Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Engel Statement on Worst Mass Shooting in United States History

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel issued the following statement:

“This morning, America awoke to the deadliest mass shooting in its history.

“The carnage seems almost impossible. More than 400 people injured, 50 dead, and police currently estimate that number will go up. The gunman opened fire from a hotel room window on a concert below, and reports indicate he had a stockpile of weapons, clearly some capable of firing off multiple rounds in seconds. Whatever his evil intentions were, they will not break our spirit as Americans. His terror will not win.

“We’ve long ago run out of the right words to say in these terrible moments. We pray for the dead, the wounded, and their families. We thank the brave first-responders who put their lives on the line to deal with this act of domestic terrorism. But clearly, all of that is not enough. Clearly, we as a country need to do more.

“So, while my thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families, my voice, my focus, my energy and my vote as a Member of Congress is with the type of legislation that will curtail the proliferation of gun violence on our streets. We are a civilized country, the greatest country on earth. This should not be happening here, period. We cannot allow ourselves to ever become numb to these moments of horrific violence, and we certainly cannot stand idly by while our fellow citizens are gunned down in cold blood.

“I know my constituents, as most Americans, are shocked, saddened, and angry to know a person can legally buy a military grade automatic rifle in the United States. This is beyond belief and must be outlawed.”

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - BRONX Business Referrals - Update your contact information before October 31, 2017

BRONX Business Referrals

Update your contact information
 Before October 31, 2017

Current and new members must confirm their contact information for the 2018 Bronx Business Directory & Resource Guide before October 31, 2017 to be listed for Bronx business referrals. Email your updated and complete contact information today to Sashee Rivera at: sashee@bronxChamber.org.

Even one business referral more than pays
For the annual Chamber membership dues!
Publishing the 2018 Bronx Business Directory & Resource Guide fulfills an important service for the membership and the Bronx business community. There was tremendous excitement and enthusiasm from current and new members regarding the 2017 Edition. Over 175 new companies have joined the Bronx Chamber since I took charge as President and CEO in November 2016. Professionals see and appreciate the value and importance of the printed directory in addition to the many benefits of membership.

Affordable Advertising Rates in the 
2018 Bronx Business Directory

For more information, contact Senior Account Executive Allan Kolstein (914) 345-0601, ext. 162, or email; akolstein@todaymediainc.com.
The 2018 Bronx Business Directory & Resource Guide will be distributed to more than 2,500 member businesses, new businesses, and select governmental offices. It will also be distributed at Bronx Chamber of Commerce events throughout the year. Membership in 2018 will significantly increase as more and more businesses see and understand the value of membership in the Bronx Chamber of Commerce. As a courtesy to new companies that join during 2018, an addendum will be updated each month and included with the Directory as they are distributed.

In addition to the excellent programs and services highlighted, it is important to also mention that membership dues, event ticket cost, advertising in the publications, and event sponsorship are legitimate business deductions for tax purposes to the fullest extent of the law. For more information on membership contact Sashee Rivera, Membership Director at (718) 828-3900 or email: Sashee@BronxChamber.org.

To assist in recruiting new members to join, click on the following link bronx chamber brochure 2017 which includes a membership application. There are many excellent benefits of membership listed in the Bronx Chamber Brochure. Membership dues, event ticket cost, advertising in the publications, and event sponsorship are legitimate business deductions for tax purposes to the fullest extent of the law. 

The Bronx Chamber of Commerce is one of the most influential, professional and successful organizations and voice for businesses in Bronx County. Professionals and companies are drawn to the successful companies and active members affiliated with The Bronx Chamber of Commerce. Membership includes businesses ranging from large corporations, Cultural Institutions, Universities and Colleges, Hospitals and Medical Centers, non-profits, and mid-sized to small companies. Visit: www.BronxChamber.org.

Helping you grow your Bronx Business is our Goal!
Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"You never know where your next big deal is going to come from"!


  You should know that on Saturday, September 30, 2017, the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization together with Radio Vision Cristiana International and The Christian Community Benevolent Association hosted a donation drive to help the victims of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and earthquake in Mexico City.

Throughout the day, hundreds of volunteers helped to move and pack hundreds of thousands of pounds of goods to support relief efforts for Puerto Rico and Mexico, filling six (6) shipping containers and more than two (2) dozen trucks.  So much material was donated at the event that it took two days to completely pack and move all supplies, and the National Guard was called in to help move donation off the street and transported them.

It is important for you to know that this is not the first time that we have done this kind of humanitarian relief.  In the past, we have done the same for Venezuela, Ecuador, Honduras, Haiti, Dominican Republic and for Puerto Rico years ago during the devastation done by Hurricane Hugo.
This time the Bronx Borough President Rubén Díaz, Jr., came to the rescue and with his staff, friends and resources help make this relief effort one of the biggest ever in the City of New York.

Elected official such as Councilmember Rafael Salamanca, Assembly Members Marcos Crespo, and Luis Sepúlveda also joined with their staff and resources.

The response of the community and volunteers was so immense that an event that was supposed to be from 12:00 -5:00 pm on Saturday became so huge that by 10:00 am Aldus Street was full of donations and the activity had to be extended until 12:00 noon Sunday.

Besides the Bronx Borough President Rubén Díaz, Jr., our staff and the elected officials, I have to confess and admit that the response had a magnitude that it became almost impossible for us to handle, but thanks to the immense generosity of wonderful people who came and helped us the job was well done.

The volunteer's hundreds of them were there all the time helping us pack and load the truck.
After we had packed six (6) containers (paid in full by the American Rapper Fat Joe), there were still more donations with no means to be transported. Then came Mr. Frank (Frankie) Hernandez from La Flor de Mayo Moving Co., he donated not only his staff and five (5) trucks but also he was personally helping us pack.

The day was saved by Governor Andrew Cuomo who after a personal call to him by Bronx Borough President Rubén Díaz, Jr. and Ms. Rose Rodriguez he sent more than twenty National Guard trucks and personnel to help us clean Aldus Street.

The coordination of Ms. Marlene Cintron President of the Bronx Economic Overall Development Corporation Office, Rose Rodriguez from Gov. Andrew Cuomo office, the 41st Police Precinct, the Southern Boulevard (BID), Community Planning Board #2 and many others that were part of this magnificent outpouring of benevolence to help Puerto Rico and Mexico. All these efforts must be praise and acknowledge during the Bronx hosted Donation drive for Puerto Rico and Mexico.

This is Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.  

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Former Executive Director Of New York City Non-Profit Organization Sentenced To Four Years In Prison For Corruption Offenses

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that KWAME INSAIDOO, the former executive director of United Block Association (“UBA”), a New York-based non-profit organization, was sentenced to 48 months in prison and his wife ROXANNA INSAIDOO was sentenced to 30 months in prison, in connection with their embezzlement of over $580,000 from UBA, defrauding their mortgage lender of approximately $200,000, and related crimes.  They were convicted on May 2, 2017, following a one-week jury trial before United States District Judge Valerie E. Caproni, who also imposed today’s sentence.

Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said:  “As a Manhattan jury found, Kwame Insaidoo and Roxanna Insaidoo stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from a government-funded non-profit organization dedicated to serving senior citizens.  The Insaidoos enriched themselves and their family with taxpayer money that was supposed to support four senior centers in Upper Manhattan.  Now this husband-and-wife crime duo will serve time in prison for those crimes.”  

In imposing sentence, Judge Caproni stated that the “message has to be sent” that “it is not acceptable to steal money from the City that is designed for charitable goals to line your own pockets.”

According to the Indictment, other filings in Manhattan federal court, and the evidence admitted at trial:

UBA was a non-profit organization headquartered in New York, New York, that was controlled by KWAME INSAIDOO, its former Executive Director.  UBA had contracts with New York City through which it received taxpayer funds, including federal funds, to operate and provide healthy meals and programming to the elderly at four senior centers in Upper Manhattan.

As the jury found, KWAME INSAIDOO abused his authority as UBA’s Executive Director to embezzle, with the assistance of his wife, ROXANNA INSAIDOO, over $580,000 of UBA’s funds for his own benefit and that of his wife and son.  KWAME INSAIDOO and ROXANNA INSAIDOO concealed their embezzlement by laundering the money, in part, through a shell company that they had created.  KWAME INSAIDOO and ROXANNA INSAIDOO used the embezzled funds to pay for personal expenses, including the mortgage for their Long Island residence and the purchase of a Mercedes Benz and a Cadillac.  They also wired more than $300,000 to family members living abroad.    

In an effort to evade scrutiny regarding the embezzled funds, KWAME INSAIDOO repeatedly lied to the City, including to its auditors, in order to maintain UBA’s funding and to conceal the funds he and his wife had diverted to their shell company. 

In 2011, KWAME INSAIDOO and ROXANNA INSAIDOO also engaged in a scheme to defraud their mortgage lender in connection with a modification of their mortgage under the federally-sponsored Home Affordable Modification Program, by underreporting their income and assets, including the hundreds of thousands of dollars they had embezzled from UBA.  This scheme led to a write-off of almost $200,000 from KWAME INSAIDOO and ROXANNA INSAIDOO’s home mortgage.

In addition to the prison terms imposed today by Judge Caproni, KWAME INSAIDOO, 61, and ROXANNA INSAIDOO, 63, both of Bay Shore, Long Island, were ordered to forfeit a sum of $779,039.62.  

Mr. Kim praised the outstanding investigative work of the New York City Department of Investigation and the Criminal Investigators of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. 


  Mark G. Peters, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”) issued the following statement today on the prison sentences of two defendants charged with more than $500,000 in fraud involving a City-funded not-for-profit that served senior citizens in Upper Manhattan. KWAME INSAIDOO, the former executive director of the United Block Association (“UBA”), was sentenced to 48 months in prison, and ROXANNA INSAIDOO, to 30 months in prison for their roles in the scheme, stealing funds intended to provide services to seniors, including providing meals, and using them to pay for personal expenses, including a mortgage on a home and payments for a luxury sedan. U.S. District Judge Valerie Caproni imposed the sentence this afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The office of Joon H. Kim, Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, prosecuted the case.

  At the time of their arrest last year, DOI issued a report on vulnerabilities and breakdowns in the City Department for the Aging’s (“DFTA”) oversight of fiscal practices at not-for-profit organizations, and recommended specific ways to improve fraud detection at the agency. At the time, DFTA agreed to implement all of the recommended reforms. A copy of DOI’s Report can be found at the following link: http://www1.nyc.gov/site/doi/newsroom/public-reports.page

  Commissioner Mark G. Peters said, “The defendants’ greedy and callous actions of stealing from seniors and City taxpayers will now be repaid with prison time. DOI thanks the Acting U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York and his team for their partnership in this investigation.”

  On May 2, 2017, after a one-week jury trial, KWAME INSAIDOO and ROXANNA INSAIDOO were convicted of embezzlement, money laundering, and defrauding their mortgage lender. KWAME INSAIDOO was also convicted of an additional count of wire fraud.

 According to the investigation, INSAIDOO authorized transfers of thousands of dollars of City funds from UBA’s accounts to himself, ROXANNA INSAIDOO, the couple’s son, and a shell corporation named Allied Home Care, which was controlled by KWAME and ROXANNA INSAIDOO. The funds were used to pay for personal items, including a mortgage for a Long Island home, a vehicle, and personal utilities

  DOI Commissioner Peters thanked Acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Joon H. Kim, and DFTA Commissioner Donna M. Corrado, and their staffs, for their cooperation and assistance in this investigation.

Friends of VCP's October Events

Youth Run Farm Stands
Wednesdays from 2-7pm until October 25th– 
at the Train Park at Orloff Ave and Gale Place.Thursdays from 12-7pmuntil November 16th– on the Corner of E. Gun Hill Road and DeKalb Ave. 
Wednesdays will include healthy cooking demonstrations and hands-on activities for the community.  Thursday’s market is being held in partnership with GrowNYC. Both markets will accept Cash, EBT/Credit/Debit, Healthbucks, FreshConnect Bucks, WIC and FMNP checks. Special Thank You to Our Supporters: New Yankee Stadium Benefits Fund, Clif Bar Family Foundation and Bon Secours Healthy Community Initiative.

Volunteer Trails Restoration CrewSaturday October 7th from 10am to 3pm
Crew Members will work alongside trails professionals, developing skills in various areas of trail construction while improving the various trails in Van Cortlandt Park.  Projects include building boardwalks, clearing waterbars and drainage swells and installing drainage dips.  No prior trails experience is necessary; all training will be offered in an on-the-job format.  Interested? Contact alex@vancortlandt.org for more information on September event. Must be 18 years of age to join.

Fall Wetland Volunteers Day
Saturday October 21st meeting at 10am
 Did you know there are only 98 acres of freshwater wetlands left in the Bronx and 56 of them are in Van Cortlandt Park? Volunteers will help with native species planting, removal of non-native invasive plants and trash clean up within Tibbetts Wetlands. Meet inside the park near the last stop of the 1 train at Broadway and W. 242nd Street.

Get Active Hiking Series in VCP
Saturday October 21st meeting at 10amJoin the Friends' Executive Director for a 25th Anniversary Hike. Please wear appropriate shoes and bring plenty of water and a snack for the hike. Meet inside the park near the last stop of the 1 train at Broadway and W. 242nd Street.

Canoemobile with Wilderness InquirySaturday October 21st from 1:30pm to 4:30pmJoin the Friends and Bronx Council for Environmental Quality for a fun afternoon of FREE canoe rides in 24 foot Voyageur Canoes with Wilderness Inquiry on VC Lake along with Children’s Activities.  Children, 17 and under, must have a parent/guardian present to sign a consent form.  Meet us at VC Lake near the Golf House- enter the Park at Van Cortlandt Park South and Bailey Ave.

Friends of Van Cortlandt Park

80 Van Cortlandt Park South Ste. E1
Bronx, NY 10463, US


  On Saturday, September 30, 2017, the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization hosted a donation drive to help the victims of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and the earthquake in Mexico City.

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., State Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz, New York State Assembly Members Marcos Crespo and Luis Sepulveda, City Council Member Rafael Salamanca participated in the event, which saw tons of critical supplies donated to be shipped to assist relief efforts in Puerto Rico and Mexico.

Throughout the day hundreds of volunteers helped to move and pack hundreds of thousands of pounds of goods to support relief efforts for Puerto Rico and Mexico, filling four shipping containers and more than two dozen trucks. So much material was donated at the event that it took two days to completely pack and move all items, and the National Guard was called in to help move donations off the street.

“No matter where we are from; whether it is here, the United States, or Mexico or Puerto Rico; today shows the spirit of what happens when we work together, as a community, to help those in their time of greatest need,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “The tragedies that have hurt our Mexican and Puerto Rican brothers and sisters will take years to repair and rebuild. Today shows that we are here for them, for the long-haul, to help in any possible way that is needed so that both Puerto Rico and Mexican stand tall again.”

“I want to thank everyone for their generosity and for showing their love and compassion for our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico and Mexico,” said New York State Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz.
Is during tragedies like this that all New Yorkers have an obligation to lend a helping hand of support. Because of the generosity of our residents and our institutions we are able to help so many people who need our assistance today.”  

“With the leadership of the Diaz family, and the support from elected officials, clergy, and community residents across the Bronx, we were able to do something great here today," said New York State Assembly Member Marcos A. Crespo. "This effort is a testament to the power of people coming together and showing that, whether our families are here in the United States or in the impacted areas, we have each other's backs and that we're here for long term. The situation in Puerto Rico, Mexico, and in the Caribbean won't be resolved in one day, one week, or even a several months; but our community will continue to work hand in hand to get through the recovery and rebuilding together. Even in these tough times, I walk away extremely proud of our Bronx residents and their generosity.”

“I am deeply impressed and heartened by the response of my fellow Bronxites and how they have come together so quickly to answer the cry for help from our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico, suffering so terribly from the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria. We can rightly call ourselves the borough with a heart,” said New York State Assembly Member Luis Sepulveda.

The event was made possible thanks to generous sponsorships from hip-hop legend Fat Joe, the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation, Jetro RD, Nebraskaland, Classico Cleaning, Havana Café, Keller Williams, Debbie Medina, Fever Records, Pedro Zamorra Entertainment Group, Associated Supermarkets Group, A. Duie Pyle, 92.3 AMP Radio, Freshdirect, Gino’s Pastry Shoppe, Glory of Christ Church, Sanitation Salvage, Metropolitan Transfer Station, Action Environmental, the West Haverstraw Fire Department, County Waste, Mid-Bronx Hauling Corp., AJ Recycling, Bronx Brewery, Tri-Boro Paper Fibers, H&R Block, India Beverage Corporation, HOT 97, Puerto Rico USA Import Corporation, the Mercy College School of Leadership, Joyce Coppin, Petronella Feaster, White Rose, Mary Ellen Hoffman, Esther and Mel Wermuth, Rose Rudnitski, Jimmy’s Café, Travesias, Made in Puerto Rico, Garden Gourmet Market, Vallone & Constantinople, Shavolian Builders and the Walison Corp., among others.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Former Managing Director At New York Broker-Dealer Sentenced In “Pay-To-Play” Bribery Scheme Involving Public Pension Fund

   Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that DEBORAH KELLEY, a former managing director of institutional fixed income sales at a New York-based broker-dealer (the “Broker-Dealer”), was sentenced today in Manhattan federal court to three years’ probation, including six months of home confinement, for participating in a “pay-to-play” bribery scheme involving the New York State Common Retirement Fund (“NYSCRF”), the nation’s third largest public pension fund.   KELLEY pled guilty to conspiracy to commit securities fraud and honest services wire fraud on May 30, 2017, before U.S. District Court Judge J. Paul Oetken, who also imposed today’s sentence.   

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said:  “Deborah Kelley bribed an official with control over the investment of more than $50 billion in state pension fund assets.  She did so to direct business to her brokerage firm and to reap hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional commissions for herself.  Kelly now has been sentenced for defrauding New York pensioners and depriving them of the honest services of the pension administrator.”

According to the Indictment charging KELLEY, other filings in Manhattan federal court, and statements made during her sentencing proceeding:


The NYSCRF is a pension fund administered for the benefit of public employees of the State of New York.  From January 2014 through February 2016, Navnoor Kang served as Director of Fixed Income and Head of Portfolio Strategy for the NYSCRF.  In that capacity, Kang was responsible for investing more than $53 billion in fixed-income securities on behalf of the NYSCRF.  Kang owed a fiduciary duty to the NYSCRF and its members and beneficiaries, and was required to make investment decisions in their best interests and free of any conflict of interest.  New York State law and NYSCRF policies prohibited Kang and other NYSCRF employees from receiving any bribes, gifts, benefits, or consideration of any kind, as KELLEY well knew.

The Scheme to Steer NYSCRF Fixed-Income Business in Exchange for Secret Bribes

From 2014 through 2016, Kang, KELLEY, and others participated in a scheme to defraud the NYSCRF and its members and beneficiaries, and to deprive the NYSCRF of its intangible right to Kang’s honest services.  The scheme involved, among other things, an agreement among Kang, KELLEY, and others to pay Kang bribes  in the form of entertainment, travel, and lavish meals, among other things  in exchange for fixed-income business from the NYSCRF.  Such bribes were strictly forbidden by the NYSCRF, and were paid secretly and without any disclosure to the NYSCRF and its members and beneficiaries concerning the conflicts of interests inherent therein. 

In exchange for the bribes paid by KELLEY, Kang used his position as Director of Fixed Income and Head of Portfolio Strategy at the NYSCRF to promote the interests of KELLEY and her brokerage firm.  Kang, in exchange for the bribes he received, agreed to steer fixed-income business to the Broker-Dealer.  In so doing, Kang, with KELLEY’s knowledge and approval, breached his fiduciary duty to make investment decisions in the best interest of the NYSCRF and its members and beneficiaries, and free of conflict, and deprived the NYSCRF of its intangible right to Kang’s honest services.  

As KELLEY paid bribes to Kang, the Broker-Dealer’s fixed-income business with the NYSCRF skyrocketed.  The value of NYSCRF’s domestic bond transactions with the Broker-Dealer increased from zero in the fiscal year ending March 1, 2014, to approximately $156 million in the fiscal year ending March 1, 2015, and to approximately $179 million in the fiscal year ending March 1, 2016.  Kang’s trades resulted in the payment of more than a half-million dollars in commissions to the Broker-Dealer, of which KELLEY personally earned nearly $200,000.

Obstruction of Justice

In late 2015, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) opened an investigation into the entertainment and benefits that KELLEY had provided Kang, and the SEC subpoenaed both KELLEY and Kang for their testimony.  In advance of their testimony, KELLEY and Kang agreed to align their stories and testify falsely before the SEC in order to conceal their scheme.  In late 2015 and early 2016, KELLEY and Kang each falsely testified under oath before the SEC about expenses KELLEY had paid for Kang.  

KELLEY, 58, of Piedmont, California, was also ordered to pay a fine of $50,000, to forfeit $187,991.19, and to complete 1000 hours of community service.  Restitution will be determined within 90 days of sentencing.

In December 2016, Gregg Schonhorn, a former a vice president of fixed income sales at another New York-based broker-dealer, pled guilty for his participation in the scheme.  Kang, against whom charges for conspiracy, securities fraud, honest services wire fraud, and obstruction of justice are currently pending, is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.  Kang is scheduled to proceed to trial on December 4, 2017.

Mr. Kim praised the investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and noted that the investigation is continuing.   He also thanked the SEC, which filed civil charges against Kang, KELLEY, and Schonhorn in a separate civil action, and the Office of Inspector General for the Office of the New York State Comptroller.