid epidemic. The life-saving legislative package emphasizes increasing access to treatment, breaking down barriers put up by insurance companies, reducing the number of days initial opioid prescriptions can be written and permitting doctors to administer Naloxone.

Naloxone is a prescription opioid antagonist used in emergency situations to counteract life-threatening depression of the central nervous system and respiratory system. Once administered, an overdose victim can breathe normally.
“It’s good that the community is engaged. Often people don’t want to admit that there is drug abuse going on in their families or their neighborhoods. I implore people to come forward with any information about heroin dealing. My office is strict on the dealer but we have compassion for the addict,” said Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark.
“I want to thank Senator Klein for hosting a Naloxone training and discussion on heroin and prescription opioid addiction in The Bronx. With the Governor and Legislature’s commitment to offer this potentially life-saving training in more areas of the state, we have trained 140,000 New Yorkers resulting in nearly 5,000 administrations. Every Naloxone reversal is an opportunity for an individual to connect with addiction treatment and begin a journey toward recovery. I encourage all New Yorkers to take this training,” said NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) Commissioner Arlene González-Sánchez.
“I applaud Senator Klein for exemplifying great leadership along with co-sponsors Assemblyman Gjonaj and Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services Commissioner Arlene Gonzalez-Sanchez by calling a Town Hall Heroin Epidemic Information and Naloxone Training for his district. All prior methods operating independently have proven ineffective. Law enforcement, medicine, intensive counseling, school and community-based prevention need to collaborate to bring treatment and prevention services to home communities. If we can break through territorial walls and operate for the single purposed goal of epidemic control I believe we can defeat the menace that threatens to decay our lives from the inside. Government must make a full resources commitment if we are to overcome the No. 1 Health Crisis 20 years in the making,” said Luke Nasta, M.P.A., CASAC, Executive Director of  Camelot of Staten Island, Inc.
“At the Montefiore Medical Center’s Division of Substance Abuse, we strongly advocate for the broad distribution of opioid overdose prevention kits to arm community residents with tools to prevent fatal overdoses.  We also urge people to refer their friends and family members who have overdosed for treatment to assist them in entering into recovery,” said Sarah Church, Ph.D., Executive Director at the Division of Substance Abuse at Montefiore Medical Center.


New benefits focus on fitness and entertainment, and are a boon for New Yorkers of all ages and backgrounds

Announcement is part of a Week of Action to encourage and help all New Yorkers enroll for IDNYC

By IDNYC’s second anniversary, de Blasio Administration aims to have one million New Yorkers become unique cardholders.

   Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives Richard Buery and Commissioner Nisha Agarwal of the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs announced that the IDNYC program, the largest municipal ID program in the country, will now offer new fitness and entertainment benefits.

“I am proud to announce that IDNYC is expanding the benefits that make it such an important resource for all New Yorkers,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “IDNYC’s goal to reach one million cardholders marks a major milestone in ensuring that every New Yorker has the right and access to municipal ID.”

IDNYC cardholders will now have access to:

·         Up to 25 percent off on tickets to select Barclays Center events, including world championship boxing, family shows and college basketball, as well as Brooklyn Nets and New York Islanders games. A list of events will be released on Monday, Sept. 26 at
·         At New York City Modell’s Sporting Goods locations, IDNYC cardholders can get a 10 percent discount on in-store purchases. 
·         And now, cardholders can receive a complimentary first-year membership to New York Road Runners.

Cardholders can learn more about eligibility and how to access all of IDNYC’s benefits at

Deputy Mayor Richard Buery announced these new benefits at the Chelsea Recreation Center, a community center and athletic facility operated by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. He was joined by Commissioner Nisha Agarwal of the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, Operations Director Mindy Tarlow, and Chief Service Officer Paula Gavin. Flanked by the community-based groups and the City agencies that were integral to IDNYC’s success, Deputy Mayor Buery announced on behalf of Mayor Bill de Blasio that IDNYC’s Week of Action is the start of a historical effort. By IDNYC’s second anniversary, on January 12, 2017, the de Blasio Administration aims to have one million New Yorkers become unique cardholders. Currently there are more than 900,000 unique cardholders enrolled in IDNYC.
“I'm really excited about IDNYC’s newest benefits, and I think all IDNYC’s cardholders will be too” said Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives Richard Buery. “Our commitment to grow both the number of IDNYC cardholders, and benefits they receive, reflects IDNYC’s mission, which is to give all New Yorkers – of whatever background, whatever language, whatever color – access to all of the resources that make New York City the best city in the world – for everyone!” 

These benefits enhance current sports and fitness benefits, which include eligibility for a ten percent discount off both annual and six-month NYC Parks Recreation Center memberships located in every single borough and IDNYC cardholders get $3 off individual tickets for select seats at New York City Football Club home games at Yankee Stadium. IDNYC’s benefits expansion will also support the program’s growing youth enrollment initiatives. New Yorkers who are fourteen years or older have been able to enroll for IDNYC since the inception of the program and now it’s even easier for them to do so using the Department of Education’s Student Verification Form to verify identity and residency. Learn how to enroll for IDNYC at

New Montefiore Shuttle Bus Service From Riverdale to Moses, Wakefield, and Hutch Metro Center Sites


Launch Schedule for Labor Day 2016 

Time          Location                             
8:00 am -  25 Knolls Crescent              
8:05 am -  3510 Johnson Ave              
8:25 am -  MOSES-111 E 210              
8:35 am -  WAKEFIELD-600 E 233      
8:55 am -  HUTCH-1250 WATERS Pl  
9:20 am -  25 Knolls Crescent              
9:25 am -  3510 Johnson Ave              
9:45 am -  MOSES-111 E 210               
9:55 am -  WAKEFIELD-600 E 233        
10:15 am - HUTCH-1250 WATERS Pl  
10:40 am - 25 Knolls Crescent            
10:45 am - 3510 Johnson Ave              
11:05 am - MOSES-111 E 210            
11:15 am - WAKEFIELD-600 E 233     
11:35 am - HUTCH-1250 WATERS Pl 
Time          Location                             
12:00 pm - 25 Knolls Crescent 
12:05 pm - 3510 Johnson Ave
12:25 pm - MOSES-111 E 210 
12:35 pm - WAKEFIELD-600 E 233 
12:55 pm - HUTCH-1250 WATERS Pl*
1:45 pm - 25 Knolls Crescent
1:50 pm - 3510 Johnson Ave
2:10 pm - MOSES-111 E 210 
2:20 pm - WAKEFIELD-600 E 233  
2:40 pm - HUTCH-1250 WATERS Pl 
3:05 pm - 25 Knolls Crescent 
3:10 pm - 3510 Johnson Ave 
3:30 pm - MOSES-111 E 210 
3:40 pm - WAKEFIELD-600 E 233 
4:00 pm - HUTCH-1250 WATERS Pl
Note - the 12:55PM Shuttle will only drop off at the Hutch location.

Visit to learn about the comprehensive healthcare available at our state-of-the-art Montefiore Hutchinson Campus at Waters Place, as well as our other world-class facilities. 


  New York City Council Member Andy King, who recently held a press conference in July regarding a missing Bronx girl, Ashley Bissell, 16, announced that Miss Bissell has returned home today according to her father, Ravi Bissell. 

“This is good news, I’m happy Ashley has returned home safe and sound. We will continue to give the family the support and prayers they need as they reconnect,” said Council Member Andy King. “The family is asking for privacy at this time and thanks everyone for their support and assistance in helping to bring Ashley back home.”

CB 7 District Manager Keeps Job for at Least 28 Days

   A motion is being read to fire the current Community Board 7 District Manager Andrew Sandler. This was the result of an Executive Board meeting of CB 7 which resulted in a 9 - 1 vote to place this resolution on the calendar for the September full board meeting. 
  As the motion was read there was a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss the matter further. The public meaning all non board members including the DM and CB 7 staffer were asked to leave until this Executive Session was done. 
   While Councilman Andrew Cohen and other City Council members who suggest membership to this board are Ex-Officio members of the Community Board since it is a city agency three other non board members were allowed to stay in the room. Mr. Tom Lucania of the Borough Presidents office, Mr. Greg Faulkner of Councilman Cabrera's office, and Assemblyman Jose Rivera.
    The outcome of the hour long Executive Session led to a motion to table the original motion to let go of the District Manager. Another motion was put forth to extend the probation of DM Sandler until the next full board meeting (in 28 days), and to have Mr. Lucania as a mentor and for the DM to attend professional development at a cost of over $1,500.00 to the board.
   There have been three different District Managers at CB 7 in the past few years since longtime DM Rite Kessler was let go.

City & State Bronx Borough Series Reception

 It was at the Hard Rock Cafe in Yankee Stadium, called 'The Bronx at Bat', and hosted by City & State Editor at Large Mr. Gerson Borrero. There was a dynamic view of how the Bronx has changed under the past eight-plus years of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., and Mr. Borrero who had been a critic when Diaz Jr. first came into office gave the BP his credit that was due. There were speakers who said how they felt the Bronx had become a better place to live or work in, but BP Diaz Jr. said it best by asking 'Look at the Bronx then and Now'. The BP spoke for over ten minutes about his accomplishments as BP, and the even more good he wants to do for the Bronx in the future. Please excuse the photos, as the lighting was not conducive to photography.

Above _ City & State Editor at Large Gerson Borrero welcomes the audience to the 'Bronx at Bat' edition of City & State magazine.
Below - Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. waits to be called up to speak. Assemblymen Jeffrey Dinowitz and Marcos Crespo are with the BP.

You can see how Editor at Large Borrero is listening to every word that Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. is saying.


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State Senator Jeff Klein hosted a series of back to school celebrations and school supply giveaways.   Families gathered to enjoy the festivities and celebrate the start of the academic year.  The events featured face-painting, a bouncy house, arts and crafts, music and food. Local school children received school bags filled with supplies.
“I am thrilled to host these back to school celebrations and provide our future leaders with the tools needed for a successful academic year. I am thankful to the participating parents, community leaders, and faculty who demonstrate an unwavering commitment to our children and contribute to their scholastic success and well-being,” said Senator Klein.
Senator Klein on Sunday hosted a celebration at St. Frances de Chantal School.
“What a wonderful ‘Back to School Event’on Sunday, September 18th. Thank you, Senator Klein, for bringing a great day of fun, food and school supplies for the children of St. Frances de Chantal School,” said Grace Lucie, Principal at Saint Frances de Chantal School.
Last week, Senator Klein also held an event at Clason Point Gardens and Sack Wern Houses.