Thursday, May 25, 2017

Bronx Democratic Elected Officials Endorse Rev. Ruben Diaz for City Council

  Today, Bronx elected officials and members of the Bronx Democratic Party joined community leaders, ministers, and taxi drivers to announce their support for Rev. Ruben Diaz's candidacy for the New York City Council's 18th District. 
"Rev. Ruben Diaz has been a champion for the Bronx who has more experience fighting in Albany and City Hall than many of us combined," said Bronx Democratic Party Chairman Marcos A. Crespo. "For decades,  he's delivered for his district by helping to create more affordable housing for our residents, more funding for better schools, more jobs for our unemployed and underemployed, and more services for our seniors. I'm proud to unequivocally endorse Rev. Ruben Diaz for City Council."
"As Secretary of Bronx County, I am confident that the 18th Council district will continue to progress under the guidance and leadership of New York State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr.," stated Council Woman Annabel Palma. "He has a profound passion for serving the people of this borough, and I expect Reverend Diaz to flourish as he makes his transition to City Hall."
"I am so proud to call Ruben Diaz Sr. not only a fellow elected, but someone I consider to be a long time friend and mentor. His dedication, hard work and obvious caring in serving his constituents, in fighting injustice and building a better community has shown what an extraordinary representative of the people he is - and what others should be," said Assembly Member Luis R. Sepulveda. "While he has brought so much to his community while serving in Albany, I'm glad that he will be returning to the City Council. I know the people of the 18th Council District he has served in Albany will be even further helped and rewarded by electing Ruben Diaz as their new Council member." 
"Senator Diaz is a legend in the South Bronx due to his stalwart advocacy for working men and women. From helping families receive food stamps to securing housing for seniors, the service he provides to his constituents is second to none," stated Councilman Rafael Salamanca. "He's been a partner to me in fighting for our community and I'm proud to support him in his campaign for the Council."
"Ruben Diaz, Sr. is a proven leader, having served in the New York State Senate and the New York City Council. Senator Diaz is a dependable force for economic development, health care, senior services, housing and education in the Bronx and I'm pleased to endorse Ruben Diaz, Sr. for New York City Council," said Councilman Fernando Cabrera.
"An ardent advocate for his constituents in Albany, Rev. Diaz will be the same in City Hall. I wholeheartedly endorse his candidacy," said Assembly Member Michael R. Benedetto.
"State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. has been a forceful advocate for the men and women who make up the livery industry in New York City and we need more of that advocacy in City Hall," said Assembly Member Victor M Pichardo. "I am confident that Rev. Diaz will be able to continue to bring about necessary reforms that will help many in the livery industry be able to provide for their families and afford a decent living. I am happy to endorse him for the New York City Council."
"As a State Senator, Rev. Ruben Diaz has been a powerful fighter for not only his district, but the entire Bronx. He has been a fierce champion for our seniors, for affordable housing, and for public education. I have no doubt he will bring that same passion and energy to the City Council. I am proud to endorse him in his new endeavor," said Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj. 

Women of City Government Endorse Marjorie VelƔzquez in 13th District Race

Women of City Government Endorse Marjorie VelƔzquez in 13th District Race

Bronx community board 10 Treasurer and community advocate VelƔzquez earns endorsement of Manhattan BP and 9 women in Council, including Speaker Mark-Viverito and Women's Caucus co-chairs Rosenthal and Crowley; announcement comes amid declining representation by women in city government

Leading city officials' support builds momentum for only woman candidate in crowded Bronx race, contrasts with anti-choice voting record and ethics issues for opponent Mark Gjonaj

   Democrat Marjorie VelĆ”zquez, candidate in the race for the Bronx 13th Council District, has earned the overwhelming support of city government's women elected officials with the endorsement Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and nine members of the City Council, including Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, and Council Women's Caucus co-chairs Elizabeth Crowley and Helen Rosenthal. The major announcement comes as VelĆ”zquez continues to build momentum as the only woman and Latina in a crowded field of eight candidates, and further contrasts her inclusive, progressive candidacy with the anti-choice record of opponent Mark Gjonaj.

"Marjorie VelĆ”zquez is a fierce leader who will fight tirelessly for the 13th District and all New Yorkers," said Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. "At a time when we have seen declining numbers of women on the Council, Marjorie will bring the kind of representation and advocacy we need in city government. I proudly support her election to the Council."

"It's an honor to receive the support of such inspirational women, who each have blazed a trail to public office in the city," said Marjorie VelĆ”zquez. "I would say that I'm proud to be the only woman running for office in the 13th district, but the truth is that far too few women have been given the means and the opportunity to follow the example of these leaders. This needs to change, and I look forward to playing a part in changing this by becoming the next council member for the 13th district."

With the officials' endorsements, VelƔzquez earns some of her highest-profile supporters to date. The 10 officials hail from every corner of the five boroughs, and include trailblazers who were the first woman elected to represent their respective districts.

This comes amid growing concern over the anticipated decline in representation by women in the council. Four of the 13 women currently serving in the legislative body, including the Speaker, are term-limited at the end of 2017. A fifth, former councilmember Inez Dickens, vacated her seat following her election to the Assembly in November.

The endorsements serve to further contrast VelƔzquez with Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, her principal opponent in the council race. Gjonaj has received criticism from women's rights groups for sending taxpayer-funded mailers touting his support for the ten-point women's equality agenda, a suite of bills he voted against. The Bronx pol has also faced scrutiny for his use of campaign funds and office resources in support of his businesses and family members.

The full list of endorsers is as follows:

Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer
Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito 
Council Member Margaret Chin 
Council Member  Rosie Mendez 
Council Member  Helen Rosenthal 
Council Member  Elizabeth Crowley 
Council Member Julissa Ferreras-Copeland 
Council Member Karen Koslowitz 
Council Member Laurie Cumbo 
Council Member Deborah Rose 

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. - "A" Grade Food Safety


Equity and Excellence for All initiative improving literacy instruction at 107 elementary schools, expanding to all Bronx elementary schools next year

  Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Carmen FariƱa announced that kindergarten through 2nd grade students at the 107 elementary schools participating in the Universal Literacy initiative this year will receive 10 to 12 free, grade-appropriate books for summer reading, in order to sustain and build their literacy skills over the summer months. The Mayor and Chancellor made the announcement at Bedford Park Elementary School in the Bronx, where they read to a 2nd-grade class and gave away the first summer reading books to students and families.
Through Universal Literacy – one of the initiatives in Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor FariƱa’s Equity and Excellence for All agenda – schools receive support from a dedicated reading coach, who works with kindergarten through 2nd grade teachers to ensure students are reading on grade level by the end of 2nd grade. The goal of the initiative is to have at least two-thirds of students reading proficiently by the end of 2nd grade by 2022, with the target of 100 percent of all 2nd-graders reading at grade level by 2026.
“Ensuring our kids are reading on grade level by the end of 2nd grade is not a 10-month effort. If we’re serious about giving them the tools they need to succeed, we need to make sure they stay on track even during the summer months,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Providing students with books to take home and read throughout the summer helps continue on the work we started during the previous school year and will continue again in the fall. Consistency is key, so we’re doing what we can to keep our kids reading all year long.”
“As a longtime educator, I understand that a strong early foundation is what puts our students on the path to long-term success, and our investment in Universal Literacy is essential,” said Schools Chancellor Carmen FariƱa. “The new summer reading books for students at Universal Literacy schools will stave off summer learning loss, build a love of reading in our children, and give families an opportunity to read and learn together.”
This year, Universal Literacy is being implemented in all 107 elementary schools in Districts 9 and 10 in the Bronx, and Districts 17 and 32 in Brooklyn. In 2017-18, the initiative will expand to 306 schools across 14 school districts – including all districts in the Bronx; Districts 5 and 6 in Manhattan; and Districts 16, 18, 19, and 23 in Brooklyn. By the 2018-19 school year, this initiative will expand to all 32 New York City school districts.
Each kindergarten through 2nd grade student at the 107 Universal Literacy elementary schools will receive 10 to 12 grade-appropriate, fiction and nonfiction books of their choice to take home, along with a parent letter explaining the importance of summer reading and introducing family reading strategies. Reading coaches are also encouraged to work with families around summer reading suggestions and strategies at parent workshops and family engagement events. Books will be delivered to schools in June, and Universal Literacy reading coaches will work with principals to organize book fairs at their school where students can select their set of books from about 40 titles. The cost of these summer reading books is approximately $1.4 million.

Under this administration, the percentage of students reading at grade level in New York City has increased by 44 percent over the past three years. This year’s increases were highest in 3rd and 4th grades, following the City’s focus on early literacy instruction and intervention since January 2014. These have included new vocabulary resources; citywide professional development sessions attended by thousands of educators; as well as tools to identify struggling students and targeted supports for them including one-to-one tutoring and small-group instruction. The Universal Literacy initiative builds on this work.

Universal Literacy is a key initiative in Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor FariƱa’s Equity and Excellence for All agenda. The Equity and Excellence for All agenda aims to ensure that by 2026, 80 percent of students graduate high school on time and two-thirds of graduates are college ready.

From Pre-K for All to College Access for All, the Equity and Excellence for All initiatives are building a pathway to success in college and careers for all students. Our schools are starting earlier – free, full-day, high-quality pre-K for every four-year-old through Pre-K for All. They are strengthening foundational skills and instruction earlier – Universal Literacy so that every student is reading on grade level by the end of 2nd grade; and Algebra for All to improve elementary- and middle-school math instruction and ensure that all 8th graders have access to algebra. They are offering students more challenging, hands-on, college and career-aligned coursework – Computer Science for All brings 21st-century computer science instruction to every school, and AP for All will give all high school students access to at least five Advanced Placement courses. Along the way, they are giving students and families additional support through College Access for All, Single Shepherd, and investment in Community Schools.


To date, over 400 pregnant women in New York City have tested positive for Zika; 32 of their infants have birth defects consistent with Zika or tested positive for the infection

All cases are travel associated; no local transmission of Zika has occurred in New York City

Health Department launches new citywide Zika awareness campaign

  As summer travel season begins, the Health Department urges women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, along with their sexual partners to avoid travel to areas with Zika virus. There is still ongoing transmission of Zika in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America and South America. While Zika is not currently circulating in Miami-Dade County (FL) and Brownsville (TX), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a travel warning to these areas because transmission has occurred before. New Yorkers returning from Zika-affected areas should use condoms for all sexual activity to prevent transmission. Men should use a condom for at least six months. Women should avoid becoming pregnant for two months. In addition, pregnant women or women planning pregnancy should not have unprotected sex with a partner who has traveled to a Zika-affected country in the preceding six months.
As of this week, 1,067 New Yorkers tested positive for Zika virus disease, including 402 pregnant women, and all of the cases were associated with travel. Of these travel-associated cases, 11 were transmitted sexually by a partner who traveled. To date, 32 infants have been born with birth defects consistent with Zika virus and/or tested positive for the virus. To renew awareness about the dangers of Zika, the Health Department is launching a citywide campaign, which will be on television, social media and in newspapers. The campaign cautions New Yorkers to avoid travel to areas where the virus is circulating while pregnant or if planning to become pregnant. The television ad can be seen here. If travel to areas with Zika virus activity cannot be avoided, women should take precautions to prevent pregnancy and minimize potential Zika virus exposure by using condoms and avoiding mosquito exposure.

"As the summer season begins, this administration is committed to ensuring that all New Yorkers traveling to Zika-affected areas are taking preventive measures," said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Dr. Herminia Palacio. "While we did not see any locally acquired cases of Zika last summer, we did see several hundred cases transmitted through travel in locations where the virus is still very prevalent. It is critical that New Yorkers who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, along with their sexual partners, do not travel to Zika-affected areas.”

“Last year, the City took unprecedented action to raise awareness and reach out to communities about the risks of traveling to areas with Zika transmission,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett. “This season, our campaign and awareness efforts are shaped by what we learned over the past year. Although local transmission of the Zika virus remains unlikely, the virus continues to circulate in Latin America and the Caribbean islands. We urge women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, along with their sexual partners, to avoid traveling to these areas.”  

Last year, no mosquitoes tested positive for the Zika virus in New York City throughout the mosquito season, and all human cases of Zika infection were associated with travel to affected areas. Based on last year’s extensive mosquito surveillance, the Health Department does not expect local Zika transmission. Nevertheless, the agency will continue to monitor mosquito populations across the five boroughs, especially the populations which commonly carry mosquito-borne illnesses such as the West Nile virus. Mosquito control measures include larviciding (killing larvae) and adulticiding (killing flying adults).

Last year, the Health Department developed and implemented a comprehensive emergency response plan to protect New Yorkers from the Zika virus. The Zika Action Plan allowed the City to quickly test New Yorkers returning from Zika-affected areas, increase mosquito control efforts to assess and reduce the likelihood of local transmission, and educate New Yorkers about the risk associated with the virus. This year, the Department remains committed to continuing these efforts. With the risk of local transmission being exceedingly low, mosquito control around Zika will focus primarily on surveillance, and will be augmented based on need. The Department will continue its aggressive West Nile mosquito control operation.

New Yorkers should check the CDC website to learn if they are visiting an area with active Zika virus transmission. Any pregnant woman who traveled to an area with Zika virus transmission while pregnant or trying to become pregnant should see her doctor and be tested for the virus.  

To find free NYC Condoms, call 311 or visit To learn more about condom use and sexual health or to download the free NYC Condom Finder app, please visit

To learn more about the City’s Zika travel warning and steps to prevent Zika infection, go to

LGBT Older Adults Face Unique Challenges to Successful Aging

New report highlights the barriers to access and makes recommendations for supporting this community

  the Movement Advancement Project (MAP) and SAGE released a report, Understanding Issues Facing LGBT Older Adultswhich aims to increase awareness of the diverse needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) elders across the country. The report offers a comprehensive look into the experiences of LGBT elders, highlighting the challenges they face across a wide range of topics from health care to financial security and community support, and their resilience in the face of these challenges.

As America’s population rapidly ages (the number of people over 65 will double by 2050) so too do LGBT adults. Currently, there are more than 2.7 million LGBT adults aged 50 or older – nearly one third of all LGBT adults. Yet, in March 2017, the Trump administration aimed to exclude LGBT elders when his administration released a troubling new draft of the National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP), a survey used to determine what services will be provided to older Americans in need. Previously the survey included critical questions about sexual orientation and gender identity. However, the new draft of the survey removed all questions related to LGBT elders. According to the new report, data and research are more crucial than ever to identify and address the impact of discrimination and stigma in areas ranging from health care to housing to employment. 

“As the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age, it is clear that we are woefully unprepared to provide for the needs of older LGBT adults,” said Ineke Mushovic, executive director of MAP. “With substantial barriers to accessing care, compounded by lifelong discrimination and stigma, LGBT people face discrimination that make it harder to age with support and dignity. We must understand–and address–the challenges facing LGBT elders, rather than shutting them out of aging services by offering care that doesn’t meet their needs.”

Today’s report, Understanding Issues Facing LGBT Older Adultsprovides a snapshot of the demographics of LGBT elders, an aging community which is diverse in terms of race and ethnicity, gender, and age. The report outlines how challenges, including a lifetime of discrimination in employment, accessing comprehensive health care, and housing-as well as lack of legal and social relationship recognition-can lead to poverty, social isolation, and poorer mental and physical health.

The report offers high-level recommendations for addressing key disparities facing LGBT older adults including:

  • Passing comprehensive employment and housing nondiscrimination protections prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Ensuring that all senior housing, assisted living, and nursing homes have explicit nondiscrimination policies and train staff on competently serving LGBT elders.
  • Revising federal and state programs to recognize the relationships of same-sex couples where one partner died before the freedom to marry was the law of the land nationwide in 2015.
  • Designating LGBT elders as an underserved population within the Older Americans Act and within the Department of Health and Human Services, allowing government agencies to more easily target services
  • Passing the Restoration of Honor Act to make veterans discharged because of their sexual orientation or gender identity eligible for a number of programs, services, and benefits available at the state level.

“Aging in America isn’t easy,” said Michael Adams, CEO of SAGE. “With uncertainty about the future of our health care system, Social Security, and other programs older adults rely on, it’s especially hard to plan for the future. It is even harder for LGBT elders who face discrimination within the very systems designed to support them as they age. That’s why it’s crucial that LGBT elders receive legal and social recognition, culturally competent care, welcoming and affordable housing, and supportive programs. From providing adequate long-term care that is culturally competent to ensuring that LGBT elders aren’t erased from federal services to protecting our elders from religious-based discrimination, we have an obligation to do better.”


  “The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office just confirmed it … again: Trumpcare will leave millions more Americans without the health care they need, all to line the pockets of the wealthy. But the United States Senate can stop the assault on working people. I urge everyone to call, write, protest, organize and remind the Senate they work for us – not those who want to see our nation go back to the days when a doctor's visit could lead to bankruptcy. If we continue to build a powerful coalition to protect America's working families, I believe we can defeat the AHCA.”

Congressman Eliot L. Enge - Nonpartisan Budget Analysis Shows Dangers of Trumpcare

Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a top member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement on the Congressional Budget Office’s latest Trumpcare score:

“The latest readout from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) confirms what we already knew: Trumpcare will devastate American families.

“According to this new analysis, 23 million Americans will go uninsured because of Trumpcare. The bill ransacks Medicaid, radically restructuring it in a way that will force states to ration care. Out-of-pocket costs will skyrocket. In short – Americans will pay more, and get less.

“The report also confirms how dangerous Trumpcare will be for Americans living with pre-existing conditions – a fact the GOP has tried to conceal. CBO finds that, in states that opt out of the Affordable Care Act’s protections, ‘people who are less healthy (including those with preexisting or newly acquired medical conditions) would ultimately be unable to purchase comprehensive nongroup health insurance at premiums comparable to those under current law, if they could purchase it at all.’

“The gravity of this report underscores just how irresponsible my Republican colleagues were to vote on Trumpcare without knowing the extent of its effects. These are not minor issues that can be tweaked. I implore my Senate colleagues to end their senseless crusade against the Affordable Care Act, and to save hardworking Americans from the damage Trumpcare will cause.”